def test_with_file_telem(self):

        with open(os.path.join(RESOURCE_PATH, 'first.rte.log'), 'rU') as file_handle:
            parser = RteODclParser(self.config, file_handle, self.exception_callback)
            particles = parser.get_records(5)

            self.assertEqual(len(particles), 2)
            self.assertListEqual(self.exception_callback_value, [])
            self.assert_particles(particles, 'first_rte.result.yml', RESOURCE_PATH)
Example #2
    def test_with_file_telem(self):

        with open(os.path.join(RESOURCE_PATH, 'first.rte.log'), 'rU') as file_handle:
            parser = RteODclParser(self.config, file_handle, self.exception_callback)

            particles = parser.get_records(5)
            self.assertEqual(len(particles), 2)
            self.assertListEqual(self.exception_callback_value, [])

            self.assert_particles(particles, 'first_rte.result.yml', RESOURCE_PATH)
    def test_bad_data(self):
        Ensure that bad data is skipped when it exists.
        with open(os.path.join(RESOURCE_PATH, 'bad_data.rte.log'), 'rU') as file_handle:
            parser = RteODclParser(self.config, file_handle, self.exception_callback)
            particles = parser.get_records(5)

            self.assertEqual(len(particles), 4)
            self.assertEqual(len(self.exception_callback_value), 1)
            self.assertIsInstance(self.exception_callback_value[0], RecoverableSampleException)
Example #4
    def test_bad_data(self):
        Ensure that bad data is skipped when it exists.
        with open(os.path.join(RESOURCE_PATH, 'bad_data.rte.log'), 'rU') as file_handle:
            parser = RteODclParser(self.config, file_handle, self.exception_callback)

            particles = parser.get_records(5)
            self.assertEqual(len(particles), 4)
            self.assertEqual(len(self.exception_callback_value), 1)
            self.assertIsInstance(self.exception_callback_value[0], RecoverableSampleException)
    def test_bug_9692(self):
        Test to verify change made works with DCL
        timestamps containing seconds >59

        with open(os.path.join(RESOURCE_PATH, '20131115A.rte.log'), 'rU') as file_handle:
            parser = RteODclParser(self.config, file_handle, self.exception_callback)
            result = parser.get_records(10)

            self.assertEqual(len(result), 5)
            self.assertListEqual(self.exception_callback_value, [])
Example #6
    def test_bug_9692(self):
        Test to verify change made works with DCL
        timestamps containing seconds >59

        with open(os.path.join(RESOURCE_PATH, '20131115A.rte.log'), 'rU') as file_handle:
            parser = RteODclParser(self.config, file_handle, self.exception_callback)

            result = parser.get_records(10)
            self.assertEqual(len(result), 5)
            self.assertListEqual(self.exception_callback_value, [])
Example #7
 def test_mid_state_start(self):
     Test starting the parser in a state in the middle of processing
     new_state = {StateKey.POSITION: 549}
     self.stream_handle = StringIO(RteODclParserUnitTestCase.TEST_DATA)
     self.parser = RteODclParser(self.config, new_state, self.stream_handle,
                                 self.state_callback, self.pub_callback,
     result = self.parser.get_records(1)
     self.assert_result(result, 703, self.timestamp3, self.particle_c)
     result = self.parser.get_records(1)
     self.assert_result(result, 857, self.timestamp4, self.particle_d)
    def test_with_file_recov(self):

        config = {
            DataSetDriverConfigKeys.PARTICLE_MODULE: 'mi.dataset.parser.rte_o_dcl',
            DataSetDriverConfigKeys.PARTICLE_CLASS: 'RteODclParserRecoveredDataParticle'
        with open(os.path.join(RESOURCE_PATH, 'four_samp.rte.log'), 'rU') as file_handle:
            parser = RteODclParser(config, file_handle, self.exception_callback)
            particles = parser.get_records(5)

            self.assertEqual(len(particles), 4)
            self.assertListEqual(self.exception_callback_value, [])
            self.assert_particles(particles, 'four_samp_rte_recov.result.yml', RESOURCE_PATH)
Example #9
    def test_bad_data(self):
        Ensure that bad data is skipped when it exists.
        self.stream_handle = StringIO(RteODclParserUnitTestCase.BAD_TEST_DATA)
        self.parser = RteODclParser(self.config, self.start_state,
                                    self.stream_handle, self.state_callback,
                                    self.pub_callback, self.exception_callback)

