Example #1
def turnout(request):
    ''' shift turnout, using begin and end dates from the daterange form '''
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = forms.DateRangeForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            turnout = s_models.turnout(form.cleaned_data['start'], 
        form = forms.DateRangeForm()
        turnout = s_models.turnout(today - datetime.timedelta(30), today)
    return render_to_response('reporting/turnout.html', locals(),
Example #2
def timecard(request, date=None):
    context = RequestContext(request)
    if date:
#            date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d")  Python 2.4 workaround
            date = datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d")[0:5])
        except ValueError:
            raise Http404
        today = datetime.date.today()
        # need datetime object for rrule, but datetime.today is, like, now
        date = datetime.datetime(today.year, today.month, today.day)
# It seems our ordering was not deterministic enough, and that caused the 
# 'Task with this None already exists' if the request.POST and the queryset 
# ended up with different ordering.  Fixed by adding order_by 'id'.  -Paul
    tasks = models.Task.objects.filter(time__range=(
        datetime.datetime.combine(date, datetime.time.min), 
        datetime.datetime.combine(date, datetime.time.max))).exclude(
        account__isnull=True, excused=True).order_by('time', 'hours', 'job',
        '-recur_rule', 'id')

    TaskFormSet = formset_factory(forms.TimecardForm)

    if request.method == 'POST':
      formset = TaskFormSet(request.POST)

      for form in formset.forms:
        if (form.is_valid()):
          task = models.Task.objects.get(id=form.cleaned_data['id'])

          task.excused = (form.cleaned_data['shift_status']=='excused')
          task.makeup = form.cleaned_data['makeup']
          task.banked = form.cleaned_data['banked']

      if (not formset.errors):
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('scheduling-timecard', args=[date.date()]))
      num_tasks = unicode(len(tasks))

      data = {
        'form-TOTAL_FORMS': num_tasks,
        'form-INITIAL_FORMS': num_tasks,
        'form-MAX_NUM_FORMS': num_tasks,

      for i in range(len(tasks)):
        task = tasks[i];
        data['form-' + str(i) + '-id'] = task.id;

        if (task.hours_worked):
          data['form-' + str(i) + '-hours_worked'] = task.hours_worked 
          data['form-' + str(i) + '-hours_worked'] = 0

        if (task.hours_worked):
          data['form-' + str(i) + '-shift_status'] = u'worked'
        elif (task.excused):
          data['form-' + str(i) + '-shift_status'] = u'excused'
          data['form-' + str(i) + '-shift_status'] = u'unexcused'

        data['form-' + str(i) + '-hours'] = task.hours
        data['form-' + str(i) + '-makeup'] = task.makeup
        data['form-' + str(i) + '-banked'] = task.banked

      formset = TaskFormSet(data)
    # We used to use a model formset built with the Task 
    # model, so the template expects each form to have 
    # member named instance that points to its corresponding
    # task. We set these manually here - TM 1/17/2012
    for i in range(len(formset.forms)):
      formset.forms[i].instance = tasks[i]  

    context['formset'] = formset
    context['date'] = date
    a_day = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
    context['previous_date'] = date - a_day
    context['next_date'] = date + a_day
    context['old_rotations'] = old_rotations(date)
    context['turnout'] = models.turnout(date.date())
    template = loader.get_template('scheduling/timecard.html')
    return HttpResponse(template.render(context))
Example #3
def timecard(request, date=None):
    context = RequestContext(request)
    context['messages'] = []

    if not has_elevated_perm(request, 'scheduling', 'add_timecard'):
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('welcome'))

    if date:
#            date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d")  Python 2.4 workaround
            date = datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d")[0:5])
        except ValueError:
            raise Http404
        today = datetime.date.today()
        # need datetime object for rrule, but datetime.today is, like, now
        date = datetime.datetime(today.year, today.month, today.day)
# It seems our ordering was not deterministic enough, and that caused the 
# 'Task with this None already exists' if the request.POST and the queryset 
# ended up with different ordering.  Fixed by adding order_by 'id'.  -Paul
    tasks = models.Task.objects.filter(time__range=(
        datetime.datetime.combine(date, datetime.time.min), 
        datetime.datetime.combine(date, datetime.time.max))).exclude(
        account__isnull=True, excused=True).order_by('time', 'hours', 'job',
        '-recur_rule', 'id')

