Example #1
        for t in range(n):
            if t >= min_period:
                b = self.get_b(data[:t, :], re_b)

            # double check (Normalize the constraint)
            b = b / np.sum(b)
            daily_portfolio[t, :] = b.reshape((1, m))
            daily_ret[t] = np.dot(
                data[t, :], b) * (1 - tc / 2 * np.sum(np.absolute(b - re_b)))
            cum_ret = cum_ret * daily_ret[t]
            cumprod_ret[t] = cum_ret

            re_b = b * data[t, :][:, None] / daily_ret[t]

            self.exp_ret[0, self.L] *= np.dot(data[t, :],
                                              self.exp_w[self.K * self.L, :])

            for k in np.arange(self.K):
                for l in np.arange(self.L):
                    self.exp_ret[k, l] *= np.dot(
                        data[t, :], self.exp_w[(k - 1) * self.L + l - 1, :])

            logging.info('%d\t%f\t%f\n' %
                         (t + 1, daily_ret[t], cumprod_ret[t]))

        logging.info('tc=%f, Final Return: %.2f\n' % (tc, cum_ret))

if __name__ == "__main__":
Example #2
            if t >= min_period:
                b = self.get_b(data[:t, :], re_b)

            # double check (Normalize the constraint)
            b = b / np.sum(b)
            daily_portfolio[t, :] = b.reshape((1, m))
            daily_ret[t] = np.dot(
                data[t, :], b) * (1 - tc / 2 * np.sum(np.absolute(b - re_b)))
            cum_ret = cum_ret * daily_ret[t]
            cumprod_ret[t] = cum_ret

            re_b = b * data[t, :][:, None] / daily_ret[t]

            self.data_day[t, :] = data[t, :].dot(self.exp_w.T)
            for k in np.arange(1, self.window):
                self.exp_ret[k - 1] = np.dot(self.exp_ret[k - 1] * data[k, :],
                                             self.exp_w[k - 1, :].T)
                self.exp_ret2[k - 1] *= self.data_day[t, :].dot(
                    self.exp_w2[k - 1, :])
                self.exp_w2[k - 1, :] *= self.data_day[t, :] / np.dot(
                    self.data_day[t, :], self.exp_w2[k - 1, :].T)

            logging.info('%d\t%f\t%f\n' %
                         (t + 1, daily_ret[t], cumprod_ret[t]))

        logging.info('tc=%f, Final Return: %.2f\n' % (tc, cum_ret))

if __name__ == "__main__":
Example #3
        :param alpha: trade off parameter for moving average
        super(olmar2, self).__init__()
        self.eps = eps
        self.alpha = alpha

    def get_b(self, data, last_b):
        T, N = data.shape
        data_phi = np.ones((1,N))
        data_phi = self.alpha + (1-self.alpha)*data_phi/data[T-1,:]

        ell = max(0, self.eps - data_phi.dot(last_b))

        x_bar = data_phi.mean()
        denominator = np.linalg.norm(data_phi - x_bar)**2

        if denominator == 0:
            lam = 0
            lam = ell / denominator

        data_phi = np.squeeze(data_phi)
        b = last_b.ravel() +  lam * (data_phi - x_bar)
        b = tools.simplex_proj(b.ravel())
        return b[:,None]

if __name__ == "__main__":
Example #4
        cumprod_ret = np.ones((n, 1), np.float)
        daily_ret = np.ones((n, 1), np.float)  #daily return

        b = np.ones((m, 1), np.float) / m  # initialize b
        re_b = np.zeros((m, 1), np.float)  # initialize rebalanced b
        daily_portfolio = np.zeros((n, m))

        b = self.weights(data)
        for t in range(n):

