Example #1
 def inject_info(self, info):
     s = symbols()
     for k, v in self.items():
         k = expr_simp(k.replace_expr(info))
         v = expr_simp(v.replace_expr(info))
         s[k] = v
     return s
Example #2
 def inject_info(self, info):
     new_symbols = symbols()
     for expr, value in self.items():
         expr = expr_simp(expr.replace_expr(info))
         value = expr_simp(value.replace_expr(info))
         new_symbols[expr] = value
     return new_symbols
    def codepath_walk(addr, symbols, conds, depth):
        if depth >= cond_limit:
            return None

        for _ in range(uncond_limit):
            sb = symbexec(ir, symbols)
            pc = sb.emul_ir_blocs(ir, addr)
            if is_goal(sb.symbols) == True:
                return conds

            if isinstance(pc, ExprCond):
                cond_true  = {pc.cond: ExprInt_from(pc.cond, 1)}
                cond_false = {pc.cond: ExprInt_from(pc.cond, 0)}
                addr_true  = expr_simp(
                    sb.eval_expr(pc.replace_expr(cond_true), {}))
                addr_false = expr_simp(
                    sb.eval_expr(pc.replace_expr(cond_false), {}))
                conds_true = list(conds) + cond_true.items()
                conds_false = list(conds) + cond_false.items()
                rslt = codepath_walk(
                    addr_true, sb.symbols.copy(), conds_true, depth + 1)
                if rslt != None:
                    return rslt
                rslt = codepath_walk(
                    addr_false, sb.symbols.copy(), conds_false, depth + 1)
                if rslt != None:
                    return rslt
        return None
Example #4
 def del_mem_above_stack(self, sp):
     sp_val = self.symbols[sp]
     for mem_ad, (mem, _) in self.symbols.symbols_mem.items():
         # print mem_ad, sp_val
         diff = self.eval_expr(mem_ad - sp_val, {})
         diff = expr_simp(diff)
         if not isinstance(diff, ExprInt):
         m = expr_simp(diff.msb())
         if m.arg == 1:
Example #5
def check_expr_below_stack(ir_arch_a, expr):
    Return False if expr pointer is below original stack pointer
    @ir_arch_a: ira instance
    @expr: Expression instance
    ptr = expr.ptr
    diff = expr_simp(ptr - ir_arch_a.sp)
    if not diff.is_int():
        return True
    if int(diff) == 0 or int(expr_simp(diff.msb())) == 0:
        return False
    return True
Example #6
def retrieve_stack_accesses(ir_arch_a, ssa):
    Walk the ssa graph and find stack based variables.
    Return a dictionnary linking stack base address to its size/name
    @ir_arch_a: ira instance
    @ssa: SSADiGraph instance
    stack_vars = set()
    for block in ssa.graph.blocks.itervalues():
        for assignblk in block:
            for dst, src in assignblk.iteritems():
                stack_vars.update(get_stack_accesses(ir_arch_a, dst))
                stack_vars.update(get_stack_accesses(ir_arch_a, src))
    stack_vars = filter(lambda expr: check_expr_below_stack(ir_arch_a, expr), stack_vars)

    base_to_var = {}
    for var in stack_vars:
        base_to_var.setdefault(var.ptr, set()).add(var)

    base_to_interval = {}
    for addr, vars in base_to_var.iteritems():
        var_interval = interval()
        for var in vars:
            offset = expr_simp(addr - ir_arch_a.sp)
            if not offset.is_int():
                # skip non linear stack offset

            start = int(offset)
            stop = int(expr_simp(offset + ExprInt(var.size / 8, offset.size)))
            mem = interval([(start, stop-1)])
            var_interval += mem
        base_to_interval[addr] = var_interval
    if not base_to_interval:
        return {}
    # Check if not intervals overlap
    _, tmp = base_to_interval.popitem()
    while base_to_interval:
        addr, mem = base_to_interval.popitem()
        assert (tmp & mem).empty
        tmp += mem

    base_to_info = {}
    for addr, vars in base_to_var.iteritems():
        name = "var_%d" % (len(base_to_info))
        size = max([var.size for var in vars])
        base_to_info[addr] = size, name
    return base_to_info
Example #7
 def resolve_args_with_symbols(self, symbols=None):
     if symbols is None:
         symbols = {}
     args_out = []
     for a in self.args:
         e = a
         # try to resolve symbols using symbols (0 for default value)
         ids = m2_expr.get_expr_ids(e)
         fixed_ids = {}
         for x in ids:
             if isinstance(x.name, asmbloc.asm_label):
                 name = x.name.name
                 # special symbol $
                 if name == "$":
                     fixed_ids[x] = self.get_asm_offset(x)
                 if not name in symbols:
                     raise ValueError("unresolved symbol! %r" % x)
                 name = x.name
             if not name in symbols:
             if symbols[name].offset is None:
                 raise ValueError('The offset of label "%s" cannot be ' "determined" % name)
                 size = x.size
                 if size is None:
                     default_size = self.get_symbol_size(x, symbols)
                     size = default_size
                 value = m2_expr.ExprInt(symbols[name].offset, size)
             fixed_ids[x] = value
         e = e.replace_expr(fixed_ids)
         e = expr_simp(e)
     return args_out
Example #8
def emul_symb(ir_arch, ircfg, mdis, states_todo, states_done):
    while states_todo:
        addr, symbols, conds = states_todo.pop()
        print '*' * 40, "addr", addr, '*' * 40
        if (addr, symbols, conds) in states_done:
            print 'Known state, skipping', addr
        states_done.add((addr, symbols, conds))
        symbexec = SymbolicExecutionEngine(ir_arch)
        symbexec.symbols = symbols.copy()
        if ir_arch.pc in symbexec.symbols:
            del symbexec.symbols[ir_arch.pc]
        irblock = get_block(ir_arch, ircfg, mdis, addr)

        print 'Run block:'
        print irblock
        addr = symbexec.eval_updt_irblock(irblock)
        print 'Final state:'

        assert addr is not None
        if isinstance(addr, ExprCond):
            # Create 2 states, each including complementary conditions
            cond_group_a = {addr.cond: ExprInt(0, addr.cond.size)}
            cond_group_b = {addr.cond: ExprInt(1, addr.cond.size)}
            addr_a = expr_simp(symbexec.eval_expr(addr.replace_expr(cond_group_a), {}))
            addr_b = expr_simp(symbexec.eval_expr(addr.replace_expr(cond_group_b), {}))
            if not (addr_a.is_int() or addr_a.is_loc() and
                    addr_b.is_int() or addr_b.is_loc()):
                print str(addr_a), str(addr_b)
                raise ValueError("Unsupported condition")
            if isinstance(addr_a, ExprInt):
                addr_a = int(addr_a.arg)
            if isinstance(addr_b, ExprInt):
                addr_b = int(addr_b.arg)
            states_todo.add((addr_a, symbexec.symbols.copy(), tuple(list(conds) + cond_group_a.items())))
            states_todo.add((addr_b, symbexec.symbols.copy(), tuple(list(conds) + cond_group_b.items())))
        elif addr == ret_addr:
            print 'Return address reached'
        elif addr.is_int():
            addr = int(addr.arg)
            states_todo.add((addr, symbexec.symbols.copy(), tuple(conds)))
        elif addr.is_loc():
            states_todo.add((addr, symbexec.symbols.copy(), tuple(conds)))
            raise ValueError("Unsupported destination")
Example #9
 def _follow_simp_expr(exprs):
     """Simplify expression so avoid tracking useless elements,
     as: XOR EAX, EAX
     follow = set()
     for expr in exprs:
     return follow, set()
Example #10
def is_stack_access(ir_arch_a, expr):
    if not expr.is_mem():
        return False
    ptr = expr.ptr
    diff = expr_simp(ptr - ir_arch_a.sp)
    if not diff.is_int():
        return False
    return expr
Example #11
def fix_expr_val(e, symbols):
    def expr_calc(e):
        if isinstance(e, m2_expr.ExprId):
            s = symbols.s[e.name]
            e = m2_expr.ExprInt_from(e, s.offset)
        return e
    e = e.visit(expr_calc)
    e = expr_simp(e)
    return e
Example #12
def arm_guess_jump_table(
    mnemo, attrib, pool_bin, cur_bloc, offsets_to_dis, symbol_pool):
    ira = get_ira(mnemo, attrib)

    jra = ExprId('jra')
    jrb = ExprId('jrb')

    sp = AsmSymbolPool()
    ir_arch = ira(sp)

