def wind_composite(self, uv_file): ini_time = self.time['ini'].format('YYYYMMDDHH') shift_time = str(self.time['shift']).zfill(2) composite_name = 'ws_{}_{}.nc'.format(ini_time, shift_time) composite_file = self.data_path + self.base_path + composite_name try: os.makedirs(self.data_path + self.base_path) except OSError: pass finally: if not os.path.exists(composite_file): try: u_cube = iris.load(uv_file['u'][0])[0][:, :, :, :] v_cube = iris.load(uv_file['v'][0])[0][:, :, :, :] except IndexError: Logger(_log, level='debug') 'EC Ens Wind Composite Failed: no uv files in {}'. format(self.data_path + self.base_path)) else: Logger(_log, level='debug') 'EC Ens wind composite: {}'.format(composite_file)) ws = np.zeros(shape=(u_cube.shape[0], u_cube.shape[1] + 1, u_cube.shape[2], u_cube.shape[3])) wd = np.zeros(shape=(u_cube.shape[0], u_cube.shape[1] + 1, u_cube.shape[2], u_cube.shape[3])) for member in list(range(u_cube.shape[1] + 1))[:]: if member != 0: constraint = iris.Constraint( ensemble_member=member) u = u_cube.extract(constraint).data v = v_cube.extract(constraint).data ws[:, member, :, :] = (u**2 + v**2)**0.5 wd[:, member, :, :] = mpcalc.wind_direction( u, v).magnitude else: u = iris.load( uv_file['u_control'][0])[0][:, :, :].data v = iris.load( uv_file['v_control'][0])[0][:, :, :].data ws[:, 0, :, :] = (u**2 + v**2)**0.5 wd[:, 0, :, :] = mpcalc.wind_direction(u, v).magnitude ws_cube = iris.cube.Cube(ws, 'wind_speed', units='m s**-1') ws_cube.add_dim_coord(u_cube.coords('time')[0], 0) ws_cube.add_dim_coord(u_cube.coords('latitude')[0], 2) ws_cube.add_dim_coord(u_cube.coords('longitude')[0], 3) number = iris.coords.DimCoord(np.arange(u_cube.shape[1] + 1, dtype=np.int32), standard_name=None, long_name='number', var_name='number') ws_cube.add_dim_coord(number, 1) ws = xr.DataArray.from_iris(ws_cube) wd = ws.copy(data=wd) wind = xr.Dataset({'ws': ws, 'wd': wd}) wind.to_netcdf(composite_file)
def wind_direction(u, v): # depending on input dataset, the lev dimension is transposed or not. I want all levels above 990 hPa, # not the 1015-level below 990 hPa. if ls.u.sel(lev=slice(990, None)).lev.max() == 990: wind_dir = xr.full_like(ls.u.sel(lev=slice(990, None)), np.nan) wind_dir[:, :] = mpcalc.wind_direction(ls.u.sel(lev=slice(990, None)), ls.v.sel(lev=slice(990, None))) else: wind_dir = xr.full_like(ls.u.sel(lev=slice(None, 990)), np.nan) wind_dir[:, :] = mpcalc.wind_direction(ls.u.sel(lev=slice(None, 990)), ls.v.sel(lev=slice(None, 990))) wind_dir.attrs['long_name'] = 'wind direction' wind_dir.attrs['units'] = 'degrees' return xr.merge([ls, xr.Dataset({'wind_dir': wind_dir})])
def _process_feature(self): metero_var = config['data']['metero_var'] metero_use = config['experiments']['metero_use'] metero_idx = [metero_var.index(var) for var in metero_use] self.feature = self.feature[:, :, metero_idx] if config['experiments']['use_wind_coordinates']: u = self.feature[:, :, -2] * units.meter / units.second # u_component_of_wind+950 v = self.feature[:, :, -1] * units.meter / units.second # v_component_of_wind+950 speed = 3.6 * mpcalc.wind_speed(u, v)._magnitude direc = mpcalc.wind_direction(u, v)._magnitude else: print("Not using wind coordinates, but speed/direction directly") speed = self.feature[:, :, -2] direc = self.feature[:, :, -1] h_arr = [] w_arr = [] for i in self.time_arrow: h_arr.append(i.hour) w_arr.append(i.isoweekday()) h_arr = np.stack(h_arr, axis=-1) w_arr = np.stack(w_arr, axis=-1) h_arr = np.repeat(h_arr[:, None], self.graph.node_num, axis=1) w_arr = np.repeat(w_arr[:, None], self.graph.node_num, axis=1) self.feature = np.concatenate([ self.feature, h_arr[:, :, None], w_arr[:, :, None], speed[:, :, None], direc[:, :, None] ], axis=-1)
def _process_feature(self): metero_var = config['data']['metero_var'] metero_use = config['experiments']['metero_use'] metero_idx = [metero_var.index(var) for var in metero_use] self.feature = self.feature[:, :, metero_idx] u = self.feature[:, :, -2] * units.meter / units.second v = self.feature[:, :, -1] * units.meter / units.second speed = 3.6 * mpcalc.wind_speed(u, v)._magnitude direc = mpcalc.wind_direction(u, v)._magnitude h_arr = [] w_arr = [] for i in self.time_arrow: h_arr.append(i.hour) w_arr.append(i.isoweekday()) h_arr = np.stack(h_arr, axis=-1) w_arr = np.stack(w_arr, axis=-1) h_arr = np.repeat(h_arr[:, None], self.graph.node_num, axis=1) w_arr = np.repeat(w_arr[:, None], self.graph.node_num, axis=1) self.feature = np.concatenate([ self.feature, h_arr[:, :, None], w_arr[:, :, None], speed[:, :, None], direc[:, :, None] ], axis=-1)
def _write_profile(self, csv_path): profiles = self.atmo_profiles # dictionary pres = profiles.get('pres').get('data') u = profiles.get('u').get('data') v = profiles.get('v').get('data') temp = profiles.get('temp').get('data').to('degC') sphum = profiles.get('sphum').get('data') dewpt = np.array( mpcalc.dewpoint_from_specific_humidity(sphum, temp, pres).to('degC')) wspd = np.array(mpcalc.wind_speed(u, v)) wdir = np.array(mpcalc.wind_direction(u, v)) pres = np.array(pres) temp = np.array(temp) profile = pd.DataFrame({ 'LEVEL': pres, 'TEMP': temp, 'DWPT': dewpt, 'WDIR': wdir, 'WSPD': wspd, }) profile.to_csv(csv_path, index=False, float_format="%10.2f")
def test_oceanographic_direction(array_type): """Test oceanographic direction (to) convention.""" mask = [False, True, False] u = array_type([5., 5., 0.], 'm/s', mask=mask) v = array_type([-5., 0., 5.], 'm/s', mask=mask) direc = wind_direction(u, v, convention='to') true_dir = array_type([135., 90., 360.], 'deg', mask=mask) assert_array_almost_equal(direc, true_dir, 4)
