def launch(self):
        Launches the simulator process as indicated by _COMMAND.

        @return (rsn_oms, uri) A pair with the CIOMSSimulator instance and the
                associated URI to establish connection with it.
        log.debug("[OMSim] Launching: %s", _COMMAND)

        self._process = self._spawn(_COMMAND)

        if not self._process or not self.poll():
            msg = "[OMSim] Failed to launch simulator: %s" % _COMMAND
            raise Exception(msg)

        log.debug("[OMSim] process started, pid: %s", self.getpid())

        # give it some time to start up

        # get URI:
        uri = None
        with open("logs/rsn_oms_simulator.yml", buffering=1) as f:
            # we expect one of the first few lines to be of the form:
            # rsn_oms_simulator_uri=xxxx
            # where xxxx is the uri -- see oms_simulator_server.
            while uri is None:
                line = f.readline()
                if line.index("rsn_oms_simulator_uri=") == 0:
                    uri = line[len("rsn_oms_simulator_uri="):].strip()

        self._rsn_oms = CIOMSClientFactory.create_instance(uri)
        return self._rsn_oms, uri
    def _connect(self, recursion=None):
        Creates an CIOMSClient instance, does a ping to verify connection,
        and starts event dispatch.
        # create CIOMSClient:
        oms_uri = self._driver_config['oms_uri']
        log.debug("%r: creating CIOMSClient instance with oms_uri=%r",
                  self._platform_id, oms_uri)
        self._rsn_oms = CIOMSClientFactory.create_instance(oms_uri)
        log.debug("%r: CIOMSClient instance created: %s",
                  self._platform_id, self._rsn_oms)

        # ping to verify connection:

        # start event dispatch:

        # TODO - commented out
        # self.event_subscriber = EventSubscriber(event_type='OMSDeviceStatusEvent',
        #     callback=self.callback_for_alert)
        # self.event_subscriber.start()

        # TODO(OOIION-1495) review the following. Commented out for the moment.
        # Note, per the CI-OMS spec ports need to be turned OFF to then proceed
        # with connecting instruments. So we need to determine whether we
        # want to turn all ports ON in this "connect driver" operation,
        # and then add the logic to turn a port OFF before connecting
        # instruments, and then ON again; or, just do the OFF/ON logic in the
        # connect_instrument and disconnect_instrument operations,
        # but not here.
Example #3
    def launch(self):
        Launches the simulator process as indicated by _COMMAND.

        @return (rsn_oms, uri) A pair with the CIOMSSimulator instance and the
                associated URI to establish connection with it.
        log.debug("[OMSim] Launching: %s", _COMMAND)

        self._process = self._spawn(_COMMAND)

        if not self._process or not self.poll():
            msg = "[OMSim] Failed to launch simulator: %s" % _COMMAND
            raise Exception(msg)

        log.debug("[OMSim] process started, pid: %s", self.getpid())

        # give it some time to start up

        # get URI:
        uri = None
        with open("logs/rsn_oms_simulator.yml", buffering=1) as f:
            # we expect one of the first few lines to be of the form:
            # rsn_oms_simulator_uri=xxxx
            # where xxxx is the uri -- see oms_simulator_server.
            while uri is None:
                line = f.readline()
                if line.index("rsn_oms_simulator_uri=") == 0:
                    uri = line[len("rsn_oms_simulator_uri="):].strip()

        self._rsn_oms = CIOMSClientFactory.create_instance(uri)
        return self._rsn_oms, uri
Example #4
    def _connect(self, recursion=None):
        Creates an CIOMSClient instance, does a ping to verify connection,
        and starts event dispatch.
        # create CIOMSClient:
        oms_uri = self._driver_config['oms_uri']
        log.debug("%r: creating CIOMSClient instance with oms_uri=%r",
                  self._platform_id, oms_uri)
        self._rsn_oms = CIOMSClientFactory.create_instance(oms_uri)
        log.debug("%r: CIOMSClient instance created: %s", self._platform_id,

        # ping to verify connection:

        # start event dispatch:

        # TODO - commented out
        # self.event_subscriber = EventSubscriber(event_type='OMSDeviceStatusEvent',
        #     callback=self.callback_for_alert)
        # self.event_subscriber.start()

