def load_points(glacier): ''' Load all points that define where land is located. pts = load_points(glacier) Inputs: glacier: glacier name Outputs: pts: 2d array of points that define land extent ''' DIR = os.path.join(os.getenv("DATA_HOME"),'ShapeFiles/IceMasks/'+glacier+'/') files = os.listdir(DIR) n=0 for file in files: if (file.endswith('.shp')) and ('hole' in file): hole = meshlib.shp_to_xy(DIR+file) if n==0: pts = hole[:,0:2] else: pts = np.row_stack([pts,hole[:,0:2]]) n=1 return pts
def load_flowline(glacier,shapefilename='center_flowline',filt_len=2.0e3,verticaldatum='geoid',bedsource='cresis',bedmodel='aniso',bedsmoothing=4,dx=20): ''' x,y,zb_filt,dists = load(glacier,shapefilename='center_flowline') Load glacier flowline. This script is mostly to keep everything consistent (distance along flowline, chosen bed profile,etc. Inputs: glacier: glacier name shapefilename: shapefile to use for the flowline filt_len: filter length (in meters) for the bed profile verticaldatum: geoid or ellipsoid dx: distance between points Outputs: x,y: x,y coordinates of flowline zb_filt: bed profile for flowline ''' if glacier == 'Helheim': file1 = 'helheim_' elif glacier == 'Kanger': file1 = 'kanger_' elif glacier == 'Midgaard': file1 = 'midgaard_' else: sys.exit("Unknown glacier.") file_flowline_in = os.path.join(os.getenv("DATA_HOME"),"ShapeFiles/Glaciers/Flowlines/"+glacier+"/"+file1+shapefilename) flowline = meshlib.shp_to_xy(file_flowline_in) d = distlib.transect(flowline[:,0],flowline[:,1]) # Set uniform spacing between nodes along flowline dists_old = np.linspace(0,np.max(d),np.max(d)/dx) x = np.interp(dists_old,d,flowline[:,0]) y = np.interp(dists_old,d,flowline[:,1]) # Get new distances dists = distlib.transect(x,y) # Get average terminus position time1 = 2008.0 time2 = 2016.0 # Get terminus positions so that we can set distance along flowline # relative to the average terminus position terminus_val, terminus_time = icefrontlib.distance_along_flowline(x,y,dists,glacier,type='icefront',time1=time1,time2=time2) # Average terminus position terminus = np.mean(terminus_val) # Set dists relative to average terminus position dists = dists-terminus # Find bed elevation if (glacier == 'Helheim') and (bedsource == 'smith'): zb = bedlib.smith_at_pts(x,y,glacier,model=bedmodel,smoothing=bedsmoothing,verticaldatum=verticaldatum) elif bedsource == 'morlighem': zb = bedlib.morlighem_pts(x,y,verticaldatum=verticaldatum) elif (glacier == 'Kanger' and (bedsource != 'morlighem')) or (bedsource == 'cresis'): cresis = bedlib.cresis('all',glacier,verticaldatum=verticaldatum) if glacier == 'Helheim': cresis2001 = bedlib.cresis('2001',glacier,verticaldatum=verticaldatum) cresis = np.row_stack([cresis,cresis2001]) cutdist = 200. dcresis = [] zcresis = [] tcresis = [] for i in range(0,len(cresis[:,0])): mindist = np.min(np.sqrt((cresis[i,0]-x)**2+(cresis[i,1]-y)**2)) if mindist < cutdist: minind = np.argmin(np.sqrt((cresis[i,0]-x)**2+(cresis[i,1]-y)**2)) dcresis.append(dists[minind]) zcresis.append(cresis[i,2]) tcresis.append(cresis[i,4]) ind = np.argsort(dcresis) dcresis = np.array(dcresis)[ind] zcresis = np.array(zcresis)[ind] zb = np.interp(dists,dcresis,zcresis) if filt_len != 'none': ind = np.where(~(np.isnan(zb)))[0] zb_filt = np.zeros_like(zb) zb_filt[:] = float('nan') cutoff=(1/filt_len)/(1/(np.diff(dists[1:3])*2)) b,a=scipy.signal.butter(4,cutoff,btype='low') zb_filt[ind] = scipy.signal.filtfilt(b,a,zb[ind]) else: zb_filt = zb if (glacier == 'Kanger') and (shapefilename=='flowline_flightline'): ind = np.where(dists > 3000.)[0] zb_filt[ind] = float('nan') elif (glacier == 'Helheim') and (shapefilename=='flowline_flightline'): ind = np.where(dists > 3900.)[0] zb_filt[ind] = float('nan') return x,y,zb_filt,dists
