Example #1
    def __init__(self, N_v, N_h, beta, couplings):

        # The size of hilbert space associated with the hidden units
        self.hidden_dim  = 2**N_h

        # Spind numbers
        self.N_spins = N_v + N_h
        self.N_h     = N_h

        # Fields are stored as bonds acting over a single site
        self.bonds = [[e] for e in (range(self.N_spins) + range(self.N_spins))]

        # Add a set of semi-restricted couplings
        semi_rest, self.fully_connected_offset = Hbuilder.semiRBM_Connected(N_v, N_h)
        self.bonds = self.bonds + semi_rest

        self.couplings   = couplings
        self.N_couplings = len(self.bonds)

        # Introduce the matrix form of local elements in the Hamiltonian
        I = np.eye(2)
        X = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]])
        Z = np.array([[1, 0], [0, -1]])

        # The Hamiltonian
        self.H = np.zeros((2**self.N_spins, 2**self.N_spins))

        # The list of local operators we are interested in.
        # The elements of the list are tuples (operator_representation, is_diagonal_flag)
        self.oper_list = []

        # Build and store those objects at the same time
        for index, (coupling, bond) in enumerate(zip(couplings, self.bonds[:])):

            # The operator type can be determined by its index
            if  index in range(self.N_spins, self.N_spins*2):
                oper = Hbuilder.EmbedOper(X, self.N_spins, bond+[1.0])

                # for the off-diagonal operators, store both row and column indices of non-zero elements
                self.oper_list  += [(oper.nonzero(), False)]

                oper = Hbuilder.EmbedOper(Z, self.N_spins, bond+[1.0])

                # keep track only of the diagonal (non-zero) elements for the diagonal operators
                self.oper_list += [(oper.diagonal(), True)]

            self.H = self.H + oper*coupling

        # Compute the full unnormalized density matrix
        self.beta = beta
        self.rho  = np.matrix(mexp.expm(-self.H*beta), copy=False)

        # Store separately its diagonal elements and normalize them
        self.norm_rho_diag  = np.diagonal(self.rho).copy()
        self.normalization  = np.sum(self.norm_rho_diag)
        self.norm_rho_diag /= self.normalization
Example #2
    def __init__(self, N, beta, **kwargs):
        self.Ns = N
        self.Nb = len(kwargs['Z2'])
        I = np.eye(2)
        X = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]])
        Z = np.array([[1, 0], [0, -1]])
        self.H = np.zeros((2**N, 2**N))
        #I = sparse.eye(2, format="csc")
        #X = sparse.csc_matrix(np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]]))
        #Z = sparse.csc_matrix(np.array([[1, 0], [0, -1]]))
        #self.H = sparse.csc_matrix((2**N, 2**N))
        for itype, bonds in kwargs.iteritems():
            if itype == 'X': oper = X 
            else:            oper = Z
            for bond in bonds:
                self.H = self.H + Hbuilder.EmbedOper(oper, N, bond)  
        self.beta = beta
        #self.rho  = np.matrix(slin.expm(-self.H*beta), copy=False)
        #self.H = np.matrix(self.H)
        #self.rho  = mexp.expm(-self.H*beta)
        self.rho  = np.matrix(mexp.expm(-self.H*beta), copy=False)
        #self.rhoN = self.rho/np.sum(self.rho.diagonal())
        self.rhoN = np.diagonal(self.rho).copy()
        self.rhoN /= np.sum(self.rhoN)
        #print 'X1: ', kwargs['X'][:,-1]
        #print 'Z1: ', kwargs['Z1'][:,-1]
        #print 'Z2: ', kwargs['Z2'][:,-1]
        #print "max H: ",   np.amax(np.abs(np.array([self.H.max(), self.H.min()]))),\
        #      "max rho: ", np.amax(np.abs(np.array([self.rho.max(), self.rho.min()]))),\
        #      "Z: ",       np.sum(self.rho.diagonal())
        self.oper1Zs = []
        self.operXs = []
        for site in range(N):
            self.oper1Zs += [Hbuilder.EmbedOper(Z, N, [site, 1.0], True).diagonal()]
            self.operXs += [sparse.csr_matrix(
                                    Hbuilder.EmbedOper(X, N, [site, 1.0], True)
            #self.oper1Zs += [Hbuilder.EmbedOper(Z, N, [site, 1.0], True)]
            #self.operXs += [Hbuilder.EmbedOper(X, N, [site, 1.0], True)]
        self.oper2Zs = []
        for bond in kwargs['Z2'].copy():
            bond[-1] = 1.0 
            self.oper2Zs += [Hbuilder.EmbedOper(Z, N, bond, True).diagonal()]
            #self.oper2Zs += [Hbuilder.EmbedOper(Z, N, bond, True)]

