def creatoropts(args): if not args: raise errors.Usage("need one argument as the path of ks file") if len(args) != 1: raise errors.Usage("Extra arguments given") creatoropts = configmgr.create ksconf = args[0] if not os.path.exists(ksconf): raise errors.CreatorError("Can't find the file: %s" % ksconf) if not 'record_pkgs' in creatoropts: creatoropts['record_pkgs'] = [] if creatoropts['release'] is not None: if 'name' not in creatoropts['record_pkgs']: creatoropts['record_pkgs'].append('name') ksconf = misc.normalize_ksfile(ksconf, creatoropts['tokenmap']) configmgr._ksconf = ksconf # Called After setting the configmgr._ksconf as the creatoropts['name'] is reset there. if creatoropts['release'] is not None: creatoropts['outdir'] = "%s/%s/images/%s/" % ( creatoropts['outdir'], creatoropts['release'], creatoropts['name']) # try to find the pkgmgr pkgmgr = None for (key, pcls) in pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend').items(): if key == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: pkgmgr = pcls break if not pkgmgr: pkgmgrs = list(pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend').keys()) raise errors.CreatorError( "Can't find package manager: %s (availables: %s)" % (creatoropts['pkgmgr'], ', '.join(pkgmgrs))) creatoropts['pkgmgr_pcls'] = pkgmgr if creatoropts['runtime']: rt_util.runmic_in_runtime(creatoropts['runtime'], creatoropts, ksconf, None) # Write the normalized kickstart to outdir # It has to be done this way in case the source ks is same as dest ks mkdir_p(creatoropts['outdir']) dst_ks = "%s/%s.ks" % (creatoropts['outdir'], creatoropts['name']) with open(configmgr._ksconf, 'r') as src_ksf: src_ks = with open(dst_ks, 'w') as dst_ksf: dst_ksf.write(src_ks) creatoropts['dst_ks'] = dst_ks return creatoropts
def creatoropts(args): if not args: raise errors.Usage("need one argument as the path of ks file") if len(args) != 1: raise errors.Usage("Extra arguments given") creatoropts = configmgr.create ksconf = args[0] if not os.path.exists(ksconf): raise errors.CreatorError("Can't find the file: %s" % ksconf) if not 'record_pkgs' in creatoropts: creatoropts['record_pkgs'] = [] if creatoropts['release'] is not None: if 'name' not in creatoropts['record_pkgs']: creatoropts['record_pkgs'].append('name') ksconf = misc.normalize_ksfile(ksconf, creatoropts['tokenmap']) configmgr._ksconf = ksconf # Called After setting the configmgr._ksconf as the creatoropts['name'] is reset there. if creatoropts['release'] is not None: creatoropts['outdir'] = "%s/%s/images/%s/" % (creatoropts['outdir'], creatoropts['release'], creatoropts['name']) # try to find the pkgmgr pkgmgr = None for (key, pcls) in pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend').iteritems(): if key == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: pkgmgr = pcls break if not pkgmgr: pkgmgrs = pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend').keys() raise errors.CreatorError("Can't find package manager: %s (availables: %s)" % (creatoropts['pkgmgr'], ', '.join(pkgmgrs))) creatoropts['pkgmgr_pcls'] = pkgmgr if creatoropts['runtime']: rt_util.runmic_in_runtime(creatoropts['runtime'], creatoropts, ksconf, None) # Write the normalized kickstart to outdir # It has to be done this way in case the source ks is same as dest ks mkdir_p(creatoropts['outdir']) dst_ks = "%s/%s.ks" % (creatoropts['outdir'], creatoropts['name']) with open(configmgr._ksconf, 'r') as src_ksf: src_ks = with open(dst_ks, 'w') as dst_ksf: dst_ksf.write(src_ks) creatoropts['dst_ks'] = dst_ks return creatoropts
def main(parser, args, argv): """mic choot entry point.""" #args is argparser namespace, argv is the input cmd line if args is None: raise errors.Usage("Invalid arguments") targetimage = args.imagefile if not os.path.exists(targetimage): raise errors.CreatorError("Cannot find the image: %s" % targetimage) _root_confirm() configmgr.chroot['saveto'] = args.saveto imagetype = misc.get_image_type(targetimage) if imagetype in ("ext3fsimg", "ext4fsimg", "btrfsimg"): imagetype = "loop" chrootclass = None for pname, pcls in pluginmgr.get_plugins('imager').iteritems(): if pname == imagetype and hasattr(pcls, "do_chroot"): chrootclass = pcls break if not chrootclass: raise errors.CreatorError("Cannot support image type: %s" \ % imagetype) chrootclass.do_chroot(targetimage, args.cmd)
def _setPkgmgr(self, name): backend_plugins = pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend') for (key, cls) in backend_plugins.iteritems(): if key == name: self._pkgmgr = cls if not self._pkgmgr: raise errors.BootstrapError("Backend: %s can't be loaded correctly" % name)
def _setPkgmgr(self, name): backend_plugins = pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend') for (key, cls) in backend_plugins.iteritems(): if key == name: self._pkgmgr = cls if not self._pkgmgr: raise errors.BootstrapError( "Backend: %s can't be loaded correctly" % name)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): cmdln.Cmdln.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self._subcmds = [] # get cmds from pluginmgr # mix-in do_subcmd interface for subcmd, klass in pluginmgr.get_plugins('imager').iteritems(): if not hasattr(klass, 'do_create'): msger.warning("Unsurpport subcmd: %s" % subcmd) continue func = getattr(klass, 'do_create') setattr(self.__class__, "do_"+subcmd, func) self._subcmds.append(subcmd)
def do_create(self, subcmd, opts, *args): """${cmd_name}: create liveusb image Usage: ${name} ${cmd_name} <ksfile> [OPTS] ${cmd_option_list} """ if len(args) != 1: raise errors.Usage("Extra arguments given") creatoropts = configmgr.create ksconf = args[0] if creatoropts['runtime'] == "bootstrap": configmgr._ksconf = ksconf rt_util.bootstrap_mic() if creatoropts['arch'] and creatoropts['arch'].startswith('arm'): msger.warning('liveusb cannot support arm images, Quit') return recording_pkgs = [] if len(creatoropts['record_pkgs']) > 0: recording_pkgs = creatoropts['record_pkgs'] if creatoropts['release'] is not None: if 'name' not in recording_pkgs: recording_pkgs.append('name') if 'vcs' not in recording_pkgs: recording_pkgs.append('vcs') configmgr._ksconf = ksconf # Called After setting the configmgr._ksconf as the creatoropts['name'] is reset there. if creatoropts['release'] is not None: creatoropts['outdir'] = "%s/%s/images/%s/" % ( creatoropts['outdir'], creatoropts['release'], creatoropts['name']) # try to find the pkgmgr pkgmgr = None backends = pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend') if 'auto' == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: for key in configmgr.prefer_backends: if key in backends: pkgmgr = backends[key] break else: for key in backends.keys(): if key == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: pkgmgr = backends[key] break if not pkgmgr: raise errors.CreatorError( "Can't find backend: %s, " "available choices: %s" % (creatoropts['pkgmgr'], ','.join(backends.keys()))) creator = liveusb.LiveUSBImageCreator(creatoropts, pkgmgr) if len(recording_pkgs) > 0: creator._recording_pkgs = recording_pkgs self.check_image_exists(creator.destdir, creator.pack_to, [ + ".usbimg"], creatoropts['release']) try: creator.check_depend_tools() creator.mount(None, creatoropts["cachedir"]) creator.install() creator.configure(creatoropts["repomd"]) creator.copy_kernel() creator.unmount() creator.package(creatoropts["outdir"]) if creatoropts['release'] is not None: creator.release_output(ksconf, creatoropts['outdir'], creatoropts['release']) creator.print_outimage_info() except errors.CreatorError: raise finally: creator.cleanup()"Finished.") return 0
