def testCode4Case2(self): """chat with other microgear in same appid""" try: print('Code4Case2') print("run helper...") code = str(31) args = ['python', '', code] p = subprocess.Popen(args, cwd=(helper_dir)) time.sleep(connect_worst_timeout) print("run main...") client.create(self.gearkey, self.gearsecret, self.appid) client.setalias(self.gearname) client.on_connect = MagicMock() client.connect() time.sleep(connect_timeout) self.assertTrue(client.on_connect.called) self.connected = True, self.message) time.sleep(message_timeout) r_file = open(receiver_file, "r") received_message = r_file.close() if(received_message == self.message): self.received = True self.assertTrue(self.received) p.kill() #if fails due to assertion error except Exception as e: print("fail") raise Exception(e.args)
def LED_State(message): print(message) if message == "b'ON'": GPIO.output(Red_LED, 1) GPIO.output(Green_LED, 1) GPIO.output(Blue_LED, 1) LED_State = 1"LED-Status", LED_State) elif message == "b'OFF'": GPIO.output(Red_LED, 0) GPIO.output(Green_LED, 0) GPIO.output(Blue_LED, 0) LED_State = 0"LED-Status", LED_State) elif message == "b'RED'": GPIO.output(Red_LED, 1) GPIO.output(Green_LED, 0) GPIO.output(Blue_LED, 0) elif message == "b'GREEN'": GPIO.output(Red_LED, 0) GPIO.output(Green_LED, 1) GPIO.output(Blue_LED, 0) elif message == "b'BLUE'": GPIO.output(Red_LED, 0) GPIO.output(Green_LED, 0) GPIO.output(Blue_LED, 1)
def controlTag(number,Order_bool): send = "" if Order_bool is True: send = str(number) + "," + "ON""client_Tag_control",send) elif Order_bool is False: send = str(number) + "," + "OFF""client_Tag_control",send)
def subscription(topic, message): print(topic + " " + message) if "ON" in message:, "ON," + ("%.1f" % netpie)) GPIO.output(LED, GPIO.HIGH) elif "OFF" in message:, "OFF," + ("%.1f" % netpie)) GPIO.output(LED, GPIO.LOW)
def subscription(topic,message):" "+message) print message if message == "ON": GPIO.output(11,GPIO.HIGH)"HTML_web", "ON") else: GPIO.output(11,GPIO.LOW)"HTML_web", "OFF")
def read_temp(): lines = read_temp_raw() while lines[0].strip()[-3:] != 'YES': time.sleep(0.2) lines = read_temp_raw() equals_pos = lines[1].find('t=') if equals_pos != -1: temp_string = lines[1][equals_pos + 2:] temp_c = float(temp_string) / 1000.0 temp_f = temp_c * 9.0 / 5.0 + 32.0 print "Temp:", temp_c"TEMPWATER", temp_c)
def testCreateNetPieScopeChat(): gearkey, gearsecret, appid = testCreateNetPie1(); client.create(gearkey, gearsecret, appid, {'debugmode' : True, 'scope' : "chat:java ja"}) client.setname('Python ja') client.connect() def receive_message(topic, message): print topic + " " + message while(True):'Html ka', "Hello html") time.sleep(3) client.on_message = receive_message
def subscription(topic, msg): global this_role, ready_to_receive if this_role == 'receiver': if not ready_to_receive: if msg == 'ruok':, 'iamok') ready_to_receive = True else: print "recieving image data." decode_base64(msg, None) # don't need to save on disk print "process is done" else: print(topic + ":" + msg)
def subscription(topic,msg): global this_role,ready_to_receive if this_role == 'receiver' : if not ready_to_receive : if msg=='ruok' :,'iamok') ready_to_receive = True else : print "recieving image data." decode_base64(msg,None) # don't need to save on disk print "process is done" else : print(topic+":"+msg)
def reaction(data): if data is not '': microgear.publish('/speech',"You : " + data) if "how are you" in data or data in ("how are you","how do you feel") : speak("I am fine") if "what time" in data: speak(ctime()) if "turn on light" in data: speak("Ok turn on the light")"lightEdge",'1') if "turn off light" in data: speak("Ok turn off the light")"lightEdge",'0') if "turn off air" in data: speak("Ok turn off Air condition")"AIRCONSWITCH",'10') if "turn on air" in data: speak("Ok turn on Air condition")"AIRCONSWITCH",'11') if "where is" in data: data = data.split(" ") location = data[2] speak("Hold on, I will show you where " + location + " is.") os.system("chromium-browser" + location + "/&")
def testScopeChat(): gearkey = "qnlgzsPUUxYeyQP" gearsecret = "1euJPvxybllEPQZzq2u9wpRJXDbjM7" appid = "testNo3" client.create(gearkey, gearsecret, appid, {'debugmode': "True", 'scope': "chat:receiver"}) client.setname("sender") client.connect() def receive_message(topic, message): print topic + " " + message while True:"not receiver","How are you?") time.sleep(3)
def testCode4Case1(self): """chat with itself""" print('Code4Case1') client.create(self.gearkey, self.gearsecret, self.appid) client.setalias(self.gearname) client.on_message = MagicMock() client.on_connect = MagicMock() client.connect() time.sleep(connect_timeout) self.assertTrue(client.on_connect.called) self.connected = True, self.message) time.sleep(message_timeout) self.assertTrue(client.on_message.called) client.on_message.assert_called_once_with(self.expectedMsgTopic, self.expectedMessage)
def testChat(): gearkey = "ExhoyeQoTyJS5Ac" gearsecret = "gzDawaaHRe1KvQhepAw3WYuuGHjBsh" appid = "p107microgear" origin = "oriA" destination = "destX" client.create(gearkey , gearsecret, appid, {'debugmode': True}) client.setname(origin) client.connect() def receive_message(topic, message): print topic + " " + message while True:,"Hello world.") time.sleep(3)