        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 395, self.timestamp1, self.particle_a)

        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 703, self.timestamp3, self.particle_c)
Example #10
    def test_with_file_recov(self):

        config = {
            DataSetDriverConfigKeys.PARTICLE_MODULE: 'mi.dataset.parser.rte_o_dcl',
            DataSetDriverConfigKeys.PARTICLE_CLASS: 'RteODclParserRecoveredDataParticle'
        with open(os.path.join(RESOURCE_PATH, 'four_samp.rte.log'), 'rU') as file_handle:
            parser = RteODclParser(config, file_handle, self.exception_callback)

            particles = parser.get_records(5)
            self.assertEqual(len(particles), 4)
            self.assertListEqual(self.exception_callback_value, [])

            self.assert_particles(particles, 'four_samp_rte_recov.result.yml', RESOURCE_PATH)
Example #11
    def test_set_state(self):
        Test changing to a new state after initializing the parser and 
        reading data, as if new data has been found and the state has
        new_state = {StateKey.POSITION: 549}
        self.stream_handle = StringIO(RteODclParserUnitTestCase.TEST_DATA)
        self.parser = RteODclParser(self.config, self.start_state,
                                    self.stream_handle, self.state_callback,
                                    self.pub_callback, self.exception_callback)
        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 395, self.timestamp1, self.particle_a)

        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 703, self.timestamp3, self.particle_c)
        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 857, self.timestamp4, self.particle_d)
Example #12
    def test_get_many(self):
        Read test data and pull out multiple data particles at one time.
        Assert that the results are those we expected.
        self.stream_handle = StringIO(RteODclParserUnitTestCase.TEST_DATA)
        self.parser = RteODclParser(self.config, self.start_state,
                                    self.stream_handle, self.state_callback,
                                    self.pub_callback, self.exception_callback)

        result = self.parser.get_records(4)
        self.assertEqual(result, [
            self.particle_a, self.particle_b, self.particle_c, self.particle_d
        self.assertEqual(self.parser._state[StateKey.POSITION], 857)
        self.assertEqual(self.state_callback_value[StateKey.POSITION], 857)
        self.assertEqual(self.publish_callback_value[0], self.particle_a)
        self.assertEqual(self.publish_callback_value[1], self.particle_b)
        self.assertEqual(self.publish_callback_value[2], self.particle_c)
        self.assertEqual(self.publish_callback_value[3], self.particle_d)
Example #13
    def test_simple(self):
        Read test data and pull out data particles one at a time.
        Assert that the results are those we expected.
        self.stream_handle = StringIO(RteODclParserUnitTestCase.TEST_DATA)
        self.parser = RteODclParser(self.config, self.start_state,
                                    self.stream_handle, self.state_callback,
                                    self.pub_callback, self.exception_callback)

        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 395, self.timestamp1, self.particle_a)

        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 549, self.timestamp2, self.particle_b)

        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 703, self.timestamp3, self.particle_c)

        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 857, self.timestamp4, self.particle_d)
 def test_mid_state_start(self):
     Test starting the parser in a state in the middle of processing
     new_state = {StateKey.POSITION:549}
     self.stream_handle = StringIO(RteODclParserUnitTestCase.TEST_DATA)
     self.parser = RteODclParser(self.config, new_state, self.stream_handle,
                                 self.state_callback, self.pub_callback, self.exception_callback)
     result = self.parser.get_records(1)
     self.assert_result(result, 703, self.timestamp3, self.particle_c)
     result = self.parser.get_records(1)
     self.assert_result(result, 857, self.timestamp4, self.particle_d)
    def test_bad_data(self):
        Ensure that bad data is skipped when it exists.
        self.stream_handle = StringIO(RteODclParserUnitTestCase.BAD_TEST_DATA)
        self.parser = RteODclParser(self.config, self.start_state, self.stream_handle,
                                    self.state_callback, self.pub_callback, self.exception_callback)