def test_direction_with_north_and_calm(): """Test how wind direction handles northerly and calm winds.""" u = np.array([0., -0., 0.]) * units('m/s') v = np.array([0., 0., -5.]) * units('m/s') direc = wind_direction(u, v) true_dir = np.array([0., 0., 360.]) * units.deg assert_array_almost_equal(true_dir, direc, 4)
def test_direction_without_units(): """Test calculating wind direction without units.""" u = np.array([0., -5., -4., -3.]) v = np.array([0., 5., 0., -3.]) direc = wind_direction(u, v) true_dir = np.array([0., 135., 90., 45.]) * units.deg assert_array_almost_equal(true_dir, direc, 4)
def test_direction(): """Test calculating wind direction.""" u = np.array([4., 2., 0., 0.]) * units('m/s') v = np.array([0., 2., 4., 0.]) * units('m/s') direc = wind_direction(u, v) true_dir = np.array([270., 225., 180., 0.]) * units.deg assert_array_almost_equal(true_dir, direc, 4)
def sta_SkewT(model='ECMWF',points={'lon':[116.3833], 'lat':[39.9]}, levels=[1000, 950, 925, 900, 850, 800, 700,600,500,400,300,250,200,150,100], fhour=3,output_dir=None): try: data_dir = [utl.Cassandra_dir(data_type='high',data_source=model,var_name='TMP',lvl=''), utl.Cassandra_dir(data_type='high',data_source=model,var_name='UGRD',lvl=''), utl.Cassandra_dir(data_type='high',data_source=model,var_name='VGRD',lvl=''), utl.Cassandra_dir(data_type='high',data_source=model,var_name='HGT',lvl=''), utl.Cassandra_dir(data_type='high',data_source=model,var_name='RH',lvl='')] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Can not find all directories needed') # # 度数据 initTime = get_latest_initTime(data_dir[0][0:-1]+"850") filename = initTime+'.'+str(fhour).zfill(3) TMP_4D=get_model_3D_grid(directory=data_dir[0][0:-1],filename=filename,levels=levels, allExists=False) TMP_2D=TMP_4D.interp(lon=('points', points['lon']), lat=('points', points['lat'])) u_4D=get_model_3D_grid(directory=data_dir[1][0:-1],filename=filename,levels=levels, allExists=False) u_2D=u_4D.interp(lon=('points', points['lon']), lat=('points', points['lat'])) v_4D=get_model_3D_grid(directory=data_dir[2][0:-1],filename=filename,levels=levels, allExists=False) v_2D=v_4D.interp(lon=('points', points['lon']), lat=('points', points['lat'])) HGT_4D=get_model_3D_grid(directory=data_dir[3][0:-1],filename=filename,levels=levels, allExists=False) HGT_2D=HGT_4D.interp(lon=('points', points['lon']), lat=('points', points['lat'])) HGT_2D.attrs['model']=model HGT_2D.attrs['points']=points RH_4D=get_model_3D_grid(directory=data_dir[4][0:-1],filename=filename,levels=levels, allExists=False) RH_2D=RH_4D.interp(lon=('points', points['lon']), lat=('points', points['lat'])) wind_dir_2D=mpcalc.wind_direction(u_2D['data'].values* units.meter / units.second, v_2D['data'].values* units.meter / units.second) wsp10m_2D=(u_2D['data']**2+v_2D['data']**2)**0.5 Td2m=mpcalc.dewpoint_rh(TMP_2D['data'].values*units('degC'),RH_2D['data'].values/100.) p = np.squeeze(levels) * units.hPa T = np.squeeze(TMP_2D['data'].values) * units.degC Td = np.squeeze(np.array(Td2m)) * units.degC wind_speed = np.squeeze(wsp10m_2D.values) * units.meter wind_dir = np.squeeze(np.array(wind_dir_2D)) * units.degrees u=np.squeeze(u_2D['data'].values)* units.meter v=np.squeeze(v_2D['data'].values)* units.meter fcst_info= xr.DataArray(np.array(u_2D['data'].values), coords=u_2D['data'].coords, dims=u_2D['data'].dims, attrs={'points': points, 'model': model}) sta_graphics.draw_sta_skewT( p=p,T=T,Td=Td,wind_speed=wind_speed,wind_dir=wind_dir,u=u,v=v, fcst_info=fcst_info)
def test_direction_with_north_and_calm(array_type): """Test how wind direction handles northerly and calm winds.""" mask = [False, False, False, True] u = array_type([0., -0., 0., 1.], 'm/s', mask=mask) v = array_type([0., 0., -5., 1.], 'm/s', mask=mask) direc = wind_direction(u, v) true_dir = array_type([0., 0., 360., 225.], 'deg', mask=mask) assert_array_almost_equal(true_dir, direc, 4)
def test_direction(array_type): """Test calculating wind direction.""" # The last two (u, v) pairs and their masks test masking calm and negative directions mask = [False, True, False, True, True] u = array_type([4., 2., 0., 0., 1.], 'm/s', mask=mask) v = array_type([0., 2., 4., 0., -1], 'm/s', mask=mask) direc = wind_direction(u, v) true_dir = array_type([270., 225., 180., 0., 315.], 'degree', mask=mask) assert_array_almost_equal(true_dir, direc, 4)
def grad_mask(Zint, REFmasked, REF, storm_relative_dir, ZDRmasked1, ZDRrmasked1, CC, CCall): #Inputs, #Zint: 1km AFL grid level #REFmasked: REF masked below 20 dBz #REF: 1km Reflectivity grid #storm_relative_dir: Vector direction along the reflectivity gradient in the forward flank #ZDRmasked1: 1km Differential Reflectiity (Zdr) grid, masked below 20 dBz reflectivity #ZDRrmasked1: Full volume Zdr gridded, masked below 20 dBz reflectivity #CC: 1km Correlation Coefficient (CC) grid #CCall: Full volume CC gridded print('Gradient Analysis and Masking') #Determining gradient direction and masking some Zhh and Zdr grid fields smoothed_ref1 = ndi.gaussian_filter(REFmasked, sigma=2, order=0) REFgradient = np.asarray(np.gradient(smoothed_ref1)) REFgradient[0, :, :] = ma.masked_where(REF < 20, REFgradient[0, :, :]) REFgradient[1, :, :] = ma.masked_where(REF < 20, REFgradient[1, :, :]) grad_dir1 = wind_direction(REFgradient[1, :, :] * units('m/s'), REFgradient[0, :, :] * units('m/s')) grad_mag = wind_speed(REFgradient[1, :, :] * units('m/s'), REFgradient[0, :, :] * units('m/s')) grad_dir = ma.masked_where(REF < 20, grad_dir1) #Get difference between the gradient direction and the FFD gradient direction calculated