def load_extent_timeseries(glacier,time1,time2,dt,nofront_shapefile='glacier_extent_nofront',datatypes=['Landsat','TSX','WV']): ''' time, xextents, yxextents, bounds = load_extent_timeseries(glacier,time1, time2,dt,nofront_shapefile='glacier_extent_nofront', datatypes=['Landsat','TSX','WV']) Interpolates ice-front positions from picked ice-front positions to create a timeseries of meshes to be used in the terminus-driven model. Inputs: glacier : glacier name (Helheim, Kanger) time1 : fractional start time for timeseries time2 : fractional end time for timeseries dt : timestep nofront_shapefile : nofront shapefile name for mesh extent datatypes : satellite image types for picked ice fronts Outputs: time : interpolated time between time1,time2 with timestep dt xextents : 2-d array of x-coordinates of extents yextents : 2-d array of y-coordinates of extents bounds : boundary numbers for extents ''' # Glacier extent with no ice front extent = meshlib.shp_to_xy(os.path.join(os.getenv("DATA_HOME"),"ShapeFiles/Glaciers/3D/"+glacier+"/"+nofront_shapefile)) if extent[1,1] > extent[0,1]: extent = np.flipud(extent) xextent = extent[:,0] yextent = extent[:,1] bound_extent = extent[:,2] # Interpolate glacier extent to a finer grid to make ice-front interpolation easier dextent = distlib.transect(xextent,yextent) #dextent = np.arange(0,dold[-1],20.0) #xextent = np.interp(dextent,dold,xextent) #yextent = np.interp(dextent,dold,yextent) #f = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(dold,bound,kind='nearest') #bound = f(dextent) extent = LineString(np.column_stack([extent[:,0:2]])) # Load all ice front positions for that time period termx,termy,termt = icefrontlib.load_all(time1-0.5,time2+0.5,glacier,type='icefront',datatypes=datatypes) # In case we have multiple ice front picks for the same day, we want to # use only one of those for continuity [junk,ind] = np.unique(termt,return_index=True) termt = np.array(termt)[ind] termx = termx[:,ind] termy = termy[:,ind] # Load a velocity profile to use as interpolation direction to figure out ice-front position # on timesteps that fall between picked ice fronts x,y,u ="DATA_HOME"),"Velocity/TSX/"+glacier+"/TIF/all-2008-2016_vx.tif")) x,y,v ="DATA_HOME"),"Velocity/TSX/"+glacier+"/TIF/all-2008-2016_vy.tif")) fu = scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator((y,x),u) fv = scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator((y,x),v) # Get ice-front position for each timestep time = np.arange(time1,time2+dt,dt) timeseries_x = np.zeros([len(termx[:,0]),len(time)]) timeseries_y = np.zeros([len(termx[:,0]),len(time)]) timeseries_advance = np.zeros([len(termx[:,0]),len(time)]) timeseries_dist = np.zeros([len(termx[:,0]),len(time)]) timeseries_x[:,:] = float('nan') timeseries_y[:,:] = float('nan') timeseries_advance[:,:] = float('nan') timeseries_dist[:,:] = float('nan') xextents = np.zeros([len(termx[:,0])+len(xextent),len(time)]) yextents = np.zeros([len(termx[:,0])+len(xextent),len(time)]) bounds = np.zeros([len(termx[:,0])+len(xextent),len(time)]) for i in range(0,len(time)): # Find picked ice-front positions for before and after timestep for the interpolation ind = np.argmin(abs(time[i]-termt)) if termt[ind] < time[i]: ind1 = ind ind2 = ind+1 else: ind1 = ind-1 ind2 = ind # Fractional time between ind1,ind2 to use for interpolation frac = (time[i]-termt[ind1])/(termt[ind2]-termt[ind1]) # Get picked ice-front positions that we will use for the interpolation nonnan = np.where(~(np.isnan(termx[:,ind1])))[0] termx1 = termx[nonnan,ind1] termy1 = termy[nonnan,ind1] nonnan = np.where(~(np.isnan(termx[:,ind2])))[0] termx2 = termx[nonnan,ind2] termy2 = termy[nonnan,ind2] if termy1[-1] > termy1[0]: termx1 = np.flipud(termx1) termy1 = np.flipud(termy1) if termy2[-1] > termy2[0]: termx2 = np.flipud(termx2) termy2 = np.flipud(termy2) # Get locations where interpolate ice front intersects the glacier extent # First, get intersection pts for two closest ice-front positions in time term1 = LineString(np.column_stack([termx1,termy1])) intersect = extent.intersection(term1) try: if len(intersect) == 2: if intersect[0].y > intersect[1].y: top1 = [intersect[0].x,intersect[0].y] bot1 = [intersect[1].x,intersect[1].y] else: top1 = [intersect[1].x,intersect[1].y] bot1 = [intersect[0].x,intersect[0].y] else: print "Need to look at date ", datelib.fracyear_to_date(termt[ind1]) except: print "Need to look at date ", datelib.fracyear_to_date(termt[ind1]) term2 = LineString(np.column_stack([termx2,termy2])) intersect = extent.intersection(term2) try: if len(intersect) == 2: if intersect[0].y > intersect[1].y: top2 = [intersect[0].x,intersect[0].y] bot2 = [intersect[1].x,intersect[1].y] else: top2 = [intersect[1].x,intersect[1].y] bot2 = [intersect[0].x,intersect[0].y] else: print "Need to look at date ", datelib.fracyear_to_date(termt[ind2]) except: print "Need to look at date ", datelib.fracyear_to_date(termt[ind2]) # Now find new intersection points if top1[0] < top2[0]: # advancing on this side ind_top = np.where((xextent > top1[0]) & (xextent < top2[0]) & (abs(top1[1]-yextent) < 500.))[0] sortind = np.argsort(xextent[ind_top]) xtops = np.r_[top1[0],xextent[ind_top[sortind]],top2[0]] ytops = np.r_[top1[1],yextent[ind_top[sortind]],top2[1]] dtops = distlib.transect(xtops,ytops) dtop = dtops[-1]*frac elif top1[0] > top2[0]: # retreating on this side ind_top = np.where((xextent < top1[0]) & (xextent > top2[0]) & (abs(top1[1]-yextent) < 500.))[0] sortind = np.argsort(xextent[ind_top]) xtops = np.r_[top2[0],xextent[ind_top[sortind]],top1[0]] ytops = np.r_[top2[1],yextent[ind_top[sortind]],top1[1]] dtops = distlib.transect(xtops,ytops) dtop = dtops[-1]*(1-frac) else: print "not advancing or retreating on top" xtop = np.interp(dtop,dtops,xtops) ytop = np.interp(dtop,dtops,ytops) if bot1[0] < bot2[0]: # advancing on this side ind_bot = np.where((xextent > bot1[0]) & (xextent < bot2[0]) & (abs(bot1[1]-yextent) < 500.))[0] sortind = np.argsort(xextent[ind_bot]) xbots = np.r_[bot1[0],xextent[ind_bot[sortind]],bot2[0]] ybots = np.r_[bot1[1],yextent[ind_bot[sortind]],bot2[1]] dbots= distlib.transect(xbots,ybots) dbot = (dbots[-1])*frac elif bot1[0] > bot2[0]: # retreating on this side ind_bot = np.where((xextent < bot1[0]) & (xextent > bot2[0]) & (abs(bot1[1]-yextent) < 500.))