def CreateRule(self): #Connect to the postproseccing database con = SqlaCon(Base, engine) ruletype = multimenu({'d':'tme as dependent','h':'tme as head'},'What will you base the rule on?') if ruletype.answer == 'd': headrule = RejectDepHead() headrule.reject_dep_arg = [RejectDepArg()] #Set the rule attributes setRuleAttributes(headrule,self.head) setRuleAttributes(headrule.reject_dep_arg[-1],self.dependent) #Mark, whether this is an accepting or rejecting rule if self.rejected == 'n': headrule.reject_dep_arg[-1].action = 'a' elif self.rejected == 'y': headrule.reject_dep_arg[-1].action = 'r' ##Insert to db con.insert(headrule) elif ruletype.answer == 'h': whichsub = multimenu(self.subdependents,'Which subdependent is the rule associated with?') headrule = SubDepHead() headrule.subdeparg = [SubDepArg()] #Set the rule attributes setRuleAttributes(headrule,self.dependent) setRuleAttributes(headrule.subdeparg[-1],self.subdependentobjects[whichsub.answer]) #Mark, whether this is an accepting or rejecting rule if self.rejected == 'n': headrule.subdeparg[-1].action = 'a' elif self.rejected == 'y': headrule.subdeparg[-1].action = 'r' ##Insert to db con.insert(headrule)
def CreateRejectionRule(self): #Connect to the postproseccing database con = SqlaCon(Base, engine) rule = Fidconst() rule.fi_dupl_constfix_collocates = list() collocatecandidates = dict() #The menu: selmenu = multimenu(self.sentences) selmenu.clearscreen = False selmenu.prompt_valid('Which word is the launcher?') #Iterate: for idx, match in enumerate(self.matchlist): if str(idx) == selmenu.answer: #If this is the user's choice, make it the launcher rule.launcherword = idx launcher = match.matchedword else: #if note, make them collocates collocatecandidates[idx]=match.matchedword #Build the part of the rule that concerns the launcher setRuleAttributes(rule,launcher) rule.reject = self.rejected #Build the part of the rule that concerns collocates for idx, collocate in collocatecandidates.items(): sign = yesnomenu() sign.prompt_valid('Is this collocate significant in constructing the rule?: <{}>'.format(collocate.token)) if sign.answer == 'y': rule.fi_dupl_constfix_collocates.append(Fidcoll()) setRuleAttributes(rule.fi_dupl_constfix_collocates[-1],collocate) rule.fi_dupl_constfix_collocates[-1].collocate_id = idx #Insert to db con.insert(rule)
def setRuleAttributes(rule, word): """Ask the user about which attributes with what value defines the rule""" word.printAttributes() selmenu = multimenu({'0':'token', '1':'lemma', '2':'feat', '3':'pos'}) selmenu.clearscreen = False selmenu.prompt_valid('Which attribute is the criterion?') rule.criterionattr = selmenu.validanswers[selmenu.answer] rule.criterionval = getattr(word,rule.criterionattr)
def AnalyzeInformationStructure(dictrow): """Questions to help in analyzing the IS of a sentence""" print('\n' + textwrap.fill(dictrow['sent']) + '\n') tf = multimenu( { 't': 'topiikki', 'f': 'fokus', 'd': 'Poista tämä analysoitavista' }, 'Ennemmin topiikki vai fokus?') if tf.answer == 'd': return False elif tf.answer == 't': dfanswers = { 'a': 'a-topiikki', 's': 's-topiikki', 'as': 'additiivinen s-topiikki', 'vs': 'varsinainen s-topiikki', 'ki': 'implisiittinen k-topiikki', 'ke': 'eksplisittinen k-topiikki' } else: dfanswers = { 's': 'semanttinen fokus', 'kk': 'Korjaava kontrastinen fokus', 'tk': 'Toteava kontrastinen fokus' } dftype = multimenu(dfanswers, 'Valitse alalaji') # Erikseen vielä kysymys subjektista: subf = multimenu( { 'a': 'aktivoitu', 'sa': 'semiaktiivinen', 'n': 'aktivoimaton' }, 'Millainen D-status subjektilla?') dictrow['dfunct'] = tf.answer + "_" + dftype.answer dictrow['subfunct'] = subf.answer return dictrow
