Example #1
def parcelUAV(T, Td, p):
	Inputs: temperature, dewpoint, and pressure
	Returns: lcl pressure, lcl temperature, isbelowlcl flag, profile temp
	lclpres, lcltemp = mcalc.lcl(p[0] * units.mbar, 
        T[0] * units.degC, Td[0] * units.degC)
	print 'LCL Pressure: %5.2f %s' % (lclpres.magnitude, lclpres.units)
	print 'LCL Temperature: %5.2f %s' % (lcltemp.magnitude, lcltemp.units)

	# parcel profile
	# determine if there are points sampled above lcl
	ilcl = np.squeeze(np.where((p * units.mbar) <= lclpres))
	# if not, entire profile dry adiabatic
	if ilcl.size == 0:
	    prof = mcalc.dry_lapse(p * units.mbar, T[0] * units.degC).to('degC')
	    isbelowlcl = 1
	# if there are, need to concat dry & moist profile ascents
	    ilcl = ilcl[0]
	    prof_dry = mcalc.dry_lapse(p[:ilcl] * units.mbar,
	        T[0] * units.degC).to('degC')
	    prof_moist = mcalc.moist_lapse(p[ilcl:] * units.mbar,
	    prof = np.concatenate((prof_dry, prof_moist)) * units.degC
	    isbelowlcl = 0

	return lclpres, lcltemp, isbelowlcl, prof
Example #2
def test_dry_lapse():
    """Test dry_lapse calculation."""
    levels = np.array([1000, 900, 864.89]) * units.mbar
    temps = dry_lapse(levels, 303.15 * units.kelvin)
        np.array([303.15, 294.16, 290.83]) * units.kelvin, 2)
def showalter_index(pressure, temperature, dewpt):
    """Calculate Showalter Index from pressure temperature and 850 hPa lcl.

    Showalter Index derived from [Galway1956]_:
    SI = T500 - Tp500

    T500 is the measured temperature at 500 hPa
    Tp500 is the temperature of the lifted parcel at 500 hPa


        pressure : `pint.Quantity`
            Atmospheric pressure level(s) of interest, in order from highest
            to lowest pressure

        temperature : `pint.Quantity`
            Parcel temperature for corresponding pressure

        dewpt (:class: `pint.Quantity`):
            Parcel dew point temperatures for corresponding pressure


        Showalter index in delta degrees celsius

    # find the measured temperature and dew point temperature at 850 hPa.
    idx850 = np.where(pressure == 850 * units.hPa)
    T850 = temperature[idx850]
    Td850 = dewpt[idx850]

    # find the parcel profile temperature at 500 hPa.
    idx500 = np.where(pressure == 500 * units.hPa)
    Tp500 = temperature[idx500]

    # Calculate lcl at the 850 hPa level
    lcl_calc = mpcalc.lcl(850 * units.hPa, T850[0], Td850[0])
    lcl_calc = lcl_calc[0]

    # Define start and end heights for dry and moist lapse rate calculations
    p_strt = 1000 * units.hPa
    p_end = 500 * units.hPa

    # Calculate parcel temp when raised dry adiabatically from surface to lcl
    dl = mpcalc.dry_lapse(lcl_calc, temperature[0], p_strt)
    dl = (dl.magnitude - 273.15) * units.degC  # Change units to C

    # Calculate parcel temp when raised moist adiabatically from lcl to 500mb
    ml = mpcalc.moist_lapse(p_end, dl, lcl_calc)