        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 395, self.timestamp1, self.particle_a)
        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 703, self.timestamp3, self.particle_c)
    def process(self):

        log = get_logger()

        with open(self._source_file_path, "rb") as file_handle:

            def exception_callback(exception):
                log.debug("Exception: %s", exception)

            parser = RteODclParser(self._parser_config, file_handle, exception_callback)

            driver = DataSetDriver(parser, self._particle_data_handler)


        return self._particle_data_handler
    def test_get_many(self):
        Read test data and pull out multiple data particles at one time.
        Assert that the results are those we expected.
        self.stream_handle = StringIO(RteODclParserUnitTestCase.TEST_DATA)
        self.parser = RteODclParser(self.config, self.start_state, self.stream_handle,
                                    self.state_callback, self.pub_callback, self.exception_callback)

        result = self.parser.get_records(4)
        self.assertEqual(result, [self.particle_a, self.particle_b, self.particle_c, self.particle_d])
        self.assertEqual(self.parser._state[StateKey.POSITION], 857)
        self.assertEqual(self.state_callback_value[StateKey.POSITION], 857)
        self.assertEqual(self.publish_callback_value[0], self.particle_a)
        self.assertEqual(self.publish_callback_value[1], self.particle_b)
        self.assertEqual(self.publish_callback_value[2], self.particle_c)
        self.assertEqual(self.publish_callback_value[3], self.particle_d)
    def test_set_state(self):
        Test changing to a new state after initializing the parser and 
        reading data, as if new data has been found and the state has
        new_state = {StateKey.POSITION:549}
        self.stream_handle = StringIO(RteODclParserUnitTestCase.TEST_DATA)
        self.parser = RteODclParser(self.config, self.start_state, self.stream_handle,
                                    self.state_callback, self.pub_callback, self.exception_callback)
        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 395, self.timestamp1, self.particle_a)

        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 703, self.timestamp3, self.particle_c)
        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 857, self.timestamp4, self.particle_d)
Example #19
    def process(self):

        log = get_logger()

        with open(self._sourceFilePath, "rb") as file_handle:

            def exception_callback(exception):
                log.debug("Exception: %s", exception)

            parser = RteODclParser(self._parser_config, None, file_handle,
                                   lambda state, ingested: None,
                                   lambda data: None, exception_callback)

            driver = DataSetDriver(parser, self._particleDataHdlrObj)


        return self._particleDataHdlrObj
    def test_simple(self):
        Read test data and pull out data particles one at a time.
        Assert that the results are those we expected.
        self.stream_handle = StringIO(RteODclParserUnitTestCase.TEST_DATA)
        self.parser = RteODclParser(self.config, self.start_state, self.stream_handle,
                                    self.state_callback, self.pub_callback, self.exception_callback)

        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 395, self.timestamp1, self.particle_a)
        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 549, self.timestamp2, self.particle_b)

        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 703, self.timestamp3, self.particle_c)

        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 857, self.timestamp4, self.particle_d)
Example #21
    def _build_parser(self, parser_state, stream_in, data_key, file_in):
        Build the parser based on which data_key is input.  The file name is only
        needed for mopak, and it just not passed in to the other parser builders
        @param parser_state previous parser state to initialize parser with
        @param stream_in handle of the opened file to parse
        @param data_key harvester / parser key 
        @param file_in file name

        # get the config for the correct parser instance
        config = self._parser_config.get(data_key)

        if config is None:
                'Parser config does not exist for key = %s.  Not building parser',
            raise ConfigurationException

        if data_key == DataTypeKey.CG_STC_ENG_TELEM:
            parser = CgStcEngStcParser(
                config, parser_state, stream_in,
                lambda state, ingested: self._save_parser_state(
                    state, data_key, ingested), self._data_callback,

        elif data_key == DataTypeKey.CG_STC_ENG_RECOV:
            parser = CgStcEngStcParser(
                config, parser_state, stream_in,
                lambda state, ingested: self._save_parser_state(
                    state, data_key, ingested), self._data_callback,

        elif data_key == DataTypeKey.MOPAK_TELEM:

                DataSetDriverConfigKeys.PARTICLE_CLASS: None,
                # particle_class configuration does nothing for multi-particle parsers
                # put the class names in specific config parameters so the parser can get them
                # use real classes as objects instead of strings to make it easier
                DataSetDriverConfigKeys.PARTICLE_CLASSES_DICT: {

            parser = MopakODclParser(
                config, parser_state, stream_in, file_in,
                lambda state, ingested: self._save_parser_state(
                    state, data_key, ingested), self._data_callback,

        elif data_key == DataTypeKey.MOPAK_RECOV:

                DataSetDriverConfigKeys.PARTICLE_CLASS: None,
                # particle_class configuration does nothing for multi-particle parsers
                # put the class names in specific config parameters so the parser can get them
                # use real classes as objects instead of strings to make it easier
                DataSetDriverConfigKeys.PARTICLE_CLASSES_DICT: {

            parser = MopakODclParser(
                config, parser_state, stream_in, file_in,
                lambda state, ingested: self._save_parser_state(
                    state, data_key, ingested), self._data_callback,

        elif data_key == DataTypeKey.RTE_TELEM:

            parser = RteODclParser(
                config, parser_state, stream_in,
                lambda state, ingested: self._save_parser_state(
                    state, data_key, ingested), self._data_callback,

        elif data_key == DataTypeKey.RTE_RECOV:

            parser = RteODclParser(
                config, parser_state, stream_in,
                lambda state, ingested: self._save_parser_state(
                    state, data_key, ingested), self._data_callback,

            log.warn('Invalid Data_Key %s.  Not building parser', data_key)
            raise ConfigurationException

        return parser
Example #22
class RteODclParserUnitTestCase(ParserUnitTestCase):

    TEST_DATA = """
2013/11/16 20:35:35.965 [rte:DLOGP3]:3712-50060, RTE Control Board Firmware REV 1.0, 11/07/2013\r
2013/11/16 20:35:35.999 [rte:DLOGP3]:>Standard Power Mode activated!\r
2013/11/16 20:36:22.111 [rte:DLOGP3]:Instrument Started [No Initialize]\r
2013/11/16 20:46:24.989 Coulombs = 1.1110C, AVG Q_RTE Current = 0.002A, AVG RTE Voltage = 12.02V, AVG Supply Voltage = 12.11V, RTE Hits 0, RTE State = 1\r
2013/11/16 20:56:25.633 Coulombs = 1.1055C, AVG Q_RTE Current = 0.002A, AVG RTE Voltage = 12.03V, AVG Supply Voltage = 12.11V, RTE Hits 0, RTE State = 1\r
2013/11/16 21:06:26.400 Coulombs = 1.1055C, AVG Q_RTE Current = 0.002A, AVG RTE Voltage = 12.03V, AVG Supply Voltage = 12.11V, RTE Hits 0, RTE State = 1\r
2013/11/16 21:16:27.303 Coulombs = 1.1073C, AVG Q_RTE Current = 0.002A, AVG RTE Voltage = 12.03V, AVG Supply Voltage = 12.11V, RTE Hits 0, RTE State = 1\r
2013/11/16 21:26:30.002 Coulombs = 1.1110C, AVG Q_RTE Current = 0.002A, AVG RTE Voltage = 12.03V, AVG Supply Voltage = 12.11V, RTE Hits 0, RTE State = 1\r
2013/11/16 23:17:13.193 [rte:DLOGP3]:Instrument Stopped [No Initialize]\r

    BAD_TEST_DATA = """
2013/11/16 20:35:35.965 [rte:DLOGP3]:3712-50060, RTE Control Board Firmware REV 1.0, 11/07/2013\r
2013/11/16 20:35:35.999 [rte:DLOGP3]:>Standard Power Mode activated!\r
2013/11/16 20:36:22.111 [rte:DLOGP3]:Instrument Started [No Initialize]\r
2013/11/16 20:46:24.989 Coulombs = 1.1110C, AVG Q_RTE Current = 0.002A, AVG RTE Voltage = 12.02V, AVG Supply Voltage = 12.11V, RTE Hits 0, RTE State = 1\r
2013/11/16 20:56:25.633 Coulombs = 1.1055C, AVG Q_RTE CurrAnt = 0.002A, AVG RTE Voltage = 12.03V, AVG Supply Voltage = 12.11V, RTE Hits 0, RTE State = 1\r
2013/11/16 21:06:26.400 Coulombs = 1.1055C, AVG Q_RTE Current = 0.002A, AVG RTE Voltage = 12.03V, AVG Supply Voltage = 12.11V, RTE Hits 0, RTE State = 1\r
2013/11/16 21:16:27.303 Coulombs = 1.1073C, AVG Q_RTE Current = 0.002A, AVG RTE Voltage = 12.03V, AVG Supply Voltage = 12.11V, RTE Hits 0, RTE State = 1\r
2013/11/16 21:26:30.002 Coulombs = 1.1110C, AVG Q_RTE Current = 0.002A, AVG RTE Voltage = 12.03V, AVG Supply Voltage = 12.11V, RTE Hits 0, RTE State = 1\r
2013/11/16 23:17:13.193 [rte:DLOGP3]:Instrument Stopped [No Initialize]\r
    RteODcl Parser unit test suite