def do_create(self, subcmd, opts, *args): """${cmd_name}: create livecd image Usage: ${name} ${cmd_name} <ksfile> [OPTS] ${cmd_option_list} """ if len(args) != 1: raise errors.Usage("Extra arguments given") creatoropts = configmgr.create ksconf = args[0] if creatoropts['runtime'] == 'bootstrap': configmgr._ksconf = ksconf rt_util.bootstrap_mic() if creatoropts['arch'] and creatoropts['arch'].startswith('arm'): msger.warning('livecd cannot support arm images, Quit') return recording_pkgs = [] if len(creatoropts['record_pkgs']) > 0: recording_pkgs = creatoropts['record_pkgs'] if creatoropts['release'] is not None: if 'name' not in recording_pkgs: recording_pkgs.append('name') if 'vcs' not in recording_pkgs: recording_pkgs.append('vcs') configmgr._ksconf = ksconf # Called After setting the configmgr._ksconf as the creatoropts['name'] is reset there. if creatoropts['release'] is not None: creatoropts['outdir'] = "%s/%s/images/%s/" % (creatoropts['outdir'], creatoropts['release'], creatoropts['name']) # try to find the pkgmgr pkgmgr = None backends = pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend') if 'auto' == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: for key in configmgr.prefer_backends: if key in backends: pkgmgr = backends[key] break else: for key in backends.keys(): if key == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: pkgmgr = backends[key] break if not pkgmgr: raise errors.CreatorError("Can't find backend: %s, " "available choices: %s" % (creatoropts['pkgmgr'], ','.join(backends.keys()))) creator = livecd.LiveCDImageCreator(creatoropts, pkgmgr) if len(recording_pkgs) > 0: creator._recording_pkgs = recording_pkgs self.check_image_exists(creator.destdir, creator.pack_to, [ + ".iso"], creatoropts['release']) try: creator.check_depend_tools() creator.mount(None, creatoropts["cachedir"]) creator.install() creator.configure(creatoropts["repomd"]) creator.copy_kernel() creator.unmount() creator.package(creatoropts["outdir"]) if creatoropts['release'] is not None: creator.release_output(ksconf, creatoropts['outdir'], creatoropts['release']) creator.print_outimage_info() except errors.CreatorError: raise finally: creator.cleanup()"Finished.") return 0
def do_create(self, subcmd, opts, *args): """${cmd_name}: create loop image Usage: ${name} ${cmd_name} <ksfile> [OPTS] ${cmd_option_list} """ if not args: raise errors.Usage("need one argument as the path of ks file") if len(args) != 1: raise errors.Usage("Extra arguments given") creatoropts = configmgr.create ksconf = args[0] if not os.path.exists(ksconf): raise errors.CreatorError("Can't find the file: %s" % ksconf) recording_pkgs = [] if len(creatoropts['record_pkgs']) > 0: recording_pkgs = creatoropts['record_pkgs'] if creatoropts['release'] is not None: if 'name' not in recording_pkgs: recording_pkgs.append('name') ksconf = misc.normalize_ksfile(ksconf, creatoropts['release'], creatoropts['arch']) configmgr._ksconf = ksconf # Called After setting the configmgr._ksconf # as the creatoropts['name'] is reset there. if creatoropts['release'] is not None: creatoropts['outdir'] = "%s/%s/images/%s/" % (creatoropts['outdir'], creatoropts['release'], creatoropts['name']) # try to find the pkgmgr pkgmgr = None for (key, pcls) in pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend').iteritems(): if key == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: pkgmgr = pcls break if not pkgmgr: pkgmgrs = pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend').keys() raise errors.CreatorError("Can't find package manager: %s " "(availables: %s)" \ % (creatoropts['pkgmgr'], ', '.join(pkgmgrs))) if creatoropts['runtime']: rt_util.runmic_in_runtime(creatoropts['runtime'], creatoropts, ksconf, None) creator = LoopImageCreator(creatoropts, pkgmgr, opts.compress_image, opts.shrink) if len(recording_pkgs) > 0: creator._recording_pkgs = recording_pkgs self.check_image_exists(creator.destdir, creator.pack_to, [ + ".img"], creatoropts['release']) try: creator.check_depend_tools() creator.mount(None, creatoropts["cachedir"]) creator.install() creator.configure(creatoropts["repomd"]) creator.copy_kernel() creator.unmount() creator.package(creatoropts["outdir"]) if creatoropts['release'] is not None: creator.release_output(ksconf, creatoropts['outdir'], creatoropts['release']) creator.print_outimage_info() except errors.CreatorError: raise finally: creator.cleanup()"Finished.") return 0
def do_create(self, subcmd, opts, *args): """${cmd_name}: create raw image Usage: ${name} ${cmd_name} <ksfile> [OPTS] ${cmd_option_list} """ if len(args) != 1: raise errors.Usage("Extra arguments given") creatoropts = configmgr.create ksconf = args[0] if creatoropts['runtime'] == "bootstrap": configmgr._ksconf = ksconf rt_util.bootstrap_mic() recording_pkgs = [] if len(creatoropts['record_pkgs']) > 0: recording_pkgs = creatoropts['record_pkgs'] if creatoropts['release'] is not None: if 'name' not in recording_pkgs: recording_pkgs.append('name') if 'vcs' not in recording_pkgs: recording_pkgs.append('vcs') configmgr._ksconf = ksconf # Called After setting the configmgr._ksconf as the creatoropts['name'] is reset there. if creatoropts['release'] is not None: creatoropts['outdir'] = "%s/%s/images/%s/" % (creatoropts['outdir'], creatoropts['release'], creatoropts['name']) # try to find the pkgmgr pkgmgr = None backends = pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend') if 'auto' == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: for key in configmgr.prefer_backends: if key in backends: pkgmgr = backends[key] break else: for key in backends.keys(): if key == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: pkgmgr = backends[key] break if not pkgmgr: raise errors.CreatorError("Can't find backend: %s, " "available choices: %s" % (creatoropts['pkgmgr'], ','.join(backends.keys()))) creator = raw.RawImageCreator(creatoropts, pkgmgr, opts.compress_image, opts.generate_bmap, opts.fstab_entry) if len(recording_pkgs) > 0: creator._recording_pkgs = recording_pkgs images = ["%s-%s.raw" % (, disk_name) for disk_name in creator.get_disk_names()] self.check_image_exists(creator.destdir, creator.pack_to, images, creatoropts['release']) try: creator.check_depend_tools() creator.mount(None, creatoropts["cachedir"]) creator.install() creator.configure(creatoropts["repomd"]) creator.copy_kernel() creator.unmount() creator.generate_bmap() creator.package(creatoropts["outdir"]) if creatoropts['release'] is not None: creator.release_output(ksconf, creatoropts['outdir'], creatoropts['release']) creator.print_outimage_info() except errors.CreatorError: raise finally: creator.cleanup()"Finished.") return 0
