def test_get_layer_thicknesses(all_layers):

    # docstring examples
    top = np.reshape([[10]] * 4, (2, 2))
    botm = np.reshape([[np.nan, 8., np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, 2., np.nan]] * 4,
                      (2, 2, 7)).transpose(2, 0, 1)
    result = get_layer_thicknesses(top, botm)
        result[:, 0, 0], [np.nan, 2., np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, 6., np.nan])

    top = np.reshape([[10]] * 4, (2, 2))
    botm = np.reshape([[9, 8., 8, 6, 3, 2., -10]] * 4,
                      (2, 2, 7)).transpose(2, 0, 1)
    result = get_layer_thicknesses(top, botm)
    assert np.allclose(result[:, 0, 0], [1., 1., 0., 2., 3., 1., 12.])

    all_layers2 = np.stack([top] + [b for b in botm])
    assert np.allclose(np.abs(np.diff(all_layers2, axis=0)), result)

    top = all_layers[0].copy()
    botm = all_layers[1:].copy()

    thicknesses = get_layer_thicknesses(top, botm)
    assert thicknesses[-1, 0, 0] == 7
    b = thicknesses[:, 0, 0]
    assert np.array_equal(b[~np.isnan(b)], np.array([7.]))
    expected = np.zeros(botm.shape[0]) * np.nan
    expected[1] = 2
    expected[4] = 3
    expected[-1] = 4
    assert np.allclose(thicknesses[:, 2, 2].copy(), expected, equal_nan=True)
def test_wel_setup(shellmound_model_with_dis):
    m = shellmound_model_with_dis  # deepcopy(model)
    m.cfg['wel']['external_files'] = False
    wel = m.setup_wel()
    assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(m.model_ws, wel.filename))
    assert isinstance(wel, mf6.ModflowGwfwel)
    assert wel.stress_period_data is not None

    # verify that periodata blocks were written
    output = read_mf6_block(wel.filename, 'period')
    for per, ra in
        assert len(output[per + 1]) == len(ra)

    # check the stress_period_data against source data
    sums = [
        ra['q'].sum() if ra is not None else 0
        for ra in wel.stress_period_data.array
    cellids = set()
    cellids2d = set()
    for per, ra in
        cellids2d.update(set([c[1:] for c in ra['cellid']]))

    # sum the rates from the source files
    min_thickness = m.cfg['wel']['source_data']['csvfiles'][
    dfs = []
    for f in m.cfg['wel']['source_data']['csvfiles']['filenames']:
    df = pd.concat(dfs)

    # cull wells to within model area
    l, b, r, t = m.modelgrid.bounds
    outside = (df.x.values > r) | (df.x.values < l) | (df.y.values <
                                                       b) | (df.y.values > t)
    df['outside'] = outside
    df = df.loc[~outside]
    df['start_datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(df.start_datetime)
    df['end_datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(df.end_datetime)
    from mfsetup.grid import get_ij
    i, j = get_ij(m.modelgrid, df.x.values, df.y.values)
    df['i'] = i
    df['j'] = j
    thicknesses = get_layer_thicknesses(, m.dis.botm.array,
    b = thicknesses[:, i, j]
    b[np.isnan(b)] = 0
    df['k'] = np.argmax(b, axis=0)
    df['laythick'] = b[df['k'].values, range(b.shape[1])]
    df['idomain'] = m.idomain[df['k'], i, j]
    valid_ij = (df['idomain'] == 1) & (
        df['laythick'] > min_thickness
    )  # nwell array of valid i, j locations (with at least one valid layer)
    culled = df.loc[~valid_ij].copy()  # wells in invalid i, j locations
    df = df.loc[valid_ij].copy()  # remaining wells
    cellids_2d_2 = set(list(zip(df['i'], df['j'])))
    df.index = df.start_datetime
    sums2 = []
    for i, r in m.perioddata.iterrows():
        end_datetime = r.end_datetime - pd.Timedelta(1, unit='d')
        welldata_overlaps_period = (df.start_datetime < end_datetime) & \
                                   (df.end_datetime > r.start_datetime)
        q = df.loc[welldata_overlaps_period, 'flux_m3'].sum()
    sums = np.array(sums)
    sums2 = np.array(sums2)
    # if this doesn't match
    # may be due to wells with invalid open intervals getting removed
    assert np.allclose(sums, sums2, rtol=0.01)
def test_dis_setup(shellmound_model_with_grid):

