def test_treeNoCycle3D():
    # test if stats i.e segments, type of graph. branch, end points, and information about cycle
    # is as expected for a tree like structure
    crosPairgraph = get_disjoint_trees_no_cycle_3d()
    stats = SegmentStats(crosPairgraph)
    assert stats.totalSegments == 8, "totalSegments in treeNoCycle3D sample should be 8, it is {}".format(stats.totalSegments)
    assert stats.typeGraphdict[0] == 4, "type of graph in treeNoCycle3D sample should be 4, it is {}".format(stats.typeGraphdict[0])
    assert stats.countEndPoints == 8, "number of end points in treeNoCycle3D sample should be 2, it is {}".format(stats.countEndPoints)
    assert stats.countBranchPoints == 2, "number of branch points in treeNoCycle3D sample should be 2, it is {}".format(stats.countBranchPoints)
    assert stats.cycleInfoDict == {}, "cycleInfoDict must be empty, it is {}".format(stats.cycleInfoDict)
def test_cycleAndTree():
    # test if stats i.e segments, type of graph. branch, end points, and information about cycle
    # is as expected for a cyclic tree
    sampleGraph = get_cycles_with_branches_protrude()
    stats = SegmentStats(sampleGraph)
    assert stats.totalSegments == 4, "totalSegments in cycleAndTree sample should be 4, it is {}".format(stats.totalSegments)
    assert stats.typeGraphdict[0] == 3, "type of graph in cycleAndTree sample should be 3, it is {}".format(stats.typeGraphdict[0])
    assert stats.countEndPoints == 2, "number of end points in cycleAndTree sample should be 2, it is {}".format(stats.countEndPoints)
    assert stats.countBranchPoints == 2, "number of branch points in cycleAndTree sample should be 2, it is {}".format(stats.countBranchPoints)
    assert stats.cycleInfoDict[0][0] == 2, "number of branch points on the cycle must be 2, it is {}".format(stats.cycleInfoDict[0][0])
def test_singleCycle():
    # test if stats i.e segments, type of graph. branch, end points, and information about cycle
    # is as expected for a single cycle
    donutGraph = get_cycle_no_tree()
    stats = SegmentStats(donutGraph)
    assert stats.totalSegments == 1, "totalSegments in singleCycle sample should be 1, it is {}".format(stats.totalSegments)
    assert stats.typeGraphdict[0] == 1, "type of graph in singleCycle sample should be 1, it is {}".format(stats.typeGraphdict[0])
    assert stats.countEndPoints == 0, "number of end points in singleCycle sample should be 2, it is {}".format(stats.countEndPoints)
    assert stats.countBranchPoints == 0, "number of branch points in singleCycle sample should be 0, it is {}".format(stats.countBranchPoints)
    assert stats.hausdorffDimensionDict == {}, "hausdorffDimensionDict must be empty, it is {}".format(stats.hausdorffDimensionDict)
    assert stats.cycleInfoDict[0][0] == 0, "number of branch points on the cycle must be 0, it is {}".format(stats.cycleInfoDict[0][0])
def test_singleSegment():
    # test if stats i.e segments, type of graph. branch, end points, and information about cycle
    # is as expected for a single segment
    lineGraph = get_single_voxel_lineNobranches()
    stats = SegmentStats(lineGraph)
    assert stats.totalSegments == 0, "totalSegments in singleSegment sample should be 0, it is {}".format(stats.totalSegments)
    assert stats.typeGraphdict[0] == 2, "type of graph in singleSegment sample should be 2, it is {}".format(stats.typeGraphdict[0])
    assert stats.countEndPoints == 2, "number of end points in singleSegment sample should be 2, it is {}".format(stats.countEndPoints)
    assert stats.countBranchPoints == 0, "number of branch points in singleSegment sample should be 0, it is {}".format(stats.countBranchPoints)
    assert stats.hausdorffDimensionDict == {}, "hausdorffDimensionDict must be empty, it is {}".format(stats.hausdorffDimensionDict)
    assert stats.cycleInfoDict == {}, "cycleInfoDict must be empty, it is {}".format(stats.cycleInfoDict)
Example #5
def test_treeNoCycle3D():
    # test if stats i.e segments, type of graph. branch, end points, and information about cycle
    # is as expected for a tree like structure
    crosPairgraph = get_disjoint_trees_no_cycle_3d()
    stats = SegmentStats(crosPairgraph)
    assert stats.totalSegments == 8, "totalSegments in treeNoCycle3D sample should be 8, it is {}".format(
    assert stats.typeGraphdict[
        0] == 4, "type of graph in treeNoCycle3D sample should be 4, it is {}".format(
    assert stats.countEndPoints == 8, "number of end points in treeNoCycle3D sample should be 2, it is {}".format(
    assert stats.countBranchPoints == 2, "number of branch points in treeNoCycle3D sample should be 2, it is {}".format(
    assert stats.cycleInfoDict == {}, "cycleInfoDict must be empty, it is {}".format(
Example #6
def test_cycleAndTree():
    # test if stats i.e segments, type of graph. branch, end points, and information about cycle
    # is as expected for a cyclic tree
    sampleGraph = get_cycles_with_branches_protrude()
    stats = SegmentStats(sampleGraph)
    assert stats.totalSegments == 4, "totalSegments in cycleAndTree sample should be 4, it is {}".format(
    assert stats.typeGraphdict[
        0] == 3, "type of graph in cycleAndTree sample should be 3, it is {}".format(
    assert stats.countEndPoints == 2, "number of end points in cycleAndTree sample should be 2, it is {}".format(
    assert stats.countBranchPoints == 2, "number of branch points in cycleAndTree sample should be 2, it is {}".format(
    assert stats.cycleInfoDict[0][
        0] == 2, "number of branch points on the cycle must be 2, it is {}".format(
Example #7
def test_singleSegment():
    # test if stats i.e segments, type of graph. branch, end points, and information about cycle
    # is as expected for a single segment
    lineGraph = get_single_voxel_lineNobranches()
    stats = SegmentStats(lineGraph)
    assert stats.totalSegments == 0, "totalSegments in singleSegment sample should be 0, it is {}".format(
    assert stats.typeGraphdict[
        0] == 2, "type of graph in singleSegment sample should be 2, it is {}".format(
    assert stats.countEndPoints == 2, "number of end points in singleSegment sample should be 2, it is {}".format(
    assert stats.countBranchPoints == 0, "number of branch points in singleSegment sample should be 0, it is {}".format(
    assert stats.hausdorffDimensionDict == {}, "hausdorffDimensionDict must be empty, it is {}".format(
    assert stats.cycleInfoDict == {}, "cycleInfoDict must be empty, it is {}".format(
Example #8
def test_singleCycle():
    # test if stats i.e segments, type of graph. branch, end points, and information about cycle
    # is as expected for a single cycle
    donutGraph = get_cycle_no_tree()
    stats = SegmentStats(donutGraph)
    assert stats.totalSegments == 1, "totalSegments in singleCycle sample should be 1, it is {}".format(
    assert stats.typeGraphdict[
        0] == 1, "type of graph in singleCycle sample should be 1, it is {}".format(
    assert stats.countEndPoints == 0, "number of end points in singleCycle sample should be 2, it is {}".format(
    assert stats.countBranchPoints == 0, "number of branch points in singleCycle sample should be 0, it is {}".format(
    assert stats.hausdorffDimensionDict == {}, "hausdorffDimensionDict must be empty, it is {}".format(
    assert stats.cycleInfoDict[0][
        0] == 0, "number of branch points on the cycle must be 0, it is {}".format(
class Skeleton:
    def __init__(self, path, **kwargs):
        # initialize input array
        # path : can be an 3D binary array or a numpy(.npy) array
        # if path is a 3D volume saveSkeletonStack, saves series of
        # skeleton pngs in present directory
        if type(path) is str:
            if path.endswith("npy"):
                # extract rootDir of path
                self.path = os.path.split(path)[0] + os.sep
                self.inputStack = np.load(path)
                self.path = path
                self.inputStack = loadStack(self.path).astype(bool)
            self.path = os.getcwd()
            self.inputStack = path
        if kwargs != {}:
            aspectRatio = kwargs["aspectRatio"]
            self.inputStack = ndimage.interpolation.zoom(self.inputStack,