def do_create(self, subcmd, opts, *args): """${cmd_name}: create loop image ${cmd_usage} ${cmd_option_list} """ if not args: raise errors.Usage("More arguments needed") if len(args) != 1: raise errors.Usage("Extra arguments given") creatoropts = configmgr.create ksconf = args[0] if not os.path.exists(ksconf): raise errors.CreatorError("Can't find the file: %s" % ksconf) recording_pkgs = [] if len(creatoropts['record_pkgs']) > 0: recording_pkgs = creatoropts['record_pkgs'] if creatoropts['release'] is not None: if 'name' not in recording_pkgs: recording_pkgs.append('name') ksconf = misc.save_ksconf_file(ksconf, creatoropts['release']) name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(ksconf))[0] creatoropts['outdir'] = "%s/%s/images/%s/" % ( creatoropts['outdir'], creatoropts['release'], name) configmgr._ksconf = ksconf # try to find the pkgmgr pkgmgr = None for (key, pcls) in pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend').iteritems(): if key == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: pkgmgr = pcls break if not pkgmgr: pkgmgrs = pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend').keys() raise errors.CreatorError( "Can't find package manager: %s (availables: %s)" % (creatoropts['pkgmgr'], ', '.join(pkgmgrs))) creator = loop.LoopImageCreator(creatoropts, pkgmgr, opts.taring_to) if len(recording_pkgs) > 0: creator._recording_pkgs = recording_pkgs if creatoropts['release'] is None: if opts.taring_to: imagefile = "%s.tar" % os.path.join(creator.destdir, opts.taring_to) else: imagefile = "%s.img" % os.path.join(creator.destdir, if os.path.exists(imagefile): if msger.ask( 'The target image: %s already exists, cleanup and continue?' % imagefile): os.unlink(imagefile) else: raise errors.Abort('Canceled') try: creator.check_depend_tools() creator.mount(None, creatoropts["cachedir"]) creator.install() creator.configure(creatoropts["repomd"]) creator.unmount() creator.package(creatoropts["outdir"]) if creatoropts['release'] is not None: creator.release_output(ksconf, creatoropts['outdir'], creatoropts['release']) creator.print_outimage_info() except errors.CreatorError: raise finally: creator.cleanup()"Finished.") return 0
def do_create(self, args): """${cmd_name}: create raw image Usage: ${name} ${cmd_name} <ksfile> [OPTS] ${cmd_option_list} """ creatoropts = configmgr.create ksconf = args.ksfile if creatoropts['runtime'] == "bootstrap": configmgr._ksconf = ksconf rt_util.bootstrap_mic() recording_pkgs = [] if len(creatoropts['record_pkgs']) > 0: recording_pkgs = creatoropts['record_pkgs'] if creatoropts['release'] is not None: if 'name' not in recording_pkgs: recording_pkgs.append('name') if 'vcs' not in recording_pkgs: recording_pkgs.append('vcs') configmgr._ksconf = ksconf # try to find the pkgmgr pkgmgr = None backends = pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend') if 'auto' == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: for key in configmgr.prefer_backends: if key in backends: pkgmgr = backends[key] break else: for key in backends.keys(): if key == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: pkgmgr = backends[key] break if not pkgmgr: raise errors.CreatorError( "Can't find backend: %s, " "available choices: %s" % (creatoropts['pkgmgr'], ','.join(backends.keys()))) creator = raw.RawImageCreator(creatoropts, pkgmgr, args.compress_image, args.generate_bmap, args.fstab_entry) if len(recording_pkgs) > 0: creator._recording_pkgs = recording_pkgs images = [ "%s-%s.raw" % (, disk_name) for disk_name in creator.get_disk_names() ] self.check_image_exists(creator.destdir, creator.pack_to, images, creatoropts['release']) try: creator.check_depend_tools() creator.mount(None, creatoropts["cachedir"]) creator.install() creator.configure(creatoropts["repomd"]) creator.copy_kernel() creator.unmount() creator.generate_bmap() creator.package(creatoropts["destdir"]) creator.create_manifest() if creatoropts['release'] is not None: creator.release_output(ksconf, creatoropts['destdir'], creatoropts['release']) creator.print_outimage_info() except errors.CreatorError: raise finally: creator.cleanup() #Run script of --run_script after image created if creatoropts['run_script']: cmd = creatoropts['run_script'] try: except OSError, err: msger.warning(str(err))
def do_create(self, subcmd, opts, *args): """${cmd_name}: create liveusb image Usage: ${name} ${cmd_name} <ksfile> [OPTS] ${cmd_option_list} """ if len(args) != 1: raise errors.Usage("Extra arguments given") creatoropts = configmgr.create ksconf = args[0] if creatoropts['runtime'] == "bootstrap": configmgr._ksconf = ksconf rt_util.bootstrap_mic() elif not rt_util.inbootstrap(): try: fs_related.find_binary_path('mic-native') except errors.CreatorError: if not msger.ask( "Subpackage \"mic-native\" has not been " "installed in your host system, still " "continue with \"native\" running mode?", False): raise errors.Abort("Abort because subpackage 'mic-native' " "has not been installed") if creatoropts['arch'] and creatoropts['arch'].startswith('arm'): msger.warning('liveusb cannot support arm images, Quit') return recording_pkgs = [] if len(creatoropts['record_pkgs']) > 0: recording_pkgs = creatoropts['record_pkgs'] if creatoropts['release'] is not None: if 'name' not in recording_pkgs: recording_pkgs.append('name') if 'vcs' not in recording_pkgs: recording_pkgs.append('vcs') configmgr._ksconf = ksconf # try to find the pkgmgr pkgmgr = None backends = pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend') if 'auto' == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: for key in configmgr.prefer_backends: if key in backends: pkgmgr = backends[key] break else: for key in backends.keys(): if key == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: pkgmgr = backends[key] break if not pkgmgr: raise errors.CreatorError( "Can't find backend: %s, " "available choices: %s" % (creatoropts['pkgmgr'], ','.join(backends.keys()))) creator = liveusb.LiveUSBImageCreator(creatoropts, pkgmgr) if len(recording_pkgs) > 0: creator._recording_pkgs = recording_pkgs self.check_image_exists(creator.destdir, creator.pack_to, [ + ".usbimg"], creatoropts['release']) try: creator.check_depend_tools() creator.mount(None, creatoropts["cachedir"]) creator.install() creator.configure(creatoropts["repomd"]) creator.copy_kernel() creator.unmount() creator.package(creatoropts["destdir"]) creator.create_manifest() if creatoropts['release'] is not None: creator.release_output(ksconf, creatoropts['destdir'], creatoropts['release']) creator.print_outimage_info() except errors.CreatorError: raise finally: creator.cleanup()"Finished.") return 0
