Example #1
def get_memory_list(db, mem, mod, baseline, replace):
    """Get the specified memory.
    mem is the name of the memory to get.
    mod is the model.
    baseline is the name of the file containing a baseline memory.
    replace is the memory to use as the main memory (or None).
    Returns the memory to simulate.
    if mem == 'model':
        # Use the subsystem from the model.
        ml = mod.memory
    elif mem == 'baseline':
        # Use the baseline subsystem.
        with open(baseline, 'r') as f:
            ml = memory.parse_memory_list(lex.Lexer(f))
    elif mem == 'best':
        # Use the best subsystem.
        ml = get_best(db, mod)
        print('ERROR: invalid memory selected:', mem)

    if replace:
        with open(replace, 'r') as f:
            mod.memory = memory.parse_memory(lex.Lexer(f))
        for m in ml.memories:
            ptr = m
            while not isinstance(ptr.get_next(), MainMemory):
                ptr = ptr.get_next()

    return ml
Example #2
def get_frequency(experiment, mem, baseline, keep):
    m = model.parse_model_file(experiment)
    db = database.get_instance()
    if mem == 'model':
        subsystem = m.memory
    elif mem == 'baseline':
        with open(baseline, 'r') as f:
            subsystem = memory.parse_memory_list(lex.Lexer(f))
    elif mem == 'best':
        best_name, _, _ = db.get_best(m)
        best_file = StringIO.StringIO(best_name)
        subsystem = memory.parse_memory_list(lex.Lexer(best_file))
        print('ERROR: invalid memory selected:', mem)
    m.machine.frequency = 1 << 31
    result = xilinx.run_xilinx(m.machine, subsystem, keep)
    print(get_experiment_name(experiment) + ',' +
          str(result.frequency) + ',' +
Example #3
File: model.py Project: hoangt/ms3
def parse_model(lexer, model=None):
    if model is None:
        model = Model()
    while lexer.get_type() != lex.TOKEN_EOF:
        name = lexer.get_value()
        if name == 'machine':
            model.machine = machine.parse_machine(lexer)
        elif name == 'memory':
            model.memory = memory.parse_memory_list(lexer)
        elif name == 'benchmarks':
            model.benchmarks = _parse_benchmarks(lexer)
        elif name == 'label':
            model.label = _parse_str(lexer)
        elif name == 'include':
            value = lexer.get_value()
            parse_model(lex.Lexer(open(value, 'r')), model)
            lex.ParseError(lexer, 'invalid top-level component: ' + name)
    return model
Example #4
def get_best(db, mod):
    best_name, _, _ = db.get_best(mod)
    best_file = StringIO.StringIO(best_name)
    return memory.parse_memory_list(lex.Lexer(best_file))
Example #5
def get_initial_memory(db, m, dist, directory, full):
    """Get the initial subsystem and its total access time.

    This runs from a process in the process pool.

    # Load the model from the database.
    # If not found, we need to collect statistics first.
    state = db.load(m)
    if len(state) == 0:
        if main_context.verbose:
            print('Collecting statistics')
        for b in m.benchmarks:
            mem = m.memory.get_subsystem(b.index)
            sd = dist.get_subsystem_distribution(mem)
            b.collect_stats(directory, sd)
            db.save(m, state)

    # Determine if we should use the best or the initial
    # memory as a starting point.
    if random.randint(0, 7) < 7:
        # Attempt to load the best subsystem from the database.
        # If not found, we need to evaluate it.
        best_name, _, _ = db.get_best(m)
        if best_name:

            # Load statistics from the database.
            state = db.load(m)
            dist.load(state, m)

            # Create the initial memory subsystem.
            lexer = lex.Lexer(StringIO(best_name))
            ml = memory.parse_memory_list(lexer)

            # Load the values for each subsystem.
            values, fstats = get_subsystem_values(db, m, ml, directory, full)
            return ml, values, fstats
        # Start from a random location.
        while True:     # Loop until we get a valid subsystem.
            ml = m.memory.clone()
            for b in m.benchmarks:
                name = db.get_random(m, b.index)
                if name:
                    lexer = lex.Lexer(StringIO(name))
            cost = ml.get_cost(m.machine, full)
            if cost.fits(m.machine.get_max_cost()):
        state = db.load(m)
        dist.load(state, m)
        values, fstats = get_subsystem_values(db, m, ml, directory, full)
        return ml, values, fstats

    # Get the current value.
    if main_context.verbose:
        print('Initial Memory: {}'.format(m.memory))
    ml = m.memory.clone()
    best_value, fstats = get_subsystem_values(db, m, ml, directory, full)
    total = get_total_value(db, m, ml, best_value, fstats)

    if not full:
        verify_model(db, m, ml, directory, total)

    db.insert_best(m, str(ml), total, ml.get_cost(m.machine, full))
    if main_context.verbose:
        print('Memory: {}'.format(ml))
        print('Value:  {}'.format(total))
        print('Cost:   {}'.format(ml.get_cost(m.machine, full)))
    return get_initial_memory(db, m, dist, directory, full)