def guiCallback(self): """called each time the 'read ->AutoGrid' sequence is pressed""" objList=[] if len(self.vf.grids.keys())==0: t='no grids currently in viewer' self.warningMsg(t) return for item in self.vf.grids.keys(): if item not in objList: objList.append(item) if len(objList)==0: gridName = objList[0] else: #NEED TO PICK THE GRID.... ifd2 = InputFormDescr(title='Choose Grid') ifd2.append({'widgetType':'ListChooser', 'name':'gridObjs', 'entries':objList, 'wcfg':{'title':'Pick grid', 'mode':'single'}, 'lbwcfg':{'height':4}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'wens', 'column':100, 'rowspan':10}}) val = self.vf.getUserInput(ifd2) if val is not None and len(val)>0 and len(val['gridObjs'])>0: gridName = val['gridObjs'][0] else: return return self.doitWrapper(gridName, redraw=0)
def guiCallback(self): objList = [] if len(self.vf.grids.keys()) == 0: t = "no grids currently in viewer" self.warningMsg(t) return for item in self.vf.grids.keys(): if item not in objList and not self.vf.grids[item].srf: objList.append(item) if not hasattr(self, "ifd"): self.buildForm() else: self.form.deiconify() if len(objList) > 0: # NEED TO PICK THE GRID.... ifd2 = InputFormDescr(title="Choose Grid") ifd2.append( { "widgetType": "ListChooser", "name": "gridObjs", "entries": objList, "wcfg": {"title": "Pick grid", "mode": "single"}, "lbwcfg": {"height": 4}, "gridcfg": {"sticky": "wens", "column": 100, "rowspan": 10}, } ) val = self.vf.getUserInput(ifd2) if val is not None and len(val) > 0 and len(val["gridObjs"]) > 0: filename = val["gridObjs"][0] grid = self.vf.grids[filename] return self.doitWrapper(filename, redraw=1)
def test_thumbwheel(): def tw_cb(event=None): pass from mglutil.gui.BasicWidgets.Tk.thumbwheel import ThumbWheel descr = InputFormDescr(title = 'Testing InputForm') descr.append({'name':'thumbwheel', 'widgetType':ThumbWheel, 'tooltip':"""Right click on the widget will display the control panel and you can type a value manually""", 'defaultValue':100, 'wcfg':{'text':None, 'showLabel':1, 'width':100, 'min':0, 'lockBMin':1, 'lockBMax':1, 'lockBIncrement':1, 'value':40, 'oneTurn':1000, 'type':'int', 'increment':2, 'canvascfg':{'bg':'red'}, 'wheelLabcfg1':{'font':(ensureFontCase('times'),14,'bold')}, 'wheelLabcfg2':{'font':(ensureFontCase('times'),14,'bold')}, 'callback':tw_cb, 'continuous':1, 'wheelPad':1, 'height':20}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'e','row':-1}}) form = InputForm(master, root, descr) value = form.testForm() assert value['thumbwheel']==100 form.destroy()
def guiCallback(self): objList=[] if len(self.vf.grids.keys())==0: t='no grids currently in viewer' self.warningMsg(t) return for item in self.vf.grids.keys(): if item not in objList and not self.vf.grids[item].srf: objList.append(item) if not hasattr(self, 'ifd'): self.buildForm() else: self.form.deiconify() if len(objList)>0: #NEED TO PICK THE GRID.... ifd2 = InputFormDescr(title='Choose Grid') ifd2.append({'widgetType':'ListChooser', 'name':'gridObjs', 'entries':objList, 'wcfg':{'title':'Pick grid', 'mode':'single'}, 'lbwcfg':{'height':4}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'wens', 'column':100, 'rowspan':10}}) val = self.vf.getUserInput(ifd2) if val is not None and len(val)>0 and len(val['gridObjs'])>0: filename = val['gridObjs'][0] grid = self.vf.grids[filename] return self.doitWrapper(filename, redraw=1)
def buildFormDescr(self, formName): if formName=='saveViewsToFile': if self.vf.commands.has_key("viewsPanel"): if len(self.vf.viewsPanel.views) == 0: return else: return idf = InputFormDescr(title="Save Views to file") idf.append({'name':'filename', 'widgetType':Pmw.EntryField, 'tooltip':"Enter the filename, a '' (saves orientation)\nand 'filename_repr.db'(saves representation) will be created.", 'wcfg':{'label_text':'Filename:', 'labelpos':'w'}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'we'}, }) idf.append({'widgetType':SaveButton, 'name':'filebrowse', 'wcfg':{'buttonType':Tkinter.Button, 'title':'Save In File ...', 'types':[('Views orientation','*'), ('Views representation', '*_repr.db'), ("", '*')], 'callback':self.setEntry_cb, 'widgetwcfg':{'text':'BROWSE'}}, 'gridcfg':{'row':-1, 'sticky':'we'}}) return idf
def buildInputFormDescr(self): """to be implemented by sub-class""" ifd=InputFormDescr() ifd.title = "MSMSsel picker" ifd.append({'widgetType':Tkinter.Label, 'name':'event', 'wcfg':{'text':'event: '+self.event}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':Tkinter.W} }) ifd.append({'widgetType':Pmw.EntryField, 'name':'Surface', 'wcfg':{'labelpos':'w', 'label_text':'Surface name: ', 'validate':None}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'we'}}) ifd.append({'widgetType':Tkinter.Button, 'name':'Cancel', 'wcfg':{'text':'Cancel', 'command':self.Cancel } }) if self.numberOfObjects==None: ifd.append({'widgetType':Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg':{'text':'Done'}, 'command': self.stop}) return ifd
def guiCallback(self): """called each time the 'read ->AutoGrid' sequence is pressed""" objList = [] if len(self.vf.grids.keys()) == 0: t = "no grids currently in viewer" self.warningMsg(t) return for item in self.vf.grids.keys(): if item not in objList: objList.append(item) if len(objList) == 0: gridName = objList[0] else: # NEED TO PICK THE GRID.... ifd2 = InputFormDescr(title="Choose Grid") ifd2.append( { "widgetType": "ListChooser", "name": "gridObjs", "entries": objList, "wcfg": {"title": "Pick grid", "mode": "single"}, "lbwcfg": {"height": 4}, "gridcfg": {"sticky": "wens", "column": 100, "rowspan": 10}, } ) val = self.vf.getUserInput(ifd2) if val is not None and len(val) > 0 and len(val["gridObjs"]) > 0: gridName = val["gridObjs"][0] else: return return self.doitWrapper(gridName, redraw=0)
def getInt(self): idf = InputFormDescr(title='Choose a value') idf.append({'widgetType':IntThumbWheel, 'name':'tw', 'wcfg':{'width':125, 'height':30, 'nblines':30}}) form = InputForm(master=self.widget.master, root = None, descr=idf) values = form.go() return values['tw']
def buildFormDescr(self, formName): if formName == 'display': idf = InputFormDescr(title = idf.append({'name':'display', 'widgetType':Pmw.RadioSelect, 'listtext':['display','display only', 'undisplay'], 'defaultValue':'display', 'wcfg':{'orient':'horizontal', 'buttontype':'radiobutton'}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky': 'we'}}) return idf
def test_inputform_groupwidgetsdefault(): descr = InputFormDescr(title = 'Testing InputForm') descr.append({'name':'group', 'widgetType':Tkinter.Radiobutton, 'listtext':['rb1', 'rb2', 'rb3'], 'defaultValue':'rb3', 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'w'}}) form = InputForm(master, root, descr) value = form.testForm() assert value['group']=='rb3' form.destroy()
def guiCallback(self): molNames = [] for mol in self.vf.Mols: if hasattr(mol, 'spaceGroup'): molNames.append( if not molNames: tkMessageBox.showinfo("Crystal Info is Needed", "No Molecule in the Viewer has Crystal Info.") return ifd = InputFormDescr(title='Crystal Info') ifd.append({'name':'moleculeList', 'widgetType':Pmw.ScrolledListBox, 'tooltip':'Select a molecule with Crystal Info.', 'wcfg':{'label_text':'Select Molecule: ', 'labelpos':'nw', 'items':molNames, 'listbox_selectmode':'single', 'listbox_exportselection':0, 'usehullsize': 1, 'hull_width':100,'hull_height':150, 'listbox_height':5}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'nsew', 'row':1, 'column':0}}) val = self.vf.getUserInput(ifd, modal=1, blocking=1) if val: molecule = self.vf.getMolFromName(val['moleculeList'][0]) matrices = instanceMatricesFromGroup(molecule) geom = molecule.geomContainer.geoms['master'] geom.Set(instanceMatrices=matrices) if not molecule.geomContainer.geoms.has_key('Unit Cell'): fractCoords=((1,1,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,0),(1,0,0),(1,1,1),(0,1,1), (0,0,1),(1,0,1)) coords = [] coords = molecule.crystal.toCartesian(fractCoords) box=Box('Unit Cell', vertices=coords) self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.AddObject(box, parent=geom) molecule.geomContainer.geoms['Unit Cell'] = box ifd = InputFormDescr(title='Crystal Options') visible = molecule.geomContainer.geoms['Unit Cell'].visible if visible: showState = 'active' else: showState = 'normal' ifd.append({'name': 'Show Cell', 'widgetType':Tkinter.Checkbutton, 'text': 'Hide Unit Cell', 'state':showState, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':Tkinter.W}, 'command': CallBackFunction(self.showUnitCell, molecule)}) ifd.append({'name': 'Show Packing', 'widgetType':Tkinter.Checkbutton, 'text': 'Hide Packing', 'state':'active', 'gridcfg':{'sticky':Tkinter.W}, 'command': CallBackFunction(self.showPacking, molecule)}) val = self.vf.getUserInput(ifd, modal=0, blocking=1) if not val: geom.Set(instanceMatrices=[numpy.eye(4,4)]) molecule.geomContainer.geoms['Unit Cell'].Set(visible=False)
def buildInputFormDescr(self): ifd = InputFormDescr() all = self.allChoices() if len(all)>0: ifd.append({'widgetType':'ListChooser', 'name':'AllObjects', 'entries':all, 'title':'All objects', 'wcfg':{'mode':'multiple'}, }) if self.numberOfObjects==None: ifd.append({'widgetType':Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg':{'text':'Done'}, 'command': self.stop}) return ifd
def buildFormDescr(self,formName): if formName == "enterName": ifd =InputFormDescr(title = "Pick Vect Name") vectNames = self.vf.vectfield.keys() ifd.append({'widgetType':Pmw.ComboBox, 'name':'vectName', 'required':1, 'tooltip': "Please type-in a new name or chose one from the list below\n '_' are not accepted", 'wcfg':{'labelpos':'nw', 'label_text':'VectField Name: ', 'entryfield_validate':self.entryValidate, 'scrolledlist_items':vectNames, }, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'we'}}) return ifd