[0] sortind = np.argsort(xextent[ind_bot]) xbots = np.r_[bot2[0],xextent[ind_bot[sortind]],bot1[0]] ybots = np.r_[bot2[1],yextent[ind_bot[sortind]],bot1[1]] dbots= distlib.transect(xbots,ybots) dbot = (dbots[-1])*(1-frac) else: print "not advancing or retreating on bot" xbot = np.interp(dbot,dbots,xbots) ybot = np.interp(dbot,dbots,ybots) # Now that we know the bottom and top points (extent of the ice front), we can start # calculating the shape, again based on linear interpolation # May need to change next expression to find indices between the sidewalls for Kanger, # but this should work for Helheim ind_term1 = np.where((termy1 > bot1[1]) & (termy1 < top1[1]))[0] icefront_x = [] icefront_y = [] advance = [] icefront_x.append(xtop) icefront_y.append(ytop) if i > 0: nonnan = np.where(~(np.isnan(xextents[:,i-1])))[0] extentpath = Path(np.column_stack([xextents[nonnan,i-1],yextents[nonnan,i-1]])) if extentpath.contains_point([xtop,ytop]) or (xtop < xtop_old): sign = -1 else: sign = 1 advance.append(sign*distlib.between_pts(xtop,ytop,xtop_old,ytop_old)) else: advance.append(0) for j in ind_term1: # Get velocities to create a line, to interpolate between ice fronts uj = fu((termy1[j],termx1[j])) vj = fv((termy1[j],termx1[j])) # Create flowline that intersects that point of the ice front xunit = uj/(np.sqrt(uj**2+vj**2)) yunit = vj/(np.sqrt(uj**2+vj**2)) b = termy1[j] - (yunit/xunit)*termx1[j] flowlinex = np.arange(-3000.,3005.,10) + termx1[j] flowliney = (yunit/xunit)*flowlinex + b flowline = LineString(np.column_stack([flowlinex,flowliney])) # Find where flowline intersects the next ice-front position intersect = flowline.intersection(term2) add = False try: if len(intersect) > 0: ind = np.argmin(abs([intersect[k].x for k in range(0,len(intersect))]-termx1[j])) term2_flowline = [intersect[ind].x,intersect[ind].y] add = True except: try: term2_flowline = [intersect.x,intersect.y] add = True except: pass dflow = distlib.between_pts(termx1[j],termy1[j],term2_flowline[0],term2_flowline[1]) dmid = frac*dflow xmid = np.interp(dmid,[0,dflow],[termx1[j],term2_flowline[0]]) ymid = np.interp(dmid,[0,dflow],[termy1[j],term2_flowline[1]]) if (add == True) and (ymid > ybot) and (ymid < ytop): icefront_x.append(xmid) icefront_y.append(ymid) if i > 0: nonnan = np.where(~(np.isnan(timeseries_x[:,i-1])))[0] front_lasttime = LineString(np.column_stack([timeseries_x[nonnan,i-1],timeseries_y[nonnan,i-1]])) intersect = flowline.intersection(front_lasttime) try: diff = distlib.between_pts(xmid,ymid,intersect.x,intersect.y) except: try: diff = 1000.0 for pt in intersect: newdiff = distlib.between_pts(xmid,ymid,pt.x,pt.y) if newdiff < diff: diff = newdiff if diff == 1000.0: diff = 0 except: diff = 0 if extentpath.contains_point([xmid,ymid]): sign = -1 else: sign = 1 advance.append(sign*diff) else: advance.append(0) icefront_x.append(xbot) icefront_y.append(ybot) if i > 0: if extentpath.contains_point([xbot,ybot]) or (xbot < xbot_old): sign = -1 else: sign = 1 advance.append(sign*distlib.between_pts(xbot,ybot,xbot_old,ybot_old)) else: advance.append(0) # Try sorting icefront to get rid of potential tangles icefront_x_old = np.asarray(icefront_x) icefront_y_old = np.asarray(icefront_y) advance_old = np.asarray(advance) icefront_x = np.zeros_like(icefront_x_old) icefront_y = np.zeros_like(icefront_y_old) advance = np.zeros_like(advance_old) icefront_x[0] = icefront_x_old[0] icefront_y[0] = icefront_y_old[0] advance[0] = advance_old[0] ind = range(1,len(icefront_x_old)) for k in range(1,len(icefront_x_old)): mindist = 10000. for j in range(0,len(ind)): dist = distlib.between_pts(icefront_x[k-1],icefront_y[k-1],icefront_x_old[ind[j]],icefront_y_old[ind[j]]) if dist < mindist: mindist = dist minind = ind[j] icefront_x[k] = icefront_x_old[minind] icefront_y[k] = icefront_y_old[minind] advance[k] = advance_old[minind] ind.remove(minind) # Save icefront in timeseries timeseries_x[0:len(icefront_x),i] = icefront_x timeseries_y[0:len(icefront_y),i] = icefront_y timeseries_dist[0:len(icefront_x),i] = distlib.transect(icefront_x,icefront_y) timeseries_advance[0:len(icefront_x),i] = advance # Now create mesh extent and BC numbers using the interpolated ice front boundterminus = np.ones(len(icefront_x))*2.0 ind1 = np.where((xextent > xbot) & (abs(yextent - ybot) < 1.0e3))[0][0] ind2 = np.where((xextent > xtop) & (abs(yextent - ytop) < 1.0e3))[0][-1] extent_x = np.r_[xextent[0:ind1],np.flipud(icefront_x),xextent[ind2+1:]] extent_y = np.r_[yextent[0:ind1],np.flipud(icefront_y),yextent[ind2+1:]] bound = np.r_[bound_extent[0:ind1],boundterminus,bound_extent[ind2+1:]] xextents[0:len(extent_x),i] = extent_x yextents[0:len(extent_x),i] = extent_y bounds[0:len(extent_x),i] = bound xtop_old = float(xtop) ytop_old = float(ytop) xbot_old = float(xbot) ybot_old = float(ybot) return time, xextents, yextents, bounds, timeseries_x, timeseries_y, timeseries_advance
def load_extent(glacier,time,nofront_shapefile='glacier_extent_nofront'): ''' extent = load_extent(glacier,time) Find the glacier extent that is closest to "time". Inputs: glacier: glacier name time: time (fractional year) when we want the glacier extent Outputs: xextent,yextent: 1-D arrays of x and y coordinates that define glacier extent for that date ''' # Glacier extent with no ice front extent = meshlib.shp_to_xy(os.path.join(os.getenv("DATA_HOME"),"ShapeFiles/Glaciers/3D/"+glacier+"/"+nofront_shapefile)) if extent[1,1] > extent[0,1]: extent = np.flipud(extent) xextent = extent[:,0] yextent = extent[:,1] bound = extent[:,2] dold = distlib.transect(xextent,yextent) dnew = np.arange(0,dold[-1],20.0) xextent = np.interp(dnew,dold,xextent) yextent = np.interp(dnew,dold,yextent) f = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(dold,bound,kind='nearest') bound = f(dnew) # Terminus coordinates xterminus,yterminus,time_terminus = icefrontlib.near_time(time,glacier) if yterminus[-1] > yterminus[0]: xterminus = np.flipud(xterminus) yterminus = np.flipud(yterminus) glacierperimeter = Path(extent[:,0:2]) ind = glacierperimeter.contains_points(np.column_stack([xterminus,yterminus])) xterminus = xterminus[ind] yterminus = yterminus[ind] boundterminus = np.ones(len(xterminus))*2.0 ind1 = np.argmin((xterminus[0]-xextent)**2+(yterminus[0]-yextent)**2) ind2 = np.argmin((xterminus[-1]-xextent)**2+(yterminus[-1]-yextent)**2) if ind2 > ind1: if yextent[ind2] < yextent[ind1]: xextent = np.r_[np.delete(xextent[0:ind2],range(ind1+1,ind2)),np.flipud(xterminus),xextent[ind2+1:]] yextent = np.r_[np.delete(yextent[0:ind2],range(ind1+1,ind2)),np.flipud(yterminus),yextent[ind2+1:]] bound = np.r_[np.delete(bound[0:ind2],range(ind1+1,ind2)),boundterminus,bound[ind2+1:]] else: xextent = np.r_[np.delete(xextent[0:ind2],range(ind1+1,ind2)),xterminus,xextent[ind2+1:]] yextent = np.r_[np.delete(yextent[0:ind2],range(ind1+1,ind2)),yterminus,yextent[ind2+1:]] bound = np.r_[np.delete(bound[0:ind2],range(ind1+1,ind2)),boundterminus,bound[ind2+1:]] else: if yextent[ind2] < yextent[ind1]: xextent = np.r_[np.delete(xextent[0:ind1],range(ind2+1,ind1)),np.flipud(xterminus),xextent[ind1+1:]] yextent = np.r_[np.delete(yextent[0:ind1],range(ind2+1,ind1)),np.flipud(yterminus),yextent[ind1+1:]] bound = np.r_[np.delete(bound[0:ind1],range(ind2+1,ind1)),np.flipud(boundterminus),bound[ind1+1:]] else: xextent = np.r_[np.delete(xextent[0:ind1],range(ind2+1,ind1)),xterminus,xextent[ind1+1:]] yextent = np.r_[np.delete(yextent[0:ind1],range(ind2+1,ind1)),yterminus,yextent[ind1+1:]] bound = np.r_[np.delete(bound[0:ind1],range(ind2+1,ind1)),boundterminus,bound[ind1+1:]] return np.column_stack([xextent,yextent,bound])
imagetime = datelib.date_to_fracyear(2014, 7, 4) ximage, yimage, image = geotifflib.readrgb( os.path.join( os.getenv("DATA_HOME"), "Imagery/Landsat/Helheim/TIF/20140704140535_LC82330132014185LGN00.tif" )) elif glacier == "Kanger": imagetime = datelib.date_to_fracyear(2014, 7, 6) ximage, yimage, image = geotifflib.readrgb( os.path.join( os.getenv("DATA_HOME"), "Imagery/Landsat/Kanger/TIF/20140706135251_LC82310122014187LGN00.tif" )) extent = meshlib.shp_to_xy( os.path.join( os.getenv("DATA_HOME"), "ShapeFiles/Glaciers/3D/" + glacier + "/glacier_extent_inversion_front.shp")) # Load velocity record xvel = np.arange(np.min(ximage), np.max(ximage), 100) yvel = np.arange(np.min(yimage), np.max(yimage), 100) vx, vy = vellib.inversion_3D(glacier, xvel, yvel, imagetime, dir_velocity_out='none', blur=False) vel = np.sqrt(vx**2 + vy**2) del vx, vy # Load mask
def glacierwidth(flowline, file_rightside_in, file_leftside_in, filt_len): print "\n## Calculating glacier width ##" import os import sys import math import numpy as np import meshlib import scipy.interpolate as interpolate import scipy.signal as signal import matplotlib.pyplot as plt R = len(flowline[:, 0]) width = [0] * R width_interped = [0] * R # Load channel boundaries for calculating width rightside = meshlib.shp_to_xy(file_rightside_in) leftside = meshlib.shp_to_xy(file_leftside_in) del file_rightside_in, file_leftside_in # Set up channel boundaries as functions f_left = interpolate.interp1d(leftside[:, 0], leftside[:, 1], 'linear') f_right = interpolate.interp1d(rightside[:, 0], rightside[:, 1], 'linear') # Go through all points in the flowline no_interp = 0 for i in range(1, R - 1): # Surrounding points x1 = flowline[i - 1, 1] y1 = flowline[i - 1, 2] x2 = flowline[i, 1] y2 = flowline[i, 2] x3 = flowline[i + 1, 1] y3 = flowline[i + 1, 2] # Find intersection between perpendicular line and the "leftside" and "rightside" of the channel if y1 == y3: # In case the perpendicular line is vertical, which will make the slope calculation fail yR = f_right(x2) yL = f_left(x2) width[i] = yR - yL del yR, yL else: # In all other cases, we first find the slope of the perpendicular line, find the line # with that slope, subtract the two functions, and find the minimum distance (the root) m_para = (y3 - y1) / (x3 - x1) m_perp = -1 / m_para b = y2 - m_perp * x2 xL = np.linspace( min(leftside[:, 0]), max(leftside[:, 0]), math.ceil((max(leftside[:, 