class PulldownMenu(Frame): # if using indentation then should use list as stack only # in other words only delete or insert at end # entries entries must have attribute text_attr or if this is # None then assume that entries entries themselves provide name def __init__(self, parent, callback=None, entries=None, text_attr=None, colors=None, outline='#602000', fill='#B05848', label_color='#501000', selected_index=-1, indent='', extra='', sticky='w', do_initial_callback=True, force_callback=False, *args, **kw): if (entries is None): entries = [] Frame.__init__(self, parent, sticky=sticky, *args, **kw) self.text_attr = text_attr #indentation and extra string for popup information self.indent = indent self.extra = extra self.callback = callback self.do_initial_callback = do_initial_callback self.force_callback = force_callback frame = Frame(self) #frame = parent self.frame = frame = frame.cget('bg') self.outline = outline self.fill = fill self.label_color = label_color = Menu(parent, tearoff=0, borderwidth=1, activeborderwidth=1) = [] self.label = Label(self, foreground=label_color) self.first_pass = True #self.entries = entries self.entries = [] self.colors = [] self.setup(entries, selected_index, colors=colors) s = 10 self.canvas = Canvas(self, width=s, height=s, self.label.bind("<Button-1>", self.labelPopup) # below does not work for some reason #self.bind("<Button-1>", self.labelPopup) # below does not work any more since can have submenus and # no way to reach those with below since involves leaving menu"<Leave>", self.popdown)"<Leave>", self.leave)"<Button-1>", self.buttonPress) self.poppedUpSubmenu = False self.canvas.bind("<Button-1>", self.canvasPopup) self.canvas.bind("<Configure>", self.resizeCallback) self.label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.W) self.canvas.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=Tkinter.E, padx=2) def leave(self, event): if (not self.poppedUpSubmenu): x = event.x y = event.y x1 = y1 = if (x < 0) or (y < 0) or (x >= x1) or (y >= y1): self.popdown() def buttonPress(self, event): if (event.widget != return for n in range(len(self.entries) - 1, -1, -1): if event.y >= break else: return item = self.entries[n] if (isinstance(item, {}.__class__) and item['kind'] == 'cascade'): self.poppedUpSubmenu = True else: self.poppedUpSubmenu = False def resizeCallback(self, *event): w = self.canvas.winfo_width() / 2 h = self.canvas.winfo_height() / 2 self.canvas.delete('all') self.canvas.create_polygon(1, 1, w, 2 * h - 1, 2 * w - 1, 1, fill=self.fill, outline=self.outline) def getEntry(self, entry_index, entries=None): if not entries: entries = self.entries if type(entry_index) == types.TupleType: e = entry_index[0] if len(entry_index) > 1: items = entries[e]['submenu'] entry = self.getEntry(entry_index[1:], items) else: entry = entries[e]['label'] elif (entry_index >= 0): entry = entries[entry_index] else: entry = None return entry def getEntryText(self, entry_index, entries=None): if not entries: entries = self.entries if type(entry_index) in (types.TupleType, types.ListType): e = entry_index[0] if len(entry_index) > 1: items = entries[e]['submenu'] text = self.getEntryText(entry_index[1:], items) else: text = entries[e]['label'] elif (entry_index != -1): #print 'getEntryText', entry_index, entries entry = entries[entry_index] if (self.text_attr): text = getattr(entry, self.text_attr) else: text = entry else: text = '' # TBD: for now text returned should not be unicode text = str(text) # below did not work for one person (Chinese characters??) but above did ###text = text.encode('utf-8') return text def setup(self, entries, selected_index, first_pass=True, colors=None): #print 'setup', entries, selected_index if first_pass is not None: self.first_pass = first_pass self.clearMenuItems() if (entries): e = list(entries) else: e = [No_entries_label] self.entries = e self.colors = colors or [None] * len(e) if type(selected_index) in (types.TupleType, types.ListType): if (not selected_index or selected_index[0] >= len(entries)): selected_index = -1 else: if (selected_index >= len(entries)): selected_index = -1 if (selected_index == -1): selected_index = 0 self.selected_index = -1 # changed in setSelectedIndex() self.setMenuItems() self.setSelectedIndex(selected_index) def substituteCascadeCallbacks(self, item, selected_index): if (item['kind'] == 'cascade'): n = 0 for subitem in item['submenu']: self.substituteCascadeCallbacks(subitem, selected_index + [n]) n = n + 1 else: callback = item.get('command') if (callback): label = item['label'] item['command'] = lambda: self.cascadeCallback( callback, label, tuple(selected_index)) def cascadeCallback(self, callback, label, selected_index): self.selected_index = selected_index self.setLabel(selected_index) callback(selected_index, label) def setMenuItems(self): = [] for n in range(len(self.entries)): columnbreak = 0 if n and n % 20 == 0: columnbreak = 1 item = self.entries[n] color = None if n < len(self.colors): color = self.colors[n] if isinstance(item, {}.