Example #1
 def send_point(self):
     lastLocReport = get_last_location(self.mem, self.objectOrID)
     t = midcatime.now()
     if not lastLocReport:
         if verbose >= 1:
             print("No object location found, so action:", self,
                   "will fail.")
         self.status = FAILED
     if t - lastLocReport[1] > self.maxAllowedLag:
         if verbose >= 1:
             print("Last object location report is too old -", end=' ')
             str((t - lastLocReport[1]
                  ).total_seconds()), "seconds - so action:", self,
             "will fail."
         self.status = FAILED
     self.msgDict = {
         'x': lastLocReport[0].x,
         'y': lastLocReport[0].y,
         'z': lastLocReport[0].z,
         'midcatime': self.startTime,
         'cmd_id': self.msgID
     print("trying to send")
     sent = rosrun.send_msg(self.topic, rosrun.dict_as_msg(self.msgDict))
     if not sent:
         if verbose >= 1:
             #                 print "Unable to send msg; ", msg, "on topic", topic, " Action", self,
             #                 "assumed failed."
         self.status = FAILED
Example #2
    def send_point(self):
        lastLocReport = get_last_location(self.mem, self.objectOrID)
        t = midcatime.now()
        if not lastLocReport:
            if verbose >= 1:
                print "No object location found, so action:", self, "will fail."
            self.status = FAILED
        if t - lastLocReport[1] > self.maxAllowedLag:
            if verbose >= 1:
                print "Last object location report is too old -", 
                str((t - lastLocReport[1]).total_seconds()), "seconds - so action:", self, 
                "will fail."
            self.status = FAILED
        self.msgDict = {'x': lastLocReport[0].x, 'y': lastLocReport[0].y, 
        'z': lastLocReport[0].z, 'midcatime': self.startTime, 'cmd_id': self.msgID}
        print "trying to send"
        sent = rosrun.send_msg(self.topic, rosrun.dict_as_msg(self.msgDict))
        if not sent:
            if verbose >= 1:
#                 print "Unable to send msg; ", msg, "on topic", topic, " Action", self,  
#                 "assumed failed."
                print "fail!!!!!"
            self.status = FAILED
Example #3
    def send_msg(self):
        self.msgDict = {'cmd': "release it", 'time': self.startTime, 'cmd_id': self.msgID}
        sent = rosrun.send_msg(self.topic, rosrun.dict_as_msg(self.msgDict))
        if not sent:
            if verbose >= 1:
                print "Fail"
#                 print "Unable to send msg; ", msg, "on topic", topic, " Action", self,  
#                 "assumed failed."
            self.status = FAILED
Example #4
    def send_msg(self):
        self.msgDict = {
            'cmd': "release it",
            'time': self.startTime,
            'cmd_id': self.msgID

        sent = rosrun.send_msg(self.topic, rosrun.dict_as_msg(self.msgDict))
        if not sent:
            if verbose >= 1:
#                 print "Unable to send msg; ", msg, "on topic", topic, " Action", self,
#                 "assumed failed."
            self.status = FAILED
Example #5
    def send_topic(self):

		for topic in self.topics:
			# Handle <topic>
			self.msgDict = topicFormats[topic]
			print self.msgDict
			print "trying to send"
			print topic
			sent = rosrun.send_msg(topic, rosrun.dict_as_msg(self.msgDict))
			if not sent:
				if verbose >= 1:
					print "Fail"
				self.status = FAILED
Example #6
    def send_topic(self):

		for topic in self.topics:
			# Handle <topic>
			self.msgDict = topicFormats[topic]
			# Reference {'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': z, 'time': self.startTime, 'cmd_id': self.msgID}
			print self.msgDict
			print "trying to send"
			print topic
			sent = rosrun.send_msg(topic, rosrun.dict_as_msg(self.msgDict))
			if not sent:
				if verbose >= 1:
					print "Fail"
				self.status = FAILED
Example #7
    def send_point(self):
#0.6480168766398825, 0.4782503847940384, 0.289534050209461
        raising_point = self.mem.get(self.mem.RAISING_POINT)
        self.msgDict = {'x': raising_point.x, 'y': raising_point.y, 
        'z': raising_point.z, 'time': self.startTime, 'cmd_id': self.msgID}

#         self.msgDict = {'x': 0.6480168766398825, 'y': 0.4782503847940384, 
#         'z': 0.289534050209461, 'time': self.startTime, 'cmd_id': self.msgID}
        sent = rosrun.send_msg(self.topic, rosrun.dict_as_msg(self.msgDict))
        if not sent:
            if verbose >= 1:
                print "Fail"
#                 print "Unable to send msg; ", msg, "on topic", topic, " Action", self,  
#                 "assumed failed."
            self.status = FAILED
Example #8
    def send_point(self):
        #0.6480168766398825, 0.4782503847940384, 0.289534050209461
        raising_point = self.mem.get(self.mem.RAISING_POINT)

        self.msgDict = {
            'x': raising_point.x,
            'y': raising_point.y,
            'z': raising_point.z,
            'time': self.startTime,
            'cmd_id': self.msgID