earlier srdir = storm_relative_dir srirad = np.copy(srdir) * units('degrees').to('radian') grad_dir = grad_dir * units('degrees').to('radian') grad_ffd = np.abs( np.arctan2(np.sin(grad_dir - srirad), np.cos(grad_dir - srirad))) grad_ffd = np.asarray(grad_ffd) * units('radian') grad_ex = np.copy(grad_ffd) grad_ffd ='degrees') #Mask out areas where the difference between the two is too large and the ZDR is likely not in the forward flank ZDRmasked2 = ma.masked_where(grad_ffd > 120 * units('degrees'), ZDRmasked1) ZDRmasked = ma.masked_where(CC < .60, ZDRmasked2) ZDRallmasked = ma.masked_where(CCall < .70, ZDRrmasked1) ZDRallmasked = ma.filled(ZDRallmasked, fill_value=-2) ZDRrmasked = ZDRallmasked[Zint, :, :] #Add a fill value for the ZDR mask so that contours will be closed ZDRmasked = ma.filled(ZDRmasked, fill_value=-2) ZDRrmasked = ma.filled(ZDRrmasked, fill_value=-2) #Returning variables, #grad_mag: Array of wind velocity magnitude along reflectivity gradient #grad_ffd: Angle (degrees) used to indicate angular region of supercell containing the forward flank #ZDRmasked: Masked array ZDRmasked1 in regions outside the forward flank (grad_ffd) and below 0.6 CC #ZDRallmasked: Masked volume array (ZDRrmasked1) below 0.7 CC and filled with -2.0 values #ZDRrmasked: ZDRallmasked slice at 1km above freezing level return grad_mag, grad_ffd, ZDRmasked, ZDRallmasked, ZDRrmasked
def test_speed_direction_roundtrip(): """Test round-tripping between speed/direction and components.""" # Test each quadrant of the whole circle wspd = np.array([15., 5., 2., 10.]) * units.meters / units.seconds wdir = np.array([160., 30., 225., 350.]) * units.degrees u, v = wind_components(wspd, wdir) wdir_out = wind_direction(u, v) wspd_out = wind_speed(u, v) assert_array_almost_equal(wspd, wspd_out, 4) assert_array_almost_equal(wdir, wdir_out, 4)
def _write_to_sounding(data_cube, idx_locs, ids, date, fmt=None): """ Writes data to sounding files. Added BUFKIT-readable output capabilities. """ if fmt is None: fmt = 'sharppy' knt = 0 for idx in idx_locs: t_out = data_cube[0, :, idx[0], idx[1]] - 273.15 td_out = data_cube[1, :, idx[0], idx[1]] u = data_cube[2, :, idx[0], idx[1]] * units('m/s') v = data_cube[3, :, idx[0], idx[1]] * units('m/s') wdir_out = mpcalc.wind_direction(u, v).magnitude wspd_out = mpcalc.wind_speed(u, v).magnitude hgt_out = data_cube[4, :, idx[0], idx[1]] out_time = "%s%s%s/%s00" % (date[2:4], date[4:6], date[6:8], date[8:10]) if fmt == 'sharppy': out_file = "%s/%s.%s" % (SOUNDING_DIR, date, ids[knt]) f = open(out_file, 'w') f.write("%TITLE%\n") f.write(" %s %s" % (ids[knt], out_time)) f.write("\n\n") f.write(' LEVEL HGHT TEMP DWPT WDIR WSPD\n') f.write('------------------------------------------------------\n') f.write('%RAW%\n') # This is a weird one. At some point in the past, the GRIB files # were ordered differently. Need to check for monotonic increasing # or decreasing heights and adjust pressures accordingly if strictly_increasing(list(hgt_out)): pres_incr = 1 start_, end_, inc_ = 0, t_out.shape[0], 1 else: pres_incr = -1 start_, end_, inc_ = t_out.shape[0] - 1, -1, -1 print(levs) print(hgt_out) print(start_, end_, inc_, pres_incr) for row in range(start_, end_, inc_): if hgt_out[row] > 0: out_line = "%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" % ( levs[::pres_incr][row], hgt_out[row], t_out[row], td_out[row], wdir_out[row], wspd_out[row]) f.write(out_line + '\n') f.write('%END%') knt += 1
def test_direction_masked(): """Test calculating wind direction from masked wind components.""" mask = np.array([True, False, True, False]) u = np.array([4., 2., 0., 0.]) v = np.array([0., 2., 4., 0.]) u_masked = units.Quantity(, mask=mask), units('m/s')) v_masked = units.Quantity(, mask=mask), units('m/s')) direc = wind_direction(u_masked, v_masked) true_dir = np.array([270., 225., 180., 0.]) true_dir_masked = units.Quantity(, mask=mask), units.deg) assert_array_almost_equal(true_dir_masked, direc, 4)
def wind_direction(self, level): """ Receives the integer value of the desired vertical pressure level to extract from data a tuple containing values of wind direction. In return you will have a pint.Quantity array for the desired time and level. """ # Obtaining the index for the given pressure level index_level = np.where(np.array(["isobaric"]) == level * 100)[0][0] # Extracting wind components data uwnd =["u-component_of_wind_isobaric"][ self.time_step][index_level] vwnd =["v-component_of_wind_isobaric"][ self.time_step][index_level] # Calculate wind direction using metpy function wind_dir = mpcalc.wind_direction(uwnd, vwnd) return np.array(wind_dir)
def wind_composite(self, uv_files): ini_time = self.time['ini'].format('YYYYMMDDHH') shift_time = str(self.time['shift']).zfill(2) composite_name = 'ws_{}_{}.nc'.format(ini_time, shift_time) composite_file = self.data_path + self.base_path + composite_name # os.system('rm {}'.format(composite_file)) dataset = [] if not os.path.exists(composite_file): if len(uv_files) == 21: for uv_file in uv_files: try: uv = xr.open_dataset(uv_file, engine='cfgrib', backend_kwargs={ 'filter_by_keys': { 'typeOfLevel': 'heightAboveGround', 'level': 10 } }) except Exception as e: Logger(_log, level='debug').logger.warning( 'GEFS fcst Wind composite failed: uv files broken {} -> {}' .format(uv_file, e)) return else: Logger(_log, level='debug') 'GEFS fcst wind composite: {}'.format(uv_file)) ws = (uv["u10"]**2 + uv["v10"]**2)**0.5 wd = ws.copy(data=mpcalc.wind_direction( uv["u10"], uv["v10"]).magnitude) wind = xr.Dataset({'ws': ws, 'wd': wd}) wind = wind.expand_dims(['valid_time', 'number']).drop( ['time', 'step']).rename({'valid_time': 'time'}) dataset.append(wind) wind_ens = xr.auto_combine(dataset) wind_ens.to_netcdf(composite_file) else: Logger(_log, level='debug') 'GEFS fcst wind composite failes: no enough grb files in {}' .format(self.gefs_path + self.base_path)) idx_files = glob.glob(self.data_path + self.base_path + '*.idx') for file in idx_files: os.remove(file)
