Example #1
File: main.py Project: yyht/La-MAML
def save_results(args, result_val_t, result_val_a, result_test_t, result_test_a, model, spent_time):
    fname = os.path.join(args.log_dir, 'results')

    # save confusion matrix and print one line of stats
    val_stats = confusion_matrix(result_val_t, result_val_a, args.log_dir, 'results.txt')
    one_liner = str(vars(args)) + ' # val: '
    one_liner += ' '.join(["%.3f" % stat for stat in val_stats])

    test_stats = 0
    if args.calc_test_accuracy:
        test_stats = confusion_matrix(result_test_t, result_test_a, args.log_dir, 'results.txt')
        one_liner += ' # test: ' +  ' '.join(["%.3f" % stat for stat in test_stats])

    print(fname + ': ' + one_liner + ' # ' + str(spent_time))

    # save all results in binary file
    torch.save((result_val_t, result_val_a, model.state_dict(),
                val_stats, one_liner, args), fname + '.pt')
    return val_stats, test_stats
Example #2
File: main.py Project: TS96/AIProj2
    # set up continuum
    continuum = Continuum(x_tr, batch_size, shuffle_tasks, samples_per_task,

    # load model
    Model = importlib.import_module('model.' + model_name)
    model = Model.Net(n_inputs, n_outputs, n_tasks, num_hidden_layers,
                      num_hidden_neurons, memory_strength, learning_rate,
                      memories_per_task, cuda_enabled)
    if cuda_enabled:

    # run model on continuum
    result_t, result_a, spent_time = life_experience(model, continuum, x_te,

    # prepare saving path and file name
    if not os.path.exists(save_path):

    fname = model_name + '_' + data_file + '_'
    fname += datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S")
    fname = os.path.join(save_path, fname)

    # save confusion matrix and print one line of stats
    stats = confusion_matrix(result_t, result_a, fname + '.txt')
    one_liner = ' '.join(["%.3f" % stat for stat in stats])
    print("{} {}".format(model_name, "MNIST Rotation") + ': ' + one_liner +
          ' # Spent time:' + str(spent_time))
                        args.n_iter) + '_slack' + str(
                            args.slack) + '_normalize' + str(
                                args.normalize) + '_' + args.data_file + '_'
    model.fname += datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S")
    model.fname += '_' + uid
    model.fname = os.path.join(args.save_path, model.fname)

    if args.cuda:
    if args.shared_head:
        model.is_cifar = False
        model.nc_per_task = n_outputs
    # run model on continuum
    result_t, result_a, avg_accuracy, current_res_per_t, current_avg, accurcy_on_mem, spent_time = life_experience(
        model, continuum, x_te, args)

    # prepare saving path and file name
    if not os.path.exists(args.save_path):

    # save confusion matrix and print one line of stats
    stats = confusion_matrix(result_t, result_a, avg_accuracy, accurcy_on_mem,
                             args.tasks_to_preserve, model.fname + '.txt')
    one_liner = str(vars(args)) + ' # '
    one_liner += ' '.join(["%.3f" % stat for stat in stats])
    print(model.fname + ': ' + one_liner + ' # ' + str(spent_time))

    # save all results in binary file
    torch.save((result_t, result_a, model.state_dict(), current_res_per_t,
                current_avg, stats, one_liner, args), model.fname + '.pt')
def main(overwrite_args=None):
    args = parser.parse_args()
    if overwrite_args is not None:
        for k, v in overwrite_args.items():  # Debugging
            setattr(args, k, v)

    args.dyn_mem = True if args.dyn_mem == 'yes' else False
    args.cuda = True if args.cuda == 'yes' else False
    args.finetune = True if args.finetune == 'yes' else False
    args.normalize = True if args.normalize == 'yes' else False
    args.shared_head = True if args.shared_head == 'yes' else False
    args.iid = True if args.iid == 'yes' else False

    if args.mini_batch_size == 0:
        args.mini_batch_size = args.batch_size  # no mini iterations

    # unique identifier
    uid = uuid.uuid4().hex if args.uid is None else args.uid
    now = str(datetime.datetime.now().date()) + "_" + ':'.join(
    runname = 'T={}_id={}'.format(now, uid) if not args.resume else args.resume

    # Paths
    setupname = [args.exp_name, args.model, args.data_file.split('.')[0]]
    parentdir = os.path.join(args.save_path, '_'.join(setupname))

    print("Init args={}".format(args))
    stat_files = []
    seeds = [args.seed] if args.seed is not None else list(range(args.n_seeds))
    for seed in seeds:
        # initialize seeds
        print("STARTING SEED {}/{}".format(seed, args.n_seeds - 1))
        torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = False
        torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = False
        if args.cuda:

