Example #1
for miasm_int, res in [(five, 1), (four, 0), (seven, 0), (one0seven, 0)]:
    e6 = ExprOp('parity', miasm_int)
    ez3 = translator1.from_expr(e6)
    z3_e6 = z3.BitVecVal(res, 1)
    assert equiv(ez3, z3_e6)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# '-'
for miasm_int, res in [(five, -5), (four, -4)]:
    e6 = ExprOp('-', miasm_int)
    ez3 = translator1.from_expr(e6)
    z3_e6 = z3.BitVecVal(res, 32)
    assert equiv(ez3, z3_e6)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
label_histoire = loc_db.add_location("label_histoire", 0xdeadbeef)
e7 = ExprLoc(label_histoire, 32)
ez3 = translator1.from_expr(e7)
z3_e7 = z3.BitVecVal(0xdeadbeef, 32)
assert equiv(ez3, z3_e7)

# Should just not throw anything to pass
lbl_e8 = loc_db.add_location("label_jambe")

e8 = ExprLoc(lbl_e8, 32)
ez3 = translator1.from_expr(e8)
assert not equiv(ez3, z3_e7)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# cntleadzeros, cnttrailzeros
Example #2
r = ExprId("r", 32)

a_init = ExprId("a_init", 32)
b_init = ExprId("b_init", 32)
c_init = ExprId("c_init", 32)
d_init = ExprId("d_init", 32)
r_init = ExprId("r_init", 32)  # Return register

pc = ExprId("pc", 32)
sp = ExprId("sp", 32)

CST1 = ExprInt(0x11, 32)
CST2 = ExprInt(0x12, 32)
CST3 = ExprInt(0x13, 32)

LBL0 = loc_db.add_location("lbl0", 0)
LBL1 = loc_db.add_location("lbl1", 1)
LBL2 = loc_db.add_location("lbl2", 2)
LBL3 = loc_db.add_location("lbl3", 3)
LBL4 = loc_db.add_location("lbl4", 4)
LBL5 = loc_db.add_location("lbl5", 5)
LBL6 = loc_db.add_location("lbl6", 6)

IRDst = ExprId('IRDst', 32)
dummy = ExprId('dummy', 32)

def gen_irblock(label, exprs_list):
    irs = []
    for exprs in exprs_list:
        if isinstance(exprs, AssignBlock):
Example #3
for miasm_int, res in [(five, 1), (four, 0), (seven, 0), (one0seven, 0)]:
    e6 = ExprOp('parity', miasm_int)
    ez3 = translator1.from_expr(e6)
    z3_e6 = z3.BitVecVal(res, 1)
    assert equiv(ez3, z3_e6)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# '-'
for miasm_int, res in [(five, -5), (four, -4)]:
    e6 = ExprOp('-', miasm_int)
    ez3 = translator1.from_expr(e6)
    z3_e6 = z3.BitVecVal(res, 32)
    assert equiv(ez3, z3_e6)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
label_histoire = loc_db.add_location("label_histoire", 0xdeadbeef)
e7 = ExprLoc(label_histoire, 32)
ez3 = translator1.from_expr(e7)
z3_e7 = z3.BitVecVal(0xdeadbeef, 32)
assert equiv(ez3, z3_e7)

# Should just not throw anything to pass
lbl_e8 = loc_db.add_location("label_jambe")

e8 = ExprLoc(lbl_e8, 32)
ez3 = translator1.from_expr(e8)
assert not equiv(ez3, z3_e7)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# cntleadzeros, cnttrailzeros
Example #4
def build_graph(start_addr, type_graph, simplify=False, dontmodstack=True, loadint=False, verbose=False):
    machine = guess_machine(addr=start_addr)
    dis_engine, ira = machine.dis_engine, machine.ira

    class IRADelModCallStack(ira):
        def call_effects(self, addr, instr):
            assignblks, extra = super(IRADelModCallStack, self).call_effects(addr, instr)
            if not dontmodstack:
                return assignblks, extra
            out = []
            for assignblk in assignblks:
                dct = dict(assignblk)
                dct = {
                    dst:src for (dst, src) in viewitems(dct) if dst != self.sp
                out.append(AssignBlock(dct, assignblk.instr))
            return out, extra

    if verbose:
        print("Arch", dis_engine)

    fname = idc.get_root_filename()
    if verbose:

    bs = bin_stream_ida()
    loc_db = LocationDB()

    mdis = dis_engine(bs, loc_db=loc_db)
    ir_arch = IRADelModCallStack(loc_db)