def __init__(self): = multimenu(MainMenu.mainanswers) # Selectable options: self.selectedlang = 'none' self.selecteddb = 'none' self.isparallel = 'no' self.searchcommitted = False self.columns = dict() #Control the program flow = True self.pause = False self.conditionset = None
def select(self): """Decide to reject or not and make rules based on the decision""" self.match.BuildSentencePrintString() print('{0}{1}{0}'.format('\n'*2,self.hlheadsentence)) selmenu = multimenu({'y' : 'yes, REJECT this!', 'n' : 'no, ACCEPT this', 'q' : 'quit'}) selmenu.clearscreen = False selmenu.prompt_valid('Should I REJECT this match?') if selmenu.answer == 'q': return False else: self.rejected = selmenu.answer self.evalueatesel() return True
def AddConditions(self, headcond=False): """Parallel concordance search""" conditiondict = dict() columnmenu = multimenu(self.columnnames) addmoreconditions = multimenu({ 'y': 'add more', 'q': 'stop adding conditions' }) addmoreconditions.answer = 'y' while addmoreconditions.answer == 'y': vals = list() columnmenu.prompt_valid( self.optionstring + 'What column should the condition be based on?') thiscolumn = self.columns[int(columnmenu.answer)] while thiscolumn.addmorevalues: vals.append(thiscolumn.PickSearchValue()) if thiscolumn.regexcond: conditiondict["#" +] = vals[-1] self.FormatOptionString( [thiscolumn.screenname, 'REGEX: ' + vals[-1]]) elif thiscolumn.negativeconds: conditiondict["!" +] = tuple(vals) self.FormatOptionString([ thiscolumn.screenname, 'NOT EQUAL TO: ' + ' OR '.join(vals) ]) else: conditiondict[] = tuple(vals) self.FormatOptionString( [thiscolumn.screenname, ' OR '.join(vals)]) addmoreconditions.prompt_valid(self.optionstring + 'Keep adding search conditions?') if headcond: self.headcols = conditiondict else: self.condcols = conditiondict
def FilterNonTemporal(thisSearch): """Process matches and reject the ones that by your interpretation are not temporal"""'Filtering NON-TEMPORAL: ' + '*'*150) #Connect to databases con = SqlaCon(Base, engine) con.LoadSession() matchestoprocess = list() isRussian = False if thisSearch.queried_table == 'ru_conll': isRussian = True # Count how much is to be processed and exlcude those that already are print('Counting and applying rules') i = 0 for key, matches in thisSearch.matches.items(): print('{}/{}'.format(i,len(thisSearch.matches)), end='\r') for match in matches: if not match.postprocessed: #If this match has not yet been processed #First, check if there is a rule concerning this match thismatch = PotetialNontemporal(match, isRussian) #Build a clause object: if the clause has no finite verb, do not apply rules thismatch.matchedclause = Clause(match.matchedsentence, match.matchedword) if not thismatch.CheckExistingRules(con): matchestoprocess.append(match) #matchestoprocess.append(match) i += 1 #Start the actual processing: processed = 0 for match in matchestoprocess: processed += 1 thismatch = PotetialNontemporal(match) #Build a clause object: if the clause has no finite verb, do not apply rules thismatch.matchedclause = Clause(match.matchedsentence, match.matchedword) if not thismatch.CheckExistingRules(con): #If no predefined rules exist #Clear the output for conveniance os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear') print('Processing match no {}/{}'.format(processed,len(matchestoprocess))) cont = if not cont: return 'Remember to save, if necessary' else: #If something was rejected, ask about a rule: createrule = multimenu({'y':'yes','n':'no','x':'Create rule with dependents feat and heads (verbs) lemma'},'Create a rule?') if createrule.answer =='y': thismatch.CreateRule() elif createrule.answer =='x': thismatch.CreateQuickRule()