0]) - min(leftside[:, 0])) / 5)) f_perp_L = interpolate.interp1d(xL, m_perp * xL + b, 'linear') xR = np.linspace( min(rightside[:, 0]), max(rightside[:, 0]), math.ceil((max(rightside[:, 0]) - min(rightside[:, 0])) / 5)) f_perp_R = interpolate.interp1d(xR, m_perp * xR + b, 'linear') ind_left = [] mindist = 200 dists = f_perp_L(xL) - f_left(xL) for j in range(0, len(dists)): if abs(dists[j]) < mindist: mindist = abs(dists[j]) ind_left = j del dists, mindist ind_right = [] mindist = 200 dists = f_perp_R(xR) - f_right(xR) for j in range(0, len(dists)): if abs(dists[j]) < mindist: mindist = abs(dists[j]) ind_right = j if not ind_right or not ind_left: no_interp = no_interp + 1 try: width[i] = (math.sqrt((xL[ind_left] - xR[ind_right])**2 + (f_left(xL[ind_left]) - f_right(xR[ind_right]))**2)) except: pass del xL, xR, ind_left, ind_right, mindist, dists, m_para, m_perp del x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3 print "Could not find an intersection point for width estimation at", no_interp, "points" m = [] n = [] indices = [] for i in range(0, R): if width[i] is not 0: m.append(flowline[i, 0]) n.append(width[i]) indices.append(i) fwidth = interpolate.interp1d(m, n) width_interped[indices[0]:indices[len(indices) - 1]] = fwidth( flowline[indices[0]:indices[len(indices) - 1], 0]) for i in range(0, indices[0]): width_interped[i] = width_interped[indices[0]] for i in range(indices[len(indices) - 1], R): width_interped[i] = width_interped[indices[len(indices) - 2]] print "Filtering with a butterworth filter with a cutoff of", filt_len, "m" cutoff = (1 / filt_len) / (1 / (np.diff(flowline[1:3, 0]) * 2)) b, a = signal.butter(4, cutoff, btype='low') width_filtered = signal.filtfilt(b, a, width_interped) return width_filtered
def load_grid(glacier,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,dx,ice=0,icefront_time='none',icefront_type='all'): ''' Load ice mask grid. x,y,mask = load_grid(glacier,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,dx,ice=0,icefront_time='none') Inputs: glacier: glacier name xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax: output dimensions for grid dx: grid spacing ice: set ice grid points to 0 or 1 icefront_time: sometimes we will want the fjord to be part of the mask, so this option also masks the fjord according to the ice front for the given time Outputs: x,y: grid points mask: mask grid of 0,1's ''' # Directory for holes for mask DIR = os.path.join(os.getenv("DATA_HOME"),'ShapeFiles/IceMasks/'+glacier+'/') files = os.listdir(DIR) # Set up grid nx = int(np.ceil((xmax-xmin)/dx))+1 x = np.linspace(xmin,xmin+dx*(nx-1),nx) ny = int(np.ceil((ymax-ymin)/dx))+1 y = np.linspace(ymin,ymin+dx*(ny-1),ny) if ice == 1: mask = np.ones([ny,nx]) else: mask = np.zeros([ny,nx]) xgrid,ygrid = np.meshgrid(x,y) xflatten = xgrid.flatten() yflatten = ygrid.flatten() points = np.column_stack([xflatten,yflatten]) maskflatten = mask.flatten() for file in files: if file.endswith('.shp') and 'hole' in file: hole = meshlib.shp_to_xy(DIR+file) holepath = path.Path(hole[:,0:2]) cond = holepath.contains_points(points) ind = np.where(cond==True)[0] if ice == 1: maskflatten[ind]=0 else: maskflatten[ind]=1 # If we want to mask out icefree fjord if icefront_time !