def test_meta_mesh(cv_path, basic_mesh_id, full_cell_mesh_id, tmpdir): mm = trimesh_io.MeshMeta(cv_path=cv_path) mesh = mm.mesh(seg_id=basic_mesh_id) full_cell_mesh = mm.mesh(seg_id=full_cell_mesh_id, merge_large_components=False) assert (mesh is not None) assert (full_cell_mesh is not None)
def generate_proofreading_state( datastack, root_id, branch_points=True, end_points=True, root_loc=None, root_is_soma=False, auth_token=None, return_as='html', min_mesh_component_size=1000, ): """Go through the steps to generate a proofreading state from the root id""" client = FrameworkClient(datastack, auth_token=auth_token) mm = trimesh_io.MeshMeta(cache_size=0, mesh = process_mesh(root_id, client, mm, min_component_size=min_mesh_component_size) skf = process_skeleton_from_mesh(mesh, root_loc=root_loc, root_is_soma=root_is_soma, sk_kwargs=SK_KWARGS) pf_sb, sb_dfs = process_points_from_skeleton(root_id, skf, client) state = pf_sb.render_state(sb_dfs, return_as=return_as, return state
def test_mesh_meta_rescale(cv_path, full_cell_mesh_id, tmpdir): mm = trimesh_io.MeshMeta(cv_path=cv_path, cache_size=0, disk_cache_path=os.path.join( tmpdir, 'mesh_cache'), voxel_scaling=[2, 2, 1]) mmesh = mm.mesh(seg_id=full_cell_mesh_id) assert np.isclose(51309567968.120735, mmesh.area, atol=1)
def test_masked_mesh(cv_path, full_cell_mesh_id, full_cell_soma_pt, tmpdir): mm = trimesh_io.MeshMeta(cv_path=cv_path, cache_size=0, disk_cache_path=os.path.join( tmpdir, 'mesh_cache')) mmesh = mm.mesh(seg_id=full_cell_mesh_id) assert (mmesh is not None) # read again to test file caching with memory caching on mmesh_cache = mm.mesh(seg_id=full_cell_mesh_id) # now set it up with memory caching enabled mm = trimesh_io.MeshMeta(cv_path=cv_path, cache_size=1) # read it again with memory caching enabled mmesh = mm.mesh(seg_id=full_cell_mesh_id) # read it again to use memory cache mmesh_mem_cache = mm.mesh(seg_id=full_cell_mesh_id) ds = np.linalg.norm(mmesh.vertices - full_cell_soma_pt, axis=1) soma_mesh = mmesh.apply_mask(ds < 15000) is_big = mesh_filters.filter_largest_component(soma_mesh) soma_mesh = soma_mesh.apply_mask(is_big) ds = np.linalg.norm(soma_mesh.vertices - full_cell_soma_pt, axis=1) double_soma_mesh = soma_mesh.apply_mask(ds < 10000) with pytest.raises(ValueError): bad_mask = mmesh.apply_mask([True, True]) random_indices = np.array([0, 500, 1500]) orig_indices = double_soma_mesh.map_indices_to_unmasked(random_indices) back_indices = double_soma_mesh.filter_unmasked_indices(orig_indices) assert np.all(random_indices == back_indices) fname = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'test_mask_mesh.h5') double_soma_mesh.write_to_file(fname) double_soma_read = mm.mesh(filename=fname)
def set_vtk_window(self): self.curId = self.allids[self.curIndex] filename = self.meshdirectoryline.text() + '/' + self.curId + '.h5' label_dir = self.labelline.text() if len(label_dir) > 0: label_file = os.path.join(label_dir, self.curId + ".h5") with h5py.File(label_file, "r") as f: labels = np.array(f['mask']) print(labels.shape) else: labels = None if self.curId in self.LABELS.keys(): labeltext = "Current Label = %s" % self.LABELS[self.curId] else: labeltext = "No Current Label" self.filenameline.setText(filename + ", " + labeltext) print("this is filename") print(filename) cvpath = '' mm = trimesh_io.MeshMeta() mesh = mm.mesh(filename=filename) print(mesh.vertices.shape) print(labels.dtype) #mesh_poly = trimesh_vtk.trimesh_to_vtk(mesh.vertices, mesh.faces, mesh.mesh_edges) #reader = vtk.vtkDataReader() #reader.SetFileName(filename) #mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() #mapper.SetInputConnection(mesh_poly.GetOutputPort()) # Create an actor # actor = vtk.vtkActor() actor = trimesh_vtk.mesh_actor(mesh, vertex_colors=labels.astype(np.float64), opacity=float(self.opacityline.text())) if self.curId in self.LABELS.keys(): actor.GetProperty().SetColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.0) else: actor.GetProperty().SetColor(0.0, 0.5, 0.5) # actor.GetProperty().SetOpacity(float(self.opacityline.text())) # actor.SetMapper(mapper) #render self.curActor = actor cam1 = cam1.Zoom(1.4), 1.0, 1.0)) self.iren.Initialize() self.iren.Start()