    # Since this came from the code we are testing there is no way to tell if the timestamp is acutally correct!
    def _convert_string_to_timestamp(ts_str):
        Converts the given string from this data stream's format into an NTP
        @param ts_str The timestamp string in the format "yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.sss"
        @retval The NTP4 timestamp
        match = LOG_TIME_MATCHER.match(ts_str)
        if not match:
            raise ValueError("Invalid time format: %s" % ts_str)

        zulu_ts = "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%fZ" % (
            int(, int(, int(,
            int(, int(, float(
        log.trace("converted ts '%s' to '%s'",
                  ts_str[match.start(0):(match.start(0) + 24)], zulu_ts)

        format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ"
        dt = datetime.strptime(zulu_ts, format)
        unix_timestamp = calendar.timegm(
            dt.timetuple()) + (dt.microsecond / 1000000.0)

        ntptime = ntplib.system_to_ntp_time(unix_timestamp)

        log.trace("Converted time \"%s\" (unix: %s) into %s", ts_str,
                  unix_timestamp, ntptime)
        return ntptime

    def state_callback(self, state, file_ingested):
        """ Call back method to watch what comes in via the position callback """
        self.state_callback_value = state

    def pub_callback(self, pub):
        """ Call back method to watch what comes in via the publish callback """
        self.publish_callback_value = pub

    def exception_callback(self, exception):
        """ Call back method to match what comes in via the exception callback """
        self.exception_callback_value = exception

    def setUp(self):
        self.config = {
            DataSetDriverConfigKeys.PARTICLE_CLASS: 'RteODclParserDataParticle'
        # Define test data particles and their associated timestamps which will be
        # compared with returned results

        self.start_state = {StateKey.POSITION: 0}
        self.timestamp1 = self._convert_string_to_timestamp(
            '2013/11/16 20:46:24.989 ')
        self.particle_a = RteODclParserDataParticle(
            "2013/11/16 20:46:24.989 Coulombs = 1.1110C, AVG Q_RTE Current = 0.002A, " \
            "AVG RTE Voltage = 12.02V, AVG Supply Voltage = 12.11V, RTE Hits 0, RTE State = 1\r\n" ,

        self.timestamp2 = self._convert_string_to_timestamp(
            '2013/11/16 20:56:25.633 ')
        self.particle_b = RteODclParserDataParticle(
            "2013/11/16 20:56:25.633 Coulombs = 1.1055C, AVG Q_RTE Current = 0.002A, " \
            "AVG RTE Voltage = 12.03V, AVG Supply Voltage = 12.11V, RTE Hits 0, RTE State = 1\r\n" ,

        self.timestamp3 = self._convert_string_to_timestamp(
            '2013/11/16 21:06:26.400 ')
        self.particle_c = RteODclParserDataParticle(
            "2013/11/16 21:06:26.400 Coulombs = 1.1055C, AVG Q_RTE Current = 0.002A, " \
            "AVG RTE Voltage = 12.03V, AVG Supply Voltage = 12.11V, RTE Hits 0, RTE State = 1\r\n" ,

        self.timestamp4 = self._convert_string_to_timestamp(
            '2013/11/16 21:16:27.303 ')
        self.particle_d = RteODclParserDataParticle(
            "2013/11/16 21:16:27.303 Coulombs = 1.1073C, AVG Q_RTE Current = 0.002A, " \
            "AVG RTE Voltage = 12.03V, AVG Supply Voltage = 12.11V, RTE Hits 0, RTE State = 1\r\n" ,

        self.state_callback_value = None
        self.publish_callback_value = None

    def assert_result(self, result, position, timestamp, particle):
        self.assertEqual(result, [particle])
        self.assertEqual(self.parser._state[StateKey.POSITION], position)
        self.assert_(isinstance(self.publish_callback_value, list))
        self.assertEqual(self.publish_callback_value[0], particle)

    def test_simple(self):
        Read test data and pull out data particles one at a time.
        Assert that the results are those we expected.
        self.stream_handle = StringIO(RteODclParserUnitTestCase.TEST_DATA)
        self.parser = RteODclParser(self.config, self.start_state,
                                    self.stream_handle, self.state_callback,
                                    self.pub_callback, self.exception_callback)

        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 395, self.timestamp1, self.particle_a)