        #         self.msgDict = {'x': 0.6480168766398825, 'y': 0.4782503847940384,
        #         'z': 0.289534050209461, 'time': self.startTime, 'cmd_id': self.msgID}

        sent = rosrun.send_msg(self.topic, rosrun.dict_as_msg(self.msgDict))
        if not sent:
            if verbose >= 1:

#                 print "Unable to send msg; ", msg, "on topic", topic, " Action", self,
#                 "assumed failed."
            self.status = FAILED
Example #9
def midca_feedback(**kwargs):
    msg = rosrun.dict_as_msg(kwargs)
Example #10
def midca_feedback(**kwargs):
    msg = rosrun.dict_as_msg(kwargs)
Example #11
    def send_point(self):
#0.6480168766398825, 0.4782503847940384, 0.289534050209461
#         self.msgDict = {'x': 0.6480168766398825, 'y': 0.4782503847940384, 
#         'z': 04665006901665164, 'time': self.startTime, 'cmd_id': self.msgID}
        point = self.mem.get(self.mem.PUTTING_POINT)
#        point = Point(0.7450848313136519, 0.11634406023548731, -0.15821251824917773)
        point1 = copy.deepcopy(point)
        point2 = copy.deepcopy(point1)    

        point1 = check_location_clear(self.mem,point1,1)
        print("got point")
        print("given point")
        if (point1.x == point2.x) and (point1.y == point2.y) :
            #print("The points are same")
            x = point1.x
            y = point1.y
            point1 = check_location_clear(self.mem,point1,2)
#            print("The points are different")
#            print(point1)
            x = point1.x
            y = point1.y
#        raw_input("enter")
        print("given point is ")
        print(str(x) + "," + str(y) + "," + str(z))
        if not (point1.x == x and point1.y == y) :
            print("the point i got if it is not clear ")
            temps=  check_location_clear(self.mem,point1,2)
            print("the point i got if it is further clear ")
            print(str(x) ,str(y) ,str(z))
            x = temps.x
            y = temps.y
            z = temps.z
#        print(str(self.mem.get(self.mem.PUTTING_POINT)))
#        raw_input("enter")
        #print("the final point is ")
        self.msgDict = {'x': x, 'y': y, 
        'z': point.z, 'time': self.startTime, 'cmd_id': self.msgID}
        sent = rosrun.send_msg(self.topic, rosrun.dict_as_msg(self.msgDict))
        if not sent:
            if verbose >= 1:
                print "Fail"
#                 print "Unable to send msg; ", msg, "on topic", topic, " Action", self,  
#                 "assumed failed."
            self.status = FAILED
Example #12
    def send_point(self):
        #we need to find the target block?
        check3stack = check_2height_stack(self.mem, self.midcaAction[2])
        lastLocReport = get_last_location(self.mem, self.midcaAction[2])
        if check3stack:
            lastLocReport = get_last_location(self.mem, check3stack)
        t = midcatime.now()
        if not lastLocReport:
            if verbose >= 1:
                print "No object location found, so action:", self, "will fail."
            self.status = FAILED
        if t - lastLocReport[1] > self.maxAllowedLag:
            if verbose >= 1:
                print "Last object location report is too old -", 
                str((t - lastLocReport[1]).total_seconds()), "seconds - so action:", self, 
                "will fail."
            self.status = FAILED
        #[0.6763038647265367, 0.30295363707695533, 0.018148563732166244]
        x = lastLocReport[0].x
        y = lastLocReport[0].y
        z = self.mem.get(self.mem.STACK_Z)
#        y=y+0.01
            #print("the z is " + str(z))


        #z = 0.018148563732166244
        if self.mem.get(self.mem.CALIBRATION_MATRIX).any():
            H = self.mem.get(self.mem.CALIBRATION_MATRIX)
            floor_point = pixel_to_floor(H,[x, y])
            x = floor_point[0]
            y = floor_point[1]
#        y = y -0.02