    # populate symbols with ida names
    for addr, name in idautils.Names():
        if name is None:
        if (loc_db.get_offset_location(addr) or
            # Symbol alias
        loc_db.add_location(name, addr)

    if verbose:
        print("start disasm")
    if verbose:

    asmcfg = mdis.dis_multiblock(start_addr)
    entry_points = set([loc_db.get_offset_location(start_addr)])
    if verbose:
        print("generating graph")
        open('asm_flow.dot', 'w').write(asmcfg.dot())
        print("generating IR... %x" % start_addr)

    ircfg = ir_arch.new_ircfg_from_asmcfg(asmcfg)

    if verbose:
        print("IR ok... %x" % start_addr)

    for irb in list(viewvalues(ircfg.blocks)):
        irs = []
        for assignblk in irb:
            new_assignblk = {
                expr_simp(dst): expr_simp(src)
                for dst, src in viewitems(assignblk)
            irs.append(AssignBlock(new_assignblk, instr=assignblk.instr))
        ircfg.blocks[irb.loc_key] = IRBlock(loc_db, irb.loc_key, irs)

    if verbose:
        out = ircfg.dot()
        open(os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'graph.dot'), 'wb').write(out)
    title = "Miasm IR graph"

    head = list(entry_points)[0]

    if simplify:
        ircfg_simplifier = IRCFGSimplifierCommon(ir_arch)
        ircfg_simplifier.simplify(ircfg, head)
        title += " (simplified)"

    if type_graph == TYPE_GRAPH_IR:
        graph = GraphMiasmIR(ircfg, title, None)

    class IRAOutRegs(ira):
        def get_out_regs(self, block):
            regs_todo = super(IRAOutRegs, self).get_out_regs(block)
            out = {}
            for assignblk in block:
                for dst in assignblk:
                    reg = self.ssa_var.get(dst, None)
                    if reg is None:
                    if reg in regs_todo:
                        out[reg] = dst
            return set(viewvalues(out))

    # Add dummy dependency to uncover out regs affectation
    for loc in ircfg.leaves():
        irblock = ircfg.blocks.get(loc)
        if irblock is None:
        regs = {}
        for reg in ir_arch.get_out_regs(irblock):
            regs[reg] = reg
        assignblks = list(irblock)
        new_assiblk = AssignBlock(regs, assignblks[-1].instr)
        new_irblock = IRBlock(irblock.loc_db, irblock.loc_key, assignblks)
        ircfg.blocks[loc] = new_irblock

    class CustomIRCFGSimplifierSSA(IRCFGSimplifierSSA):
        def do_simplify(self, ssa, head):
            modified = super(CustomIRCFGSimplifierSSA, self).do_simplify(ssa, head)
            if loadint:
                modified |= load_from_int(ssa.graph, bs, is_addr_ro_variable)
            return modified

        def simplify(self, ircfg, head):
            ssa = self.ircfg_to_ssa(ircfg, head)
            ssa = self.do_simplify_loop(ssa, head)

            if type_graph == TYPE_GRAPH_IRSSA:
                ret = ssa.graph
            elif type_graph == TYPE_GRAPH_IRSSAUNSSA:
                ircfg = self.ssa_to_unssa(ssa, head)
                ircfg_simplifier = IRCFGSimplifierCommon(self.ir_arch)
                ircfg_simplifier.simplify(ircfg, head)
                ret = ircfg
                raise ValueError("Unknown option")
            return ret

    head = list(entry_points)[0]
    simplifier = CustomIRCFGSimplifierSSA(ir_arch)
    ircfg = simplifier.simplify(ircfg, head)
    open('final.dot', 'w').write(ircfg.dot())

    graph = GraphMiasmIR(ircfg, title, None)
Example #5
class FlatteningLoops(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._loc_key_to_loop = {}
        self.loc_db = LocationDB()
        self.loops = []
        # for blocks outside of any loop
        self._outside_of_scope = FlatteningLoop([], set(), {}, {}, self.loc_db.add_location())
        self._outside_of_scope.is_default = True
        self._address = None