def buildFormDescr(self,formName): if formName == "Vectfield": ifd =InputFormDescr(title = "Choose Vect Field") vectList = [] for key in self.vf.vectfield.keys(): vectList.append((key,None)) ifd.append({'widgetType':ListChooser, 'name':'vectObj', 'wcfg':{'title':'Pick grid', 'entries':vectList, 'mode':'single', 'lbwcfg':{'height':4},}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'wens', 'column':100, 'rowspan':10}}) return ifd
def guiCallback(self): """called each time the 'Delete All Molecules' button is pressed""" if len(self.vf.Mols) == 0: self.warningMsg("No molecules present in the Viewer") return mols = self.vf.Mols if mols is not None and len(mols): text = """WARNING: This command cannot be undone. if you choose to continue the undo list will be reset. Do you want to continue?""" if not hasattr(self, 'idf'): self.idf = InputFormDescr(title="WARNING") self.idf.append({'widgetType':Tkinter.Label, 'wcfg':{'text':text}, 'gridcfg':{'columnspan':3,'sticky':'w'}}) self.idf.append({'name': 'Continue Button', 'widgetType':Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg':{'text':'CONTINUE', 'command':self.continue_cb}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'we'}}) self.idf.append({'name': 'Cancel Button', 'widgetType':Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg':{'text':'CANCEL', 'command':self.cancel_cb}, 'gridcfg':{'row':-1,'sticky':'we'}}) self.vf.getUserInput(self.idf, okcancel=0)
def test_inputForm_notebook(): descr = InputFormDescr(title = 'Testing InputForm') descr.append({'widgetType':Pmw.NoteBook, 'name':'notebook', 'container':{'Page1':"'Page1')", 'Page2':"'Page2')", 'Page3':"'Page3')"}, 'wcfg':{'borderwidth':3}, 'componentcfg':[{'name':'Page1', 'cfg':{}}, {'name':'Page2', 'cfg':{}}, {'name':'Page3', 'cfg':{}}], 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'wnse'} }) entries = [('Chocolate',None), ('Vanilla', None), ('Strawberry', None), ('Coffee',None), ('Pistachio', None), ('Rasberry',None), ] descr.append({'name':'listchooser', 'parent':'Page1', 'widgetType':ListChooser, 'defaultValue':'Chocolate', 'wcfg':{'entries':entries}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'w'} }) descr.append({'name':'radioselect2', 'widgetType':Pmw.RadioSelect, 'parent':'Page2', 'listtext':['rb1', 'rb2', 'rb3','rb4', 'rb5', 'rb6', 'rb7', 'rb8', 'rb9','rb10', 'rb11', 'rb12'], 'wcfg':{'labelpos':'n', 'label_text':'Radiobuttons: ', 'orient':'horizontal', 'buttontype':'radiobutton'}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'w'} }) descr.append({'name':'radioselect', 'widgetType':Pmw.RadioSelect, 'parent':'Page3', 'defaultValue':'rb5', 'listtext':['rb1', 'rb2', 'rb3','rb4', 'rb5', 'rb6', 'rb7', 'rb8', 'rb9','rb10', 'rb11', 'rb12'], 'wcfg':{'labelpos':'n', 'label_text':'Radiobuttons: ', 'orient':'vertical', 'buttontype':'radiobutton'}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'w'} }) form = InputForm(master, root, descr, modal=0, blocking=0) values = form.testForm(container='Page3') assert values['radioselect']=='rb5' form.destroy()
def guiCallback(self): ifd=InputFormDescr(title='Show/Hide VFGUI components ') for name in ['infoBar', 'MESSAGE_BOX']: w = self.getWidget(name) var = Tkinter.IntVar() self.tkvarDict[name] = var cb = CallBackFunction( self.callback, name, var) ifd.append({'widgetType':Tkinter.Checkbutton, 'name':name, 'wcfg':{'text':name, 'command': cb, 'variable':var,}, 'defaultValue': w.winfo_ismapped(), 'gridcfg':{'sticky':Tkinter.W}}) posy = 0 for name in self.vf.GUI.menuBars.keys(): w = self.getWidget(name) var = Tkinter.IntVar() self.tkvarDict[name] = var cb = CallBackFunction( self.callback, name, var) ifd.append({'widgetType':Tkinter.Checkbutton, 'name':name, 'wcfg':{'text':name, 'command': cb, 'variable':var,}, 'defaultValue':w.winfo_ismapped(), 'gridcfg':{'sticky':Tkinter.W,'column':1,'row':posy}}) posy=posy+1 ifd.append({'widgetType':Tkinter.Button, 'name':'dismiss', 'wcfg':{'text':'dismiss', 'command':self.dismiss_cb}, 'gridcfg':{'columnspan':2}, }) self.ifd = ifd val=self.vf.getUserInput(ifd, modal=0)
def buildFormDescr(self, formName): if formName=='chooseCitation': idf = InputFormDescr(title="Choose Package") pname = self.citations.keys() #pname.sort() idf.append({'name':'packList', 'widgetType':Pmw.ScrolledListBox, 'wcfg':{'items':pname, 'listbox_exportselection':0, 'labelpos':'nw','usehullsize': 1, 'hull_width':100,'hull_height':150, 'listbox_height':5, 'listbox_width':150, 'label_text':'Select a package:', 'selectioncommand':self.displayCitation_cb, }, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'wesn'}}) idf.append({'name':'citation', 'widgetType':Pmw.ScrolledText, 'wcfg':{'labelpos':'nw', 'text_width':60, 'text_height':10}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'wens'} }) idf.append({'name':'dismiss', 'widgetType':Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg':{'text':'DISMISS','command':self.dismiss_cb, }, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'wens'}}) return idf
def buildText(self, parent, textwcfg, buttonwcfg): # Build the LoadOrSaveText widget or ScrolledText self.idf = InputFormDescr() textwcfg['name'] = 'UserFunction' self.text = buttonwcfg['text'] self.idf.append(textwcfg) #windows = InputForm(parent, self.idf) master = parent root = None windows = InputForm(master, root, self.idf) self.vals = windows.go() # Uncheck the checkbutton if needed if isinstance(self.button,tkinter.Checkbutton) and \ 'variable' in buttonwcfg: if isinstance(buttonwcfg['variable'], tkinter.StringVar): buttonwcfg['variable'].set('0') elif isinstance(buttonwcfg['variable'], tkinter.IntVar): buttonwcfg['variable'].set(0)
def buildFormDescr(self, formName): if not formName == 'Show MailingLists': return idf = InputFormDescr(title='Show MailingLists') self.mailinglists_pages = ["Login Page", "Archive Page"] idf.append({ 'name': 'pmvlist', 'widgetType': kbScrolledListBox, 'wcfg': { 'items': self.mailinglists_pages, 'listbox_exportselection': 0, 'labelpos': 'nw', 'label_text': 'Pmv Mailing List', 'selectioncommand': self.mailCmds_cb, 'listbox_height': 3, #'hscrollmode':'dynamic', }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wesn', 'columnspan': 1 } }) idf.append({ 'name': 'visionlist', 'widgetType': kbScrolledListBox, 'wcfg': { 'items': self.mailinglists_pages, 'listbox_exportselection': 0, 'labelpos': 'nw', 'label_text': 'Vision Mailing List', 'selectioncommand': self.mailCmds_cb, 'listbox_height': 3, #'hscrollmode':'dynamic', }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wesn', 'columnspan': 1 } }) idf.append({ 'name': 'dismiss', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'DISMISS', 'command': self.dismiss_cb, }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'ew', 'columnspan': 3 } }) return idf
def doit(self, trajFile, ask=True): """creates a Trajectory object, uses its parser to read the trajectory file, adds created Trajectory object to self.vf.Trajectories dictionary""" name = os.path.split(trajFile)[1] trajnames = self.vf.Trajectories.keys() if name in trajnames: if ask: from mglutil.gui.InputForm.Tk.gui import InputFormDescr ifd = InputFormDescr(title = '') ifd.append({'widgetType':Pmw.EntryField, 'name':'newtraj', 'required':1, 'wcfg':{'labelpos':'w', 'label_text': "Trajectory %s exists.\nEnter new name:"%(name,), 'validate':None}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'we'} }) vals = self.vf.getUserInput(ifd) if len(vals)>0: assert not vals['newtraj'] in trajnames name = vals['newtraj'] else: return None else: name = name+str(len(trajnames)) trj = Trajectory(trajFile) if trj.parser: trj.readTrajectory() self.vf.Trajectories[name] = trj if self.vf.commands.has_key("playTrajectory"): if self.vf.playTrajectory.ifd: cb = self.vf.playTrajectory.ifd.entryByName['trs']['widget'] sl = cb.component('scrolledlist') trajnames = self.vf.Trajectories.keys() sl.setlist(trajnames) cb.selectitem(name) return name else: return None
def test_scrolledText(): descr = InputFormDescr(title = "Testing ScrolledText") descr.append({'widgetType':Pmw.ScrolledText, 'name':'sText', 'defaultValue':"""DEFAULT TEXT""", 'wcfg':{'labelpos':'n', 'label_text':'ScrolledText with headers', 'usehullsize': 1, 'hull_width': 400, 'hull_height': 300, 'text_wrap':'none', 'text_padx': 4, 'text_pady': 4, }, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'wens'}}) form = InputForm(master, root, descr, modal=0, blocking=0) values = form.testForm() if not values['sText'] == 'DEFAULT TEXT\n': raise RuntimeError form.destroy()
def buildFormDescr(self, formName): if formName == "enterName": ifd = InputFormDescr(title="Pick Vect Name") vectNames = self.vf.vectfield.keys() ifd.append({ 'widgetType': Pmw.ComboBox, 'name': 'vectName', 'required': 1, 'tooltip': "Please type-in a new name or chose one from the list below\n '_' are not accepted", 'wcfg': { 'labelpos': 'nw', 'label_text': 'VectField Name: ', 'entryfield_validate': self.entryValidate, 'scrolledlist_items': vectNames, }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we' } }) return ifd
def guiCallback(self, event=None): self.ifd = InputFormDescr("Bind Actions to Mouse Buttons!") # create modifier dropDown combo box cam = self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.currentCamera self.ifd.append({ 'name':'forwhat', 'widgetType': Pmw.ComboBox, 'defaultValue': 'Object', 'wcfg':{ 'labelpos':'nw', 'label_text':'bindings for:', 'selectioncommand': self.binding_cb, 'scrolledlist_items':['Object', 'Insert2d', 'Camera', 'Clip', 'Light', 'Texture', 'Scissor']}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'ew', 'padx':2, 'pady':1} }) self.ifd.append({ 'name':'buttonNum', 'widgetType': Pmw.ComboBox, 'defaultValue': '1', 'wcfg':{ 'labelpos':'nw', 'label_text':'mouse Button Number:', 'scrolledlist_items':['1','2','3']}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'ew', 'padx':2, 'pady':1} }) self.ifd.append({ 'name':'action', 'widgetType': Pmw.ComboBox, 'defaultValue': 'None', 'wcfg':{ 'labelpos':'nw', 'label_text':'Action:', 'selectioncommand': self.actionSet_cb, 'scrolledlist_items':cam.actions[self.forwhat].keys()}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'ew', 'padx':2, 'pady':1} }) self.ifd.append({ 'name':'modifier', 'widgetType': Pmw.ComboBox, 'defaultValue': 'None', 'wcfg':{ 'labelpos':'nw', 'label_text':'keyboard modifier:', 'scrolledlist_items':cam.mouseButtonModifiers}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'ew', 'padx':2, 'pady':1} }) self.ifd.append({ 'name':'set', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg':{'text':'Set', 'command':self.set_cb, }, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'ew', 'padx':2, 'pady':1} }) self.ifd.append({'widgetType':Tkinter.Button, 'name':'dismiss', 'wcfg':{'text':'dismiss', 'command':self.dismiss_cb}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'sew'} }) self.vf.getUserInput(self.ifd, modal=0, blocking=0)