def _gen_edges(self): coords = [] lonlat = {} for i in self.nodes: coords.append([self.nodes[i]['lon'], self.nodes[i]['lat']]) #计算欧几里得距离 dist = distance.cdist(coords, coords, 'euclidean') adj = np.zeros((self.node_num, self.node_num), dtype=np.uint8) #得到小于距离阈值的adj adj[dist <= self.dist_thres] = 1 #print(adj) assert adj.shape == dist.shape dist = dist * adj edge_index, dist = dense_to_sparse(torch.tensor(dist)) edge_index, dist = edge_index.numpy(), dist.numpy() direc_arr = [] dist_kilometer = [] for i in range(edge_index.shape[1]): src, dest = edge_index[0, i], edge_index[1, i] #src和dest分别是两个顶点的 src_lat, src_lon = self.nodes[src]['lat'], self.nodes[src]['lon'] dest_lat, dest_lon = self.nodes[dest]['lat'], self.nodes[dest][ 'lon'] src_location = (src_lat, src_lon) dest_location = (dest_lat, dest_lon) dist_km = geodesic(src_location, dest_location).kilometers #两个点的经纬度距离 v, u = src_lat - dest_lat, src_lon - dest_lon #经纬度的风向,u,v风 u = u * units.meter / units.second v = v * units.meter / units.second direc = mpcalc.wind_direction(u, v)._magnitude #风速情况列表 direc_arr.append(direc) #地理距离列表 dist_kilometer.append(dist_km) direc_arr = np.stack(direc_arr) dist_arr = np.stack(dist_kilometer) #地理距离和风传距离 attr = np.stack([dist_arr, direc_arr], axis=-1) return edge_index, attr
def readWeatherData(filepath): fullshape = (949, 739) use_keys = [ 'x_wind_gust_10m', 'y_wind_gust_10m' ] #"U-momentum of gusts in 10m height"m/s, "V-momentum of gusts in 10m height"m/s uparam, vparam = use_keys dataset = xr.open_dataset(filepath) dataset = dataset.metpy.parse_cf() #[uparam, vparam]) dataset[uparam].metpy.convert_units('knots') dataset[vparam].metpy.convert_units('knots') data_crs = dataset[uparam].metpy.cartopy_crs wind_speed = mpcalc.wind_speed(dataset[uparam], dataset[uparam]) wind_direction = mpcalc.wind_direction(dataset[uparam], dataset[uparam]) dataset['wind_speed'] = xr.DataArray(wind_speed.magnitude, coords=dataset[uparam].coords, dims=dataset[uparam].dims) dataset['wind_speed'].attrs['units'] = wind_speed.units dataset['wind_direction'] = xr.DataArray(wind_direction.magnitude, coords=dataset[uparam].coords, dims=dataset[uparam].dims) dataset['wind_direction'].attrs['units'] = wind_direction.units return dataset
def wind_composite(self, uv_file): ini_time = self.time['ini'].format('YYYYMMDDHH') shift_time = str(self.time['shift']).zfill(2) composite_name = 'ws_{}_{}.nc'.format(ini_time, shift_time) composite_file = os.path.dirname(uv_file) + '/' + composite_name # os.system('rm {}'.format(composite_file)) if not os.path.exists(composite_file): try: uv = xr.open_dataset(uv_file) except Exception as e: Logger(_log, level='debug').logger.warning( 'GFS fcst Wind composite failed: {} -> {}'.format( uv_file, e)) return else: # print('GFS fcst wind composite: {}'.format(uv_file)) uv = uv.sel(time=self.time['ini'].shift( hours=self.time['shift']).datetime).expand_dims('time') ws = (uv["u10"]**2 + uv["v10"]**2)**0.5 wd = ws.copy( data=mpcalc.wind_direction(uv["u10"], uv["v10"]).magnitude) wind = xr.Dataset({'ws': ws, 'wd': wd}).squeeze('record') wind.to_netcdf(composite_file)
def test_scalar_direction(): """Test wind direction with scalars.""" d = wind_direction(3. * units('m/s'), 4. * units('m/s')) assert_almost_equal(d, 216.870 * units.deg, 3)
def test_direction_dimensions(): """Verify wind_direction returns degrees.""" d = wind_direction(3. * units('m/s'), 4. * units('m/s')) assert str(d.units) == 'degree'
lats = np.linspace(35, 50, 101) lons = np.linspace(260, 290, 101) lon, lat = np.meshgrid(lons, lats) # Calculate Geostrophic Wind from Analytic Heights f = mpcalc.coriolis_parameter(lat * units('degrees')) dx, dy = mpcalc.lat_lon_grid_deltas(lons, lats) ugeo, vgeo = mpcalc.geostrophic_wind(Z * units.meter, f, dx, dy, dim_order='yx') # Get the wind direction for each point wdir = mpcalc.wind_direction(ugeo, vgeo) # Compute the Gradient Wind via an approximation dydx = mpcalc.first_derivative(Z, delta=dx, axis=1) d2ydx2 = mpcalc.first_derivative(dydx, delta=dx, axis=1) R = ((1 + dydx.m**2)**(3. / 2.)) / d2ydx2.m geo_mag = mpcalc.wind_speed(ugeo, vgeo) grad_mag = geo_mag.m - (geo_mag.m**2) / (f.magnitude * R) ugrad, vgrad = mpcalc.wind_components(grad_mag * units('m/s'), wdir) # Calculate Ageostrophic wind uageo = ugrad - ugeo vageo = vgrad - vgeo
def do(ts): """Process this date timestamp""" asos = get_dbconn("asos", user="******") iemaccess = get_dbconn("iem") icursor = iemaccess.cursor() table = "summary_%s" % (ts.year,) # Get what we currently know, just grab everything current = read_sql( """ SELECT * from """ + table + """ WHERE day = %s """, iemaccess, params=(ts.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),), index_col="iemid", ) df = read_sql( """ select station, network, iemid, drct, sknt, gust, valid at time zone tzname as localvalid, valid, tmpf, dwpf, relh, feel, peak_wind_gust, peak_wind_drct, peak_wind_time, peak_wind_time at time zone tzname as local_peak_wind_time from alldata d JOIN stations t on ( = d.station) where (network ~* 'ASOS' or network = 'AWOS') and valid between %s and %s and t.tzname is not null and date(valid at time zone tzname) = %s ORDER by valid ASC """, asos, params=( ts - datetime.timedelta(days=2), ts + datetime.timedelta(days=2), ts.