    ir_blocks = ir_arch.blocks.values()
    for irblock in ir_blocks:
        # print 'X'*40
        # print irblock
        pc_val = None
        # lr_val = None
        for exprs in irblock.irs:
            for e in exprs:
                if e.dst == ir_arch.pc:
                    pc_val = e.src
                # if e.dst == mnemo.regs.LR:
                #    lr_val = e.src
        if pc_val is None:
        if not isinstance(pc_val, ExprMem):
        assert(pc_val.size == 32)
        print pc_val
        ad = pc_val.arg
        ad = expr_simp(ad)
        print ad
        res = match_expr(ad, jra + jrb, set([jra, jrb]))
        if res is False:
            raise NotImplementedError('not fully functional')
        print res
        if not isinstance(res[jrb], ExprInt):
            raise NotImplementedError('not fully functional')
        base_ad = int(res[jrb])
        print base_ad
        addrs = set()
        i = -1
        max_table_entry = 10000
        max_diff_addr = 0x100000  # heuristic
        while i < max_table_entry:
            i += 1
                ad = upck32(pool_bin.getbytes(base_ad + 4 * i, 4))
            if abs(ad - base_ad) > max_diff_addr:
        print [hex(x) for x in addrs]
Example #13
def fix_expr_val(expr, symbols):
    """Resolve an expression @expr using @symbols"""
    def expr_calc(e):
        if isinstance(e, m2_expr.ExprId):
            s = symbols._name2label[e.name]
            e = m2_expr.ExprInt_from(e, s.offset)
        return e
    result = expr.visit(expr_calc)
    result = expr_simp(result)
    if not isinstance(result, m2_expr.ExprInt):
        raise RuntimeError('Cannot resolve symbol %s' % expr)
    return result
Example #14
 def propag_expr_cst(self, expr):
     """Propagate constant expressions in @expr
     @expr: Expression to update"""
     elements = expr.get_r(mem_read=True)
     to_propag = {}
     for element in elements:
         # Only ExprId can be safely propagated
         if not element.is_id():
         value = self.eval_expr(element)
         if self.is_expr_cst(self.ir_arch, value):
             to_propag[element] = value
     return expr_simp(expr.replace_expr(to_propag))
Example #15
 def field_addr(self, base, Clike, is_ptr=False):
     key = (base, Clike, is_ptr)
     ret = self.cache_field_addr.get(key, None)
     if ret is None:
         base_expr = self.trad(base)
         if is_ptr:
             access_expr = self.trad(Clike)
             access_expr = self.trad("&(%s)" % Clike)
         offset = int(expr_simp(access_expr - base_expr))
         ret = offset
         self.cache_field_addr[key] = ret
     return ret
Example #16
    def elements(self):
        value = self.cbReg.value
        if value in self.stk_args:
            line = self.ircfg.blocks[self.loc_key][self.line_nb].instr
            arg_num = self.stk_args[value]
            stk_high = m2_expr.ExprInt(idc.GetSpd(line.offset), ir_arch.sp.size)
            stk_off = m2_expr.ExprInt(self.ira.sp.size/8 * arg_num, ir_arch.sp.size)
            element =  m2_expr.ExprMem(mn.regs.regs_init[ir_arch.sp] + stk_high + stk_off, self.ira.sp.size)
            element = expr_simp(element)
            # Force stack unaliasing
            self.stk_unalias_force = True
        elif value:
            element = self.ira.arch.regs.all_regs_ids_byname.get(value, None)

            raise ValueError("Unknown element '%s'!" % value)
        return set([element])
Example #17
File: cpu.py Project: commial/miasm
    def resolve_args_with_symbols(self, symbols=None):
        if symbols is None:
            symbols = LocationDB()
        args_out = []
        for expr in self.args:
            # try to resolve symbols using symbols (0 for default value)
            loc_keys = m2_expr.get_expr_locs(expr)
            fixed_expr = {}
            for exprloc in loc_keys:
                loc_key = exprloc.loc_key
                names = symbols.get_location_names(loc_key)
                # special symbols
                if '$' in names:
                    fixed_expr[exprloc] = self.get_asm_offset(exprloc)
                if '_' in names:
                    fixed_expr[exprloc] = self.get_asm_next_offset(exprloc)
                arg_int = symbols.get_location_offset(loc_key)
                if arg_int is not None:
                    fixed_expr[exprloc] = m2_expr.ExprInt(arg_int, exprloc.size)
                if not names:
                    raise ValueError('Unresolved symbol: %r' % exprloc)

                offset = symbols.get_location_offset(loc_key)
                if offset is None:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'The offset of loc_key "%s" cannot be determined' % names
                    # Fix symbol with its offset
                    size = exprloc.size
                    if size is None:
                        default_size = self.get_symbol_size(exprloc, symbols)
                        size = default_size
                    value = m2_expr.ExprInt(offset, size)
                fixed_expr[exprloc] = value

            expr = expr.replace_expr(fixed_expr)
            expr = expr_simp(expr)
        return args_out
Example #18
    def eval_updt_irblock(self, irb, step=False):
        Symbolic execution of the @irb on the current state
        @irb: irblock instance
        @step: display intermediate steps

        offset2cmt = {}
        for index, assignblk in enumerate(irb):
            if set(assignblk) == set([self.ir_arch.IRDst, self.ir_arch.pc]):
                # Don't display on jxx
            instr = assignblk.instr
            tmp_r = assignblk.get_r()
            tmp_w = assignblk.get_w()

            todo = set()

            # Replace PC with value to match IR args
            pc_fixed = {self.ir_arch.pc: m2_expr.ExprInt(instr.offset + instr.l, self.ir_arch.pc.size)}
            inputs = tmp_r
            inputs.update(arg for arg in tmp_w if arg.is_mem())
            for arg in inputs:
                arg = expr_simp(arg.replace_expr(pc_fixed))
                if arg in tmp_w and not arg.is_mem():

            for expr in todo:
                if expr.is_int():
                for c_str, c_type in self.chandler.expr_to_c_and_types(expr, self.symbols):
                    expr = self.cst_propag_link.get((irb.loc_key, index), {}).get(expr, expr)
                    offset2cmt.setdefault(instr.offset, set()).add(
                        "\n%s: %s\n%s" % (expr, c_str, c_type))

        for offset, value in offset2cmt.iteritems():
            idc.MakeComm(offset, '\n'.join(value))
            print "%x\n" % offset, '\n'.join(value)

        return self.eval_expr(self.ir_arch.IRDst)
Example #19
    def func_write(self, symb_exec, dest, data):
        """Memory read wrapper for symbolic execution
        @symb_exec: symbexec instance
        @dest: ExprMem instance
        @data: Expr instance"""

        # Get the content to write
        data = expr_simp(data)
        if not isinstance(data, m2_expr.ExprInt):
            raise NotImplementedError("A simplification is missing: %s" % data)
        to_write = data.arg.arg

        # Format information
        addr = dest.arg.arg.arg
        size = data.size / 8
        content = hex(to_write).replace("0x", "").replace("L", "")
        content = "0" * (size * 2 - len(content)) + content
        content = content.decode("hex")[::-1]

        # Write in VmMngr context
        self.cpu.set_mem(addr, content)
Example #20
 def resolve_args_with_symbols(self, symbols=None):
     if symbols is None:
         symbols = {}
     args_out = []
     for a in self.args:
         e = a
         # try to resolve symbols using symbols (0 for default value)
         ids = m2_expr.get_expr_ids(e)
         fixed_ids = {}
         for x in ids:
             if isinstance(x.name, asmbloc.asm_label):
                 name = x.name.name
                 if not name in symbols:
                     raise ValueError('unresolved symbol! %r' % x)
                 name = x.name
             # special symbol
             if name == '$':
                 fixed_ids[x] = self.get_asm_offset(x)
             if not name in symbols:
             if symbols[name].offset is None:
                 default_size = self.get_symbol_size(x, symbols)
                 # default value
                 value = m2_expr.ExprInt_fromsize(default_size, 0)
                 size = x.size
                 if size is None:
                     default_size = self.get_symbol_size(x, symbols)
                     size = default_size
                 value = m2_expr.ExprInt_fromsize(size, symbols[name].offset)
             fixed_ids[x] = value
         e = e.replace_expr(fixed_ids)
         e = expr_simp(e)
     return args_out
# print current pool
for lbl, b in ira.blocs.items():
    print b

# Init our symbols with all architecture known registers
symbols_init = {}
for i, r in enumerate(all_regs_ids):
    symbols_init[r] = all_regs_ids_init[i]

# Create symbolic execution engine
symb = symbexec(ir, symbols_init)

# Get the block we want and emulate it
# We obtain the address of the next block to execute
block = ir.get_bloc(offset)
nxt_addr = symb.emulbloc(block)

# Run the Miasm's simplification engine on the next
# address to be sure to have the simplest expression
simp_addr = expr_simp(nxt_addr)

# The simp_addr variable is an integer expression (next basic block offset)
if isinstance(simp_addr, ExprInt):
    print("Jump on next basic block: %s" % simp_addr)
# The simp_addr variable is a condition expression
elif isinstance(simp_addr, ExprCond):
    branch1 = simp_addr.src1
    branch2 = simp_addr.src2
    print("Condition: %s or %s" % (branch1, branch2))
Example #22
        def myfunc(cpu, vmmngr):
            """Execute the function according to cpu and vmmngr states
            @cpu: JitCpu instance
            @vm: VmMngr instance

            # Keep current location in irblocs
            cur_label = label
            loop = True

            # Required to detect new instructions
            offsets_jitted = set()

            # Get exec engine
            exec_engine = self.symbexec

            # For each irbloc inside irblocs
            while loop is True:

                # Get the current bloc
                loop = False
                for irb in irblocs:
                    if irb.label == cur_label:
                        loop = True

                # Irblocs must end with returning an ExprInt instance
                assert (loop is not False)

                # Refresh CPU values according to @cpu instance
                update_engine_from_cpu(cpu, exec_engine)

                # Execute current ir bloc
                for ir, line in zip(irb.irs, irb.lines):

                    # For each new instruction (in assembly)
                    if line.offset not in offsets_jitted:

                        # Log registers values
                        if self.log_regs:
                            update_cpu_from_engine(cpu, exec_engine)

                        # Log instruction
                        if self.log_mn:
                            print "%08x %s" % (line.offset, line)