__class__): if (item['kind'] == 'cascade'): self.substituteCascadeCallbacks(item, [n]) else: t = (self.indent * n) + self.extra + str(self.getEntryText(n)) command = lambda n=n: self.setSelectedIndex(n) if color: image = self.makeColorTile(color) item = { 'kind': 'command', 'accelerator': t, 'command': command, 'image': image, 'columnbreak': columnbreak } else: item = { 'kind': 'command', 'label': t, 'command': command, 'columnbreak': columnbreak } def clearMenuItems(self): if self.entries:, len(self.entries)) # below assumes entry_index is integer not tuple def insert(self, entry_index, entry, make_selected=False, color=None): if (self.haveNoEntries()): if (entry_index != 0): return elif ((entry_index < 0) or (entry_index >= len(self.entries))): return self.clearMenuItems() self.checkForNone() self.entries.insert(entry_index, entry) self.colors.insert(entry_index, color) self.setMenuItems() if (make_selected or (self.selected_index == -1)): self.setSelectedIndex(entry_index, force_callback=True) else: self.setSelectedIndex(self.selected_index) # below assumes entry is integer not tuple def append(self, entry, make_selected=False, color=None): self.clearMenuItems() self.checkForNone() self.entries.append(entry) self.colors.append(color) self.setMenuItems() if (make_selected or (self.selected_index == -1)): self.setSelectedIndex(len(self.entries) - 1, force_callback=True) else: self.setSelectedIndex(self.selected_index) def checkForNone(self): if (self.haveNoEntries()): self.entries = [] self.colors = [] def haveNoEntries(self): if (len(self.entries) == 1 and self.entries[0] == No_entries_label): return True else: return False def baseIndex(self, ind): if type(ind) == types.TupleType: ind = ind[0] return ind # below assumes entry_index is integer not tuple def delete(self, entry_index, n=1): if (self.haveNoEntries()): return if ((entry_index < 0) or (entry_index >= len(self.entries))): return self.clearMenuItems() n1 = entry_index n2 = n1 + n m = self.baseIndex(self.selected_index) del self.entries[n1:n2] del self.colors[n1:n2] if (not self.entries): self.entries = [No_entries_label] self.colors = [None] self.setMenuItems() if ((m >= n1) and (m < n2)): if (n1 == 0): selected_index = 0 else: selected_index = n1 - 1 self.setSelectedIndex(selected_index, force_callback=True) def replace(self, entries, selected_index=-1, colors=None):, len(self.entries)) self.setup(entries, selected_index, first_pass=False, colors=colors) def popdown(self, *event): def setLabel(self, selected_index): text = self.getEntryText(selected_index) if (not text): text = self.extra # arbitrary self.label.set(text=text) def labelPopup(self, event): self.poppedUpSubmenu = False s = self.baseIndex(self.selected_index) x = event.x_root - event.x + 2 y = event.y_root - event.y - \ max(0, s) * (self.label.winfo_height() + 1), y) def canvasPopup(self, event): s = self.baseIndex(self.selected_index) x = event.x_root - event.x - self.label.winfo_width() + 2 y = event.y_root - event.y - \ max(0, s) * (self.label.winfo_height() + 1) + \ self.canvas.winfo_height() - self.label.winfo_height(), y) def getSelectedIndex(self): return self.selected_index def setSelectedIndex(self, selected_index, force_callback=False): if (force_callback or self.force_callback or \ (selected_index != self.selected_index)): #print 'setSelectedIndex', self.entries, selected_index, self.selected_index, self.first_pass self.selected_index = selected_index self.setLabel(selected_index) if (self.callback): if (self.haveNoEntries()): if (not self.first_pass): self.callback(-1, None) elif (selected_index != -1): if (not self.first_pass or self.do_initial_callback): self.callback(selected_index, self.entries[selected_index]) self.first_pass = False def get(self): return self.getSelected() def getSelected(self): ind = self.getSelectedIndex() if (ind == -1): return