            # double check (Normalize the constraint)
            b = b / np.sum(b)
            daily_portfolio[t, :] = b.reshape((1, m))
            daily_ret[t] = np.dot(
                data[t, :], b) * (1 - tc / 2 * np.sum(np.absolute(b - re_b)))
            cum_ret *= daily_ret[t]
            cumprod_ret[t] = cum_ret

            re_b = b * data[t, :][:, None] / daily_ret[t]

            logging.info('%d\t%f\t%f\n' %
                         (t + 1, daily_ret[t], cumprod_ret[t]))

        logging.info('tc=%f, Final Return: %.2f\n' % (tc, cum_ret))
        self.pDiff = daily_ret
        self.last_b = b

if __name__ == '__main__':
Example #5
def test_algo():
    from mercurius.strategy.olmar import olmar
    from mercurius.strategy import tools

    tools.run(olmar(), min_period=2)
Example #6
            for i in range(S):
                bnew = np.copy(b)
                j = np.random.randint(low=1, high=N)
                a = np.random.randint(-1, 1)
                if a == 0:
                    a = 1
                bnew[j] = b[j] + (a * delta)
                if bnew[j] >= del0 and bnew[N - 1] >= del0:
                    x = self.findQ(b, data, del0, delta)
                    y = self.findQ(bnew, data, del0, delta)
                    pr = np.minimum(y / x, 1)
                    temp = np.random.uniform(0, 1)
                    if temp < pr:
                        b = bnew

            allM[:, m] = b.conj().T

        return np.sum(allM, axis=1) / M

    def findQ(self, b, data, del0, delta):
        N = data.shape[1]
        P = np.prod(data.dot(b))
        Q = np.dot(
            np.minimum(1, np.exp((b[N - 1] - (2 * del0)) / ((N - 1) * delta))))
        return Q

if __name__ == '__main__':
Example #7
from mercurius.strategy.base import expert
from mercurius.strategy import tools
import numpy as np
import logging

class sp(expert):
    '''Switch Portfolio'''
    def __init__(self, gamma=0.25):
        super(sp, self).__init__()
        self.gamma = gamma

    def get_b(self, data, last_b):
        T, N = data.shape
        b = last_b * (1 - self.gamma - self.gamma /
                      (N - 1)) + self.gamma / (N - 1)
        b = b / np.sum(b)
        return b

if __name__ == "__main__":
Example #8
        self.b = b
        return self.b

    def update(self, b, data, eps, C):
        """ Update portfolio weights to satisfy constraint b * x <= eps
        and minimize distance to previous weights. """
        T, N = data.shape
        x = data[-1, :]
        x_mean = np.mean(x)
        le = np.maximum(0., np.dot(b, x) - eps)  # daily return
        denominator = np.square(np.linalg.norm(x - x_mean))

        if self.variant == 0:
            tau = le / denominator
        elif self.variant == 1:
            tau = np.minimum(C, le / denominator)
        elif self.variant == 2:
            tau = le / (denominator + 0.5 / C)

        # limit lambda to avoid numerical problems
        tau = np.minimum(100000, tau)

        # update portfolio
        b = b - tau * (x - x_mean)
        # project it onto simplex
        return tools.simplex_proj(b.ravel())

if __name__ == "__main__":
Example #9
from mercurius.strategy.base import expert
from mercurius.strategy import tools
import numpy as np

class m0(expert):
    def __init__(self, beta=0.5, C=None):
        super(m0, self).__init__()
        self.beta = beta
        self.C = C

    def get_b(self, data, last_b):
        m = data.shape[1]
        if self.C is None:
            self.C = np.zeros((m, 1))
        b = (self.C + self.beta) / (m * self.beta + np.ones(
            (1, m)).dot(self.C))
        max_ind = np.argmax(data[-1, :])
        self.C[max_ind] += 1
        return b

if __name__ == "__main__":
Example #10
        b = np.ones((m,1), np.float) / m # initialize b
        re_b = np.zeros((m,1), np.float) # initialize rebalanced b
        daily_portfolio = np.zeros((n,m))

        self.exp_ret = np.ones((self.K,self.L))
        self.exp_w = np.ones((self.K*self.L,m)) / m

        for t in range(n):
            if t>= min_period:
                b = self.get_b(data[:t-1,:], re_b)