def get_topo_points(client, segs, annos, min_size=1000, voxel_resolution=np.array([4, 4, 40])): mm = trimesh_io.MeshMeta(, map_gs_to_https=True, disk_cache_path='meshes') multi_seg = len(segs) > 1 all_bps = [] all_eps = [] for ii, oid in enumerate(segs): mesh = mm.mesh(seg_id=oid) lcs = mesh_filters.filter_largest_component(mesh) meshf = mesh.apply_mask(lcs) nrn = meshwork.Meshwork(meshf) if len(annos['center_point']) > 0: ctr_pt = np.array(annos['center_point']) * np.array([4, 4, 40]) nrn.skeletonize_mesh(soma_pt=ctr_pt, soma_thresh_distance=15000, compute_radius=False, collapse_function='sphere') else: nrn.skeletonize_mesh(compute_radius=False) if len(annos['ignore']) > 0: anno_df = pd.DataFrame({'pts': annos['ignore']}) nrn.add_annotations('ignore_beyond', anno_df, point_column='pts') ignore_masks = [] for ii in nrn.anno['ignore_beyond'].mesh_index: ignore_masks.append( np.invert(nrn.downstream_of(ii).to_mesh_mask_base)) for mask in ignore_masks: nrn.apply_mask(mask) bps, eps = _branch_and_end_points_ordered(nrn) all_bps.append([bp / voxel_resolution for bp in bps]) all_eps.append(eps / voxel_resolution) # bps = _branch_points_ordered(nrn) / voxel_resolution # all_bps.append(bps) # eps = _end_points_ordered(nrn) / voxel_resolution # all_eps.append(eps) return [all_bps, np.vstack(all_eps), np.vstack(annos['ignore'])]
def sk_dist(neuronID, pts, data_root, dataset_name='pinky100', filt=True, max_dist=2000): ''' Calculates distance of any point/points in the space to the closest point on the skeleton neuron of interest INPUTS: neuronID = String, id associated with the neuron of interest pts = np.array 3xN, N: number of points data_root = Location of the dataset datset_name (optional) = string,(defaul pinky100) filt (optional) = bool, filter the mesh based on segment size(default True) max_dist (optional) = float, maximum expected distance from the neuron in nm (defaul 500nm) RETURNS: dists = Nx1 np array, distances of each point to soma in nm ''' # set values voxel_size = [4, 4, 40] # Folders for the mesh and skeleton mesh_folder = os.path.join(data_root, 'meshes') skeleton_folder = os.path.join(data_root, 'skeletons') # Mesh meta data mm = trimesh_io.MeshMeta( cv_path= 'graphene://', disk_cache_path=mesh_folder, cache_size=2) # load the mesh for the neuron mesh = mm.mesh(seg_id=neuronID) #load the skeleton for the neuron sk = skeleton_io.read_skeleton_h5(skeleton_folder + '/' + str(neuronID) + '.h5') if filt: # filter out the segmented portions of the mesh mask = mesh_filters.filter_largest_component(mesh) neuron_mesh = mesh.apply_mask(mask) else: neuron_mesh = mesh #load the skeleton for the neuron sk = skeleton_io.read_skeleton_h5(skeleton_folder + '/' + str(neuron) + '.h5') #convert vertecies to nm pt_nm = np.vstack(pts) * np.array(voxel_size) # use kdtree to find the shortest distance from the point to the mesh and the index associated with that dist, ind = neuron_mesh.kdtree.query(pt_nm, distance_upper_bound=max_dist) if filt: #find the index on original mask ind = neuron_mesh.map_indices_to_unmasked(ind_masked) neuron_mesh = mesh #find skeleton vertex of the point on the mesh syn_sk_ind = sk.mesh_to_skel_map[ind] syn_sk_mesh_ind = np.array(sk.vertex_properties['mesh_index'])[syn_sk_ind] dd = scipy.sparse.csgraph.dijkstra(neuron_mesh.csgraph, directed=False, indices=ind) dists = [dd[ind, mesh_ind] for ind, mesh_ind in enumerate(syn_sk_mesh_ind)] dists = np.array(dists) return dists
def soma_dist(neuronID, pts, data_root, dataset_name='pinky100', filt=True, max_dist=500): ''' Calculates distance of any point/points in the space to the center of the soma of neuron of interest INPUTS: neuronID = String, id associated with the neuron of interest pts = np.array 3xN, N: number of points data_root = Location of the dataset datset_name (optional) = string,(defaul pinky100) filt (optional) = bool, filter the mesh based on segment size(default True) max_dist (optional) = float, maximum expected distance from the neuron in nm (defaul 500nm) RETURNS: pt_soma_dist = Nx1 np array, distances of each point to soma in