    m = shellmound_model_with_grid  #deepcopy(model_with_grid)
    # test intermediate array creation
    m.cfg['dis']['remake_top'] = True
    m.cfg['dis']['source_data']['top']['resample_method'] = 'nearest'
    m.cfg['dis']['source_data']['botm']['resample_method'] = 'nearest'
    dis = m.setup_dis()
    botm = m.dis.botm.array.copy()
    assert isinstance(dis, mf6.ModflowGwfdis)
    assert 'DIS' in m.get_package_list()
    # verify that units got conveted correctly
    assert < 100
    assert m.dis.length_units.array == 'meters'

    # verify that modelgrid was reset after building DIS
    mg = m.modelgrid
    assert (mg.nlay, mg.nrow, mg.ncol) == m.dis.botm.array.shape
    assert np.array_equal(,
    assert np.array_equal(mg.botm, m.dis.botm.array)

    arrayfiles = m.cfg['intermediate_data']['top'] + \
                 m.cfg['intermediate_data']['botm'] + \
    for f in arrayfiles:
        assert os.path.exists(f)
        fname = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(f)[1])[0]
        k = ''.join([s for s in fname if s.isdigit()])
        var = fname.strip(k)
        data = np.loadtxt(f)
        model_array = getattr(m.dis, var).array
        if len(k) > 0:
            k = int(k)
            model_array = model_array[k]
        assert np.array_equal(model_array, data)

# test that written idomain array reflects supplied shapefile of active area
    active_area = rasterize(m.cfg['dis']['source_data']['idomain']['filename'],
    isactive = active_area == 1
    written_idomain = load_array(m.cfg['dis']['griddata']['idomain'])
    assert np.all(written_idomain[:, ~isactive] <= 0)

    # test idomain from just layer elevations
    del m.cfg['dis']['griddata']['idomain']
    dis = m.setup_dis()
    top =
    top[top == m._nodata_value] = np.nan
    botm = dis.botm.array.copy()
    botm[botm == m._nodata_value] = np.nan
    thickness = get_layer_thicknesses(top, botm)
    invalid_botms = np.ones_like(botm)
    invalid_botms[np.isnan(botm)] = 0
    invalid_botms[thickness < 1.0001] = 0
    # these two arrays are not equal
    # because isolated cells haven't been removed from the second one
    # this verifies that _set_idomain is removing them
    assert not np.array_equal(m.idomain[:, isactive].sum(axis=1),
                              invalid_botms[:, isactive].sum(axis=1))
    invalid_botms = find_remove_isolated_cells(invalid_botms,
    active_cells = m.idomain[:, isactive].copy()
    active_cells[active_cells <
                 0] = 0  # need to do this because some idomain cells are -1
    assert np.array_equal(active_cells.sum(axis=1),
                          invalid_botms[:, isactive].sum(axis=1))

    # test recreating package from external arrays
    assert m.cfg['dis']['griddata']['top'] is not None
    assert m.cfg['dis']['griddata']['botm'] is not None
    dis = m.setup_dis()
    assert np.array_equal(m.dis.botm.array[m.dis.idomain.array == 1],
                          botm[m.dis.idomain.array == 1])

    # test recreating just the top from the external array
    m.cfg['dis']['remake_top'] = False
    m.cfg['dis']['griddata']['botm'] = None
    dis = m.setup_dis()
    assert np.array_equal(m.dis.botm.array[m.dis.idomain.array == 1],
                          botm[m.dis.idomain.array == 1])
    arrayfiles = m.cfg['dis']['griddata']['top']
    for f in arrayfiles:
        assert os.path.exists(f['filename'])
    assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(m.model_ws, dis.filename))