    # Calculate the Showalter index
    shox = Tp500 - ml
    return shox
Example #4
def test_static_stability_adiabatic():
    """Test static stability calculation with a dry adiabatic profile."""
    pressures = [1000., 900., 800., 700., 600., 500.] * units.hPa
    temperature_start = 20 * units.degC
    temperatures = dry_lapse(pressures, temperature_start)
    sigma = static_stability(pressures, temperatures)
    truth = np.zeros_like(pressures) * units('J kg^-1 hPa^-2')
    # Should be zero with a dry adiabatic profile
    assert_almost_equal(sigma, truth, 6)
Example #5
def test_static_stability_adiabatic():
    """Test static stability calculation with a dry adiabatic profile."""
    pressures = [1000., 900., 800., 700., 600., 500.] * units.hPa
    temperature_start = 20 * units.degC
    temperatures = dry_lapse(pressures, temperature_start)
    sigma = static_stability(pressures, temperatures)
    truth = np.zeros_like(pressures) * units('J kg^-1 hPa^-2')
    # Should be zero with a dry adiabatic profile
    assert_almost_equal(sigma, truth, 6)
Example #6
def calculate_sounding_data(df,field_height,field_temp):
    ###################################### CALCULATION MAGIC #################################################
    # We will pull the data out of the latest soudning into individual variables and assign units.           #
    # This will Return a dictionary with all the vallculate values. Keys are:                                #
    # "pressure", "temperature", "dewpoint", "height", "windspeed","wind_dir"                               
    ###################################### CALCULATION MAGIC #################################################
    cache = settings.AppCache
    #Retrieves Sounding Details and returns them
    #If soundings are cached and valid, returns the cache, otherwise retreive new sounding
    calc = cache.get(key)

    if calc is not None:
        logging.info("Calculation Cache Hit")
        print("Calculation Cahce Hit")
        return calc
    logging.info("Calculation Cache Miss")
    print("Calculation Cahce Miss")
    p = df['pressure'].values * units.hPa
    T = df['temperature'].values * units.degC
    Td = df['dewpoint'].values * units.degC
    alt = df['height'].values * units.ft
    wind_speed = df['speed'].values * units.knots
    wind_dir = df['direction'].values * units.degrees
    wet_bulb = mpcalc.wet_bulb_temperature(p,T,Td)
    field_pressure = mpcalc.height_to_pressure_std(field_height*units.ft)
    adiabat_line = mpcalc.dry_lapse(p,field_temp*units.degC,ref_pressure=mpcalc.height_to_pressure_std(field_height*units.ft))
    #Interpolate Missing Values using linear interpolation
    Td_linear = interp1d(alt.magnitude,Td.magnitude)
    T_linear = interp1d(alt.magnitude,T.magnitude)
    #Calculate the LCL Based on Max Temperature
    lcl_pressure, lcl_temperature = mpcalc.lcl(field_pressure,field_temp*units.degC ,Td_linear(field_height)*units.degC)
    #parcel_prof = mpcalc.parcel_profile(p, T[0], Td[0]).to('degC')
    calc = MeteoCast.UpperAtmData(df, p, T, Td,alt,wind_speed,wind_dir,wet_bulb,field_pressure,lcl_pressure,lcl_temperature,adiabat_line)
    cache.set(key, calc, expire=600,tag='Calculation Data ')
    return calc
Example #7
skew.plot_barbs(p, u, v)
skew.ax.set_ylim(1000, 100)    # Y limits from 1000 in the botton to 100 millibars to the top
skew.ax.set_xlim(-40, 60)      # X limits

# Add the relevant special lines\n",


# Calculate LCL height and plot as black dot\n",
from metpy.calc import lcl, dry_lapse
from metpy.units import units, concatenate
l = lcl(p[0], T[0], Td[0])     # we can calculate the lcl level from the starting p, T, Td
lcl_temp = dry_lapse(concatenate((p[0], l)), T[0])[-1].to('degC')  # Temperature of the lcl using the dry lapse
skew.plot(l, lcl_temp, 'ko', markerfacecolor='black') # plot the lcl level on the temperature with a black circle (ko) filled

# Calculate full parcel profile and add to plot as black line\n",
from metpy.calc import parcel_profile
prof = parcel_profile(p, T[0], Td[0]).to('degC')
skew.plot(p, prof, 'k', linewidth=2)

# Example of coloring area between profiles
skew.ax.fill_betweenx(p, T, prof, where=T>= prof, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.4)
skew.ax.fill_betweenx(p, T, prof, where=T< prof, facecolor='red', alpha=0.4)

