Example #1
    def FromFile(text, min_period, max_period, logger, vocab=None):
        print("Warning! This method of loading a Reader from file (Reader.FromFile(...))",
              "is deprecated, and will be removed from the next update. Use FromCard instead.")

        # Load a Reader from a file's text string
        lines = text.splitlines()
        version = parse_card_line(lines[0]).strip()
        version = version if len(version.strip()) > 1 else lines[4]
        logger.info("Dictionary version: {} ({} lines)".format(version, len(lines)))
        if version == "v4" or version == "v5":
            return Reader.FromCard(text, vocab, min_period, max_period, logger)
            # I stopped saving the chat metadata and the cache together
        elif version == "v3":
            meta = Metadata.loadl(lines[0:8])
            cache = '\n'.join(lines[9:])
            vocab = Generator.loads(cache)
        elif version == "v2":
            meta = Metadata.loadl(lines[0:7])
            cache = '\n'.join(lines[8:])
            vocab = Generator.loads(cache)
        elif version == "dict:":
            meta = Metadata.loadl(lines[0:6])
            cache = '\n'.join(lines[6:])
            vocab = Generator.loads(cache)
            meta = Metadata.loadl(lines[0:4])
            cache = lines[4:]
            vocab = Generator(load=cache, mode=Generator.MODE_LIST)
            # raise SyntaxError("Reader: Metadata format unrecognized.")
        r = Reader(meta, vocab, min_period, max_period, logger)
        return r