    # dis package idomain should be consistent with model property
    updated_idomain = m.idomain
    assert np.array_equal(m.dis.idomain.array, updated_idomain)

    # check that units were converted (or not)
    assert np.allclose([dis.idomain.array[0] == 1].mean(),
    mcaq = m.cfg['dis']['source_data']['botm']['filenames'][3]
    assert 'mcaq' in mcaq
    with as src:
        mcaq_data =
        mcaq_data[mcaq_data == src.meta['nodata']] = np.nan
    assert np.allclose(m.dis.botm.array[3][dis.idomain.array[3] == 1].mean() /
Example #4
def read_wdnr_monthly_water_use(wu_file, wu_points, model,
    """Read water use data from a master file generated from
    WDNR_wu_data.ipynb. Cull data to area of model. Reshape
    to one month-year-site value per row.

    wu_file : csv file
        Water use data ouput from the WDNR_wu_data.ipynb.
    wu_points : point shapefile
        Water use locations, generated in the WDNR_wu_data.ipynb
        Must be in same CRS as sr.
    model : flopy.modflow.Modflow instance
        Must have a valid attached .sr attribute defining the model grid.
        Only wells within the bounds of the sr will be retained.
        Sr is also used for row/column lookup.
        Must be in same CRS as wu_points.
    active_area : str (shapefile path) or shapely.geometry.Polygon
        Polygon denoting active area of the model. If specified,
        wells are culled to this area instead of the model bounding box.
        (default None)
    minimum_layer_thickness : scalar
        Minimum layer thickness to have pumping.

    monthly_data : DataFrame

    col_fmt = '{}_wdrl_gpm_amt'
    data_renames = {'site_seq_no': 'site_no',
                    'wdrl_year': 'year'}
    df = pd.read_csv(wu_file)
    drop_cols = [c for c in df.columns if 'unnamed' in c.lower()]
    drop_cols += ['objectid']
    df.drop(drop_cols, axis=1, inplace=True, errors='ignore')
    df.rename(columns=data_renames, inplace=True)
    if drop_ids is not None:
        df = df.loc[~df.site_no.isin(drop_ids)].copy()

    # implement automatic reprojection in gis-utils
    # maintaining backwards compatibility
    kwargs = {'dest_crs':}
    kwargs = get_input_arguments(kwargs, shp2df)
    locs = shp2df(wu_points, **kwargs)
    site_seq_col = [c for c in locs if 'site_se' in c.lower()]
    locs_renames = {c: 'site_no' for c in site_seq_col}
    locs.rename(columns=locs_renames, inplace=True)
    if drop_ids is not None:
        locs = locs.loc[~locs.site_no.isin(drop_ids)].copy()

    if active_area is None:
        # cull the data to the model bounds
        features = model.modelgrid.bbox
        txt = "No wells are inside the model bounds of {}"\
    elif isinstance(active_area, str):
        # implement automatic reprojection in gis-utils
        # maintaining backwards compatibility
        kwargs = {'dest_crs':}
        kwargs = get_input_arguments(kwargs, shp2df)
        features = shp2df(active_area, **kwargs).geometry.tolist()
        if len(features) > 1:
            features = MultiPolygon(features)
            features = Polygon(features[0])
        txt = "No wells are inside the area of {}"\
    elif isinstance(active_area, Polygon):
        features = active_area

    within = [g.within(features) for g in locs.geometry]
    assert len(within) > 0, txt
    locs = locs.loc[within].copy()
    if len(locs) == 0:
        print('No wells within model area:\n{}\n{}'.format(wu_file, wu_points))
        return None, None
    df = df.loc[df.site_no.isin(locs.site_no)]
    df.sort_values(by=['site_no', 'year'], inplace=True)

