Example #1
class LFDA:
    def __init__(self):
        """Initializes the LFDA model"""
        self.metric_model = LFDA_ml()
        self.X_tr = None
        self.y_train = None
        self.X_te = None

    def fit(self, X_tr, y_train):
        """Fits the model to the prescribed data."""
        self.X_tr = X_tr
        self.y_train = y_train
        return self.metric_model.fit(X_tr, y_train)

    def transform(self, X):
        """Transforms the test data according to the model"""
        return self.metric_model.transform(X)

    def predict_proba(self, X_te):
        """Predicts the probabilities of each of the test samples"""
        test_samples = X_te.shape[0]
        self.X_tr = self.transform(self.X_tr)
        clf = NearestCentroid()
        clf.fit(self.X_tr, self.y_train)
        centroids = clf.centroids_
        probabilities = np.zeros((test_samples, centroids.shape[0]))
        for sample in xrange(test_samples):
            probabilities[sample] = sk_nearest_neighbour_proba(
                centroids, X_te[sample, :])
        return probabilities
Example #2
    def process_lfda(self, **option):
        '''Metric Learning algorithm: LFDA'''
        GeneExp = self.GeneExp_train
        Label = self.Label_train

        lfda = LFDA(**option)
        lfda.fit(GeneExp, Label)
        self.Trans['LFDA'] = lfda.transformer()
  def test_iris(self):
    lfda = LFDA(k=2, num_dims=2)
    lfda.fit(self.iris_points, self.iris_labels)
    csep = class_separation(lfda.transform(self.iris_points), self.iris_labels)
    self.assertLess(csep, 0.15)

    # Sanity checks for learned matrices.
    self.assertEqual(lfda.get_mahalanobis_matrix().shape, (4, 4))
    self.assertEqual(lfda.transformer_.shape, (2, 4))
def get_model(config):
    if config is None:
        return None
    if 'model_kwargs' not in config:
        model_kwargs = dict()
        model_kwargs = config['model_kwargs']
    if config['model'] == 'svm':
        model = svm.SVC(**model_kwargs)
    elif config['model'] == 'rdf':
        model = RandomForestClassifier(**model_kwargs)
    elif config['model'] == 'adaboost':
        if 'sub_model' in config:
            base_estimator = get_model(config['sub_model'])
            base_estimator = None
        model = AdaBoostClassifier(base_estimator=base_estimator, **model_kwargs)
    elif config['model'] == 'gradient_boost':
        model = GradientBoostingClassifier(**model_kwargs)
    elif config['model'] == 'gaussion_bayes':
        model = naive_bayes.GaussianNB(**model_kwargs)
    elif config['model'] == 'mlp':
        model = MLPClassifier(**model_kwargs)
    elif config['model'] == 'k_neighbors':
        model = KNeighborsClassifier(**model_kwargs)
    elif config['model'] == 'decision_tree':
        model = DecisionTreeClassifier(**model_kwargs)
    elif config['model'] == 'voting':
        sub_models = []
        for sub_model in config['sub_model']:
            sub_models.append([sub_model['model_name'], get_model(sub_model)])
        model = VotingClassifier(sub_models, **model_kwargs)
    elif config['model'] == 'stacking':
        final_estimator = get_model(config.get('final_model', None))
        sub_models = []
        for sub_model in config['sub_model']:
            sub_models.append((sub_model['model_name'], get_model(sub_model)))
        model = StackingClassifier(estimators=sub_models, final_estimator=final_estimator, **model_kwargs)
    elif config['model'] == 'bagging':
        base_estimator = get_model(config.get('sub_model', None))
        model = BaggingClassifier(base_estimator=base_estimator, **model_kwargs)
    elif config['model'] in ['lfda', 'lmnn', 'mmc']:
        if config['model'] == 'lfda':
            metric_learner = LFDA(**model_kwargs)
        elif config['model'] == 'lmnn':
            metric_learner = LMNN(**model_kwargs)
        elif config['model'] == 'mmc':
            metric_learner = MMC_Supervised(**model_kwargs)
            raise AttributeError
        if 'final_model' in config:
            final_model = get_model(config['final_model'])
            final_model = KNeighborsClassifier()
        model = Pipeline([('metric', metric_learner), ('final', final_model)])
        raise AttributeError('unrecognized model %s' % config['model'])
    return model
  def test_lfda(self):
    lfda = LFDA(k=2, n_components=2)
    lfda.fit(self.X, self.y)
    res_1 = lfda.transform(self.X)

    lfda = LFDA(k=2, n_components=2)
    res_2 = lfda.fit_transform(self.X, self.y)

