# instead of physical pin numbers GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # Define GPIO to use on Pi GPIO_PIR = 17 print("PIR Module Test (CTRL-C to exit)") # Set pin as input GPIO.setup(GPIO_PIR,GPIO.IN) # Echo Current_State = 0 Previous_State = 0 #Setup meshtastic TCPInterface interface = meshtastic.TCPInterface("meshtastic.local") #Setup MQTT def printtime(): # Used for debug # Current time global hour, minute, wholetime now = datetime.datetime.now() hour = str(now.hour) minute = int(now.minute) minute = '%02d' % minute wholetime = hour + ":" + minute #Definitions def sendmqtt(mess): try:
# reported by @ScriptBlock import meshtastic, sys from pubsub import pub def onConnection( interface, topic=pub.AUTO_TOPIC): # called when we (re)connect to the radio print(interface.myInfo) interface.close() pub.subscribe(onConnection, "meshtastic.connection.established") interface = meshtastic.TCPInterface(sys.argv[1])
opt_device_info_interval_s_ = int(sys.argv[3]) opt_collect_mesh_nodes = sys.argv[4].lower() == 'true' opt_mesh_info_interval_s_ = int(sys.argv[5]) abort_timeout = int(sys.argv[6]) print("Meshtastic Debug: Starting data collection for " + opt_device_ip) print("Meshtastic Debug: Collect Device Info: " + str(opt_collect_device_info)) print("Meshtastic Debug: Device Info Interval: " + str(opt_device_info_interval_s_)) print("Meshtastic Debug: Collect Mesh Info: " + str(opt_collect_mesh_nodes)) print("Meshtastic Debug: Mesh Info Interval: " + str(opt_mesh_info_interval_s_)) print("Meshtastic Debug: Abort Timeout: " + str(abort_timeout)) pub.subscribe(onReceive, "meshtastic.receive") interface = meshtastic.TCPInterface(opt_device_ip) running = True while running: loopTime = datetime.datetime.now() while not q.empty(): data = q.get() f = open( sh + "/etc/apps/" + taName + "/bin/data/messages-" + sys.argv[1] + ".log", "a") f.write(data + "\r\n") f.close() if opt_collect_device_info:
if self.rx_snr: data[0]["rx_snr"] = self.rx_snr return json.dumps(data) def onReceive(packet, interface): # called when a packet arrives print(f"Received: {packet}") if (len(packet["decoded"]["data"]["payload"])): update = PositionUpdate(packet) mqtt_client = mqtt.Client() mqtt_client.connect("", 1883, 60) mqtt_client.publish("meshtastic/position", update.get_influxdb_format()) mqtt_client.disconnect() def onConnection( interface, topic=pub.AUTO_TOPIC): # called when we (re)connect to the radio # defaults to broadcast, specify a destination ID if you wish #interface.sendText("hello mesh") print(f"Connected to device") interface = meshtastic.TCPInterface("") pub.subscribe(onReceive, "meshtastic.receive.position") pub.subscribe(onConnection, "meshtastic.connection.established")