    TimecardFormSet = formset_factory(forms.TimecardForm)

    if request.method == 'POST':
      formset = TimecardFormSet(request.POST)

      for n in range(0, formset.total_form_count()):
        form = formset.forms[n]

        if (form.is_valid()):
          task = models.Task.objects.get(id=form.cleaned_data['id'])

          It's possible for a task to exist with out a member attached to it. 
          This shouldn't happen, but if it does don't save anything or email
          anyone. Just continue on to the next task
          if not task.member:

          context['task'] = task

          Automatic email for excused shifts or unexcused shifts
          Only goes out if this is the first the timecard has been submitted
          if task.hours_worked is None:
            shift_status = form.cleaned_data['shift_status']

            Per Jamila and Shinara, we only send out emails if the task is not 
            a make up or banked shift
            if (shift_status == 'excused' or shift_status == 'unexcused') and not task.makeup and not task.banked:
              if task.job.name.strip() == "Committee":
                email_template = get_template("scheduling/emails/shift_" + shift_status + "_committee.html")
                subject_template = get_template("scheduling/emails/shift_" + shift_status + "_committee_subject.html")
              elif task.job.name.strip() == "Mill Creek Farm":
                email_template = get_template("scheduling/emails/shift_" + shift_status + "_mill_creek.html")
                subject_template = get_template("scheduling/emails/shift_" + shift_status + "_mill_creek_subject.html")
                email_template = get_template("scheduling/emails/shift_" + shift_status + ".html")
                subject_template = get_template("scheduling/emails/shift_" + shift_status + "_subject.html")

              subject = ''.join(subject_template.render(context).splitlines())

              if task.member:
                if task.member.user.email:

                  "Shift " + shift_status + " email sent to member %s %s of account %s" % (


          task.excused = (form.cleaned_data['shift_status']=='excused')
          task.makeup = form.cleaned_data['makeup']
          task.banked = form.cleaned_data['banked']
          task.reminder_call = form.cleaned_data['reminder_call']

          Even if we don't validate, we still save the reminder call value, as
          reminder calls take place a day before the timecard is ready to be submitted.
            task = models.Task.objects.get(id=request.POST['form-' + str(n) + '-id'])
            task.reminder_call = request.POST['form-' + str(n) + '-reminder_call']
          except Exception as e:
            The DoesNotExist exception has been occurring but I do not know why. 
            For now just send the IT coordinator an email with more 
            information about the bug
              "That DoesNotExist error",
              str(e) + '\n\nform-' + str(n) + '-reminder_call\n\n' + str(date) + '\n\n' + str(request.POST),

      if (not formset.errors):
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('scheduling-timecard', args=[date.date()]))
      num_tasks = unicode(len(tasks))

      data = {
        'form-TOTAL_FORMS': num_tasks,
        'form-INITIAL_FORMS': num_tasks,
        'form-MAX_NUM_FORMS': num_tasks,

      for i in range(len(tasks)):
        task = tasks[i];
        data['form-' + str(i) + '-id'] = task.id;

        if (task.hours_worked):
          data['form-' + str(i) + '-hours_worked'] = task.hours_worked 
          data['form-' + str(i) + '-hours_worked'] = 0

        if (task.hours_worked):
          data['form-' + str(i) + '-shift_status'] = u'worked'
        elif (task.excused):
          data['form-' + str(i) + '-shift_status'] = u'excused'
          data['form-' + str(i) + '-shift_status'] = u'unexcused'

        data['form-' + str(i) + '-hours'] = task.hours
        data['form-' + str(i) + '-makeup'] = task.makeup
        data['form-' + str(i) + '-banked'] = task.banked
        data['form-' + str(i) + '-reminder_call'] = task.reminder_call

      formset = TimecardFormSet(data)
    # We used to use a model formset built with the Task 
    # model, so the template expects each form to have 
    # member named instance that points to its corresponding
    # task. We set these manually here - TM 1/17/2012
    for i in range(len(formset.forms)):
      formset.forms[i].instance = tasks[i]  

    context['formset'] = formset
    context['date'] = date
    a_day = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
    context['previous_date'] = date - a_day
    context['next_date'] = date + a_day
    context['old_rotations'] = old_rotations(date)
    context['turnout'] = models.turnout(date.date())
    template = loader.get_template('scheduling/timecard.html')
    return HttpResponse(template.render(context))