'display_name': unicode(entry.media.title.text, 'utf-8'), 'description': description, 'thumbnail_url': thumb.url, 'type': VIDEO, } def get_uris(self, media_file): """Return a list of URIs from which the stored file can be accessed. :type media_file: :class:`~mediacore.model.media.MediaFile` :param media_file: The associated media file object. :rtype: list :returns: All :class:`StorageURI` tuples for this file. """ params = self._data.get('player_params', {}) params = dict((k, int(v)) for k, v in params.iteritems()) play_url = 'http://youtube%s.com/v/%s?%s' % ( self._data.get('nocookie', False) and '-nocookie' or '', media_file.unique_id, urlencode(params, True), ) web_url = 'http://youtube.com/watch?v=%s' % media_file.unique_id return [ StorageURI(media_file, 'youtube', play_url, None), StorageURI(media_file, 'www', web_url, None), ] EmbedStorageEngine.register(YoutubeStorage)
except URLError, e: log.exception(e) data = {} return { 'unique_id': id, 'display_name': unicode(data.get('title', u'')), 'thumbnail_url': data.get('thumbnail_url', None), 'type': VIDEO, } def get_uris(self, media_file): """Return a list of URIs from which the stored file can be accessed. :type media_file: :class:`~mediacore.model.media.MediaFile` :param media_file: The associated media file object. :rtype: list :returns: All :class:`StorageURI` tuples for this file. """ uid = media_file.unique_id play_url = 'http://www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/%s' % uid web_url = 'http://www.dailymotion.com/video/%s' % uid return [ StorageURI(media_file, 'dailymotion', play_url, None), StorageURI(media_file, 'www', web_url, None), ] EmbedStorageEngine.register(DailyMotionStorage)
'duration': duration, 'display_name': title, 'description': description, 'thumbnail_url': thumb, 'type': VIDEO, } def get_uris(self, media_file): """Return a list of URIs from which the stored file can be accessed. :type media_file: :class:`~mediacore.model.media.MediaFile` :param media_file: The associated media file object. :rtype: list :returns: All :class:`StorageURI` tuples for this file. """ params = self._data.get('player_params', {}) params = dict((k, int(v)) for k, v in params.iteritems()) play_url = 'http://youtube%s.com/v/%s?%s' % ( self._data.get('nocookie', False) and '-nocookie' or '', media_file.unique_id, urlencode(params, True), ) web_url = 'http://youtube.com/watch?v=%s' % media_file.unique_id return [ StorageURI(media_file, 'youtube', play_url, None), StorageURI(media_file, 'www', web_url, None), ] EmbedStorageEngine.register(YoutubeStorage)
thumb_match = self.xml_thumb.search(data) duration_match = self.xml_duration.search(data) if thumb_match: meta['thumbnail_url'] = decode_entities(thumb_match.group(1)) if duration_match: meta['duration'] = int(duration_match.group(1)) return meta def get_uris(self, media_file): """Return a list of URIs from which the stored file can be accessed. :type media_file: :class:`~mediacore.model.media.MediaFile` :param media_file: The associated media file object. :rtype: list :returns: All :class:`StorageURI` tuples for this file. """ uid = media_file.unique_id play_url = ('http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf' '?docid=%s' '&hl=en' '&fs=true') % uid web_url = 'http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=%s' % uid return [ StorageURI(media_file, 'googlevideo', play_url, None), StorageURI(media_file, 'www', web_url, None), ] EmbedStorageEngine.register(GoogleVideoStorage)