# # An example of a slanted line at constant T -- in this case the 0 isotherm
level = skew.ax.axvline(0, color='c', linestyle='--', linewidth=2)   # highligh the 0 degree isoterm

from metpy.plots import Hodograpgh
Example #8
def atmCalc(height, temp, humid):
    print("ATMCALC", height, temp, humid, file=sys.stderr)
    mtny = windh(MTNX, height, ratio=1,

    windx = XVALUES
    windy = windh(windx, height)

    temp_ = temp * units.degC
    initp = mc.height_to_pressure_std(windy[0] * units.meters)
    dewpt = mc.dewpoint_from_relative_humidity(temp_, humid / 100.)
    lcl_ = mc.lcl(initp, temp_, dewpt, max_iters=50, eps=1e-5)
    LCL = mc.pressure_to_height_std(lcl_[0])

    if (lcl_[0] > mc.height_to_pressure_std(max(windy) * units.meters)
            and LCL > windy[0] * units.meters * 1.000009):
        # add LCL to x
        xlcl = windh(LCL.to('meters').magnitude, height, inv=True)
        windx = np.sort(np.append(windx, xlcl))
        windy = windh(windx, height)

    pressures = mc.height_to_pressure_std(windy * units.meters)

    wvmr0 = mc.mixing_ratio_from_relative_humidity(initp, temp_, humid / 100.)

    # now calculate the air parcel temperatures and RH at each position
    if (lcl_[0] <= min(pressures)):
        T = mc.dry_lapse(pressures, temp_)
        RH = [
                wvmr0, t, p) for t, p in zip(
                T, pressures)]
        mini = np.argmin(pressures)
        p1 = pressures[:mini + 1]
        p2 = pressures[mini:]  # with an overlap
        p11 = p1[p1 >= lcl_[0] * .9999999]  # lower (with tol) with lcl
        p12 = p1[p1 < lcl_[0] * 1.000009]  # upper (with tol) with lcl
        T11 = mc.dry_lapse(p11, temp_)
        T12 = mc.moist_lapse(p12, lcl_[1])
        T1 = concatenate((T11[:-1], T12))
        T2 = mc.dry_lapse(p2, T1[-1])
        T = concatenate((T1, T2[1:]))
        wvmrtop = mc.saturation_mixing_ratio(pressures[mini], T[mini])
        for i in range(len(pressures)):
            if pressures[i] > lcl_[0] and i <= mini:
                v=mc.relative_humidity_from_mixing_ratio(pressures[i], T[i], wvmr0)
                if i < mini:
                    v=mc.relative_humidity_from_mixing_ratio(pressures[i], T[i], wvmrtop)
        #RH = [mc.relative_humidity_from_mixing_ratio(*tp, wvmr0) if tp[1] > lcl_[
            #0] and i <= mini else 1.0 if i < mini else
            #mc.relative_humidity_from_mixing_ratio(*tp, wvmrtop)
            #for i, tp in enumerate(zip(pressures, T))]

    RH = concatenate(RH)
    return windx, mtny, windy, lcl_, LCL, T.to("degC"), RH
Example #9
def test_dry_lapse():
    """Test dry_lapse calculation."""
    levels = np.array([1000, 900, 864.89]) * units.mbar
    temps = dry_lapse(levels, 303.15 * units.kelvin)
                              np.array([303.15, 294.16, 290.83]) * units.kelvin, 2)
Example #10
def test_dry_lapse_2_levels():
    """Test dry_lapse calculation when given only two levels."""
    temps = dry_lapse(np.array([1000., 500.]) * units.mbar, 293. * units.kelvin)
    assert_array_almost_equal(temps, [293., 240.3723] * units.kelvin, 4)
Example #11
def test_dry_lapse_2_levels():
    """Test dry_lapse calculation when given only two levels."""
    temps = dry_lapse(np.array([1000., 500.]) * units.mbar, 293. * units.kelvin)
    assert_array_almost_equal(temps, [293., 240.3723] * units.kelvin, 4)
Example #12
# Create a new figure. The dimensions here give a good aspect ratio
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9))
skew = SkewT(fig, rotation=45)

# Plot the data using normal plotting functions, in this case using
# log scaling in Y, as dictated by the typical meteorological plot
skew.plot(p, T, 'r')
skew.plot(p, Td, 'g')
skew.plot_barbs(p, u, v)
skew.ax.set_ylim(1000, 100)
skew.ax.set_xlim(-40, 60)

# Calculate LCL height and plot as black dot
l = lcl(p[0], C2K(T[0]), C2K(Td[0]))
skew.plot(l, K2C(dry_lapse(l, C2K(T[0]), p[0])), 'ko',