            # double check (Normalize the constraint)
            b = b / np.sum(b)
            daily_portfolio[t,:] = b.reshape((1,m))
            daily_ret[t] = np.dot(data[t,:],b)*(1-tc/2*np.sum(np.absolute(b-re_b)))
            cum_ret = cum_ret * daily_ret[t]
            cumprod_ret[t] = cum_ret

            re_b = b * data[t,:][:,None] / daily_ret[t]

            self.exp_ret[:,0] *= np.dot(data[t,:],self.exp_w.T)

            logging.info('%d\t%f\t%f\n' % (t+1, daily_ret[t], cumprod_ret[t]))

        logging.info('tc=%f, Final Return: %.2f\n' % (tc, cum_ret))

        self.pDiff = daily_ret

if __name__ == "__main__":
Example #11
        self.exp_ret = np.ones((self.K, self.L + 1))
        self.exp_w = np.ones((self.K * (self.L + 1), m)) / m

        for t in range(n):
            if t >= min_period:
                b = self.get_b(data[:t, :], re_b)

            # double check (Normalize the constraint)
            b = b / np.sum(b)
            daily_portfolio[t, :] = b.reshape((1, m))
            daily_ret[t] = np.dot(
                data[t, :], b) * (1 - tc / 2 * np.sum(np.absolute(b - re_b)))
            cum_ret = cum_ret * daily_ret[t]
            cumprod_ret[t] = cum_ret

            re_b = b * data[t, :][:, None] / daily_ret[t]

            for k in np.arange(self.K):
                for l in np.arange(self.L):
                    self.exp_ret[k, l] *= np.dot(
                        data[t, :], self.exp_w[(k - 1) * self.L + l - 1, :])

            logging.info('%d\t%f\t%f\n' %
                         (t + 1, daily_ret[t], cumprod_ret[t]))

        logging.info('tc=%f, Final Return: %.2f\n' % (tc, cum_ret))

if __name__ == "__main__":
Example #12
        # calculate gradient
        grad = np.mat(data[-1, :] / np.dot(last_b, data[-1, :])).T
        # update A
        self.A += grad * grad.T
        # update b
        self.bt += (1 + 1. / self.beta) * grad

        # projection of p induced by norm A
        pp = self.projection_in_norm(self.delta * self.A.I * self.bt, self.A)
        self.b = pp * (1 - self.eta) + np.ones(N) / N * self.eta
        return self.b

    def projection_in_norm(self, x, M):
        """ Projection of x to simplex indiced by matrix M. Uses quadratic programming.
        m = M.shape[0]

        P = matrix(2 * M)
        q = matrix(-2 * M * x)
        G = matrix(-np.eye(m))
        h = matrix(np.zeros((m, 1)))
        A = matrix(np.ones((1, m)))
        b = matrix(1.)

        sol = solvers.qp(P, q, G, h, A, b)
        return np.squeeze(sol['x'])

if __name__ == "__main__":
Example #13
        cumprod_ret = np.ones((n, 1), np.float)
        daily_ret = np.ones((n, 1), np.float)  #daily return

        b = np.ones((m, 1), np.float) / m  # initialize b
        re_b = np.zeros((m, 1), np.float)  # initialize rebalanced b
        daily_portfolio = np.zeros((n, m))

        for t in range(n):
            if t >= min_period:
                b = self.get_b(data[:t, :], re_b)

            # double check (Normalize the constraint)
            b = b / np.sum(b)
            daily_portfolio[t, :] = b.reshape((1, m))
            daily_ret[t] = np.dot(
                data[t, :], b) * (1 - tc / 2 * np.sum(np.absolute(b - re_b)))
            cum_ret *= daily_ret[t]
            cumprod_ret[t] = cum_ret
            re_b = b * np.reshape(data[t, :], (1, m)) / daily_ret[t]

            logging.info('%d\t%f\t%f\n' %
                         (t + 1, daily_ret[t], cumprod_ret[t]))

        logging.info('tc=%f, Final Return: %.2f\n' % (tc, cum_ret))

        self.pDiff = daily_ret

if __name__ == '__main__':
Example #14
class eg(expert):
    """ Exponentiated Gradient (EG) algorithm by Helmbold et al.