def buildFormDescr(self, formName): if formName == 'chooseCitation': idf = InputFormDescr(title="Choose Package") pname = self.citations.keys() #pname.sort() idf.append({ 'name': 'packList', 'widgetType': Pmw.ScrolledListBox, 'wcfg': { 'items': pname, 'listbox_exportselection': 0, 'labelpos': 'nw', 'usehullsize': 1, 'hull_width': 100, 'hull_height': 150, 'listbox_height': 5, 'listbox_width': 150, 'label_text': 'Select a package:', 'selectioncommand': self.displayCitation_cb, }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wesn' } }) idf.append({ 'name': 'citation', 'widgetType': Pmw.ScrolledText, 'wcfg': { 'labelpos': 'nw', 'text_width': 60, 'text_height': 10 }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wens' } }) idf.append({ 'name': 'dismiss', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'DISMISS', 'command': self.dismiss_cb, }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wens' } }) return idf
def buildFormDescr(self, formName): #from Pmv.selectionCommands import sets__ #if not sets__.keys(): if not self.vf.sets.keys(): self.warningMsg("No sets defined!") return ifd = InputFormDescr(title = 'Select Sets') gridrow = 0 #for k in sets__.keys(): for k in self.vf.sets.keys(): ifd.append({'name': k, 'widgetType':Tkinter.Checkbutton, 'wcfg':{ 'text': k, 'variable': Tkinter.IntVar(), 'command': None}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':Tkinter.W,'row':gridrow,'column':0, 'columnspan':2}, }) gridrow = gridrow + 1 return ifd
def createDescr(): descr = InputFormDescr(title = 'Testing InputForm') descr.append({'name':'checkbutton', 'widgetType':Tkinter.Checkbutton, 'wcfg':{'text':'Checkbutton', 'variable':Tkinter.IntVar()}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'w'}}) descr.append({'name':'radioselect', 'widgetType':Pmw.RadioSelect, 'listtext':['rb1', 'rb2', 'rb3','rb4', 'rb5', 'rb6', 'rb7', 'rb8', 'rb9','rb10', 'rb11', 'rb12'], 'wcfg':{'labelpos':'n', 'label_text':'Radiobuttons: ', 'orient':'vertical', 'buttontype':'radiobutton'}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'w'} }) descr.append({'name':'radioselect2', 'widgetType':Pmw.RadioSelect, 'listtext':['rb1', 'rb2', 'rb3','rb4', 'rb5', 'rb6', 'rb7', 'rb8', 'rb9','rb10', 'rb11', 'rb12'], 'wcfg':{'labelpos':'n', 'label_text':'Radiobuttons: ', 'orient':'horizontal', 'buttontype':'radiobutton'}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'w'} }) entries = [('Chocolate',None), ('Vanilla', None), ('Strawberry', None), ('Coffee',None), ('Pistachio', None), ('Rasberry',None), ] descr.append({'name':'listchooser', 'widgetType':ListChooser, 'wcfg':{'entries':entries}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'w'} }) return descr
def buildFormDescr(self, formName): if formName == 'template': idf = self.idf = InputFormDescr( # append to idf here idf.append({ 'name': 'template', 'widgetType': tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'template button label' }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we' } }) # only return idf for template return idf
def buildFormDescr(self, formName): if formName == 'readViews': idf = InputFormDescr(title="Read Views") idf.append({'name':'orientfile', 'required':1, 'widgetType':Pmw.EntryField, 'tooltip':"Please type in the path to the file \nor click on the BROWSE button to open a file browser", 'wcfg':{'labelpos':'w', 'label_text':"Orientations Filename", }, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'w'}}) idf.append({'widgetType':LoadButton, 'name':'browseOrient', 'wcfg':{'buttonType':Tkinter.Button, 'title':'Open views orientation file', 'types':[('Views orient','*')], 'callback':self.setOrientEntry_cb, 'widgetwcfg':{'text':'BROWSE'}}, 'gridcfg':{'row':-1, 'sticky':'we'}}) idf.append({'name':'reprfile', 'required':1, 'tooltip':"Please type in the path to the _repr.db file\nor click on the BROWSE button to open a file browser", 'widgetType':Pmw.EntryField, 'wcfg':{'labelpos':'w', 'label_text':"Representations Filename", }, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'w'}}) idf.append({'widgetType':LoadButton, 'name':'browseRepr', 'wcfg':{'buttonType':Tkinter.Button, 'title': 'Open views representation file', 'types':[('Views orient','*_repr.db')], 'callback':self.setReprEntry_cb, 'widgetwcfg':{'text':'BROWSE'}}, 'gridcfg':{'row':-1, 'sticky':'we'}}) return idf
def buildFormDescr(self, formName): if formName == "saveBspt": entries = self.vf.SL.setdict.keys() idf = self.idf = InputFormDescr(title="Save Bspt in file") idf.append({ 'widgetType': Pmw.ScrolledListBox, 'name': 'BsptList', 'wcfg': { 'items': entries, 'labelpos': 'n', 'label_text': "Select a BSPT" }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we', 'columnspan': 2 } }) idf.append({ 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'OK', 'relief': Tkinter.RAISED, 'borderwidth': 2, 'command': self.select_cb }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we', }, }) idf.append({ 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Cancel', 'relief': Tkinter.RAISED, 'borderwidth': 3, 'command': self.cancel_cb }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we', 'row': -1 }, }) return idf
def buildInputFormDescr(self): """to be implemented by sub-class""" ifd = InputFormDescr() ifd.title = "atom picker" ifd.append({ 'widgetType': Tkinter.Label, 'name': 'event', 'wcfg': { 'text': 'last atom: ' }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': Tkinter.W } }) ifd.append({ 'widgetType': Pmw.EntryField, 'name': 'Atom', 'wcfg': { 'labelpos': 'w', 'label_text': 'Atom: ', 'validate': None }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we' } }) if self.numberOfObjects == None: ifd.append({ 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Done' }, 'command': self.stop }) return ifd
def buildText(self,parent,textwcfg, buttonwcfg): # Build the LoadOrSaveText widget or ScrolledText self.idf = InputFormDescr() textwcfg['name']='UserFunction' self.text = buttonwcfg['text'] self.idf.append(textwcfg) #windows = InputForm(parent, self.idf) master = parent root = None windows = InputForm(master,root, self.idf) self.vals = windows.go() # Uncheck the checkbutton if needed if isinstance(self.button,Tkinter.Checkbutton) and \ buttonwcfg.has_key('variable'): if isinstance(buttonwcfg['variable'], Tkinter.StringVar): buttonwcfg['variable'].set('0') elif isinstance(buttonwcfg['variable'], Tkinter.IntVar): buttonwcfg['variable'].set(0)
def buildFormDescr(self, formName): if not formName == 'showCmds': return idf = InputFormDescr(title='Show Commands and Documentation') from ViewerFramework.basicCommand import commandslist cname = commandslist cname.sort() idf.append({'name':'cmdList', 'widgetType':kbScrolledListBox, 'wcfg':{'items':cname, 'listbox_exportselection':0, 'labelpos':'nw', 'label_text':'Loaded commands:', 'selectioncommand':self.displayCmds_cb, }, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'wesn','columnspan':1, 'weight':20}}) idf.append({'name':'doclist', 'widgetType':kbScrolledListBox, 'wcfg':{'items':[], 'listbox_exportselection':0, #'listbox_selectmode':'extended', 'labelpos':'nw', 'labelmargin':0, 'label_text':'DOCUMENTATION', 'listbox_width':30 }, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'wesn','row':-1,'columnspan':1, 'weight':20}}) idf.append({'name':'dismiss', 'widgetType':Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg':{'text':'DISMISS', 'command':self.dismiss_cb, }, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'ew','columnspan':3}}) return idf
def editShader(self): self.shader_edited= True shname = self.form.descr.entryByName['pigment']['widget'].get() shaderP = self.shadDic[shname] idf = InputFormDescr(title =shname) k=0 for i in shaderP : W=4 tmp=i.replace("\"","").split(",") P=tmp[0].split(" ") V=tmp[1] if P[0] == "string" : P[0]="str" W=16 else : V=eval(V) idf.append({ 'name':P[1], 'widgetType':Pmw.EntryField, 'type':eval(P[0]), 'wcfg':{'labelpos':'w', 'label_text':tmp[0], 'validate':'real', 'value':V, 'entry_width':W}, 'gridcfg':{'column':0, 'row':k, 'sticky':'w'}}) k=k+1 idf.append({'name':'Set', 'widgetType':Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg':{'text':'ApplyChange','command': self.SetShader}, 'gridcfg':{'column':0, 'row':k,'sticky':'ew'}}) idf.append({'name':'help', 'widgetType':Tkinter.Button, 'defaultValue':0, 'wcfg':{'text':'Help','command': self.helpShader}, 'gridcfg':{'column':1, 'row':k,'sticky':'ew'}}) self.formS = self.vf.getUserInput(idf, modal = 0, blocking = 0)
def buildFormDescr(self, formName): if formName == 'saveViewsToFile': if self.vf.commands.has_key("viewsPanel"): if len(self.vf.viewsPanel.views) == 0: return else: return idf = InputFormDescr(title="Save Views to file") idf.append({ 'name': 'filename', 'widgetType': Pmw.EntryField, 'tooltip': "Enter the filename, a '' (saves orientation)\nand 'filename_repr.db'(saves representation) will be created.", 'wcfg': { 'label_text': 'Filename:', 'labelpos': 'w' }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we' }, }) idf.append({ 'widgetType': SaveButton, 'name': 'filebrowse', 'wcfg': { 'buttonType': Tkinter.Button, 'title': 'Save In File ...', 'types': [('Views orientation', '*'), ('Views representation', '*_repr.db'), ("", '*')], 'callback': self.setEntry_cb, 'widgetwcfg': { 'text': 'BROWSE' } }, 'gridcfg': { 'row': -1, 'sticky': 'we' } }) return idf
