Example #1
def test_mixed_parcel():
    """Test the mixed parcel calculation."""
    pressure = np.array([959., 779.2, 751.3, 724.3, 700., 269.]) * units.hPa
    temperature = np.array([22.2, 14.6, 12., 9.4, 7., -38.]) * units.degC
    dewpoint = np.array([19., -11.2, -10.8, -10.4, -10., -53.2]) * units.degC
    parcel_pressure, parcel_temperature, parcel_dewpoint = mixed_parcel(
        pressure, temperature, dewpoint, depth=250 * units.hPa)
    assert_almost_equal(parcel_pressure, 959. * units.hPa, 6)
    assert_almost_equal(parcel_temperature, 28.7363771 * units.degC, 6)
    assert_almost_equal(parcel_dewpoint, 7.1534658 * units.degC, 6)
Example #2
def test_el_ml():
    """Test equilibrium layer calculation for a mixed parcel."""
    levels = np.array([959., 779.2, 751.3, 724.3, 700., 400., 269.]) * units.mbar
    temperatures = np.array([22.2, 14.6, 12., 9.4, 7., -25., -35.]) * units.celsius
    dewpoints = np.array([19., -11.2, -10.8, -10.4, -10., -35., -53.2]) * units.celsius
    __, t_mixed, td_mixed = mixed_parcel(levels, temperatures, dewpoints)
    mixed_parcel_prof = parcel_profile(levels, t_mixed, td_mixed)
    el_pressure, el_temperature = el(levels, temperatures, dewpoints, mixed_parcel_prof)
    assert_almost_equal(el_pressure, 355.834 * units.mbar, 3)
    assert_almost_equal(el_temperature, -28.371 * units.degC, 3)
Example #3
def test_lfc_ml():
    """Test Mixed-Layer LFC calculation."""
    levels = np.array([959., 779.2, 751.3, 724.3, 700., 269.]) * units.mbar
    temperatures = np.array([22.2, 14.6, 12., 9.4, 7., -49.]) * units.celsius
    dewpoints = np.array([19., -11.2, -10.8, -10.4, -10., -53.2]) * units.celsius
    __, t_mixed, td_mixed = mixed_parcel(levels, temperatures, dewpoints)
    mixed_parcel_prof = parcel_profile(levels, t_mixed, td_mixed)
    lfc_pressure, lfc_temp = lfc(levels, temperatures, dewpoints, mixed_parcel_prof)
    assert_almost_equal(lfc_pressure, 631.794 * units.mbar, 2)
    assert_almost_equal(lfc_temp, -1.862 * units.degC, 2)
def calcMLCAPE(levels, temperature, dewpoint, depth=100.0 * units.hPa):
    _, T_parc, Td_par = mixed_parcel(
    profile = parcel_profile(levels, T_parc, Td_parc)
    cape, cin = cape_cin(levels, temperature, dewpoint, profile)
    return cape
Example #5
def test_mixed_parcel():
    """Test the mixed parcel calculation."""
    pressure = np.array([959., 779.2, 751.3, 724.3, 700., 269.]) * units.hPa
    temperature = np.array([22.2, 14.6, 12., 9.4, 7., -38.]) * units.degC
    dewpoint = np.array([19., -11.2, -10.8, -10.4, -10., -53.2]) * units.degC
    parcel_pressure, parcel_temperature, parcel_dewpoint = mixed_parcel(pressure, temperature,
                                                                        depth=250 * units.hPa)
    assert_almost_equal(parcel_pressure, 959. * units.hPa, 6)
    assert_almost_equal(parcel_temperature, 28.7363771 * units.degC, 6)
    assert_almost_equal(parcel_dewpoint, 7.1534658 * units.degC, 6)
    def getData(self, time, model_vars, mdl2stnd, previous_data=None):
      A function to get data from NAM40 model to create HDWX products
      request    : A DataAccessLayer request object
      time       : List of datatime(s) for data to grab
      model_vars : Dictionary with variables/levels to get
      mdl2stnd   : Dictionary to convert from model variable names
                    to standardized names
      Returns a dictionary containing all data
      previous_data : Dictionary with data from previous time step
        log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        # Set up function for logger
        initTime, fcstTime = get_init_fcst_times(time[0])
        data = {
            'model': self._request.getLocationNames()[0],
            'initTime': initTime,
            'fcstTime': fcstTime
        # Initialize empty dictionary

        log.info('Attempting to download {} data'.format(data['model']))

        for var in model_vars:  # Iterate over variables in the vars list
            log.debug('Getting: {}'.format(var))
            # Set parameters for the download request
            # Set levels for the download request