        Helmbold, David P., et al.
        "Onā€Line Portfolio Selection Using Multiplicative Updates."
        Mathematical Finance 8.4 (1998): 325-347.
    def __init__(self, eta=0.05, b=None):
        :params eta: Learning rate. Controls volatility of weights.
        super(eg, self).__init__()
        self.eta = eta
        self.b = b

    def get_b(self, data, last_b):
        T, N = data.shape
        if self.b is None:
            self.b = np.ones((N, 1)) / N
        last_b = self.b  # the weight there is not rebalanced!
        self.b[:, 0] = last_b[:, 0] * np.exp(self.eta * data[T - 1, :].T /
                                             (data[T - 1, :].dot(last_b)))
        self.b = self.b / np.sum(self.b)
        return self.b

if __name__ == "__main__":
Example #15
        cumprod_ret = np.ones((n, 1), np.float)
        daily_ret = np.ones((n, 1), np.float)  #daily return

        b = np.ones((m, 1), np.float) / m  # initialize b
        re_b = np.zeros((m, 1), np.float)  # initialize rebalanced b
        daily_portfolio = np.zeros((n, m))

        for t in range(n):
            if t >= min_period:
                b = self.get_b(data[:t, :], re_b)

            # double check (Normalize the constraint)
            b = b / np.sum(b)
            daily_portfolio[t, :] = b.reshape((1, m))
            daily_ret[t] = np.dot(
                data[t, :], b) * (1 - tc / 2 * np.sum(np.absolute(b - re_b)))
            cum_ret *= daily_ret[t]
            cumprod_ret[t] = cum_ret
            re_b = b * np.reshape(data[t, :], (1, m)) / daily_ret[t]

            logging.info('%d\t%f\t%f\n' %
                         (t + 1, daily_ret[t], cumprod_ret[t]))

        logging.info('tc=%f, Final Return: %.2f\n' % (tc, cum_ret))

        self.pDiff = daily_ret

if __name__ == '__main__':
Example #16
        self.exp_ret = np.ones((self.K, self.L))
        self.exp_w = np.ones((self.K * self.L, m)) / m

        for t in range(n):
            if t >= min_period:
                b = self.get_b(data[:t, :], re_b)

            # double check (Normalize the constraint)
            b = b / np.sum(b)
            daily_portfolio[t, :] = b.reshape((1, m))
            daily_ret[t] = np.dot(
                data[t, :], b) * (1 - tc / 2 * np.sum(np.absolute(b - re_b)))
            cum_ret = cum_ret * daily_ret[t]
            cumprod_ret[t] = cum_ret

            re_b = b * data[t, :][:, None] / daily_ret[t]

            for k in np.arange(self.K):
                for l in np.arange(self.L):
                    self.exp_ret[k, l] *= data[t, :].dot(
                        self.exp_w[(k - 1) * self.L + l, :].T)

            logging.info('%d\t%f\t%f\n' %
                         (t + 1, daily_ret[t], cumprod_ret[t]))

        logging.info('tc=%f, Final Return: %.2f\n' % (tc, cum_ret))

if __name__ == "__main__":
Example #17
from mercurius.strategy.base import expert
from mercurius.strategy import tools
import numpy as np
import logging

class ubah(expert):
    '''Uniform Buy and Hold'''
    def __init__(self):
        super(ubah, self).__init__()

    def get_b(self, data, last_b):
        return last_b

if __name__ == '__main__':
    tools.run(ubah(), plot=True)
Example #18
        data_close = self.get_close(data)

        cum_ret = 1  #cumulative return aka total return
        cumprod_ret = np.ones((n, 1), np.float)
        daily_ret = np.ones((n, 1), np.float)  #daily return

        b = np.ones((m, 1), np.float) / m  # initialize b
        re_b = np.zeros((m, 1), np.float)  # initialize rebalanced b
        daily_portfolio = np.zeros((n, m))

        for t in range(n):