def subscription(topic,msg): global this_role,ready_to_receive,running if this_role == 'receiver' : if not ready_to_receive : if msg=='ruok' :,'iamok') ready_to_receive = True else : #print ("recieving image data.") decode_base64(msg,None) # don't need to save on disk #print ("process is done") #print ("----- "+ str(count) + " ------") running = False else :
def initial_Val(message): global set_initial a = message.split(",") # print a # print a[0] ,"a0" # print a[1] ,"a1" if str(a[1]) == "startinitValue": # print "Do""WebServer", "init,-53") #"WebServer","-53") #"WebServer","ready") set_initial = True # print "start",a[0] , a[1] # rule.returnChat("-53") elif str(a[1]) == "stopinitValue": #"WebServer","ok done") set_initial = False
def testChat(): gearkey = "ExhoyeQoTyJS5Ac" gearsecret = "gzDawaaHRe1KvQhepAw3WYuuGHjBsh" appid = "p107microgear" gear_name = "not receiver" client.create(gearkey , gearsecret, appid, {'debugmode': True}) client.setname(gear_name) client.connect() def receive_message(topic, message): print topic + " " + message while True:"not receiver", "hello") time.sleep(3) client.on_message = receive_message
def testCode4Case6(self): """chat with other microgear which shares the same gearname in different appid""" try: print('Code4Case6') print("run helper...") code = str(12) args = ['python', '', code] p = subprocess.Popen(args, cwd=(helper_dir)) time.sleep(connect_worst_timeout) print("run main...") self.helperGearname = self.gearname client.create(self.gearkey, self.gearsecret, self.appid) client.setalias(self.gearname) client.on_connect = MagicMock() client.on_message = MagicMock() client.connect() time.sleep(connect_timeout) self.assertTrue(client.on_connect.called) self.connected = True, self.message) time.sleep(message_timeout) self.assertTrue(client.on_message.called) client.on_message.assert_called_once_with(self.expectedMsgTopic, self.expectedMessage) receiver_file = open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),"receiver.txt"), "r") received_message = receiver_file.close() if(received_message == self.message): self.received = True self.assertFalse(self.received) p.kill() #if fails due to assertion error except Exception as e: p.kill() raise Exception(e.args)
def searchALL(dic, number): global before, count_reset, set_before, set_ESP # print dic number = number - 1 for i, j in dic.items(): for a in range(0, len(tagRoom)): if i == tagRoom[a][0]: intitial_ewma(j, a, number) if int( ewma_backward(before[number][a], j) - ewma_forward(before[number][a], j)) in range(-5, 5): temp = ewma_forward(before[number][a], j) data[number][a] = temp before[number][a] = temp if set_initial is True:"WebServer", "init," + str(temp)) compare(number, dic, data[number][a], a) else: if count_reset[number][a] >= 3: set_before[number][a] = True count_reset[number][a] = 0 count_reset[number][a] = count_reset[number][a] + 1
def waterlevel(): GPIO.output(TRIG, False) time.sleep(2) GPIO.output(TRIG, True) time.sleep(0.00001) GPIO.output(TRIG, False) while GPIO.input(ECHO) == 0: pulse_start = time.time() while GPIO.input(ECHO) == 1: pulse_end = time.time() pulse_duration = pulse_end - pulse_start distance = pulse_duration * 17150 distance = round(distance, 2) if distance > 2 and distance < 400: print "Water Level:", distance, "cm""WATERLEVEL", distance) return distance else: print "Out Of Range"
def testCode4Case10(self): """chat to topic which has subscriber""" try: print('Code4Case10') print("run helper...") code = str(61) args = ['python', '', code] p = subprocess.Popen(args, cwd=(helper_dir)) time.sleep(connect_worst_timeout) print("run main...") self.gearname = '/firstTopic' client.create(self.gearkey, self.gearsecret, self.appid) client.setalias(self.gearname) client.on_connect = MagicMock() client.connect() time.sleep(connect_timeout) self.assertTrue(client.on_connect.called) self.connected = True, self.message) time.sleep(message_timeout) receiver_file = open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),"receiver.txt"), "r") received_message = receiver_file.close() if(received_message == self.message): self.received = True self.assertFalse(self.received) p.kill() #if fails due to assertion error except Exception as e: p.kill() raise Exception(e.args)
def subscription(topic, msg): global this_role, ready_to_receive, img_status ask = msg[2:-1] #print(msg) if this_role == 'receiver': if not ready_to_receive: if ask == 'ruok': print('Received sender message, sender is ready.'), 'iamok') ready_to_receive = True else: if len(msg) > 1000: print("...Receiving image data...") print('img len:', len(msg)) decode_base64(msg, 'test.jpg') # don't need to save on disk print("Image received!") print("--------------------------") img_status = True files = {'file': open('test.jpg', 'rb')} url = "http://localhost:5000/uploadImage", files=files) print("process is done") elif img_status: print("...Receiving prediction data...") print(msg, len(msg)) print("Data received!") print("==========================") print("==========================") img_status = False ready_to_receive = False else: ready_to_receive = False else: print('sdfsdfsf') print(topic + ":" + msg)
