def listVarOptions(self, package, setname, varname): import metrics.fileio.filetable as ft import metrics.fileio.findfiles as fi dtree = fi.dirtree_datafiles(self, pathid=0) filetable = ft.basic_filetable(dtree, self) if package[0].lower() == 'lmwg': import metrics.packages.lmwg.lmwg pinstance = metrics.packages.lmwg.lmwg.LMWG() elif package[0].lower() == 'amwg': import metrics.packages.amwg.amwg pinstance = metrics.packages.amwg.amwg.AMWG() slist = pinstance.list_diagnostic_sets() keys = slist.keys() keys.sort() for k in keys: fields = k.split() if setname[0] == fields[0]: vl = slist[k]._all_variables(filetable) for v in varname: if v in vl.keys(): # vo = slist[k][v].varoptions() vo = vl[v].varoptions() print 'Variable ', v, 'in set', setname[ 0], 'from package', package[ 0], 'at path', self._opts['path'][ 0], 'has options:' print vo
def listVarOptions(self, package, setname, varname): import metrics.fileio.filetable as ft import metrics.fileio.findfiles as fi dtree = fi.dirtree_datafiles(self, pathid=0) filetable = ft.basic_filetable(dtree, self) if package[0].lower() == "lmwg": import metrics.packages.lmwg.lmwg pinstance = metrics.packages.lmwg.lmwg.LMWG() elif package[0].lower() == "amwg": import metrics.packages.amwg.amwg pinstance = metrics.packages.amwg.amwg.AMWG() slist = pinstance.list_diagnostic_sets() keys = slist.keys() keys.sort() for k in keys: fields = k.split() if setname[0] == fields[0]: vl = slist[k]._all_variables(filetable) for v in varname: if v in vl.keys(): # vo = slist[k][v].varoptions() vo = vl[v].varoptions() print "Variable ", v, "in set", setname[0], "from package", package[0], "at path", self._opts[ "path" ][0], "has options:" print vo
def listVariables(self, package, setname): import metrics.fileio.filetable as ft import metrics.fileio.findfiles as fi dtree = fi.dirtree_datafiles(self, pathid=0) filetable = ft.basic_filetable(dtree, self) # this needs a filetable probably, or we just define the maximum list of variables somewhere # im = ".".join(['metrics', 'packages', package[0].lower()]) if package[0].lower() == "lmwg": import metrics.packages.lmwg.lmwg pinstance = metrics.packages.lmwg.lmwg.LMWG() elif package[0].lower() == "amwg": import metrics.packages.amwg.amwg pinstance = metrics.packages.amwg.amwg.AMWG() # assume we have a path provided # if pclass: # slist = pclass.list_diagnostic_sets() # else: slist = pinstance.list_diagnostic_sets() keys = slist.keys() keys.sort() vl = [] for k in keys: fields = k.split() if setname[0] == fields[0]: vl = slist[k]._list_variables(filetable) print "Available variabless for set", setname[0], "in package", package[0], "at path", self._opts[ "path" ][0], ":" print vl print "NOTE: Not all variables make sense for plotting or running diagnostics. Multi-word variable names need enclosed in single quotes:'word1 word2'" print "ALL is a valid variable name as well" if vl == []: print "No variable list returned. Is set", setname[0], "a valid set?" quit() return
def listVariables(self, package, setname): import metrics.fileio.filetable as ft import metrics.fileio.findfiles as fi dtree = fi.dirtree_datafiles(self, pathid=0) filetable = ft.basic_filetable(dtree, self) # this needs a filetable probably, or we just define the maximum list of variables somewhere # im = ".".join(['metrics', 'packages', package[0].lower()]) if package[0].lower() == 'lmwg': import metrics.packages.lmwg.lmwg pinstance = metrics.packages.lmwg.lmwg.LMWG() elif package[0].lower() == 'amwg': import metrics.packages.amwg.amwg pinstance = metrics.packages.amwg.amwg.AMWG() # assume we have a path provided # if pclass: # slist = pclass.list_diagnostic_sets() # else: slist = pinstance.list_diagnostic_sets() keys = slist.keys() keys.sort() vl = [] for k in keys: fields = k.split() if setname[0] == fields[0]: vl = slist[k]._list_variables(filetable) print 'Available variabless for set', setname[ 0], 'in package', package[0], 'at path', self._opts[ 'path'][0], ':' print vl print 'NOTE: Not all variables make sense for plotting or running diagnostics. Multi-word variable names need enclosed in single quotes:\'word1 word2\'' print 'ALL is a valid variable name as well' if vl == []: print 'No variable list returned. Is set', setname[ 0], 'a valid set?' quit() return
def listVarOptions(self, package, setname, varname): import metrics.fileio.filetable as ft import metrics.fileio.findfiles as fi if setname is None: print "ERROR, must specify plot set to list variable options" quit() if varname is None: print "ERROR, must specify variable to list variable options" quit() dtree = fi.dirtree_datafiles(self, modelid=0) filetable = ft.basic_filetable(dtree, self) if package is None: print "ERROR, must specify package to list variable options" quit() elif package.lower() == 'lmwg': import metrics.packages.lmwg.lmwg pinstance = metrics.packages.lmwg.lmwg.LMWG() elif package.lower()=='amwg': import metrics.packages.amwg.amwg pinstance = metrics.packages.amwg.amwg.AMWG() slist = pinstance.list_diagnostic_sets() keys = slist.keys() keys.sort() for k in keys: fields = k.split() if setname[0] == fields[0]: vl = slist[k]._all_variables(filetable, filetable) for v in varname: if v in vl.keys(): vo = vl[v].varoptions() print 'Variable ', v,'in set', setname[0],'from package',package,'at path', self._opts['model'][0]['path'],'has options:' print vo else: print 'Variable ', v,'in set', setname[0],'from package',package,'at path', self._opts['model'][0]['path'],'has no options.'