                        # Check for memory exception
                        if (vmmngr.get_exception() != 0):
                            update_cpu_from_engine(cpu, exec_engine)
                            return line.offset

                    # Eval current instruction (in IR)

                    # Check for memory exception which do not update PC
                    if (vmmngr.get_exception() & csts.EXCEPT_DO_NOT_UPDATE_PC
                            != 0):
                        update_cpu_from_engine(cpu, exec_engine)
                        return line.offset

                # Get next bloc address
                ad = expr_simp(exec_engine.eval_expr(self.ir_arch.IRDst))

                # Updates @cpu instance according to new CPU values
                update_cpu_from_engine(cpu, exec_engine)

                # Manage resulting address
                if isinstance(ad, m2_expr.ExprInt):
                    return ad.arg.arg
                elif isinstance(ad, m2_expr.ExprId):
                    cur_label = ad.name
                    raise NotImplementedError("Type not handled: %s" % ad)
Example #23
File: cpu.py Project: CaineQT/miasm
    def dis(cls, bs_o, mode_o = None, offset=0):
        if not isinstance(bs_o, bin_stream):
            bs_o = bin_stream_str(bs_o)

        offset_o = offset
        pre_dis_info, bs, mode, offset, prefix_len = cls.pre_dis(
            bs_o, mode_o, offset)
        candidates = cls.guess_mnemo(bs, mode, pre_dis_info, offset)
        out = []
        out_c = []
        if hasattr(bs, 'getlen'):
            bs_l = bs.getlen()
            bs_l = len(bs)

        alias = False
        for c in candidates:
            log.debug("*" * 40, mode, c.mode)

            c = cls.all_mn_inst[c][0]

            c.mode = mode

            if not c.add_pre_dis_info(pre_dis_info):

            args = []
            todo = {}
            getok = True
            fname_values = dict(pre_dis_info)
            offset_b = offset * 8

            total_l = 0
            for i, f in enumerate(c.fields_order):
                if f.flen is not None:
                    l = f.flen(mode, fname_values)
                    l = f.l
                if l is not None:
                    total_l += l
                    f.l = l
                    f.is_present = True
                    log.debug("FIELD %s %s %s %s", f.__class__, f.fname,
                              offset_b, l)
                    if bs_l * 8 - offset_b < l:
                        getok = False
                    bv = cls.getbits(bs, mode, offset_b, l)
                    offset_b += l
                    if not f.fname in fname_values:
                        fname_values[f.fname] = bv
                    todo[i] = bv
                    f.is_present = False
                    todo[i] = None

            if not getok:

            c.l = prefix_len + total_l / 8
            for i in c.to_decode:
                f = c.fields_order[i]
                if f.is_present:
                    ret = f.decode(todo[i])
                    if not ret:
                        log.debug("cannot decode %r", f)

            if not ret:
            for a in c.args:
                a.expr = expr_simp(a.expr)

            c.b = cls.getbytes(bs, offset_o, c.l)
            c.offset = offset_o
            c = c.post_dis()
            if c is None:
            c_args = [a.expr for a in c.args]
            instr = cls.instruction(c.name, mode, c_args,
            instr.l = prefix_len + total_l / 8
            instr.b = cls.getbytes(bs, offset_o, instr.l)
            instr.offset = offset_o
            if c.alias:
                alias = True
        if not out:
            raise Disasm_Exception('cannot disasm at %X' % offset_o)
        if len(out) != 1:
            if not alias:
                log.warning('dis multiple args ret default')

            assert(len(out) == 2)
            for i, o in enumerate(out_c):
                if o.alias:
                    return out[i]
            raise NotImplementedError('not fully functional')
        return out[0]
Example #24
        def myfunc(cpu, vmmngr):
            """Execute the function according to cpu and vmmngr states
            @cpu: JitCpu instance
            @vm: VmMngr instance

            # Keep current location in irblocs
            cur_label = label
            loop = True

            # Required to detect new instructions
            offsets_jitted = set()

            # Get exec engine
            exec_engine = self.symbexec

            # For each irbloc inside irblocs
            while loop is True:

                # Get the current bloc
                loop = False
                for irb in irblocs:
                    if irb.label == cur_label:
                        loop = True

                # Irblocs must end with returning an ExprInt instance
                assert(loop is not False)

                # Refresh CPU values according to @cpu instance
                update_engine_from_cpu(cpu, exec_engine)

                # Execute current ir bloc
                for ir, line in zip(irb.irs, irb.lines):

                    # For each new instruction (in assembly)
                    if line.offset not in offsets_jitted:

                        # Log registers values
                        if self.log_regs:
                            update_cpu_from_engine(cpu, exec_engine)

                        # Log instruction
                        if self.log_mn:
                            print "%08x %s" % (line.offset, line)

                        # Check for memory exception
                        if (vmmngr.get_exception() != 0):
                            update_cpu_from_engine(cpu, exec_engine)
                            return line.offset

                    # Eval current instruction (in IR)

                    # Check for memory exception which do not update PC
                    if (vmmngr.get_exception() & csts.EXCEPT_DO_NOT_UPDATE_PC != 0):
                        update_cpu_from_engine(cpu, exec_engine)
                        return line.offset

                # Get next bloc address
                ad = expr_simp(exec_engine.eval_expr(self.ir_arch.IRDst))

                # Updates @cpu instance according to new CPU values
                update_cpu_from_engine(cpu, exec_engine)

                # Manage resulting address
                if isinstance(ad, m2_expr.ExprInt):
                    return ad.arg.arg
                elif isinstance(ad, m2_expr.ExprId):
                    cur_label = ad.name
                    raise NotImplementedError("Type not handled: %s" % ad)
Example #25
print "generating graph"
open('asm_flow.dot', 'w').write(ab.dot())

print "generating IR... %x" % ad

for block in ab:
    print 'ADD'
    print block

print "IR ok... %x" % ad

for irb in ir_arch.blocks.itervalues():
    for i, assignblk in enumerate(irb.irs):
        new_assignblk = {
            expr_simp(dst): expr_simp(src)
            for dst, src in assignblk.iteritems()
        irb.irs[i] = AssignBlock(new_assignblk, instr=assignblk.instr)

out = ir_arch.graph.dot()
open(os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'graph.dot'), 'wb').write(out)

# dead_simp(ir_arch)

g = GraphMiasmIR(ir_arch, "Miasm IR graph", None)

def mycb(*test):
    print test
    raise NotImplementedError('not fully functional')
Example #26
def build_graph(verbose=False, simplify=False):
    machine = guess_machine()
    mn, dis_engine, ira = machine.mn, machine.dis_engine, machine.ira

    if verbose:
        print "Arch", dis_engine

    fname = idc.GetInputFile()
    if verbose:
        print fname

    bs = bin_stream_ida()
    mdis = dis_engine(bs)
    ir_arch = ira(mdis.symbol_pool)

    # populate symbols with ida names
    for addr, name in idautils.Names():
        # print hex(ad), repr(name)
        if name is None:
        mdis.symbol_pool.add_label(name, addr)

    if verbose:
        print "start disasm"
    addr = idc.ScreenEA()
    if verbose:
        print hex(addr)

    blocks = mdis.dis_multibloc(addr)

    if verbose:
        print "generating graph"
        open('asm_flow.dot', 'w').write(blocks.dot())

        print "generating IR... %x" % addr

    for block in blocks:
        if verbose:
            print 'ADD'
            print block

    if verbose:
        print "IR ok... %x" % addr

    for irb in ir_arch.blocks.itervalues():
        irs = []
        for assignblk in irb.irs:
            new_assignblk = {
                expr_simp(dst): expr_simp(src)
                for dst, src in assignblk.iteritems()
            irs.append(AssignBlock(new_assignblk, instr=assignblk.instr))
        ir_arch.blocks[irb.label] = IRBlock(irb.label, irs)

    if verbose:
        out = ir_arch.graph.dot()
        open(os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'graph.dot'), 'wb').write(out)
    title = "Miasm IR graph"

    if simplify:

        modified = True
        while modified:
            modified = False
            modified |= dead_simp(ir_arch)
            modified |= ir_arch.remove_empty_assignblks()
            modified |= ir_arch.remove_jmp_blocks()
            modified |= ir_arch.merge_blocks()
        title += " (simplified)"

    g = GraphMiasmIR(ir_arch, title, None)

    g.cmd_a = g.AddCommand("cmd a", "x")
    g.cmd_b = g.AddCommand("cmd b", "y")

