def handle_label(self, theme_name, **options): """ Create a new Django app and copy all available templates into it. """ super(Command, self).handle_label(theme_name, **options) # Build a unique list of template names from ``INSTALLED_APPS`` and # ``TEMPLATE_DIRS`` then determine which template files they belong # to and copy them to the theme/templates directory. templates = set() for app in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: if app.startswith("django.") or app in settings.OPTIONAL_APPS: continue templates_path = os.path.join(path_for_import(app), "templates") for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk(templates_path): for f in files: template = os.path.join(root, f)[len(templates_path):] if not template.startswith("/admin/"): templates.add(template.lstrip("/")) templates_path = os.path.join(theme_name, "templates") os.mkdir(templates_path) for template in templates: path_from = unicode(template_path(template)) path_to = os.path.join(templates_path, template) try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path_to)) except OSError: pass copy(path_from, path_to) copytree(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, os.path.join(theme_name, "media"))
def handle_label(self, theme_name, **options): """ Copy the templates and media files for the given theme package into the current project. """ try: theme_path = path_for_import(theme_name) except ImportError: raise CommandError("Could not import the theme: %s" % theme_name) copy_paths = ( (os.path.join(theme_path, "templates"), settings.TEMPLATE_DIRS[-1]), (os.path.join(theme_path, "media"), settings.MEDIA_ROOT), ) if options.get("interactive"): confirm = raw_input(""" Theme installation may overwrite existing template and media files. Are you sure you want to do this? Type 'yes' to continue, or 'no' to cancel: """) if confirm != "yes": raise CommandError("Theme installation cancelled.") for (path_from, path_to) in copy_paths: if os.path.exists(path_from): copy_tree(path_from, path_to)
#!/usr/bin/env python # When project_template is used as the actual project during Mezzanine # development, insert the development path into sys.path so that the # development version of Mezzanine is used rather than the installed version. import os import sys project_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) project_dir = project_path.split(os.sep)[-1] if project_dir == "project_template": dev_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(project_path, "..", "..")) if dev_path not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, dev_path) from mezzanine.utils import path_for_import mezzanine_path = path_for_import("mezzanine") assert os.path.abspath(os.path.join(mezzanine_path, "..")) == dev_path from import execute_manager try: import settings # Assumed to be in the same directory. except ImportError: import sys sys.stderr.write("Error: Can't find the file '' in the " "directory containing %r. It appears you've customized things.\n" "You'll have to run, passing it your settings module.\n" "(If the file does indeed exist, it's causing an " "ImportError somehow.)\n" % __file__) sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": execute_manager(settings)
from django.conf.urls.defaults import * from django.contrib import admin from mezzanine.conf import settings from mezzanine.utils import path_for_import admin.autodiscover() urlpatterns = patterns("", ("^admin/", include(, ("^", include("mezzanine.urls")), ) if getattr(settings, "DEV_SERVER", False): media_root = settings.MEDIA_ROOT theme = getattr(settings, "THEME") if theme: media_root = path_for_import(theme) urlpatterns += patterns("", ("^%s/(?P<path>.*)$" % settings.MEDIA_URL.strip("/"), "django.views.static.serve", {"document_root": media_root}), ("^favicon.ico$", "django.views.static.serve", {"document_root": media_root, "path": "img/favicon.ico"}), )
except ImportError: pass else: INSTALLED_APPS += (app,) INSTALLED_APPS = sorted(list(INSTALLED_APPS), reverse=True) # Optional app settings. from mezzanine.utils import path_for_import, set_dynamic_settings if "debug_toolbar" in INSTALLED_APPS: DEBUG_TOOLBAR_CONFIG = {"INTERCEPT_REDIRECTS": False} MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES += ("debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware",) if PACKAGE_NAME_GRAPPELLI in INSTALLED_APPS: GRAPPELLI_ADMIN_HEADLINE = "Mezzanine" GRAPPELLI_ADMIN_TITLE = "Mezzanine" GRAPPELLI_MEDIA_PATH = os.path.join( path_for_import(PACKAGE_NAME_GRAPPELLI), "media") if PACKAGE_NAME_FILEBROWSER in INSTALLED_APPS: FILEBROWSER_URL_FILEBROWSER_MEDIA = "/filebrowser/media/" FILEBROWSER_PATH_FILEBROWSER_MEDIA = os.path.join( path_for_import(PACKAGE_NAME_FILEBROWSER), "media", "filebrowser") # Caching. CACHE_BACKEND = "" CACHE_TIMEOUT = CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_SECONDS = 0 try: import cmemcache except ImportError: try: import memcache except ImportError: CACHE_BACKEND = "locmem:///"
def create_project(): """ Copies the contents of the project_template directory to a new directory specified as an argument to the command line. """ parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] project_name") parser.add_option("-a", "--alternate", dest="alt", metavar="PACKAGE", help="Alternate package to use, containing a project_template") parser.add_option("-s", "--source", dest="copy_source", default=False, action="store_true", help="Copy package source to new project") parser.add_option("-t", "--templates", dest="copy_templates", default=True, action="store_false", help="Copy templates to the project [default]") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: parser.error("project_name must be specified") project_name = args[0] if project_name.startswith("-"): parser.error("project_name cannot start with '-'") project_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), project_name) # Ensure the given directory name doesn't clash with an existing Python # package/module. try: __import__(project_name) except ImportError: pass else: parser.error("'%s' conflicts with the name of an existing " "Python module and cannot be used as a project name. " "Please try another name." % project_name) # Create the list of packages to build from - at this stage it should # only be one or two names, mezzanine plus an alternate package. packages = ["mezzanine"] if options.alt: packages.append(options.alt) for package_name in packages: try: __import__(package_name) except ImportError: parser.error("Could not import package '%s'" % package_name) # Build the project up copying over the project_template from each of # the packages. for package_name in packages: package_path = path_for_import(package_name) if options.copy_source: copy_tree(package_path, os.path.join(project_path, package_name)) copy_tree(os.path.join(package_path, "project_template"), project_path) move(os.path.join(project_path, ""), os.path.join(project_path, "")) if options.copy_templates: template_path = os.path.join(project_path, "templates") for app_dir in os.listdir(package_path): template_dir = os.path.join(package_path, app_dir, "templates") if os.path.isdir(template_dir): copy_tree(template_dir, template_path) # Generate a unique SECREY_KEY for the project's setttings module. settings_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), project_name, "") with open(settings_path, "r") as f: data = with open(settings_path, "w") as f: secret_key = "%s%s%s" % (uuid4(), uuid4(), uuid4()) f.write(data.replace("%(SECRET_KEY)s", secret_key)) # Clean up pyc files. for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk(project_path, False): for f in files: if f.endswith(".pyc"): os.remove(os.path.join(root, f))