Example #1
def test_preprocessor_weakly_supervised(preprocessor, tuples, y_tuples):
    """Tests different ways to use the preprocessor argument: an array,
  a class callable, and a function callable, with a weakly supervised
    nca = ITML(preprocessor=preprocessor)
    nca.fit(tuples, y_tuples)
Example #2
def sandwich_demo():
    x, y = sandwich_data()
    knn = nearest_neighbors(x, k=2)
    ax = pyplot.subplot(3, 1, 1)  # take the whole top row
    plot_sandwich_data(x, y, ax)
    plot_neighborhood_graph(x, knn, y, ax)
    ax.set_title('input space')

    num_constraints = 60
    mls = [(LMNN(), (x, y)),
           (ITML(), (x, ITML.prepare_constraints(y, len(x), num_constraints))),
           (SDML(), (x, SDML.prepare_constraints(y, len(x), num_constraints))),
           (LSML(), (x, LSML.prepare_constraints(y, num_constraints)))]

    for ax_num, (ml, args) in zip(xrange(3, 7), mls):
        tx = ml.transform()
        ml_knn = nearest_neighbors(tx, k=2)
        ax = pyplot.subplot(3, 2, ax_num)
        plot_sandwich_data(tx, y, ax)
        plot_neighborhood_graph(tx, ml_knn, y, ax)
        ax.set_title('%s space' % ml.__class__.__name__)
Example #3
  def test_iris(self):
    num_constraints = 200

    n = self.iris_points.shape[0]
    C = ITML.prepare_constraints(self.iris_labels, n, num_constraints)
    itml = ITML().fit(self.iris_points, C, verbose=False)

    csep = class_separation(itml.transform(), self.iris_labels)
    self.assertLess(csep, 0.4)  # it's not great
Example #4
def doClustering(X = None, y = None, initial = False, silent = True, numClusters = 4):
    takekmeans = True
    takeoptics = False
    if not silent:  print("- doClustering")

    X, y = rd.readTransformedData()

    # metric learning

    X2 = X.iloc[:, 0:].values

    if initial == False:

        votesX, votesY = rd.readFeedbackData()
        pairs = []
        for index, row in votesX.iterrows():
            pairs.append((X2[row["id_punkt1"]], X2[row["id_punkt2"]]))

        a = votesY

        itml = ITML()
        itml.fit(pairs, a)
        if not silent:  print("Transform")

        X2 = itml.transform(X2)

    if takekmeans == True:
        # Compute kMeans
#        print("numCluster",numClusters)
#        number_clusters = numClusters
        kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=numClusters , random_state=0).fit(X2)
        labels = kmeans.labels_
        labels_true = y
        core_samples_mask = [0] * len(y)
    elif takeoptics == True:
        opt = OPTICS(min_samples=30, xi=.05)
#        opt = OPTICS(min_samples=50, xi=.05, min_cluster_size=.05)
        labels = opt.labels_
        labels_true = y
        core_samples_mask = [0] * len(y)
        # Compute DBSCAN
    #    db = DBSCAN(eps=0.1, min_samples=10).fit(X2)
        db = DBSCAN(eps=0.6, min_samples=5).fit(X2)
        core_samples_mask = np.zeros_like(db.labels_, dtype=bool)
        core_samples_mask[db.core_sample_indices_] = True
        labels = db.labels_
        labels_true = y

    writeClusteringResult(X2, labels, labels_true, core_samples_mask)

    if not silent:  print("+ doClustering")
    return 1
Example #5
def test_bounds_parameters_valid(bounds):
    """Asserts that we can provide any array-like of two elements as bounds,
  and that the attribute bound_ is a numpy array"""

    pairs = np.array([[[-10., 0.], [10., 0.]], [[0., 50.], [0., -60]]])
    y_pairs = [1, -1]
    itml = ITML()
    itml.fit(pairs, y_pairs, bounds=bounds)

    X = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1], [2, 0], [2, 1]])
    y = np.array([1, 0, 1, 0])
    itml_supervised = ITML_Supervised()
    itml_supervised.fit(X, y, bounds=bounds)
Example #6
def test_bounds_parameters_invalid(bounds):
    """Assert that if a non array-like is put for bounds, or an array-like
  of length different than 2, an error is returned"""
    pairs = np.array([[[-10., 0.], [10., 0.]], [[0., 50.], [0., -60]]])
    y_pairs = [1, -1]
    itml = ITML()
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        itml.fit(pairs, y_pairs, bounds=bounds)