def helper(createx=[], setaliasx=[], chatx=[], publishx=[], subscribex=[]): print(createx, setaliasx,chatx,publishx,subscribex) message = "hello" received = False if(len(createx) > 0): print(microgear.gearkey) client.create(createx[0],createx[1],createx[2],{'debugmode': True}) def on_connected(): print("connect") def on_disconnected(): print("disconnected") def on_message(topic, message): print("message") time.sleep(2) ack = open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),"../receiver.txt"), "w") print(ack) ack.write(message) ack.close() def on_present(gearkey): print("present") def on_absent(gearkey): print("absent") def on_warning(msg): print("reject") def on_info(msg): print("info") def on_error(msg): print("error") client.on_connect = on_connected client.on_disconnect = on_disconnected client.on_message = on_message client.on_present = on_present client.on_absent = on_absent client.on_warning = on_warning client.on_info = on_info client.on_error = on_error if(len(setaliasx) > 0): client.setalias(setaliasx[0]) if(len(subscribex) > 0): client.subscribe(subscribex[0]) client.resettoken() client.connect(False) if(len(chatx) > 0): while True:[0], message) print('chitchat') time.sleep(2) if(len(publishx) > 0) : while True: client.publish(publishx[0], message) print('pubpush') time.sleep(2) print("in helper file") print(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),"microgear.cache")) while True: pass
def connection():"Now I am connected with netpie") def subscription(topic,message):" "+message) def disconnect(): logging.debug("disconnect is work") microgear.setalias("Pi") microgear.on_connect = connection microgear.on_message = subscription microgear.on_disconnect = disconnect microgear.subscribe("/mails") microgear.connect(False) status = "OFF" while True: if(microgear.connected): if(GPIO.input(5)==0): if status == "OFF": GPIO.output(3,GPIO.HIGH) status = "ON""HTML_web", status) else: GPIO.output(3,GPIO.LOW) status = "OFF""HTML_web", status) time.sleep(0.2)
def ActivateCamera(): # getFromScan = 'Kitkat:P4:8/11/2018:3' # add new/remove product getFromScan = 'Coke:P4:8/10/2018:75' splitString = getFromScan.split(":") checkProductName = splitString[0] priceOfdata = splitString[1] checkExpirydate = splitString[2] itemCode = splitString[3] # data = {"name": getFromScan} data = { 'price': 30, 'Code': splitString[3], 'name': splitString[0], 'expiryDate': splitString[2], 'Checkin': str( } checkDuplicate = False counterOuter = 0 """""" # 1.1 for i in itemlist: # 2.1 same product name if i['name'] == checkProductName: print "have same product name" checkDuplicate = True # 3.1 same expiryDate if i['expiryDate'] == checkExpirydate: print "have same expiryDate" print i['Code'] list_of_ItemCode = CreateArrayOfKeyDict(json.dumps(i['Code'])) list_of_Checkin = CreateArrayOfKeyDict(json.dumps( i['Checkin'])) counterInner = 0 for itemID in list_of_ItemCode: print 'U r in the new for loop' # 4.1 itemCode(itemID) is duplicate print 'itemID is ' + itemID print 'itemCode is ' + itemCode if itemID == itemCode: # 5.1 array of Code is equal 1 if len(list_of_ItemCode) == 1: # remove statement print 'U are in the code is duplicate condition' checkDuplicate = True removeItemKey = itemlist_key[counterOuter] print removeItemKey forRemoveDupCode = firebase.ref( 'CustomerInfo/-KqsdeuVyyatxKELuMs4/Item') forRemoveDupCode.child(removeItemKey).delete() # create new data checkoutData = data = { 'price': 30, 'Code': itemCode, 'name': checkProductName, 'expiryDate': checkExpirydate, 'Checkin': list_of_Checkin[counterInner], 'Checkout': str(, 'Province': CustomerAddress } # add to usage database usageItem = firebase.ref('Usage') usageItem.push(checkoutData) itemlist.pop(counterOuter) itemlist_key.pop(counterOuter) print("Successful for removing item" + getFromScan)"outdoor/temp", json.dumps(itemlist)) time.sleep(5) break # 5.2 array of Code is greater than 1 else: # delete item code from dict and update # update statement print 'Code duplicate but length is greater than 1 condition' checkDuplicate = True removeItemKey = itemlist_key[counterOuter] print removeItemKey # update item code list_of_ItemCode.remove(itemID) # getting new values to update data in firebase newCode5 = ReplaceValuesInDict( json.dumps(list_of_ItemCode)) # update values in firebase forRemoveExCode = firebase.ref( 'CustomerInfo/-KqsdeuVyyatxKELuMs4/Item') forRemoveExCode.child(removeItemKey).child( 'Code').set(newCode5) # update local database i['Code'] = UpdateNewValuesDictKey( list_of_ItemCode) # create new data checkoutData = data = { 'price': 30, 'Code': itemCode, 'name': checkProductName, 'expiryDate': checkExpirydate, 'Checkin': list_of_Checkin[counterInner], 'Checkout': str(, 'Province': CustomerAddress } # update check in list_of_Checkin.pop(counterInner) updateCheckinValues = ReplaceValuesInDict( json.dumps(list_of_Checkin)) forupdateNewCheckin = firebase.ref( 'CustomerInfo/-KqsdeuVyyatxKELuMs4/Item') forupdateNewCheckin.child(removeItemKey).child( 'Checkin').set(updateCheckinValues) i['Checkin'] = UpdateNewValuesDictKey( list_of_Checkin) # add to usage database usageItem = firebase.ref('Usage') usageItem.push(checkoutData) print("Successful for removing item Code")"outdoor/temp", json.dumps(itemlist)) time.sleep(5) break counterInner += 1 # 4.2 itemCode(itemID) is not duplicate else: # update statement with append new itemCode into existing dict print 'update' checkDuplicate = True removeItemKey = itemlist_key[counterOuter] # update item code # add new code to list list_of_ItemCode.append(itemCode) # getting new values to update data in firebase newCode5 = ReplaceValuesInDict( json.dumps(list_of_ItemCode)) # update values in firebase forupdateNewCode = firebase.ref( 