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), ), index_col=None, ) if df.empty: print("compute_daily no ASOS database entries for %s" % (ts,)) return # derive some parameters df["u"], df["v"] = mcalc.wind_components( df["sknt"].values * munits.knots, df["drct"].values * munits.deg ) df["localvalid_lag"] = df.groupby("iemid")["localvalid"].shift(1) df["timedelta"] = df["localvalid"] - df["localvalid_lag"] ndf = df[pd.isna(df["timedelta"])] df.loc[ndf.index.values, "timedelta"] = pd.to_timedelta( ndf["localvalid"].dt.hour * 3600.0 + ndf["localvalid"].dt.minute * 60.0, unit="s", ) df["timedelta"] = df["timedelta"] / np.timedelta64(1, "s") for iemid, gdf in df.groupby("iemid"): if len(gdf.index) < 6: # print(" Quorum not meet for %s" % (gdf.iloc[0]['station'], )) continue if iemid not in current.index: print( ("compute_daily Adding %s for %s %s %s") % (table, gdf.iloc[0]["station"], gdf.iloc[0]["network"], ts) ) icursor.execute( """ INSERT into """ + table + """ (iemid, day) values (%s, %s) """, (iemid, ts), ) current.loc[iemid] = None newdata = {} currentrow = current.loc[iemid] compute_wind_gusts(gdf, currentrow, newdata) # take the nearest value ldf = gdf.copy().fillna(method="bfill").fillna(method="ffill") totsecs = ldf["timedelta"].sum() is_new( "avg_rh", clean((ldf["relh"] * ldf["timedelta"]).sum() / totsecs, 1, 100), currentrow, newdata, ) is_new("min_rh", clean(ldf["relh"].min(), 1, 100), currentrow, newdata) is_new("max_rh", clean(ldf["relh"].max(), 1, 100), currentrow, newdata) uavg = (ldf["u"] * ldf["timedelta"]).sum() / totsecs vavg = (ldf["v"] * ldf["timedelta"]).sum() / totsecs is_new( "vector_avg_drct", clean( mcalc.wind_direction(uavg * munits.knots, vavg * munits.knots), 0, 360, ), currentrow, newdata, ) is_new( "avg_sknt", clean((ldf["sknt"] * ldf["timedelta"]).sum() / totsecs, 0, 150), currentrow, newdata, ) is_new( "max_feel", clean(ldf["feel"].max(), -150, 200), currentrow, newdata, ) is_new( "avg_feel", clean((ldf["feel"] * ldf["timedelta"]).sum() / totsecs, -150, 200), currentrow, newdata, ) is_new( "min_feel", clean(ldf["feel"].min(), -150, 200), currentrow, newdata, ) if not newdata: continue cols = [] args = [] # print(gdf.iloc[0]['station']) for key, val in newdata.items(): # print(" %s %s -> %s" % (key, currentrow[key], val)) cols.append("%s = %%s" % (key,)) args.append(val) args.extend([iemid, ts]) sql = ", ".join(cols) icursor.execute( """ UPDATE """ + table + """ SET """ + sql + """ WHERE iemid = %s and day = %s """, args, ) if icursor.rowcount == 0: print( "compute_daily update of %s[%s] was 0" % (gdf.iloc[0]["station"], gdf.iloc[0]["network"]) ) icursor.close() iemaccess.commit() iemaccess.close()
def test_oceanographic_direction(): """Test oceanographic direction (to) convention.""" d = wind_direction(5 * units('m/s'), -5 * units('m/s'), convention='to') true_dir = 135 * units.deg assert_almost_equal(d, true_dir, 4)
def point_fcst_uv_tmp_according_to_3D_field_vs_sounding( output_dir=None, obs_ID='55664', initTime=None, fhour=6, day_back=0, extra_info={ 'output_head_name': ' ', 'output_tail_name': ' ', 'point_name': ' ', 'drw_thr': True, 'levels_for_interp': [ 1000, 950, 925, 900, 850, 800, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200, 150 ] }, **kwargs): model = 'GRAPES_GFS' try: dir_rqd = [ utl.Cassandra_dir(data_type='high', data_source='OBS', var_name='TLOGP', lvl=''), utl.Cassandra_dir(data_type='high', data_source=model, var_name='HGT', lvl=''), utl.Cassandra_dir(data_type='high', data_source=model, var_name='UGRD', lvl=''), utl.Cassandra_dir(data_type='high', data_source=model, var_name='VGRD', lvl=''), utl.Cassandra_dir(data_type='high', data_source=model, var_name='TMP', lvl='') ] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Can not find all required directories needed') if (initTime == None): initTime = get_latest_initTime(dir_rqd[1][0:-1] + '/850') filename_obs = (datetime.strptime('20' + initTime, '%Y%m%d%H') + timedelta(hours=fhour)).strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') + '.000' obs_pfl_all = MICAPS_IO.get_tlogp(dir_rqd[0][0:-1], filename=filename_obs, cache=False) if (obs_pfl_all is None): return obs_pfl_raw = obs_pfl_all[obs_pfl_all.ID == obs_ID] obs_pfl = obs_pfl_raw.replace(9999.0, np.nan).dropna(how='any') obs_pfl = obs_pfl[obs_pfl.p >= 200.] directory = dir_rqd[1][0:-1] filename = initTime + '.' + str(fhour).zfill(3) HGT_4D = get_model_3D_grid(directory=directory, filename=filename, levels=extra_info['levels_for_interp'], allExists=False) directory = dir_rqd[2][0:-1] U_4D = get_model_3D_grid(directory=directory, filename=filename, levels=extra_info['levels_for_interp'], allExists=False) directory = dir_rqd[3][0:-1] V_4D = get_model_3D_grid(directory=directory, filename=filename, levels=extra_info['levels_for_interp'], allExists=False) directory = dir_rqd[4][0:-1] TMP_4D = get_model_3D_grid(directory=directory, filename=filename, levels=extra_info['levels_for_interp'], allExists=False) points = { 'lon': obs_pfl.lon.to_numpy(), 'lat':, 'altitude': obs_pfl.h.to_numpy() * 10 } directory = dir_rqd[4][0:-1] delt_xy = HGT_4D['lon'].values[1] - HGT_4D['lon'].values[0] mask = (HGT_4D['lon'] < (points['lon'][0] + 2 * delt_xy)) & ( HGT_4D['lon'] > (points['lon'][0] - 2 * delt_xy) ) & (HGT_4D['lat'] < (points['lat'][0] + 2 * delt_xy)) & (HGT_4D['lat'] > (points['lat'][0] - 2 * delt_xy)) HGT_4D_sm = HGT_4D['data'].where(mask, drop=True) U_4D_sm = U_4D['data'].where(mask, drop=True) V_4D_sm = V_4D['data'].where(mask, drop=True) TMP_4D_sm = TMP_4D['data'].where(mask, drop=True) lon_md = np.squeeze(HGT_4D_sm['lon'].values) lat_md = np.squeeze(HGT_4D_sm['lat'].values) alt_md = np.squeeze(HGT_4D_sm.values * 10).flatten() time_md = HGT_4D_sm['forecast_period'].values coords = np.zeros((HGT_4D_sm.level.size, len(lat_md), len(lon_md), 3)) coords[..., 1] = lat_md.reshape((1, len(lat_md), 1)) coords[..., 2] = lon_md.reshape((1, 1, len(lon_md))) coords = coords.reshape((alt_md.size, 3)) coords[:, 0] = alt_md interpolator_U = LinearNDInterpolator(coords, U_4D_sm.values.reshape( (U_4D_sm.values.size)), rescale=True) interpolator_V = LinearNDInterpolator(coords, V_4D_sm.values.reshape( (V_4D_sm.values.size)), rescale=True) interpolator_TMP = LinearNDInterpolator(coords, TMP_4D_sm.values.reshape( (TMP_4D_sm.values.size)), rescale=True) coords2 = np.zeros((np.size(points['lon']), 3)) coords2[:, 0] = points['altitude'] coords2[:, 1] = points['lat'] coords2[:, 2] = points['lon'] U_interped = np.squeeze(interpolator_U(coords2)) V_interped = np.squeeze(interpolator_V(coords2)) windsp_interped = (U_interped**2 + V_interped**2)**0.5 winddir10m_interped = mpcalc.wind_direction(U_interped * units('m/s'), V_interped * units('m/s')) TMP_interped = np.squeeze(interpolator_TMP(coords2)) fcst_pfl = obs_pfl.copy() fcst_pfl.wind_angle = np.array(winddir10m_interped) fcst_pfl.wind_speed = np.array(windsp_interped) fcst_pfl.t = TMP_interped fcst_info = xr.DataArray(np.array(U_4D_sm.values), coords=U_4D_sm.coords, dims=U_4D_sm.dims, attrs={ 'points': points, 'model': model }) sta_graphics.draw_sta_skewT_model_VS_obs(fcst_pfl=fcst_pfl, obs_pfl=obs_pfl, fcst_info=fcst_info, output_dir=output_dir)
def wind_rh_according_to_4D_data( initTime=None, fhour=6, day_back=0, model='ECMWF', sta_fcs={ 'lon': [101.82, 101.32, 101.84, 102.23, 102.2681], 'lat': [28.35, 27.91, 28.32, 27.82, 27.8492], 'altitude': [3600, 3034.62, 3240, 1669, 1941.5], 'name': ['健美乡', '项脚乡', '\n锦屏镇', '\n马道镇', 'S9005 '] }, draw_zd=True, levels=[1000, 950, 925, 900, 850, 800, 700, 600, 500], map_ratio=19 / 9, zoom_ratio=1, south_China_sea=False, area='全国', city=False, output_dir=None, bkgd_type='satellite', data_source='MICAPS'): # micaps data directory if (area != '全国'): south_China_sea = False # prepare data if (area != '全国'): cntr_pnt, zoom_ratio = utl.get_map_area(area_name=area) cntr_pnt = np.append(np.mean(sta_fcs['lon']), np.mean(sta_fcs['lat'])) map_extent = [0, 0, 0, 0] map_extent[0] = cntr_pnt[0] - zoom_ratio * 1 * map_ratio map_extent[1] = cntr_pnt[0] + zoom_ratio * 1 * map_ratio map_extent[2] = cntr_pnt[1] - zoom_ratio * 1 map_extent[3] = cntr_pnt[1] + zoom_ratio * 1 bkgd_level = utl.cal_background_zoom_ratio(zoom_ratio) # micaps data directory if (data_source == 'MICAPS'): try: data_dir = [ utl.Cassandra_dir(data_type='high', data_source=model, var_name='HGT', lvl=''), utl.Cassandra_dir(data_type='high', data_source=model, var_name='RH', lvl=''), utl.Cassandra_dir(data_type='high', data_source=model, var_name='UGRD', lvl=''), utl.Cassandra_dir(data_type='high', data_source=model, var_name='VGRD', lvl=''), utl.Cassandra_dir(data_type='surface', data_source=model, var_name='u10m'), utl.Cassandra_dir(data_type='surface', data_source=model, var_name='v10m'), utl.Cassandra_dir(data_type='surface', data_source=model, var_name='Td2m'), utl.Cassandra_dir(data_type='surface', data_source=model, var_name='T2m') ] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Can not find all directories needed') # get filename if (initTime != None): filename = utl.model_filename(initTime, fhour) else: filename = utl.filename_day_back_model(day_back=day_back, fhour=fhour) initTime = filename[0:8] # retrieve data from micaps server gh = MICAPS_IO.get_model_3D_grid(directory=data_dir[0][0:-1], filename=filename, levels=levels) if (gh is None): return gh['data'].values = gh['data'].values * 10 rh = MICAPS_IO.get_model_3D_grid(directory=data_dir[1][0:-1], filename=filename, levels=levels, allExists=False) if rh is None: return u = MICAPS_IO.get_model_3D_grid(directory=data_dir[2][0:-1], filename=filename, levels=levels, allExists=False) if u is None: return v = MICAPS_IO.get_model_3D_grid(directory=data_dir[3][0:-1], filename=filename, levels=levels, allExists=False) if v is None: return u10m = MICAPS_IO.get_model_grid(directory=data_dir[4], filename=filename) if u10m is None: return v10m = MICAPS_IO.get_model_grid(directory=data_dir[5], filename=filename) if v10m is None: return td2m = MICAPS_IO.get_model_grid(directory=data_dir[6], filename=filename) if td2m is None: return t2m = MICAPS_IO.get_model_grid(directory=data_dir[7], filename=filename) if t2m is None: return if (draw_zd == True): validtime = (datetime.strptime('20' + initTime, '%Y%m%d%H') + timedelta(hours=fhour)).strftime("%Y%m%d%H") directory_obs = utl.Cassandra_dir(data_type='surface', data_source='OBS', var_name='PLOT_ALL') try: zd_sta = MICAPS_IO.get_station_data(filename=validtime + '0000.000', directory=directory_obs, dropna=True, cache=False) obs_valid = True except: zd_sta = MICAPS_IO.get_station_data(directory=directory_obs, dropna=True, cache=False) obs_valid = False zd_lon = zd_sta['lon'].values zd_lat = zd_sta['lat'].values zd_alt = zd_sta['Alt'].values zd_u, zd_v = mpcalc.wind_components( zd_sta['Wind_speed_2m_avg'].values * units('m/s'), zd_sta['Wind_angle_2m_avg'].values * units.deg) idx_zd = np.where((zd_lon > map_extent[0]) & (zd_lon < map_extent[1]) & (zd_lat > map_extent[2]) & (zd_lat < map_extent[3])) zd_sm_lon = zd_lon[idx_zd[0]] zd_sm_lat = zd_lat[idx_zd[0]] zd_sm_alt = zd_alt[idx_zd[0]] zd_sm_u = zd_u[idx_zd[0]] zd_sm_v = zd_v[idx_zd[0]] if (data_source == 'CIMISS'): # get filename if (initTime != None): filename = utl.model_filename(initTime, fhour, UTC=True) else: filename = utl.filename_day_back_model(day_back=day_back, fhour=fhour, UTC=True) try: # retrieve data from CMISS server gh = CIMISS_IO.cimiss_model_3D_grid( data_code=utl.CMISS_data_code(data_source=model, var_name='GPH'), init_time_str='20' + filename[0:8], valid_time=fhour, levattrs={ 'long_name': 'pressure_level', 'units': 'hPa', '_CoordinateAxisType': '-' }, fcst_levels=levels, fcst_ele="GPH", units='gpm') if gh is None: return rh = CIMISS_IO.cimiss_model_3D_grid( data_code=utl.CMISS_data_code(data_source=model, var_name='RHU'), init_time_str='20' + filename[0:8], valid_time=fhour, levattrs={ 'long_name': 'pressure_level', 'units': 'hPa', '_CoordinateAxisType': '-' }, fcst_levels=levels, fcst_ele="RHU", units='%') if rh is None: return u = CIMISS_IO.cimiss_model_3D_grid( data_code=utl.CMISS_data_code(data_source=model, var_name='WIU'), init_time_str='20' + filename[0:8], valid_time=fhour, levattrs={ 'long_name': 'pressure_level', 'units': 'hPa', '_CoordinateAxisType': '-' }, fcst_levels=levels, fcst_ele="WIU", units='m/s') if u is None: return v = CIMISS_IO.cimiss_model_3D_grid( data_code=utl.CMISS_data_code(data_source=model, var_name='WIV'), init_time_str='20' + filename[0:8], valid_time=fhour, levattrs={ 'long_name': 'pressure_level', 'units': 'hPa', '_CoordinateAxisType': '-' }, fcst_levels=levels, fcst_ele="WIV", units='m/s') if v is None: return if (model == 'ECMWF'): td2m = CIMISS_IO.cimiss_model_by_time( '20' + filename[0:8], valid_time=fhour, data_code=utl.CMISS_data_code(data_source=model, var_name='DPT'), levattrs={ 'long_name': 'height_above_ground', 'units': 'm', '_CoordinateAxisType': '-' }, fcst_level=0, fcst_ele="DPT", units='K') if td2m is None: return t2m = CIMISS_IO.cimiss_model_by_time( '20' + filename[0:8], valid_time=fhour, data_code=utl.CMISS_data_code(data_source=model, var_name='TEF2'), levattrs={ 'long_name': 'height_above_ground', 'units': 'm', '_CoordinateAxisType': '-' }, fcst_level=0, fcst_ele="TEF2", units='K') if t2m is None: return v10m = CIMISS_IO.cimiss_model_by_time( '20' + filename[0:8], valid_time=fhour, data_code=utl.CMISS_data_code(data_source=model, var_name='WIV10'), levattrs={ 'long_name': 'height_above_ground', 'units': 'm', '_CoordinateAxisType': '-' }, fcst_level=0, fcst_ele="WIV10", units='m/s') if v10m is None: return u10m = CIMISS_IO.cimiss_model_by_time( '20' + filename[0:8], valid_time=fhour, data_code=utl.CMISS_data_code(data_source=model, var_name='WIU10'), levattrs={ 'long_name': 'height_above_ground', 'units': 'm', '_CoordinateAxisType': '-' }, fcst_level=0, fcst_ele="WIU10", units='m/s') if u10m is None: return if (model == 'GRAPES_GFS'): rh2m = CIMISS_IO.cimiss_model_by_time( '20' + filename[0:8], valid_time=fhour, data_code=utl.CMISS_data_code(data_source=model, var_name='RHF2'), levattrs={ 'long_name': 'height_above_ground', 'units': 'm', '_CoordinateAxisType': '-' }, fcst_level=2, fcst_ele="RHF2", units='%') if rh2m is None: return v10m = CIMISS_IO.cimiss_model_by_time( '20' + filename[0:8], valid_time=fhour, data_code=utl.CMISS_data_code(data_source=model, var_name='WIV10'), levattrs={ 'long_name': 'height_above_ground', 'units': 'm', '_CoordinateAxisType': '-' }, fcst_level=10, fcst_ele="WIV10", units='m/s') if v10m is None: return u10m = CIMISS_IO.cimiss_model_by_time( '20' + filename[0:8], valid_time=fhour, data_code=utl.CMISS_data_code(data_source=model, var_name='WIU10'), levattrs={ 'long_name': 'height_above_ground', 'units': 'm', '_CoordinateAxisType': '-' }, fcst_level=10, fcst_ele="WIU10", units='m/s') if u10m is None: return except KeyError: raise ValueError('Can not find all data needed') if (draw_zd == True): if (initTime == None): initTime1 = CIMISS_IO.cimiss_get_obs_latest_time( data_code="SURF_CHN_MUL_HOR") initTime = (datetime.strptime('20' + initTime1, '%Y%m%d%H') - timedelta(days=day_back)).strftime("%Y%m%d%H")[2:] validtime = (datetime.strptime('20' + initTime, '%Y%m%d%H') + timedelta(hours=fhour)).strftime("%Y%m%d%H") data_code = utl.CMISS_data_code(data_source='OBS', var_name='PLOT_sfc') zd_sta = CIMISS_IO.cimiss_obs_by_time( times=validtime + '0000', data_code=data_code, sta_levels="011,012,013,014", elements= "Station_Id_C,Station_Id_d,lat,lon,Alti,TEM,WIN_D_Avg_2mi,WIN_S_Avg_2mi,RHU" ) obs_valid = True if (zd_sta is None): CIMISS_IO.cimiss_get_obs_latest_time(data_code=data_code, latestTime=6) zd_sta = CIMISS_IO.cimiss_obs_by_time(directory=directory_obs, dropna=True, cache=False) obs_valid = False zd_lon = zd_sta['lon'].values zd_lat = zd_sta['lat'].values zd_alt = zd_sta['Alti'].values zd_u, zd_v = mpcalc.wind_components( zd_sta['WIN_S_Avg_2mi'].values * units('m/s'), zd_sta['WIN_D_Avg_2mi'].values * units.deg) idx_zd = np.where((zd_lon > map_extent[0]) & (zd_lon < map_extent[1]) & (zd_lat > map_extent[2]) & (zd_lat < map_extent[3]) & (zd_sta['WIN_S_Avg_2mi'].values < 1000)) zd_sm_lon = zd_lon[idx_zd[0]] zd_sm_lat = zd_lat[idx_zd[0]] zd_sm_alt = zd_alt[idx_zd[0]] zd_sm_u = zd_u[idx_zd[0]] zd_sm_v = zd_v[idx_zd[0]] #maskout area delt_xy = rh['lon'].values[1] - rh['lon'].values[0] #+ to solve the problem of labels on all the contours mask1 = (rh['lon'] > map_extent[0] - delt_xy) & ( rh['lon'] < map_extent[1] + delt_xy) & ( rh['lat'] > map_extent[2] - delt_xy) & (rh['lat'] < map_extent[3] + delt_xy) mask2 = (u10m['lon'] > map_extent[0] - delt_xy) & ( u10m['lon'] < map_extent[1] + delt_xy) & ( u10m['lat'] > map_extent[2] - delt_xy) & (u10m['lat'] < map_extent[3] + delt_xy) #- to