Example #1
    def __init__(self, dbdf, debug_level="critical"):
        self.dbdf = dbdf
        self.logger = LoggerFactory().get('mlxpci',debug_level)

        temp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
        self.dump_file_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, "{0}.pkl".format(str(self.dbdf)))

        self._pci_conf_space = {} # <capability-id> : <value:integer>
        self._pci_express_offset = None
Example #2
class PCIDeviceBase(object):
    Base class that represent a PCI device
    def __init__(self, dbdf, debug_level="critical"):
        self.dbdf = dbdf
        self.logger = LoggerFactory().get('mlxpci',debug_level)

        temp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
        self.dump_file_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, "{0}.pkl".format(str(self.dbdf)))

        self._pci_conf_space = {} # <capability-id> : <value:integer>
        self._pci_express_offset = None
    def read(self, offset, size, skip_offset_list=None):
        Read from PCI configuration space
        skip_offset_list is a list of offsets to skip reading for some offsets
        if self._is_valid_range(offset, size) is False: 
            raise Exception("offset [{0}] with size {1} is not a valid offset to read from.".format(offset, size))
        self.logger.debug("Reading offset[{0}] with size [{1}] for PCI device[{2}]".format(offset, size, self.dbdf))
    def write(self, offset, size, bytes_list):
        Write to PCI configuration space
        if self._is_valid_range(offset, size) is False:
            raise Exception("offset [{0}] with size {1} is not a valid offset to write.".format(offset, size))
        self.logger.debug("Writing [{0}] on  offset[{1}]  for PCI device[{2}]".format(bytes_list, offset, self.dbdf))
    def save_configuration_space(self, to_file=False):
        Save PCI configuration space of the device
        self.logger.debug("Saving configurations for PCI device[{0}]".format(self.dbdf))
        visited_capabilities = [] # A variable to save the visited capability to avoid an infinite loop

        # read and save PCI header 0x0-0x3f
        self.logger.debug("Reading and saving pci header [0x0-0x3f] ...")
        self._pci_conf_space["pci_header"] = self.read(0x0, 0x40)
        self.logger.debug("Reading and saving legacy list ...")
        pci_legacy_ptr =  self.read_byte(CONFIG_SPACE_PTR_OFFSET)
        while pci_legacy_ptr != 0:
            assert 0 < pci_legacy_ptr < MAXIMUN_LEGACY_CAP_SIZE, "Legacy pointer (<{0:#x}>) is out of range".format(pci_legacy_ptr)
            capability_id =  self.read_byte(pci_legacy_ptr)
            if capability_id in CAP_LEGACY_DICT:
                if capability_id in visited_capabilities:
                    raise RuntimeError("Capability id {0} was seen before (avoid infinite loop).".format(capability_id)) 
                cap_size = CAP_LEGACY_DICT[capability_id]
                self._pci_conf_space["{0}_leg".format(capability_id)] = self.read(pci_legacy_ptr,  cap_size)
            pci_legacy_ptr = self.read_byte(pci_legacy_ptr + 1)

        self.logger.debug("Reading and saving extended list ...")
        pci_extended_ptr = MAXIMUN_LEGACY_CAP_SIZE
        visited_capabilities = []
        while pci_extended_ptr and pci_extended_ptr != 0xfff: # Reading PCI Extended Configurations on VM will return 0XFFFF For FBSD
            assert pci_extended_ptr >= MAXIMUN_LEGACY_CAP_SIZE, "Extended pointer (<{0:#x}>) is out of range".format(pci_extended_ptr)
            capability_id = self.read_word(pci_extended_ptr)
            if capability_id is None: # Reading PCI Extended Configurations on VM will return None
            if capability_id in CAP_EXTENDED_DICT:
                if capability_id in visited_capabilities:
                    raise RuntimeError("Capability id {0} was seen before (avoid infinite loop).".format(capability_id))
                cap_size = CAP_EXTENDED_DICT[capability_id]
                self._pci_conf_space["{0}_ext".format(capability_id)] = self.read(pci_extended_ptr, cap_size)
            pci_extended_ptr = self.read_word(pci_extended_ptr + 2) >> 4

        if to_file:
            self.logger.debug("Save PCI configuration space to a file ...")
            with open(self.dump_file_path, 'wb') as f:
                pickle.dump(self._pci_conf_space, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
            self.logger.debug("PCI Configuration space dict {0} saved to a file {1}".format(self._pci_conf_space, self.dump_file_path))
            self._pci_conf_space = {}
        self.logger.info("PCI Configurations for [{0} was saved successfully]".format(self.dbdf))
    def restore_configuration_space(self):
        Restore PCI configuration space of the device
        self.logger.debug("Restoring configurations for PCI device[{0}]".format(self.dbdf))
        if self._pci_conf_space == {}:
            self._pci_conf_space = self._get_pci_conf_from_file()

        visited_capabilities = [] # Save the visited capability to avoid infinit loop

        # Read and save PCI configuration space offset from 0x0-0xfff
        # Reading the pci conf space one time to have better performance
        cached_data = self.read(offset=0x0, size=MAX_PCI_OFFSET, skip_offset_list=MELLANOX_PCI_SKIP_LIST)
        # write pci header 0x0-0x3f
        self.logger.debug("Writing PCI header [0x0-0x3f] ...")
        self.write(0x0, 0x40,  self._pci_conf_space["pci_header"])