'CustomerInfo/-KqsdeuVyyatxKELuMs4/Item') forupdateNewCode.child(removeItemKey).child('Code').set( newCode5) # update local database i['Code'] = UpdateNewValuesDictKey(list_of_ItemCode) # update check in # add new check in time to list list_of_Checkin.append(data['Checkin']) # getting new values to update data in firebase newCodeForCheckin = ReplaceValuesInDict( json.dumps(list_of_Checkin)) # update values in firebase forupdateNewCheckin = firebase.ref( 'CustomerInfo/-KqsdeuVyyatxKELuMs4/Item') forupdateNewCheckin.child(removeItemKey).child( 'Checkin').set(newCodeForCheckin) # update local database i['Checkin'] = UpdateNewValuesDictKey(list_of_Checkin)"outdoor/temp", json.dumps(itemlist)) time.sleep(5) break # 3.2 expiry date is not duplicate else: # add statement foraddnewDate = firebase.ref( 'CustomerInfo/-KqsdeuVyyatxKELuMs4/Item') NewItemKey = foraddnewDate.push(data) print("Successful for adding new date") abcd = json.dumps(NewItemKey.values()) pkpk = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z_0-9-]+', '', abcd) itemlist.append(data) itemlist_key.append(pkpk)"outdoor/temp", json.dumps(itemlist)) time.sleep(5) break counterOuter += 1 # 1.2 if checkDuplicate == false it will add the new one if checkDuplicate == False: # add statement print 'add new item' foraddNewitemRef = firebase.ref( 'CustomerInfo/-KqsdeuVyyatxKELuMs4/Item') NewItemKey = foraddNewitemRef.push(data) print("Successful for adding new item") abcd = json.dumps(NewItemKey.values()) pkpk = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z_0-9-]+', '', abcd) itemlist.append(data) itemlist_key.append(pkpk)"outdoor/temp", json.dumps(itemlist)) time.sleep(5)
microgear.subscribe("/Station_data/3") microgear.subscribe("/Station_data/4") microgear.subscribe("/dataControl") # microgear.subscribe("/web") os.system('rm microgear.cache') #client.connect() microgear.connect() count_reset = 0 count_Notify = 0 db.APsList() optimize.findAP() optimize.findTagRoom() optimize.findMoTag()"WebServer", "ready") while (True): # optimize.call_checktime() # microgear.publish("/data","test") # optimize.trilateration(2.22478863989/5,7.89384797649/5,3.5261/5) # optimize.trilateration(5/5,7/5,5/5) # send = input("what word to send esp8266:") #"client_station",send) # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # temp = # optimize.resetALL() # # print temp # if temp[0] != "none":
import microgear.client as microgear import time import logging appid = "testNetpie" gearkey = "TYSjnUASnt3xb5s" gearsecret = "QJmJp0lXHDavim4KXvHItE8ez" microgear.create(gearkey,gearsecret,appid,{'debugmode': True}) def connection(): logging.debug("Now I am connected with netpie") def subscription(topic,message): logging.debug(topic+" "+message) def disconnect(): logging.debug("disconnect is work") microgear.setalias("testNetpie") microgear.on_connect = connection microgear.on_message = subscription microgear.on_disconnect = disconnect # microgear.subscribe("/mails") microgear.connect(False) while True:"testNetpie","Hello world."+str(int(time.time()))) time.sleep(2)
def ActivateCamera(): # set camera stream = io.BytesIO() with picamera.PiCamera() as camera: camera.start_preview(fullscreen=False, window=(1500, 50, 480, 480)) time.sleep(2) camera.capture(stream, format='jpeg') # "Rewind" the stream to the beginning so we can read its content pil = # set scanner scanner = zbar.ImageScanner() # configure the reader scanner.parse_config('enable') pil = pil.convert('L') width, height = pil.size raw = pil.tostring() # wrap image data image = zbar.Image(width, height, 'Y800', raw) # scan the image for barcodes scanner.scan(image) # reading qr code from image => for item in image for symbol in image: getFromScan = # split string splitString = getFromScan.split(":") # setting data checkProductName = splitString[0] priceOfdata = splitString[1] checkExpirydate = splitString[2] itemCode = splitString[3] data = { 'price': splitString[1], 'Code': splitString[3], 'name': splitString[0], 'expiryDate': splitString[2], 'Checkin': str( } checkDuplicate = False codeDuplicate = False counterOuter = 0 # 1.1 for loop item list for item in itemlist: # 1.1 duplicate name if item['name'] == data['name']: checkDuplicate = True # 2.1 duplicate date if item['expiryDate'] == data['expiryDate']: list_of_ItemCode = createArrayOfKeyDict( json.dumps(item['Code'])) list_of_Checkin = createArrayOfKeyDict( json.dumps(item['Checkin'])) counterInner = 0 for itemID in list_of_ItemCode: # 3.1 duplicate code if itemID == data['Code']: codeDuplicate = True # 4.1 len == 1 if len(list_of_ItemCode) == 1: removeItemKey = itemlist_key[counterOuter] print removeItemKey forRemoveDupCode = firebase.ref( 'CustomerInfo/-KqsdeuVyyatxKELuMs4/Item') forRemoveDupCode.child(removeItemKey).delete() checkoutData = { 'price': splitString[1], 'Code': itemCode, 'name': checkProductName, 'expiryDate': checkExpirydate, 'Checkin': list_of_Checkin[counterInner], 'Checkout': str(, 'Province': 'Chiang Mai' } usageItem = firebase.ref('Usage') usageItem.push(checkoutData) itemlist.pop(counterOuter) itemlist_key.pop(counterOuter)"outdoor/temp", json.dumps(itemlist)) time.sleep(5) return True # 4.2 len > 1 else: removeItemKey = itemlist_key[counterOuter] print removeItemKey # update item code list_of_ItemCode.remove(itemID) # getting new values to update data in firebase newCode5 = replaceValuesInDict( json.dumps(list_of_ItemCode)) # update