            b = self.update(data_close, data, t + 1, self.b, self.eps, self.W)
            daily_portfolio[t, :] = b.reshape((1, m))
            daily_ret[t] = np.dot(
                data[t, :], b) * (1 - tc / 2 * np.sum(np.absolute(b - re_b)))
            cum_ret *= daily_ret[t]
            cumprod_ret[t] = cum_ret
            re_b = b * data[t, :][:, None] / daily_ret[t]

            logging.info('%d\t%f\t%f\n' %
                         (t + 1, daily_ret[t], cumprod_ret[t]))

        logging.info('tc=%f, Final Return: %.2f\n' % (tc, cum_ret))

        self.pDiff = daily_ret

if __name__ == "__main__":
Example #19
        for t in range(n):
            if t >= min_period:
                b = self.get_b(data[:t, :], re_b)

            # double check (Normalize the constraint)
            b = b / np.sum(b)
            daily_portfolio[t, :] = b.reshape((1, m))
            daily_ret[t] = np.dot(
                data[t, :], b) * (1 - tc / 2 * np.sum(np.absolute(b - re_b)))
            cum_ret = cum_ret * daily_ret[t]
            cumprod_ret[t] = cum_ret

            re_b = b * data[t, :][:, None] / daily_ret[t]

            for k in np.arange(1, self.window):
                self.exp_ret[k - 1,
                             0] = np.dot(self.exp_ret[k - 1, 0] * data[k, :],
                                         self.exp_w[k - 1, :].T)
            self.exp_ret[:, 0] /= np.sum(self.exp_ret[:, 0])

            logging.info('%d\t%f\t%f\n' %
                         (t + 1, daily_ret[t], cumprod_ret[t]))

        logging.info('tc=%f, Final Return: %.2f\n' % (tc, cum_ret))

        self.pDiff = daily_ret

if __name__ == "__main__":
Example #20
from mercurius.strategy.base import expert
from mercurius.strategy import tools
import numpy as np
import logging

class ucrp(expert):
    """uniform constant rebalanced portfolio"""
    def __init__(self):
        super(ucrp, self).__init__()

    def get_b(self, data, last_b):
        n, m = data.shape
        return np.ones((m, 1)) / m

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #data = tools.load_mat('djia')
    #test = ucrp()
Example #21
        T, N = data.shape
        if self.b is None:
            self.b = np.ones(N) / N
        if T < self.window + 1:
            data_phi = data[T - 1, :]
            data_phi = np.zeros((1, N))
            tmp_x = np.ones((1, N))
            for i in range(self.window):
                data_phi += 1. / tmp_x
                tmp_x *= data[T - i - 1, :]
            data_phi *= np.float32(1. / self.window)

        ell = np.maximum(0, self.eps - data_phi.dot(last_b))
        #print data_phi
        x_bar = np.mean(data, dtype=np.float32)
        dd = data_phi - x_bar
        denominator = np.linalg.norm(dd)**2
        if denominator != 0:
            lam = ell / denominator
            lam = 0
        self.b = self.b.ravel() + lam * dd
        self.b = tools.simplex_proj2(self.b.ravel())
        self.b = self.b[:, None]
        return self.b

if __name__ == "__main__":
    tools.run(olmar(), min_period=2)
Example #22
                data[t, :], b) * (1 - tc / 2 * np.sum(np.absolute(b - re_b)))
            cum_ret *= daily_ret[t]
            cumprod_ret[t] = cum_ret

            re_b = b * data[t, :][:, None] / daily_ret[t]

            logging.info('%d\t%f\t%f\n' %
                         (t + 1, daily_ret[t], cumprod_ret[t]))

        logging.info('tc=%f, Final Return: %.2f\n' % (tc, cum_ret))
        self.pDiff = daily_ret
        self.last_b = b

def opt_weights(X, max_leverage=1):
    x_0 = max_leverage * np.ones(X.shape[1]) / float(X.shape[1])
    objective = lambda b: -np.prod(X.dot(b))
    cons = ({'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda b: max_leverage - np.sum(b)}, )
    bnds = [(0., max_leverage)] * len(x_0)
    res = minimize(objective,
                   options={'ftol': 1e-07})
    return res.x

if __name__ == '__main__':