Example #1
def current_site_id():
    Responsible for determining the current ``Site`` instance to use
    when retrieving data for any ``SiteRelated`` models. If a request
    is available, and the site can be determined from it, we store the
    site against the request for subsequent retrievals. Otherwise the
    order of checks is as follows:

      - ``site_id`` in session. Used in the admin so that admin users
        can switch sites and stay on the same domain for the admin.
      - host for the current request matched to the domain of the site
      - ``MEZZANINE_SITE_ID`` environment variable, so management
        commands or anything else outside of a request can specify a
      - ``SITE_ID`` setting.

    request = current_request()
    site_id = getattr(request, "site_id", None)
    if request and not site_id:
        site_id = request.session.get("site_id", None)
        if not site_id:
            domain = request.get_host().lower()
                site = Site.objects.get(domain__iexact=domain)
            except Site.DoesNotExist:
                site_id = site.id
        if request and site_id:
            request.site_id = site_id
    if not site_id:
        site_id = os.environ.get("MEZZANINE_SITE_ID", settings.SITE_ID)
    return site_id
Example #2
def current_site_id():
    Responsible for determining the current ``Site`` instance to use
    when retrieving data for any ``SiteRelated`` models. If we're inside an
    override_current_site_id context manager, return the overriding site ID.
    Otherwise, try to determine the site using the following methods in order:

      - ``site_id`` in session. Used in the admin so that admin users
        can switch sites and stay on the same domain for the admin.
      - The id of the Site object corresponding to the hostname in the current
        request. This result is cached.
      - ``MEZZANINE_SITE_ID`` environment variable, so management
        commands or anything else outside of a request can specify a
      - ``SITE_ID`` setting.

    If a current request exists and the current site is not overridden, the
    site ID is stored on the request object to speed up subsequent calls.

    if hasattr(override_current_site_id.thread_local, "site_id"):
        return override_current_site_id.thread_local.site_id

    from mezzanine.utils.cache import cache_installed, cache_get, cache_set
    request = current_request()
    site_id = getattr(request, "site_id", None)
    if request and not site_id:
        site_id = request.session.get("site_id", None)
        if not site_id:
            domain = request.get_host().lower()
            if cache_installed():
                # Don't use Mezzanine's cache_key_prefix here, since it
                # uses this very function we're in right now to create a
                # per-site cache key.
                bits = (settings.CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_KEY_PREFIX, domain)
                cache_key = "%s.site_id.%s" % bits
                site_id = cache_get(cache_key)
            if not site_id:
                    site = Site.objects.get(domain__iexact=domain)
                except Site.DoesNotExist:
                    site_id = site.id
                    if cache_installed():
                        cache_set(cache_key, site_id)
    if not site_id:
            cur_language = translation.get_language()
            site_id = settings.LANGUAGE_SITE_MAP[cur_language]
        except KeyError:
            site_id = os.environ.get("MEZZANINE_SITE_ID", settings.SITE_ID)
            msg = 'Please add language %s to settings.LANGUAGE_SITE_MAP'
            sys.stdout.write(msg % cur_language)
    if request and site_id and not getattr(settings, "TESTING", False):
        request.site_id = site_id
    return site_id
Example #3
 def render_copyright(self):
     Render the footer
     c = RequestContext(current_request())
         t = Template(self.copyright)
     except TemplateSyntaxError:
         return ''
     return t.render(c)
Example #4
    def test_unicode_slug_parm_to_processor_for(self):
        Test that passing an unicode slug to processor_for works for
        python 2.x
        from mezzanine.pages.page_processors import processor_for

        @processor_for(u'test unicode string')
        def test_page_processor(request, page):
            return {}

        page, _ = RichTextPage.objects.get_or_create(title="test page")
        self.assertEqual(test_page_processor(current_request(), page), {})
Example #5
def current_site_id():
    Responsible for determining the current ``Site`` instance to use
    when retrieving data for any ``SiteRelated`` models. If a request
    is available, and the site can be determined from it, we store the
    site against the request for subsequent retrievals. Otherwise the
    order of checks is as follows:

      - ``site_id`` in session. Used in the admin so that admin users
        can switch sites and stay on the same domain for the admin.
      - host for the current request matched to the domain of the site
      - ``MEZZANINE_SITE_ID`` environment variable, so management
        commands or anything else outside of a request can specify a
      - ``SITE_ID`` setting.