def select(self): """Decide wich duplicate to reject and make rules based on the decision""" answers = dict() answers['n'] = 'none' answers['q'] = 'quit' #Build the question answers.update(self.sentences) selmenu = multimenu(answers) selmenu.clearscreen = False selmenu.prompt('Which one(s) will you reject? (if rejecting many, type all the indexes in one string)') if selmenu.answer == 'q': return False if len(self.sentences) > 2: for rejectidx in selmenu.answer: self.rejected = rejectidx self.evalueatesel() self.rejected = selmenu.answer self.evalueatesel() return True
def PickSearchValue(self): """Select a value to be used in a search""" if not self.presetvalues: os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear') headerstrings = [ "Give a value the column {} should have.".format( get_color_string(bcolors.BLUE, self.screenname)), "- If you want to use a regex, surround the string with forward slashes (e.g. /^[m|M]yregexstri.*/)", "- If this is a negative condition, begin the first condition with a ! (e.g. !dontmatchthis)", "- Press l to load a list of values from an external file\n>" ] value = input('\n'.join(headerstrings)) if value == 'l': self.addmorevalues = False return LoadCsv() elif value[0] == '/' and value[-1] == '/': self.addmorevalues = False self.regexcond = True return value.strip('/') elif value[0] == '!' or self.negativeconds: self.negativeconds = True returnvalue = value[1:] else: returnvalue = value else: valuemenu = multimenu( self.presetvalues, 'Pick a value the column {} should have '.format( get_color_string(bcolors.BLUE, self.screenname))) returnvalue = valuemenu.validanswers[valuemenu.answer] self.askmoremenu.prompt_valid() if self.askmoremenu.answer == 'y': self.addmorevalues = True else: self.addmorevalues = False return returnvalue
def CheckAvailability(songname, allnames): """Check if this song is in the db and try to guess if not""" songname = songname.lower() if songname not in allnames: suggestions = dict() for name in allnames: simratio = SequenceMatcher(None, songname, name).ratio() suggestions[simratio] = name ratios = sorted(suggestions.keys()) ratios = ratios[-10:] ratios = sorted(ratios[-10:],reverse=True) suglist = dict() for idx, ratio in enumerate(ratios): suglist[str(idx)] = suggestions[ratio] suglist['n'] = 'ei mikään näistä' fuzzymenu = menus.multimenu(suglist, promptnow = 'Vastaako jokin näistä haettavaa laulua ({})?'.format(songname)) if fuzzymenu.answer != 'n': return suglist[fuzzymenu.answer] else: sys.exit('Song "{}" not found. Exiting.'.format(songname)) print('False') return songname
def __init__(self, name, con): = name self.presetvalues = dict() self.regexcond = False self.negativeconds = False #just initianiling a variable for the picksearchedval method self.addmorevalues = True #if possible, use a more user-friendly name to be shown try: self.screenname = ConllColumn.descriptivenames[name] except KeyError: self.screenname = name[0].upper() + name[1:] #If the values should not be freely determined but rather chosen from an existing list if name in ConllColumn.presetvalues: rows = con.FetchQuery( 'SELECT {colname}, count({colname}) FROM {table} group by 1 order by 2 DESC' .format(, table=Db.searched_table)) for idx, row in enumerate(rows): self.presetvalues[str(idx)] = row[0] #Add a menu for asking for more values self.askmoremenu = multimenu({'y': 'yes', 'n': 'no'}) self.askmoremenu.question = 'Keep adding possible search values for this column?'