values in firebase forRemoveExCode = firebase.ref( 'CustomerInfo/-KqsdeuVyyatxKELuMs4/Item') forRemoveExCode.child(removeItemKey).child( 'Code').set(newCode5) # update local database item['Code'] = updateNewValuesDictKey( list_of_ItemCode) # create new data checkoutData = { 'price': splitString[1], 'Code': itemCode, 'name': checkProductName, 'expiryDate': checkExpirydate, 'Checkin': list_of_Checkin[counterInner], 'Checkout': str(, 'Province': 'Chiang Mai' } # update check in list_of_Checkin.pop(counterInner) # updateCheckinValues = replaceValuesInDict(json.dumps(list_of_Checkin)) forupdateNewCheckin = firebase.ref( 'CustomerInfo/-KqsdeuVyyatxKELuMs4/Item') forupdateNewCheckin.child(removeItemKey).child( 'Checkin').set(updateCheckinValues) item['Checkin'] = updateNewValuesDictKey( list_of_Checkin) # add to usage database usageItem = firebase.ref('Usage') usageItem.push(checkoutData)"outdoor/temp", json.dumps(itemlist)) time.sleep(5) return True counterInner += 1 # 3.2 not duplicate code if codeDuplicate == False: removeItemKey = itemlist_key[counterOuter] # update item code # add new code to list list_of_ItemCode.append(itemCode) # getting new values to update data in firebase newCode5 = replaceValuesInDict( json.dumps(list_of_ItemCode)) # update values in firebase forupdateNewCode = firebase.ref( 'CustomerInfo/-KqsdeuVyyatxKELuMs4/Item') forupdateNewCode.child(removeItemKey).child( 'Code').set(newCode5) # update local database item['Code'] = updateNewValuesDictKey(list_of_ItemCode) # update check in # add new check in time to list list_of_Checkin.append(data['Checkin']) # getting new values to update data in firebase newCodeForCheckin = replaceValuesInDict( json.dumps(list_of_Checkin)) # # update values in firebase forupdateNewCheckin = firebase.ref( 'CustomerInfo/-KqsdeuVyyatxKELuMs4/Item') forupdateNewCheckin.child(removeItemKey).child( 'Checkin').set(newCodeForCheckin) # update local database item['Checkin'] = updateNewValuesDictKey( list_of_Checkin)"outdoor/temp", json.dumps(itemlist)) time.sleep(5) return True else: foraddnewDate = firebase.ref( 'CustomerInfo/-KqsdeuVyyatxKELuMs4/Item') NewItemKey = foraddnewDate.push(data) abcd = json.dumps(NewItemKey.values()) pkpk = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z_0-9-]+', '', abcd) itemlist.append(data) itemlist_key.append(pkpk)"outdoor/temp", json.dumps(itemlist)) time.sleep(5) return True counterOuter += 1 if checkDuplicate == False: foraddNewitemRef = firebase.ref( 'CustomerInfo/-KqsdeuVyyatxKELuMs4/Item') NewItemKey = foraddNewitemRef.push(data) abcd = json.dumps(NewItemKey.values()) pkpk = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z_0-9-]+', '', abcd) itemlist.append(data) itemlist_key.append(pkpk)"outdoor/temp", json.dumps(itemlist)) time.sleep(5)
def ActivateCamera(): capture = cv.CaptureFromCAM(0) # decalre the zbar_setter as zbar scanner zbar_scanner = zbar.ImageScanner() checkScan = False; while (checkScan == False): # create the variable as a frame of camera img = cv.QueryFrame(capture) height = int(img.height) width = int(img.width) SubRect = cv.GetSubRect(img, (1, 1, width - 1, height - 1)) # cv.Rectangle(img,(0,0),(width,height),(255,0,0)) # to create the image set_image = cv.CreateImage((SubRect.width, SubRect.height), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1) cv.ConvertImage(SubRect, set_image) image = zbar.Image(set_image.width, set_image.height, 'Y800', set_image.tostring()) zbar_scanner.scan(image) for item in image: getFromScan = splitString = getFromScan.split(":") checkProductName = splitString[0] priceOfdata = splitString[1] checkExpirydate = splitString[2] itemCode = splitString[3] data = {'price': splitString[1] , 'Code': splitString[3], 'name': splitString[0], 'expiryDate': splitString[2], 'Checkin': str(} checkDuplicate = False counterOuter = 0 """""" # 1.1 for i in itemlist: # 2.1 same product name if i['name'] == checkProductName: print "have same product name" checkDuplicate = True # 3.1 same expiryDate if i['expiryDate'] == checkExpirydate: print "have same expiryDate" print i['Code'] list_of_ItemCode = CreateArrayOfKeyDict(json.dumps(i['Code'])) list_of_Checkin = CreateArrayOfKeyDict(json.dumps(i['Checkin'])) counterInner = 0 for itemID in listOfCode: print 'U r in the new for loop' # 4.1 itemCode(itemID) is duplicate print 'itemID is ' + itemID print 'itemCode is ' + itemCode if itemID == itemCode: # 5.1 array of Code is equal 1 if len(listOfCode) == 1: # remove statement print 'U are in the code is duplicate condition' checkDuplicate = True removeItemKey = itemlist_key[counterOuter] print removeItemKey forRemoveDupCode = firebase.ref('CustomerInfo/-KqsdeuVyyatxKELuMs4/Item') forRemoveDupCode.child(removeItemKey).delete() # create new data checkoutData = data = {'price': splitString[1], 'Code': itemCode, 'name': checkProductName, 'expiryDate': checkExpirydate, 'Checkin': list_of_Checkin[counterInner], 'Checkout': str(, 'Province' : 'Chiang Mai'} # add to usage database usageItem = firebase.ref('Usage') usageItem.push(checkoutData) itemlist.pop(counterOuter) itemlist_key.pop(counterOuter) print ("Successful for removing item" + getFromScan)"outdoor/temp", json.dumps(itemlist)) time.sleep(5) return True # 5.2 array of Code is greater than 1 else: # delete item code from dict and update # update statement print 'Code duplicate but length is greater than 1 