        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 549, self.timestamp2, self.particle_b)

        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 703, self.timestamp3, self.particle_c)

        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 857, self.timestamp4, self.particle_d)

    def test_get_many(self):
        Read test data and pull out multiple data particles at one time.
        Assert that the results are those we expected.
        self.stream_handle = StringIO(RteODclParserUnitTestCase.TEST_DATA)
        self.parser = RteODclParser(self.config, self.start_state,
                                    self.stream_handle, self.state_callback,
                                    self.pub_callback, self.exception_callback)

        result = self.parser.get_records(4)
        self.assertEqual(result, [
            self.particle_a, self.particle_b, self.particle_c, self.particle_d
        self.assertEqual(self.parser._state[StateKey.POSITION], 857)
        self.assertEqual(self.state_callback_value[StateKey.POSITION], 857)
        self.assertEqual(self.publish_callback_value[0], self.particle_a)
        self.assertEqual(self.publish_callback_value[1], self.particle_b)
        self.assertEqual(self.publish_callback_value[2], self.particle_c)
        self.assertEqual(self.publish_callback_value[3], self.particle_d)

    def test_mid_state_start(self):
        Test starting the parser in a state in the middle of processing
        new_state = {StateKey.POSITION: 549}
        self.stream_handle = StringIO(RteODclParserUnitTestCase.TEST_DATA)
        self.parser = RteODclParser(self.config, new_state, self.stream_handle,
                                    self.state_callback, self.pub_callback,
        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 703, self.timestamp3, self.particle_c)
        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 857, self.timestamp4, self.particle_d)

    def test_set_state(self):
        Test changing to a new state after initializing the parser and 
        reading data, as if new data has been found and the state has
        new_state = {StateKey.POSITION: 549}
        self.stream_handle = StringIO(RteODclParserUnitTestCase.TEST_DATA)
        self.parser = RteODclParser(self.config, self.start_state,
                                    self.stream_handle, self.state_callback,
                                    self.pub_callback, self.exception_callback)
        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 395, self.timestamp1, self.particle_a)

        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 703, self.timestamp3, self.particle_c)
        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 857, self.timestamp4, self.particle_d)

    def test_bad_data(self):
        Ensure that bad data is skipped when it exists.
        self.stream_handle = StringIO(RteODclParserUnitTestCase.BAD_TEST_DATA)
        self.parser = RteODclParser(self.config, self.start_state,
                                    self.stream_handle, self.state_callback,
                                    self.pub_callback, self.exception_callback)

        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 395, self.timestamp1, self.particle_a)

        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 703, self.timestamp3, self.particle_c)
class RteODclParserUnitTestCase(ParserUnitTestCase):
    TEST_DATA = """
2013/11/16 20:35:35.965 [rte:DLOGP3]:3712-50060, RTE Control Board Firmware REV 1.0, 11/07/2013\r
2013/11/16 20:35:35.999 [rte:DLOGP3]:>Standard Power Mode activated!\r
2013/11/16 20:36:22.111 [rte:DLOGP3]:Instrument Started [No Initialize]\r
2013/11/16 20:46:24.989 Coulombs = 1.1110C, AVG Q_RTE Current = 0.002A, AVG RTE Voltage = 12.02V, AVG Supply Voltage = 12.11V, RTE Hits 0, RTE State = 1\r
2013/11/16 20:56:25.633 Coulombs = 1.1055C, AVG Q_RTE Current = 0.002A, AVG RTE Voltage = 12.03V, AVG Supply Voltage = 12.11V, RTE Hits 0, RTE State = 1\r
2013/11/16 21:06:26.400 Coulombs = 1.1055C, AVG Q_RTE Current = 0.002A, AVG RTE Voltage = 12.03V, AVG Supply Voltage = 12.11V, RTE Hits 0, RTE State = 1\r
2013/11/16 21:16:27.303 Coulombs = 1.1073C, AVG Q_RTE Current = 0.002A, AVG RTE Voltage = 12.03V, AVG Supply Voltage = 12.11V, RTE Hits 0, RTE State = 1\r
2013/11/16 21:26:30.002 Coulombs = 1.1110C, AVG Q_RTE Current = 0.002A, AVG RTE Voltage = 12.03V, AVG Supply Voltage = 12.11V, RTE Hits 0, RTE State = 1\r
2013/11/16 23:17:13.193 [rte:DLOGP3]:Instrument Stopped [No Initialize]\r