def do_create(self, subcmd, opts, *args): """${cmd_name}: create fs image Usage: ${name} ${cmd_name} <ksfile> [OPTS] ${cmd_option_list} """ if len(args) != 1: raise errors.Usage("Extra arguments given") creatoropts = configmgr.create ksconf = args[0] if creatoropts['runtime'] == 'bootstrap': configmgr._ksconf = ksconf rt_util.bootstrap_mic() elif not rt_util.inbootstrap(): try: fs_related.find_binary_path('mic-native') except errors.CreatorError: if not msger.ask("Subpackage \"mic-native\" has not been " "installed in your host system, still " "continue with \"native\" running mode?", False): raise errors.Abort("Abort because subpackage 'mic-native' " "has not been installed") recording_pkgs = [] if len(creatoropts['record_pkgs']) > 0: recording_pkgs = creatoropts['record_pkgs'] if creatoropts['release'] is not None: if 'name' not in recording_pkgs: recording_pkgs.append('name') if 'vcs' not in recording_pkgs: recording_pkgs.append('vcs') configmgr._ksconf = ksconf # try to find the pkgmgr pkgmgr = None backends = pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend') if 'auto' == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: for key in configmgr.prefer_backends: if key in backends: pkgmgr = backends[key] break else: for key in backends.keys(): if key == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: pkgmgr = backends[key] break if not pkgmgr: raise errors.CreatorError("Can't find backend: %s, " "available choices: %s" % (creatoropts['pkgmgr'], ','.join(backends.keys()))) creator = fs.FsImageCreator(creatoropts, pkgmgr) creator._include_src = opts.include_src if len(recording_pkgs) > 0: creator._recording_pkgs = recording_pkgs self.check_image_exists(creator.destdir, creator.pack_to, [], creatoropts['release']) try: creator.check_depend_tools() creator.mount(None, creatoropts["cachedir"]) creator.install() #Download the source packages ###private options if opts.include_src: installed_pkgs = creator.get_installed_packages()'--------------------------------------------------')'Generating the image with source rpms included ...') if not misc.SrcpkgsDownload(installed_pkgs, creatoropts["repomd"], creator._instroot, creatoropts["cachedir"]): msger.warning("Source packages can't be downloaded") creator.configure(creatoropts["repomd"]) creator.copy_kernel() creator.unmount() creator.package(creatoropts["destdir"]) if creatoropts['release'] is not None: creator.release_output(ksconf, creatoropts['destdir'], creatoropts['release']) creator.print_outimage_info() except errors.CreatorError: raise finally: creator.cleanup()"Finished.") return 0
def do_create(self, args): """${cmd_name}: create fs image Usage: ${name} ${cmd_name} <ksfile> [OPTS] ${cmd_option_list} """ if args is None: raise errors.Usage("Invalid arguments.") creatoropts = configmgr.create ksconf = args.ksfile if creatoropts['runtime'] == 'bootstrap': configmgr._ksconf = ksconf rt_util.bootstrap_mic() recording_pkgs = [] if len(creatoropts['record_pkgs']) > 0: recording_pkgs = creatoropts['record_pkgs'] if creatoropts['release'] is not None: if 'name' not in recording_pkgs: recording_pkgs.append('name') if 'vcs' not in recording_pkgs: recording_pkgs.append('vcs') configmgr._ksconf = ksconf # try to find the pkgmgr pkgmgr = None backends = pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend') if 'auto' == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: for key in configmgr.prefer_backends: if key in backends: pkgmgr = backends[key] break else: for key in backends.keys(): if key == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: pkgmgr = backends[key] break if not pkgmgr: raise errors.CreatorError("Can't find backend: %s, " "available choices: %s" % (creatoropts['pkgmgr'], ','.join(backends.keys()))) creator = fs.FsImageCreator(creatoropts, pkgmgr) creator._include_src = args.include_src if len(recording_pkgs) > 0: creator._recording_pkgs = recording_pkgs self.check_image_exists(creator.destdir, creator.pack_to, [], creatoropts['release']) try: creator.check_depend_tools() creator.mount(None, creatoropts["cachedir"]) creator.install() #Download the source packages ###private options if args.include_src: installed_pkgs = creator.get_installed_packages()'Generating the image with source rpms included ...') if not misc.SrcpkgsDownload(installed_pkgs, creatoropts["repomd"], creator._instroot, creatoropts["cachedir"]): msger.warning("Source packages can't be downloaded") creator.configure(creatoropts["repomd"]) creator.copy_kernel() creator.unmount() creator.package(creatoropts["destdir"]) creator.create_manifest() if creatoropts['release'] is not None: creator.release_output(ksconf, creatoropts['destdir'], creatoropts['release']) creator.print_outimage_info() except errors.CreatorError: raise finally: creator.cleanup() #Run script of --run_script after image created if creatoropts['run_script']: cmd = creatoropts['run_script'] try: except OSError,err: msger.warning(str(err))
def do_create(self, subcmd, opts, *args): """${cmd_name}: create fs image ${cmd_usage} ${cmd_option_list} """ if not args: raise errors.Usage("More arguments needed") if len(args) != 1: raise errors.Usage("Extra arguments given") creatoropts = configmgr.create ksconf = args[0] if not os.path.exists(ksconf): raise errors.CreatorError("Can't find the file: %s" % ksconf) recording_pkgs = [] if len(creatoropts['record_pkgs']) > 0: recording_pkgs = creatoropts['record_pkgs'] if creatoropts['release'] is not None: if 'name' not in recording_pkgs: recording_pkgs.append('name') ksconf = misc.save_ksconf_file(ksconf, creatoropts['release']) name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(ksconf))[0] creatoropts['outdir'] = "%s/%s/images/%s/" % (creatoropts['outdir'], creatoropts['release'], name) configmgr._ksconf = ksconf # try to find the pkgmgr pkgmgr = None for (key, pcls) in pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend').iteritems(): if key == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: pkgmgr = pcls break if not pkgmgr: pkgmgrs = pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend').keys() raise errors.CreatorError("Can't find package manager: %s (availables: %s)" % (creatoropts['pkgmgr'], ', '.join(pkgmgrs))) creator = fs.FsImageCreator(creatoropts, pkgmgr) creator._include_src = opts.include_src if len(recording_pkgs) > 0: creator._recording_pkgs = recording_pkgs if creatoropts['release'] is None: fsdir = os.path.join(creator.destdir, if os.path.exists(fsdir): if msger.ask('The target dir: %s already exists, cleanup and continue?' % fsdir): import shutil shutil.rmtree(fsdir) else: raise errors.Abort('Canceled') try: creator.check_depend_tools() creator.mount(None, creatoropts["cachedir"]) creator.install() #Download the source packages ###private options if opts.include_src: installed_pkgs = creator.get_installed_packages()'--------------------------------------------------')'Generating the image with source rpms included, The number of source packages is %d.' %(len(installed_pkgs))) if not misc.SrcpkgsDownload(installed_pkgs, creatoropts["repomd"], creator._instroot, creatoropts["cachedir"]): msger.warning("Source packages can't be downloaded") creator.configure(creatoropts["repomd"]) creator.unmount() creator.package(creatoropts["outdir"]) if creatoropts['release'] is not None: creator.release_output(ksconf, creatoropts['outdir'], creatoropts['release']) creator.print_outimage_info() except errors.CreatorError: raise finally: creator.cleanup()"Finished.") return 0