def listVariables(self, package, setname): import metrics.fileio.filetable as ft import metrics.fileio.findfiles as fi if setname is None: print "ERROR, must specify plot set to list variables" quit() dtree = fi.dirtree_datafiles(self, modelid=0) filetable = ft.basic_filetable(dtree, self) # this needs a filetable probably, or we just define the maximum list of variables somewhere if package is None: print "ERROR, must specify package to list variables" quit() elif package.lower() == 'lmwg': import metrics.packages.lmwg.lmwg pinstance = metrics.packages.lmwg.lmwg.LMWG() elif package.lower()=='amwg': import metrics.packages.amwg.amwg pinstance = metrics.packages.amwg.amwg.AMWG() slist = pinstance.list_diagnostic_sets() keys = slist.keys() keys.sort() vl = [] for k in keys: fields = k.split() if setname[0] == fields[0]: vl = slist[k]._list_variables(filetable, filetable) print 'Available variabless for set', setname[0], 'in package', package,'at path', self._opts['model'][0]['path'],':' print vl print 'NOTE: Not all variables make sense for plotting or running diagnostics. Multi-word variable names need enclosed in single quotes:\'word1 word2\'' print 'ALL is a valid variable name as well' if vl == []: logging.critical('No variable list returned. Is set %s a valid set?',setname[0]) quit() return
def processCmdLine(self): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="UV-CDAT Climate Modeling Diagnostics", usage="%(prog)s --path1 [options]" ) parser.add_argument( "--path", "-p", action="append", nargs=1, help="Path(s) to dataset(s). This is required. If two paths need different filters, set one here and one in path2.", ) parser.add_argument("--path2", "-q", action="append", nargs=1, help="Path to a second dataset.") parser.add_argument("--obspath", action="append", nargs=1, help="Path to an observational dataset") parser.add_argument("--cachepath", nargs=1, help="Path for temporary and cachced files. Defaults to /tmp") # parser.add_argument('--realm', '-r', nargs=1, choices=self.realm_types, # help="The realm type. Current valid options are 'land' and 'atmosphere'") parser.add_argument( "--filter", "-f", nargs=1, help="A filespec filter. This will be applied to the dataset path(s) (--path option) to narrow down file choices.", ) parser.add_argument( "--filter2", "-g", nargs=1, help="A filespec filter. This will be applied to the second dataset path (--path2 option) to narrow down file choices.", ) parser.add_argument( "--new_filter", "-F", action="append", nargs=1, help="A filespec filter. This will be applied to the corresponding dataset path to narrow down file choices.", ) parser.add_argument( "--packages", "--package", "-k", nargs="+", help="The diagnostic packages to run against the dataset(s). Multiple packages can be specified.", ) parser.add_argument( "--sets", "--set", "-s", nargs="+", help="The sets within a diagnostic package to run. Multiple sets can be specified. If multiple packages were specified, the sets specified will be searched for in each package", ) parser.add_argument( "--vars", "--var", "-v", nargs="+", help="Specify variables of interest to process. The default is all variables which can also be specified with the keyword ALL", ) parser.add_argument( "--list", "-l", nargs=1, choices=["sets", "vars", "variables", "packages", "seasons", "regions", "translations", "options"], help="Determine which packages, sets, regions, variables, and variable options are available", ) # maybe eventually add compression level too.... parser.add_argument( "--compress", nargs=1, choices=["no", "yes"], help="Turn off netCDF compression. This can be required for other utilities to be able to process the output files (e.g. parallel netCDF based tools", ) # no compression, add self state parser.add_argument( "--outputpre", nargs=1, help="Specify an output filename prefix to be prepended to all file names created internally. For example --outputpre myout might generate, etc", ) parser.add_argument( "--outputpost", nargs=1, help="Specify an output filename postfix to be appended to all file names created internally. For example --outputpost _OBS might generate, etc", ) parser.add_argument("--outputdir", "-O", nargs=1, help="Directory in which output files will be written.") parser.add_argument( "--seasons", nargs="+", choices=all_seasons, help="Specify which seasons to generate climatoogies for" ) parser.add_argument("--years", nargs="+", help="Specify which years to include when generating climatologies") parser.add_argument( "--months", nargs="+", choices=all_months, help="Specify which months to generate climatologies for" ) parser.add_argument( "--climatologies", "-c", nargs=1, choices=["no", "yes"], help="Specifies whether or not climatologies should be generated", ) parser.add_argument( "--plots", "-t", nargs=1, choices=["no", "yes"], help="Specifies whether or not plots should be generated" ) parser.add_argument("--plottype", nargs=1) parser.add_argument( "--precomputed", nargs=1, choices=["no", "yes"], help="Specifies whether standard climatologies are stored with the dataset (*, *, ... *, *, etc", ) parser.add_argument( "--json", "-j", nargs=1, choices=["no", "yes"], help="Produce JSON output files as part of climatology/diags generation", ) # same parser.add_argument( "--netcdf", "-n", nargs=1, choices=["no", "yes"], help="Produce NetCDF output files as part of climatology/diags generation", ) # same parser.add_argument( "--xml", "-x", nargs=1, choices=["no", "yes"], help="Produce XML output files as part of climatology/diags generation", ) parser.add_argument( "--seasonally", action="store_true", help="Produce climatologies for all of the defined seasons. To get a list of seasons, run --list seasons", ) parser.add_argument("--monthly", action="store_true", help="Produce climatologies for all predefined months") parser.add_argument( "--yearly", action="store_true", help="Produce annual climatogolies for all years in the dataset" ) parser.add_argument( "--timestart", nargs=1, help="Specify the starting time for the dataset, such as 'months since Jan 2000'" ) parser.add_argument( "--timebounds", nargs=1, choices=["daily", "monthly", "yearly"], help="Specify the time boudns for the dataset", ) parser.add_argument( "--verbose", "-V", action="count", help="Increase the verbosity level. Each -v option increases the verbosity more.", ) # count parser.add_argument( "--name", action="append", nargs=1, help="Specify option names for the datasets for plot titles, etc" ) # optional name for the set # This will be the standard list of region names NCAR has parser.add_argument( "--regions", "--region", nargs="+", choices=all_regions.keys(), help="Specify a geographical region of interest. Note: Multi-word regions need quoted, e.g. 