Example #1
 def test_get_citation_stats(self):
     '''Test getting citation stats'''
     from metrics import get_citation_stats
     from metrics import get_record_info
     bibs, bibs_ref, IDs, missing = get_record_info(bibcodes=testset,
     # We use mock data, so not important that we feed bibcodes instead of
     # IDs
     cs, csr, data, selfcits, citdata = get_citation_stats(
         testset, testset, bibs_ref)
     # Check the citation stats with expected results
     citation_checks = [
         'number of citing papers', 'total number of citations',
         'number of self-citations', 'total number of refereed citations',
         'average number of citations', 'median number of citations',
         'normalized number of citations',
         'average number of refereed citations'
     for check in citation_checks:
                          expected_results['citation stats'][check])
     # and the same for the citation stats for refereed papers
     for check in citation_checks:
             csr[check], expected_results['citation stats refereed'][check])
 def test_get_citation_stats(self):
     '''Test getting citation stats'''
     from metrics import get_citation_stats
     from metrics import get_record_info
     bibs, bibs_ref, IDs, missing = get_record_info(
         bibcodes=testset, query=None)
     # We use mock data, so not important that we feed bibcodes instead of
     # IDs
     cs, csr, data, selfcits, citdata = get_citation_stats(
         testset, testset, bibs_ref)
     # Check the citation stats with expected results
     citation_checks = ['number of citing papers',
                        'total number of citations',
                        'number of self-citations',
                        'total number of refereed citations',
                        'average number of citations',
                        'median number of citations',
                        'normalized number of citations',
                        'average number of refereed citations']
     for check in citation_checks:
             cs[check], expected_results['citation stats'][check])
     # and the same for the citation stats for refereed papers
     for check in citation_checks:
             csr[check], expected_results['citation stats refereed'][check])
 def test_get_record_info_from_bibcodes(self):
     '''Test getting record info when specifying bibcodes'''
     from metrics import get_record_info
     bibs, bibs_ref, IDs, missing = get_record_info(
         bibcodes=testset, query=None)
     # The list of bibcodes returned should be equal to the test set
     self.assertEqual(sorted(map(str, bibs)), sorted(testset))
     # The list IDs should be a list of integers
     self.assertEqual(isinstance(IDs, list), True)
     self.assertTrue(False not in [isinstance(x, int) for x in IDs])
     # The list of skipped bibcodes should be empty
     self.assertEqual(missing, [])
     # If we add a non-existing bibcode to the test set, it should get
     # returned in the 'missing' list
     bibs, bibs_ref, IDs, missing = get_record_info(
         bibcodes=testset + ['foo'], query=None)
     self.assertEqual(missing, ['foo'])
 def test_illegal_retrieval_method(self):
     '''No record info is found when an unsupported retrieval method
        is specified'''
     from metrics import get_record_info
     data = get_record_info(other="foo")
     expected = {'Status Code': 200,
                 'Error Info': 'Unsupported metrics request',
                 'Error': 'Unable to get results!'}
     self.assertEqual(data, expected)
Example #5
 def test_get_record_info_from_bibcodes(self):
     '''Test getting record info when specifying bibcodes'''
     from metrics import get_record_info
     bibs, bibs_ref, IDs, missing = get_record_info(bibcodes=testset,
     # The list of bibcodes returned should be equal to the test set
     self.assertEqual(sorted(map(str, bibs)), sorted(testset))
     # The list IDs should be a list of integers
     self.assertEqual(isinstance(IDs, list), True)
     self.assertTrue(False not in [isinstance(x, int) for x in IDs])
     # The list of skipped bibcodes should be empty
     self.assertEqual(missing, [])
     # If we add a non-existing bibcode to the test set, it should get
     # returned in the 'missing' list
     bibs, bibs_ref, IDs, missing = get_record_info(bibcodes=testset +
     self.assertEqual(missing, ['foo'])
 def test_illegal_retrieval_method(self):
     '''No record info is found when an unsupported retrieval method
        is specified'''
     from metrics import get_record_info
     data = get_record_info(other="foo")
     expected = {
         'Status Code': 200,
         'Error Info': 'Unsupported metrics request',
         'Error': 'Unable to get results!'
     self.assertEqual(data, expected)
 def test_solr_failure(self):
     '''No record info is found because Solr failed to return results'''
     from metrics import get_record_info
         httpretty.GET, self.app.config.get('METRICS_SOLRQUERY_URL'),
         "status":0, "QTime":0,
         "params":{ "fl":"bibcode", "indent":"true", "wt":"json", "q":"*"}},
     data = get_record_info(bibcodes=None, query="foo")
     self.assertTrue(data['Status Code'] == 500)
     self.assertTrue('Error' in data)
 def test_solr_failure(self):
     '''No record info is found because Solr failed to return results'''
     from metrics import get_record_info
         "status":0, "QTime":0,
         "params":{ "fl":"bibcode", "indent":"true", "wt":"json", "q":"*"}},
     data = get_record_info(bibcodes=None, query="foo")
     self.assertTrue(data['Status Code'] == 500)
     self.assertTrue('Error' in data)
Example #9
 def test_get_record_info_from_query(self):
     '''Test getting record info when a query is supplied'''
     from metrics import get_record_info
         "status":0, "QTime":0,
         "params":{ "fl":"bibcode", "indent":"true", "wt":"json", "q":"*"}},
         }}""" % json.dumps(mockdata))
     bibs, bibs_ref, IDs, missing = get_record_info(bibcodes=None,
     # The list IDs should be a list of integers
     self.assertEqual(isinstance(IDs, list), True)
     self.assertTrue(False not in [isinstance(x, int) for x in IDs])
     # The list of skipped bibcodes should be empty
     self.assertEqual(missing, [])
 def test_get_record_info_from_query(self):
     '''Test getting record info when a query is supplied'''
     from metrics import get_record_info
         httpretty.GET, self.app.config.get('METRICS_SOLRQUERY_URL'),
         "status":0, "QTime":0,
         "params":{ "fl":"bibcode", "indent":"true", "wt":"json", "q":"*"}},
         }}""" % json.dumps(mockdata))
     bibs, bibs_ref, IDs, missing = get_record_info(
         bibcodes=None, query="foo")
     # The list IDs should be a list of integers
     self.assertEqual(isinstance(IDs, list), True)
     self.assertTrue(False not in [isinstance(x, int) for x in IDs])
     # The list of skipped bibcodes should be empty
     self.assertEqual(missing, [])