='none': xfjord = [] yfjord = [] xfront,yfront,time = icefrontlib.near_time(icefront_time,glacier,type=icefront_type) south = meshlib.shp_to_xy(DIR+'icemask_southfjordwall.shp') north = meshlib.shp_to_xy(DIR+'icemask_northfjordwall.shp') if north[0,1] > north[-1,0]: north = np.flipud(north) if south[0,1] < south[-1,0]: south = np.flipud(south) if yfront[0] > yfront[-1]: xfront = np.flipud(xfront) yfront = np.flipud(yfront) xfjord = xfront yfjord = yfront nind = np.argmin((xfront[-1]-north[:,0])**2+(yfront[-1]-north[:,1])**2) xfjord = np.r_[xfjord,north[nind:,0]] yfjord = np.r_[yfjord,north[nind:,1]] sind = np.argmin((xfront[0]-south[:,0])**2+(yfront[0]-south[:,1])**2) xfjord = np.r_[xfjord,south[0:sind+1,0]] yfjord = np.r_[yfjord,south[0:sind+1,1]] fjordpath = path.Path(np.column_stack([xfjord,yfjord])) cond = fjordpath.contains_points(points) ind = np.where(cond==True)[0] if ice == 1: maskflatten[ind]=0 else: maskflatten[ind]=1 mask = np.reshape(maskflatten,[ny,nx]) return x,y,mask
parser.add_argument("-mesh",dest="mesh",required = True, help = "Mesh directory name.") args, _ = parser.parse_known_args(sys.argv) glacier = args.glacier mesh = args.mesh # Directory DIR = os.path.join(os.getenv("MODEL_HOME"),glacier+"/3D/"+mesh) ############################### # Load shapefiles for regions # ############################### if glacier == 'Helheim': extent_region_U = meshlib.shp_to_xy(os.path.join(os.getenv("DATA_HOME"),\ "ShapeFiles/Glaciers/3D/"+glacier+"/glacier_region1.shp")) extent_region_U = np.row_stack([extent_region_U,extent_region_U[0,:]]) extent_region_M = meshlib.shp_to_xy(os.path.join(os.getenv("DATA_HOME"),\ "ShapeFiles/Glaciers/3D/"+glacier+"/glacier_region5.shp")) extent_region_M = np.row_stack([extent_region_M,extent_region_M[0,:]]) extent_region_L = meshlib.shp_to_xy(os.path.join(os.getenv("DATA_HOME"),\ "ShapeFiles/Glaciers/3D/"+glacier+"/glacier_region2.shp")) extent_region_L = np.row_stack([extent_region_L,extent_region_L[0,:]]) extent_region_S1 = meshlib.shp_to_xy(os.path.join(os.getenv("DATA_HOME"),\ "ShapeFiles/Glaciers/3D/"+glacier+"/glacier_region3.shp")) extent_region_S1 = np.row_stack([extent_region_S1,extent_region_S1[0,:]]) extent_region_S2 = meshlib.shp_to_xy(os.path.join(os.getenv("DATA_HOME"),\
nofront_shapefile=meshshp) elif meshshp.endswith('_front') or meshshp.endswith('_front.shp'): if timeseries == True: if meshshp.endswith('.shp'): meshshp_nofront = meshshp[0:-9] + 'nofront.shp' else: meshshp_nofront = meshshp[0:-5] + 'nofront.shp' if len(date2) < 8: sys.exit( "Need an end date (-d2) to calculate a timeseries of meshes.") time2 = datelib.date_to_fracyear(int(date2[0:4]), int(date2[4:6]), int(date2[6:8])) print "Calculating timeseries of meshes from " + date1 + " to " + date2 times, xextents, yextents, bounds, icefronts_x, icefronts_y, icefronts_advance = glaclib.load_extent_timeseries( glacier, time1, time2, dt, nofront_shapefile=meshshp_nofront) exterior = meshlib.shp_to_xy(DIRX + meshshp) else: exterior = meshlib.shp_to_xy(DIRX + meshshp) np.savetxt(inputs + "mesh_extent.dat", exterior[:, 0:2]) if timeseries == True: np.savetxt(inputs + "mesh_timeseries_x.dat", xextents) np.savetxt(inputs + "mesh_timeseries_y.dat", yextents) np.savetxt(inputs + "mesh_timeseries_times.dat", times) # Mesh holes holes = [] if os.path.isfile(DIRX + "glacier_hole1.shp"): hole1 = meshlib.shp_to_xy(DIRX + "glacier_hole1") np.savetxt(inputs + "mesh_hole1.dat", hole1[:, 0:2]) holes.append({'xy': hole1})