Example #1
def spatial_outreach(multi,
		Compute the spatial outreach of all nodes in a layer according to a specified edge weight (e.g. cost_time_m). 
		Currently uses area of convex hull to measure outreach.
		layer (TYPE, optional): the layer in which to compute spatial outreach
		weight (TYPE, optional): the numeric edge attribute by which to measure path lengths
		cost (TYPE, optional): the maximum path length 
		attrname (str, optional): the base name to use when saving the computed outreach

    from shapely.geometry import MultiPoint
    from math import pi

    LAT_DIST = 110766.95237186992 / 1000.0  # in km. See http://www.csgnetwork.com/degreelenllavcalc.html
    LON_DIST = 101274.42720366278 / 1000.0  # in km. See http://www.csgnetwork.com/degreelenllavcalc.html

    def distance_matrix(nodes, weight):
        N = len(nodes)

        lengths = g.shortest_paths_dijkstra(weights=weight,

        d = {
            nodes[i]: {nodes[j]: lengths[i][j]
                       for j in range(N)}
            for i in range(N)

        return d

    def ego(n, cost, d):
        return [j for j in nodes if d[n][j] <= cost]

    def area(n, cost, d):
        points = [pos[n] for n in ego(n, cost, d)]
        return MultiPoint(points).convex_hull.area

    g = utility.nx_2_igraph(
        multi.layers_as_subgraph(thru_layers + [node_layer]))
    nodes = g.vs.select(lambda vertex: vertex['layer'] == node_layer)['name']
    pos = {
        v['name']: (v['lon'] * LON_DIST, v['lat'] * LAT_DIST)
        for v in g.vs.select(lambda v: v['name'] in nodes)

    d = distance_matrix(nodes, weight)

    outreach = {n: sqrt(area(n, cost, d) / pi) for n in nodes}
    nx.set_node_attributes(multi.G, attrname, outreach)
Example #2
def local_intermodality(self, layer=None, thru_layer=None, weight=None):
		Compute the local intermodality of a set of nodes and save as a node attribute. 
		layer (str, optional): the layer for which to compute intermodality
		thru_layer (str, optional): the layer through which a path couns as 'intermodal'
		weight (str, optional): the numeric edge attribute used to weight paths
    g = utility.nx_2_igraph(self.G)
    nodes = g.vs.select(layer=layer)

    def intermodality(v, g, nodes=nodes, weight=weight):
        paths = g.get_shortest_paths(v, nodes, weights=weight)
        total = len(nodes)
        intermodal = 0
        for p in paths:
            if thru_layer in [g.vs[u]['layer'] for u in p]:
                intermodal += 1
        return intermodal * 1.0 / total

    d = {
        v['name']: intermodality(v=v, g=g, nodes=nodes, weight=weight)
        for v in nodes

    nx.set_node_attributes(self.G, 'intermodality', d)
Example #3
def local_intermodality(self, layer = None, thru_layer = None, weight = None):
		Compute the local intermodality of a set of nodes and save as a node attribute. 
		layer (str, optional): the layer for which to compute intermodality
		thru_layer (str, optional): the layer through which a path couns as 'intermodal'
		weight (str, optional): the numeric edge attribute used to weight paths
	g = utility.nx_2_igraph(self.G)
	nodes = g.vs.select(layer=layer)

	def intermodality(v, g, nodes = nodes, weight = weight):
		paths = g.get_shortest_paths(v, nodes, weights = weight)
		total = len(nodes)
		intermodal = 0
		for p in paths: 
			if thru_layer in [g.vs[u]['layer'] for u in p]:
				intermodal += 1
		return intermodal * 1.0 / total

	d = {v['name'] : intermodality(v = v, g = g, nodes = nodes, weight = weight) 
		 for v in nodes}
	nx.set_node_attributes(self.G, 'intermodality', d)
Example #4
def spatial_outreach(multi, node_layer = 'taz', thru_layers = ['streets'], weight = None, cost = None, attrname = 'outreach'):
		Compute the spatial outreach of all nodes in a layer according to a specified edge weight (e.g. cost_time_m). 
		Currently uses area of convex hull to measure outreach.
		layer (TYPE, optional): the layer in which to compute spatial outreach
		weight (TYPE, optional): the numeric edge attribute by which to measure path lengths
		cost (TYPE, optional): the maximum path length 
		attrname (str, optional): the base name to use when saving the computed outreach

	from shapely.geometry import MultiPoint
	from math import pi
	LAT_DIST = 110766.95237186992 / 1000.0 # in km. See http://www.csgnetwork.com/degreelenllavcalc.html
	LON_DIST = 101274.42720366278 / 1000.0 # in km. See http://www.csgnetwork.com/degreelenllavcalc.html

	def distance_matrix(nodes, weight):
		N = len(nodes)

		lengths = g.shortest_paths_dijkstra(weights = weight, 
		                                    source = nodes, 
		                                    target = nodes)

		d = {nodes[i] : {nodes[j] : lengths[i][j] for j in range(N) } 
			 for i in range(N)}

		return d

	def ego(n, cost, d):
		return [j for j in nodes if d[n][j] <= cost]

	def area(n, cost, d):
		points = [pos[n] for n in ego(n, cost, d)]
		return MultiPoint(points).convex_hull.area
	g = utility.nx_2_igraph(multi.layers_as_subgraph(thru_layers + [node_layer]))
	nodes = g.vs.select(lambda vertex: vertex['layer'] == node_layer)['name']
	pos = {v['name'] : (v['lon'] * LON_DIST, v['lat'] * LAT_DIST) 
		   for v in g.vs.select(lambda v: v['name'] in nodes)}
	d = distance_matrix(nodes, weight)
	outreach = {n : sqrt(area(n, cost, d)/pi) for n in nodes}
	nx.set_node_attributes(multi.G, attrname, outreach)