def deleteMolecule_cb(self): """called each time the 'Delete Molecule' button is pressed""" mols = self.chooser.getMolSet() if mols is not None and len(mols): if self.vf.undoCmdStack == []: self.doitWrapper(mols, redraw=0) else: text = """WARNING: This command cannot be undone. if you choose to continue the undo list will be reset. The hide Button will make the molecule disappear without resetting the Undo list. Do you want to continue?""" if not hasattr(self, 'idf'): self.idf = InputFormDescr(title="WARNING") self.idf.append({'widgetType':Tkinter.Label, 'wcfg':{'text':text}, 'gridcfg':{'columnspan':3,'sticky':'w'}}) self.idf.append({'name': 'Continue Button', 'widgetType':Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg':{'text':'CONTINUE', 'command':self.continue_cb}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'we'}}) self.idf.append({'name': 'Cancel Button', 'widgetType':Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg':{'text':'CANCEL', 'command':self.cancel_cb}, 'gridcfg':{'row':-1,'sticky':'we'}}) self.idf.append({'name': 'Hide Button', 'widgetType':Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg':{'text':'HIDE', 'command':self.hide_cb}, 'gridcfg':{'row':-1,'sticky':'we'}}) form = self.vf.getUserInput(self.idf, okcancel=0) self.form.root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW',self.cancel_cb)
def guiCallback(self): if not self.form: idf = self.idf = InputFormDescr(title="Views") idf.append({ 'name': 'viewsContainer', 'widgetType': Pmw.Group, 'container': { 'viewsContainer': "w.interior()" }, 'wcfg': { 'ring_borderwidth': 2, 'tag_pyclass': None, #Tkinter.Button, #'tag_text':'Save view', #'tag_command': self.saveView }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we', 'columnspan': 1 } }) idf.append({ 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': "Save View", #'Close', "width": 40, 'command': self.saveView #self.dismissForm } }) self.form = self.vf.getUserInput(self.idf, modal=0, blocking=0) else: self.form.deiconify() # place the form below the viewer (so that the form does not get into a saved image if # the user decides to save the view). x = self.form.master.winfo_x() y = self.form.master.winfo_y() w = self.form.master.winfo_width() h = self.form.master.winfo_height() self.form.root.geometry("+%d+%d" % (x + w / 2, y + h))
def buildForm(self): ifd = self.ifd = InputFormDescr(title="Selection level:") levelLabels = [ 'Molecule ', 'Chain ', 'Residue ', 'Atom ' ] self.levelVar.set("Molecule") for level, levlabel in zip(levels, levelLabels): ifd.append({ 'name': level, 'widgetType': Tkinter.Radiobutton, 'wcfg': { 'text': levlabel, 'variable': self.levelVar, 'value': level, 'justify': 'left', 'activebackground': self.levelColors[level], 'selectcolor': self.levelColors[level], 'command': self.setLevel_cb }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we' } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'dismiss', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'defaultValue': 1, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Dismiss', 'command': self.Close_cb }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we' } }) self.form = self.vf.getUserInput(self.ifd, modal=0, blocking=0) self.form.root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.Close_cb)
def buildFormDescr(self, formName): if not formName == 'Show MailingLists': return idf = InputFormDescr(title='Show MailingLists') self.mailinglists_pages=["Login Page","Archive Page"] idf.append({'name':'pmvlist', 'widgetType':kbScrolledListBox, 'wcfg':{'items':self.mailinglists_pages, 'listbox_exportselection':0, 'labelpos':'nw', 'label_text':'Pmv Mailing List', 'selectioncommand':self.mailCmds_cb, 'listbox_height':3 , #'hscrollmode':'dynamic', }, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'wesn','columnspan':1}}) idf.append({'name':'visionlist', 'widgetType':kbScrolledListBox, 'wcfg':{'items':self.mailinglists_pages, 'listbox_exportselection':0, 'labelpos':'nw', 'label_text':'Vision Mailing List', 'selectioncommand':self.mailCmds_cb, 'listbox_height':3, #'hscrollmode':'dynamic', }, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'wesn','columnspan':1}}) idf.append({'name':'dismiss', 'widgetType':Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg':{'text':'DISMISS', 'command':self.dismiss_cb, }, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'ew','columnspan':3}}) return idf
def buildInputFormDescr(self): ifd = InputFormDescr() all = self.allChoices() if len(all) > 0: ifd.append({ 'widgetType': 'ListChooser', 'name': 'AllObjects', 'entries': all, 'title': 'All objects', 'wcfg': { 'mode': 'multiple' }, }) if self.numberOfObjects == None: ifd.append({ 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Done' }, 'command': self.stop }) return ifd
def doit(self): import thread idf = InputFormDescr("Viewerframework server connection!") idf.append({'widgetType':Tkinter.Entry, 'name': 'host','defaultValue':'localhost', 'wcfg':{'label':'Host name or IP'}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':Tkinter.E} }) idf.append({'widgetType':Tkinter.Entry, 'name': 'port','defaultValue':'50000', 'wcfg':{'label':"Server's Port"}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':Tkinter.E} }) self.idf = idf val = self.vf.getUserInput(idf) self.vf.socketComm.connectToServer(val['host'], int(val['port']), self.vf.server_cb) # create a threadsafe command queue from Queue import Queue self.vf.cmdQueue = Queue(-1) # infinite size self.vf.GUI.ROOT.after(10, self.vf.runServerCommands)
def guiCallback(self): molNames = [] for mol in self.vf.Mols: if hasattr(mol, 'spaceGroup'): molNames.append( if not molNames: tkMessageBox.showinfo( "Crystal Info is Needed", "No Molecule in the Viewer has Crystal Info.") return ifd = InputFormDescr(title='Crystal Info') ifd.append({ 'name': 'moleculeList', 'widgetType': Pmw.ScrolledListBox, 'tooltip': 'Select a molecule with Crystal Info.', 'wcfg': { 'label_text': 'Select Molecule: ', 'labelpos': 'nw', 'items': molNames, 'listbox_selectmode': 'single', 'listbox_exportselection': 0, 'usehullsize': 1, 'hull_width': 100, 'hull_height': 150, 'listbox_height': 5 }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'nsew', 'row': 1, 'column': 0 } }) val = self.vf.getUserInput(ifd, modal=1, blocking=1) if val: molecule = self.vf.getMolFromName(val['moleculeList'][0]) matrices = instanceMatricesFromGroup(molecule) geom = molecule.geomContainer.geoms['master'] geom.Set(instanceMatrices=matrices) if not molecule.geomContainer.geoms.has_key('Unit Cell'): fractCoords = ((1, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1), (0, 1, 1), (0, 0, 1), (1, 0, 1)) coords = [] coords = molecule.crystal.toCartesian(fractCoords) box = Box('Unit Cell', vertices=coords) self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.AddObject(box, parent=geom) molecule.geomContainer.geoms['Unit Cell'] = box ifd = InputFormDescr(title='Crystal Options') visible = molecule.geomContainer.geoms['Unit Cell'].visible if visible: showState = 'active' else: showState = 'normal' ifd.append({ 'name': 'Show Cell', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Checkbutton, 'text': 'Hide Unit Cell', 'state': showState, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': Tkinter.W }, 'command': CallBackFunction(self.showUnitCell, molecule) }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'Show Packing', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Checkbutton, 'text': 'Hide Packing', 'state': 'active', 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': Tkinter.W }, 'command': CallBackFunction(self.showPacking, molecule) }) val = self.vf.getUserInput(ifd, modal=0, blocking=1) if not val: geom.Set(instanceMatrices=[numpy.eye(4, 4)]) molecule.geomContainer.geoms['Unit Cell'].Set(visible=False)
def guiCallback(self): idf = InputFormDescr(title="Set User Preferences") categoryList = ['General'] for value in self.vf.userpref.values(): if not value['category'] in categoryList: categoryList.append(value['category']) widgetType = { 'widgetType': Pmw.NoteBook, 'name': 'prefNotebook', 'container': {}, 'wcfg': { 'borderwidth': 2 }, 'componentcfg': [], 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we' }, } for item in categoryList: widgetType['container'][item] = "'" + item + "')" widgetType['componentcfg'].append({'name': item, 'cfg': {}}) idf.append(widgetType) for item in categoryList: idf.append({ 'name': item + "Group", 'widgetType': Pmw.Group, 'parent': item, 'container': { item + 'Group': 'w.interior()' }, 'wcfg': { 'tag_text': item }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wne' } }) for key, value in self.vf.userpref.items(): if not self.updateGUI in self.vf.userpref[key]['callbackFunc']: self.vf.userpref.addCallback(key, self.updateGUI) # put a label to have more space between the widget Maybe # could replace it by using the options padx and pady. group = value['category'] + "Group" idf.append({ 'widgetType': Tkinter.Label, 'parent': group, 'wcfg': { 'text': '' }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we', 'columnspan': 3 } }) if value.has_key('validValues') and value['validValues']: idf.append({ 'widgetType': Pmw.ComboBox, 'parent': group, 'name': key, 'defaultValue': value['value'], 'wcfg': { 'label_text': key, 'labelpos': 'n', 'scrolledlist_items': value['validValues'] }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wens' } }) else: if value.has_key('validateFunc') and value['validateFunc']: def valid(value, func=value['validateFunc']): test = func(value) if