Example #1
def do_stuff(pc, indices, model, rotated_shadow, img_file):
    scene = Scene()
    camera = VirtualCamera(ci, cp)
    scene.camera = camera

    # Works
    shadow_obj = SceneObject(rotated_shadow)
    scene.add_object('shadow', shadow_obj)
    wd = scene.wrapped_render([RenderMode.DEPTH])[0]
    wd_bi = wd.to_binary()

    # Doesn't work yet
    plane = pc.data.T[indices]
    plane_pc = PointCloud(plane.T, pc.frame)
    di = ci.project_to_image(plane_pc)
    bi = di.to_binary()

    # Works
    both = bi.mask_binary(wd_bi)
Example #2
def fine_grid_search(pc, indices, model, shadow, splits):
    length, width, height = shadow.extents
    split_size = max(length, width)
    pc_data, ind = get_pc_data(pc, indices)
    maxes = np.max(pc_data, axis=0)
    mins = np.min(pc_data, axis=0)
    bin_base = mins[2]
    plane_normal = model[0:3]
    #splits = 3
    step_size = split_size / splits
    plane_data = get_plane_data(pc, indices)
    plane_pc = PointCloud(plane_data.T, pc.frame)
    plane_pc = cp.inverse().apply(plane_pc)
    di = ci.project_to_image(plane_pc)
    bi = di.to_binary()
    bi = bi.inverse()

    scene = Scene()
    camera = VirtualCamera(ci, cp)
    scene.camera = camera
    shadow_obj = SceneObject(shadow)
    scene.add_object('shadow', shadow_obj)
    orig_tow = shadow_obj.T_obj_world

    numx = (int(np.round((maxes[0]-mins[0])/split_size)) - 1) * splits + 1
    numy = (int(np.round((maxes[1]-mins[1])/split_size)) - 1) * splits + 1
    scores = np.zeros((numx, numy))
    for i in range(numx):
        x = mins[0] + i*step_size
        for j in range(numy):
            y = mins[1] + j*step_size

            for tow in transforms(pc, pc_data, shadow, x, y, x+split_size, y+split_size, 8, orig_tow):
                shadow_obj.T_obj_world = tow
                scores[i][j] = under_shadow(scene, bi)
                shadow_obj.T_obj_world = orig_tow

    print("\nScores: \n" + str(scores))
    best = best_cell(scores)
    print("\nBest Cell: " + str(best) + ", with score = " + str(scores[best[0]][best[1]]))
    # Visualize best placement
    x = mins[0] + best[0]*step_size
    y = mins[1] + best[1]*step_size
    cell_indices = np.where((x < pc_data[:,0]) & (pc_data[:,0] < x+split_size) & (y < pc_data[:,1]) & (pc_data[:,1] < y+split_size))[0]
    points = pc_data[cell_indices]
    rest = pc_data[np.setdiff1d(np.arange(len(pc_data)), cell_indices)]
    vis3d.points(points, color=(0,1,1))
    vis3d.points(rest, color=(1,0,1))
    return best, scene
def grid_search(pc, indices, model, shadow, img_file):
    length, width, height = shadow.extents
    split_size = max(length, width)
    pc_data, ind = get_pc_data(pc, indices)
    maxes = np.max(pc_data, axis=0)
    mins = np.min(pc_data, axis=0)
    bin_base = mins[2]
    plane_normal = model[0:3]

    scores = np.zeros((int(np.round((maxes[0] - mins[0]) / split_size)),
                       int(np.round((maxes[1] - mins[1]) / split_size))))
    for i in range(int(np.round((maxes[0] - mins[0]) / split_size))):
        x = mins[0] + i * split_size
        for j in range(int(np.round((maxes[1] - mins[1]) / split_size))):
            y = mins[1] + j * split_size

