Example #1
def test_align_2d_translation_from_vector():
    t_vec = np.array([1, 2])
    translation = Translation(t_vec)
    source = PointCloud(np.array([[0, 1], [1, 1], [-1, -5], [3, -5]]))
    target = translation.apply(source)
    # estimate the transform from source to source..
    estimate = AlignmentTranslation(source, source)
    # and update from_vector
    new_est = estimate.from_vector(t_vec)
    # check the original is unchanged
    assert_allclose(estimate.source.points, source.points)
    assert_allclose(estimate.target.points, source.points)
    # check the new estimate has the source and target correct
    assert_allclose(new_est.source.points, source.points)
    assert_allclose(new_est.target.points, target.points)
Example #2
def test_align_2d_translation_from_vector():
    t_vec = np.array([1, 2])
    translation = Translation(t_vec)
    source = PointCloud(np.array([[0, 1], [1, 1], [-1, -5], [3, -5]]))
    target = translation.apply(source)
    # estimate the transform from source to source..
    estimate = AlignmentTranslation(source, source)
    # and update from_vector
    new_est = estimate.from_vector(t_vec)
    # check the original is unchanged
    assert_allclose(estimate.source.points, source.points)
    assert_allclose(estimate.target.points, source.points)
    # check the new estimate has the source and target correct
    assert_allclose(new_est.source.points, source.points)
    assert_allclose(new_est.target.points, target.points)