test == 1: return Pmw.OK else: return Pmw.PARTIAL idf.append({ 'widgetType': Pmw.EntryField, 'parent': group, 'name': key, 'wcfg': { 'label_text': key, 'labelpos': 'n', 'value': value['value'], 'validate': { 'validator': valid } }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wens' } }) else: idf.append({ 'widgetType': Pmw.EntryField, 'parent': group, 'name': key, 'wcfg': { 'label_text': key, 'labelpos': 'n' }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wens' } }) idf.append({ 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'parent': group, 'wcfg': { 'bitmap': 'info', 'width': 50, 'height': 40, 'padx': 10, 'command': CallBackFunction(self.info_cb, value['doc']) }, 'gridcfg': { 'row': -1, 'sticky': 'wens' } }) idf.append({ 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'parent': group, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Make \nDefault', 'padx': 10, 'command': CallBackFunction(self.default_cb, key) }, 'gridcfg': { 'row': -1, 'sticky': 'wens' } }) idf.append({ 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'parent': group, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Set', 'padx': 10, 'height': 2, 'width': 5, 'command': CallBackFunction(self.set_cb, key) }, 'gridcfg': { 'row': -1, 'sticky': 'wens' } }) idf.append({ 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Dismiss', 'command': self.dismissForm }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we', 'columnspan': 4 } }) self.form = self.vf.getUserInput(idf, modal=0, blocking=0)
def buildFormDescr(self, formName): if formName == 'choosecmd': cmdNames = filter(lambda x, self=self: self.vf.commands[x].flag & self.objArgOnly, self.vf.commands.keys()) cmdNames.sort() cmdEntries = map(lambda x: (x, None), cmdNames) onAddCmds = map(lambda x: x[0], self.vf.onAddObjectCmds) cmdToApplyNames = [] cmdToApplyNames = filter(lambda x, vf=self.vf, onAddCmds=onAddCmds: vf.commands[x] in onAddCmds, cmdNames) cmdtoapply = map(lambda x: (x, None), cmdToApplyNames) idf = InputFormDescr(title="Cmds called after adding an object") idf.append({ 'name': 'cmdlist', 'widgetType': ListChooser, 'tooltip': """list of the commands loaded so far in the application which can be applied to the object when loaded in the application""", 'wcfg': { 'entries': cmdEntries, 'mode': 'extended', 'lbwcfg': { 'exportselection': 0 }, 'title': 'Available commands' }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wens', 'row': 0, 'column': 0, 'rowspan': 3 } }) idf.append({ 'name': 'add', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'tooltip': """ Add the selected command from to the list of commands to be applied to the object when loaded in the application""", 'wcfg': { 'text': '>>', 'command': self.add_cb }, 'gridcfg': { 'row': 0, 'column': 1, 'rowspan': 3 } }) idf.append({ 'name': 'cmdtoapply', 'widgetType': ListChooser, 'tooltip': """list of the commands the user chose to apply to the object when loaded in the application""", 'wcfg': { 'entries': cmdtoapply, 'mode': 'single', 'lbwcfg': { 'exportselection': 0 }, 'title': 'Commands to be applied' }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we', 'row': 0, 'column': 2, 'rowspan': 3 } }) idf.append({ 'name': 'remove', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'tooltip': """ Remove the selected entry from the commands to be applied to the object when loaded in the application""", 'wcfg': { 'text': 'REMOVE', 'width': 10, 'command': self.remove_cb }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we', 'row': 0, 'column': 3 } }) idf.append({ 'name': 'oneup', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'tooltip': """Move the selected entry up one entry""", 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Move up', 'width': 10, 'command': self.moveup_cb }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we', 'row': 1, 'column': 3 } }) idf.append({ 'name': 'onedown', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'tooltip': """Move the selected entry down one entry""", 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Move down', 'width': 10, 'command': self.movedown_cb }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we', 'row': 2, 'column': 3 } }) return idf
def setparams_cb(self): """Opens a panel to set Video Parameters""" if self.paramForm: self.paramForm.deiconify() return self.ifd2 = ifd2 = InputFormDescr(title="Set video options") ifd2.append({ 'widgetType': Pmw.EntryField, 'tooltip': 'Set camera width', 'name': 'cameraw', 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'w', 'columnspan': 2 }, 'wcfg': { #'command': self.setCameraWidth_cb, 'label_text': 'width:', 'entry_width': 10, 'validate': { 'validator': 'real', 'min': 0 }, 'value': str(self.cameraw), 'labelpos': 'w' } }) ifd2.append({ 'widgetType': Pmw.EntryField, 'name': 'camerah', 'tooltip': 'Set camera height', 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'w', 'columnspan': 2 }, 'wcfg': { #'command': self.setCameraHeight_cb, 'label_text': 'height', 'entry_width': 10, 'validate': { 'validator': 'real', 'min': 0 }, 'value': str(self.camerah), 'labelpos': 'w' } }) ifd2.append({ 'name': 'autoPause', 'wtype': ThumbWheel, 'widgetType': ThumbWheel, 'tooltip': 'set auto pause delay (seconds)', 'wcfg': { 'labCfg': { 'fg': 'black', 'side': 'left', 'text': 'AutoPause Delay' }, 'showLabel': 1, 'width': 100, 'min': 0, 'value': self.autoPauseDelay, 'oneTurn': 100, 'type': 'int', 'increment': 1, #'callback':self.setAutoPauseDelay_cb, 'canvascfg': { 'bg': 'red' }, 'continuous': 0, 'wheelPad': 1, 'height': 15 }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'nesw', 'columnspan': 2 } }) ifd2.append({ 'name': 'pauseLength', 'wtype': ThumbWheel, 'widgetType': ThumbWheel, 'tooltip': 'set number of frames to be added when\nrecording resumes after autopause', 'wcfg': { 'labCfg': { 'fg': 'black', 'side': 'left', 'text': 'AutoPause Length' }, 'showLabel': 1, 'width': 100, 'min': 0, 'value': self.pauseLength, 'oneTurn': 100, 'type': 'int', 'increment': 1, #'callback':self.setPauseLength_cb, 'canvascfg': { 'bg': 'red' }, 'continuous': 0, 'wheelPad': 1, 'height': 15 }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'nesw', 'columnspan': 2 } }) ifd2.append({ 'name': 'okB', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Apply', 'command': self.apply_cb, }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'nesw' } }) ifd2.append({ 'name': 'cancelB', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Cancel', 'command': self.cancel_cb, }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'nesw', 'row': -1, 'column': 1 } }) self.paramForm = InputForm(self.master, None, descr=ifd2, modal=0, blocking=0) self.paramForm.deiconify() return self.paramForm
def buildFormDescr(self, formName): if formName == 'readViews': idf = InputFormDescr(title="Read Views") idf.append({ 'name': 'orientfile', 'required': 1, 'widgetType': Pmw.EntryField, 'tooltip': "Please type in the path to the file \nor click on the BROWSE button to open a file browser", 'wcfg': { 'labelpos': 'w', 'label_text': "Orientations Filename", }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'w' } }) idf.append({ 'widgetType': LoadButton, 'name': 'browseOrient', 'wcfg': { 'buttonType': Tkinter.Button, 'title': 'Open views orientation file', 'types': [('Views orient', '*')], 'callback': self.setOrientEntry_cb, 'widgetwcfg': { 'text': 'BROWSE' } }, 'gridcfg': { 'row': -1, 'sticky': 'we' } }) idf.append({ 'name': 'reprfile', 'required': 1, 'tooltip': "Please type in the path to the _repr.db file\nor click on the BROWSE button to open a file browser", 'widgetType': Pmw.EntryField, 'wcfg': { 'labelpos': 'w', 'label_text': "Representations Filename", }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'w' } }) idf.append({ 'widgetType': LoadButton, 'name': 'browseRepr', 'wcfg': { 'buttonType': Tkinter.Button, 'title': 'Open views representation file', 'types': [('Views orient', '*_repr.db')], 'callback': self.setReprEntry_cb, 'widgetwcfg': { 'text': 'BROWSE' } }, 'gridcfg': { 'row': -1, 'sticky': 'we' } }) return idf
def getIfd(self, atNames): #cylinders if not hasattr(self, 'ifd'): ifd = self.ifd = InputFormDescr( title='Show Hydrogen Bonds as Cylinders') ifd.append({ 'name': 'hbondLabel', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Label, 'wcfg': { 'text': str(len(atNames)) + ' Atoms in hbonds:\n(1=visible, 0 not visible)' }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wens', 'columnspan': 2 } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'atsLC', 'widgetType': ListChooser, 'wcfg': { 'entries': atNames, 'mode': 'multiple', 'title': '', 'command': CallBackFunction(self.showHBondLC, atNames), 'lbwcfg': { 'height': 5, 'selectforeground': 'red', 'exportselection': 0, 'width': 30 }, }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wens', 'row': 2, 'column': 0, 'columnspan': 2 } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'radii', 'widgetType': ExtendedSliderWidget, 'wcfg': { 'label': 'radii', 'minval': .01, 'maxval': 1.0, 'immediate': 1, 'init': .2, 'width': 250, 'command': self.update, 'sliderType': 'float', 'entrypackcfg': { 'side': 'right' } }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wens', 'columnspan': 2 } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'length', 'widgetType': ExtendedSliderWidget, 'wcfg': { 'label': 'length', 'minval': .01, 'maxval': 5.0, 'immediate': 1, 'init': 1.0, 'width': 250, 'command': self.update, 'sliderType': 'float', 'entrypackcfg': { 'side': 'right' } }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wens', 'columnspan': 2 } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'changeVertsBut', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Set anchors', 'command': self.changeDVerts }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wens' } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'changeColorBut', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Change color', 'command': self.changeColor }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wes', 'row': -1, 'column': 1 } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'closeBut', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Dismiss', 'command': self.dismiss_cb }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wens', 'columnspan': 2 } })