condition' checkDuplicate = True removeItemKey = itemlist_key[counterOuter] print removeItemKey # update item code list_of_ItemCode.remove(itemID) # getting new values to update data in firebase newCode5 = ReplaceValuesInDict(json.dumps(list_of_ItemCode)) # update values in firebase forRemoveExCode = firebase.ref('CustomerInfo/-KqsdeuVyyatxKELuMs4/Item') forRemoveExCode.child(removeItemKey).child('Code').set(newCode5) # update local database i['Code'] = UpdateNewValuesDictKey(list_of_ItemCode) # create new data checkoutData = data = {'price': splitString[1], 'Code': itemCode, 'name': checkProductName, 'expiryDate': checkExpirydate, 'Checkin': list_of_Checkin[counterInner], 'Checkout': str(, 'Province' : 'Chiang Mai'} # update check in list_of_Checkin.pop(counterInner) updateCheckinValues = ReplaceValuesInDict(json.dumps(list_of_Checkin)) forupdateNewCheckin = firebase.ref('CustomerInfo/-KqsdeuVyyatxKELuMs4/Item') forupdateNewCheckin.child(removeItemKey).child('Checkin').set(updateCheckinValues) i['Checkin'] = UpdateNewValuesDictKey(list_of_Checkin) # add to usage database usageItem = firebase.ref('Usage') usageItem.push(checkoutData) print ("Successful for removing item Code")"outdoor/temp", json.dumps(itemlist)) time.sleep(5) return True counterInner += 1 # 4.2 itemCode(itemID) is not duplicate else: # update statement with append new itemCode into existing dict print 'update' checkDuplicate = True removeItemKey = itemlist_key[counterOuter] # update item code # add new code to list list_of_ItemCode.append(itemCode) # getting new values to update data in firebase newCode5 = ReplaceValuesInDict(json.dumps(list_of_ItemCode)) # update values in firebase forupdateNewCode = firebase.ref('CustomerInfo/-KqsdeuVyyatxKELuMs4/Item') forupdateNewCode.child(removeItemKey).child('Code').set(newCode5) # update local database i['Code'] = UpdateNewValuesDictKey(list_of_ItemCode) # update check in # add new check in time to list list_of_Checkin.append(data['Checkin']) # getting new values to update data in firebase newCodeForCheckin = ReplaceValuesInDict(json.dumps(list_of_Checkin)) # update values in firebase forupdateNewCheckin = firebase.ref('CustomerInfo/-KqsdeuVyyatxKELuMs4/Item') forupdateNewCheckin.child(removeItemKey).child('Checkin').set(newCodeForCheckin) # update local database i['Checkin'] = UpdateNewValuesDictKey(list_of_Checkin)"outdoor/temp", json.dumps(itemlist)) time.sleep(5) return True # 3.2 expiry date is not duplicate else: # add statement foraddnewDate = firebase.ref('CustomerInfo/-KqsdeuVyyatxKELuMs4/Item') NewItemKey = foraddnewDate.push(data) print("Successful for adding new date") abcd = json.dumps(NewItemKey.values()) pkpk = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z_0-9-]+', '', abcd) itemlist.append(data) itemlist_key.append(pkpk)"outdoor/temp", json.dumps(itemlist)) time.sleep(5) return True counterOuter += 1 # 1.2 if checkDuplicate == false it will add the new one if checkDuplicate == False: # add statement print 'add new item' foraddNewitemRef = firebase.ref('CustomerInfo/-KqsdeuVyyatxKELuMs4/Item') NewItemKey = foraddNewitemRef.push(data) print("Successful for adding new item") abcd = json.dumps(NewItemKey.values()) pkpk = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z_0-9-]+', '', abcd) itemlist.append(data) itemlist_key.append(pkpk)"outdoor/temp", json.dumps(itemlist)) time.sleep(5) return True #cv.ShowImage("ISR Scanner", img) # less for fast video rendering cv.WaitKey(1)
def Foward_active(sensor1, sensor2, sensor3, SpeedStart, SpeedEnd, timechange, Target): if int(sensor2) >= 600: motorunit.analogWrite(6, SpeedEnd) motorunit.analogWrite(10, SpeedEnd) motorunit.analogWrite(4, SpeedEnd) motorunit.analogWrite(3, SpeedEnd) motorunit.analogWrite(9, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(11, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(2, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(5, 0) elif int(sensor2) < 500: #Backward part motorunit.analogWrite(6, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(10, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(4, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(3, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(9, SpeedStart) motorunit.analogWrite(11, SpeedStart) motorunit.analogWrite(2, SpeedStart) motorunit.analogWrite(5, SpeedStart) time.sleep(timechange) motorunit.analogWrite(6, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(10, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(4, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(3, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(9, SpeedEnd) motorunit.analogWrite(11, SpeedEnd) motorunit.analogWrite(2, SpeedEnd) motorunit.analogWrite(5, SpeedEnd) if int(sensor1) >= 50: motorunit.analogWrite(6, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(10, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(4, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(3, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(9, SpeedStart) motorunit.analogWrite(11, SpeedStart) motorunit.analogWrite(2, SpeedStart) motorunit.analogWrite(5, SpeedStart) elif int(sensor1) < 50: motorunit.analogWrite(6, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(10, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(4, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(3, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(9, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(11, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(2, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(5, 