    BAD_TEST_DATA = """
2013/11/16 20:35:35.965 [rte:DLOGP3]:3712-50060, RTE Control Board Firmware REV 1.0, 11/07/2013\r
2013/11/16 20:35:35.999 [rte:DLOGP3]:>Standard Power Mode activated!\r
2013/11/16 20:36:22.111 [rte:DLOGP3]:Instrument Started [No Initialize]\r
2013/11/16 20:46:24.989 Coulombs = 1.1110C, AVG Q_RTE Current = 0.002A, AVG RTE Voltage = 12.02V, AVG Supply Voltage = 12.11V, RTE Hits 0, RTE State = 1\r
2013/11/16 20:56:25.633 Coulombs = 1.1055C, AVG Q_RTE CurrAnt = 0.002A, AVG RTE Voltage = 12.03V, AVG Supply Voltage = 12.11V, RTE Hits 0, RTE State = 1\r
2013/11/16 21:06:26.400 Coulombs = 1.1055C, AVG Q_RTE Current = 0.002A, AVG RTE Voltage = 12.03V, AVG Supply Voltage = 12.11V, RTE Hits 0, RTE State = 1\r
2013/11/16 21:16:27.303 Coulombs = 1.1073C, AVG Q_RTE Current = 0.002A, AVG RTE Voltage = 12.03V, AVG Supply Voltage = 12.11V, RTE Hits 0, RTE State = 1\r
2013/11/16 21:26:30.002 Coulombs = 1.1110C, AVG Q_RTE Current = 0.002A, AVG RTE Voltage = 12.03V, AVG Supply Voltage = 12.11V, RTE Hits 0, RTE State = 1\r
2013/11/16 23:17:13.193 [rte:DLOGP3]:Instrument Stopped [No Initialize]\r

    RteODcl Parser unit test suite
    # Since this came from the code we are testing there is no way to tell if the timestamp is acutally correct!
    def _convert_string_to_timestamp(ts_str):
        Converts the given string from this data stream's format into an NTP
        @param ts_str The timestamp string in the format "yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.sss"
        @retval The NTP4 timestamp
        match = LOG_TIME_MATCHER.match(ts_str)
        if not match:
            raise ValueError("Invalid time format: %s" % ts_str)

        zulu_ts = "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%fZ" % (
            int(, int(, int(,
            int(, int(, float(
        log.trace("converted ts '%s' to '%s'", ts_str[match.start(0):(match.start(0) + 24)], zulu_ts)

        converted_time = float(parser.parse(zulu_ts).strftime("%s.%f"))
        adjusted_time = converted_time - time.timezone
        ntptime = ntplib.system_to_ntp_time(adjusted_time)

        log.trace("Converted time \"%s\" (unix: %s) into %s", ts_str, adjusted_time, ntptime)
        return ntptime

    def state_callback(self, state, file_ingested):
        """ Call back method to watch what comes in via the position callback """
        self.state_callback_value = state

    def pub_callback(self, pub):
        """ Call back method to watch what comes in via the publish callback """
        self.publish_callback_value = pub

    def exception_callback(self, exception):
        """ Call back method to match what comes in via the exception callback """
        self.exception_callback_value = exception

    def setUp(self):
        self.config = {
            DataSetDriverConfigKeys.PARTICLE_MODULE: 'mi.dataset.parser.rte_o_dcl',
            DataSetDriverConfigKeys.PARTICLE_CLASS: 'RteODclParserDataParticle'
        # Define test data particles and their associated timestamps which will be 
        # compared with returned results
        self.start_state = {StateKey.POSITION:0}
        self.timestamp1 = self._convert_string_to_timestamp('2013/11/16 20:46:24.989 ')
        self.particle_a = RteODclParserDataParticle(
            "2013/11/16 20:46:24.989 Coulombs = 1.1110C, AVG Q_RTE Current = 0.002A, " \
            "AVG RTE Voltage = 12.02V, AVG Supply Voltage = 12.11V, RTE Hits 0, RTE State = 1\r\n" ,