Example #27
def emul_symb(ir_arch, mdis, states_todo, states_done):
    while states_todo:
        ad, symbols, conds = states_todo.pop()
        print '*' * 40, "addr", ad, '*' * 40
        if (ad, symbols, conds) in states_done:
            print 'skip', ad
        states_done.add((ad, symbols, conds))
        sb = symbexec(ir_arch, {})
        sb.symbols = symbols.copy()
        if ir_arch.pc in sb.symbols:
            del (sb.symbols[ir_arch.pc])
        b = get_bloc(ir_arch, mdis, ad)

        print 'run bloc'
        print b
        # print blocs[ad]
        ad = sb.emulbloc(b)
        print 'final state'
        print 'dataflow'
        # data_flow_graph_from_expr(sb)

        assert (ad is not None)
        print "DST", ad

        if isinstance(ad, ExprCond):
            # Create 2 states, each including complementary conditions
            p1 = sb.symbols.copy()
            p2 = sb.symbols.copy()
            c1 = {ad.cond: ExprInt_from(ad.cond, 0)}
            c2 = {ad.cond: ExprInt_from(ad.cond, 1)}
            print ad.cond
            p1[ad.cond] = ExprInt_from(ad.cond, 0)
            p2[ad.cond] = ExprInt_from(ad.cond, 1)
            ad1 = expr_simp(sb.eval_expr(ad.replace_expr(c1), {}))
            ad2 = expr_simp(sb.eval_expr(ad.replace_expr(c2), {}))
            if not (isinstance(ad1, ExprInt) or
                    (isinstance(ad1, ExprId)
                     and isinstance(ad1.name, asmbloc.asm_label))
                    and isinstance(ad2, ExprInt) or
                    (isinstance(ad2, ExprId)
                     and isinstance(ad2.name, asmbloc.asm_label))):
                print str(ad1), str(ad2)
                raise ValueError("zarb condition")
            conds1 = list(conds) + c1.items()
            conds2 = list(conds) + c2.items()
            if isinstance(ad1, ExprId):
                ad1 = ad1.name
            if isinstance(ad2, ExprId):
                ad2 = ad2.name
            if isinstance(ad1, ExprInt):
                ad1 = ad1.arg
            if isinstance(ad2, ExprInt):
                ad2 = ad2.arg
            states_todo.add((ad1, p1, tuple(conds1)))
            states_todo.add((ad2, p2, tuple(conds2)))
        elif isinstance(ad, ExprInt):
            ad = int(ad.arg)
            states_todo.add((ad, sb.symbols.copy(), tuple(conds)))
        elif isinstance(ad, ExprId) and isinstance(ad.name, asmbloc.asm_label):
            if isinstance(ad, ExprId):
                ad = ad.name
            states_todo.add((ad, sb.symbols.copy(), tuple(conds)))
        elif ad == ret_addr:
            print 'ret reached'
            raise ValueError("zarb eip")
Example #28
def build_graph(verbose=False, simplify=False):
    start_addr = idc.ScreenEA()

    machine = guess_machine(addr=start_addr)
    mn, dis_engine, ira = machine.mn, machine.dis_engine, machine.ira

    if verbose:
        print "Arch", dis_engine

    fname = idc.GetInputFile()
    if verbose:
        print fname

    bs = bin_stream_ida()
    mdis = dis_engine(bs)
    ir_arch = ira(mdis.loc_db)

    # populate symbols with ida names
    for addr, name in idautils.Names():
        if name is None:
        if (mdis.loc_db.get_offset_location(addr) or
            # Symbol alias
        mdis.loc_db.add_location(name, addr)

    if verbose:
        print "start disasm"
    if verbose:
        print hex(addr)

    asmcfg = mdis.dis_multiblock(start_addr)

    if verbose:
        print "generating graph"
        open('asm_flow.dot', 'w').write(asmcfg.dot())

        print "generating IR... %x" % start_addr

    for block in asmcfg.blocks:
        if verbose:
            print 'ADD'
            print block

    if verbose:
        print "IR ok... %x" % start_addr

    for irb in ir_arch.blocks.itervalues():
        irs = []
        for assignblk in irb:
            new_assignblk = {
                expr_simp(dst): expr_simp(src)
                for dst, src in assignblk.iteritems()
            irs.append(AssignBlock(new_assignblk, instr=assignblk.instr))
        ir_arch.blocks[irb.loc_key] = IRBlock(irb.loc_key, irs)

    if verbose:
        out = ir_arch.graph.dot()
        open(os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'graph.dot'), 'wb').write(out)
    title = "Miasm IR graph"

    if simplify:

        modified = True
        while modified:
            modified = False
            modified |= dead_simp(ir_arch)
            modified |= ir_arch.remove_empty_assignblks()
            modified |= ir_arch.remove_jmp_blocks()
            modified |= ir_arch.merge_blocks()
        title += " (simplified)"

    g = GraphMiasmIR(ir_arch, title, None)

Example #29
    def sanitize_memory_accesses(self, memories, c_handler, expr_type_from_C):
        """Modify memory accesses to consider only access on "full final element"
        struct T{
            int a;
            int b;
            int *c;

        @8[T + 2] = X -> @32[T] = 00 X 00 00
        @32[T + 2] = WW XX YY ZZ -> @32[T] = 00 00 WW XX, @32[T + 4] = YY ZZ 00 00

        @memories: AssignBlock
        @ctype_manager: CHandler with argument types
        @expr_type_from_C: Name -> ObjC dict, for C -> Expr generation

        Return sanitized access, filled memory cases {Full access -> [offset filled]}

        # First, identify involved fields
        fields = set()
        atomic_values = {}
        for dst, value in memories.iteritems():
            assert isinstance(dst, ExprMem)
            addr_expr = dst.ptr
            for i in xrange(dst.size / 8):
                # Split in atomic access
                offset = ExprInt(i, addr_expr.size)
                sub_addr_expr = expr_simp(addr_expr + offset)
                mem_access = ExprMem(sub_addr_expr, 8)
                value_access = expr_simp(value[i * 8:(i + 1) * 8])

                # Keep atomic value
                atomic_values[mem_access] = value_access

                # Convert atomic access -> fields access -> Expr access on the
                # full field
                info_C = list(c_handler.expr_to_c(mem_access))
                assert len(info_C) == 1

                if "__PAD__" in info_C[0]:
                    # This is a field used for padding, ignore it

                expr_sanitize = expr_simp(c_handler.c_to_expr(info_C[0], expr_type_from_C))

                # Conserve the involved field

        # Second, rebuild the fields values
        filled_memory = {}
        out = {}
        for dst in fields:
            assert isinstance(dst, ExprMem)
            accumulator = []
            addr_expr = dst.ptr
            for i in reversed(xrange(dst.size / 8)):
                # Split in atomic access
                offset = ExprInt(i, addr_expr.size)
                sub_addr_expr = expr_simp(addr_expr + offset)
                mem_access = ExprMem(sub_addr_expr, 8)

                # Get the value, or complete with 0
                if mem_access not in atomic_values:
                    value = ExprInt(0, 8)
                    filled_memory.setdefault(dst, []).append(offset)
                    value = atomic_values[mem_access]

            # Save the computed value
            out[dst] = expr_simp(ExprCompose(*reversed(accumulator)))

        out = AssignBlock(out)
        if memories != out:
            self.logger.debug("SANITIZE: %s", memories)
            self.logger.debug("OUT SANITIZE: %s", out)
        return out, filled_memory
Example #30
    # Match the expected form
    ## isinstance(expr, m2_expr.ExprOp) is not needed: simplifications are
    ## attached to expression types
    if expr.op == "+" and \
            len(expr.args) == 3 and \
            expr.args.count(expr.args[0]) == len(expr.args):

        # Effective simplification
        return m2_expr.ExprOp("*", expr.args[0],
                              m2_expr.ExprInt(3, expr.args[0].size))
        # Do not simplify
        return expr

a = m2_expr.ExprId('a', 32)
base_expr = a + a + a
print "Without adding the simplification:"
print "\t%s = %s" % (base_expr, expr_simp(base_expr))

# Enable pass
expr_simp.enable_passes({m2_expr.ExprOp: [simp_add_mul]})

print "After adding the simplification:"
print "\t%s = %s" % (base_expr, expr_simp(base_expr))

# Automatic fail
assert (expr_simp(base_expr) == m2_expr.ExprOp("*", a,
                                               m2_expr.ExprInt(3, a.size)))
Example #31
          & ExprInt(uint8(0x1L)), 0, 8), (ExprInt(uint56(0x0L)), 8, 64))),
     ExprCompose(((a[:8] & ExprInt8(1), 0, 8), (ExprInt(uint56(0)), 8, 64)))),
        ((ExprCompose(((a[:8], 0, 8), (ExprInt(uint56(0x0L)), 8, 64)))[:32]
          & ExprInt(uint32(0x1L)), 0, 32), (ExprInt(uint32(0x0L)), 32, 64))),
             ((ExprSlice(a, 0, 8), 0, 8), (ExprInt(uint24(0x0L)), 8, 32)))
           & ExprInt(uint32(0x1L)), 0, 32), (ExprInt(uint32(0x0L)), 32, 64)))),

for e, e_check in to_test[:]:
    print "#" * 80
    # print str(e), str(e_check)
    e_new = expr_simp(e)
    print "original: ", str(e), "new: ", str(e_new)
    rez = e_new == e_check
    if not rez:
        raise ValueError('bug in expr_simp simp(%s) is %s and should be %s' %
                         (e, e_new, e_check))