'Central Canada'", ) parser.add_argument("--starttime", nargs=1, help="Specify a start time in the dataset") parser.add_argument("--endtime", nargs=1, help="Specify an end time in the dataset") parser.add_argument( "--translate", nargs="?", default="y", help="Enable translation for obs sets to datasets. Optional provide a colon separated input to output list e.g. DSVAR1:OBSVAR1", ) parser.add_argument("--varopts", nargs="+", help="Variable auxillary options") args = parser.parse_args() if args.list != None: if args.list[0] == "translations": print "Default variable translations: " self.listTranslations() quit() if args.list[0] == "regions": print "Available geographical regions: ", all_regions.keys() quit() if args.list[0] == "seasons": print "Available seasons: ", all_seasons quit() if args.list[0] == "packages": print "Listing available packages:" print self.all_packages.keys() quit() if args.list[0] == "sets": if args.packages == None: print "Please specify package before requesting available diags sets" quit() for p in args.packages: print "Avaialble sets for package ", p, ":" sets = self.listSets(p) keys = sets.keys() for k in keys: print "Set", k, " - ", sets[k] quit() if args.list[0] == "variables" or args.list[0] == "vars": if args.path != None: for i in args.path: self._opts["path"].append(i[0]) else: print "Must provide a dataset when requesting a variable listing" quit() self.listVariables(args.packages, args.sets) quit() if args.list[0] == "options": if args.path != None: for i in args.path: self._opts["path"].append(i[0]) else: print "Must provide a dataset when requesting a variable listing" quit() self.listVarOptions(args.packages, args.sets, args.vars) quit() # Generally if we've gotten this far, it means no --list was specified. If we don't have # at least a path, we should exit. if args.path != None: for i in args.path: self._opts["path"].append(i[0]) else: print "Must specify a path or the --list option at a minimum." print 'For help, type "diags --help".' quit() if args.path2 != None: for i in args.path2: self._opts["path2"].append(i[0]) if args.obspath != None: for i in args.obspath: self._opts["obspath"].append(i[0]) # TODO: Should some pre-defined filters be "nameable" here? if args.filter != None: # Only supports one filter argument, see filter2. self._opts["filter"] = args.filter[0] self._opts["user_filter"] = True # for i in args.filter: # self._opts['filter'].append(i[0]) if args.filter2 != None: # This is a second filter argument. self._opts["filter2"] = args.filter2[0] self._opts["user_filter"] = True if args.new_filter != None: # like filter but with multiple arguments for i in args.new_filter: self._opts["new_filter"].append(i[0]) if args.cachepath != None: self._opts["cachepath"] = args.cachepath[0] self._opts["seasonally"] = args.seasonally self._opts["monthly"] = args.monthly if args.starttime != None: self._opts["start"] = args.starttime[0] if args.endtime != None: self._opts["end"] = args.endtime[0] # I checked; these are global and it doesn't seem to matter if you import cdms2 multiple times; # they are still set after you set them once in the python process. if args.compress != None: if args.compress[0] == "no": self._opts["compress"] = False else: self._opts["compress"] = True if self._opts["compress"] == True: print "Enabling compression for output netCDF files" cdms2.setNetcdfShuffleFlag(1) cdms2.setNetcdfDeflateFlag(1) cdms2.setNetcdfDeflateLevelFlag(9) else: print "Disabling compression for output netCDF files" cdms2.setNetcdfShuffleFlag(0) cdms2.setNetcdfDeflateFlag(0) cdms2.setNetcdfDeflateLevelFlag(0) if args.json != None: if args.json[0] == "no": self._opts["json"] = False else: self._opts["json"] = True if args.xml != None: if args.xml[0] == "no": self._opts["xml"] = False else: self._opts["xml"] = True if args.netcdf != None: if args.netcdf[0] == "no": self._opts["netcdf"] = False else: self._opts["netcdf"] = True if args.plots != None: if args.plots[0].lower() == "no" or args.plots[0] == 0: self._opts["plots"] = False else: self._opts["plots"] = True if args.climatologies != None: if args.climatologies[0] == "no": self._opts["climatologies"] = False else: self._opts["climatologies"] = True self._opts["verbose"] = args.verbose if != None: for i in self._opts["dsnames"].append(i[0]) # Help create output file names if args.outputpre != None: self._opts["outputpre"] = args.outputpre[0] if args.outputpost != None: self._opts["outputpost"] = args.outputpost[0] # Output directory if args.outputdir != None: if not os.path.isdir(args.outputdir[0]): print "ERROR, output directory", args.outputdir[0], "does not exist!" quit() self._opts["outputdir"] = args.outputdir[0] if args.translate != "y": print args.translate print self._opts["translate"] quit() # Timestart assumes a string like "months since 2000". I can't find documentation on # toRelativeTime() so I have no idea how to check for valid input # This is required for some of the land model sets I've seen if args.timestart != None: self._opts["reltime"] = args.timestart # cdutil.setTimeBounds{bounds}(variable) if args.timebounds != None: self._opts["bounds"] = args.timebounds # Check if a user specified package actually exists # Note: This is case sensitive..... if args.packages != None: plist = [] for x in args.packages: if x.upper() in self.all_packages.keys(): plist.append(x) elif x in self.all_packages.keys(): plist.append(x.lower()) if plist == []: print "Package name(s) ", args.packages, " not valid" print "Valid package names: ", self.all_packages.keys() quit() else: self._opts["packages"] = plist # TODO: Requires exact case; probably make this more user friendly and look for mixed case if args.regions != None: rlist = [] for x in args.regions: if x in all_regions.keys(): rlist.append(x) print "REGIONS: ", rlist self._opts["regions"] = rlist # Given user-selected packages, check for user specified sets # Note: If multiple packages have the same set names, then they are all added to the list. # This might be bad since there is no differentiation of lwmg['id==set'] and lmwg2['id==set'] if self._opts["packages"] == None and args.sets != None: print "No package specified" self._opts["sets"] = args.sets if args.sets != None and self._opts["packages"] != None: # unfortuantely, we have to go through all of this.... # there should be a non-init of the class method to list sets/packages/etc, # ie a dictionary perhaps? sets = [] import metrics.fileio.filetable as ft import metrics.fileio.findfiles as fi import metrics.packages.diagnostic_groups package = self._opts["packages"] if package[0].lower() == "lmwg": import metrics.packages.lmwg.lmwg elif package[0].lower() == "amwg": import metrics.packages.amwg.amwg dtree = fi.dirtree_datafiles(self, pathid=0) filetable = ft.basic_filetable(dtree, self) dm = metrics.packages.diagnostic_groups.diagnostics_menu() pclass = dm[package[0].upper()]() slist = pclass.list_diagnostic_sets() keys = slist.keys() keys.sort() for k in keys: fields = k.split() for user in args.sets: if user == fields[0]: sets.append(user) self._opts["sets"] = sets if sets != args.sets: print "sets requested ", args.sets print "sets available: ", slist exit(1) # check for some varopts first. if args.varopts != None: self._opts["varopts"] = args.varopts # Add some hackery here to convert pressure level vars to var+varopts if args.vars != None: self._opts["vars"] = args.vars vpl = ["Z3_300", "Z3_500", "U_200", "T_200", "T_850"] vl = list(set(args.vars) - set(vpl)) if vl == args.vars: # no pressure level vars made it this far. print "No pressure level vars found in input vars list." else: # more complicated.... print "Pressure level vars found in input vars list.... Processing...." vopts = [] if ( self._opts["varopts"] != [] and self._opts["varopts"] != None ): # hopefully the user didn't also specify varopts.... print "User passed in varopts but there are pressure-level variables in the vars list." print "This will append the pressure levels found to the varopts array" # see which pressure level vars were passed. this will be the super set of pressure levels. if "Z3_300" in self._opts["vars"]: vopts.append("300") self._opts["vars"] = [x.replace("Z3_300", "Z3") for x in self._opts["vars"]] if "Z3_500" in self._opts["vars"]: vopts.append("500") self._opts["vars"] = [x.replace("Z3_500", "Z3") for x in self._opts["vars"]] if "T_200" in self._opts["vars"]: vopts.append("200") self._opts["vars"] = [x.replace("T_200", "T") for x in self._opts["vars"]] if "T_850" in self._opts["vars"]: vopts.append("850") self._opts["vars"] = [x.replace("T_850", "T") for x in self._opts["vars"]] if "U_200" in self._opts["vars"]: vopts.append("200") self._opts["vars"] = [x.replace("U_200", "U") for x in self._opts["vars"]] vopts = list(set(vopts)) if self._opts["varopts"] == [] or self._opts["varopts"] == None: self._opts["varopts"] = vopts else: self._opts["varopts"].extend(vopts) self._opts["varopts"] = list(set(self._opts["varopts"])) print "Updated vars list: ", self._opts["vars"] # If --yearly is set, then we will add 'ANN' to the list of climatologies if args.yearly == True: self._opts["yearly"] = True self._opts["times"].append("ANN") # If --monthly is set, we add all months to the list of climatologies if args.monthly == True: self._opts["monthly"] = True self._opts["times"].extend(all_months) # If --seasonally is set, we add all 4 seasons to the list of climatologies if args.seasonally == True: self._opts["seasonally"] = True self._opts["times"].extend(all_seasons) # This allows specific individual months to be added to the list of climatologies if args.months != None: if args.monthly == True: print "Please specify just one of --monthly or --months" quit() else: mlist = [x for x in all_months if x in args.months] self._opts["times"] = self._opts["times"] + mlist # This allows specific individual years to be added to the list of climatologies. # Note: Checkign for valid input is impossible until we look at the dataset # This has to be special cased since typically someone will be saying # "Generate climatologies for seasons for years X, Y, and Z of my dataset" if args.years != None: if args.yearly == True: print "Please specify just one of --yearly or --years" quit() else: self._opts["years"] = args.years if args.seasons != None: if args.seasonally == True: print "Please specify just one of --seasonally or --seasons" quit() else: slist = [x for x in all_seasons if x in args.seasons] self._opts["times"] = self._opts["times"] + slist
def processCmdLine(self): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='UV-CDAT Climate Modeling Diagnostics', usage='%(prog)s --path1 [options]') parser.add_argument( '--path', '-p', action='append', nargs=1, help= "Path(s) to dataset(s). This is required. If two paths need different filters, set one here and one in path2." ) parser.add_argument('--path2', '-q', action='append', nargs=1, help="Path to a second dataset.") parser.add_argument('--obspath', action='append', nargs=1, help="Path to an observational dataset") parser.add_argument( '--cachepath', nargs=1, help="Path for temporary and cachced files. Defaults to /tmp") # parser.add_argument('--realm', '-r', nargs=1, choices=self.realm_types, # help="The realm type. Current valid options are 'land' and 'atmosphere'") parser.add_argument( '--filter', '-f', nargs=1, help= "A filespec filter. This will be applied to the dataset path(s) (--path option) to narrow down file choices." ) parser.add_argument( '--filter2', '-g', nargs=1, help= "A filespec filter. This will be applied to the second dataset path (--path2 option) to narrow down file choices." ) parser.add_argument( '--new_filter', '-F', action='append', nargs=1, help= "A filespec filter. This will be applied to the corresponding dataset path to narrow down file choices." ) parser.add_argument( '--packages', '--package', '-k', nargs='+', help= "The diagnostic packages to run against the dataset(s). Multiple packages can be specified." ) parser.add_argument( '--sets', '--set', '-s', nargs='+', help= "The sets within a diagnostic package to run. Multiple sets can be specified. If multiple packages were specified, the sets specified will be searched for in each package" ) parser.add_argument( '--vars', '--var', '-v', nargs='+', help= "Specify variables of interest to process. The default is all variables which can also be specified with the keyword ALL" ) parser.add_argument( '--list', '-l', nargs=1, choices=[ 'sets', 'vars', 'variables', 'packages', 'seasons', 'regions', 'translations', 'options' ], help= "Determine which packages, sets, regions, variables, and variable options are available" ) # maybe eventually add compression level too.... parser.add_argument( '--compress', nargs=1, choices=['no', 'yes'], help= "Turn off netCDF compression. This can be required for other utilities to be able to process the output files (e.g. parallel netCDF based tools" ) #no compression, add self state parser.add_argument( '--outputpre', nargs=1, help= "Specify an output filename prefix to be prepended to all file names created internally. For example --outputpre myout might generate, etc" ) parser.add_argument( '--outputpost', nargs=1, help= "Specify an output filename postfix to be appended to all file names created internally. For example --outputpost _OBS might generate, etc" ) parser.add_argument( '--outputdir', '-O', nargs=1, help="Directory in which output files will be written.") parser.add_argument( '--seasons', nargs='+', choices=all_seasons, help="Specify which seasons to generate climatoogies for") parser.add_argument( '--years', nargs='+', help="Specify which years to include when generating climatologies" ) parser.add_argument( '--months', nargs='+', choices=all_months, help="Specify which months to generate climatologies for") parser.add_argument( '--climatologies', '-c', nargs=1, choices=['no', 'yes'], help="Specifies whether or not climatologies should be generated") parser.add_argument( '--plots', '-t', nargs=1, choices=['no', 'yes'], help="Specifies whether or not plots should be generated") parser.add_argument('--plottype', nargs=1) parser.add_argument( '--precomputed', nargs=1, choices=['no', 'yes'], help= "Specifies whether standard climatologies are stored with the dataset (*, *, ... *, *, etc" ) parser.add_argument( '--json', '-j', nargs=1, choices=['no', 'yes'], help= "Produce JSON output files as part of climatology/diags generation" ) # same parser.add_argument( '--netcdf', '-n', nargs=1, choices=['no', 'yes'], help= "Produce NetCDF output files as part of climatology/diags generation" ) # same parser.add_argument( '--xml', '-x', nargs=1, choices=['no', 'yes'], help= "Produce XML output files as part of climatology/diags generation") parser.add_argument( '--seasonally', action='store_true', help= "Produce climatologies for all of the defined seasons. To get a list of seasons, run --list seasons" ) parser.add_argument( '--monthly', action='store_true', help="Produce climatologies for all predefined months") parser.add_argument( '--yearly', action='store_true', help="Produce annual climatogolies for all years in the dataset") parser.add_argument( '--timestart', nargs=1, help= "Specify the starting time for the dataset, such as 'months since Jan 2000'" ) parser.add_argument('--timebounds', nargs=1, choices=['daily', 'monthly', 'yearly'], help="Specify the time boudns for the dataset") parser.add_argument( '--verbose', '-V', action='count', help= "Increase the verbosity level. Each -v option increases the verbosity more." ) # count parser.add_argument( '--name', action='append', nargs=1, help="Specify option names for the datasets for plot titles, etc" ) #optional name for the set # This will be the standard list of region names NCAR has parser.add_argument( '--regions', '--region', nargs='+', choices=all_regions.keys(), help= "Specify a geographical region of interest. Note: Multi-word regions need quoted, e.g. 