    # signs may be flipped, that's okay
    assert_array_almost_equal(abs(res_1), abs(res_2))
Example #6
    def test_lfda(self):
        lfda = LFDA(k=2, num_dims=2)
        lfda.fit(self.X, self.y)
        res_1 = lfda.transform()

        lfda = LFDA(k=2, num_dims=2)
        res_2 = lfda.fit_transform(self.X, self.y)

        # signs may be flipped, that's okay
        if np.sign(res_1[0, 0]) != np.sign(res_2[0, 0]):
            res_2 *= -1
        assert_array_almost_equal(res_1, res_2)
Example #7
    def test_iris(self):
        lfda = LFDA(k=2, num_dims=2)
        lfda.fit(self.iris_points, self.iris_labels)
        csep = class_separation(lfda.transform(), self.iris_labels)
        self.assertLess(csep, 0.15)

        # Sanity checks for learned matrices.
        self.assertEqual(lfda.metric().shape, (4, 4))
        self.assertEqual(lfda.transformer().shape, (2, 4))
def fisher_discriminant(X, Y):

	model = LFDA()
	model.fit(X, Y)

	return model.transform(X), model.metric()
def runLFDA(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test):
    transformer = LFDA()
    transformer.fit(X_train, y_train)
    X_train_proj = transformer.transform(X_train)
    X_test_proj = transformer.transform(X_test)
    np.save('X_train_LFDA', X_train_proj)
    np.save('X_test_LFDA', X_test_proj)
    return X_train_proj, X_test_proj
Example #10
  def test_iris(self):
    lfda = LFDA(k=2, n_components=2)
    lfda.fit(self.iris_points, self.iris_labels)
    csep = class_separation(lfda.transform(self.iris_points), self.iris_labels)
    self.assertLess(csep, 0.15)

    # Sanity checks for learned matrices.
    self.assertEqual(lfda.get_mahalanobis_matrix().shape, (4, 4))
    self.assertEqual(lfda.components_.shape, (2, 4))
  def test_lfda(self):
    lfda = LFDA(k=2, num_dims=2)
    lfda.fit(self.X, self.y)
    res_1 = lfda.transform(self.X)

    lfda = LFDA(k=2, num_dims=2)
    res_2 = lfda.fit_transform(self.X, self.y)

    # signs may be flipped, that's okay
    if np.sign(res_1[0,0]) != np.sign(res_2[0,0]):
        res_2 *= -1
    assert_array_almost_equal(res_1, res_2)
Example #12
def get_dist_func(
    data: Array[np.float64], target: Array[np.float64]
) -> Callable[[Callable[[np.float64, np.float64], np.float64], np.int, np.int],
    Get function that returns distances between examples in learned space.

        data : Array[np.float64] - training data_trans
        target : int - target variable values (classes of training examples)
        Callable[[Callable[[np.float64, np.float64], np.float64], np.int, np.int], np.float64] -- higher
        order function that takes a matric function and returns a function that takes two indices of examples
        and returns distance between examples in learned metric space.

    # Get transformed data.
    data_trans: Array[np.float64] = LFDA().fit_transform(
        StandardScaler().fit_transform(data), target)

    # Computing distance:
    def dist_func_res(metric: Callable[[np.float64, np.float64], np.float64],
                      i1: np.int, i2: np.int) -> np.float64:
        distance function that takes indices of examples in training set and returns distance
        in learned space using specified distance metric.

            i1 : int - index of first training example
            i2 : int - index of second training example
            np.float64 - distance in learned metric space using specified metric
                    between specified training examples.