        if check3stack:
            print("it is of 3 height")
            z = self.mem.get(self.mem.STACK_3Z)
#            y= y + 0.01
            #if check3stack == 'blue block':
                 #y= y-0.02
#        else:
#            if self.midcaAction[2] == 'blue block':
#                y= y - 0.02
        self.msgDict = {'x': x, 'y': y, 
        'z': z, 'time': self.startTime, 'cmd_id': self.msgID}
        print self.msgDict
        print "trying to send"
        print self.topic
        sent = rosrun.send_msg(self.topic, rosrun.dict_as_msg(self.msgDict))
        if not sent:
            if verbose >= 1:
                print "Fail"
#                 print "Unable to send msg; ", msg, "on topic", topic, " Action", self,  
#                 "assumed failed."
            self.status = FAILED
Example #13
    def send_point(self):
        #we reach the block using the position of the block
        lastLocReport = get_last_location(self.mem, self.objectOrID)
        check2stack = check_2height_stack(self.mem, self.objectOrID)
        check3stack = False
        if check2stack:
            lastLocReport = get_last_location(self.mem, check2stack)
            check3stack = check_2height_stack(self.mem, check2stack)
            if check3stack:
                lastLocReport = get_last_location(self.mem, check3stack)
        print lastLocReport
        if pos_of_block == 'table':
            lastLocReport = get_last_location(self.mem, self.objectOrID)
            lastLocReport = get_last_location(self.mem, pos_of_block)
        t = midcatime.now()
        if not lastLocReport:
            if verbose >= 1:
                print "No object location found, so action:", self, "will fail."
            self.status = FAILED
#         if t - lastLocReport[1] > self.maxAllowedLag:
#             if verbose >= 1:
#                 print "Last object location report is too old -", 
#                 (t - lastLocReport[1]).total_seconds(), "seconds - so action:", self, 
#                 "will fail."
#             self.status = FAILED
#             return
        x = lastLocReport[0].x 
        y = lastLocReport[0].y
        z = self.mem.get(self.mem.UNSTACK_Z)
        #z = 0.02477944410983878

        if self.mem.get(self.mem.CALIBRATION_MATRIX).any():
            H = self.mem.get(self.mem.CALIBRATION_MATRIX)
            floor_point = pixel_to_floor(H,[x, y])
            x = floor_point[0]
            y = floor_point[1]
#        y = y -0.02

        if check3stack:
            z = self.mem.get(self.mem.UNSTACK_3Z)
#            if check3stack == 'blue block':
#                y = y - 0.01
#            else:
#                if(self.objectOrID == 'blue block'):
#                    y = y + 0.01
        elif check2stack:
            z = self.mem.get(self.mem.UNSTACK_Z)
#            y=y+0.01
#            if check2stack == 'blue block':
#                y = y - 0.01
#            else:
#                if(self.objectOrID == 'blue block'):
#                    y = y + 0.01

        self.msgDict = {'x': x, 'y': y, 
        'z': z, 'time': self.startTime, 'cmd_id': self.msgID}
        print self.msgDict
        print "trying to send"
        print self.topic
        sent = rosrun.send_msg(self.topic, rosrun.dict_as_msg(self.msgDict))
        if not sent:
            if verbose >= 1:
                print "Fail"
#                 print "Unable to send msg; ", msg, "on topic", topic, " Action", self,  
#                 "assumed failed."
            self.status = FAILED
Example #14
    def send_point(self):
        #0.6480168766398825, 0.4782503847940384, 0.289534050209461
        #         self.msgDict = {'x': 0.6480168766398825, 'y': 0.4782503847940384,
        #         'z': 04665006901665164, 'time': self.startTime, 'cmd_id': self.msgID}

        point = self.mem.get(self.mem.PUTTING_POINT)
        #        point = Point(0.7450848313136519, 0.11634406023548731, -0.15821251824917773)
        point1 = copy.deepcopy(point)
        point2 = copy.deepcopy(point1)

        point1 = check_location_clear(self.mem, point1, 1)
        print("got point")
        print("given point")
        if (point1.x == point2.x) and (point1.y == point2.y):
            #print("The points are same")
            x = point1.x
            y = point1.y
            point1 = check_location_clear(self.mem, point1, 2)
            #            print("The points are different")
            #            print(point1)
            x = point1.x
            y = point1.y

#        raw_input("enter")
        print("given point is ")
        print(str(x) + "," + str(y) + "," + str(z))
        if not (point1.x == x and point1.y == y) :
            print("the point i got if it is not clear ")
            temps=  check_location_clear(self.mem,point1,2)
            print("the point i got if it is further clear ")
            print(str(x) ,str(y) ,str(z))
            x = temps.x
            y = temps.y
            z = temps.z

        #        print(str(self.mem.get(self.mem.PUTTING_POINT)))
        #        raw_input("enter")
        #print("the final point is ")
        self.msgDict = {
            'x': x,
            'y': y,
            'z': point.z,
            'time': self.startTime,
            'cmd_id': self.msgID

        sent = rosrun.send_msg(self.topic, rosrun.dict_as_msg(self.msgDict))
        if not sent:
            if verbose >= 1:

#                 print "Unable to send msg; ", msg, "on topic", topic, " Action", self,
#                 "assumed failed."
            self.status = FAILED
Example #15
    def send_point(self):
        #we need to find the target block?
        check3stack = check_2height_stack(self.mem, self.midcaAction[2])

        lastLocReport = get_last_location(self.mem, self.midcaAction[2])
        if check3stack:
            lastLocReport = get_last_location(self.mem, check3stack)

        t = midcatime.now()
        if not lastLocReport:
            if verbose >= 1:
                print("No object location found, so action:", self,
                      "will fail.")
            self.status = FAILED
        if t - lastLocReport[1] > self.maxAllowedLag:
            if verbose >= 1:
                print("Last object location report is too old -", end=' ')
                str((t - lastLocReport[1]
                     ).total_seconds()), "seconds - so action:", self,
                "will fail."
            self.status = FAILED
        #[0.6763038647265367, 0.30295363707695533, 0.018148563732166244]
        x = lastLocReport[0].x
        y = lastLocReport[0].y
        z = self.mem.get(self.mem.STACK_Z)
        #        y=y+0.01
        #print("the z is " + str(z))
        #z = 0.018148563732166244

        if self.mem.get(self.mem.CALIBRATION_MATRIX).any():
            H = self.mem.get(self.mem.CALIBRATION_MATRIX)
            floor_point = pixel_to_floor(H, [x, y])
            x = floor_point[0]
            y = floor_point[1]
#        y = y -0.02

        if check3stack:
            print("it is of 3 height")
            z = self.mem.get(self.mem.STACK_3Z)
#            y= y + 0.01
#if check3stack == 'blue block':
#y= y-0.02
#        else:
#            if self.midcaAction[2] == 'blue block':
#                y= y - 0.02

        self.msgDict = {
            'x': x,
            'y': y,
            'z': z,
            'time': self.startTime,
            'cmd_id': self.msgID


        print("trying to send")

        sent = rosrun.send_msg(self.topic, rosrun.dict_as_msg(self.msgDict))
        if not sent:
            if verbose >= 1:

#                 print "Unable to send msg; ", msg, "on topic", topic, " Action", self,
#                 "assumed failed."
            self.status = FAILED
Example #16
    def send_point(self):
        #we reach the block using the position of the block
        lastLocReport = get_last_location(self.mem, self.objectOrID)
        check2stack = check_2height_stack(self.mem, self.objectOrID)
        check3stack = False
        if check2stack:
            lastLocReport = get_last_location(self.mem, check2stack)
            check3stack = check_2height_stack(self.mem, check2stack)
            if check3stack:
                lastLocReport = get_last_location(self.mem, check3stack)
        if pos_of_block == 'table':
            lastLocReport = get_last_location(self.mem, self.objectOrID)
            lastLocReport = get_last_location(self.mem, pos_of_block)
        t = midcatime.now()
        if not lastLocReport:
            if verbose >= 1:
                print("No object location found, so action:", self,
                      "will fail.")
            self.status = FAILED
#         if t - lastLocReport[1] > self.maxAllowedLag:
#             if verbose >= 1:
#                 print "Last object location report is too old -",
#                 (t - lastLocReport[1]).total_seconds(), "seconds - so action:", self,
#                 "will fail."
#             self.status = FAILED
#             return

        x = lastLocReport[0].x
        y = lastLocReport[0].y
        z = self.mem.get(self.mem.UNSTACK_Z)
        #z = 0.02477944410983878

        if self.mem.get(self.mem.CALIBRATION_MATRIX).any():
            H = self.mem.get(self.mem.CALIBRATION_MATRIX)
            floor_point = pixel_to_floor(H, [x, y])
            x = floor_point[0]
            y = floor_point[1]
#        y = y -0.02

        if check3stack:
            z = self.mem.get(self.mem.UNSTACK_3Z)
#            if check3stack == 'blue block':
#                y = y - 0.01
#            else:
#                if(self.objectOrID == 'blue block'):
#                    y = y + 0.01

        elif check2stack:
            z = self.mem.get(self.mem.UNSTACK_Z)
#            y=y+0.01
#            if check2stack == 'blue block':
#                y = y - 0.01
#            else:
#                if(self.objectOrID == 'blue block'):
#                    y = y + 0.01

        self.msgDict = {
            'x': x,
            'y': y,
            'z': z,
            'time': self.startTime,
            'cmd_id': self.msgID


        print("trying to send")

        sent = rosrun.send_msg(self.topic, rosrun.dict_as_msg(self.msgDict))
        if not sent:
            if verbose >= 1:

#                 print "Unable to send msg; ", msg, "on topic", topic, " Action", self,
#                 "assumed failed."
            self.status = FAILED