    def setThinningOutput(self, mode="reflect"):
        # Thinning output
        self.skeletonStack = get_thinned(self.inputStack, mode)

    def setNetworkGraph(self, findSkeleton=False):
        # Network graph of the crowded region removed output
        # Generally the function expects a skeleton
        # and findSkeleton is False by default
        if findSkeleton is True:
            self.skeletonStack = self.inputStack
        self.graph = get_networkx_graph_from_array(self.skeletonStack)

    def setPrunedSkeletonOutput(self):
        # Prune unnecessary segments in crowded regions removed skeleton
        self.outputStack = getPrunedSkeleton(self.skeletonStack, self.graph)

    def getNetworkGraph(self):
        # Network graph of the final output skeleton stack
        self.outputGraph = get_networkx_graph_from_array(self.outputStack)

    def saveSkeletonStack(self):
        # Save output skeletonized stack as series of pngs in the path under a subdirectory skeleton
        # in the input "path"
        saveStack(self.outputStack, self.path + "skeleton/")

    def getSegmentStatsBeforePruning(self):
        # stats before pruning the braches
        self.statsBefore = SegmentStats(self.graph)

    def setSegmentStatsAfterPruning(self):
        # stats after pruning the braches
        self.statsAfter = SegmentStats(self.outputGraph)