            response = DAL.getGridData(self._request, time)  # Request the data

            for res in response:  # Iterate over all data request responses
                varName = res.getParameter()
                # Get name of the variable in the response
                varLvl = res.getLevel()
                # Get level of the variable in the response
                varName = mdl2stnd[varName]
                # Convert variable name to local standarized name
                if varName not in data:
                    data[varName] = {}
                    # If variable name NOT in data dictionary, initialize new dictionary under key
                data[varName][varLvl] = res.getRawData()
                # Add data under level name
                try:  # Try to
                    unit = units(res.getUnit())
                    # Get units and convert to MetPy units
                except:  # On exception
                    unit = '?'
                    # Set units to ?
                else:  # If get units success
                    data[varName][varLvl] *= unit
                    # Get data and create MetPy quantity by multiplying by units

                    'Got data for:\n  Var:  {}\n  Lvl:  {}\n  Unit: {}'.format(
                        varName, varLvl, unit))
        data['lon'], data['lat'] = res.getLatLonCoords()
        # Get latitude and longitude values
        data['lon'] *= units('degree')
        # Add units of degree to longitude
        data['lat'] *= units('degree')
        # Add units of degree to latitude

        # Absolute vorticity
        dx, dy = lat_lon_grid_deltas(data['lon'], data['lat'])
        # Get grid spacing in x and y
        uTag = mdl2stnd[model_vars['wind']['parameters'][0]]
        # Get initial tag name for u-wind
        vTag = mdl2stnd[model_vars['wind']['parameters'][1]]
        # Get initial tag name for v-wind
        if (uTag in data) and (
                vTag in data):  # If both tags are in the data structure
            data['abs_vort'] = {}
            # Add absolute vorticity key
            for lvl in model_vars['wind'][
                    'levels']:  # Iterate over all leves in the wind data
                if (lvl in data[uTag]) and (
                        lvl in data[vTag]
                ):  # If given level in both u- and v-wind dictionaries
                    log.debug('Computing absolute vorticity at {}'.format(lvl))
                    data['abs_vort'][ lvl ] = \
                      absolute_vorticity( data[uTag][lvl], data[vTag][lvl],
                                          dx, dy, data['lat'] )
                    # Compute absolute vorticity

        # 1000 MB equivalent potential temperature
        if ('temperature' in data) and (
                in data):  # If temperature AND depoint data were downloaded
            data['theta_e'] = {}
            T, Td = 'temperature', 'dewpoint'
            if ('1000.0MB' in data[T]) and (
                    '1000.0MB' in data[Td]
            ):  # If temperature AND depoint data were downloaded
                    'Computing equivalent potential temperature at 1000 hPa')
                data['theta_e']['1000.0MB'] = equivalent_potential_temperature(
                    1000.0 * units('hPa'), data[T]['1000.0MB'],

            return data
            # MLCAPE
            log.debug('Computing mixed layer CAPE')
            T_lvl = list(data[T].keys())
            Td_lvl = list(data[Td].keys())
            levels = list(set(T_lvl).intersection(Td_lvl))
            levels = [float(lvl.replace('MB', '')) for lvl in levels]
            levels = sorted(levels, reverse=True)

            nLvl = len(levels)
            if nLvl > 0:
                    'Found {} matching levels in temperature and dewpoint data'
                nLat, nLon = data['lon'].shape

                data['MLCAPE'] = np.zeros((
                ), dtype=np.float32) * units('J/kg')
                TT = np.zeros((
                ), dtype=np.float32) * units('degC')
                TTd = np.zeros((
                ), dtype=np.float32) * units('degC')

                log.debug('Sorting temperature and dewpoint data by level')
                for i in range(nLvl):
                    key = '{:.1f}MB'.format(levels[i])
                    TT[i, :, :] = data[T][key].to('degC')
                    TTd[i, :, :] = data[Td][key].to('degC')

                levels = np.array(levels) * units.hPa
                depth = 100.0 * units.hPa

                log.debug('Iterating over grid boxes to compute MLCAPE')
                for j in range(nLat):
                    for i in range(nLon):
                            _, T_parc, Td_parc = mixed_parcel(
                                TT[:, j, i],
                                TTd[:, j, i],
                            profile = parcel_profile(levels, T_parc, Td_parc)
                            cape, cin = cape_cin(levels, TT[:, j, i],
                                                 TTd[:, j, i], profile)
                                'Failed to compute MLCAPE for lon/lat: {}; {}'.
                                format(data['lon'][j, i], data['lat'][j, i]))
                            data['MLCAPE'][j, i] = cape
        return data