# Test conds

to_test = [
    (((a - b) ^ ((a ^ b) & ((a - b) ^ a))).msb(), ExprOp_inf_signed(a, b)),
    ((((a - b) ^ ((a ^ b) & ((a - b) ^ a))) ^ a ^ b).msb(),
     ExprOp_inf_unsigned(a, b)),
    (ExprOp_inf_unsigned(ExprInt32(-1), ExprInt32(3)), ExprInt1(0)),
    (ExprOp_inf_signed(ExprInt32(-1), ExprInt32(3)), ExprInt1(1)),
    (ExprOp_inf_unsigned(a, b) ^ (a ^ b).msb(), ExprOp_inf_signed(a, b)),
Example #32
    def dis(cls, bs_o, mode_o=None, offset=0):
        if not isinstance(bs_o, bin_stream):
            bs_o = bin_stream_str(bs_o)

        offset_o = offset
        pre_dis_info, bs, mode, offset, prefix_len = cls.pre_dis(
            bs_o, mode_o, offset)
        candidates = cls.guess_mnemo(bs, mode, pre_dis_info, offset)
        out = []
        out_c = []
        if hasattr(bs, 'getlen'):
            bs_l = bs.getlen()
            bs_l = len(bs)

        alias = False
        for c in candidates:
            log.debug("*" * 40, mode, c.mode)

            c = cls.all_mn_inst[c][0]

            c.mode = mode

            if not c.add_pre_dis_info(pre_dis_info):

            args = []
            todo = {}
            getok = True
            fname_values = dict(pre_dis_info)
            offset_b = offset * 8

            total_l = 0
            for i, f in enumerate(c.fields_order):
                if f.flen is not None:
                    l = f.flen(mode, fname_values)
                    l = f.l
                if l is not None:
                    total_l += l
                    f.l = l
                    f.is_present = True
                    log.debug("FIELD %s %s %s %s", f.__class__, f.fname,
                              offset_b, l)
                    if bs_l * 8 - offset_b < l:
                        getok = False
                    bv = cls.getbits(bs, mode, offset_b, l)
                    offset_b += l
                    if not f.fname in fname_values:
                        fname_values[f.fname] = bv
                    todo[i] = bv
                    f.is_present = False
                    todo[i] = None

            if not getok:

            c.l = prefix_len + total_l / 8
            for i in c.to_decode:
                f = c.fields_order[i]
                if f.is_present:
                    ret = f.decode(todo[i])
                    if not ret:
                        log.debug("cannot decode %r", f)

            if not ret:
            for a in c.args:
                a.expr = expr_simp(a.expr)

            c.b = cls.getbytes(bs, offset_o, c.l)
            c.offset = offset_o
            c = c.post_dis()
            if c is None:
            c_args = [a.expr for a in c.args]
            instr = cls.instruction(c.name,
            instr.l = prefix_len + total_l / 8
            instr.b = cls.getbytes(bs, offset_o, instr.l)
            instr.offset = offset_o
            if c.alias:
                alias = True
        if not out:
            raise Disasm_Exception('cannot disasm at %X' % offset_o)
        if len(out) != 1:
            if not alias:
                log.warning('dis multiple args ret default')

            assert (len(out) == 2)
            for i, o in enumerate(out_c):
                if o.alias:
                    return out[i]
            raise NotImplementedError('not fully functional')
        return out[0]
Example #33
    def fromstring(cls, s, mode=None):
        global total_scans
        name = re.search('(\S+)', s).groups()
        if not name:
            raise ValueError('cannot find name', s)
        name = name[0]

        if not name in cls.all_mn_name:
            raise ValueError('unknown name', name)
        clist = [x for x in cls.all_mn_name[name]]
        out = []
        out_args = []
        parsers = defaultdict(dict)

        for cc in clist:
            for c in cls.get_cls_instance(cc, mode):
                args_expr = []
                args_str = s[len(name):].strip(' ')

                start = 0
                cannot_parse = False
                len_o = len(args_str)

                for i, f in enumerate(c.args):
                    start_i = len_o - len(args_str)
                    if type(f.parser) == tuple:
                        parser = f.parser
                        parser = (f.parser, )
                    for p in parser:
                        if p in parsers[(i, start_i)]:
                            total_scans += 1
                            v, start, stop = p.scanString(args_str).next()
                        except StopIteration:
                            v, start, stop = [None], None, None
                        if start != 0:
                            v, start, stop = [None], None, None
                        parsers[(i, start_i)][p] = v[0], start, stop

                    start, stop = f.fromstring(args_str, parsers[(i, start_i)])
                    if start != 0:
                        log.debug("cannot fromstring %r", args_str)
                        cannot_parse = True
                    if f.expr is None:
                        raise NotImplementedError('not fully functional')
                    f.expr = expr_simp(f.expr)
                    a = args_str[start:stop]
                    args_str = args_str[stop:].strip(' ')
                    if args_str.startswith(','):
                        args_str = args_str[1:]
                    args_str = args_str.strip(' ')
                if args_str:
                    cannot_parse = True
                if cannot_parse:


        if len(out) == 0:
            raise ValueError('cannot fromstring %r' % s)
        if len(out) != 1:
            log.debug('fromstring multiple args ret default')
        c = out[0]
        c_args = out_args[0]

        instr = cls.instruction(c.name,
        return instr
Example #34
label, elements, line_nb = settings.label, settings.elements, settings.line_nb
# Simplify affectations
for irb in ir_arch.blocks.values():
    fix_stack = irb.label.offset is not None and settings.unalias_stack
    for i, assignblk in enumerate(irb.irs):
        if fix_stack:
            stk_high = m2_expr.ExprInt(GetSpd(irb.irs[i].instr.offset), ir_arch.sp.size)
            fix_dct = {ir_arch.sp: mn.regs.regs_init[ir_arch.sp] + stk_high}

        new_assignblk = {}
        for dst, src in assignblk.iteritems():
            if fix_stack:
                src = src.replace_expr(fix_dct)
                if dst != ir_arch.sp:
                    dst = dst.replace_expr(fix_dct)
            dst, src = expr_simp(dst), expr_simp(src)
            new_assignblk[dst] = src
        irb.irs[i] = AssignBlock(new_assignblk, instr=assignblk.instr)

# Get dependency graphs
dg = settings.depgraph
graphs = dg.get(label, elements, line_nb,

# Display the result
comments = {}
sol_nb = 0

def clean_lines():
    "Remove previous comments"
    global comments
Example #35

print "generating IR... %x" % ad

for b in ab:
    print 'ADD'
    print b

print "IR ok... %x" % ad

for irb in ir_arch.blocs.values():
    for irs in irb.irs:
        for i, e in enumerate(irs):
            e.dst, e.src = expr_simp(e.dst), expr_simp(e.src)

out = ir_arch.graph()
open('/tmp/graph.txt', 'w').write(out)

# ir_arch.dead_simp()

g = GraphMiasmIR(ir_arch, "Miasm IR graph", None)

def mycb(*test):
    print test
    raise NotImplementedError('not fully functional')
Example #36
def build_graph(start_addr,
    machine = guess_machine(addr=start_addr)
    dis_engine, ira = machine.dis_engine, machine.ira

    class IRADelModCallStack(ira):
        def call_effects(self, addr, instr):
            assignblks, extra = super(IRADelModCallStack,
                                      self).call_effects(addr, instr)
            if not dontmodstack:
                return assignblks, extra
            out = []
            for assignblk in assignblks:
                dct = dict(assignblk)
                dct = {
                    dst: src
                    for (dst, src) in dct.iteritems() if dst != self.sp
                out.append(AssignBlock(dct, assignblk.instr))
            return out, extra

    if verbose:
        print "Arch", dis_engine

    fname = idc.GetInputFile()
    if verbose:
        print fname

    bs = bin_stream_ida()
    mdis = dis_engine(bs)
    ir_arch = IRADelModCallStack(mdis.loc_db)

    # populate symbols with ida names
    for addr, name in idautils.Names():
        if name is None:
        if (mdis.loc_db.get_offset_location(addr)
                or mdis.loc_db.get_name_location(name)):
            # Symbol alias
        mdis.loc_db.add_location(name, addr)

    if verbose:
        print "start disasm"
    if verbose:
        print hex(start_addr)

    asmcfg = mdis.dis_multiblock(start_addr)
    entry_points = set([mdis.loc_db.get_offset_location(start_addr)])
    if verbose:
        print "generating graph"
        open('asm_flow.dot', 'w').write(asmcfg.dot())
        print "generating IR... %x" % start_addr

    ircfg = ir_arch.new_ircfg_from_asmcfg(asmcfg)

    if verbose:
        print "IR ok... %x" % start_addr

    for irb in ircfg.blocks.itervalues():
        irs = []
        for assignblk in irb:
            new_assignblk = {
                expr_simp(dst): expr_simp(src)
                for dst, src in assignblk.iteritems()
            irs.append(AssignBlock(new_assignblk, instr=assignblk.instr))
        ircfg.blocks[irb.loc_key] = IRBlock(irb.loc_key, irs)

    if verbose:
        out = ircfg.dot()
        open(os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'graph.dot'), 'wb').write(out)
    title = "Miasm IR graph"

    if simplify:
        dead_simp(ir_arch, ircfg)
        modified = True
        while modified:
            modified = False
            modified |= dead_simp(ir_arch, ircfg)
            modified |= remove_empty_assignblks(ircfg)
            modified |= merge_blocks(ircfg, entry_points)
        title += " (simplified)"

    if type_graph == TYPE_GRAPH_IR:
        graph = GraphMiasmIR(ircfg, title, None)

    head = list(entry_points)[0]

    class IRAOutRegs(ira):
        def get_out_regs(self, block):
            regs_todo = super(IRAOutRegs, self).get_out_regs(block)
            out = {}
            for assignblk in block:
                for dst in assignblk:
                    reg = self.ssa_var.get(dst, None)
                    if reg is None:
                    if reg in regs_todo:
                        out[reg] = dst
            return set(out.values())