def printResults(thisSearch): if len(thisSearch.matches) > 0: printcount = input( 'Found {} occurences. How many should I print? (press enter to print all)\n' .format(thisSearch.absolutematchcount)) if printcount == '': printcount = thisSearch.absolutematchcount else: printcount = int(printcount) while printcount > thisSearch.absolutematchcount: printcount = int( input('Please give a number smaller than {}.'.format( thisSearch.absolutematchcount + 1))) ordermenu = multimenu({ 'r': 'randomize', 'n': 'Do not randomize' }, 'Should I randomize the order?') if ordermenu.answer == 'r': randomkeys = random.sample(list(thisSearch.matches), printcount) printmatches = list() for rkey in randomkeys: alignsegment = thisSearch.matches[rkey] #randomly select 1 of the matches in this segment printmatches.append(random.choice(alignsegment)) else: printmatches = list() for align_id, matches in thisSearch.matches.items(): for match in matches: if len(printmatches) < printcount: printmatches.append(match) else: break #actual printing #======================================== csvrows = list() rows = list() table = Texttable() #Initialize table printer table.set_cols_align(["l", "l"]) table.set_cols_valign(["m", "m"]) if thisSearch.isparallel: headerrow = ['sl', 'tl', 'source'] else: headerrow = ['concordance', 'source'] csvrows = [headerrow] for idx, match in enumerate(printmatches): match.BuildSlContext() if thisSearch.isparallel: match.BuildTlContext() rows.append([ 'Source text id: {}, Sentence id: {}, align id: {}\n'. format(match.matchedword.sourcetextid, match.matchedsentence.sentence_id, match.align_id), '' ]) rows.append([ get_color_string(bcolors.BLUE, match.slcontextstring), get_color_string(bcolors.RED, match.tlcontextstring) ]) csvrows.append([ match.slcontextstring, match.tlcontextstring, match.matchedword.sourcetextid ]) else: if len(match.slcontextstring) > 3000: printedstring = match.matchedsentence.printstring + "(only sentence printed)" else: printedstring = match.slcontextstring print( '{}:\n=======================\n{}\n----------------------\n[Sentence id: {}, align id: {}, text_id: {}]\n\n\n' .format(idx, textwrap.fill(printedstring), match.matchedsentence.sentence_id, match.align_id, match.matchedword.sourcetextid)) csvrows.append( [match.slcontextstring, match.matchedword.sourcetextid]) if thisSearch.isparallel: table.add_rows(rows) print(table.draw() + "\n") #======================================== csvmenu = multimenu({'y': 'yes', 'n': 'no'}, 'Save csv?', False) if csvmenu.answer == 'y': fname = input('Give the name of the csv:\n>') with open(fname, "w", newline='') as f: writer = csv.writer(f) try: writer.writerows(csvrows) except TypeError: import ipdb ipdb.set_trace() else: print('Sorry, nothing found.') print(thisSearch.subquery) print(thisSearch.subqueryvalues)
def WordCounts(self): """Count words in the texts""" #This needs to be improved: tables = {'source': 'fi_conll', 'target': 'ru_conll'} ######### maxtitleLength = len('title') maxWcLength = len('word count') max_trtitleLength = len('translation title') max_trWcLength = len('trans. word count') texts = list() print('Analyzing...') #Start printing data for each text and target text results = self.CollectTexts() for res in results: #Fetch wordcount for each text and target text texts.append({ 'id': res['id'], 'title': res['title'], 'wordcount': self.wordCountForText(res['id'], tables['source']), 'translation title': res['transtitle'], 'trwordcount': self.wordCountForText(res['id'], tables['target']) }) #Get string length information for the output table if len(res['title']) > maxtitleLength: maxtitleLength = len(res['title']) if len(texts[-1]['wordcount']) > maxWcLength: maxWcLength = len(texts[-1]['wordcount']) if len(res['transtitle']) > max_trtitleLength: max_trtitleLength = len(res['transtitle']) if len(texts[-1]['trwordcount']) > max_trWcLength: max_trWcLength = len(texts[-1]['trwordcount']) #Print the output table print( '{0:3} | {1:{titlewidth}} | {2:{wcwidth}} | {3:{trtitlewidth}} | {4:{trwcwidth}}' .format('Id', 'Title', 'Word count', 'Translation title', 'translation wordcount', titlewidth=maxtitleLength, wcwidth=maxWcLength, trtitlewidth=max_trtitleLength, trwcwidth=max_trWcLength)) for text in texts: print( '{0:3} | {1:{titlewidth}} | {2:{wcwidth}} | {3:{trtitlewidth}} | {4:{trwcwidth}}' .format(text['id'], text['title'], text['wordcount'], text['translation title'], text['trwordcount'], titlewidth=maxtitleLength, wcwidth=maxWcLength, trtitlewidth=max_trtitleLength, trwcwidth=max_trWcLength)) #Print csv if the user wants to: csvmenu = multimenu({'y': 'yes', 'n': 'no'}, 'Write csv?') if csvmenu.answer == 'y': with open('wordcounts.csv', 'w') as f: fieldnames = [ 'id', 'title', 'wordcount', 'translation title', 'trwordcount' ] writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=fieldnames) writer.writeheader() for text in texts: writer.writerow(text)
def __init__(self): = multimenu(Statmenu.menuoptions) = 'Select the function you would like to apply:'