None else: return self.getEntry(ind) def set(self, selected): self.setSelected(selected) def findEntryIndex(self, entry, entries=None): #print 'findEntryIndex1', entry, entries if (entries): noEntries = True else: noEntries = False entries = self.entries try: ind = entries.index(entry) return ind except: pass #print 'findEntryIndex2', entry, entries for n in range(len(entries)): e = entries[n] #print 'findEntryIndex3', entry, e if e == entry: if noEntries: return [n] else: return n elif type(e) == types.DictType: if (len(entries) > 1): try: ind = self.findEntryIndex(entry, e['submenu']) return [n] + ind except: pass else: if (entry == e['label']): return [n] raise 'unknown entry "%s"' % entry # selects first item found in entries which matches def setSelected(self, selected): #print 'setSelected1', selected, type(selected), self.entries try: selected_index = self.findEntryIndex(selected) except: #selected_index = -1 return #print 'setSelected2', selected_index self.setSelectedIndex(selected_index) def makeColorTile(self, color): image = Tkinter.PhotoImage() if type(color) == type([]): colors = [scaleColor(, c, 1.0) for c in color] else: colors = [ scaleColor(, color, 1.0), ] cols = max(8, len(colors)) for x in range(cols): i = x % len(colors) c = colors[i] for y in range(16): image.put('{%s %s}' % (c, c), to=(2 * x, y)) return image
class PulldownList(Frame): # if using indentation then should use list as stack only # in other words only delete or insert at end # There is a 1:1 correspondance between the ordered lists of texts and # list of objects # categories is the category name for each text/object # objects with the same category will go under a submenu # of that name def __init__(self, parent, callback=None, texts=None, objects=None, categories=None, colors=None, index=0, prefix='', indent='', initCallback=False, forceCallback=False, numbering=False, arrowLine='#602000', arrowFill='#B05848', labelColor='#501000', menuBg='#F0F0FF', sticky='w', *args, **kw): Frame.__init__(self, parent, sticky=sticky, *args, **kw) self.callback = callback self.texts = texts or [] self.objects = objects or [] self.categories = categories or [] self.colors = colors or [] self.prefix = prefix self.indent = indent self.initCallback = initCallback self.numbering = numbering self.arrowLine = arrowLine self.arrowFill = arrowFill self.labelColor = labelColor # Current selection self.index = None self.object = NullText self.rows = [] = self.cget('bg') self.label = Label(self, foreground=labelColor) self.canvas = Canvas(self, width=12, height=12, = Menu(self.canvas, tearoff=False, bg=menuBg, relief='solid', borderwidth=1, activeborderwidth=1) = [] # Photoimage has to remain referenced self.setup(self.texts, self.objects, index, self.colors, self.categories) self.label.bind("<Button-1>", self._labelClick)"<Leave>", self._leave) self.canvas.bind("<Button-1>", self._canvasClick) self.canvas.bind("<Configure>", self._resizeCallback) self.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='w') self.canvas.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w', padx=2) # # Retrieval # def get(self): return (self.getText(), self.getObject()) def getSelected(self): return self.get() def getObject(self): return self._fetch(self.index, self.objects) def getText(self): return self._fetch(self.index, self.texts) def getSelectedIndex(self): return self.index # # Setting selected # def set(self, item): # Works with an object or a text index = None if item in self.texts: index = list(self.texts).index(item) elif item in self.objects: index = list(self.objects).index(item) if index is not None: self.setIndex(index) def setSelected(self, item): self.set(item) def setIndex(self, index, doCallback=False): self.index = index if self.objects: obj = self.objects[index] if obj is not self.object: self.object = obj if (doCallback or self.initCallback) and self.texts and self.callback: self.callback(obj) self._updateLabel() # # Bulk configuration # def clear(self): self.setup([], [], 0) def setup(self, texts, objects, index, colors=None, categories=None): self.texts = texts nTexts = len(texts) if not objects: objects = texts while len(objects) < nTexts: objects.append(None) self.objects = objects if colors is None: self.colors = [None] * nTexts else: while len(colors) < nTexts: colors.append(None) self.colors = colors if categories is None: self.categories = [None] * nTexts else: while len(categories) < nTexts: categories.append(None) self.categories = categories self._setMenuItems() self.setIndex(index or 0) # # In-place/minor configuration # def insert(self, index, text, object=None, color=None, category=None, select=False): index = max(0, min(len(self.texts), index)) self.texts.insert(index, text) self.objects.insert(index, object) self.colors.insert(index, color) self.categories.insert(index, category) self._setMenuItems() if select: self.setIndex(index) def append(self, text, object=None, color=None, category=None, select=False): self.insert(len(self.texts), text, object=None, color=None, category=None, select=False) def delete(self, index, howMany=1): if index < 0: return elif index >= len(self.texts): return end = min(index + howMany, len(self.texts)) self._clearMenu() del self.texts[index:end] del self.objects[index:end] del self.colors[index:end] del self.categories[index:end] self._setMenuItems() index = min(len(self.texts) - 1, self.index) self.setIndex(index) # # Internal methods # def _leave(self, event): x = event.x y = event.y x1 = y1 = if (x < 0) or (y < 0) or (x >= x1) or (y >= y1): self._popdown() def _resizeCallback(self, *event): c = self.canvas w = c.winfo_width() - 1 h = c.winfo_height() - 1 c.delete('all') c.create_rectangle(0, 0, 10, 2, fill=self.arrowFill, outline=self.arrowLine) c.create_polygon(0, 4, 0, 6, 5, 11, 10, 6, 10, 4, fill=self.arrowFill, outline=self.arrowLine) def _fetch(self, index, array): if index is None: return None if index < 0: index += len(array) if index < 0: return None elif index >= len(array): return None else: return array[index] def _setMenuItems(self): self._clearMenu() = [] # Clear photoimages if not self.texts and not, 'label'): item = {'kind': 'command', 'label': NullText, 'command': None} self.rows = [0] return topList = [] categoryDict = {} for i in range(len(self.texts)): text = self.texts[i] color = self.colors[i] category = self.categories[i] if category: if categoryDict.get(category) is None: categoryDict[category] = [] topList.append((None, category, None, category)) categoryDict[category].append((i, text, color)) else: topList.append((i, text, color, None)) row = 0 for index, text, color, cat in topList: columnbreak = 0 if row and row % 20 == 0: columnbreak = 1 if cat: string = (self.indent * row) + self.prefix + text items = [] rowB = 0 for index2, text2, color2 in categoryDict.get(cat, []): columnbreakB = 0 if rowB and rowB % 20 == 0: columnbreakB = 1 if self.numbering: number = '%d%. ' % (index2 + 1) else: number = '' string2 = number + self.prefix + text2 command = lambda n=index2: self.setIndex(n, True) if color2: image = self._makeColorTile(color2) item2 = { 'kind': 'command', 'accelerator': string2, 'command': command, 'image': image, 'columnbreak': columnbreakB } else: item2 = { 'kind': 'command', 'label': string2, 'command': command, 'columnbreak': columnbreakB } items.append(item2) self.rows.append(row) rowB += 1 item = { 'kind': 'cascade', 'label': string, 'submenu': items, 'columnbreak': columnbreak } else: if self.numbering: number = '%d%. ' % (index + 1) else: number = '' string = (self.indent * row) + number + self.prefix + text command = lambda n=index: self.setIndex(n, True) if color: image = self._makeColorTile(color) item = { 'kind': 'command', 'accelerator': string, 'command': command, 'image': image, 'columnbreak': columnbreak } else: item = { 'kind': 'command', 'label': string, 'command': command, 'columnbreak': columnbreak } self.rows.append(row) row += 1 def _clearMenu(self):, 'end') self.index = 0 self.rows = [] def _popdown(self, *event): def _labelClick(self, event): s = self.rows[self.index] #x = event.x_root - event.x + 2 + self.label.winfo_width() x = event.x_root - 2 y = event.y_root - event.y - max(0, s) * (self.label.winfo_height() + 1), y) def _canvasClick(self, event): s = self.rows[self.index] x = event.x_root - event.x + 2 y = event.y_root - event.y - max(0, s) * (self.label.winfo_height() + 1), y) def _updateLabel(self): if self.texts: text = self.texts[self.index] or NullText else: text = NullText self.label.set(text=text) def _makeColorTile(self, color): image = Tkinter.PhotoImage() if type(color) == type([]): colors = [scaleColor(, c, 1.0) for c in color] else: colors = [ scaleColor(, color, 1.0), ] cols = max(8, len(colors)) for x in range(cols): i = x % len(colors) c = colors[i] for y in range(16): image.put('{%s %s}' % (c, c), to=(2 * x, y)) return image