Example #1
    def get(
        field: str = invalidstr,
        method: str = "m",
        meanlength: int = invalidint,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        """Return the saved result data named 'field'.

        Valid fields are listed in self.datanames If no field is provided, the full dataset will be

        'method' can be set to:
            - 'm', the average values over all processes is returned (default).
            - 's', the standard deviation  of the values ove all processes is returned.
            - '+X', where X is a numerical value, the returned value is 'mean + X·std'
            - '-X', where X is a numerical value, the returned value is 'mean - X·std'
            - '*', all individual values from each process is returned
            - 'pX', where X is an integer, the values from process number X is returned.
            - 'sum', the values of each process are summed together.

        If meanlength is set, a running mean of the corresponding length is returned.

        @param field: data field  (Default value = invalidstr)
        @type field: str
        @param method: method for processing data over processes  (Default value = 'm')
        @type method: str
        @param meanlength: running mean length  (Default value = invalidint)
        @type method: int
        @return: the processed set of data
        @rtype: ndarray

        loc = self._loc(field) if isvalid(field) else slice(None, None, None)
        if method == "*":
            return self.data[:, loc]
        if method[0] == "p":
            res = self.data[int(method[1:]), loc]
        elif method[0] == "sum":
            res = np.nansum(self.data[:, loc, :], axis=0)
        elif method[0] in ["m", "s", "+", "-"]:
            mean = np.nanmean(self.data[:, loc, :], axis=0)
            if method == "m":
                res = mean
                std = np.nanstd(self.data[:, loc, :], axis=0)
                if method == "s":
                    res = std
                    res = mean + float(method) * std
            raise ValueError(f"'method'={method} is invalid")
        return (
            # Running mean taken from
            # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13728392/moving-average-or-running-mean
                res, np.ones((meanlength, )) /
                meanlength, mode="valid") if isvalid(meanlength) else res)
Example #2
    def connect(self, filename: str = "") -> None:
        """Direct logging to textfile 'filename'; if empty, log to standard output.

        @param filename: log file name
        @type filename: str

        self.filename = filename if filename else invalidstr
        dest = filename if isvalid(filename) else "stream"
        if self.connected:
            self.disconnect("Disconnecting old handler before connection to new one.")
        self._handler = FileHandler(self.filename) if isvalid(self.filename) else StreamHandler()
        self.debug(f"Connected to {self.filename}; reason: Logger directed to {dest}")
        self.connected = True
Example #3
    def fromhdf5(
        filename: str,
        snapnum: int = invalidint,
        snapstep: int = -1,
        **kwd: Any,
    ) -> "System":
        Create a System object from a result hdf5 file.

        Additional parameters can be passed,
        they will override the one defined in the hdf5 file.

        if a 'snapnum' is provided, initial conditions will be set from the recorded snapshot as
        saved by the corresponding thread number at the corresponding 'snapstep' (defaulting to the
        final snapshot)

        @param filename: Name of the Param json file
        @type filename: str
        @param snapnum: snapshot number to start from (Default value = invalindint)
        @type snapnum: int
        @param snapstep: snapshot step to start from (Default value = -1)
        @type snapstep: int
        @param kwd: Additional parameters
        @return: newly created System object
        @rtype: System
        res = ResultReader(filename)
        param = res.parameters
        if isvalid(snapnum):
            if snapnum < 0:
                snapnum = MPI_STATUS.rank % res.size
            param.set_param(init=res.getsnap_comp(snapnum, snapstep))
        return cls(param)
Example #4
    def table(self,
              maps: str = invalidstr,
              method: str = "m",
              meanlength: int = invalidint) -> DataFrame:
        """Return the requested data formatted in a pandas DataFrame.

        If maps is set, a dataframe of the corresponding map field will be returned
        Valid values are listed self.mapnames.
        else, a dataframe with all datanames will be returned

        'method' and 'meanlength' parameters are as defined in getmap and get methods.

        @param maps: map field name  (Default value = invalidstr)
        @type maps:
        @param method: method for processing data over processes  (Default value = 'm')
        @type method: str
        @param meanlength: running mean length  (Default value = invalidint)
        @type meanlength: int
        @return: the processed set of data
        @rtype: DataFrame

        if isvalid(maps):
            data = self.getmap(field=maps,
            index = self.categories(maps)
            data = self.get(method=method, meanlength=meanlength)
            index = self.datanames
        return DataFrame(data, index=index)
Example #5
    def getmap(self,
               field: str,
               method: str = "m",
               meanlength: int = invalidint) -> np.ndarray:
        Return the saved property map data named 'field'.

        Valid fields are listed in self.mapnames

        'method' can be set to:
            - 'm', the average values over all processes is returned (default).
            - 's', the standard deviation  of the values ove all processes is returned.
            - '+X', where X is a numerical value, the returned value is 'mean + X·std'
            - '-X', where X is a numerical value, the returned value is 'mean - X·std'
            - '*', all individual values from each process is returned
            - 'pX', where X is an integer, the values from process number X is returned.

        If meanlength is set, a running mean of the corresponding length is returned.