    def get_block(self, block_loc_key, symb_exec, source_flat_block=None):
        flat_loop = self[block_loc_key]
        flat_hash = source_hash_value = source_loop_loc_key = None
        if flat_loop.is_default:
            if source_flat_block:
                source_loop_loc_key = source_flat_block.source_loop_loc_key or source_flat_block.block_loc_key
                source_flat_loop = self[source_loop_loc_key]
                source_hash_value = source_flat_block.source_hash_value or source_flat_block.control_hash_value
                if block_loc_key in source_flat_loop.affected_lines:
                    flat_hash, no_affected_expr = \
                        flat_loop.get_affected_hash(symb_exec, block_loc_key, source_flat_loop, None)
                    source_hash_value = None
            flat_hash, _ = flat_loop.get_affected_hash(symb_exec, block_loc_key, flat_loop, None)
        # TODO check init block too to prevent initial duplicity in case of loops(eliminated by the decompiler)
        flat_block = FlatteningBlock(flat_loop.loc_key, source_loop_loc_key, block_loc_key, flat_hash,
        return flat_block

    def create(self, head_vars, affected_lines, primary_loc_keys, ircfg, address):
        self._address = hex(address) if address else "None"
        affected_exprs = {}
        dp = depgraph.DependencyGraph(ircfg, True)
        for block_loc_key in affected_lines:
            block = ircfg.blocks[block_loc_key]
            cur_affected_exprs = SortedSet(key=lambda x: str(x))
            for line_nb in affected_lines[block_loc_key]:
                affected_assignments = block.assignblks[line_nb]
                for ind, (dst, src) in enumerate(affected_assignments.items()):
                    if type(src) not in [ExprInt, ExprMem]:
                        res = next(dp.get(block_loc_key, {dst}, ind, {block_loc_key}))
                        cur_affected_exprs.update(filter(lambda x: not is_bad_expr(x), res.pending.keys()))
            affected_exprs[block_loc_key] = cur_affected_exprs
        loop = FlatteningLoop(list(head_vars), primary_loc_keys, affected_lines, affected_exprs,
        upd = {}
        for i in loop.primary_loc_keys:
            if i in self._loc_key_to_loop:
                raise RuntimeError("Overlap of primary blocks of the flattening loops")
            upd[i] = loop
        return loop

    def __getitem__(self, loc_key):
        Retrieves particular flattening loop by ID of the block
        :param loc_key:
        return self._loc_key_to_loop.get(loc_key, self._outside_of_scope)

    def __contains__(self, loc_key):
        return loc_key in self._loc_key_to_loop

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.loops)
Example #6
PC = ExprId("pc", 32)
SP = ExprId("sp", 32)

CST0 = ExprInt(0x0, 32)
CST1 = ExprInt(0x1, 32)
CST2 = ExprInt(0x2, 32)
CST3 = ExprInt(0x3, 32)
CST22 = ExprInt(0x22, 32)
CST23 = ExprInt(0x23, 32)
CST24 = ExprInt(0x24, 32)
CST33 = ExprInt(0x33, 32)
CST35 = ExprInt(0x35, 32)
CST37 = ExprInt(0x37, 32)

LBL0 = loc_db.add_location("lbl0", 0)
LBL1 = loc_db.add_location("lbl1", 1)
LBL2 = loc_db.add_location("lbl2", 2)
LBL3 = loc_db.add_location("lbl3", 3)
LBL4 = loc_db.add_location("lbl4", 4)
LBL5 = loc_db.add_location("lbl5", 5)
LBL6 = loc_db.add_location("lbl6", 6)

def gen_irblock(label, exprs_list):
    """ Returns an IRBlock.
    Used only for tests purpose
    irs = []
    for exprs in exprs_list:
        if isinstance(exprs, AssignBlock):
Example #7
from builtins import str
from miasm.core.locationdb import LocationDB

