Example #1
def editable(parsed, context, token):
    Add the required HTML to the parsed content for in-line editing, such as
    the icon and edit form if the object is deemed to be editable - either it
    has an ``editable`` method which returns ``True``, or the logged in user
    has change permissions for the model.
    def parse_field(field):
        field = field.split(".")
        obj = context[field.pop(0)]
        attr = field.pop()
        while field:
            obj = getattr(obj, field.pop(0))
        return obj, attr

    fields = [parse_field(f) for f in token.split_contents()[1:]]
    if fields:
        fields = [f for f in fields if len(f) == 2 and f[0] is fields[0][0]]
    if not parsed.strip():
            parsed = "".join([unicode(getattr(*field)) for field in fields])
        except AttributeError:
    if fields:
        obj = fields[0][0]
        if isinstance(obj, Model) and is_editable(obj, context["request"]):
            field_names = ",".join([f[1] for f in fields])
            context["form"] = get_edit_form(obj, field_names)
            context["original"] = parsed
            t = get_template("includes/editable_form.html", context)
            return t.render(Context(context))
    return parsed
Example #2
def editable(parsed, context, token):
    Add the required HTML to the parsed content for in-line editing, such as
    the icon and edit form if the object is deemed to be editable - either it
    has an ``editable`` method which returns ``True``, or the logged in user
    has change permissions for the model.
    def parse_field(field):
        field = field.split(".")
        obj = context[field.pop(0)]
        attr = field.pop()
        while field:
            obj = getattr(obj, field.pop(0))
        return obj, attr

    fields = [parse_field(f) for f in token.split_contents()[1:]]
    if fields:
        fields = [f for f in fields if len(f) == 2 and f[0] is fields[0][0]]
    if not parsed.strip():
            parsed = "".join([unicode(getattr(*field)) for field in fields])
        except AttributeError:
    if fields and "request" in context:
        obj = fields[0][0]
        if isinstance(obj, Model) and is_editable(obj, context["request"]):
            field_names = ",".join([f[1] for f in fields])
            context["form"] = get_edit_form(obj, field_names)
            context["original"] = parsed
            t = get_template("includes/editable_form.html", context)
            return t.render(Context(context))
    return parsed
Example #3
def server_error(request, template_name='500.html'):
    Mimics Django's error handler but adds ``MEDIA_URL`` to the
    context = RequestContext(request, {"MEDIA_URL": settings.MEDIA_URL})
    t = get_template(template_name, context)
    return http.HttpResponseServerError(t.render(context))
Example #4
def editable_loader(context):
    Set up the required JS/CSS for the in-line editing toolbar and controls.
    t = get_template("includes/editable_toolbar.html", context)
    context["toolbar"] = t.render(Context(context))
    context["richtext_media"] = RichTextField().formfield().widget.media
    return context
Example #5
def editable_loader(context):
    Set up the required JS/CSS for the in-line editing toolbar and controls.
    t = get_template("includes/editable_toolbar.html", context)
    context["toolbar"] = t.render(Context(context))
    context["html_editor_js"] = HtmlField().formfield().widget.Media.js
    return context
Example #6
def page_menu(context, token):
    Return a list of child pages for the given parent, storing all
    pages in a dict in the context when first called using parents as keys
    for retrieval on subsequent recursive calls from the menu template.
    # First arg could be the menu template file name, or the parent page.
    # Also allow for both to be used.
    template_name = None
    parent_page = None
    parts = token.split_contents()[1:]
    for part in parts:
        part = Variable(part).resolve(context)
        if isinstance(part, unicode):
            template_name = part
        elif isinstance(part, Page):
            parent_page = part
    if template_name is None:
            template_name = context["menu_template_name"]
        except KeyError:
            error = "No template found for page_menu in: %s" % parts
            raise TemplateSyntaxError(error)
    context["menu_template_name"] = template_name
    if "menu_pages" not in context:
        pages = defaultdict(list)
            user = context["request"].user
            slug = context["request"].path
        except KeyError:
            user = None
            slug = ""
        num_children = lambda id: lambda: len(context["menu_pages"][id])
        has_children = lambda id: lambda: num_children(id)() > 0
        published = Page.objects.published(for_user=user)
        for page in published.select_related(depth=2).order_by("_order"):
            setattr(page, "num_children", num_children(page.id))
            setattr(page, "has_children", has_children(page.id))
        context["menu_pages"] = pages
        context["on_home"] = slug == reverse("home")
    # ``branch_level`` must be stored against each page so that the
    # calculation of it is correctly applied. This looks weird but if we do
    # the ``branch_level`` as a separate arg to the template tag with the
    # addition performed on it, the addition occurs each time the template
    # tag is called rather than once per level.
    context["branch_level"] = 0
    if parent_page is not None:
        context["branch_level"] = getattr(parent_page, "branch_level", 0) + 1
        parent_page = parent_page.id
    context["page_branch"] = context["menu_pages"].get(parent_page, [])
    for i, page in enumerate(context["page_branch"]):
        context["page_branch"][i].branch_level = context["branch_level"]
    t = get_template(template_name, context)
    return t.render(context)
Example #7
def superfish_submenu(context, token):
    Return a list of child pages for the given parent, storing all
    pages in a dict in the context when first called using parents as keys
    for retrieval on subsequent recursive calls from the menu template.