'Central Canada'" ) parser.add_argument('--starttime', nargs=1, help="Specify a start time in the dataset") parser.add_argument('--endtime', nargs=1, help="Specify an end time in the dataset") parser.add_argument( '--translate', nargs='?', default='y', help= "Enable translation for obs sets to datasets. Optional provide a colon separated input to output list e.g. DSVAR1:OBSVAR1" ) parser.add_argument('--varopts', nargs='+', help="Variable auxillary options") args = parser.parse_args() if (args.list != None): if args.list[0] == 'translations': print "Default variable translations: " self.listTranslations() quit() if args.list[0] == 'regions': print "Available geographical regions: ", all_regions.keys() quit() if args.list[0] == 'seasons': print "Available seasons: ", all_seasons quit() if args.list[0] == 'packages': print "Listing available packages:" print self.all_packages.keys() quit() if args.list[0] == 'sets': if args.packages == None: print "Please specify package before requesting available diags sets" quit() for p in args.packages: print 'Avaialble sets for package ', p, ':' sets = self.listSets(p) keys = sets.keys() for k in keys: print 'Set', k, ' - ', sets[k] quit() if args.list[0] == 'variables' or args.list[0] == 'vars': if args.path != None: for i in args.path: self._opts['path'].append(i[0]) else: print 'Must provide a dataset when requesting a variable listing' quit() self.listVariables(args.packages, args.sets) quit() if args.list[0] == 'options': if args.path != None: for i in args.path: self._opts['path'].append(i[0]) else: print 'Must provide a dataset when requesting a variable listing' quit() self.listVarOptions(args.packages, args.sets, args.vars) quit() # Generally if we've gotten this far, it means no --list was specified. If we don't have # at least a path, we should exit. if (args.path != None): for i in args.path: self._opts['path'].append(i[0]) else: print 'Must specify a path or the --list option at a minimum.' print 'For help, type "diags --help".' quit() if (args.path2 != None): for i in args.path2: self._opts['path2'].append(i[0]) if (args.obspath != None): for i in args.obspath: self._opts['obspath'].append(i[0]) # TODO: Should some pre-defined filters be "nameable" here? if (args.filter != None): # Only supports one filter argument, see filter2. self._opts['filter'] = args.filter[0] self._opts['user_filter'] = True # for i in args.filter: # self._opts['filter'].append(i[0]) if (args.filter2 != None): # This is a second filter argument. self._opts['filter2'] = args.filter2[0] self._opts['user_filter'] = True if (args.new_filter != None): # like filter but with multiple arguments for i in args.new_filter: self._opts['new_filter'].append(i[0]) if (args.cachepath != None): self._opts['cachepath'] = args.cachepath[0] self._opts['seasonally'] = args.seasonally self._opts['monthly'] = args.monthly if (args.starttime != None): self._opts['start'] = args.starttime[0] if (args.endtime != None): self._opts['end'] = args.endtime[0] # I checked; these are global and it doesn't seem to matter if you import cdms2 multiple times; # they are still set after you set them once in the python process. if (args.compress != None): if (args.compress[0] == 'no'): self._opts['compress'] = False else: self._opts['compress'] = True if self._opts['compress'] == True: print 'Enabling compression for output netCDF files' cdms2.setNetcdfShuffleFlag(1) cdms2.setNetcdfDeflateFlag(1) cdms2.setNetcdfDeflateLevelFlag(9) else: print 'Disabling compression for output netCDF files' cdms2.setNetcdfShuffleFlag(0) cdms2.setNetcdfDeflateFlag(0) cdms2.setNetcdfDeflateLevelFlag(0) if (args.json != None): if (args.json[0] == 'no'): self._opts['json'] = False else: self._opts['json'] = True if (args.xml != None): if (args.xml[0] == 'no'): self._opts['xml'] = False else: self._opts['xml'] = True if (args.netcdf != None): if (args.netcdf[0] == 'no'): self._opts['netcdf'] = False else: self._opts['netcdf'] = True if (args.plots != None): if (args.plots[0].lower() == 'no' or args.plots[0] == 0): self._opts['plots'] = False else: self._opts['plots'] = True if (args.climatologies != None): if (args.climatologies[0] == 'no'): self._opts['climatologies'] = False else: self._opts['climatologies'] = True self._opts['verbose'] = args.verbose if ( != None): for i in self._opts['dsnames'].append(i[0]) # Help create output file names if (args.outputpre != None): self._opts['outputpre'] = args.outputpre[0] if (args.outputpost != None): self._opts['outputpost'] = args.outputpost[0] # Output directory if (args.outputdir != None): if not os.path.isdir(args.outputdir[0]): print "ERROR, output directory", args.outputdir[ 0], "does not exist!" quit() self._opts['outputdir'] = args.outputdir[0] if (args.translate != 'y'): print args.translate print self._opts['translate'] quit() # Timestart assumes a string like "months since 2000". I can't find documentation on # toRelativeTime() so I have no idea how to check for valid input # This is required for some of the land model sets I've seen if (args.timestart != None): self._opts['reltime'] = args.timestart # cdutil.setTimeBounds{bounds}(variable) if (args.timebounds != None): self._opts['bounds'] = args.timebounds # Check if a user specified package actually exists # Note: This is case sensitive..... if (args.packages != None): plist = [] for x in args.packages: if x.upper() in self.all_packages.keys(): plist.append(x) elif x in self.all_packages.keys(): plist.append(x.lower()) if plist == []: print 'Package name(s) ', args.packages, ' not valid' print 'Valid package names: ', self.all_packages.keys() quit() else: self._opts['packages'] = plist # TODO: Requires exact case; probably make this more user friendly and look for mixed case if (args.regions != None): rlist = [] for x in args.regions: if x in all_regions.keys(): rlist.append(x) print 'REGIONS: ', rlist self._opts['regions'] = rlist # Given user-selected packages, check for user specified sets # Note: If multiple packages have the same set names, then they are all added to the list. # This might be bad since there is no differentiation of