def do_create(self, subcmd, opts, *args): """${cmd_name}: create loop image Usage: ${name} ${cmd_name} <ksfile> [OPTS] ${cmd_option_list} """ if not args: raise errors.Usage("need one argument as the path of ks file") if len(args) != 1: raise errors.Usage("Extra arguments given") creatoropts = configmgr.create ksconf = args[0] if not os.path.exists(ksconf): raise errors.CreatorError("Can't find the file: %s" % ksconf) recording_pkgs = [] if len(creatoropts['record_pkgs']) > 0: recording_pkgs = creatoropts['record_pkgs'] if creatoropts['release'] is not None: if 'name' not in recording_pkgs: recording_pkgs.append('name') ksconf = misc.normalize_ksfile(ksconf, creatoropts['release'], creatoropts['arch']) configmgr._ksconf = ksconf # Called After setting the configmgr._ksconf # as the creatoropts['name'] is reset there. if creatoropts['release'] is not None: creatoropts['outdir'] = "%s/%s/images/%s/" % ( creatoropts['outdir'], creatoropts['release'], creatoropts['name']) # try to find the pkgmgr pkgmgr = None for (key, pcls) in pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend').iteritems(): if key == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: pkgmgr = pcls break if not pkgmgr: pkgmgrs = pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend').keys() raise errors.CreatorError("Can't find package manager: %s " "(availables: %s)" \ % (creatoropts['pkgmgr'], ', '.join(pkgmgrs))) if creatoropts['runtime']: rt_util.runmic_in_runtime(creatoropts['runtime'], creatoropts, ksconf, None) creator = LoopImageCreator(creatoropts, pkgmgr, opts.compress_image, opts.shrink) if len(recording_pkgs) > 0: creator._recording_pkgs = recording_pkgs self.check_image_exists(creator.destdir, creator.pack_to, [ + ".img"], creatoropts['release']) try: creator.check_depend_tools() creator.mount(None, creatoropts["cachedir"]) creator.install() creator.configure(creatoropts["repomd"]) creator.copy_kernel() creator.unmount() creator.package(creatoropts["outdir"]) if creatoropts['release'] is not None: creator.release_output(ksconf, creatoropts['outdir'], creatoropts['release']) creator.print_outimage_info() except errors.CreatorError: raise finally: creator.cleanup()"Finished.") return 0
def do_create(self, subcmd, opts, *args): """${cmd_name}: create liveusb image Usage: ${name} ${cmd_name} <ksfile> [OPTS] ${cmd_option_list} """ if not args: raise errors.Usage("need one argument as the path of ks file") if len(args) != 1: raise errors.Usage("Extra arguments given") creatoropts = configmgr.create ksconf = args[0] if not os.path.exists(ksconf): raise errors.CreatorError("Can't find the file: %s" % ksconf) if creatoropts['arch'] and creatoropts['arch'].startswith('arm'): msger.warning('liveusb cannot support arm images, Quit') return recording_pkgs = [] if len(creatoropts['record_pkgs']) > 0: recording_pkgs = creatoropts['record_pkgs'] if creatoropts['release'] is not None: if 'name' not in recording_pkgs: recording_pkgs.append('name') ksconf = misc.save_ksconf_file(ksconf, creatoropts['release']) configmgr._ksconf = ksconf # Called After setting the configmgr._ksconf as the creatoropts['name'] is reset there. if creatoropts['release'] is not None: creatoropts['outdir'] = "%s/%s/images/%s/" % (creatoropts['outdir'], creatoropts['release'], creatoropts['name']) # try to find the pkgmgr pkgmgr = None for (key, pcls) in pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend').iteritems(): if key == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: pkgmgr = pcls break if not pkgmgr: pkgmgrs = pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend').keys() raise errors.CreatorError("Can't find package manager: %s (availables: %s)" % (creatoropts['pkgmgr'], ', '.join(pkgmgrs))) if creatoropts['runtime']: rt_util.runmic_in_runtime(creatoropts['runtime'], creatoropts, ksconf, None) creator = liveusb.LiveUSBImageCreator(creatoropts, pkgmgr) if len(recording_pkgs) > 0: creator._recording_pkgs = recording_pkgs if creatoropts['release'] is None: imagefile = "%s.usbimg" % os.path.join(creator.destdir, if os.path.exists(imagefile): if msger.ask('The target image: %s already exists, cleanup and continue?' % imagefile): os.unlink(imagefile) else: raise errors.Abort('Canceled') try: creator.check_depend_tools() creator.mount(None, creatoropts["cachedir"]) creator.install() creator.configure(creatoropts["repomd"]) creator.unmount() creator.package(creatoropts["outdir"]) if creatoropts['release'] is not None: creator.release_output(ksconf, creatoropts['outdir'], creatoropts['release']) creator.print_outimage_info() except errors.CreatorError: raise finally: creator.cleanup()"Finished.") return 0
def do_create(cls, args): """${cmd_name}: create qcow image Usage: ${name} ${cmd_name} <ksfile> [OPTS] ${cmd_option_list} """ if args is None: raise errors.Usage("Invalid arguments") creatoropts = configmgr.create ksconf = args.ksfile if creatoropts['runtime'] == "bootstrap": configmgr._ksconf = ksconf rt_util.bootstrap_mic() recording_pkgs = [] if len(creatoropts['record_pkgs']) > 0: recording_pkgs = creatoropts['record_pkgs'] if creatoropts['release'] is not None: if 'name' not in recording_pkgs: recording_pkgs.append('name') if 'vcs' not in recording_pkgs: recording_pkgs.append('vcs') configmgr._ksconf = ksconf # try to find the pkgmgr pkgmgr = None backends = pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend') if 'auto' == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: for key in configmgr.prefer_backends: if key in backends: pkgmgr = backends[key] break else: for key in backends.keys(): if key == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: pkgmgr = backends[key] break if not pkgmgr: raise errors.CreatorError("Can't find backend: %s, " "available choices: %s" % (creatoropts['pkgmgr'], ','.join(backends.keys()))) creator = QcowImageCreator(creatoropts, pkgmgr) if len(recording_pkgs) > 0: creator._recording_pkgs = recording_pkgs image_names = [ + ".img"] image_names.extend(creator.get_image_names()) cls.check_image_exists(creator.destdir, creator.pack_to, image_names, creatoropts['release']) try: creator.check_depend_tools() creator.mount(None, creatoropts["cachedir"]) creator.install() creator.configure(creatoropts["repomd"]) creator.copy_kernel() creator.unmount() creator.package(creatoropts["destdir"]) creator.create_manifest() if creatoropts['release'] is not None: creator.release_output(ksconf, creatoropts['destdir'], creatoropts['release']) creator.print_outimage_info() except errors.CreatorError: raise finally: creator.cleanup()"Finished.") return 0
def do_create(self, subcmd, opts, *args): """${cmd_name}: create liveusb image Usage: ${name} ${cmd_name} <ksfile> [OPTS] ${cmd_option_list} """ if not args: raise errors.Usage("need one argument as the path of ks file") if len(args) != 1: raise errors.Usage("Extra arguments given") creatoropts = configmgr.create ksconf = args[0] if not os.path.exists(ksconf): raise errors.CreatorError("Can't find the file: %s" % ksconf) if creatoropts["arch"] and creatoropts["arch"].startswith("arm"): msger.warning("liveusb cannot support arm images, Quit") return recording_pkgs = [] if len(creatoropts["record_pkgs"]) > 0: recording_pkgs = creatoropts["record_pkgs"] if creatoropts["release"] is not None: if "name" not in recording_pkgs: recording_pkgs.append("name") ksconf = misc.normalize_ksfile(ksconf, creatoropts["release"], creatoropts["arch"]) configmgr._ksconf = ksconf # Called After setting the configmgr._ksconf as the creatoropts['name'] is reset there. if creatoropts["release"] is not None: creatoropts["outdir"] = "%s/%s/images/%s/" % ( creatoropts["outdir"], creatoropts["release"], creatoropts["name"], ) # try to find the pkgmgr pkgmgr = None for (key, pcls) in pluginmgr.get_plugins("backend").iteritems(): if key == creatoropts["pkgmgr"]: pkgmgr = pcls break if not pkgmgr: pkgmgrs = pluginmgr.get_plugins("backend").keys() raise errors.CreatorError( "Can't find package manager: %s (availables: %s)" % (creatoropts["pkgmgr"], ", ".join(pkgmgrs)) ) if creatoropts["runtime"]: rt_util.runmic_in_runtime(creatoropts["runtime"], creatoropts, ksconf, None) creator = liveusb.LiveUSBImageCreator(creatoropts, pkgmgr) if len(recording_pkgs) > 0: creator._recording_pkgs = recording_pkgs self.check_image_exists(creator.destdir, creator.pack_to, [ + ".usbimg"], creatoropts["release"]) try: creator.check_depend_tools() creator.mount(None, creatoropts["cachedir"]) creator.install() creator.configure(creatoropts["repomd"]) creator.copy_kernel() creator.unmount() creator.package(creatoropts["outdir"]) if creatoropts["release"] is not None: creator.release_output(ksconf, creatoropts["outdir"], creatoropts["release"]) creator.print_outimage_info() except errors.CreatorError: raise finally: creator.cleanup()"Finished.") return 0