    X = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1], [2, 0], [2, 1]])
    y = np.array([1, 0, 1, 0])
    itml_supervised = ITML_Supervised()
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        itml_supervised.fit(X, y, bounds=bounds)
Example #7
    def constructSimilartyMatrixITML(self, k=5):
        print 'Now doing itml'
        num_constraints = 100
        itml = ITML()
        C = ITML.prepare_constraints(self.y_train,
        itml.fit(self.trainVectorsPCA, C, verbose=True)
        self.L_itml = itml.transformer()

        name = 'itml/ITML transformer matrix with dataset shape ' + str(
        print 'L itml shape  is ', self.L_itml.shape
        np.save(name, self.L_itml)

        # Input data transformed to the metric space by X*L.T

        self.transformedTrainITML = copy(itml.transform(self.trainVectorsPCA))
        self.transformedTestITML = copy(itml.transform(self.testVectorsPCA))
        self.transformedAllITML = copy(itml.transform(self.allDataPCA))
        # now we can simply calculate the eucledian distances on the above transformed dataset

        #Visualizing the dataset by TSNE
        projectedDigits = TSNE(random_state=randomState).fit_transform(

        plt.scatter(projectedDigits[:, 0],
                    projectedDigits[:, 1],
            'ITML Transformed Train set projected to 2 Dimensions by TSNE with k='
            + str(k) + ' and num_constraints = ' + str(num_constraints))
        plt.savefig(pp, format='pdf')
        self.pwdis = copy(
            pairwise_distances(self.transformedAllITML, metric='euclidean'))
        self.D = np.zeros(self.pwdis.shape)
        for i in range(0, self.pwdis.shape[0]):
            l1 = self.pwdis[i].tolist()
            #print 'l1 is ',l1,'\n\n'
            allnearestNeighbours = sorted(range(len(l1)), key=lambda i: l1[i])
            #now set the all the weights except for k+1 to 0
            self.pwdis[i, allnearestNeighbours[k:]] = 0
            self.D[i, i] = sum(self.pwdis[i])

        print 'accuracy for ITML\n'
Example #8
    def constructSimilartyMatrixITML(self):

        print 'Now doing itml'
        counter = 1
        ks = [
            3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 15, 20, 22, 25, 27, 30, 33, 35, 37, 40, 43, 45,
            47, 50, 53, 55, 57, 60, 65

        constraints = [80, 100, 120, 150, 180, 200]
        constraints = [100]
        for k in ks:
            for num_constraints in constraints:

                itml = ITML()
                self.y_train = self.y_train.reshape(-1, )
                C = ITML.prepare_constraints(self.y_train,
                itml.fit(self.trainVectorsPCA, C, verbose=True)
                self.L_itml = copy(itml.transformer())

                name = 'itml/ITML transformer matrix with dataset shape ' + str(
                    self.trainVectorsPCA.shape) + ' and k=' + str(
                        k) + ' and num_constraints=' + str(num_constraints)
                #print 'L itml shape  is ',self.L_itml.shape
                np.save(name, self.L_itml)

                # Input data transformed to the metric space by X*L.T

                self.transformedTrainITML = copy(
                self.transformedTestITML = copy(
                self.transformedAllITML = copy(itml.transform(self.allDataPCA))
                # now we can simply calculate the eucledian distances on the above transformed dataset

                #Visualizing the dataset by TSNE
                projectedDigits = TSNE(random_state=randomState).fit_transform(

                print 'projectedDigits is ', projectedDigits.shape
                plt.scatter(projectedDigits[:, 0],
                            projectedDigits[:, 1],
                    'ITML Transformed ALL set projected to 2 Dimensions by TSNE with'
                    + str(k) + ' and num_constraints=' + str(num_constraints))
                plt.savefig(pp, format='pdf')

                self.pwdis = copy(
                #for sigma in sigmas:

                self.D = np.zeros(self.pwdis.shape)
                for i in range(0, self.pwdis.shape[0]):
                    l1 = self.pwdis[i].tolist()
                    #print 'l1 is ',l1,'\n\n'
                    allnearestNeighbours = sorted(range(len(l1)),
                                                  key=lambda i: l1[i])
                    #now set the all the weights except for k+1 to 0
                    #since we exponentiated the distances with the minus sign we need to set the lowest weights to 0, so everything except for the last k go to 0
                    self.pwdis[i, allnearestNeighbours[k:]] = 0
                    self.D[i, i] = sum(self.pwdis[i])

                print 'accuracy for ITML for k= ', k, ' and num_constraints=' + str(
                    num_constraints), '\n'
Example #9
    c, target = shuffle(c, target, random_state=SEED)
    if with_preprocessor:
        # if preprocessor, we build a 2D array of quadruplets of indices
        return Dataset(c, target, X, c[:, 0])
        # if not, we build a 3D array of quadruplets of samples
        return Dataset(X[c], target, None, X[c[:, 0]])

quadruplets_learners = [(LSML(), build_quadruplets)]
ids_quadruplets_learners = list(
    map(lambda x: x.__class__.__name__,
        [learner for (learner, _) in quadruplets_learners]))

pairs_learners = [
    (ITML(), build_pairs),
    (MMC(max_iter=2), build_pairs),  # max_iter=2 for faster
    (SDML(), build_pairs),
ids_pairs_learners = list(
    map(lambda x: x.__class__.__name__,
        [learner for (learner, _) in pairs_learners]))

classifiers = [(Covariance(), build_classification),
               (LFDA(), build_classification), (LMNN(), build_classification),
               (NCA(), build_classification), (RCA(), build_classification),
               (ITML_Supervised(max_iter=5), build_classification),
               (LSML_Supervised(), build_classification),
               (MMC_Supervised(max_iter=5), build_classification),
               (RCA_Supervised(num_chunks=10), build_classification),
               (SDML_Supervised(), build_classification)]
Example #10
    c, target = shuffle(c, target, random_state=SEED)
    if with_preprocessor:
        # if preprocessor, we build a 2D array of quadruplets of indices
        return Dataset(c, target, X, c[:, 0])
        # if not, we build a 3D array of quadruplets of samples
        return Dataset(X[c], target, None, X[c[:, 0]])

quadruplets_learners = [(LSML(), build_quadruplets)]
ids_quadruplets_learners = list(
    map(lambda x: x.__class__.__name__,
        [learner for (learner, _) in quadruplets_learners]))

pairs_learners = [
    (ITML(max_iter=2), build_pairs),  # max_iter=2 to be faster
    (MMC(max_iter=2), build_pairs),  # max_iter=2 to be faster
    (SDML(prior='identity', balance_param=1e-5), build_pairs)
ids_pairs_learners = list(
    map(lambda x: x.__class__.__name__,
        [learner for (learner, _) in pairs_learners]))

classifiers = [(Covariance(), build_classification),
               (LFDA(), build_classification), (LMNN(), build_classification),
               (NCA(), build_classification), (RCA(), build_classification),
               (ITML_Supervised(max_iter=5), build_classification),
               (LSML_Supervised(), build_classification),
               (MMC_Supervised(max_iter=5), build_classification),
               (RCA_Supervised(num_chunks=5), build_classification),
Example #11
t0 = time()
pca = RandomizedPCA(n_components=n_components, whiten=True).fit(X_train)
print("done in %0.3fs" % (time() - t0))

eigenfaces = pca.components_.reshape((n_components, h, w))

print("Projecting the input data on the eigenfaces orthonormal basis")
t0 = time()
X_train_pca = pca.transform(X_train)
X_test_pca = pca.transform(X_test)
print("done in %0.3fs" % (time() - t0))

# Try LMNN here.
print("Trying ITML")
param_grid = {''}
itml = ITML(num_constraints=200)
X_tr = itml.fit(X_train_pca, y_train).transform(X_train_pca)
X_te = itml.transform(X_test_pca)

acc, y_pred = classifier.sk_nearest_neighbour(X_tr, y_train, X_te, y_test)
print("accuracy = %s",acc)
print(classification_report(y_test, y_pred, target_names=target_names))
print(confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred, labels=range(n_classes)))