lwmg['id==set'] and lmwg2['id==set'] if (self._opts['packages'] == None and args.sets != None): print 'No package specified' self._opts['sets'] = args.sets if (args.sets != None and self._opts['packages'] != None): # unfortuantely, we have to go through all of this.... # there should be a non-init of the class method to list sets/packages/etc, # ie a dictionary perhaps? sets = [] import metrics.fileio.filetable as ft import metrics.fileio.findfiles as fi import metrics.packages.diagnostic_groups package = self._opts['packages'] if package[0].lower() == 'lmwg': import metrics.packages.lmwg.lmwg elif package[0].lower() == 'amwg': import metrics.packages.amwg.amwg dtree = fi.dirtree_datafiles(self, pathid=0) filetable = ft.basic_filetable(dtree, self) dm = metrics.packages.diagnostic_groups.diagnostics_menu() pclass = dm[package[0].upper()]() slist = pclass.list_diagnostic_sets() keys = slist.keys() keys.sort() for k in keys: fields = k.split() for user in args.sets: if user == fields[0]: sets.append(user) self._opts['sets'] = sets if sets != args.sets: print 'sets requested ', args.sets print 'sets available: ', slist exit(1) # check for some varopts first. if (args.varopts != None): self._opts['varopts'] = args.varopts # Add some hackery here to convert pressure level vars to var+varopts if args.vars != None: self._opts['vars'] = args.vars vpl = ['Z3_300', 'Z3_500', 'U_200', 'T_200', 'T_850'] vl = list(set(args.vars) - set(vpl)) if vl == args.vars: # no pressure level vars made it this far. print 'No pressure level vars found in input vars list.' else: # more complicated.... print 'Pressure level vars found in input vars list.... Processing....' vopts = [] if self._opts['varopts'] != [] and self._opts[ 'varopts'] != None: # hopefully the user didn't also specify varopts.... print 'User passed in varopts but there are pressure-level variables in the vars list.' print 'This will append the pressure levels found to the varopts array' # see which pressure level vars were passed. this will be the super set of pressure levels. if 'Z3_300' in self._opts['vars']: vopts.append('300') self._opts['vars'] = [ x.replace('Z3_300', 'Z3') for x in self._opts['vars'] ] if 'Z3_500' in self._opts['vars']: vopts.append('500') self._opts['vars'] = [ x.replace('Z3_500', 'Z3') for x in self._opts['vars'] ] if 'T_200' in self._opts['vars']: vopts.append('200') self._opts['vars'] = [ x.replace('T_200', 'T') for x in self._opts['vars'] ] if 'T_850' in self._opts['vars']: vopts.append('850') self._opts['vars'] = [ x.replace('T_850', 'T') for x in self._opts['vars'] ] if 'U_200' in self._opts['vars']: vopts.append('200') self._opts['vars'] = [ x.replace('U_200', 'U') for x in self._opts['vars'] ] vopts = list(set(vopts)) if self._opts['varopts'] == [] or self._opts['varopts'] == None: self._opts['varopts'] = vopts else: self._opts['varopts'].extend(vopts) self._opts['varopts'] = list(set(self._opts['varopts'])) print 'Updated vars list: ', self._opts['vars'] # If --yearly is set, then we will add 'ANN' to the list of climatologies if (args.yearly == True): self._opts['yearly'] = True self._opts['times'].append('ANN') # If --monthly is set, we add all months to the list of climatologies if (args.monthly == True): self._opts['monthly'] = True self._opts['times'].extend(all_months) # If --seasonally is set, we add all 4 seasons to the list of climatologies if (args.seasonally == True): self._opts['seasonally'] = True self._opts['times'].extend(all_seasons) # This allows specific individual months to be added to the list of climatologies if (args.months != None): if (args.monthly == True): print "Please specify just one of --monthly or --months" quit() else: mlist = [x for x in all_months if x in args.months] self._opts['times'] = self._opts['times'] + mlist # This allows specific individual years to be added to the list of climatologies. # Note: Checkign for valid input is impossible until we look at the dataset # This has to be special cased since typically someone will be saying # "Generate climatologies for seasons for years X, Y, and Z of my dataset" if (args.years != None): if (args.yearly == True): print "Please specify just one of --yearly or --years" quit() else: self._opts['years'] = args.years if (args.seasons != None): if (args.seasonally == True): print "Please specify just one of --seasonally or --seasons" quit() else: slist = [x for x in all_seasons if x in args.seasons] self._opts['times'] = self._opts['times'] + slist
def processCmdLine(self): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='UV-CDAT Climate Modeling Diagnostics', usage='%(prog)s --path1 [options]') parser.add_argument('--path', '-p', action='append', nargs=1, help="Path(s) to dataset(s). This is required. If two paths need different filters, set one here and one in path2.") parser.add_argument('--path2', '-q', action='append', nargs=1, help="Path to a second dataset.") parser.add_argument('--obspath', action='append', nargs=1, help="Path to an observational dataset") parser.add_argument('--cachepath', nargs=1, help="Path for temporary and cachced files. Defaults to /tmp") # parser.add_argument('--realm', '-r', nargs=1, choices=self.realm_types, # help="The realm type. Current valid options are 'land' and 'atmosphere'") parser.add_argument('--filter', '-f', nargs=1, help="A filespec filter. This will be applied to the dataset path(s) (--path option) to narrow down file choices.") parser.add_argument('--filter2', '-g', nargs=1, help="A filespec filter. This will be applied to the second dataset path (--path2 option) to narrow down file choices.") parser.add_argument('--new_filter', '-F', action='append', nargs=1, help="A filespec filter. This will be applied to the corresponding dataset path to narrow down file choices.") parser.add_argument('--packages', '--package', '-k', nargs='+', help="The diagnostic packages to run against the dataset(s). Multiple packages can be specified.") parser.add_argument('--sets', '--set', '-s', nargs='+', help="The sets within a diagnostic package to run. Multiple sets can be specified. If multiple packages were specified, the sets specified will be searched for in each package") parser.add_argument('--vars', '--var', '-v', nargs='+', help="Specify variables of interest to process. The default is all variables which can also be specified with the keyword ALL") parser.add_argument('--list', '-l', nargs=1, choices=['sets', 'vars', 'variables', 'packages', 'seasons', 'regions', 'translations', 'options'], help="Determine which packages, sets, regions, variables, and variable options are available") # maybe eventually add compression level too.... parser.add_argument('--compress', nargs=1, choices=['no', 'yes'], help="Turn off netCDF compression. This can be required for other utilities to be able to process the output files (e.g. parallel netCDF based tools") #no compression, add self state parser.add_argument('--outputpre', nargs=1, help="Specify an output filename prefix to be prepended to all file names created internally. For example --outputpre myout might generate, etc") parser.add_argument('--outputpost', nargs=1, help="Specify an output filename postfix to be appended to all file names created