def buildForm(self, master=None, width=100, height=80, title=None): if self.form: self.form.deiconify() self.createKeyBindings() return self.master = master ifd = self.ifd = InputFormDescr(title=title) ifd.append({ 'name': 'fileopen', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'tooltip': "Opens file browser", 'wcfg': { 'text': "Save As:", 'command': self.browseFile, 'width': 0, 'height': 0, }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'w', 'column': 0 } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'filename', 'widgetType': Pmw.EntryField, 'tooltip': "type filename", 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'w', #'columnspan': 3}, 'columnspan': 2, 'row': -1 }, 'wcfg': { 'command': self.getFileName, #'label_text':'Save As', 'entry_width': 12, 'value': self.fileName, #'labelpos':'w'}}) } }) ## ifd.append({'name':'fileopen', ## 'widgetType':Tkinter.Button, ## 'tooltip': "Open file browser", ## 'wcfg':{'text':"...", ## 'command': self.browseFile, ## 'width': 0, 'height': 0,}, ## 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'w', 'column':2, 'row':-1} ## }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'recordB', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Checkbutton, 'tooltip': 'start/stop recording', 'wcfg': { 'variable': self.RecVar, 'bd': 2, 'image': self.record1Icon, 'width': self.record1Icon.width(), 'height': self.record1Icon.height(), 'indicatoron': 0, }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'nesw', 'row': -1 }, 'command': self.record_cb }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'pauseB', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Checkbutton, 'tooltip': 'pause/start recording', 'wcfg': { 'variable': self.PauseVar, 'bd': 2, 'image': self.pauseIcon, 'width': self.pauseIcon.width(), 'height': self.pauseIcon.height(), 'indicatoron': 0, }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'nesw', 'row': -1 }, 'command': self.pause_cb }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'stopB', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'tooltip': 'stop recording', 'wcfg': { 'bd': 2, 'image': self.stopIcon, 'width': self.stopIcon.width(), 'height': self.stopIcon.height(), }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'nesw', 'row': -1 }, 'command': self.stop_cb }) ## ifd.append({'name': 'recordB', ## 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, ## 'tooltip':'start/pause recording', ## 'wcfg':{'bd':4, ## 'image':self.recordIcon, ## 'width':self.recordIcon.width(), ## 'height':self.recordIcon.height() ## }, ## 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'nesw','row':-1}, ## 'command':self.record_cb}) ## ifd.append({'name': 'pauseB', ## 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, ## 'tooltip':'pause recording', ## 'wcfg':{'bd':4, ## 'image':self.pauseIcon, ## 'width':self.pauseIcon.width(), ## 'height':self.pauseIcon.height() ## }, ## 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'nesw', 'row':-1}, ## 'command':self.pause_cb}) ## ifd.append({'name': 'modeB', ## 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, ## 'text':'Change Mode', ## 'tooltip':'opens panel to change video parameters', ## 'wcfg':{'bd':4, ## 'image':self.chmodIcon, ## 'width':self.chmodIcon.width(), ## 'height':self.chmodIcon.height() ## }, ## 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'nesw','row':-1}, ## 'command':self.setparams_cb }) ## ifd.append({'name': 'closeB', ## 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, ## 'text':'Close', ## 'tooltip':'closes video recorder', ## 'wcfg':{'bd':2, ## 'image':self.closeIcon, ## 'width':self.closeIcon.width(), ## 'height':self.closeIcon.height(), ## }, ## 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'nesw','row':-1}, ## 'command':self.close_cb}) form = self.form = InputForm(self.master, None, descr=ifd, modal=0, blocking=0, closeWithWindow=1, onDestroy=self.close_cb) self.createKeyBindings() return form
def buildForm(self): ifd = self.ifd = InputFormDescr( title="Select nodes + change parameters(optional):") ifd.append({ 'name': 'keyLab', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Label, 'text': 'For Struts Bond detection:', 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'w' } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'molSet', 'wtype': StringSelectorGUI, 'widgetType': StringSelectorGUI, 'wcfg': { 'molSet': self.vf.Mols, 'vf': self.vf, 'all': 1, 'crColor': (0., 1., .2), }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we', 'columnspan': 2 } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'distCutoff', 'widgetType': ExtendedSliderWidget, 'wcfg': { 'label': 'Residue Spacing Minimum', 'minval': 1, 'maxval': 50, 'init': 6, 'labelsCursorFormat': '%1d', 'sliderType': 'int', 'entrywcfg': { 'width': 4 }, 'entrypackcfg': { 'side': 'right' } }, 'gridcfg': { 'columnspan': 2, 'sticky': 'we' } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'distCutoff2', 'widgetType': ExtendedSliderWidget, 'wcfg': { 'label': 'Threshold', 'minval': 1.0, 'maxval': 50.0, 'init': 5.00, 'labelsCursorFormat': '%1.2f', 'sliderType': 'float', 'entrywcfg': { 'width': 4 }, 'entrypackcfg': { 'side': 'right' } }, 'gridcfg': { 'columnspan': 2, 'sticky': 'we' } }) ifd.append({ 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'text': 'Ok', 'wcfg': { 'bd': 6 }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': Tkinter.E + Tkinter.W }, 'command': self.Accept_cb }) self.form = self.vf.getUserInput(self.ifd, modal=0, blocking=0) self.form.root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.Close_cb) self.form.autoSize()
def changeDVerts(self, event=None): #for all residues in hbonds, pick new donorAttachment # and new acceptorAttachment entries = [] ns = ['N', 'C', 'O', 'CA', 'reset'] for n in ns: entries.append((n, None)) if hasattr(self, 'form2'): self.form2.root.tkraise() return ifd2 = self.ifd2 = InputFormDescr(title='Set Anchor Atoms') ifd2.append({ 'name': 'datsLC', 'widgetType': ListChooser, 'wcfg': { 'entries': entries, 'mode': 'single', 'title': 'Donor Anchor', 'command': CallBackFunction(self.setDVerts, entries), 'lbwcfg': { 'height': 5, 'selectforeground': 'red', 'exportselection': 0, #'lbpackcfg':{'fill':'both', 'expand':1}, 'width': 30 }, }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wens', 'columnspan': 2 } }) ifd2.append({ 'name': 'aatsLC', 'widgetType': ListChooser, 'wcfg': { 'entries': entries, 'mode': 'single', 'title': 'Acceptor Anchor', 'command': CallBackFunction(self.setAVerts, entries), 'lbwcfg': { 'height': 5, 'selectforeground': 'red', #'lbpackcfg':{'fill':'both', 'expand':1}, 'exportselection': 0, 'width': 30 }, }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wens', 'columnspan': 2 } }) ifd2.append({ 'name': 'doneBut', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Done', 'command': self.closeChangeDVertLC }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wens' } }) self.form2 = self.vf.getUserInput(self.ifd2, modal=0, blocking=0) self.form2.root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.closeChangeDVertLC)
def buildFormDescr(self, formName): if formName == 'infoForm': idf = InputFormDescr(title='Command Description') idf = InputFormDescr('Documentation') idf.append({ 'name': 'cmdDoc', 'widgetType': Pmw.ScrolledText, 'wcfg': { 'labelpos': 'nw', 'label_text': 'command documentation:', 'text_width': 50, 'text_height': 5 }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we' } }) idf.append({ 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Dismiss', 'command': self.dismissDoc_cb }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we' } }) return idf elif formName == 'searchForm': idf = InputFormDescr(title='Search For Commands') idf.append({ 'name': 'searchGroup', 'widgetType': Pmw.Group, 'container': { 'searchGroup': "w.interior()" }, 'wcfg': { 'tag_text': 'Search Options' }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wnse', 'columnspan': 2 } }) idf.append({ 'name': 'searchString', 'widgetType': Pmw.EntryField, 'parent': 'searchGroup', 'wcfg': { 'label_text': 'Search String', 'labelpos': 'w', }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wnse', 'columnspan': 2 } }) idf.append({ 'name': 'caseSensitive', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Checkbutton, 'parent': 'searchGroup', 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Case sensitive', 'variable': Tkinter.IntVar(), }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'w' }, }) idf.append({ 'name': 'matchGroup', 'widgetType': Pmw.Group, 'parent': 'searchGroup', 'container': { 'matchGroup': "w.interior()" }, 'wcfg': { 'tag_text': 'Match search string to' }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wnse', 'columnspan': 2 } }) idf.append({ 'name': 'matchModName', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Checkbutton, 'parent': 'matchGroup', 'defaultValue': 1, 'tooltip': "The Search String will be matched against the modules name", 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Module Name', 'variable': Tkinter.IntVar() }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'w' }, }) idf.append({ 'name': 'matchCmdName', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Checkbutton, 'parent': 'matchGroup', 'defaultValue': 1, 'tooltip': "The Search String will be matched against the commands name", 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Command Name', 'variable': Tkinter.IntVar() }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'w' }, }) idf.append({ 