def do_create(self, subcmd, opts, *args): """${cmd_name}: create loop image Usage: ${name} ${cmd_name} <ksfile> [OPTS] ${cmd_option_list} """ if len(args) != 1: raise errors.Usage("Extra arguments given") creatoropts = configmgr.create ksconf = args[0] if creatoropts['runtime'] == "bootstrap": configmgr._ksconf = ksconf rt_util.bootstrap_mic() elif not rt_util.inbootstrap(): try: fs_related.find_binary_path('mic-native') except errors.CreatorError: if not msger.ask("Subpackage \"mic-native\" has not been " "installed in your host system, still " "continue with \"native\" running mode?", False): raise errors.Abort("Abort because subpackage 'mic-native' " "has not been installed") recording_pkgs = [] if len(creatoropts['record_pkgs']) > 0: recording_pkgs = creatoropts['record_pkgs'] if creatoropts['release'] is not None: if 'name' not in recording_pkgs: recording_pkgs.append('name') if 'vcs' not in recording_pkgs: recording_pkgs.append('vcs') configmgr._ksconf = ksconf # try to find the pkgmgr pkgmgr = None backends = pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend') if 'auto' == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: for key in configmgr.prefer_backends: if key in backends: pkgmgr = backends[key] break else: for key in backends.keys(): if key == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: pkgmgr = backends[key] break if not pkgmgr: raise errors.CreatorError("Can't find backend: %s, " "available choices: %s" % (creatoropts['pkgmgr'], ','.join(backends.keys()))) creator = LoopImageCreator(creatoropts, pkgmgr, opts.compress_image, opts.shrink) if len(recording_pkgs) > 0: creator._recording_pkgs = recording_pkgs image_names = [ + ".img"] image_names.extend(creator.get_image_names()) self.check_image_exists(creator.destdir, creator.pack_to, image_names, creatoropts['release']) try: creator.check_depend_tools() creator.mount(None, creatoropts["cachedir"]) creator.install() creator.configure(creatoropts["repomd"]) creator.copy_kernel() creator.unmount() creator.package(creatoropts["destdir"]) if creatoropts['release'] is not None: creator.release_output(ksconf, creatoropts['destdir'], creatoropts['release']) creator.print_outimage_info() except errors.CreatorError: raise finally: creator.cleanup()"Finished.") return 0
def do_create(self, subcmd, opts, *args): """${cmd_name}: create fs image Usage: ${name} ${cmd_name} <ksfile> [OPTS] ${cmd_option_list} """ if not args: raise errors.Usage("need one argument as the path of ks file") if len(args) != 1: raise errors.Usage("Extra arguments given") creatoropts = configmgr.create ksconf = args[0] if not os.path.exists(ksconf): raise errors.CreatorError("Can't find the file: %s" % ksconf) recording_pkgs = [] if len(creatoropts['record_pkgs']) > 0: recording_pkgs = creatoropts['record_pkgs'] if creatoropts['release'] is not None: if 'name' not in recording_pkgs: recording_pkgs.append('name') ksconf = misc.normalize_ksfile(ksconf, creatoropts['release'], creatoropts['arch']) configmgr._ksconf = ksconf # Called After setting the configmgr._ksconf as the creatoropts['name'] is reset there. if creatoropts['release'] is not None: creatoropts['outdir'] = "%s/%s/images/%s/" % (creatoropts['outdir'], creatoropts['release'], creatoropts['name']) # try to find the pkgmgr pkgmgr = None for (key, pcls) in pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend').iteritems(): if key == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: pkgmgr = pcls break if not pkgmgr: pkgmgrs = pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend').keys() raise errors.CreatorError("Can't find package manager: %s (availables: %s)" % (creatoropts['pkgmgr'], ', '.join(pkgmgrs))) if creatoropts['runtime']: rt_util.runmic_in_runtime(creatoropts['runtime'], creatoropts, ksconf, None) creator = fs.FsImageCreator(creatoropts, pkgmgr) creator._include_src = opts.include_src if len(recording_pkgs) > 0: creator._recording_pkgs = recording_pkgs self.check_image_exists(creator.destdir, creator.pack_to, [], creatoropts['release']) try: creator.check_depend_tools() creator.mount(None, creatoropts["cachedir"]) creator.install() #Download the source packages ###private options if opts.include_src: installed_pkgs = creator.get_installed_packages()'--------------------------------------------------')'Generating the image with source rpms included ...') if not misc.SrcpkgsDownload(installed_pkgs, creatoropts["repomd"], creator._instroot, creatoropts["cachedir"]): msger.warning("Source packages can't be downloaded") creator.configure(creatoropts["repomd"]) creator.copy_kernel() creator.unmount() creator.package(creatoropts["outdir"]) if creatoropts['release'] is not None: creator.release_output(ksconf, creatoropts['outdir'], creatoropts['release']) creator.print_outimage_info() except errors.CreatorError: raise finally: creator.cleanup()"Finished.") return 0
def do_create(self, subcmd, opts, *args): """${cmd_name}: create fs image Usage: ${name} ${cmd_name} <ksfile> [OPTS] ${cmd_option_list} """ if not args: raise errors.Usage("need one argument as the path of ks file") if len(args) != 1: raise errors.Usage("Extra arguments given") creatoropts = configmgr.create ksconf = args[0] if not os.path.exists(ksconf): raise errors.CreatorError("Can't find the file: %s" % ksconf) recording_pkgs = [] if len(creatoropts['record_pkgs']) > 0: recording_pkgs = creatoropts['record_pkgs'] if creatoropts['release'] is not None: if 'name' not in recording_pkgs: recording_pkgs.append('name') ksconf = misc.save_ksconf_file(ksconf, creatoropts['release']) configmgr._ksconf = ksconf # Called After setting the configmgr._ksconf as the creatoropts['name'] is reset there. if creatoropts['release'] is not None: creatoropts['outdir'] = "%s/%s/images/%s/" % (creatoropts['outdir'], creatoropts['release'], creatoropts['name']) # try to find the pkgmgr pkgmgr = None for (key, pcls) in pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend').iteritems(): if key == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: pkgmgr = pcls break if not pkgmgr: pkgmgrs = pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend').keys() raise errors.CreatorError("Can't find package manager: %s (availables: %s)" % (creatoropts['pkgmgr'], ', '.join(pkgmgrs))) if creatoropts['runtime']: rt_util.runmic_in_runtime(creatoropts['runtime'], creatoropts, ksconf, None) creator = fs.FsImageCreator(creatoropts, pkgmgr) creator._include_src = opts.include_src if len(recording_pkgs) > 0: creator._recording_pkgs = recording_pkgs if creatoropts['release'] is None: fsdir = os.path.join(creator.destdir, if os.path.exists(fsdir): if msger.ask('The target dir: %s already exists, cleanup and continue?' % fsdir): import shutil shutil.rmtree(fsdir) else: raise errors.Abort('Canceled') try: creator.check_depend_tools() creator.mount(None, creatoropts["cachedir"]) creator.install() #Download the source packages ###private options if opts.include_src: installed_pkgs = creator.get_installed_packages()'--------------------------------------------------')'Generating the image with source rpms included ...') if not misc.SrcpkgsDownload(installed_pkgs, creatoropts["repomd"], creator._instroot, creatoropts["cachedir"]): msger.warning("Source packages can't be downloaded") creator.configure(creatoropts["repomd"]) creator.copy_kernel() creator.unmount() creator.package(creatoropts["outdir"]) if creatoropts['release'] is not None: creator.release_output(ksconf, creatoropts['outdir'], creatoropts['release']) creator.print_outimage_info() except errors.CreatorError: raise finally: creator.cleanup()"Finished.") return 0