    # Add dummy dependency to uncover out regs affectation
    for loc in ircfg.leaves():
        irblock = ircfg.blocks.get(loc)
        if irblock is None:
        regs = {}
        for reg in ir_arch.get_out_regs(irblock):
            regs[reg] = reg
        assignblks = list(irblock)
        new_assiblk = AssignBlock(regs, assignblks[-1].instr)
        new_irblock = IRBlock(irblock.loc_key, assignblks)
        ircfg.blocks[loc] = new_irblock

    ir_arch = IRAOutRegs(mdis.loc_db)
    ir_arch.ssa_var = {}
    modified = True
    ssa_forbidden_regs = set(
        [ir_arch.pc, ir_arch.IRDst, ir_arch.arch.regs.exception_flags])

    head = list(entry_points)[0]
    heads = set([head])
    all_ssa_vars = {}

    propagate_expr = PropagateExpr()

    ssa = SSADiGraph(ircfg)


    if simplify:

        while modified:
            ssa = SSADiGraph(ircfg)


            while modified:
                modified = False
                modified |= propagate_expr.propagate(ssa, head)
                modified |= ircfg.simplify(expr_simp)
                simp_modified = True
                while simp_modified:
                    simp_modified = False
                    simp_modified |= dead_simp(ir_arch, ircfg)
                    simp_modified |= remove_empty_assignblks(ircfg)
                    simp_modified |= load_from_int(ircfg, bs,
                    modified |= simp_modified

    ssa = SSADiGraph(ircfg)

    if type_graph == TYPE_GRAPH_IRSSA:
        graph = GraphMiasmIR(ssa.graph, title, None)

    if type_graph == TYPE_GRAPH_IRSSAUNSSA:

        cfg_liveness = DiGraphLivenessSSA(ssa.graph)

        UnSSADiGraph(ssa, head, cfg_liveness)
        if simplify:
            modified = True
            while modified:
                modified = False
                modified |= ssa.graph.simplify(expr_simp)
                simp_modified = True
                while simp_modified:
                    simp_modified = False
                    simp_modified |= dead_simp(ir_arch, ssa.graph)
                    simp_modified |= remove_empty_assignblks(ssa.graph)
                    simp_modified |= merge_blocks(ssa.graph, heads)
                    modified |= simp_modified
        graph = GraphMiasmIR(ssa.graph, title, None)
Example #37
            ExprOp(TOK_INF_EQUAL_SIGNED, a8.zeroExtend(32), ExprInt(-1, 32) ),
            a, b

    (a8.zeroExtend(32)[2:5], a8[2:5]),


for e_input, e_check in to_test:
    print "#" * 80
    e_check = expr_simp(e_check)
    e_new = expr_simp(e_input)
    print "original: ", str(e_input), "new: ", str(e_new)
    rez = e_new == e_check
    if not rez:
        raise ValueError(
            'bug in expr_simp simp(%s) is %s and should be %s' % (e_input, e_new, e_check)

# Test conds

to_test = [
    (((a - b) ^ ((a ^ b) & ((a - b) ^ a))).msb(),
     ExprOp_inf_signed(a, b)),
    ((((a - b) ^ ((a ^ b) & ((a - b) ^ a))) ^ a ^ b).msb(),
Example #38
    mdis.symbol_pool.add_label(name, ad)

# Get the current function
addr = ScreenEA()
func = idaapi.get_func(addr)
blocs = mdis.dis_multibloc(func.startEA)

# Generate IR
for bloc in blocs:

# Simplify affectations
for irb in ir_arch.blocs.values():
    for irs in irb.irs:
        for i, expr in enumerate(irs):
            irs[i] = m2_expr.ExprAff(expr_simp(expr.dst), expr_simp(expr.src))

# Build the IRA Graph

# Get settings
settings = depGraphSettingsForm(ir_arch)

# Get dependency graphs
dg = settings.depgraph
graphs = dg.get(settings.label, settings.elements, settings.line_nb,

# Display the result
comments = {}
Example #39
from miasm2.expression.expression import *
from miasm2.expression.simplifications import expr_simp

print """
Simple expression simplification demo

a = ExprId('eax', 32)
b = ExprId('ebx', 32)

exprs = [a + b - a,
         ExprInt(0x12, 32) + ExprInt(0x30, 32) - a,
         ExprCompose(a[:8], a[8:16])]

for e in exprs:
    print '*' * 40
    print 'original expression:', e
    print "simplified:", expr_simp(e)
Example #40
    def sanitize_memory_accesses(self, memories, c_handler, expr_type_from_C):
        """Modify memory accesses to consider only access on "full final element"
        struct T{
            int a;
            int b;
            int *c;

        @8[T + 2] = X -> @32[T] = 00 X 00 00
        @32[T + 2] = WW XX YY ZZ -> @32[T] = 00 00 WW XX, @32[T + 4] = YY ZZ 00 00

        @memories: AssignBlock
        @ctype_manager: CHandler with argument types
        @expr_type_from_C: Name -> ObjC dict, for C -> Expr generation

        Return sanitized access, filled memory cases {Full access -> [offset filled]}

        # First, identify involved fields
        fields = set()
        atomic_values = {}
        for dst, value in memories.iteritems():
            assert isinstance(dst, ExprMem)
            addr_expr = dst.ptr
            for i in xrange(dst.size / 8):
                # Split in atomic access
                offset = ExprInt(i, addr_expr.size)
                sub_addr_expr = expr_simp(addr_expr + offset)
                mem_access = ExprMem(sub_addr_expr, 8)
                value_access = expr_simp(value[i * 8:(i + 1) * 8])

                # Keep atomic value
                atomic_values[mem_access] = value_access

                # Convert atomic access -> fields access -> Expr access on the
                # full field
                info_C = list(c_handler.expr_to_c(mem_access))
                assert len(info_C) == 1

                if "__PAD__" in info_C[0]:
                    # This is a field used for padding, ignore it

                expr_sanitize = expr_simp(
                    c_handler.c_to_expr(info_C[0], expr_type_from_C))

                # Conserve the involved field

        # Second, rebuild the fields values
        filled_memory = {}
        out = {}
        for dst in fields:
            assert isinstance(dst, ExprMem)
            accumulator = []
            addr_expr = dst.ptr
            for i in reversed(xrange(dst.size / 8)):
                # Split in atomic access
                offset = ExprInt(i, addr_expr.size)
                sub_addr_expr = expr_simp(addr_expr + offset)
                mem_access = ExprMem(sub_addr_expr, 8)

                # Get the value, or complete with 0
                if mem_access not in atomic_values:
                    value = ExprInt(0, 8)
                    filled_memory.setdefault(dst, []).append(offset)
                    value = atomic_values[mem_access]

            # Save the computed value
            out[dst] = expr_simp(ExprCompose(*reversed(accumulator)))

        out = AssignBlock(out)
        if memories != out:
            self.logger.debug("SANITIZE: %s", memories)
            self.logger.debug("OUT SANITIZE: %s", out)
        return out, filled_memory
Example #41
 def simplify_blocs(self):
     for b in self.blocs.values():
         for ir in b.irs:
             for i, r in enumerate(ir):
                 ir[i] = m2_expr.ExprAff(expr_simp(r.dst), expr_simp(r.src))
Example #42
File: cpu.py Project: CaineQT/miasm
    def fromstring(cls, s, mode = None):
        global total_scans
        name = re.search('(\S+)', s).groups()
        if not name:
            raise ValueError('cannot find name', s)
        name = name[0]

        if not name in cls.all_mn_name:
            raise ValueError('unknown name', name)
        clist = [x for x in cls.all_mn_name[name]]
        out = []
        out_args = []
        parsers = defaultdict(dict)

        for cc in clist:
            for c in cls.get_cls_instance(cc, mode):
                args_expr = []
                args_str = s[len(name):].strip(' ')

                start = 0
                cannot_parse = False
                len_o = len(args_str)

                for i, f in enumerate(c.args):
                    start_i = len_o - len(args_str)
                    if type(f.parser) == tuple:
                        parser = f.parser
                        parser = (f.parser,)
                    for p in parser:
                        if p in parsers[(i, start_i)]:
                            total_scans += 1
                            v, start, stop = p.scanString(args_str).next()
                        except StopIteration:
                            v, start, stop = [None], None, None
                        if start != 0:
                            v, start, stop = [None], None, None
                        parsers[(i, start_i)][p] = v[0], start, stop

                    start, stop = f.fromstring(args_str, parsers[(i, start_i)])
                    if start != 0:
                        log.debug("cannot fromstring %r", args_str)
                        cannot_parse = True
                    if f.expr is None:
                        raise NotImplementedError('not fully functional')
                    f.expr = expr_simp(f.expr)
                    a = args_str[start:stop]
                    args_str = args_str[stop:].strip(' ')
                    if args_str.startswith(','):
                        args_str = args_str[1:]
                    args_str = args_str.strip(' ')
                if args_str:
                    cannot_parse = True
                if cannot_parse:


        if len(out) == 0:
            raise ValueError('cannot fromstring %r' % s)
        if len(out) != 1:
            log.debug('fromstring multiple args ret default')
        c = out[0]
        c_args = out_args[0]

        instr = cls.instruction(c.name, mode, c_args,
        return instr
Example #43
def Expr2C(ir_arch, l, exprs, gen_exception_code=False):
    id_to_update = []
    out = ["// %s" % (l)]
    out_pc = []

    dst_dict = {}
    src_mem = {}

    prefect_index = {8: 0, 16: 0, 32: 0, 64: 0}
    new_expr = []

    e = set_pc(ir_arch, l.offset & mask_int)
    #out.append("%s;" % patch_c_id(ir_arch.arch, e)))

    pc_is_dst = False
    fetch_mem = False
    set_exception_flags = False
    for e in exprs:
        assert isinstance(e, m2_expr.ExprAff)
        assert not isinstance(e.dst, m2_expr.ExprOp)
        if isinstance(e.dst, m2_expr.ExprId):
            if not e.dst in dst_dict:
                dst_dict[e.dst] = []
        # test exception flags
        ops = m2_expr.get_expr_ops(e)
        if set(['umod', 'udiv']).intersection(ops):
            set_exception_flags = True
        if e.dst == exception_flags:
            set_exception_flags = True
            # TODO XXX test function whose set exception_flags