        # Compute distance in learned metric space using specified metric.
        return metric(data_trans[i1, :], data_trans[i2, :])

    return dist_func_res  # Return distance function.
    X_train = np.load(osp.join(args.data_root, 'feature_train.npy'))
    y_train = np.load(osp.join(args.data_root, 'label_train.npy'))
    X_test = np.load(osp.join(args.data_root, 'feature_test.npy'))
    y_test = np.load(osp.join(args.data_root, 'label_test.npy'))
    return X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("LFDA")
    parser.add_argument('--data-root', default='./data/raw_split')
    parser.add_argument('--n-components', type=int, default=2)
    args = parser.parse_args()

    name = f"{args.n_components}"
    data_save_folder = f"./data/LFDA/{name}"

    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = load_split(args)

    t = time.time()

    lfda = LFDA(n_components=args.n_components)
    lfda.fit(X_train, y_train)

    np.save(osp.join(data_save_folder, "feature_train.npy"),
    np.save(osp.join(data_save_folder, "label_train.npy"), y_train)
    np.save(osp.join(data_save_folder, "feature_test.npy"),
    np.save(osp.join(data_save_folder, "label_test.npy"), y_test)
Example #14
def test_preprocessor_supervised(preprocessor, points, y_points):
  """Tests different ways to use the preprocessor argument: an array,
  a class callable, and a function callable, with a supervised algorithm
  lfda = LFDA(preprocessor=preprocessor)
  lfda.fit(points, y_points)
def main(params):

    backup_params(params, params.get('results_dir'))

    print('>>> loading data...')

    X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = LoaderFactory().create(

    print('<<< data loaded')

    print('>>> computing psd matrix...')

    if params.get('algorithm') == 'identity':
        psd_matrix = np.identity(X_train.shape[1], dtype=X_train.dtype)

    elif params.get('algorithm') == 'nca':
        nca = NCA(init='auto',
        nca.fit(X_train, y_train)
        psd_matrix = nca.get_mahalanobis_matrix()

    elif params.get('algorithm') == 'lmnn':
        lmnn = LMNN(init='auto',
        lmnn.fit(X_train, y_train)
        psd_matrix = lmnn.get_mahalanobis_matrix()

    elif params.get('algorithm') == 'itml':
        itml = ITML_Supervised(verbose=True,
        itml.fit(X_train, y_train)
        psd_matrix = itml.get_mahalanobis_matrix()

    elif params.get('algorithm') == 'lfda':

        lfda = LFDA()
        lfda.fit(X_train, y_train)
        psd_matrix = lfda.get_mahalanobis_matrix()

    elif params.get('algorithm') == 'arml':
        learner = TripleLearner(
                'lr': params.getfloat('lr'),
                'momentum': params.getfloat('momentum'),
                'weight_decay': params.getfloat('weight_decay'),
            criterion_params={'calibration': params.getfloat('calibration')},
            update_triple=params.getboolean('update_triple', fallback=False),

        psd_matrix = learner(X_train,

        raise Exception('unsupported algorithm')

    print('<<< psd matrix got')

    np.savetxt(os.path.join(params.get('results_dir'), 'psd_matrix.txt'),
Example #16
 def test_lfda(self):
elif Method == 'COV':
    print("Method: COV", '\n')
    cov = Covariance().fit(FSTrainData)
    TFSTestData = cov.transform(FSTestData)
    print('Transformation Done', '\n')

elif Method == 'ITML':
    print("Method: ITML", '\n')
    itml = ITML_Supervised(num_constraints=200, A0=None)
    x = itml.fit(FSTrainData, TrainLabels)
    TFSTestData = x.transform(FSTestData)
    print('Transformation Done', '\n')

elif Method == 'LFDA':
    print("Method: LFDA", '\n')
    lfda = LFDA(k=4, dim=1)
    x = lfda.fit(FSTrainData, TrainLabels)
    TFSTestData = x.transform(FSTestData)
    print('Transformation Done', '\n')

elif Method == 'NCA':
    print("Method: NCA", '\n')
    #print('Max', TrainData.max(axis=0))
    #print('sssssssss', len(TrainData[0]))
    #print('sssssssss', len(TrainData.max(axis=0)))
    #print('Min', TrainData.min(axis=0))

    nca = NCA(max_iter=500, learning_rate=0.01)
    # print('ssssssss', TrainData)
    x = nca.fit(FSTrainData, TrainLabels)
Example #18
 def __init__(self):
     """Initializes the LFDA model"""
     self.metric_model = LFDA_ml()
     self.X_tr = None
     self.y_train = None
     self.X_te = None
Example #19
quadruplets_learners = [(LSML(), build_quadruplets)]
ids_quadruplets_learners = list(
    map(lambda x: x.__class__.__name__,
        [learner for (learner, _) in quadruplets_learners]))