solve the problem of labels on all the contours rh = rh.where(mask1, drop=True) u = u.where(mask1, drop=True) v = v.where(mask1, drop=True) gh = gh.where(mask1, drop=True) u10m = u10m.where(mask2, drop=True) v10m = v10m.where(mask2, drop=True) #prepare interpolator Ex1 = np.squeeze(u['data'].values).flatten() Ey1 = np.squeeze(v['data'].values).flatten() Ez1 = np.squeeze(rh['data'].values).flatten() z = (np.squeeze(gh['data'].values)).flatten() coords = np.zeros((np.size(levels), u['lat'].size, u['lon'].size, 3)) coords[..., 1] = u['lat'].values.reshape((1, u['lat'].size, 1)) coords[..., 2] = u['lon'].values.reshape((1, 1, u['lon'].size)) coords = coords.reshape((Ex1.size, 3)) coords[:, 0] = z interpolator_U = LinearNDInterpolator(coords, Ex1, rescale=True) interpolator_V = LinearNDInterpolator(coords, Ey1, rescale=True) interpolator_RH = LinearNDInterpolator(coords, Ez1, rescale=True) #process sta_fcs 10m wind coords2 = np.zeros((np.size(sta_fcs['lon']), 3)) coords2[:, 0] = sta_fcs['altitude'] coords2[:, 1] = sta_fcs['lat'] coords2[:, 2] = sta_fcs['lon'] u_sta = interpolator_U(coords2) v_sta = interpolator_V(coords2) RH_sta = interpolator_RH(coords2) wsp_sta = (u_sta**2 + v_sta**2)**0.5 u10m_2D = u10m.interp(lon=('points', sta_fcs['lon']), lat=('points', sta_fcs['lat'])) v10m_2D = v10m.interp(lon=('points', sta_fcs['lon']), lat=('points', sta_fcs['lat'])) if (model == 'GRAPES_GFS' and data_source == 'CIMISS'): rh2m_2D = rh2m.interp(lon=('points', sta_fcs['lon']), lat=('points', sta_fcs['lat']))['data'].values else: td2m_2D = td2m.interp(lon=('points', sta_fcs['lon']), lat=('points', sta_fcs['lat'])) t2m_2D = t2m.interp(lon=('points', sta_fcs['lon']), lat=('points', sta_fcs['lat'])) if (data_source == 'MICAPS'): rh2m_2D = mpcalc.relative_humidity_from_dewpoint( t2m_2D['data'].values * units('degC'), td2m_2D['data'].values * units('degC')) * 100 else: rh2m_2D = mpcalc.relative_humidity_from_dewpoint( t2m_2D['data'].values * units('kelvin'), td2m_2D['data'].values * units('kelvin')) * 100 wsp10m_2D = (u10m_2D['data'].values**2 + v10m_2D['data'].values**2)**0.5 winddir10m = mpcalc.wind_direction(u10m_2D['data'].values * units('m/s'), v10m_2D['data'].values * units('m/s')) if (np.isnan(wsp_sta).any()): if (wsp_sta.size == 1): wsp_sta[np.isnan(wsp_sta)] = np.squeeze( wsp10m_2D[np.isnan(wsp_sta)]) RH_sta[np.isnan(RH_sta)] = np.squeeze( np.array(rh2m_2D)[np.isnan(RH_sta)]) else: wsp_sta[np.isnan(wsp_sta)] = np.squeeze(wsp10m_2D)[np.isnan( wsp_sta)] RH_sta[np.isnan(RH_sta)] = np.squeeze( np.array(rh2m_2D))[np.isnan(RH_sta)] u_sta, v_sta = mpcalc.wind_components(wsp_sta * units('m/s'), winddir10m) #process zd_sta 10m wind zd_fcst_obs = None if (draw_zd is True): coords3 = np.zeros((np.size(zd_sm_alt), 3)) coords3[:, 0] = zd_sm_alt coords3[:, 1] = zd_sm_lat coords3[:, 2] = zd_sm_lon u_sm_sta = interpolator_U(coords3) v_sm_sta = interpolator_V(coords3) wsp_sm_sta = (u_sm_sta**2 + v_sm_sta**2)**0.5 u10m_sm = u10m.interp(lon=('points', zd_sm_lon), lat=('points', zd_sm_lat)) v10m_sm = v10m.interp(lon=('points', zd_sm_lon), lat=('points', zd_sm_lat)) wsp10m_sta = np.squeeze( (u10m_sm['data'].values**2 + v10m_sm['data'].values**2)**0.5) winddir10m_sm = mpcalc.wind_direction( u10m_sm['data'].values * units('m/s'), v10m_sm['data'].values * units('m/s')) if (np.isnan(wsp_sm_sta).any()): wsp_sm_sta[np.isnan(wsp_sm_sta)] = wsp10m_sta[np.isnan(wsp_sm_sta)] u_sm_sta, v_sm_sta = mpcalc.wind_components(wsp_sm_sta * units('m/s'), winddir10m_sm) zd_fcst_obs = { 'lon': zd_sm_lon, 'lat': zd_sm_lat, 'altitude': zd_sm_alt, 'U': np.squeeze(np.array(u_sm_sta)), 'V': np.squeeze(np.array(v_sm_sta)), 'obs_valid': obs_valid, 'U_obs': np.squeeze(np.array(zd_sm_u)), 'V_obs': np.squeeze(np.array(zd_sm_v)) } #prepare for graphics sta_fcs_fcst = { 'lon': sta_fcs['lon'], 'lat': sta_fcs['lat'], 'altitude': sta_fcs['altitude'], 'name': sta_fcs['name'], 'RH': np.array(RH_sta), 'U': np.squeeze(np.array(u_sta)), 'V': np.squeeze(np.array(v_sta)) } fcst_info = gh.coords local_scale_graphics.draw_wind_rh_according_to_4D_data( sta_fcs_fcst=sta_fcs_fcst, zd_fcst_obs=zd_fcst_obs, fcst_info=fcst_info, map_extent=map_extent, draw_zd=draw_zd, bkgd_type=bkgd_type, bkgd_level=bkgd_level, output_dir=None)
def test_invalid_direction_convention(): """Test the error that is returned if the convention kwarg is not valid.""" with pytest.raises(KeyError): wind_direction(1 * units('m/s'), 5 * units('m/s'), convention='test')
#################################################### # Units can then be attached to the values from the dataframe. pressure = df['pressure'].values * units(df.units['pressure']) temperature = df['temperature'].values * units(df.units['temperature']) wind_speed = df['speed'].values * units.knots print(temperature) dewpoint = df['dewpoint'].values * units(df.units['dewpoint']) print(dewpoint) u_wind = df['u_wind'].values * units(df.units['u_wind']) print(u_wind) v_wind = df['v_wind'].values * units(df.units['v_wind']) heights = df['height'].values * units(df.units['height']) print(mpcalc.wind_direction(u_wind,v_wind)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) h= Hodograph(ax,component_range=60.) h.plot(u_wind,v_wind,linewidth=5) h.add_grid(increment=10) #h.add_grid(increment=20,color='tab:orange',linestyle='-') h.plot_colormapped(u_wind, v_wind, wind_speed) # Plot a line colored by wind speed plt.savefig('hodograph.png') sys.exit() #lcl_pressure, lcl_temperature = mpcalc.lcl(pressure[0], temperature[0], dewpoint[0]) #print(lcl_pressure, lcl_temperature)