        # search mem lookup for generate mem read prefetch
        rs = e.src.get_r(mem_read=True)
        for r in rs:
            if (not isinstance(r, m2_expr.ExprMem)) or r in src_mem:
            fetch_mem = True
            index = prefect_index[r.size]
            prefect_index[r.size] += 1
            pfmem = prefetch_id_size[r.size][index]
            src_mem[r] = pfmem

    for dst, exs in dst_dict.items():
        if len(exs) == 1:
            new_expr += exs
        exs = [expr_simp(x) for x in exs]
        log_to_c_h.debug('warning: detected multi dst to same id')
        log_to_c_h.debug('\t'.join([str(x) for x in exs]))
        new_expr += exs
    out_mem = []

    # first, generate mem prefetch
    mem_k = src_mem.keys()
    for k in mem_k:
        str_src = translator.from_expr(patch_c_id(ir_arch.arch, k))
        str_dst = translator.from_expr(patch_c_id(ir_arch.arch, src_mem[k]))
        out.append('%s = %s;' % (str_dst, str_src))
    src_w_len = {}
    for k, v in src_mem.items():
        src_w_len[k] = v
    for e in new_expr:

        src, dst = e.src, e.dst
        # reload src using prefetch
        src = src.replace_expr(src_w_len)
        if dst is ir_arch.IRDst:
            out += gen_irdst(ir_arch, src)

        str_src = translator.from_expr(patch_c_id(ir_arch.arch, src))
        str_dst = translator.from_expr(patch_c_id(ir_arch.arch, dst))

        if isinstance(dst, m2_expr.ExprId):
            str_dst = patch_c_new_id(ir_arch.arch, dst)
            if dst in ir_arch.arch.regs.regs_flt_expr:
                # dont mask float affectation
                out.append('%s = (%s);' % (str_dst, str_src))
                out.append('%s = (%s)&0x%X;' %
                           (str_dst, str_src, my_size_mask[src.size]))
        elif isinstance(dst, m2_expr.ExprMem):
            fetch_mem = True
            str_dst = str_dst.replace('MEM_LOOKUP', 'MEM_WRITE')
            out_mem.append('%s, %s);' % (str_dst[:-1], str_src))

        if e.dst == ir_arch.arch.pc[ir_arch.attrib]:
            pc_is_dst = True
            out_pc += ["return JIT_RET_NO_EXCEPTION;"]

    # if len(id_to_update) != len(set(id_to_update)):
    # raise ValueError('Not implemented: multi dst to same id!', str([str(x)
    # for x in exprs]))
    out += out_mem

    if gen_exception_code:
        if fetch_mem:
            e = set_pc(ir_arch, l.offset & mask_int)
            s1 = "%s" % translator.from_expr(patch_c_id(ir_arch.arch, e))
            s1 += ';\n    Resolve_dst(BlockDst, 0x%X, 0)' % (l.offset
                                                             & mask_int)
            out.append(code_exception_fetch_mem_at_instr_noautomod % s1)
        if set_exception_flags:
            e = set_pc(ir_arch, l.offset & mask_int)
            s1 = "%s" % translator.from_expr(patch_c_id(ir_arch.arch, e))
            s1 += ';\n    Resolve_dst(BlockDst, 0x%X, 0)' % (l.offset
                                                             & mask_int)
            out.append(code_exception_at_instr_noautomod % s1)

    for i in id_to_update:
        if i is ir_arch.IRDst:
            '%s = %s;' %
            (patch_c_id(ir_arch.arch, i), patch_c_new_id(ir_arch.arch, i)))

    post_instr = []
    # test stop exec ####
    if gen_exception_code:
        if set_exception_flags:
            if pc_is_dst:
                    "if (VM_exception_flag) { " +
                    "/*pc = 0x%X; */return JIT_RET_EXCEPTION; }" % (l.offset))
                e = set_pc(ir_arch, l.offset & mask_int)
                s1 = "%s" % translator.from_expr(patch_c_id(ir_arch.arch, e))
                s1 += ';\n    Resolve_dst(BlockDst, 0x%X, 0)' % (l.offset
                                                                 & mask_int)
                e = set_pc(ir_arch, (l.offset + l.l) & mask_int)
                s2 = "%s" % translator.from_expr(patch_c_id(ir_arch.arch, e))
                s2 += ';\n    Resolve_dst(BlockDst, 0x%X, 0)' % (
                    (l.offset + l.l) & mask_int)
                post_instr.append(code_exception_post_instr_noautomod %
                                  (s1, s2))

        if fetch_mem:
            if l.additional_info.except_on_instr:
                offset = l.offset
                offset = l.offset + l.l

            e = set_pc(ir_arch, offset & mask_int)
            s1 = "%s" % translator.from_expr(patch_c_id(ir_arch.arch, e))
            s1 += ';\n    Resolve_dst(BlockDst, 0x%X, 0)' % (offset & mask_int)
            post_instr.append(code_exception_fetch_mem_post_instr_noautomod %

    # pc manip after all modifications
    return out, post_instr, post_instr + out_pc
Example #44
def Expr2C(ir_arch, l, exprs, gen_exception_code=False):
    id_to_update = []
    out = ["// %s" % (l)]
    out_pc = []

    dst_dict = {}
    src_mem = {}

    prefect_index = {8: 0, 16: 0, 32: 0, 64: 0}
    new_expr = []

    e = set_pc(ir_arch, l.offset & mask_int)
    #out.append("%s;" % patch_c_id(ir_arch.arch, e)))

    pc_is_dst = False
    fetch_mem = False
    set_exception_flags = False
    for e in exprs:
        assert isinstance(e, m2_expr.ExprAff)
        assert not isinstance(e.dst, m2_expr.ExprOp)
        if isinstance(e.dst, m2_expr.ExprId):
            if not e.dst in dst_dict:
                dst_dict[e.dst] = []
        # test exception flags
        ops = m2_expr.get_expr_ops(e)
        if set(['umod', 'udiv']).intersection(ops):
            set_exception_flags = True
        if e.dst == exception_flags:
            set_exception_flags = True
            # TODO XXX test function whose set exception_flags

        # search mem lookup for generate mem read prefetch
        rs = e.src.get_r(mem_read=True)
        for r in rs:
            if (not isinstance(r, m2_expr.ExprMem)) or r in src_mem:
            fetch_mem = True
            index = prefect_index[r.size]
            prefect_index[r.size] += 1
            pfmem = prefetch_id_size[r.size][index]
            src_mem[r] = pfmem

    for dst, exs in dst_dict.items():
        if len(exs) == 1:
            new_expr += exs
        exs = [expr_simp(x) for x in exs]
        log_to_c_h.debug('warning: detected multi dst to same id')
        log_to_c_h.debug('\t'.join([str(x) for x in exs]))
        new_expr += exs
    out_mem = []

    # first, generate mem prefetch
    mem_k = src_mem.keys()
    for k in mem_k:
        str_src = translator.from_expr(patch_c_id(ir_arch.arch, k))
        str_dst = translator.from_expr(patch_c_id(ir_arch.arch, src_mem[k]))
        out.append('%s = %s;' % (str_dst, str_src))
    src_w_len = {}
    for k, v in src_mem.items():
        src_w_len[k] = v
    for e in new_expr:

        src, dst = e.src, e.dst
        # reload src using prefetch
        src = src.replace_expr(src_w_len)
        if dst is ir_arch.IRDst:
            out += gen_irdst(ir_arch, src)

        str_src = translator.from_expr(patch_c_id(ir_arch.arch, src))
        str_dst = translator.from_expr(patch_c_id(ir_arch.arch, dst))

        if isinstance(dst, m2_expr.ExprId):
            str_dst = patch_c_new_id(ir_arch.arch, dst)
            if dst in ir_arch.arch.regs.regs_flt_expr:
                # dont mask float affectation
                out.append('%s = (%s);' % (str_dst, str_src))
                out.append('%s = (%s)&0x%X;' % (str_dst, str_src,
        elif isinstance(dst, m2_expr.ExprMem):
            fetch_mem = True
            str_dst = str_dst.replace('MEM_LOOKUP', 'MEM_WRITE')
            out_mem.append('%s, %s);' % (str_dst[:-1], str_src))

        if e.dst == ir_arch.arch.pc[ir_arch.attrib]:
            pc_is_dst = True
            out_pc += ["return JIT_RET_NO_EXCEPTION;"]

