Example #1
    def setup_rch(self):
        Sets up the RCH package.



        package = 'rch'
        print('\nSetting up {} package...'.format(package.upper()))
        t0 = time.time()

        # make the irch array
        irch = make_irch(self.idomain)

        self._setup_array('rch', 'irch',
                          data={0: irch},
                          write_fmt='%d', dtype=int)

        # make the rech array
        self._setup_array(package, 'recharge', datatype='transient2d',
                          resample_method='nearest', write_fmt='%.6e',

        kwargs = self.cfg[package].copy()
        kwargs = get_input_arguments(kwargs, mf6.ModflowGwfrcha)
        rch = mf6.ModflowGwfrcha(self, **kwargs)
        print("finished in {:.2f}s\n".format(time.time() - t0))
        return rch
Example #2
def test_make_irch(shellmound_model_with_dis):
    m = shellmound_model_with_dis
    irch = make_irch(m.idomain)

    written_irch = np.loadtxt('external/irch.dat')
    idm_argmax = np.argmax(m.idomain, axis=0)
    assert np.allclose(written_irch, irch)
    assert np.allclose(written_irch, idm_argmax + 1)
Example #3
    def _set_idomain(self):
        """Remake the idomain array from the source data,
        no data values in the top and bottom arrays, and
        so that cells above SFR reaches are inactive.

        Also remakes irch for the recharge package"""
        # loop thru LGR models and inactivate area of parent grid for each one
        lgr_idomain = np.ones(self.dis.idomain.array.shape, dtype=int)
        if isinstance(self.lgr, dict):
            for k, v in self.lgr.items():
                lgr_idomain[v.idomain == 0] = 0
        idomain_from_layer_elevations = make_idomain(self.dis.top.array,
                                                     minimum_layer_thickness=self.cfg['dis'].get('minimum_layer_thickness', 1),
        # include cells that are active in the existing idomain array
        # and cells inactivated on the basis of layer elevations
        idomain = (self.dis.idomain.array == 1) & \
                  (idomain_from_layer_elevations == 1) & \
                  (lgr_idomain == 1)
        idomain = idomain.astype(int)

        # remove cells that conincide with lakes
        idomain[self.isbc == 1] = 0.

        # remove cells that are above stream cells
        if self.get_package('sfr') is not None:
            idomain = deactivate_idomain_above(idomain, self.sfr.packagedata)

        # inactivate any isolated cells that could cause problems with the solution
        idomain = find_remove_isolated_cells(idomain, minimum_cluster_size=20)

        # create pass-through cells in inactive cells that have an active cell above and below
        # by setting these cells to -1
        idomain = create_vertical_pass_through_cells(idomain)

        self._idomain = idomain

        # take the updated idomain array and set cells != 1 to np.nan in layer botm array
        # including lake cells
        # effect is that the layer thicknesses in these cells will be set to zero
        # fill_cells_vertically will be run in the setup_array routine,
        # to collapse the nan cells to zero-thickness
        # (assign their layer botm to the next valid layer botm above)
        botm = self.dis.botm.array.copy()
        botm[(idomain != 1)] = np.nan

        # re-write the input files
        # todo: integrate this better with setup_dis
        # to reduce the number of times the arrays need to be remade

        self._setup_array('dis', 'botm',
                        data={i: arr for i, arr in enumerate(botm)},
                        datatype='array3d', resample_method='linear',
                        write_fmt='%.2f', dtype=float)
        self.dis.botm = self.cfg['dis']['griddata']['botm']
        self._setup_array('dis', 'idomain',
                          data={i: arr for i, arr in enumerate(idomain)},
                          datatype='array3d', resample_method='nearest',
                          write_fmt='%d', dtype=int)
        self.dis.idomain = self.cfg['dis']['griddata']['idomain']
        self._mg_resync = False
        self.setup_grid()  # reset the model grid

        # rebuild irch to keep it in sync with idomain changes
        irch = make_irch(idomain)
        self._setup_array('rch', 'irch',
                                data={0: irch},
                                write_fmt='%d', dtype=int)