    from mezzanine.utils.cache import cache_installed, cache_get, cache_set
    request = current_request()
    site_id = getattr(request, "site_id", None)
    if request and not site_id:
        site_id = request.session.get("site_id", None)
        if not site_id:
            domain = request.get_host().lower()
            if cache_installed():
                # Don't use Mezzanine's cache_key_prefix here, since it
                # uses this very function we're in right now to create a
                # per-site cache key.
                bits = (settings.CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_KEY_PREFIX, domain)
                cache_key = "%s.site_id.%s" % bits
                site_id = cache_get(cache_key)
            if not site_id:
                    site = Site.objects.get(domain__iexact=domain)
                except Site.DoesNotExist:
                    site_id = site.id
                    if cache_installed():
                        cache_set(cache_key, site_id)
            if request and site_id:
                request.site_id = site_id
    if not site_id:
        site_id = os.environ.get("MEZZANINE_SITE_ID", settings.SITE_ID)
    if request and site_id and not getattr(settings, "TESTING", False):
        request.site_id = site_id
    return site_id
Example #6
    def test_page_ascendants(self):
        Test the methods for looking up ascendants efficiently
        behave as expected.
        # Create related pages.
        primary, created = RichTextPage.objects.get_or_create(title="Primary")
        secondary, created = primary.children.get_or_create(title="Secondary")
        tertiary, created = secondary.children.get_or_create(title="Tertiary")
        # Force a site ID to avoid the site query when measuring queries.
        setattr(current_request(), "site_id", settings.SITE_ID)

        # Test that get_ascendants() returns the right thing.
        page = Page.objects.get(id=tertiary.id)
        ascendants = page.get_ascendants()
        self.assertEqual(ascendants[0].id, secondary.id)
        self.assertEqual(ascendants[1].id, primary.id)

        # Test ascendants are returned in order for slug, using
        # a single DB query.
        connection.queries = []
        pages_for_slug = Page.objects.with_ascendants_for_slug(tertiary.slug)
        self.assertEqual(len(connection.queries), 1)
        self.assertEqual(pages_for_slug[0].id, tertiary.id)
        self.assertEqual(pages_for_slug[1].id, secondary.id)
        self.assertEqual(pages_for_slug[2].id, primary.id)

        # Test page.get_ascendants uses the cached attribute,
        # without any more queries.
        connection.queries = []
        ascendants = pages_for_slug[0].get_ascendants()
        self.assertEqual(len(connection.queries), 0)
        self.assertEqual(ascendants[0].id, secondary.id)
        self.assertEqual(ascendants[1].id, primary.id)

        # Use a custom slug in the page path, and test that
        # Page.objects.with_ascendants_for_slug fails, but
        # correctly falls back to recursive queries.
        secondary.slug += "custom"
        pages_for_slug = Page.objects.with_ascendants_for_slug(tertiary.slug)
        self.assertEqual(len(pages_for_slug[0]._ascendants), 0)
        connection.queries = []
        ascendants = pages_for_slug[0].get_ascendants()
        self.assertEqual(len(connection.queries), 2)  # 2 parent queries
        self.assertEqual(pages_for_slug[0].id, tertiary.id)
        self.assertEqual(ascendants[0].id, secondary.id)
        self.assertEqual(ascendants[1].id, primary.id)
Example #7
def get_directory():
    Returns FB's ``DIRECTORY`` setting, appending a directory using
    the site's ID if ``MEDIA_LIBRARY_PER_SITE`` is ``True``, and also
    creating the root directory if missing.
    from mezzanine.conf import settings as mezz_settings
    from mezzanine.utils.sites import current_site_id
    from mezzanine.core.request import current_request
    username = current_request().user.get_username()
    DIRECTORY = getattr(settings, "FILEBROWSER_DIRECTORY", '/' + username)
    dirname = DIRECTORY
    if getattr(mezz_settings, "MEDIA_LIBRARY_PER_SITE", False):
        dirname = os.path.join(dirname, "site-%s" % current_site_id())
    fullpath = os.path.join(mezz_settings.MEDIA_ROOT, dirname)
    if not default_storage.isdir(fullpath):
    return dirname
Example #8
def murl(parser, token):
    bits = token.split_contents()
    if len(bits) < 2:
        raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' takes at least one argument"
                                  " (path to a view)" % bits[0])
    viewname_str = bits[1]
    viewname = parser.compile_filter(viewname_str)
    args = []
    kwargs = {}
    asvar = None
    bits = bits[2:]
    if len(bits) >= 2 and bits[-2] == 'as':
        asvar = bits[-1]
        bits = bits[:-2]