    # First arg could be the menu template file name, or the parent page.
    # Also allow for both to be used.
    #    logging.debug('superfish_submenu')
    template_name = None
    parent_page = None
    parts = token.split_contents()[1:]
    for part in parts:
        part = Variable(part).resolve(context)
        if isinstance(part, unicode):
            template_name = part
        elif isinstance(part, Page):
            parent_page = part
    if template_name is None:
            template_name = "pages/menus/superfishtree.html"
#            template_name = context["menu_template_name"]
        except KeyError:
            error = "No template found for page_menu in: %s" % parts
            raise TemplateSyntaxError(error)
    context["menu_template_name"] = template_name
    #    logging.debug("context['menu_template_name'] is " + context["menu_template_name"])
    if "menu_pages" not in context:
        pages = defaultdict(list)
            user = context["request"].user
            slug = context["request"].path
        except KeyError:
            user = None
            slug = ""
        for page in Page.objects.published(for_user=user).select_related(
        context["menu_pages"] = pages
        context["on_home"] = slug == reverse("home")
    # ``branch_level`` must be stored against each page so that the
    # calculation of it is correctly applied. This looks weird but if we do
    # the ``branch_level`` as a separate arg to the template tag with the
    # addition performed on it, the addition occurs each time the template
    # tag is called rather than once per level.
    context["branch_level"] = 0
    if parent_page is not None:
        context["branch_level"] = parent_page.branch_level + 1
        parent_page = parent_page.id
    context["page_branch"] = context["menu_pages"].get(parent_page, [])
    for i, page in enumerate(context["page_branch"]):
        context["page_branch"][i].branch_level = context["branch_level"]
    t = get_template(template_name, context)
    #    logging.debug(context["page_branch"])
    return t.render(context)
Example #8
 def get_parent(self, context):
     Override to use Mezzanine's context-aware ``get_template``.
     if self.parent_name_expr:
         self.parent_name = self.parent_name_expr.resolve(context)
     parent = self.parent_name
     if not parent:
         error_msg = "Invalid template name in 'extends' tag: %r." % parent
         if self.parent_name_expr:
             error_msg += (" Got this from the '%s' variable." %
         raise TemplateSyntaxError(error_msg)
     if hasattr(parent, "render"):
         return parent  # parent is a Template object
     return get_template(parent, context)
Example #9
def render_to_response(template_name, dictionary=None, context_instance=None,
    Mimics ``django.shortcuts.render_to_response`` but uses Mezzanine's
    ``get_template`` which handles device specific template directories.
    dictionary = dictionary or {}
    if context_instance:
        context_instance = Context(dictionary)
    if isinstance(template_name, (list, tuple)):
        t = select_template(template_name, context_instance)
        t = get_template(template_name, context_instance)
    return HttpResponse(t.render(context_instance), mimetype=mimetype)
Example #10
 def render(self, context):
     if not getattr(self, "nodelist", False):
         if not isinstance(file_name, basestring) and \
             t = select_template(file_name, context)
             t = get_template(file_name, context)
         self.nodelist = t.nodelist
     parts = [template.Variable(part).resolve(context) 
              for part in token.split_contents()[1:]]
     if takes_context:
         parts.insert(0, context)
     result = tag_func(*parts)
     autoescape = context.autoescape
     context = context_class(result, autoescape=autoescape)
     return self.nodelist.render(context)
Example #11
 def get_parent(self, context):
     Override to use Mezzanine's context-aware ``get_template``.
     if self.parent_name_expr:
         self.parent_name = self.parent_name_expr.resolve(context)
     parent = self.parent_name
     if not parent:
         error = "Invalid template name in 'extends' tag: %r." % parent
         if self.parent_name_expr:
             token = self.parent_name_expr.token
             error += " Got this from the '%s' variable." % token
         raise TemplateSyntaxError(error)
     if hasattr(parent, "render"):
         return parent  # parent is a Template object
     return get_template(parent, context)
Example #12
 def render(self, context):
     if not getattr(self, "nodelist", False):
         if not isinstance(file_name, basestring) and \
             t = select_template(file_name, context)
             t = get_template(file_name, context)
         self.nodelist = t.nodelist
     parts = [template.Variable(part).resolve(context) 
              for part in token.split_contents()[1:]]
     if takes_context:
         parts.insert(0, context)
     result = tag_func(*parts)
     autoescape = context.autoescape
     context = context_class(result, autoescape=autoescape)
     return self.nodelist.render(context)
Example #13
def render_to_response(template_name,
    Mimics ``django.shortcuts.render_to_response`` but uses Mezzanine's 
    ``get_template`` which handles device specific template directories.
    dictionary = dictionary or {}
    if context_instance:
        context_instance = Context(dictionary)
    if isinstance(template_name, (list, tuple)):
        t = select_template(template_name, context_instance)
        t = get_template(template_name, context_instance)
    return HttpResponse(t.render(context_instance), mimetype=mimetype)
Example #14
def include(context, token):
    Loads a template and renders it with the current context.
    bits = token.split_contents()
    if len(bits) != 2:
        raise TemplateSyntaxError("%r tag takes one argument: the name of "
                                  "the template to be included" % bits[0])
    template = bits[1]
    if template[0] in ('"', "'") and template[-1] == template[0]:
        template = template[1:-1]
        template = Variable(template).resolve(context)
        t = get_template(template, context)
        return t.render(context)
    except TemplateSyntaxError:
        if settings.TEMPLATE_DEBUG:
    return ""
Example #15
def include(context, token):
    Loads a template and renders it with the current context.
    bits = token.split_contents()
    if len(bits) != 2:
        raise TemplateSyntaxError("%r tag takes one argument: the name of "
                                  "the template to be included" % bits[0])
    template = bits[1]
    if template[0] in ('"', "'") and template[-1] == template[0]:
        template = template[1:-1]
        template = Variable(template).resolve(context)
        t = get_template(template, context)
        return t.render(context)
    except TemplateSyntaxError:
        if settings.TEMPLATE_DEBUG:
    return ""