pairs_learners = [
    (ITML(), build_pairs),
    (MMC(max_iter=2), build_pairs),  # max_iter=2 for faster
    (SDML(), build_pairs),
ids_pairs_learners = list(
    map(lambda x: x.__class__.__name__,
        [learner for (learner, _) in pairs_learners]))

classifiers = [(Covariance(), build_classification),
               (LFDA(), build_classification), (LMNN(), build_classification),
               (NCA(), build_classification), (RCA(), build_classification),
               (ITML_Supervised(max_iter=5), build_classification),
               (LSML_Supervised(), build_classification),
               (MMC_Supervised(max_iter=5), build_classification),
               (RCA_Supervised(num_chunks=10), build_classification),
               (SDML_Supervised(), build_classification)]
ids_classifiers = list(
    map(lambda x: x.__class__.__name__,
        [learner for (learner, _) in classifiers]))

regressors = [(MLKR(), build_regression)]
ids_regressors = list(
    map(lambda x: x.__class__.__name__,
        [learner for (learner, _) in regressors]))
Example #20
t0 = time()
pca = RandomizedPCA(n_components=n_components, whiten=True).fit(X_train)
print("done in %0.3fs" % (time() - t0))

eigenfaces = pca.components_.reshape((n_components, h, w))

print("Projecting the input data on the eigenfaces orthonormal basis")
t0 = time()
X_train_pca = pca.transform(X_train)
X_test_pca = pca.transform(X_test)
print("done in %0.3fs" % (time() - t0))

# Try LMNN here.
print("Trying LFDA")
param_grid = {''}
lfda = LFDA()
lfda = lfda.fit(X_train_pca, y_train)
X_tr = lfda.transform(X_train_pca)
X_te = lfda.transform(X_test_pca)

acc, y_pred = classifier.sk_nearest_neighbour(X_tr, y_train, X_te, y_test)
print("accuracy = %s", acc)
print(classification_report(y_test, y_pred, target_names=target_names))
print(confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred, labels=range(n_classes)))

# Train a SVM classification model

print("Fitting the classifier to the training set")
t0 = time()
param_grid = {
 def test_lfda(self):
   lfda = LFDA(k=2, num_dims=2)
   lfda.fit(self.X, self.y)
   L = lfda.transformer_
   assert_array_almost_equal(L.T.dot(L), lfda.metric())
Example #22
 def lfda(data, label, dim):
     lcda = LFDA(k=2, num_dims=dim)
     lcda.fit(data, label)
     result = lcda.transform(data)
     return result
 def test_lfda(self):
   lfda = LFDA(k=2, num_dims=2)
   lfda.fit(self.X, self.y)
   L = lfda.transformer_
   assert_array_almost_equal(L.T.dot(L), lfda.get_mahalanobis_matrix())
 def test_iris(self):
     lfda = LFDA(k=2, dim=2)
     lfda.fit(self.iris_points, self.iris_labels)
     csep = class_separation(lfda.transform(), self.iris_labels)
     self.assertLess(csep, 0.15)
 def test_lfda(self):
   lfda = LFDA(k=2, num_dims=2)
   lfda.fit(self.X, self.y)
   L = lfda.transformer_
   assert_array_almost_equal(L.T.dot(L), lfda.get_mahalanobis_matrix())
 def test_lfda(self):
   lfda = LFDA(k=2, n_components=2)
   lfda.fit(self.X, self.y)
   L = lfda.components_
   assert_array_almost_equal(L.T.dot(L), lfda.get_mahalanobis_matrix())
Example #27
def test_preprocessor_supervised(preprocessor, points, y_points):
    """Tests different ways to use the preprocessor argument: an array,
  a class callable, and a function callable, with a supervised algorithm
    lfda = LFDA(preprocessor=preprocessor)
    lfda.fit(points, y_points)
 def test_lfda(self):
   lfda = LFDA(k=2, num_dims=2)
   lfda.fit(self.X, self.y)
   L = lfda.transformer()
   assert_array_almost_equal(L.T.dot(L), lfda.metric())
 def test_iris(self):
   lfda = LFDA(k=2, dim=2)
   lfda.fit(self.iris_points, self.iris_labels)
   csep = class_separation(lfda.transform(), self.iris_labels)
   self.assertLess(csep, 0.15)