        # Write Legacy list
        self.logger.debug("Writing back Legacy list ...")
        pci_legacy_ptr =  self._fetch_byte(cached_data, CONFIG_SPACE_PTR_OFFSET)
        while pci_legacy_ptr:
            assert 0 < pci_legacy_ptr < MAXIMUN_LEGACY_CAP_SIZE, "Legacy pointer (<{0:#x}>) is out of range".format(pci_legacy_ptr)
            capability_id = self._fetch_byte(cached_data, pci_legacy_ptr)
            if capability_id in CAP_LEGACY_DICT and "{0}_leg".format(capability_id) in self._pci_conf_space:
                if capability_id in visited_capabilities:
                    raise RuntimeError("Capability id {0} was seen before (avoid infinite loop).".format(capability_id))
                cap_size = CAP_LEGACY_DICT[capability_id]
                self.write(pci_legacy_ptr, cap_size, self._pci_conf_space["{0}_leg".format(capability_id)])
            pci_legacy_ptr = self._fetch_byte(cached_data, pci_legacy_ptr + 1)

        # Write Extended list
        self.logger.debug("Writing back Extended list ...")
        pci_extended_ptr = MAXIMUN_LEGACY_CAP_SIZE
        visited_capabilities = []
        while pci_extended_ptr and pci_extended_ptr != 0xfff:
            assert pci_extended_ptr >= MAXIMUN_LEGACY_CAP_SIZE, "Extended pointer (<{0:#x}>) is out of range".format(pci_extended_ptr)
            capability_id = self._fetch_word(cached_data, pci_extended_ptr)
            if capability_id is None: # Reading PCI Extended Configurations on VM will return None
            if capability_id in CAP_EXTENDED_DICT and "{0}_ext".format(capability_id) in self._pci_conf_space:
                if capability_id in visited_capabilities:
                    raise RuntimeError("Capability id {0} was seen before (avoid infinite loop).".format(capability_id))
                cap_size = CAP_EXTENDED_DICT[capability_id]
                self.write(pci_extended_ptr, cap_size, self._pci_conf_space["{0}_ext".format(capability_id)])
            pci_extended_ptr = self._fetch_word(cached_data, pci_extended_ptr + 2) >> 4
        self.logger.info("PCI Configurations for [{0} was restored successfully]".format(self.dbdf))
    def _is_valid_range(self, offset, size):
        A method to validate offset and size
        it returns True if the offset is valid, else False
        return (offset + size <= 0xfffe)

    def _get_pci_express_offset(self):
        Get PCI express offset
        visited_capabilities = []
        pci_legacy_ptr =  self.read_byte(CONFIG_SPACE_PTR_OFFSET)
        while pci_legacy_ptr != 0:
            assert 0 < pci_legacy_ptr < MAXIMUN_LEGACY_CAP_SIZE, "Legacy pointer (<{0:#x}>) is out of range".format(pci_legacy_ptr)
            capability_id =  self.read_byte(pci_legacy_ptr)
            if capability_id == 0x10:
                return pci_legacy_ptr
            if capability_id in CAP_LEGACY_DICT:
                if capability_id in visited_capabilities:
                    raise RuntimeError("Capability id {0} was seen before (avoid infinite loop).".format(capability_id)) 
            pci_legacy_ptr = self.read_byte(pci_legacy_ptr + 1)
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to find pci express offset")

    def dll_link_active(self):
        Get dll link active value
        link_status_reg_offset = 0x12
        link_status_reg_address = self._pci_express_offset + link_status_reg_offset
        link_status_reg_value = self.read_word(link_status_reg_address)
        dll_value_bin = bin(link_status_reg_value).replace('0b', '').zfill(16)[-13-1]  #bit 13
        return int(dll_value_bin)

    def dll_link_active_reporting_capable(self):
        return Link-capabilites[dll-link-active-reporting-capbale] bit (indicates if dll-link-active is valid)
        link_capabilities_reg_offset = 0xc
        link_capabilities_reg_address = self._pci_express_offset + link_capabilities_reg_offset
        link_capabilities_reg_value = self.read_long(link_capabilities_reg_address)
        dll_reporting_cable_bin = bin(link_capabilities_reg_value).replace('0b', '').zfill(32)[-20-1]  #bit 20
        return int(dll_reporting_cable_bin)

    # Helper methods
    def _fetch_byte(self, cached_pci_conf, offset):
        Helper method that extract a byte from a data that was read before
        return cached_pci_conf[offset]

    def _fetch_word(self, cached_pci_conf, offset):
        Helper method that extract a word from a data that was read before
        if offset + 1 < len(cached_pci_conf): # Device does not have extended PCI configurationfor VMs
            byte0 = "{0:x}".format(cached_pci_conf[offset]).zfill(2)
            byte1 = "{0:x}".format(cached_pci_conf[offset + 1]).zfill(2)
            return int("{0}{1}".format(byte1, byte0), 16)
            return None

    def _get_pci_conf_from_file(self):
        This is to load pci conf space from a saved pickle
        self.logger.debug("Reading pci space conf from [{0}]".format(self.dump_file_path))
            with open(self.dump_file_path, 'rb') as f:
                return pickle.load(f)
        except Exception:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "{0} doesn't exist. Please save before load".format(self.dump_file_path))