    # create seperate dataframe with well info
    well_info = df[['site_no',
    # groupby site number to cull duplicate information
    well_info = well_info.groupby('site_no').first()
    well_info['site_no'] = well_info.index

    # add top elevation, screen midpoint elev, row, column and layer
    points = dict(zip(locs['site_no'], locs.geometry))
    well_info['x'] = [points[sn].x for sn in well_info.site_no]
    well_info['y'] = [points[sn].y for sn in well_info.site_no]

    # have to do a loop because modelgrid.rasterize currently only works with scalars
    print('intersecting wells with model grid...')
    t0 = time.time()
    #i, j = [], []
    #for x, y in zip(well_info.x.values, well_info.y.values):
    #    iy, jx = model.modelgrid.rasterize(x, y)
    #    i.append(iy)
    #    j.append(jx)
    i, j = get_ij(model.modelgrid, well_info.x.values, well_info.y.values)
    print("took {:.2f}s\n".format(time.time() - t0))

    top =
    botm = model.dis.botm.array
    thickness = get_layer_thicknesses(top, botm)
    well_info['i'] = i
    well_info['j'] = j
    well_info['elv_m'] = top[i, j]
    well_info['elv_top_m'] = well_info.elev_open_int_top_m
    well_info['elv_botm_m'] = well_info.elev_open_int_bot_m
    well_info['elv_mdpt_m'] = well_info.screen_midpoint_elev_m
    well_info['k'] = get_layer(botm, i, j, elev=well_info['elv_mdpt_m'].values)
    well_info['laythick'] = thickness[well_info.k.values, i, j]
    well_info['ktop'] = get_layer(botm, i, j, elev=well_info['elv_top_m'].values)
    well_info['kbotm'] = get_layer(botm, i, j, elev=well_info['elv_botm_m'].values)

    # for wells in a layer below minimum thickness
    # move to layer with screen top, then screen botm,
    # put remainder in layer 1 and hope for the best
    well_info = wells.assign_layers_from_screen_top_botm(well_info, model,
    #isthin = well_info.laythick < minimum_layer_thickness
    #well_info.loc[isthin, 'k'] = well_info.loc[isthin, 'ktop'].values
    #well_info.loc[isthin, 'laythick'] = model.dis.thickness.array[well_info.k[isthin].values,
    #                                                              well_info.i[isthin].values,
    #                                                              well_info.j[isthin].values]
    #isthin = well_info.laythick < minimum_layer_thickness
    #well_info.loc[isthin, 'k'] = well_info.loc[isthin, 'kbotm'].values
    #well_info.loc[isthin, 'laythick'] = model.dis.thickness.array[well_info.k[isthin].values,
    #                                                              well_info.i[isthin].values,
    #                                                              well_info.j[isthin].values]
    #isthin = well_info.laythick < minimum_layer_thickness
    #well_info.loc[isthin, 'k'] = 1
    #well_info.loc[isthin, 'laythick'] = model.dis.thickness.array[well_info.k[isthin].values,
    #                                                              well_info.i[isthin].values,
    #                                                              well_info.j[isthin].values]
    isthin = well_info.laythick < minimum_layer_thickness
    assert not np.any(isthin)

    # make a datetime column
    monthlyQ_cols = [col_fmt.format(calendar.month_abbr[i]).lower()
                     for i in range(1, 13)]
    monthly_data = df[['site_no', 'year'] + monthlyQ_cols]
    monthly_data.columns = ['site_no', 'year'] + np.arange(1, 13).tolist()

    # stack the data
    # so that each row is a site number, year, month
    # reset the index to move multi-index levels back out to columns
    stacked = monthly_data.set_index(['site_no', 'year']).stack().reset_index()
    stacked.columns = ['site_no', 'year', 'month', 'gallons']
    stacked['datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(['{}-{:02d}'.format(y, m)
                                          for y, m in zip(stacked.year, stacked.month)])
    monthly_data = stacked
    return well_info, monthly_data