0) if int(sensor3) >= 600: # Input the sensor from the main signal source motorunit.analogWrite(6, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(10, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(4, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(3, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(9, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(11, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(2, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(5, 0) time.sleep(14) # Waiting for the processing OCR data transfer done OCRdata = open("OCRdatatransfer.txt", "r") # Open file and read Textout = OCRdata.readline( ) # Read from Text and delete too don't forget DataOCR = Textout.split(",") # Data split for the text input function Data_1_key = DataOCR[1] # data key input Data_2_value = DataOCR[2] # data value input if int(Data_2_value) == Target:"VisualStudio", "Arrived") # Telling the food is ready to serve time.sleep(0.3)"VisualStudio", Data_1_key) time.sleep(0.3)"VisualStudio", Data_2_value) time.sleep(0.3) motorunit.analogWrite(6, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(10, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(4, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(3, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(9, SpeedStart) motorunit.analogWrite(11, SpeedStart) motorunit.analogWrite(2, SpeedStart) motorunit.analogWrite(5, SpeedStart) time.sleep(timechange) motorunit.analogWrite(6, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(10, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(4, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(3, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(9, SpeedEnd) motorunit.analogWrite(11, SpeedEnd) motorunit.analogWrite(2, SpeedEnd) motorunit.analogWrite(5, SpeedEnd) time.sleep(5) elif int(Data_2_value ) != Target: # Compare the data upto the dataget function #Backward part motorunit.analogWrite(6, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(10, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(4, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(3, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(9, SpeedStart) motorunit.analogWrite(11, SpeedStart) motorunit.analogWrite(2, SpeedStart) motorunit.analogWrite(5, SpeedStart) time.sleep(timechange) motorunit.analogWrite(6, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(10, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(4, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(3, 0) motorunit.analogWrite(9, SpeedEnd) motorunit.analogWrite(11, SpeedEnd) motorunit.analogWrite(2, SpeedEnd) motorunit.analogWrite(5, SpeedEnd)
print('Connection lost please connect module1 USB0') try: ser2 = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB1',115200) # Sensor Elbow except: print('Connection lost please connect module2 USB1') try: ser3 = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB2',115200) # Sensor wrist except: print('Connection lost please connect module3 USB2') #>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> microgear.create(gearkey,gearsecret,appid,{'debugmode': True}) def connection(): print(' ') def subscription(topic,message): print(message) def disconnect(): print(' ') microgear.setalias("VisualStudio") #microgear.on_connect = connection microgear.on_message = subscription microgear.on_disconnect = disconnect microgear.subscribe("/Topics") microgear.connect(False) while True: if(microgear.connected):"VisualStudio",ser1.readline()+','+ser2.readline()+','+ser3.readline())"disconnected") def writefeed(): data = int(time.time()) % 10 feeddat = { "var1": data, "var2": (data - 1) * 10, "var3": (data + 5) * 20, } microgear.writeFeed("feed0001", feeddat, feedkey=netpiefeedkey) microgear.setalias(aliasmy) microgear.on_connect = connection microgear.on_message = subscription microgear.on_disconnect = disconnect microgear.subscribe("/mails", qos=0) microgear.connect(False) while True: if (microgear.connected == False): time.sleep(0.5) continue, "Hello world." + str(int(time.time()))) microgear.publish('/mails', "Halo") writefeed() time.sleep(3)
gearkey = "artG7aZBTy9CSwq" gearsecret = "D2VSe8wfb5S3IRjls3XOMmC1P" microgear.create(gearkey, gearsecret, appid, {'debugmode': True}) def connection():"Now I am connected with netpie") def subscription(topic, message): + " " + message) def disconnect(): logging.debug("disconnect is work") microgear.setalias("doraemon") microgear.on_connect = connection microgear.on_message = subscription microgear.on_disconnect = disconnect microgear.subscribe("/mails") microgear.connect(False) while True: if (microgear.connected): check = random.randint(1, 100) #print(check)"check", check) time.sleep(5)
cam = create_capture(video_src, fallback='synth:bg=../data/lena.jpg:noise=0.05') while True: ret, img = gray = cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) gray = cv.equalizeHist(gray) #faces = cascade_fn.detectMultiScale(gray) # Faces found in gray scale t = clock() rects = detect(gray, cascade) vis = img.copy() draw_rects(vis, rects, (0, 255, 0)) print(type(rects)) if len(rects) == 0: print("No faces found")"VisualStudio", "Notfound") else: print(rects) print(rects.shape) print("Number of faces detected:" + str(rects.shape[0]))"VisualStudio", str(rects.shape[0])) if not nested.empty(): for x1, y1, x2, y2 in rects: print("Facedetcted") print(int(x1), int(y1)) print(int(x2), int(y2)) centre_x = int(x1) + 340 centre_y = int(y1) + 240 deg = 2 * math.degrees( math.acos( (int(y1) + 240) / (math.hypot(centre_x, centre_y))))
