Example #1
if "fieldevolution" in model.comment: 
    slices += [meep_utils.Slice(model=model, field=f, components=(meep.Ex), at_x=0, name='FieldEvolution', 
        min_timestep=.1/model.src_freq, outputgif=True, outputhdf=True, outputvtk=True)]
if "snapshote" in model.comment:
    slices += [meep_utils.Slice(model=model, field=f, components=(meep.Ex, meep.Ey, meep.Ez), at_t=np.inf, name='SnapshotE')]

## Run the FDTD simulation or the frequency-domain solver
if not getattr(model, 'frequency', None):       ## time-domain computation
    f.step(); timer = meep_utils.Timer(simtime=model.simtime); meep.quiet(True) # use custom progress messages
    while (f.time()/c < model.simtime):     # timestepping cycle
        for monitor in (monitor1_Ex, monitor1_Hy, monitor2_Ex, monitor2_Hy): monitor.record(field=f)
        for slice_ in slices: slice_.poll(f.time()/c)
    for slice_ in slices: slice_.finalize()
    meep_utils.notify(model.simulation_name, run_time=timer.get_time())
else:                                       ## frequency-domain computation
    f.solve_cw(getattr(model, 'MaxTol',0.001), getattr(model, 'MaxIter', 5000), getattr(model, 'BiCGStab', 8)) 
    for monitor in (monitor1_Ex, monitor1_Hy, monitor2_Ex, monitor2_Hy): monitor.record(field=f)
    for slice_ in slices: slice_.finalize()

## Get the reflection and transmission of the structure
if meep.my_rank() == 0:
    #t = monitor1_Ex.get_time()
    #Ex1, Hy1, Ex2, Hy2 = [mon.get_field_waveform() for mon in (monitor1_Ex, monitor1_Hy, monitor2_Ex, monitor2_Hy)]

    freq, s11, s12, columnheaderstring = meep_utils.get_s_parameters(monitor1_Ex, monitor1_Hy, monitor2_Ex, monitor2_Hy, 
            frequency_domain=True if getattr(model, 'frequency', None) else False, 
            frequency=getattr(model, 'frequency', None),     ## procedure compatible with both FDTD and FDFD
            intf=getattr(model, 'interesting_frequencies', [0, model.src_freq+model.src_width]),  ## clip the frequency range for plotting
Example #2
if "fieldevolution" in model.comment: 
    slices += [meep_utils.Slice(model=model, field=f, components=(meep.Ex), at_x=0, name='FieldEvolution', 
        min_timestep=.1/model.src_freq, outputgif=True, outputvtk=True)]
if "snapshote" in model.comment:
    slices += [meep_utils.Slice(model=model, field=f, components=(meep.Ex, meep.Ey, meep.Ez), at_t=np.inf, name='SnapshotE')]

## Run the FDTD simulation or the frequency-domain solver
if not getattr(model, 'frequency', None):       ## time-domain computation
    f.step(); timer = meep_utils.Timer(simtime=model.simtime); meep.quiet(True) # use custom progress messages
    while (f.time()/c < model.simtime):     # timestepping cycle
        for monitor in (monitor1_Ex, monitor1_Hy, monitor2_Ex, monitor2_Hy): monitor.record(field=f)
        for slice_ in slices: slice_.poll(f.time()/c)
    for slice_ in slices: slice_.finalize()
    meep_utils.notify(model.simulation_name, run_time=timer.get_time())
else:                                       ## frequency-domain computation
    f.solve_cw(getattr(model, 'MaxTol',0.001), getattr(model, 'MaxIter', 5000), getattr(model, 'BiCGStab', 8)) 
    for monitor in (monitor1_Ex, monitor1_Hy, monitor2_Ex, monitor2_Hy): monitor.record(field=f)
    for slice_ in slices: slice_.finalize()

## Get the reflection and transmission of the structure
if meep.my_rank() == 0:
    #t = monitor1_Ex.get_time()
    #Ex1, Hy1, Ex2, Hy2 = [mon.get_field_waveform() for mon in (monitor1_Ex, monitor1_Hy, monitor2_Ex, monitor2_Hy)]

    freq, s11, s12, columnheaderstring = meep_utils.get_s_parameters(monitor1_Ex, monitor1_Hy, monitor2_Ex, monitor2_Hy, 
            frequency_domain=True if getattr(model, 'frequency', None) else False, 
            frequency=getattr(model, 'frequency', None),     ## procedure compatible with both FDTD and FDFD
            intf=getattr(model, 'interesting_frequencies', [0, model.src_freq+model.src_width]),  ## clip the frequency range for plotting
Example #3
monitor1_Ex = AmplitudeMonitorVolume(comp=meep.Ex, **monitor_options) ## TODO try out how it differs with comp=meep.Dx - this should work, too

if not getattr(model, 'frequency_domain', None):       ## time-domain computation
    dt = (f.time()/c)
    meep_utils.lorentzian_unstable_check_new(model, dt)
    timer = meep_utils.Timer(simtime=model.simtime); meep.quiet(True) # use custom progress messages
    while (f.time()/c < model.simtime):                               # timestepping cycle
        for monitor in (monitor1_Ex,): monitor.record(field=f)
    #meep_utils.notify(model.simulation_name, run_time=timer.get_time())
else:                                       ## frequency-domain computation
    f.solve_cw(getattr(model, 'MaxTol',0.001), getattr(model, 'MaxIter', 5000), getattr(model, 'BiCGStab', 8)) 
    for monitor in (monitor1_Ex,): monitor.record(field=f)

## Get the reflection and transmission of the structure
if meep.my_rank() == 0:
    # TODO update to new saving syntax, and test
    #meep_utils.savetxt(fname=model.simulation_name+".dat", fmt="%.6e",                            
            #X=zip(freq, np.abs(s11), np.angle(s11), np.abs(s12), np.angle(s12)),                  ## Save 5 columns: freq, amplitude/phase for reflection/transmission
            #header=model.parameterstring+columnheaderstring)     ## Export header

    headerstring = "#x-column Frequency [Hz]\n#Column Ex real\n#Column Ex imag\n"
    t, E = monitor1_Ex.get_waveforms()
    if not os.path.exists("cdh"): os.mkdir("cdh")
    meep_utils.savetxt(fname=os.path.join('cdh',model.simulation_name+".dat"), fmt="%.6e", 
            X=zip(t, E.real, E.imag), 
            header=model.parameterstring +  headerstring)
    with open("./last_simulation_name.dat", "w") as outfile: outfile.write(model.simulation_name)