# Train a SVM classification model

print("Fitting the classifier to the training set")
t0 = time()
param_grid = {'C': [1e3, 5e3, 1e4, 5e4, 1e5],
Example #12
  # anyways
  c, target = shuffle(c, target, random_state=SEED)
  if with_preprocessor:
    # if preprocessor, we build a 2D array of quadruplets of indices
    return Dataset(c, target, X, c[:, 0])
    # if not, we build a 3D array of quadruplets of samples
    return Dataset(X[c], target, None, X[c[:, 0]])

quadruplets_learners = [(LSML(), build_quadruplets)]
ids_quadruplets_learners = list(map(lambda x: x.__class__.__name__,
                                [learner for (learner, _) in

pairs_learners = [(ITML(), build_pairs),
                  (MMC(max_iter=2), build_pairs),  # max_iter=2 for faster
                  (SDML(use_cov=False, balance_param=1e-5), build_pairs)]
ids_pairs_learners = list(map(lambda x: x.__class__.__name__,
                              [learner for (learner, _) in

classifiers = [(Covariance(), build_classification),
               (LFDA(), build_classification),
               (LMNN(), build_classification),
               (NCA(), build_classification),
               (RCA(), build_classification),
               (ITML_Supervised(max_iter=5), build_classification),
               (LSML_Supervised(), build_classification),
               (MMC_Supervised(max_iter=5), build_classification),
               (RCA_Supervised(num_chunks=10), build_classification),
import numpy as np
from metric_learn import ITML
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from scipy.sparse import rand

x = rand(10, 10)

print 'S is ', x.todense()

x = x.todense()

mat1 = np.zeros(x.shape)
for i in range(0, mat1.shape[0]):
    mat1[i, i] = 112.0
    for j in range(0, mat1.shape[1]):
        if i == j:
        mat1[i, j] = x[i, j]

print 'mat1 is ', mat1
y = np.ones((10, ))
y[5:] = 0

itml = ITML()
print 'X is ', mat1.shape, ' y is ', y.shape
num_constraints = 5
C = ITML.prepare_constraints(y, mat1.shape[0], num_constraints)
itml.fit(mat1, C, verbose=False)
xl = itml.transform(mat1)
print 'xl is ', xl
Example #14
  # anyways
  c, target = shuffle(c, target, random_state=SEED)
  if with_preprocessor:
    # if preprocessor, we build a 2D array of quadruplets of indices
    return Dataset(c, target, X, c[:, 0])
    # if not, we build a 3D array of quadruplets of samples
    return Dataset(X[c], target, None, X[c[:, 0]])

quadruplets_learners = [(LSML(), build_quadruplets)]
ids_quadruplets_learners = list(map(lambda x: x.__class__.__name__,
                                [learner for (learner, _) in

pairs_learners = [(ITML(max_iter=2), build_pairs),  # max_iter=2 to be faster
                  (MMC(max_iter=2), build_pairs),  # max_iter=2 to be faster
                  (SDML(prior='identity', balance_param=1e-5), build_pairs)]
ids_pairs_learners = list(map(lambda x: x.__class__.__name__,
                              [learner for (learner, _) in

classifiers = [(Covariance(), build_classification),
               (LFDA(), build_classification),
               (LMNN(), build_classification),
               (NCA(), build_classification),
               (RCA(), build_classification),
               (ITML_Supervised(max_iter=5), build_classification),
               (LSML_Supervised(), build_classification),
               (MMC_Supervised(max_iter=5), build_classification),
               (RCA_Supervised(num_chunks=5), build_classification),
    y_lims = (y_center - max_diff / 2 - margin,
              y_center + max_diff / 2 + margin)
    x_lims = (x_center - max_diff / 2 - margin,
              x_center + max_diff / 2 + margin)


    for i, edge in enumerate(pairs):
        plt.plot(edge[:, 0],
                 edge[:, 1],
                 c='green' if y_pairs[i] == 1 else 'red',
    plt.scatter(pairs[:, 0, 0], pairs[:, 0, 1], c='b')
    plt.scatter(pairs[:, 1, 0], pairs[:, 1, 1], c='b')

plot_points(pairs, y_pairs, 'pairs_without_metric')

mmc = ITML()
mmc.fit(pairs, y_pairs)

X_e = mmc.transform(X)
pairs = X_e[c].copy()

plot_points(pairs, y_pairs, 'pairs_with_metric')