        # load data
        x_tr, x_te, n_inputs, n_classes, n_tasks = load_datasets(args)
        args.is_cifar = ('cifar10' in args.data_file)
        args.is_mnist = ('mnist' in args.data_file)
        assert not (args.is_cifar and args.is_mnist)

        args.input_shape = x_tr[0][1][0].shape
        if args.input_shape[-1] == 3072:  # CIFAR
            assert args.is_cifar
            args.CHW = (3, 32, 32)
        elif args.input_shape[-1] == 784:  # MNIST
            assert args.is_mnist
            args.CHW = (1, 28, 28)
            raise NotImplementedError()

        args.n_classes = n_classes
        n_outputs = args.n_classes if args.n_outputs is None else args.n_outputs  # Embedding or Softmax

        # set up continuum
        continuum = Continuum(x_tr, args)

        # load model
        args.tracker = ResultTracker()
        args.net = get_model(args, n_inputs, n_outputs)
        Model = importlib.import_module('model.' + args.model)
        model = Model.Net(n_inputs, n_outputs, n_tasks, args)

        # set up file name for saving/chkpt
        if args.n_sampled_memories == 0:
            args.n_sampled_memories = args.n_memories
        if args.output_name:
            model.fname = args.output_name
        model.fname = os.path.join(parentdir, runname, 'seed={}'.format(seed))
        args.imgname = os.path.join(
            './img', '_'.join(setupname),
            '{}_{}/'.format(runname, 'seed={}'.format(seed)))

        if os.path.isfile(model.fname + '.pt'):
                "[CHECKPOINT] Loading seed checkpoint: {}".format(model.fname +
            chkpt = torch.load(model.fname + '.pt')
            if hasattr(chkpt[-1], 'output_name'):  # See if is args object
                args = chkpt[-1]
                stat_files.append(model.fname + '.pt')  # For final accs
                print("Args overwritten by chkpt: {}".format(args))
            print("Checkpoint not restored, continuing with args: {}".format(


        # prepare saving path and file name
        if not os.path.exists(args.save_path):

        if args.cuda:

        # run model on continuum
        res, acc_on_mem, spent_time = life_experience(model, continuum, x_te,

        # save confusion matrix and print one line of stats
        stats = confusion_matrix(res.task_idxs, res.tot_res_seqs,
                                 res.tot_avg_accs, acc_on_mem,
                                 args.tasks_to_preserve, model.fname + '.txt')
        one_liner = str(vars(args)) + ' # '
        one_liner += ' '.join(["%.3f" % stat for stat in stats])
        print(model.fname + ': ' + one_liner + ' # ' + str(spent_time))

        # save all results in binary file
            (*res.get_all(), model.state_dict(), stats, one_liner, args),
            model.fname + '.pt')
        stat_files.append(model.fname + '.pt')

    mean, std = stat_summarize(stat_files)
    print("FINISHED SCRIPT")
Example #5
    model = Model.Net(n_inputs, n_outputs, n_tasks, args)
    if args.cuda:

    # run model on continuum
    result_t, result_a, model_capacities, training_times, spent_time = life_experience(
        model, continuum, x_te, args)

    # prepare saving path and file name
    if not os.path.exists(args.save_path):

    fname = args.model + '_' + args.data_file + '_'
    fname += datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S")
    # fname += '_' + uid
    fname = os.path.join(args.save_path, fname)

    # save confusion matrix and print one line of stats
    stats = confusion_matrix(result_t, result_a, model_capacities,
                             training_times, fname + '.txt')
    one_liner = str(vars(args)) + ' # '
    one_liner += ' '.join(["%.3f" % stat for stat in stats])
    print(fname + ': ' + one_liner + ' # ' + str(spent_time))

    # save all results in binary file
    torch.save((result_t, result_a, model_capacities, training_times, stats,
                one_liner, args), fname + '.pt')
        for epoch in range(args.n_epochs):
            losses = 0.
            lca_counter = 0.
            for x, y, idx in tqdm(taskLoader, ncols=69, desc=desc):
                if str(args.model) in ['lwf']:
                    info = [current_task]
                loss = model.observe(
                    Variable(x).cuda(), info,
                losses += loss
                lca_counter += 1
        print('Task loss: {:.3f}'.format(losses / len(taskLoader)))
        result_a.append(eval_tasks(model, x_te, args))

    #result_a.append(eval_tasks(model, x_te))
    time_spent = time.time() - start_time
    if args.lca < 0:
        lca = [0]
    stats = confusion_matrix(torch.Tensor(result_t), torch.Tensor(result_a),
                             torch.Tensor(lca), fname + '.txt')
    one_liner = str(vars(args)) + ' # '
    one_liner += ' '.join(["%.3f" % stat for stat in stats])
    print(fname + ':' + one_liner + ' # ' + str(time_spent))
    #model.on_train_end(stats[0].item(), stats[1].item())