internally. For example --outputpost _OBS might generate, etc") parser.add_argument('--outputdir', '-O', nargs=1, help="Directory in which output files will be written." ) parser.add_argument('--seasons', nargs='+', choices=all_seasons, help="Specify which seasons to generate climatoogies for") parser.add_argument('--years', nargs='+', help="Specify which years to include when generating climatologies") parser.add_argument('--months', nargs='+', choices=all_months, help="Specify which months to generate climatologies for") parser.add_argument('--climatologies', '-c', nargs=1, choices=['no','yes'], help="Specifies whether or not climatologies should be generated") parser.add_argument('--plots', '-t', nargs=1, choices=['no','yes'], help="Specifies whether or not plots should be generated") parser.add_argument('--plottype', nargs=1) parser.add_argument('--precomputed', nargs=1, choices=['no','yes'], help="Specifies whether standard climatologies are stored with the dataset (*, *, ... *, *, etc") parser.add_argument('--json', '-j', nargs=1, choices=['no', 'yes'], help="Produce JSON output files as part of climatology/diags generation") # same parser.add_argument('--netcdf', '-n', nargs=1, choices=['no', 'yes'], help="Produce NetCDF output files as part of climatology/diags generation") # same parser.add_argument('--xml', '-x', nargs=1, choices=['no', 'yes'], help="Produce XML output files as part of climatology/diags generation") parser.add_argument('--seasonally', action='store_true', help="Produce climatologies for all of the defined seasons. To get a list of seasons, run --list seasons") parser.add_argument('--monthly', action='store_true', help="Produce climatologies for all predefined months") parser.add_argument('--yearly', action='store_true', help="Produce annual climatogolies for all years in the dataset") parser.add_argument('--timestart', nargs=1, help="Specify the starting time for the dataset, such as 'months since Jan 2000'") parser.add_argument('--timebounds', nargs=1, choices=['daily', 'monthly', 'yearly'], help="Specify the time boudns for the dataset") parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-V', action='count', help="Increase the verbosity level. Each -v option increases the verbosity more.") # count parser.add_argument('--name', action='append', nargs=1, help="Specify option names for the datasets for plot titles, etc") #optional name for the set # This will be the standard list of region names NCAR has parser.add_argument('--regions', '--region', nargs='+', choices=all_regions.keys(), help="Specify a geographical region of interest. Note: Multi-word regions need quoted, e.g. 'Central Canada'") parser.add_argument('--starttime', nargs=1, help="Specify a start time in the dataset") parser.add_argument('--endtime', nargs=1, help="Specify an end time in the dataset") parser.add_argument('--translate', nargs='?', default='y', help="Enable translation for obs sets to datasets. Optional provide a colon separated input to output list e.g. DSVAR1:OBSVAR1") parser.add_argument('--varopts', nargs='+', help="Variable auxillary options") args = parser.parse_args() if(args.list != None): if args.list[0] == 'translations': print "Default variable translations: " self.listTranslations() quit() if args.list[0] == 'regions': print "Available geographical regions: ", all_regions.keys() quit() if args.list[0] == 'seasons': print "Available seasons: ", all_seasons quit() if args.list[0] == 'packages': print "Listing available packages:" print self.all_packages.keys() quit() if args.list[0] == 'sets': if args.packages == None: print "Please specify package before requesting available diags sets" quit() for p in args.packages: print 'Avaialble sets for package ', p, ':' sets = self.listSets(p) keys = sets.keys() for k in keys: print 'Set',k, ' - ', sets[k] quit() if args.list[0] == 'variables' or args.list[0] == 'vars': if args.path != None: for i in args.path: self._opts['path'].append(i[0]) else: print 'Must provide a dataset when requesting a variable listing' quit() self.listVariables(args.packages, args.sets) quit() if args.list[0] == 'options': if args.path!= None: for i in args.path: self._opts['path'].append(i[0]) else: print 'Must provide a dataset when requesting a variable listing' quit() self.listVarOptions(args.packages, args.sets, args.vars) quit() # Generally if we've gotten this far, it means no --list was specified. If we don't have # at least a path, we should exit. if(args.path != None): for i in args.path: self._opts['path'].append(i[0]) else: print 'Must specify a path or the --list option at a minimum.' print 'For help, type "diags --help".' quit() if(args.path2 != None): for i in args.path2: self._opts['path2'].append(i[0]) if(args.obspath != None): for i in args.obspath: self._opts['obspath'].append(i[0]) # TODO: Should some pre-defined filters be "nameable" here? if(args.filter != None): # Only supports one filter argument, see filter2. self._opts['filter'] = args.filter[0] self._opts['user_filter'] = True # for i in args.filter: # self._opts['filter'].append(i[0]) if(args.filter2 != None): # This is a second filter argument. self._opts['filter2'] = args.filter2[0] self._opts['user_filter'] = True if(args.new_filter != None): # like filter but with multiple arguments for i in args.new_filter: self._opts['new_filter'].append(i[0]) if(args.cachepath != None): self._opts['cachepath'] = args.cachepath[0] self._opts['seasonally'] = args.seasonally self._opts['monthly'] = args.monthly if(args.varopts != None): self._opts['varopts'] = args.varopts if(args.starttime != None): self._opts['start'] = args.starttime[0] if(args.endtime != None): self._opts['end'] = args.endtime[0] # I checked; these are global and it doesn't seem to matter if you import cdms2 multiple times; # they are still set after you set them once in the python process. if(args.compress != None): if(args.compress[0] == 'no'): self._opts['compress'] = False else: self._opts['compress'] = True if self._opts['compress'] == True: print 'Enabling compression for output netCDF files' cdms2.setNetcdfShuffleFlag(1) cdms2.setNetcdfDeflateFlag(1) cdms2.setNetcdfDeflateLevelFlag(9) else: print 'Disabling compression for output netCDF files' cdms2.setNetcdfShuffleFlag(0) cdms2.setNetcdfDeflateFlag(0) cdms2.setNetcdfDeflateLevelFlag(0) if(args.json != None): if(args.json[0] == 'no'): self._opts['json'] = False else: self._opts['json'] = True if(args.xml != None): if(args.xml[0] == 'no'): self._opts['xml'] = False else: self._opts['xml'] = True if(args.netcdf != None): if(args.netcdf[0] == 'no'): self._opts['netcdf'] = False else: self._opts['netcdf'] = True if(args.plots != None): if(args.plots[0].lower() == 'no' or args.plots[0] == 0): self._opts['plots'] = False else: self._opts['plots'] = True if(args.climatologies != None): if(args.climatologies[0] == 'no'): self._opts['climatologies'] = False else: self._opts['climatologies'] = True self._opts['verbose'] = args.verbose if( != None): for i in self._opts['dsnames'].append(i[0]) # Help create output file names if(args.outputpre != None): self._opts['outputpre'] = args.outputpre[0] if(args.outputpost != None): self._opts['outputpost'] = args.outputpost[0] # Output