        @param field: data field  (Default value = invalidstr)
        @type field: str
        @param method: method for processing data over processes  (Default value = 'm')
        @type method: str
        @param meanlength: running mean length  (Default value = invalidint)
        @type meanlength: int
        @return: the processed set of data
        @rtype: ndarray
            data = self.maps[field][:, :, 1:]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError(f"{field} is not a recorded map name")
        if method == "*":
            return data
        if method[0] == "p":
            res = data[int(method[1:])]
        elif method[0] in ["m", "s", "+", "-"]:
            mean = np.nanmean(data, axis=0)
            if method == "m":
                res = mean
                std = np.nanstd(data, axis=0)
                if method == "s":
                    res = std
                    res = mean + float(method) * std
            raise ValueError(f"'method'={method} is invalid")
        return (
            # Running mean taken from
            # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13728392/moving-average-or-running-mean
                res, np.ones((meanlength, )) /
                meanlength, mode="valid") if isvalid(meanlength) else res)
Example #6
    def unregister(self, proba_pos: int) -> None:
        """Unregister object located at the given storage index.

        @param proba_pos: storage index of the object
        @param proba_pos: int

        if isvalid(proba_pos):
            self.probtot -= self._problist[proba_pos]
            self._problist[proba_pos] = 0.0
            self._mapobj[proba_pos] = None
Example #7
    def data_resize(self, nbcol: float = invalidfloat) -> None:
        """Resize data size of hdf5 datasets.

        @param nbcol: number of column to resize to (if invalid, cutout empty lines)
            (Default value = invalidfloat)
        @type nbcol: float

        if not isvalid(nbcol):
            nbcol = MPI_STATUS.max(self.currentcol)
        self.data.resize(nbcol, axis=2)
        for datamap in self.maps.values():
            datamap.resize(nbcol + 1, axis=2)
Example #8
    def update(self, proba_pos: int, proba: float) -> None:
        """Update the probability of an object.

        @param proba_pos: storage index of the object
        @param proba_pos: int
        @param proba: new probability
        @type proba: float

        # assertion shall greatly reduce perf for non-optimized python code!
        assert isvalid(proba_pos)
        #  get proba change from the event
        delta = proba - self._problist[proba_pos]
        #  Set the new probability of the event
        self._problist[proba_pos] = proba
        #  Update the probability of the proba sum
        self.probtot += delta
Example #9
    def __init__(
        filename: str,
        maxstrlen: int = 256,
        lengrow: int = 10,
        timeformat: str = "%H:%M:%S, %d/%m/%y",
    ) -> None:
        """Open the hdf5 result file.

        @param filename: name of the hdf5 file
        @type filename: str
        @param maxstrlen: maximum length of strings stored in the file (Default value = 256)
        @type maxlength: int
        @param lengrow: maximal remaining data space left empty before adding more space
            (default value = 10)
        @type lengrow: int
        @param timeformat: time/date formatting string
        @type timeformat: str

        if not isvalid(filename) or filename == "":
            raise FileNotFoundError(f"Plese enter a valid output file name")
        self.filename: str = MPI_STATUS.bcast(filename)
        """name of hdf5 file"""
        self.maxstrlen: int = maxstrlen
        """maximum length of strings stored in the file"""
        self.lengrow: int = lengrow
        """maximal remaining data space left empty before adding more space"""
        self.timeformat: str = timeformat
        """time/date formatting string"""
        self.h5file: File
        """hdf5 file object"""
            if MPI_STATUS.ismpi:
                self.h5file = File(filename,
                self.h5file = File(filename, "w")
        except OSError as err:
            raise FileCreationError(f"'{filename}': {err}")
        except ValueError as err:
            raise FileNotFoundError(f"Couldn't find file {filename} : {err}")
        # result data
        self._init_stat: bool = False
        """flag indicating if the writer is initialized"""
        self.nbcol: int
        """Available number of columns for writing data"""
        self.dcol: int
        """Number of column increment to add when space goes missing"""
        self.run: Group
        """hdf5 Group 'Run' for storing generic run informations"""
        self.params: Group
        """hdf5 Group 'Parameters' for storing run parameters"""
        self.statparam: Group
        """hdf5 Group 'Stats' for storing statistics parameters"""
        self.mapparam: Group
        """hdf5 Group 'Maps' for storing maps parameters"""
        self.ruleparam: Group
        """hdf5 Group 'Rules' for storing ruleset parameters"""
        self.dataset: Group
        """hdf5 Group 'Dataset' for storing result data"""
        self.data: Dataset
        """hdf5 Dataset 'Dataset/results' (recording results)"""
        self.end: Dataset
        """hdf5 Dataset 'Dataset/end' (recording end messages)"""
        self.snapshots: Group
        """hdf5 Group 'Snapshots' for storing snapshots"""
        self.timesnap: Dataset
        """hdf5 Dataset 'Snapshots/time' (times of snapshots)"""
        self.compsnap: Dataset
        """hdf5 Dataset 'Snapshots/compounds' (compounds snapshots)"""
        self.reacsnap: Dataset
        """hdf5 Dataset 'Snapshots/reactions' (reactions snapshots)"""
        self.reacsnapsaved: Dataset
        """hdf5 Dataset 'Snapshots/reactions_saved' (were reactions snapshotted?)"""
        self._snapsized: bool
        """If True, file space have been correctly sized for storing snapshots"""
        self.maps: Group
        """hdf5 Group 'Maps' for storing maps statistics"""
        self.currentcol: int
        """Cuurent column to save data"""
        # Logging data
        self._init_log: bool = False
        """flag indicating if logging into the writer is initialized"""
        self.maxlog: int
        """maximum log line to be recorded in file"""
        self.dlog: int
        """log line increment to add in file when space goes missing"""
        self.logging: Group
        """hdf5 Group 'Logging' for storing log data"""
        self.logcount: Dataset
        """hdf5 Dataset 'Logging/count' (number of recorded log lines)"""
        self.logs: Dataset
        """hdf5 Dataset 'Logging/logs' (recorded log lines)"""