# Basic tests (LocationDB description)
loc_db = LocationDB()
loc_key1 = loc_db.add_location()
loc_key2 = loc_db.add_location(offset=0x1234)
loc_key3 = loc_db.add_location(name="first_name")
loc_db.add_location_name(loc_key3, "second_name")
loc_db.set_location_offset(loc_key3, 0x5678)
loc_db.remove_location_name(loc_key3, "second_name")

assert loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key1) is None
assert loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key2) == 0x1234

assert loc_db.pretty_str(loc_key1) == str(loc_key1)
assert loc_db.pretty_str(loc_key2) == "loc_1234"
assert loc_db.pretty_str(loc_key3) == "first_name"

# Offset manipulation
loc_key4 = loc_db.add_location()
assert loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key4) is None
loc_db.set_location_offset(loc_key4, 0x1122)
assert loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key4) == 0x1122
assert loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key4) is None
    loc_db.set_location_offset(loc_key4, 0x1234)
    has_raised = False
except KeyError:
Example #8
from builtins import str
from miasm.core.locationdb import LocationDB

# Basic tests (LocationDB description)
loc_db = LocationDB()
loc_key1 = loc_db.add_location()
loc_key2 = loc_db.add_location(offset=0x1234)
loc_key3 = loc_db.add_location(name="first_name")
loc_db.add_location_name(loc_key3, "second_name")
loc_db.set_location_offset(loc_key3, 0x5678)
loc_db.remove_location_name(loc_key3, "second_name")

assert loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key1) is None
assert loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key2) == 0x1234

assert loc_db.pretty_str(loc_key1) == str(loc_key1)
assert loc_db.pretty_str(loc_key2) == "loc_1234"
assert loc_db.pretty_str(loc_key3) == "first_name"

# Offset manipulation
loc_key4 = loc_db.add_location()
assert loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key4) is None
loc_db.set_location_offset(loc_key4, 0x1122)
assert loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key4) == 0x1122
assert loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key4) is None
    loc_db.set_location_offset(loc_key4, 0x1234)
    has_raised = False
Example #9
def launch_depgraph():
    global graphs, comments, sol_nb, settings, addr, ir_arch, ircfg
    # Get the current function
    addr = idc.get_screen_ea()
    func = ida_funcs.get_func(addr)

    # Init
    machine = guess_machine(addr=func.start_ea)
    mn, dis_engine, ira = machine.mn, machine.dis_engine, machine.ira

    bs = bin_stream_ida()
    loc_db = LocationDB()

    mdis = dis_engine(bs, loc_db=loc_db, dont_dis_nulstart_bloc=True)
    ir_arch = ira(loc_db)

    # Populate symbols with ida names
    for ad, name in idautils.Names():
        if name is None:
        loc_db.add_location(name, ad)

    asmcfg = mdis.dis_multiblock(func.start_ea)

    # Generate IR
    ircfg = ir_arch.new_ircfg_from_asmcfg(asmcfg)

    # Get settings
    settings = depGraphSettingsForm(ir_arch, ircfg, mn)

    loc_key, elements, line_nb = settings.loc_key, settings.elements, settings.line_nb
    # Simplify assignments
    for irb in list(viewvalues(ircfg.blocks)):
        irs = []
        offset = loc_db.get_location_offset(irb.loc_key)
        fix_stack = offset is not None and settings.unalias_stack
        for assignblk in irb:
            if fix_stack:
                stk_high = m2_expr.ExprInt(idc.get_spd(assignblk.instr.offset),
                fix_dct = {
                    ir_arch.sp: mn.regs.regs_init[ir_arch.sp] + stk_high

            new_assignblk = {}
            for dst, src in viewitems(assignblk):
                if fix_stack:
                    src = src.replace_expr(fix_dct)
                    if dst != ir_arch.sp:
                        dst = dst.replace_expr(fix_dct)
                dst, src = expr_simp(dst), expr_simp(src)
                new_assignblk[dst] = src
            irs.append(AssignBlock(new_assignblk, instr=assignblk.instr))
        ircfg.blocks[irb.loc_key] = IRBlock(irb.loc_db, irb.loc_key, irs)

    # Get dependency graphs
    dg = settings.depgraph
    graphs = dg.get(loc_key, elements, line_nb,

    # Display the result
    comments = {}
    sol_nb = 0

    # Register and launch
    ida_kernwin.add_hotkey("Shift-N", next_element)