Example #1
def quantiles(fit):
    tab = fit.load_mnest_results()

    pars = tab.colnames

    weights = tab['weights']
    sumweights = np.sum(weights)
    weights = weights / sumweights

    sig1 = 0.682689
    sig2 = 0.9545
    sig3 = 0.9973
    sig1_lo = (1. - sig1) / 2.
    sig2_lo = (1. - sig2) / 2.
    sig3_lo = (1. - sig3) / 2.
    sig1_hi = 1. - sig1_lo
    sig2_hi = 1. - sig2_lo
    sig3_hi = 1. - sig3_lo

    # Calculate the median and quantiles.
    med_vals = {}
    for n in pars:
        # Calculate median, 1 sigma lo, and 1 sigma hi credible interval.
        med_vals[n] = model_fitter.weighted_quantile(tab[n],
                                                     [0.5, sig1_lo, sig1_hi],
        # Switch from values to errors.
        med_vals[n][1] = med_vals[n][0] - med_vals[n][1]
        med_vals[n][2] = med_vals[n][2] - med_vals[n][0]

    return pars, med_vals
def summarize_results(tab):
    if len(tab) < 1:
        print('Did you run multinest_utils.separate_mode_files yet?') 

    # Which params to include in table
    parameters = tab.colnames
    weights = tab['weights']
    sumweights = np.sum(weights)
    weights = weights / sumweights

    sig1 = 0.682689
    sig2 = 0.9545
    sig3 = 0.9973
    sig1_lo = (1.-sig1)/2.
    sig2_lo = (1.-sig2)/2.
    sig3_lo = (1.-sig3)/2.
    sig1_hi = 1.-sig1_lo
    sig2_hi = 1.-sig2_lo
    sig3_hi = 1.-sig3_lo

    print(sig1_lo, sig1_hi)

    # Calculate the median, best-fit, and quantiles.
    best_idx = np.argmax(tab['logLike'])
    best = tab[best_idx]
    best_errors = {}
    med_best = {}
    med_errors = {}
    for n in parameters:
        # Calculate median, 1 sigma lo, and 1 sigma hi credible interval.
        tmp = model_fitter.weighted_quantile(tab[n], [0.5, sig1_lo, sig1_hi], sample_weight=weights)
        # Switch from values to errors.
        err_lo = tmp[0] - tmp[1]
        err_hi = tmp[2] - tmp[0]

        # Store into dictionaries.
        med_best[n] = tmp[0]
        med_errors[n] = np.array([err_lo, err_hi])
        #best_errors[n] = np.array([best[n] - tmp[1], tmp[2] - best[n]])
        best_errors[n] = np.array([tmp[1], tmp[2]])

    print('Best-Fit Solution:')
    fmt = '    {0:15s}  best = {1:10.3f}  68\% low = {2:10.3f} 68% hi = {3:10.3f}'
    for n in parameters:
        print(fmt.format(n, best[n], best_errors[n][0], best_errors[n][1]))

def table_phot_astrom():
    I was in a rush and didn't have time to make a proper table, so this just 
    prints out the values, and you manually type it into LaTeX itself. 
    # Comment out the target you aren't working on
    target = 'MB10364'
    target_name = 'mb10364'

    #    target='OB110462'
    #    target_name='ob110462'

    mod_fit, data = lu_2019_lens.get_data_and_fitter(tdir[target_name])
    mod_all = mod_fit.get_best_fit_modes_model(def_best='maxL')
    mod = mod_all[0]

    tab = mod_fit.load_mnest_results()
    tab['piE'] = np.hypot(tab['piE_E'], tab['piE_N'])
    tab['muRel'] = np.hypot(tab['muRel_E'], tab['muRel_N'])

    tab_best = {}
    tab_maxl = {}
    med_errors = {}
    sumweights = np.sum(tab['weights'])
    weights = tab['weights'] / sumweights

    sig1 = 0.682689
    sig2 = 0.9545
    sig3 = 0.9973
    sig1_lo = (1. - sig1) / 2.
    sig2_lo = (1. - sig2) / 2.
    sig3_lo = (1. - sig3) / 2.
    sig1_hi = 1. - sig1_lo
    sig2_hi = 1. - sig2_lo
    sig3_hi = 1. - sig3_lo

    # Comment out the target you aren't working on
    # For MB10364
    params = ['tE', 'thetaE', 'piE', 'muRel', 'mL', 'mag_src2', 'piL']
    # For OB110462
    #    params = ['tE', 'thetaE', 'piE', 'muRel', 'mL', 'mag_src3', 'piL']

    maxl_idx = tab['logLike'].argmax()

    for n in params:
        tab_maxl[n] = tab[n][maxl_idx]
        # Calculate median, 1 sigma lo, and 1 sigma hi credible interval.
        tmp = model_fitter.weighted_quantile(tab[n], [0.5, sig1_lo, sig1_hi],
        tab_best[n] = tmp[0]

        # Switch from values to errors.
        #        err_lo = tmp[0] - tmp[1]
        #        err_hi = tmp[2] - tmp[0]
        #        med_errors[n] = np.array([err_lo, err_hi])

        err_lo = tab_maxl[n] - tmp[1]
        err_hi = tmp[2] - tab_maxl[n]
        med_errors[n] = np.array([err_lo, err_hi])