        self.oper3Zs = []
        if 'tribody' in kwargs.keys():
            for bond in kwargs['tribody'].copy():
                bond[-1] = 1.0
                self.oper3Zs += [Hbuilder.EmbedOper(Z, N, bond, True).diagonal()]
        self.N3b = len(self.oper3Zs)    
Example #3
    def comp_local_averages_clamped(self):

        # Define the imaginary-time propagation operator
        U  = np.matrix(np.zeros((2**self.N_spins, 2**self.N_spins)), copy=False)

        # Apply the projector operator from the right
        U[:, self.proj_index : self.proj_index + self.hidden_dim]  = self.rho[:,  self.proj_index : self.proj_index + self.hidden_dim ]

        # Normalize U by Tr_{h} <projector, h| e^{-H \beta} |projector, h>
        clamped_norm = np.sum( np.diagonal(self.rho)[self.proj_index : self.proj_index + self.hidden_dim ])
        U /= clamped_norm

        # Define discrete imaginary-time step propagators
        N_grid    = 12
        tau       = 1.0*self.beta/(2.0*N_grid)

        Ub0 = np.matrix( mexp.expm( self.H*tau), copy=False)
        Uf0 = np.matrix( mexp.expm(-self.H*tau), copy=False)

        # Evaluate time-evolved operators on a discrete grid
	grid_aves = np.zeros((N_grid+1, self.N_couplings))

        for step in range(N_grid+1):

            # At tau = 0, both propagators are just identities
            if  step>0:
                U = Ub0 * U * Uf0

            # compute all the local expectation values
            for index, oper_repr in enumerate(self.oper_list):
                grid_aves[step][index] = self.comp_local_operator(oper_repr, U)

        # Numerically integrate
        aves = np.zeros(self.N_couplings)
        xs   = np.linspace(0.0, N_grid+1-1, N_grid+1)*tau

        for index in range(self.N_couplings):
            aves[index] = trapz(grid_aves[:, index], xs)*2.0

        return aves
Example #4
    def computeLocalAverages(self, test = False):
        #U  = self.rho*self.P
        #U /= np.sum(U.diagonal())

        if  ((not self.clamped) or (test)):
            U = self.rho/np.sum(self.rho.diagonal())
            aves = np.zeros(self.Ns + self.Ns + self.Nb + self.N3b + self.N4b)

            # Z1 operator
            for site in range(self.Ns): aves[site] = np.sum(self.oper1Zs[site]*U.diagonal().T)
                #aves[site] = np.real(np.sum((U*self.oper1Zs[site]).diagonal()))

            # X1 operator
            shift = self.Ns
            for site in range(self.Ns):
                for r,c in enumerate(self.operXs[site]):
                    aves[shift+site] += U[c, r]
                #aves[self.Ns+site] += np.real(np.sum((U*self.operXs[site]).diagonal()))

            # Z2 operator
            shift += self.Ns
            for i in range(self.Nb): aves[shift+i] = np.sum(self.oper2Zs[i]*U.diagonal().T)
                #aves[2*self.Ns+i] += np.real(np.sum((U*self.oper2Zs[i]).diagonal()))