def do_create(self, subcmd, opts, *args): """${cmd_name}: create raw image ${cmd_usage} ${cmd_option_list} """ if not args: raise errors.Usage("More arguments needed") if len(args) != 1: raise errors.Usage("Extra arguments given") creatoropts = configmgr.create ksconf = args[0] if not os.path.exists(ksconf): raise errors.CreatorError("Can't find the file: %s" % ksconf) recording_pkgs = [] if len(creatoropts['record_pkgs']) > 0: recording_pkgs = creatoropts['record_pkgs'] if creatoropts['release'] is not None: if 'name' not in recording_pkgs: recording_pkgs.append('name') ksconf = misc.save_ksconf_file(ksconf, creatoropts['release']) name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(ksconf))[0] creatoropts['outdir'] = "%s/%s/images/%s/" % (creatoropts['outdir'], creatoropts['release'], name) configmgr._ksconf = ksconf # try to find the pkgmgr pkgmgr = None for (key, pcls) in pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend').iteritems(): if key == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: pkgmgr = pcls break if not pkgmgr: pkgmgrs = pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend').keys() raise errors.CreatorError("Can't find package manager: %s (availables: %s)" % (creatoropts['pkgmgr'], ', '.join(pkgmgrs))) creator = raw.RawImageCreator(creatoropts, pkgmgr) if len(recording_pkgs) > 0: creator._recording_pkgs = recording_pkgs if creatoropts['release'] is None: imagefile = "%s-sda.raw" % os.path.join(creator.destdir, if os.path.exists(imagefile): if msger.ask('The target image: %s already exists, cleanup and continue?' % imagefile): os.unlink(imagefile) else: raise errors.Abort('Canceled') try: creator.check_depend_tools() creator.mount(None, creatoropts["cachedir"]) creator.install() creator.configure(creatoropts["repomd"]) creator.unmount() creator.package(creatoropts["outdir"]) if creatoropts['release'] is not None: creator.release_output(ksconf, creatoropts['outdir'], creatoropts['release']) creator.print_outimage_info() except errors.CreatorError: raise finally: creator.cleanup()"Finished.") return 0
def do_create(self, subcmd, opts, *args): """${cmd_name}: create fs image Usage: ${name} ${cmd_name} <ksfile> [OPTS] ${cmd_option_list} """ if len(args) != 1: raise errors.Usage("Extra arguments given") creatoropts = configmgr.create ksconf = args[0] if creatoropts['runtime'] == 'bootstrap': configmgr._ksconf = ksconf rt_util.bootstrap_mic() recording_pkgs = [] if len(creatoropts['record_pkgs']) > 0: recording_pkgs = creatoropts['record_pkgs'] if creatoropts['release'] is not None: if 'name' not in recording_pkgs: recording_pkgs.append('name') if 'vcs' not in recording_pkgs: recording_pkgs.append('vcs') configmgr._ksconf = ksconf # Called After setting the configmgr._ksconf as the creatoropts['name'] is reset there. if creatoropts['release'] is not None: creatoropts['outdir'] = "%s/%s/images/%s/" % ( creatoropts['outdir'], creatoropts['release'], creatoropts['name']) # try to find the pkgmgr pkgmgr = None backends = pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend') if 'auto' == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: for key in configmgr.prefer_backends: if key in backends: pkgmgr = backends[key] break else: for key in backends.keys(): if key == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: pkgmgr = backends[key] break if not pkgmgr: raise errors.CreatorError( "Can't find backend: %s, " "available choices: %s" % (creatoropts['pkgmgr'], ','.join(backends.keys()))) creator = fs.FsImageCreator(creatoropts, pkgmgr) creator._include_src = opts.include_src if len(recording_pkgs) > 0: creator._recording_pkgs = recording_pkgs self.check_image_exists(creator.destdir, creator.pack_to, [], creatoropts['release']) try: creator.check_depend_tools() creator.mount(None, creatoropts["cachedir"]) creator.install() #Download the source packages ###private options if opts.include_src: installed_pkgs = creator.get_installed_packages() '--------------------------------------------------') 'Generating the image with source rpms included ...') if not misc.SrcpkgsDownload( installed_pkgs, creatoropts["repomd"], creator._instroot, creatoropts["cachedir"]): msger.warning("Source packages can't be downloaded") creator.configure(creatoropts["repomd"]) creator.copy_kernel() creator.unmount() creator.package(creatoropts["outdir"]) if creatoropts['release'] is not None: creator.release_output(ksconf, creatoropts['outdir'], creatoropts['release']) creator.print_outimage_info() except errors.CreatorError: raise finally: creator.cleanup()"Finished.") return 0
def main(parser, args, argv): """mic create entry point.""" #args is argparser namespace, argv is the input cmd line if args is None: raise errors.Usage("Invalid arguments") if not os.path.exists(args.ksfile): raise errors.CreatorError("Can't find the file: %s" % args.ksfile) if os.geteuid() != 0: msger.error("Root permission is required, abort") try: w = pwd.getpwuid(os.geteuid()) except KeyError: msger.warning("Might fail in compressing stage for undetermined user") abspath = lambda pth: os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(pth)) if args.logfile: logfile_abs_path = abspath(args.logfile) if os.path.isdir(logfile_abs_path): raise errors.Usage("logfile's path %s should be file" % args.logfile) configmgr.create['logfile'] = logfile_abs_path configmgr.set_logfile() if args.subcommand == "auto": do_auto(parser, args.ksfile, argv) return if args.interactive: msger.enable_interactive() else: msger.disable_interactive() if args.verbose: msger.set_loglevel('VERBOSE') if args.debug: try: import rpm rpm.setVerbosity(rpm.RPMLOG_NOTICE) except ImportError: pass msger.set_loglevel('DEBUG') #check the imager type createrClass = None for subcmd, klass in pluginmgr.get_plugins('imager').iteritems(): if subcmd == args.subcommand and hasattr(klass, 'do_create'): createrClass = klass if createrClass is None: raise errors.CreatorError("Can't support subcommand %s" % args.subcommand) if args.config: configmgr.reset() configmgr._siteconf = args.config if args.outdir is not None: configmgr.create['outdir'] = abspath(args.outdir) if args.cachedir is not None: configmgr.create['cachedir'] = abspath(args.cachedir) os.environ['ZYPP_LOCKFILE_ROOT'] = configmgr.create['cachedir'] for cdir in ('outdir', 'cachedir'): if os.path.exists(configmgr.create[cdir]) \ and not