'name': 'matchDocString', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Checkbutton, 'parent': 'matchGroup', 'defaultValue': 1, 'tooltip': "The Search String will be matched against the content of the documentation string", 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Documentation String', 'variable': Tkinter.IntVar() }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'w' }, }) idf.append({ 'name': 'choices', 'widgetType': Pmw.RadioSelect, 'parent': 'searchGroup', 'defaultValue': 'Default Packages', 'listtext': ['Default Packages', 'All Packages'], 'tooltip': "Choose where to look for a command: \n- Default packages \n-All packages on disk which is slower", 'wcfg': { 'labelpos': 'nw', 'label_text': 'Search in:', 'buttontype': 'radiobutton' }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'w' } }) idf.append({ 'name': 'search', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'SEARCH', 'command': self.searchCmd_cb }, 'gridcfg': { 'columnspan': 2 } }) idf.append({ 'name': 'resultGroup', 'widgetType': Pmw.Group, 'container': { 'resultGroup': "w.interior()" }, 'wcfg': { 'tag_text': 'Search Result' }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wnse', 'columnspan': 2 } }) idf.append({ 'name': 'cmdFound', 'widgetType': kbScrolledListBox, 'parent': 'resultGroup', 'tooltip': "This widget will list all the commands found with the search string.", 'wcfg': { 'items': [], 'listbox_exportselection': 0, 'labelpos': 'nw', 'label_text': 'Found Commands:', 'dblclickcommand': self.loadCmd_cb }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wesn', 'columnspan': 2 } }) idf.append({ 'name': 'info', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'parent': 'resultGroup', 'tooltip': "Display the documentation string of the selected command.", 'wcfg': { 'text': 'INFO', 'height': 1, 'command': self.info_cb }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wesn' } }) idf.append({ 'name': 'load', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'parent': 'resultGroup', 'tooltip': "Show the selected commands in the application", 'wcfg': { 'text': 'LOAD', 'height': 1, 'command': self.loadCmd_cb }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wesn', 'row': -1 } }) ## idf.append({'name':'cmdLoaded', ## 'widgetType':kbScrolledListBox, ## 'parent':'resultGroup', ## 'tooltip':"This widget will list all the commands found with the search \nstring that have already been loaded in the application", ## 'wcfg':{'items':[], ## 'listbox_exportselection':0, ## 'labelpos':'nw', ## 'label_text':'Loaded Commands:', ## }, ## 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'wesn', 'rowspan':2, ## 'column':2, 'row':0}}) idf.append({ 'name': 'search', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'DISMISS', 'command': self.dismiss_cb }, 'gridcfg': { 'columnspan': 2 } }) return idf
def buildFormDescr(self, formName): ifd = InputFormDescr(title = "AutoGrid/AutoDock Web Services") #Web Services Login ifd.append({'name':"LoginGroup", 'widgetType':Pmw.Group, 'container':{'LoginGroup':'w.interior()'}, 'wcfg':{'tag_text':'Web Services Location'}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'nswe'} }) ifd.append({'widgetType':Pmw.ComboBox, 'name':'WS_address', 'parent':'LoginGroup', 'wcfg':{'scrolledlist_items': ('',), 'listheight':50, 'dropdown':1, 'history':1, 'autoclear':1}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'ew', 'row':0, 'column':0, 'columnspan':3} }) # ifd.append({'widgetType':Tkinter.Label, 'name':'New_User', # 'parent':'LoginGroup', 'wcfg':{'text':' New Users?', # 'fg':'Blue','cursor':'hand1'}, # 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'w', 'row':1, 'column':0} # }) # ifd.append({'widgetType':Tkinter.Label, 'name':'UserName_Label', # 'parent':'LoginGroup', 'wcfg':{'text':'User Name'}, # 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'e', 'row':1, 'column':1} # }) # ifd.append({'widgetType':Tkinter.Entry, 'name':'UserName_Entry', # 'parent':'LoginGroup','wcfg':{}, # 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'ew', 'row':1, 'column':2} # }) # ifd.append({'widgetType':Tkinter.Label, 'name':'Password_Label', # 'parent':'LoginGroup', 'wcfg':{'text':'Password'}, # 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'e', 'row':2, 'column':1} # }) # ifd.append({'widgetType':Tkinter.Entry, 'name':'Password_Entry', # 'parent':'LoginGroup', 'wcfg':{'show':'*'}, # 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'ew', 'row':2, 'column':2} # }) # ifd.append({'widgetType':Tkinter.Label, 'name':'Remember_Label', # 'parent':'LoginGroup', # 'wcfg':{'text':'Remember User Name and Password'}, # 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'e', 'row':3, 'column':0,'columnspan':2} # }) # self.RememberLogin_var = Tkinter.BooleanVar() # ifd.append({'widgetType':Tkinter.Checkbutton, 'name':'Remember_Checkbutton', # 'parent':'LoginGroup', 'variable':self.RememberLogin_var, # 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'w', 'row':3, 'column':2} # }) #AutoGrid group ifd.append({'name':"AutoGrid", 'widgetType':Pmw.Group, 'container':{'AutoGrid':'w.interior()'}, 'wcfg':{'tag_text':'AutoGrid'}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'nswe'} }) ifd.append({'widgetType':Tkinter.Button, 'name':'Run_autogrid', 'parent':'AutoGrid', 'wcfg':{'text':'Run AutoGrid ', 'command':self.startAutogrid}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'w', 'row':0, 'column':0} }) ifd.append( {'name': 'gpf_entry', 'parent':'AutoGrid', 'widgetType':Tkinter.Entry, 'wcfg':{'width':30,'textvariable':self.gpf}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'w','row':0,'column':1} }) ifd.append({'name': 'browse_gpf', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'parent':'AutoGrid', 'text':'Browse', 'command':self.browse_gpf, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'w','row':0, 'column':2} }) #AutoDock group ifd.append({'name':"AutoDock", 'widgetType':Pmw.Group, 'container':{'AutoDock':'w.interior()'}, 'wcfg':{'tag_text':'AutoDock'}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'nswe'} }) ifd.append({'widgetType':Tkinter.Button, 'name':'Run_autodock', 'parent':'AutoDock', 'wcfg':{'text':'Run AutoDock', 'command':self.startAutodock}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'w', 'row':0, 'column':0} }) ifd.append( {'name': 'dpf_entry', 'parent':'AutoDock', 'widgetType':Tkinter.Entry, 'wcfg':{'width':30,'textvariable':self.dpf}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'w','row':0,'column':1} }) ifd.append({'name': 'browse_dpf', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'parent':'AutoDock', 'text':'Browse', 'command':self.browse_dpf, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'w','row':0, 'column':2} }) ifd.append({'name': 'ag_local', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Radiobutton, 'parent':'AutoDock', 'text':'Use local grids', 'tooltip':"This option sends locally stored grid files with Web Services request", 'wcfg':{'variable':self.ad_radio,'value':0}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'w','row':1, 'column':0,'columnspan':2} }) # ifd.append({'name': 'ag_before', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Radiobutton, # 'parent':'AutoDock', 'text':'Run AutoGrid first', # 'tooltip':"This option runs AutoGrid Web Services and uses resulting map files for AutoDock", # 'wcfg':{'variable':self.ad_radio,'value':1,'state':'disabled'}, # 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'w','row':2, 'column':0,'columnspan':2} # }) ifd.append({'name': 'use_remote', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Radiobutton, 'parent':'AutoDock', 'text':'Use grids from server directory', 'tooltip':"This option copies map files from previous AutoGrid run", 'wcfg':{'variable':self.ad_radio,'value':2,}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'w','row':3, 'column':0,'columnspan':2} }) ifd.append( {'name': 'remote_dir', 'parent':'AutoDock', 'widgetType':Tkinter.Entry, 'wcfg':{'width':23,'textvariable':self.prev_dir}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'e','row':3,'column':1,'columnspan':2} }) #Status ifd.append({'name':"StatusGroup", 'widgetType':Pmw.Group, 'container':{'StatusGroup':'w.interior()'}, 'wcfg':{'tag_text':'Web Services Status'}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'nswe'} }) ifd.append({'widgetType':Tkinter.Label, 'name':'status0', 'parent':'StatusGroup', 'wcfg':{'text':' ',}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'w', 'row':0, 'column':0} }) ifd.append({'widgetType':Tkinter.Label, 'name':'status1', 'parent':'StatusGroup', 'wcfg':{'text':' ',}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'w', 'row':1, 'column':0} }) ifd.append({'name':'WS_ProgressBar', 'widgetType':Tkinter.Frame, 'parent':'StatusGroup', 'wcfg':{'height':30}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'ew', 'row':2,'column':0} }) ifd.append({'widgetType':Tkinter.Label, 'name':'down_label', 'parent':'StatusGroup', 'wcfg':{'text':' ',}, 'gridcfg':{'sticky':'w', 'row':3, 'column':0} }) return ifd