# Calculate full parcel profile and add to plot as black line
prof = K2C(parcel_profile(p, C2K(T[0]), C2K(Td[0])))
skew.plot(p, prof, 'k', linewidth=2)

# Example of coloring area between profiles
skew.ax.fill_betweenx(p, T, prof, where=T>=prof, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.4)
skew.ax.fill_betweenx(p, T, prof, where=T<prof, facecolor='red', alpha=0.4)

# An example of a slanted line at constant T -- in this case the 0
# isotherm
l = skew.ax.axvline(0, color='c', linestyle='--', linewidth=2)

# Add the relevant special lines
Example #13
# Create a new figure. The dimensions here give a good aspect ratio
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9))
skew = SkewT(fig, rotation=45)

# Plot the data using normal plotting functions, in this case using
# log scaling in Y, as dictated by the typical meteorological plot
skew.plot(p, T, 'r')
skew.plot(p, Td, 'g')
skew.plot_barbs(p, u, v)
skew.ax.set_ylim(1000, 100)
skew.ax.set_xlim(-40, 60)

# Calculate LCL height and plot as black dot
l = mpcalc.lcl(p[0], T[0], Td[0])
lcl_temp = mpcalc.dry_lapse(concatenate((p[0], l)), T[0])[-1].to('degC')
skew.plot(l, lcl_temp, 'ko', markerfacecolor='black')

# Calculate full parcel profile and add to plot as black line
prof = mpcalc.parcel_profile(p, T[0], Td[0]).to('degC')
skew.plot(p, prof, 'k', linewidth=2)

# Example of coloring area between profiles
greater = T >= prof
skew.ax.fill_betweenx(p, T, prof, where=greater, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.4)
skew.ax.fill_betweenx(p, T, prof, where=~greater, facecolor='red', alpha=0.4)

# An example of a slanted line at constant T -- in this case the 0
# isotherm
l = skew.ax.axvline(0, color='c', linestyle='--', linewidth=2)
Example #14
    def plot(self, t, td, p, u, v, lat, long, time):
        r"""Displays the Skew-T data on a matplotlib figure.

            t (array-like): A list of temperature values.
            td (array-like): A list of dewpoint values.
            p (array-like): A list of pressure values.
            u (array-like): A list of u-wind component values.
            v (array-like): A list of v-wind component values.
            lat (string): A string containing the requested latitude value.
            long (string): A string containing the requested longitude value.
            time (string): A string containing the UTC time requested with seconds truncated.


        # Create a new figure. The dimensions here give a good aspect ratio
        self.skew = SkewT(self.figure, rotation=40)

        # Plot the data using normal plotting functions, in this case using
        # log scaling in Y, as dictated by the typical meteorological plot
        self.skew.plot(p, t, 'r')
        self.skew.plot(p, td, 'g')
        self.skew.plot_barbs(p, u, v, barbcolor='#FF0000', flagcolor='#FF0000')
        self.skew.ax.set_ylim(1000, 100)
        self.skew.ax.set_xlim(-40, 60)

        # Axis colors
        self.skew.ax.tick_params(axis='x', colors='#A3A3A4')
        self.skew.ax.tick_params(axis='y', colors='#A3A3A4')

        # Calculate LCL height and plot as black dot
        l = lcl(p[0], t[0], td[0])
        lcl_temp = dry_lapse(concatenate((p[0], l)), t[0])[-1].to('degC')
        self.skew.plot(l, lcl_temp, 'ko', markerfacecolor='black')

        # Calculate full parcel profile and add to plot as black line
        prof = parcel_profile(p, t[0], td[0]).to('degC')
        self.skew.plot(p, prof, 'k', linewidth=2)

        # Color shade areas between profiles
        self.skew.ax.fill_betweenx(p, t, prof, where=t >= prof, facecolor='#5D8C53', alpha=0.7)
        self.skew.ax.fill_betweenx(p, t, prof, where=t < prof, facecolor='#CD6659', alpha=0.7)

        # Add the relevant special lines

        # Set title
        deg = u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}'
        self.skew.ax.set_title('Sounding for ' + lat + deg + ', ' + long + deg + ' at ' + time + 'z', y=1.02,

        # Discards old graph, works poorly though
        # skew.ax.hold(False)
        # Figure and canvas widgets that display the figure in the GUI

        # set canvas size to display Skew-T appropriately
        self.canvas.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(800, 2000))
        # refresh canvas
Example #15
# Often times we will want to calculate some thermodynamic parameters of a
# sounding. The MetPy calc module has many such calculations already implemented!
# * **Lifting Condensation Level (LCL)** - The level at which an air parcel's
#   relative humidity becomes 100% when lifted along a dry adiabatic path.
# * **Parcel Path** - Path followed by a hypothetical parcel of air, beginning
#   at the surface temperature/pressure and rising dry adiabatically until
#   reaching the LCL, then rising moist adiabatially.