        self.timestamp2 = self._convert_string_to_timestamp('2013/11/16 20:56:25.633 ')
        self.particle_b = RteODclParserDataParticle(
            "2013/11/16 20:56:25.633 Coulombs = 1.1055C, AVG Q_RTE Current = 0.002A, " \
            "AVG RTE Voltage = 12.03V, AVG Supply Voltage = 12.11V, RTE Hits 0, RTE State = 1\r\n" ,
        self.timestamp3 = self._convert_string_to_timestamp('2013/11/16 21:06:26.400 ')
        self.particle_c = RteODclParserDataParticle(
            "2013/11/16 21:06:26.400 Coulombs = 1.1055C, AVG Q_RTE Current = 0.002A, " \
            "AVG RTE Voltage = 12.03V, AVG Supply Voltage = 12.11V, RTE Hits 0, RTE State = 1\r\n" ,

        self.timestamp4 = self._convert_string_to_timestamp('2013/11/16 21:16:27.303 ')
        self.particle_d = RteODclParserDataParticle(
            "2013/11/16 21:16:27.303 Coulombs = 1.1073C, AVG Q_RTE Current = 0.002A, " \
            "AVG RTE Voltage = 12.03V, AVG Supply Voltage = 12.11V, RTE Hits 0, RTE State = 1\r\n" ,
        self.state_callback_value = None
        self.publish_callback_value = None

    def assert_result(self, result, position, timestamp, particle):
        self.assertEqual(result, [particle])
        self.assertEqual(self.parser._state[StateKey.POSITION], position)
        self.assertEqual(self.state_callback_value[StateKey.POSITION], position)
        self.assert_(isinstance(self.publish_callback_value, list))
        self.assertEqual(self.publish_callback_value[0], particle)

    def test_simple(self):
        Read test data and pull out data particles one at a time.
        Assert that the results are those we expected.
        self.stream_handle = StringIO(RteODclParserUnitTestCase.TEST_DATA)
        self.parser = RteODclParser(self.config, self.start_state, self.stream_handle,
                                    self.state_callback, self.pub_callback, self.exception_callback)

        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 395, self.timestamp1, self.particle_a)
        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 549, self.timestamp2, self.particle_b)

        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 703, self.timestamp3, self.particle_c)

        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 857, self.timestamp4, self.particle_d)

    def test_get_many(self):
        Read test data and pull out multiple data particles at one time.
        Assert that the results are those we expected.
        self.stream_handle = StringIO(RteODclParserUnitTestCase.TEST_DATA)
        self.parser = RteODclParser(self.config, self.start_state, self.stream_handle,
                                    self.state_callback, self.pub_callback, self.exception_callback)

        result = self.parser.get_records(4)
        self.assertEqual(result, [self.particle_a, self.particle_b, self.particle_c, self.particle_d])
        self.assertEqual(self.parser._state[StateKey.POSITION], 857)
        self.assertEqual(self.state_callback_value[StateKey.POSITION], 857)
        self.assertEqual(self.publish_callback_value[0], self.particle_a)
        self.assertEqual(self.publish_callback_value[1], self.particle_b)
        self.assertEqual(self.publish_callback_value[2], self.particle_c)
        self.assertEqual(self.publish_callback_value[3], self.particle_d)

    def test_mid_state_start(self):
        Test starting the parser in a state in the middle of processing
        new_state = {StateKey.POSITION:549}
        self.stream_handle = StringIO(RteODclParserUnitTestCase.TEST_DATA)
        self.parser = RteODclParser(self.config, new_state, self.stream_handle,
                                    self.state_callback, self.pub_callback, self.exception_callback)
        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 703, self.timestamp3, self.particle_c)
        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 857, self.timestamp4, self.particle_d)

    def test_set_state(self):
        Test changing to a new state after initializing the parser and 
        reading data, as if new data has been found and the state has
        new_state = {StateKey.POSITION:549}
        self.stream_handle = StringIO(RteODclParserUnitTestCase.TEST_DATA)
        self.parser = RteODclParser(self.config, self.start_state, self.stream_handle,
                                    self.state_callback, self.pub_callback, self.exception_callback)
        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 395, self.timestamp1, self.particle_a)

        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 703, self.timestamp3, self.particle_c)
        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 857, self.timestamp4, self.particle_d)

    def test_bad_data(self):
        Ensure that bad data is skipped when it exists.
        self.stream_handle = StringIO(RteODclParserUnitTestCase.BAD_TEST_DATA)
        self.parser = RteODclParser(self.config, self.start_state, self.stream_handle,
                                    self.state_callback, self.pub_callback, self.exception_callback)

        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 395, self.timestamp1, self.particle_a)
        result = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assert_result(result, 703, self.timestamp3, self.particle_c)