    if len(bits):
        for bit in bits:
            match = kwarg_re.match(bit)
            if not match:
                raise TemplateSyntaxError("Malformed arguments to url tag")
            name, value = match.groups()
            if name:
                kwargs[name] = parser.compile_filter(value)

    request = current_request()
    site_id_val = parser.compile_filter(str(request.site_id))
    if hasattr(request,'site_id'):
        if args is None and kwargs is None:
            kwargs = {'site_id': site_id_val}
        elif args is None and kwargs is not None:
            kwargs['site_id'] = site_id_val
        elif args is not None and kwargs is None:
            args = [site_id_val]+args
        elif len(args) == 0:
            kwargs['site_id'] = site_id_val
        elif len(kwargs) == 0:
            args = [site_id_val]+list(args)
            kwargs['site_id'] = site_id_val

    return URLNode(viewname, args, kwargs, asvar)
Example #9
def absolute_urls(html):
    Converts relative URLs into absolute URLs. Used for RSS feeds to
    provide more complete HTML for item descriptions, but could also
    be used as a general richtext filter.

    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    from mezzanine.core.request import current_request

    request = current_request()
    if request is not None:
        dom = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
        for tag, attr in ABSOLUTE_URL_TAGS.items():
            for node in dom.findAll(tag):
                url = node.get(attr, "")
                if url:
                    node[attr] = request.build_absolute_uri(url)
        html = str(dom)
    return html
Example #10
def reverse(viewname, urlconf=None, args=None, kwargs=None, prefix=None, current_app=None):
    Proxy for django's reverse to add in request-specific parameters
    request = current_request()
    if hasattr(request, "site_id"):
        if args is None and kwargs is None:
            kwargs = {"site_id": str(request.site_id)}
        elif args is None and kwargs is not None:
            kwargs["site_id"] = str(request.site_id)
        elif args is not None and kwargs is None:
            args = tuple([str(request.site_id)] + list(args))
        elif len(args) == 0:
            kwargs["site_id"] = str(request.site_id)
        elif len(kwargs) == 0:
            args = tuple([str(request.site_id)] + list(args))
            kwargs["site_id"] = str(request.site_id)
    return urlresolvers.reverse(
        viewname, urlconf=urlconf, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, prefix=prefix, current_app=current_app
Example #11
 def get_absolute_url_with_host(self):
     URL para montar a pre-visualizacao do Evento, para quando ainda estivar com STATUS=DRAFT
     return current_request().build_absolute_uri(self.get_absolute_url())
Example #12
 def _current_request(self):
     return current_request() or self.NULL_REQUEST
Example #13
 def url(self):
     if self.content:
         return self.content
     return current_request().build_absolute_uri(self.get_absolute_url())
Example #14
    def url(self):
#		Uncomment for direct to link when clicking in item
#        if self.link:
#        	return self.link
        return current_request().build_absolute_uri(self.get_absolute_url())
Example #15
 def url(self):
     if self.link:
         return self.link
     return current_request().build_absolute_uri(self.get_absolute_url())
Example #16
 def _current_request(self):
     return current_request() or self.NULL_REQUEST
Example #17
 def __call__(self, *args, **kwarg):
     self._request = current_request()
     self._site = Site.objects.get(id=current_site_id())
     return super(PostsRSS, self).__call__(*args, **kwarg)
Example #18
 def get_email_form(self):
     if self.form:
         return FormForForm(self.form, RequestContext(current_request()), None, None)
     return None
Example #19
 def __call__(self, *args, **kwarg):
     self._request = current_request()
     self._site = Site.objects.get(id=current_site_id())
     return super(PostsRSS, self).__call__(*args, **kwarg)
Example #20
 def url(self):
     if self.link:
         return self.link
     return current_request().build_absolute_uri(self.get_absolute_url())