directory if(args.outputdir != None): if not os.path.isdir(args.outputdir[0]): print "ERROR, output directory",args.outputdir[0],"does not exist!" quit() self._opts['outputdir'] = args.outputdir[0] if(args.translate != 'y'): print args.translate print self._opts['translate'] quit() # Timestart assumes a string like "months since 2000". I can't find documentation on # toRelativeTime() so I have no idea how to check for valid input # This is required for some of the land model sets I've seen if(args.timestart != None): self._opts['reltime'] = args.timestart # cdutil.setTimeBounds{bounds}(variable) if(args.timebounds != None): self._opts['bounds'] = args.timebounds # Check if a user specified package actually exists # Note: This is case sensitive..... if(args.packages != None): plist = [] for x in args.packages: if x.upper() in self.all_packages.keys(): plist.append(x) elif x in self.all_packages.keys(): plist.append(x.lower()) if plist == []: print 'Package name(s) ', args.packages, ' not valid' print 'Valid package names: ', self.all_packages.keys() quit() else: self._opts['packages'] = plist # TODO: Requires exact case; probably make this more user friendly and look for mixed case if(args.regions != None): rlist = [] for x in args.regions: if x in all_regions.keys(): rlist.append(x) print 'REGIONS: ', rlist self._opts['regions'] = rlist # Given user-selected packages, check for user specified sets # Note: If multiple packages have the same set names, then they are all added to the list. # This might be bad since there is no differentiation of lwmg['id==set'] and lmwg2['id==set'] if(self._opts['packages'] == None and args.sets != None): print 'No package specified' self._opts['sets'] = args.sets if(args.sets != None and self._opts['packages'] != None): # unfortuantely, we have to go through all of this.... # there should be a non-init of the class method to list sets/packages/etc, # ie a dictionary perhaps? sets = [] import metrics.fileio.filetable as ft import metrics.fileio.findfiles as fi import metrics.packages.diagnostic_groups package = self._opts['packages'] if package[0].lower() == 'lmwg': import metrics.packages.lmwg.lmwg elif package[0].lower()=='amwg': import metrics.packages.amwg.amwg dtree = fi.dirtree_datafiles(self, pathid=0) filetable = ft.basic_filetable(dtree, self) dm = metrics.packages.diagnostic_groups.diagnostics_menu() pclass = dm[package[0].upper()]() slist = pclass.list_diagnostic_sets() keys = slist.keys() keys.sort() for k in keys: fields = k.split() for user in args.sets: if user == fields[0]: sets.append(user) self._opts['sets'] = sets if sets != args.sets: print 'sets requested ', args.sets print 'sets available: ', slist exit(1) # TODO: Check against an actual list of variables from the set if args.vars != None: self._opts['vars'] = args.vars # If --yearly is set, then we will add 'ANN' to the list of climatologies if(args.yearly == True): self._opts['yearly'] = True self._opts['times'].append('ANN') # If --monthly is set, we add all months to the list of climatologies if(args.monthly == True): self._opts['monthly'] = True self._opts['times'].extend(all_months) # If --seasonally is set, we add all 4 seasons to the list of climatologies if(args.seasonally == True): self._opts['seasonally'] = True self._opts['times'].extend(all_seasons) # This allows specific individual months to be added to the list of climatologies if(args.months != None): if(args.monthly == True): print "Please specify just one of --monthly or --months" quit() else: mlist = [x for x in all_months if x in args.months] self._opts['times'] = self._opts['times']+mlist # This allows specific individual years to be added to the list of climatologies. # Note: Checkign for valid input is impossible until we look at the dataset # This has to be special cased since typically someone will be saying # "Generate climatologies for seasons for years X, Y, and Z of my dataset" if(args.years != None): if(args.yearly == True): print "Please specify just one of --yearly or --years" quit() else: self._opts['years'] = args.years if(args.seasons != None): if(args.seasonally == True): print "Please specify just one of --seasonally or --seasons" quit() else: slist = [x for x in all_seasons if x in args.seasons] self._opts['times'] = self._opts['times']+slist
def verifyOptions(self): # TODO Determine if path is a single file, e.g. a cdscan generated XML file or a directory # and if it is a directory, if there is already a .xml file, ignore it or not. Might # need an option for that ignore option? # Other thigns to (eventually) verify: # 1) Start/end years are valid and within the range specified import metrics.fileio.filetable as ft import metrics.fileio.findfiles as fi import metrics.packages.diagnostic_groups import os if len(self._opts['model']) == 0 and len(self._opts['obs']) == 0: logging.critical('At least one model or obs set needs describted') quit() if len(self._opts['model']) != 0: for i in range(len(self._opts['model'])): if self._opts['model'][i]['path'] == None or self._opts['model'][i]['path'] == '': logging.critical('Each dataset must have a path provided') quit() # check if the path exists if not os.path.exists(self._opts['model'][i]['path']): logging.critical('Path - %s - does not exist', self._opts['model'][i]['path']) quit() if len(self._opts['obs']) != 0: for i in range(len(self._opts['obs'])): if self._opts['obs'][i]['path'] == None or self._opts['obs'][i]['path'] == '': logging.critical('Each dataset must have a path provided') quit() if not os.path.exists(self._opts['obs'][i]['path']): logging.critical('Obs Path - %s - does not exist', self._opts['obs'][i]['path']) quit() # if(self._opts['package'] == None): # print 'Please specify a package e.g. AMWG, LMWG, etc' # quit() # A path is guaranteed, even if it is just /tmp. So check for it # We shouldn't get here anyway. This is primarily in case something gets postpended to the user-specified outputdir # in options(). Currently that happens elsewhere, but seems like a raesonable check to keep here anyway. if not os.path.exists(self._opts['output']['outputdir']): logging.critical('output directory %s does not exist', self._opts['output']['outputdir']) quit() if(self._opts['package'] != None): keys = self.all_packages.keys() ukeys = [] for k in keys: ukeys.append(k.upper()) if self._opts['package'].upper() not in ukeys: logging.critical('Package %s not found in the list of package names - %s', self._opts['package'], self.all_packages.keys()) quit() # Should we check for random case too? I suppose. if(self._opts['regions'] != []): rlist = [] for x in self._opts['regions']: if x in all_regions.keys(): rlist.append(x) rlist.sort() self._opts['regions'].sort() if rlist != self._opts['regions']: logging.critical('Unknown region[s] specified: %s', list(set(self._opts['regions']) - set(rlist))) quit() if(self._opts['sets'] != None and self._opts['package'] != None): sets = [] package = self._opts['package'] if package.lower() == 'lmwg': import metrics.packages.lmwg.lmwg elif package.lower()=='amwg': import metrics.packages.amwg.amwg dtree = fi.dirtree_datafiles(self, modelid=0) filetable = ft.basic_filetable(dtree, self)