            #binarized_overlap_image(pc, x, y, x+split_size, y+split_size, shadow, plane_normal, indices, model)

            for sh in rotations(shadow, 8):
                #overlap_size = binarized_overlap_image(pc, x, y, x+split_size, y+split_size, sh, plane_normal, indices, model)
                #scores[i][j] = -1*overlap_size
                scene = Scene()
                camera = VirtualCamera(ci, cp)
                scene.camera = camera
                scores[i][j] = under_shadow(pc, pc_data, indices, model, sh, x,
                                            x + split_size, y, y + split_size,

    print("\nScores: \n" + str(scores))
    best = best_cell(scores)
    print("\nBest Cell: " + str(best) + ", with score = " +
    # Visualize best placement
    x = mins[0] + best[0] * split_size
    y = mins[1] + best[1] * split_size
    cell_indices = np.where((x < pc_data[:, 0])
                            & (pc_data[:, 0] < x + split_size)
                            & (y < pc_data[:, 1])
                            & (pc_data[:, 1] < y + split_size))[0]
    points = pc_data[cell_indices]
    rest = pc_data[np.setdiff1d(np.arange(len(pc_data)), cell_indices)]
    vis3d.points(points, color=(0, 1, 1))
    vis3d.points(rest, color=(1, 0, 1))
Example #4
def create_scene(camera, workspace_objects):

    # Start with an empty scene
    scene = Scene()

    # Create a VirtualCamera
    virt_cam = VirtualCamera(camera.intrinsics, camera.pose)

    # Add the camera to the scene
    scene.camera = virt_cam
    mp = MaterialProperties(
            k_a=0.5, k_d=0.3, k_s=0.0, alpha=10.0
    if camera.geometry is not None:
        so = SceneObject(camera.geometry, camera.pose.copy(), mp)
        scene.add_object(camera.name, so)

    return scene
Example #5

# Set up the camera pose (z axis faces away from scene, x to right, y up)
cp = RigidTransform(rotation=np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [0.0, -1.0, 0.0],
                                       [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]]),
                    translation=np.array([-0.3, 0.0, 0.0]),

# Create a VirtualCamera
camera = VirtualCamera(ci, cp)

# Add the camera to the scene
scene.camera = camera

# Render images

# Render raw numpy arrays containing color and depth
color_image_raw, depth_image_raw = scene.render(render_color=True)

# Alternatively, just render a depth image
depth_image_raw = scene.render(render_color=False)

# Alternatively, collect wrapped images
wrapped_color, wrapped_depth, wrapped_segmask = scene.wrapped_render(
    [RenderMode.COLOR, RenderMode.DEPTH, RenderMode.SEGMASK])
def fast_grid_search(pc, indices, model, shadow, img_file):
    length, width, height = shadow.extents
    split_size = max(length, width)
    pc_data, ind = get_pc_data(pc, indices)
    maxes = np.max(pc_data, axis=0)
    mins = np.min(pc_data, axis=0)
    bin_base = mins[2]
    plane_normal = model[0:3]

    di_temp = ci.project_to_image(pc)

    plane_data = pc.data.T[indices]
    #all_indices = np.where([(plane_data[::,2] > 0.795) & (plane_data[::,2] < 0.862)])
    #all_indices = np.where((plane_data[::,1] < 0.16) & (plane_data[::,1] > -0.24) & (plane_data[::,0] > -0.3) & (plane_data[::,0] < 0.24))[0]
    #plane_data = plane_data[all_indices]

    plane_pc = PointCloud(plane_data.T, pc.frame)
    di = ci.project_to_image(plane_pc)
    bi = di.to_binary()

    scene = Scene()
    camera = VirtualCamera(ci, cp)
    scene.camera = camera
    # Get shadow depth img.
    shadow_obj = SceneObject(shadow)
    scene.add_object('shadow', shadow_obj)

    orig_tow = shadow_obj.T_obj_world

    scores = np.zeros((int(np.round((maxes[0] - mins[0]) / split_size)),
                       int(np.round((maxes[1] - mins[1]) / split_size))))
    for i in range(int(np.round((maxes[0] - mins[0]) / split_size))):
        x = mins[0] + i * split_size
        for j in range(int(np.round((maxes[1] - mins[1]) / split_size))):
            y = mins[1] + j * split_size