nm ''' # set values voxel_size = [4, 4, 40] # Folders for the mesh and skeleton mesh_folder = os.path.join(data_root, 'meshes') skeleton_folder = os.path.join(data_root, 'skeletons') # Mesh meta data mm = trimesh_io.MeshMeta( cv_path= 'graphene://', disk_cache_path=mesh_folder, cache_size=2) # load the mesh for the neuron mesh = mm.mesh(seg_id=neuronID) #load the skeleton for the neuron sk = skeleton_io.read_skeleton_h5(skeleton_folder + '/' + str(neuronID) + '.h5') if filt: # filter out the segmented portions of the mesh mask = mesh_filters.filter_largest_component(mesh) neuron_mesh = mesh.apply_mask(mask) else: neuron_mesh = mesh # convert vertecies to nm pt_nm = np.vstack(pts) * np.array(voxel_size) # use kdtree to find the shortest distance from the point to the mesh and the index associated with that dist, ind = neuron_mesh.kdtree.query(pt_nm, distance_upper_bound=500) # use kdtree to find the shortest distance from the point to the mesh and the index associated with that dist, ind = neuron_mesh.kdtree.query(pt_nm, distance_upper_bound=max_dist) #find the vertices of the synapse point on the mesh pt_pos_mesh = neuron_mesh.vertices[ind] #find skeleton vertex of the point on the mesh if filt: ind_orig = neuron_mesh.map_indices_to_unmasked(ind) pt_sk_vert = sk.mesh_to_skel_map[ind_orig] else: pt_sk_vert = sk.mesh_to_skel_map[ind] pt_soma_dist = sk.distance_to_root[pt_sk_vert] + dist +sk_dist(neuronID, pts, data_root, dataset_name='pinky100', filt=True, max_dist=2000) return pt_soma_dist
def test_get_mesh(cv_path, basic_mesh_id, tmpdir): mm = trimesh_io.MeshMeta(cv_path=cv_path, disk_cache_path=tmpdir) basic_mesh = mm.mesh(seg_id=basic_mesh_id) assert (basic_mesh.n_vertices == 5)
import os import operator from collections import Counter import numpy as np from scipy import sparse as sp from scipy.sparse import csgraph from scipy.spatial import cKDTree from meshparty import trimesh_io import networkx as nx import h5py from . import ngl MESHMETA = trimesh_io.MeshMeta() MITOMESHDIR = "data/mitomeshes" CELLMESHDIR = "../data/neuron_meshes_v185" def download_meshes(segids, overwrite=False, parallel=1, meshdir=MITOMESHDIR, cvpath=ngl.MITO_CVPATH, **kwargs): trimesh_io.download_meshes(segids, meshdir, cvpath, overwrite=overwrite, n_threads=parallel, **kwargs)
PACKAGE_PATH = "%s/../" % os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) EXAMPLE_PATH = "%s/example/" % PACKAGE_PATH if not os.path.exists(EXAMPLE_PATH): os.makedirs(EXAMPLE_PATH) def save_local_views(mesh, n_points, n_samples, save_name, pc_align=True): save_folder = "%s/%s/" % (EXAMPLE_PATH, save_name) if not os.path.exists(save_folder): os.makedirs(save_folder) for i_sample in range(n_samples): local_mesh = mesh.get_local_mesh(n_points=n_points, pc_align=pc_align) save_path = "%s/sample%d.obj" % (save_folder, i_sample) local_mesh.write_to_file(save_path) if __name__ == "__main__": from meshparty import trimesh_io mm = trimesh_io.MeshMeta() mesh = mm.mesh("%s/MeshParty/example/3205058_m.obj" % HOME) save_local_views(mesh, n_points=2000, n_samples=10, save_name="3205058_m_local_500")
verbose=False) mesh_folder = "/data/dynamic_brain_workshop/electron_microscopy/2019/" voxel_resolution = np.array([4, 4, 40]) # Find all synapses. all_man_syn = dl.query_synapses("gsynapse_ai_manual_v2") # Find the postsynaptic cell ID with the most synapses that are manually annotated. all_man_syn["syn_num"] = all_man_syn.groupby( "post_pt_root_id")["id"].transform(len) cellid = all_man_syn[all_man_syn.syn_num == 34]["post_pt_root_id"].values[0] print(cellid) # Visualize the cell. mm = trimesh_io.MeshMeta(disk_cache_path="test/test_files") mesh = mm.mesh( filename= "/data/dynamic_brain_workshop/electron_microscopy/2019/meshes/%d.h5" % cellid) mesh_poly = trimesh_vtk.trimesh_to_vtk(mesh.vertices, mesh.faces, None) plt_actor = vtkplotter.Actor(mesh_poly) vtkplotter.embedWindow(backend="k3d") vp = vtkplotter.Plotter(bg="b") myactor = vtkplotter.Actor(plt_actor, c="r") myactor.GetMapper().Update() vp += myactor # Find 10 largest synapses automatically extracted on this cell. post_synapse_df = dl.query_synapses("pni_synapses_i3",