GPIO.output(33, 0) GPIO.output(29, 1) GPIO.output(31, 1) else: #not good #water pump active mood = getmood(2) #print('hungry') GPIO.output(33, 1) GPIO.output(29, 0) GPIO.output(31, 1) GPIO.output(PUMP_PIN, GPIO.HIGH) status = 1 #print('pump active') print('watering')"/ldr", sensor) time.sleep(5) GPIO.output(33, 0) GPIO.output(29, 1) time.sleep(1) GPIO.output(PUMP_PIN, GPIO.LOW) status = 0 print typeof(mo) sensor = str(humidity) + ',' + str(temperature) + ',' + str( (soil - 200) * 0.222) + ',' + str( waterlevel * 0.285) + ',' + str(status) + ',' + mood #time.sleep(0.3) if (microgear.connected): print sensor"/ldr", sensor)
import microgear.client as microgear import time import logging appid = <Unbalance> gearkey = <hGCHSVuHP92G1Xk> gearsecret = <IdLciZCa6M4SHjmc7Edt2NE64> microgear.create(gearkey,gearsecret,appid,{'debugmode': True}) def connection():"Now I am connected with netpie") def subscription(topic,message):" "+message) def disconnect(): logging.debug("disconnect is work") microgear.setalias("doraemon") microgear.on_connect = connection microgear.on_message = subscription microgear.on_disconnect = disconnect microgear.subscribe("/mails") microgear.connect(False) while True: if(microgear.connected):"doraemon","Hello world."+str(int(time.time()))) time.sleep(3)
def returnChat(message):"WebServer",message)
microgear.on_disconnect = disconnect microgear.subscribe("/mails") microgear.connect(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(17, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN) GPIO.setup(4, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.HIGH) pump_state = 0 while True: if GPIO.input(17) == 1: # turn leds on print "pump on" GPIO.output(4, GPIO.LOW) pump_state = 1 sleep(2) # sleep 1 second else: # turn leds off print "pump off" GPIO.output(4, GPIO.HIGH) pump_state = 0 sleep(2) # sleep 1 second if (microgear.connected):"sensorstatus", str(int(pump_state))) data = {"pump": pump_state * 10} #data = {"field1":random.randint(1, 10),"field2":random.randint(1, 10),"field3":random.randint(1, 10)} microgear.writeFeed("sobmeoi", data)
import microgear.client as microgear import time import logging appid = <appid> gearkey = <gearkey> gearsecret = <gearsecret> microgear.create(gearkey,gearsecret,appid,{'debugmode': True}) def connection(): logging.debug("Now I am connected with netpie") def subscription(topic,message): logging.debug(topic+" "+message) def disconnect(): logging.debug("disconnect is work") microgear.setalias("doraemon") microgear.on_connect = connection microgear.on_message = subscription microgear.on_disconnect = disconnect microgear.subscribe("/mails") microgear.connect(False) while True:"doraemon","Hello world."+str(int(time.time()))) time.sleep(3)"outdoor/temp", json.dumps(itemlist)) time.sleep(5) def connection():"Now I am connected with netpie") def subscription(topic, message): + " " + message) def disconnect(): logging.debug("disconnect is work") if __name__ == "__main__": microgear.setalias("MyRaspberryPI") microgear.on_connect = connection microgear.on_message = subscription microgear.on_disconnect = disconnect microgear.subscribe("/mails") microgear.connect(False) if (microgear.connected): itemlist, itemlist_key, CustomerAddress = RetreiveData()"outdoor/temp", json.dumps(itemlist)) while True: ActivateCamera()
#client.connect() microgear.connect() count_reset = 0 count_Notify = 0 while(True): # microgear.publish("/data","test") # optimize.trilateration(2.22478863989/5,7.89384797649/5,3.5261/5) # optimize.trilateration(5/5,7/5,5/5) # send = input("what word to send esp8266:") #"esp8266",send) #"client_station",send) temp = optimize.resetALL() # print temp if temp[0] != "none":[0],temp[1]) if temp[1] == "ON": count_Notify = count_Notify +1 if count_Notify >= 7: optimize.Notify_Line() count_Notify = 0 count_reset = 0 else: count_reset = count_reset +1 if count_reset > 5: optimize.resetALL() count_reset = 0 time.sleep(1)
this_name = 'n3a2' those_name = 'n3a1' this_role = 'sender' running = True ready_to_send = False netpie.setname(this_name) netpie.on_reject = callback_reject netpie.on_connect = connection netpie.on_message = subscription netpie.on_error = callback_error netpie.subscribe("/test") netpie.connect(False) if this_role=='sender': while not ready_to_send :,'ruok') time.sleep(2) snap_shot = snap() b64 = encode_base64(snap_shot),b64) time.sleep(2) else : while running: pass
def subscription(topic, message): print topic + ":" + message if message == "RELAY1ON": GPIO.output(23, GPIO.LOW)"RELAY1STATUS", "ON") elif message == "RELAY1OFF": GPIO.output(23, GPIO.HIGH)"RELAY1STATUS", "OFF") elif message == "RELAY2ON":"RELAY2STATUS", "ON") GPIO.output(24, GPIO.LOW) elif message == "RELAY2OFF": GPIO.output(24, GPIO.HIGH)"RELAY2STATUS", "OFF") elif message == "RELAY3ON": GPIO.output(25, GPIO.LOW)"RELAY3STATUS", "ON") elif message == "RELAY3OFF": GPIO.output(25, GPIO.HIGH)"RELAY3STATUS", "OFF") elif message == "RELAY4ON": GPIO.output(8, GPIO.LOW)"RELAY4STATUS", "ON") else: GPIO.output(8, GPIO.HIGH)"RELAY4STATUS", "OFF")