            for tow in transforms(pc, pc_data, shadow, x, y, x + split_size,
                                  y + split_size, 8):
                shadow_obj.T_obj_world = tow
                scores[i][j] = under_shadow(pc, pc_data, indices, model,
                                            shadow, x, x + split_size, y,
                                            y + split_size, scene, bi)
                shadow_obj.T_obj_world = orig_tow

    print("\nScores: \n" + str(scores))
    best = best_cell(scores)
    print("\nBest Cell: " + str(best) + ", with score = " +
    # Visualize best placement
    x = mins[0] + best[0] * split_size
    y = mins[1] + best[1] * split_size
    cell_indices = np.where((x < pc_data[:, 0])
                            & (pc_data[:, 0] < x + split_size)
                            & (y < pc_data[:, 1])
                            & (pc_data[:, 1] < y + split_size))[0]
    points = pc_data[cell_indices]
    rest = pc_data[np.setdiff1d(np.arange(len(pc_data)), cell_indices)]
    vis3d.points(points, color=(0, 1, 1))
    vis3d.points(rest, color=(1, 0, 1))
Example #7
def fast_grid_search(pc, indices, model, shadow):
    length, width, height = shadow.extents
    split_size = max(length, width)
    pc_data, ind = get_pc_data(pc, indices)
    maxes = np.max(pc_data, axis=0)
    mins = np.min(pc_data, axis=0)
    bin_base = mins[2]
    plane_normal = model[0:3]

    #di_temp = ci.project_to_image(pc)
    #plane_data = pc.data.T[indices]
    #plane_pc = PointCloud(plane_data.T, pc.frame)
    #di = ci.project_to_image(plane_pc)
    #bi = di.to_binary()

    plane_data = get_plane_data(pc, indices)
    plane_pc = PointCloud(plane_data.T, pc.frame)
    plane_pc = cp.inverse().apply(plane_pc)
    di = ci.project_to_image(plane_pc)
    bi = di.to_binary()
    bi = bi.inverse()

    scene = Scene()
    camera = VirtualCamera(ci, cp)
    scene.camera = camera
    shadow_obj = SceneObject(shadow)
    scene.add_object('shadow', shadow_obj)
    orig_tow = shadow_obj.T_obj_world
    #tr = transforms(pc, pc_data, shadow, mins[0], mins[1], mins[0]+split_size, mins[1]+split_size, 8, orig_tow)
    #shadow_obj.T_obj_world = tr[0]
    wd = scene.wrapped_render([RenderMode.DEPTH])[0]
    wd_bi = wd.to_binary()

    scores = np.zeros((int(np.round((maxes[0]-mins[0])/split_size)), int(np.round((maxes[1]-mins[1])/split_size))))
    for i in range(int(np.round((maxes[0]-mins[0])/split_size))):
        x = mins[0] + i*split_size
        for j in range(int(np.round((maxes[1]-mins[1])/split_size))):
            y = mins[1] + j*split_size

            for tow in transforms(pc, pc_data, shadow, x, y, x+split_size, y+split_size, 8, orig_tow):
                shadow_obj.T_obj_world = tow
                scores[i][j] = under_shadow(scene, bi)
                shadow_obj.T_obj_world = orig_tow

    print("\nScores: \n" + str(scores))
    best = best_cell(scores)
    print("\nBest Cell: " + str(best) + ", with score = " + str(scores[best[0]][best[1]]))
    # Visualize best placement
    x = mins[0] + best[0]*split_size
    y = mins[1] + best[1]*split_size
    cell_indices = np.where((x < pc_data[:,0]) & (pc_data[:,0] < x+split_size) & (y < pc_data[:,1]) & (pc_data[:,1] < y+split_size))[0]
    points = pc_data[cell_indices]
    rest = pc_data[np.setdiff1d(np.arange(len(pc_data)), cell_indices)]
    vis3d.points(points, color=(0,1,1))
    vis3d.points(rest, color=(1,0,1))