        # TODO(OOIION-1495) review the following. Commented out for the moment.
        # Note, per the CI-OMS spec ports need to be turned OFF to then proceed
        # with connecting instruments. So we need to determine whether we
        # want to turn all ports ON in this "connect driver" operation,
        # and then add the logic to turn a port OFF before connecting
        # instruments, and then ON again; or, just do the OFF/ON logic in the
        # connect_instrument and disconnect_instrument operations,
        # but not here.
Example #5
    def setUp(self):
        DVR_CONFIG['oms_uri'] = self._dispatch_simulator(oms_uri)
        log.debug("DVR_CONFIG['oms_uri'] = %s", DVR_CONFIG['oms_uri'])

        # Use the network definition provided by RSN OMS directly.
        rsn_oms = CIOMSClientFactory.create_instance(DVR_CONFIG['oms_uri'])

        self._plat_driver = RSNPlatformDriver(self.evt_recv)
    def setUp(self):
        DVR_CONFIG['oms_uri'] = self._dispatch_simulator(oms_uri)
        log.debug("DVR_CONFIG['oms_uri'] = %s", DVR_CONFIG['oms_uri'])

        # Use the network definition provided by RSN OMS directly.
        rsn_oms = CIOMSClientFactory.create_instance(DVR_CONFIG['oms_uri'])

        self._plat_driver = RSNPlatformDriver(self.evt_recv)
    def _connect(self, recursion=None):
        Creates an CIOMSClient instance, does a ping to verify connection,
        and starts event dispatch.
        # create CIOMSClient:
        oms_uri = self._driver_config["oms_uri"]
        log.debug("%r: creating CIOMSClient instance with oms_uri=%r", self._platform_id, oms_uri)
        self._rsn_oms = CIOMSClientFactory.create_instance(oms_uri)
        log.debug("%r: CIOMSClient instance created: %s", self._platform_id, self._rsn_oms)

        # ping to verify connection:
    def _connect(self, recursion=None):
        Creates an CIOMSClient instance, does a ping to verify connection,
        and starts event dispatch.
        # create CIOMSClient:
        oms_uri = self._driver_config['oms_uri']
        log.debug("%r: creating CIOMSClient instance with oms_uri=%r",
                  self._platform_id, oms_uri)
        self._rsn_oms = CIOMSClientFactory.create_instance(oms_uri)
        log.debug("%r: CIOMSClient instance created: %s",
                  self._platform_id, self._rsn_oms)

        # ping to verify connection:
    def setUp(self):

        DVR_CONFIG['oms_uri'] = self._dispatch_simulator(oms_uri)
        log.debug("DVR_CONFIG['oms_uri'] = %s", DVR_CONFIG['oms_uri'])

        # Use the network definition provided by RSN OMS directly.
        rsn_oms = CIOMSClientFactory.create_instance(DVR_CONFIG['oms_uri'])
        network_definition = RsnOmsUtil.build_network_definition(rsn_oms)

        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            network_definition_ser = NetworkUtil.serialize_network_definition(network_definition)
            log.debug("NetworkDefinition serialization:\n%s", network_definition_ser)

        platform_id = self.PLATFORM_ID
        pnode = network_definition.pnodes[platform_id]
        self._plat_driver = RSNPlatformDriver(pnode, self.evt_recv)
    def _connect(self, recursion=None):
        Creates an CIOMSClient instance, does a ping to verify connection,
        and starts event dispatch.
        """"%r: _connect...", self._platform_id)

        # create CIOMSClient:
        oms_uri = self._driver_config['oms_uri']
        log.debug("%r: creating CIOMSClient instance with oms_uri=%r",
                  self._platform_id, oms_uri)
        self._rsn_oms = CIOMSClientFactory.create_instance(oms_uri)
        log.debug("%r: CIOMSClient instance created: %s",
                  self._platform_id, self._rsn_oms)

        # ping to verify connection:
        self._build_scheduler()  # then start calling it every X seconds
    def _connect(self, recursion=None):
        Creates an CIOMSClient instance, does a ping to verify connection,
        and starts event dispatch.
        """"%r: _connect...", self._platform_id)

        # create CIOMSClient:
        oms_uri = self._driver_config['oms_uri']
        log.debug("%r: creating CIOMSClient instance with oms_uri=%r",
                  self._platform_id, oms_uri)
        self._rsn_oms = CIOMSClientFactory.create_instance(oms_uri)
        log.debug("%r: CIOMSClient instance created: %s", self._platform_id,

        # ping to verify connection:
        self._build_scheduler()  # then start calling it every X seconds