meta['description'] = asset.findtext('description') meta['duration'] = int(asset.findtext('mediaList/media/duration') or 0) or None # meta['bitrate'] = int(xmltree.findtext('audiobitrate') or 0)\ # + int(xmltree.findtext('videobitrate') or 0) or None return meta def get_uris(self, media_file): """Return a list of URIs from which the stored file can be accessed. :type media_file: :class:`~mediacore.model.media.MediaFile` :param media_file: The associated media file object. :rtype: list :returns: All :class:`StorageURI` tuples for this file. """ web_id, embed_lookup = media_file.unique_id.split(' ') play_url = 'http://blip.tv/play/%s' % embed_lookup # Old blip.tv URLs had a numeric ID in the URL, now they're wordy. try: web_url = 'http://blip.tv/file/%s' % int(web_id, 10) except ValueError: web_url = 'http://blip.tv/%s' % web_id return [ StorageURI(media_file, 'bliptv', play_url, None), StorageURI(media_file, 'www', web_url, None), ] EmbedStorageEngine.register(BlipTVStorage)
temp_data.close() except URLError, e: log.exception(e) data = {} return { 'unique_id': id, 'display_name': unicode(data.get('title', u'')), 'thumbnail_url': data.get('thumbnail_url', None), 'type': VIDEO, } def get_uris(self, media_file): """Return a list of URIs from which the stored file can be accessed. :type media_file: :class:`~mediacore.model.media.MediaFile` :param media_file: The associated media file object. :rtype: list :returns: All :class:`StorageURI` tuples for this file. """ uid = media_file.unique_id play_url = 'http://www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/%s' % uid web_url = 'http://www.dailymotion.com/video/%s' % uid return [ StorageURI(media_file, 'dailymotion', play_url, None), StorageURI(media_file, 'www', web_url, None), ] EmbedStorageEngine.register(DailyMotionStorage)
except URLError, e: log.exception(e) data = {} return { 'unique_id': id, 'duration': int(data.get('duration', 0)), 'display_name': unicode(data.get('title', u'')), 'thumbnail_url': data.get('thumbnail_large', None), 'type': VIDEO, } def get_uris(self, file): """Return a list of URIs from which the stored file can be accessed. :type unique_id: unicode :param unique_id: The identifying string for this file. :rtype: list :returns: All :class:`StorageURI` tuples for this file. """ play_url = 'http://player.vimeo.com/video/%s' % file.unique_id web_url = 'http://vimeo.com/%s' % file.unique_id return [ StorageURI(file, 'vimeo', play_url, None), StorageURI(file, 'www', web_url, None), ] EmbedStorageEngine.register(VimeoStorage)
asset.findtext('mediaList/media/duration') or 0) or None # meta['bitrate'] = int(xmltree.findtext('audiobitrate') or 0)\ # + int(xmltree.findtext('videobitrate') or 0) or None return meta def get_uris(self, media_file): """Return a list of URIs from which the stored file can be accessed. :type media_file: :class:`~mediacore.model.media.MediaFile` :param media_file: The associated media file object. :rtype: list :returns: All :class:`StorageURI` tuples for this file. """ web_id, embed_lookup = media_file.unique_id.split(' ') play_url = 'http://blip.tv/play/%s' % embed_lookup # Old blip.tv URLs had a numeric ID in the URL, now they're wordy. try: web_url = 'http://blip.tv/file/%s' % int(web_id, 10) except ValueError: web_url = 'http://blip.tv/%s' % web_id return [ StorageURI(media_file, 'bliptv', play_url, None), StorageURI(media_file, 'www', web_url, None), ] EmbedStorageEngine.register(BlipTVStorage)
duration_match = self.xml_duration.search(data) if thumb_match: meta['thumbnail_url'] = decode_entities(thumb_match.group(1)) if duration_match: meta['duration'] = int(duration_match.group(1)) return meta def get_uris(self, media_file): """Return a list of URIs from which the stored file can be accessed. :type media_file: :class:`~mediacore.model.media.MediaFile` :param media_file: The associated media file object. :rtype: list :returns: All :class:`StorageURI` tuples for this file. """ uid = media_file.unique_id play_url = ('http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf' '?docid=%s' '&hl=en' '&fs=true') % uid web_url = 'http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=%s' % uid return [ StorageURI(media_file, 'googlevideo', play_url, None), StorageURI(media_file, 'www', web_url, None), ] EmbedStorageEngine.register(GoogleVideoStorage)