def buildFormDescr(self, formName): if formName == 'citationHelp': idf = InputFormDescr(title="Choose Package") citeKeys = self.vf.showCitation.citations.keys() txt = """ This widget helps you cite the use of appropriate packages in your publication. Based on the information we collected, please cite the following publications: """ idf.append({ 'name': 'help', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Label, 'wcfg': { 'text': txt, 'justify': Tkinter.LEFT }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wens', 'columnspan': 2 } }) txt = """ADT/PMV/ViewerFramework: Michel F. Sanner. Python: A Programming Language for Software Integration and Development. J. Mol. Graphics Mod., 1999, Vol 17, February. pp57-61 """ #this is the part where we find out which packages are used MSMS = False isocontour = False volRen = False APBS = False PROSS = False if hasattr(self.vf, 'Mols'): for mol in self.vf.Mols: if 'secondarystructure' in mol.geomContainer.geoms.keys(): PROSS = True if 'MSMS-MOL' in mol.geomContainer.geoms.keys(): MSMS = True for gridName in self.vf.grids3D: if '.potential.dx' in gridName: APBS = True grid = self.vf.grids3D[gridName] if hasattr(grid, 'isoBarNumber') and grid.isoBarNumber > 0: isocontour = True if hasattr(grid, 'volRenGrid'): volRen = True if MSMS: txt += """ MSMS: Sanner, M.F., Spehner, J.-C., and Olson, A.J. (1996) Reduced surface: an efficient way to compute molecular surfaces. Biopolymers, Vol. 38, (3),305-320. """ if APBS: txt += """ APBS: Baker NA, Sept D, Joseph S, Holst MJ, McCammon JA. Electrostatics of nanosystems: application to microtubules and the ribosome. /Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA/ *98*, 10037-10041 2001 """ if isocontour: txt += """ IsoContour: Bajaj, C, Pascucci, V., Schikore, D., (1996), Fast IsoContouring for Improved Interactivity, Proceedings of ACM Siggraph/IEEE Symposium on Volume Visualization, ACM Press, 1996, pages 39 - 46, San Francisco, CA """ if volRen: txt += """ Volume Rendering: Bajaj, C, Park, S., Thane, A., (2002), A Parallel Multi-PC Volume Rendering System, ICES and CS Technical Report, University of Texas, 2002. """ if PROSS: txt += """ Secondary Structure: Srinivasan R, Rose GD. (1999) A physical basis for protein secondary structure. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96, 14258-63. """ idf.append({ 'name': 'citation', 'widgetType': Pmw.ScrolledText, 'defaultValue': txt, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wens', 'columnspan': 2 } }) idf.append({ 'name': 'save', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Save As', 'command':, }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we', 'row': 2, 'column': 0 } }) idf.append({ 'name': 'dismiss', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'DISMISS', 'command': self.dismiss_cb, }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we', 'row': 2, 'column': 1 } }) return idf
def showForm(self): """create formdescr for setAnim form to set the animation: each frame is a list of geom to display """ entryFrame = [] for i in range(len(self.framelist)): val = 'frame_' + str(i) entryFrame.append((val, )) if not hasattr(self, 'form_Setanim'): ifd = InputFormDescr(title="SetAnimation") ifd.append({ 'widgetType': ListChooser, 'name': 'availableGeom', 'tooltip': 'geom available in viewer', 'wcfg': { 'mode': 'extended', 'lbwcfg': { 'exportselection': 1 }, 'command': [(self.toggleExpansion, '<Double-Button-1>')], 'commandEvent': None, 'title': 'availableGeom' }, 'gridcfg': { 'row': 0, 'column': 0, 'sticky': 'wens', 'rowspan': 3 } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'newframe', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'tooltip': """ Add an empty frame to the animation""", 'wcfg': { 'text': 'NewFrame', 'command': self.addframe_cb }, 'gridcfg': { 'row': 0, 'column': 1, 'rowspan': 1 } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'add', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'tooltip': """ Add the selected geom to selected frame""", 'wcfg': { 'text': 'AddGeom', 'command': self.add_cb }, 'gridcfg': { 'row': 1, 'column': 1, 'rowspan': 1 } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'geomtoload', 'widgetType': ListChooser, 'tooltip': """list of frame the user chose to apply to the pattern""", 'wcfg': { 'entries': entryFrame, 'mode': 'extended', 'lbwcfg': { 'exportselection': 0 }, 'title': 'Frame(geom) to be display' }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we', 'row': 0, 'column': 2, 'rowspan': 3 } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'remove', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'tooltip': """ Remove the selected entry from the commands to be applied to the object when loaded in the application""", 'wcfg': { 'text': 'REMOVE', 'width': 10, 'command': self.remove_cb }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we', 'row': 0, 'column': 3 } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'oneup', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'tooltip': """Move the selected entry up one entry""", 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Move up', 'width': 10, 'command': self.moveup_cb }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we', 'row': 1, 'column': 3 } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'onedown', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'tooltip': """Move the selected entry down one entry""", 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Move down', 'width': 10, 'command': self.movedown_cb }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we', 'row': 2, 'column': 3 } }) self.form_Setanim = InputForm(self.master, None, descr=ifd, scrolledFrame=0) = self.form_Setanim.descr.entryByName['availableGeom'][ 'widget'] self.lc2 = self.form_Setanim.descr.entryByName['geomtoload'][ 'widget'] self.addObject(self.viewer.rootObject, None) val = self.form_Setanim.go() if val: self.assign() self.form_Setanim.withdraw() else: self.form_Setanim.deiconify() val = self.form_Setanim.go() if val: self.assign() self.form_Setanim.withdraw()
def buildForm(self): if hasattr(self, 'ifd'): return self.torsionType = Tkinter.StringVar() self.torsionType.set('1') self.ifd = ifd = InputFormDescr(title='Set Torsion Angle') ifd.append({ 'name': 'extLabel', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Label, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Set Angle:\n(180=trans)' }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': Tkinter.W + Tkinter.E, 'columnspan': 2 } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'extslider', 'widgetType': ExtendedSliderWidget, 'wcfg': { 'label': 'torsion', 'minval': -360., 'maxval': 360., 'width': 150, 'immediate': 1, 'command': self.slideCallback, 'sliderType': 'float', 'entrypackcfg': { 'side': 'bottom' } }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we', 'columnspan': 2 } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'typeLabel', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Label, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Torsion Type' }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we', 'columnspan': 2 } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'rdbut1', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Radiobutton, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Absolute', 'variable': self.torsionType, 'value': 1, 'command': self.rdSet }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we' } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'rdbut2', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Radiobutton, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Relative ', 'variable': self.torsionType, 'value': 0, 'command': self.rdSet }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we', 'row': -1, 'column': 1 } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'historyList', 'widgetType': ListChooser, 'wcfg': { 'title': 'TorsionAngle\nTranformation History', 'mode': 'single', 'command': self.HLCommand, 'lbwcfg': { 'height': 5, 'selectforeground': 'yellow', 'exportselection': 0, 'width': 30 }, }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we', 'columnspan': 2 } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'hbut1', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Step Back ', 'command': self.stepBack }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we', 'columnspan': 2 } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'hbut2', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Start Over ', 'command': self.startOver }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we', 'columnspan': 2 } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'hbut3', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Reset All ', 'command': self.resetAll }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we', 'columnspan': 2 } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'angListEnt', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Entry, 'wcfg': { 'width': 5, 'command': self.getAngList, 'textvariable': self.newAngList }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we', 'columnspan': 2 } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'hbut4', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Move', 'command': self.repeat_transTors }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we', 'columnspan': 2 } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'hbut5', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'New Torsion', 'command': self.new_Tors }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we', 'columnspan': 2 } }) #ifd.append({'name':'accept', #'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, #'wcfg':{'text' : 'Accept', #'command': self.Accept_cb}, #'gridcfg':{'sticky':'we'}}) ifd.append({ 'name': 'done', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Done', 'command': self.Done_cb }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we', 'columnspan': 2 } }) #'gridcfg':{'sticky':'we','column':1, 'row':-1}}) self.form = self.vf.getUserInput(ifd, modal=0, blocking=0) self.form.root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.Done_cb) self.extslider = self.ifd.entryByName['extslider']['widget'] self.extslider.draw.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.mouseUp, add='+') self.extslider.entry.bind('<Return>', self.mouseUp, add='+') self.historyList = self.ifd.entryByName['historyList']['widget'].lb #self.historyList.bind("<Double-Button-1>",self.HLCommand) self.hbut1 = self.ifd.entryByName['hbut1']['widget'] self.hbut2 = self.ifd.entryByName['hbut2']['widget'] self.hbut3 = self.ifd.entryByName['hbut3']['widget'] self.angListEnt = self.ifd.entryByName['angListEnt']['widget']