            # Z3 operator
            shift += self.Nb
            for i in range(self.N3b): aves[shift+i] = np.sum(self.oper3Zs[i]*U.diagonal().T)

            # Z4 operator
            shift +=self.N3b
            for i in range(self.N4b): aves[shift+i] = np.sum(self.oper4Zs[i]*U.diagonal().T)

            return aves
            U  = np.matrix(np.zeros((2**self.Ns, 2**self.Ns)), copy=False)
            Prob = self.rho[self.bindex, self.bindex]
            U[:, self.bindex]  = self.rho[:,  self.bindex]/Prob

            Nsamples = 12
	    eO   = np.zeros((Nsamples+1, self.Ns + self.Ns + self.Nb + self.N3b + self.N4b))

            # Evaluate time-evolved operators on a discrete grid
            tau = 1.0*self.beta/(2.0*Nsamples)
            #Ub0 = np.matrix(slin.expm( self.H*tau), copy=False)
            #Uf0 = np.matrix(slin.expm(-self.H*tau), copy=False)
            Ub0 = np.matrix(mexp.expm( self.H*tau), copy=False)
            Uf0 = np.matrix(mexp.expm(-self.H*tau), copy=False)
            for step in range(Nsamples+1):
                if  step>0: U = Ub0*U*Uf0

                shift = 0
                for site in range(self.Ns):
                    eO[step][site] = np.sum(self.oper1Zs[site]*U.diagonal().T)
                    #eZ[step][site] = np.real(np.sum((self.oper1Zs[site]*U).diagonal()))

                shift += self.Ns
                for site in range(self.Ns):
                    for r,c in enumerate(self.operXs[site]):
                        eO[step][shift+site] += U[c, r]
                    #eX[step][site] = np.real(np.sum((self.operXs[site]*U).diagonal()))

                shift += self.Ns
                for i in range(self.Nb):  eO[step][shift+i] = np.sum(self.oper2Zs[i]*U.diagonal().T)

                shift += self.Nb
                for i in range(self.N3b): eO[step][shift+i] = np.sum(self.oper3Zs[i]*U.diagonal().T)

                shift += self.N3b
                for i in range(self.N4b): eO[step][shift+i] = np.sum(self.oper4Zs[i]*U.diagonal().T)

            # Numerically integrate
            UE = np.zeros(self.Ns + self.Ns + self.Nb + self.N3b + self.N4b)
            xs = np.linspace(0.0, Nsamples+1-1, Nsamples+1)*tau
            shift = self.Ns
            for site in range(self.Ns):
                UE[site]       = trapz(eO[:,site], xs)*2.0
                UE[shift+site] = trapz(eO[:,shift+site], xs)*2.0

            shift += self.Ns
            for bond in range(self.Nb):  UE[shift+bond] = trapz(eO[:,shift+bond], xs)*2.0

            shift += self.Nb
            for bond in range(self.N3b): UE[shift+bond] = trapz(eO[:,shift+bond], xs)*2.0

            shift += self.N3b
            for bond in range(self.N4b): UE[shift+bond] = trapz(eO[:,shift+bond], xs)*2.0

            return UE
Example #5
    #Js  = np.hstack((np.array(bonds), Js ))
    #kwargs['X']  = Ds 
    #kwargs['Z1'] = Hs
    #kwargs['Z2'] = Js 

    #for itype, bonds in kwargs.iteritems():
    #    if itype == 'X': oper = X 
    #    else:            oper = Z
    #    for bond in bonds:
    #        H = H + Hbuilder.EmbedOper(oper, Ns, bond)  
    #H = H.todense()
    t0   = time.time()
    rho1 = m.expm(H)
    times1[i] = time.time() - t0
    print 'new : %0.4f ' %times1[i]

    t0   = time.time()
    rho2 = sl.expm(H)
    times2[i] = time.time() - t0
    print 'old: %0.4f ' %times2[i]
    #print rho1.todense()
    #print rho2.todense()
    #rho2 = rho2.todense()
    #rho1 = rho1.todense()
    print rho2
    print rho1