os.path.isdir(configmgr.create[cdir]): raise errors.Usage('Invalid directory specified: %s' \ % configmgr.create[cdir]) if not os.path.exists(configmgr.create[cdir]): os.makedirs(configmgr.create[cdir]) if os.getenv('SUDO_UID', '') and os.getenv('SUDO_GID', ''): os.chown(configmgr.create[cdir], int(os.getenv('SUDO_UID')), int(os.getenv('SUDO_GID'))) if args.local_pkgs_path is not None: if not os.path.exists(args.local_pkgs_path): raise errors.Usage('Local pkgs directory: \'%s\' not exist' \ % args.local_pkgs_path) configmgr.create['local_pkgs_path'] = args.local_pkgs_path if args.release: configmgr.create['release'] = args.release.rstrip('/') if args.record_pkgs: configmgr.create['record_pkgs'] = [] for infotype in args.record_pkgs.split(','): if infotype not in ('name', 'content', 'license', 'vcs'): raise errors.Usage('Invalid pkg recording: %s, valid ones:' ' "name", "content", "license", "vcs"' \ % infotype) configmgr.create['record_pkgs'].append(infotype) if args.strict_mode: configmgr.create['strict_mode'] = args.strict_mode if args.arch is not None: supported_arch = sorted(rpmmisc.archPolicies.keys(), reverse=True) if args.arch in supported_arch: configmgr.create['arch'] = args.arch else: raise errors.Usage('Invalid architecture: "%s".\n' ' Supported architectures are: \n' ' %s' % (args.arch, ', '.join(supported_arch))) if args.pkgmgr is not None: configmgr.create['pkgmgr'] = args.pkgmgr if args.runtime: configmgr.set_runtime(args.runtime) if args.pack_to is not None: configmgr.create['pack_to'] = args.pack_to if args.copy_kernel: configmgr.create['copy_kernel'] = args.copy_kernel if args.install_pkgs: configmgr.create['install_pkgs'] = [] for pkgtype in args.install_pkgs.split(','): if pkgtype not in ('source', 'debuginfo', 'debugsource'): raise errors.Usage('Invalid parameter specified: "%s", ' 'valid values: source, debuginfo, ' 'debusource' % pkgtype) configmgr.create['install_pkgs'].append(pkgtype) if args.check_pkgs: for pkg in args.check_pkgs.split(','): configmgr.create['check_pkgs'].append(pkg) if args.enabletmpfs: configmgr.create['enabletmpfs'] = args.enabletmpfs if args.repourl: for item in args.repourl: try: key, val = item.split('=') except: continue configmgr.create['repourl'][key] = val if args.repo: for optvalue in args.repo: repo = {} for item in optvalue.split(';'): try: key, val = item.split('=') except: continue repo[key.strip()] = val.strip() if 'name' in repo: configmgr.create['extrarepos'][repo['name']] = repo if args.ignore_ksrepo: configmgr.create['ignore_ksrepo'] = args.ignore_ksrepo if args.run_script: configmgr.create['run_script'] = args.run_script if args.tpk_install: configmgr.create['tpk_install'] = args.tpk_install creater = createrClass() creater.do_create(args)
def do_create(self, subcmd, opts, *args): """${cmd_name}: create raw image Usage: ${name} ${cmd_name} <ksfile> [OPTS] ${cmd_option_list} """ if not args: raise errors.Usage("need one argument as the path of ks file") if len(args) != 1: raise errors.Usage("Extra arguments given") creatoropts = configmgr.create ksconf = args[0] if not os.path.exists(ksconf): raise errors.CreatorError("Can't find the file: %s" % ksconf) recording_pkgs = [] if len(creatoropts['record_pkgs']) > 0: recording_pkgs = creatoropts['record_pkgs'] if creatoropts['release'] is not None: if 'name' not in recording_pkgs: recording_pkgs.append('name') ksconf = misc.save_ksconf_file(ksconf, creatoropts['release']) configmgr._ksconf = ksconf # Called After setting the configmgr._ksconf as the creatoropts['name'] is reset there. if creatoropts['release'] is not None: creatoropts['outdir'] = "%s/%s/images/%s/" % ( creatoropts['outdir'], creatoropts['release'], creatoropts['name']) # try to find the pkgmgr pkgmgr = None for (key, pcls) in pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend').iteritems(): if key == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: pkgmgr = pcls break if not pkgmgr: pkgmgrs = pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend').keys() raise errors.CreatorError( "Can't find package manager: %s (availables: %s)" % (creatoropts['pkgmgr'], ', '.join(pkgmgrs))) if creatoropts['runtime']: rt_util.runmic_in_runtime(creatoropts['runtime'], creatoropts, ksconf, None) creator = raw.RawImageCreator(creatoropts, pkgmgr) if len(recording_pkgs) > 0: creator._recording_pkgs = recording_pkgs if creatoropts['release'] is None: for item in creator.get_diskinfo(): imagefile = "%s-%s.raw" % (os.path.join( creator.destdir,, item['name']) if os.path.exists(imagefile): if msger.ask( 'The target image: %s already exists, cleanup and continue?' % imagefile): os.unlink(imagefile) else: raise errors.Abort('Canceled') try: creator.check_depend_tools() creator.mount(None, creatoropts["cachedir"]) creator.install() creator.configure(creatoropts["repomd"]) creator.unmount() creator.package(creatoropts["outdir"]) if creatoropts['release'] is not None: creator.release_output(ksconf, creatoropts['outdir'], creatoropts['release']) creator.print_outimage_info() except errors.CreatorError: raise finally: creator.cleanup()"Finished.") return 0
def do_create(self, args): """${cmd_name}: create fs image Usage: ${name} ${cmd_name} <ksfile> [OPTS] ${cmd_option_list} """ if args is None: raise errors.Usage("Invalid arguments.") creatoropts = configmgr.create ksconf = args.ksfile if creatoropts['runtime'] == 'bootstrap': configmgr._ksconf = ksconf rt_util.bootstrap_mic() recording_pkgs = [] if len(creatoropts['record_pkgs']) > 0: recording_pkgs = creatoropts['record_pkgs'] if creatoropts['release'] is not None: if 'name' not in recording_pkgs: recording_pkgs.append('name') if 'vcs' not in recording_pkgs: recording_pkgs.append('vcs') configmgr._ksconf = ksconf # try to find the pkgmgr pkgmgr = None backends = pluginmgr.get_plugins('backend') if 'auto' == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: for key in configmgr.prefer_backends: if key in backends: pkgmgr = backends[key] break else: for key in backends.keys(): if key == creatoropts['pkgmgr']: pkgmgr = backends[key] break if not pkgmgr: raise errors.CreatorError("Can't find backend: %s, " "available choices: %s" % (creatoropts['pkgmgr'], ','.join(backends.keys()))) creator = fs.FsImageCreator(creatoropts, pkgmgr) creator._include_src = args.include_src if len(recording_pkgs) > 0: creator._recording_pkgs = recording_pkgs self.check_image_exists(creator.destdir, creator.pack_to, [], creatoropts['release']) try: creator.check_depend_tools() creator.mount(None, creatoropts["cachedir"]) creator.install() #Download the source packages ###private options if args.include_src: installed_pkgs = creator.get_installed_packages()'--------------------------------------------------')'Generating the image with source rpms included ...') if not misc.SrcpkgsDownload(installed_pkgs, creatoropts["repomd"], creator._instroot, creatoropts["cachedir"]): msger.warning("Source packages can't be downloaded") creator.configure(creatoropts["repomd"]) creator.copy_kernel() creator.unmount() creator.package(creatoropts["destdir"]) creator.create_manifest() if creatoropts['release'] is not None: creator.release_output(ksconf, creatoropts['destdir'], creatoropts['release']) creator.print_outimage_info() except errors.CreatorError: raise finally: creator.cleanup()"Finished.") return 0