# Calculate the LCL level
parcel_lcl = mpcalc.lcl(p[0], T[0], Td[0])

# Determine the LCL temperature by lifting a parcel from the surface
# pressure and temperature via a dry adiabatic process.
lcl_temperature = mpcalc.dry_lapse(concatenate((p[0], parcel_lcl)),

print(parcel_lcl, lcl_temperature)

# Calculate the parcel profile.
parcel_prof = mpcalc.parcel_profile(p, T[0], Td[0]).to('degC')

# Basic Skew-T Plotting
# ---------------------
# The Skew-T (log-P) diagram is the standard way to view rawinsonde data. The
# y-axis is height in pressure coordinates and the x-axis is temperature. The
# y coordinates are plotted on a logarithmic scale and the x coordinate system
# is skewed. An explanation of skew-T interpretation is beyond the scope of this
# tutorial, but here we will plot one that can be used for analysis or
                                  (Tmean + 273.15) * units.kelvin))
w = np.multiply(RHmean / 100., ws * 1000.)

# check for RH
if isRH:
    lclpres, lcltemp = mcalc.lcl(pres[0] * units.mbar, Tmean[0] * units.degC,
                                 Td[0] * units.degC)
    print 'LCL Pressure: {}'.format(lclpres)
    print 'LCL Temperature: {}'.format(lcltemp)

    # parcel profile
    # determine if there are points sampled above lcl
    ilcl = np.squeeze(np.where((pres * units.mbar) <= lclpres))
    # if not, entire profile dry adiabatic
    if ilcl.size == 0:
        prof = mcalc.dry_lapse(pres * units.mbar,
                               Tmean[0] * units.degC).to('degC')
        isbelowlcl = 1
    # if there are, need to concat dry & moist profile ascents
        ilcl = ilcl[0]
        prof_dry = mcalc.dry_lapse(pres[:ilcl] * units.mbar,
                                   Tmean[0] * units.degC).to('degC')
        prof_moist = mcalc.moist_lapse(pres[ilcl:] * units.mbar,
        prof = np.concatenate((prof_dry, prof_moist)) * units.degC
        isbelowlcl = 0

    # CAPE
    SBCAPE = wxtools.uavCAPE(Tmean * units.degC, prof, pres)
    print 'Parcel Buoyancy: {}'.format(SBCAPE)
Example #17
# Create a new figure. The dimensions here give a good aspect ratio
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9))
skew = SkewT(fig, rotation=45)

# Plot the data using normal plotting functions, in this case using
# log scaling in Y, as dictated by the typical meteorological plot
skew.plot(p, T, 'r')
skew.plot(p, Td, 'g')
skew.plot_barbs(p, u, v)
skew.ax.set_ylim(1000, 100)
skew.ax.set_xlim(-40, 60)

# Calculate LCL height and plot as black dot
l = lcl(p[0], C2K(T[0]), C2K(Td[0]))
skew.plot(l, K2C(dry_lapse(l, C2K(T[0]), p[0])), 'ko', markerfacecolor='black')

# Calculate full parcel profile and add to plot as black line
prof = K2C(parcel_profile(p, C2K(T[0]), C2K(Td[0])))
skew.plot(p, prof, 'k', linewidth=2)

# Example of coloring area between profiles
skew.ax.fill_betweenx(p, T, prof, where=T >= prof, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.4)
skew.ax.fill_betweenx(p, T, prof, where=T < prof, facecolor='red', alpha=0.4)

# An example of a slanted line at constant T -- in this case the 0
# isotherm
l = skew.ax.axvline(0, color='c', linestyle='--', linewidth=2)

# Add the relevant special lines