    # if len(id_to_update) != len(set(id_to_update)):
    # raise ValueError('Not implemented: multi dst to same id!', str([str(x)
    # for x in exprs]))
    out += out_mem

    if gen_exception_code:
        if fetch_mem:
            e = set_pc(ir_arch, l.offset & mask_int)
            s1 = "%s" % translator.from_expr(patch_c_id(ir_arch.arch, e))
            s1 += ';\n    Resolve_dst(BlockDst, 0x%X, 0)'%(l.offset & mask_int)
            out.append(code_exception_fetch_mem_at_instr_noautomod % s1)
        if set_exception_flags:
            e = set_pc(ir_arch, l.offset & mask_int)
            s1 = "%s" % translator.from_expr(patch_c_id(ir_arch.arch, e))
            s1 += ';\n    Resolve_dst(BlockDst, 0x%X, 0)'%(l.offset & mask_int)
            out.append(code_exception_at_instr_noautomod % s1)

    for i in id_to_update:
        if i is ir_arch.IRDst:
        out.append('%s = %s;' %
                   (patch_c_id(ir_arch.arch, i), patch_c_new_id(ir_arch.arch, i)))

    post_instr = []
    # test stop exec ####
    if gen_exception_code:
        if set_exception_flags:
            if pc_is_dst:
                post_instr.append("if (VM_exception_flag) { " +
                    "/*pc = 0x%X; */return JIT_RET_EXCEPTION; }" % (l.offset))
                e = set_pc(ir_arch, l.offset & mask_int)
                s1 = "%s" % translator.from_expr(patch_c_id(ir_arch.arch, e))
                s1 += ';\n    Resolve_dst(BlockDst, 0x%X, 0)'%(l.offset & mask_int)
                e = set_pc(ir_arch, (l.offset + l.l) & mask_int)
                s2 = "%s" % translator.from_expr(patch_c_id(ir_arch.arch, e))
                s2 += ';\n    Resolve_dst(BlockDst, 0x%X, 0)'%((l.offset + l.l) & mask_int)
                    code_exception_post_instr_noautomod % (s1, s2))

        if fetch_mem:
            if l.additional_info.except_on_instr:
                offset = l.offset
                offset = l.offset + l.l

            e = set_pc(ir_arch, offset & mask_int)
            s1 = "%s" % translator.from_expr(patch_c_id(ir_arch.arch, e))
            s1 += ';\n    Resolve_dst(BlockDst, 0x%X, 0)'%(offset & mask_int)
                code_exception_fetch_mem_post_instr_noautomod % (s1))

    # pc manip after all modifications
    return out, post_instr, post_instr + out_pc
Example #45
 def simplify_blocs(self):
     for irblock in self.blocks.values():
         for assignblk in irblock.irs:
             for dst, src in assignblk.items():
                 del assignblk[dst]
                 assignblk[expr_simp(dst)] = expr_simp(src)
Example #46
def launch_depgraph():
    global graphs, comments, sol_nb, settings, addr, ir_arch, ircfg
    # Get the current function
    addr = idc.ScreenEA()
    func = ida_funcs.get_func(addr)

    # Init
    machine = guess_machine(addr=func.startEA)
    mn, dis_engine, ira = machine.mn, machine.dis_engine, machine.ira

    bs = bin_stream_ida()
    mdis = dis_engine(bs, dont_dis_nulstart_bloc=True)
    ir_arch = ira(mdis.loc_db)

    # Populate symbols with ida names
    for ad, name in idautils.Names():
        if name is None:
        mdis.loc_db.add_location(name, ad)

    asmcfg = mdis.dis_multiblock(func.startEA)

    # Generate IR
    ircfg = ir_arch.new_ircfg_from_asmcfg(asmcfg)

    # Get settings
    settings = depGraphSettingsForm(ir_arch, ircfg)

    loc_key, elements, line_nb = settings.loc_key, settings.elements, settings.line_nb
    # Simplify affectations
    for irb in ircfg.blocks.values():
        irs = []
        offset = ir_arch.loc_db.get_location_offset(irb.loc_key)
        fix_stack = offset is not None and settings.unalias_stack
        for assignblk in irb:
            if fix_stack:
                stk_high = m2_expr.ExprInt(idc.GetSpd(assignblk.instr.offset), ir_arch.sp.size)
                fix_dct = {ir_arch.sp: mn.regs.regs_init[ir_arch.sp] + stk_high}

            new_assignblk = {}
            for dst, src in assignblk.iteritems():
                if fix_stack:
                    src = src.replace_expr(fix_dct)
                    if dst != ir_arch.sp:
                        dst = dst.replace_expr(fix_dct)
                dst, src = expr_simp(dst), expr_simp(src)
                new_assignblk[dst] = src
            irs.append(AssignBlock(new_assignblk, instr=assignblk.instr))
        ircfg.blocks[irb.loc_key] = IRBlock(irb.loc_key, irs)

    # Get dependency graphs
    dg = settings.depgraph
    graphs = dg.get(loc_key, elements, line_nb,

    # Display the result
    comments = {}
    sol_nb = 0

    # Register and launch
    ida_kernwin.add_hotkey("Shift-N", next_element)
from miasm2.expression.expression import *
from miasm2.expression.simplifications import expr_simp

print """
Simple expression simplification demo

a = ExprId('eax')
b = ExprId('ebx')

exprs = [a + b - a,
         ExprInt(0x12, 32) + ExprInt(0x30, 32) - a,
         ExprCompose(a[:8], a[8:16])]

for e in exprs:
    print '*' * 40
    print 'original expression:', e
    print "simplified:", expr_simp(e)
Example #48
    (ExprOp(">>>c_rez", icustom, i1, i0),
     ExprInt(0x91A2B3C, 32)),
    (ExprOp(">>>c_rez", icustom, i1, i1),
     ExprInt(0x891A2B3C, 32)),
    (ExprOp("idiv", ExprInt(0x0123, 16), ExprInt(0xfffb, 16))[:8],
     ExprInt(0xc6, 8)),
    (ExprOp("imod", ExprInt(0x0123, 16), ExprInt(0xfffb, 16))[:8],
     ExprInt(0x01, 8)),


for e, e_check in to_test[:]:
    print "#" * 80
    # print str(e), str(e_check)
    e_new = expr_simp(e)
    print "original: ", str(e), "new: ", str(e_new)
    rez = e_new == e_check
    if not rez:
        raise ValueError(
            'bug in expr_simp simp(%s) is %s and should be %s' % (e, e_new, e_check))

# Test conds

to_test = [
    (((a - b) ^ ((a ^ b) & ((a - b) ^ a))).msb(),
     ExprOp_inf_signed(a, b)),
    ((((a - b) ^ ((a ^ b) & ((a - b) ^ a))) ^ a ^ b).msb(),
     ExprOp_inf_unsigned(a, b)),
    (ExprOp_inf_unsigned(ExprInt(-1, 32), ExprInt(3, 32)), ExprInt(0, 1)),
    (ExprOp_inf_signed(ExprInt(-1, 32), ExprInt(3, 32)), ExprInt(1, 1)),
Example #49
def launch_depgraph():
    global graphs, comments, sol_nb, settings, addr, ir_arch, ircfg
    # Get the current function
    addr = idc.ScreenEA()
    func = ida_funcs.get_func(addr)

    # Init
    machine = guess_machine(addr=func.startEA)
    mn, dis_engine, ira = machine.mn, machine.dis_engine, machine.ira

    bs = bin_stream_ida()
    mdis = dis_engine(bs, dont_dis_nulstart_bloc=True)
    ir_arch = ira(mdis.loc_db)

    # Populate symbols with ida names
    for ad, name in idautils.Names():
        if name is None:
        mdis.loc_db.add_location(name, ad)

    asmcfg = mdis.dis_multiblock(func.startEA)

    # Generate IR
    ircfg = ir_arch.new_ircfg_from_asmcfg(asmcfg)

    # Get settings
    settings = depGraphSettingsForm(ir_arch, ircfg)

    loc_key, elements, line_nb = settings.loc_key, settings.elements, settings.line_nb
    # Simplify assignments
    for irb in ircfg.blocks.values():
        irs = []
        offset = ir_arch.loc_db.get_location_offset(irb.loc_key)
        fix_stack = offset is not None and settings.unalias_stack
        for assignblk in irb:
            if fix_stack:
                stk_high = m2_expr.ExprInt(idc.GetSpd(assignblk.instr.offset),
                fix_dct = {
                    ir_arch.sp: mn.regs.regs_init[ir_arch.sp] + stk_high

            new_assignblk = {}
            for dst, src in assignblk.iteritems():
                if fix_stack:
                    src = src.replace_expr(fix_dct)
                    if dst != ir_arch.sp:
                        dst = dst.replace_expr(fix_dct)
                dst, src = expr_simp(dst), expr_simp(src)
                new_assignblk[dst] = src
            irs.append(AssignBlock(new_assignblk, instr=assignblk.instr))
        ircfg.blocks[irb.loc_key] = IRBlock(irb.loc_key, irs)

    # Get dependency graphs
    dg = settings.depgraph
    graphs = dg.get(loc_key, elements, line_nb,

    # Display the result
    comments = {}
    sol_nb = 0

    # Register and launch
    ida_kernwin.add_hotkey("Shift-N", next_element)
Example #50
File: ir.py Project: blaquee/miasm
 def simplify_blocs(self):
     for b in self.blocs.values():
         for ir in b.irs:
             for i, r in enumerate(ir):
                 ir[i] = m2_expr.ExprAff(expr_simp(r.dst), expr_simp(r.src))
Example #51
 def simplify_blocs(self):
     for b in self.blocs.values():
         for ir in b.irs:
             for i, r in enumerate(ir):
                 ir[i].src = expr_simp(r.src)
                 ir[i].dst = expr_simp(r.dst)