class SNMPService(SystemServiceService): class Config: service = 'snmp' datastore_prefix = 'snmp_' @accepts( Dict('snmp_update', Str('location'), Str('contact', validators=[Or(Email(), Match(r'^[-_a-zA-Z0-9\s]*$'))]), Bool('traps'), Bool('v3'), Str('community', validators=[Match(r'^[-_.a-zA-Z0-9\s]*$')], default='public'), Str('v3_username'), Str('v3_authtype', enum=['', 'MD5', 'SHA']), Str('v3_password'), Str('v3_privproto', enum=[None, 'AES', 'DES'], null=True), Str('v3_privpassphrase'), Int('loglevel', validators=[Range(min=0, max=7)]), Str('options'), update=True)) async def do_update(self, data): old = await self.config() new = old.copy() new.update(data) verrors = ValidationErrors() if not new['v3'] and not new['community']: verrors.add('', 'This field is required when SNMPv3 is disabled') if new['v3_authtype'] and not new['v3_password']: verrors.add( 'snmp_update.v3_password', 'This field is requires when SNMPv3 auth type is specified', ) if new['v3_password'] and len(new['v3_password']) < 8: verrors.add('snmp_update.v3_password', 'Password must contain at least 8 characters') if new['v3_privproto'] and not new['v3_privpassphrase']: verrors.add( 'snmp_update.v3_privpassphrase', 'This field is requires when SNMPv3 private protocol is specified', ) if verrors: raise verrors await self._update_service(old, new) return new
class SNMPService(SystemServiceService): class Config: service = "snmp" datastore_prefix = "snmp_" @accepts( Dict( 'snmp_update', Str('location'), Str('contact', validators=[Or(Email(), Match(r'^[-_a-zA-Z0-9\s]+$'))]), Bool('traps'), Bool('v3'), Str('community', validators=[Match(r'^[-_.a-zA-Z0-9\s]*$')]), Str('v3_username'), Str('v3_authtype', enum=['', 'MD5', 'SHA']), Str('v3_password'), Str('v3_privproto', enum=[None, 'AES', 'DES']), Str('v3_privpassphrase'), Int('loglevel', validators=[Range(min=0, max=7)]), Str('options'), )) async def update(self, data): old = await self.config() new = old.copy() new.update(data) verrors = ValidationErrors() if not data["v3"] and not data["community"]: verrors.add("", "This field is required when SNMPv3 is disabled") if data["v3_authtype"] and not data["v3_password"]: verrors.add( "snmp_update.v3_password", "This field is requires when SNMPv3 auth type is specified") if data["v3_password"] and len(data["v3_password"]) < 8: verrors.add("snmp_update.v3_password", "Password must contain at least 8 characters") if data["v3_privproto"] and not data["v3_privpassphrase"]: verrors.add( "snmp_update.v3_privpassphrase", "This field is requires when SNMPv3 private protocol is specified" ) if verrors: raise verrors await self._update_service(old, new) return new
class FTPService(SystemServiceService): class Config: service = "ftp" datastore_prefix = "ftp_" datastore_extend = "ftp.ftp_extend" cli_namespace = "service.ftp" @private async def ftp_extend(self, data): if data['ssltls_certificate']: data['ssltls_certificate'] = data['ssltls_certificate']['id'] return data @accepts(Dict( 'ftp_update', Int('port', validators=[Range(min=1, max=65535)]), Int('clients', validators=[Range(min=1, max=10000)]), Int('ipconnections', validators=[Range(min=0, max=1000)]), Int('loginattempt', validators=[Range(min=0, max=1000)]), Int('timeout', validators=[Range(min=0, max=10000)]), Bool('rootlogin'), Bool('onlyanonymous'), Dir('anonpath', null=True), Bool('onlylocal'), Str('banner', max_length=None), Str('filemask', validators=[Match(r"^[0-7]{3}$")]), Str('dirmask', validators=[Match(r"^[0-7]{3}$")]), Bool('fxp'), Bool('resume'), Bool('defaultroot'), Bool('ident'), Bool('reversedns'), Str('masqaddress'), Int('passiveportsmin', validators=[Or(Exact(0), Range(min=1024, max=65535))]), Int('passiveportsmax', validators=[Or(Exact(0), Range(min=1024, max=65535))]), Int('localuserbw', validators=[Range(min=0)]), Int('localuserdlbw', validators=[Range(min=0)]), Int('anonuserbw', validators=[Range(min=0)]), Int('anonuserdlbw', validators=[Range(min=0)]), Bool('tls'), Str('tls_policy', enum=["on", "off", "data", "!data", "auth", "ctrl", "ctrl+data", "ctrl+!data", "auth+data", "auth+!data"]), Bool('tls_opt_allow_client_renegotiations'), Bool('tls_opt_allow_dot_login'), Bool('tls_opt_allow_per_user'), Bool('tls_opt_common_name_required'), Bool('tls_opt_enable_diags'), Bool('tls_opt_export_cert_data'), Bool('tls_opt_no_cert_request'), Bool('tls_opt_no_empty_fragments'), Bool('tls_opt_no_session_reuse_required'), Bool('tls_opt_stdenvvars'), Bool('tls_opt_dns_name_required'), Bool('tls_opt_ip_address_required'), Int('ssltls_certificate', null=True), Str('options', max_length=None), update=True )) async def do_update(self, data): """ Update ftp service configuration. `clients` is an integer value which sets the maximum number of simultaneous clients allowed. It defaults to 32. `ipconnections` is an integer value which shows the maximum number of connections per IP address. It defaults to 0 which equals to unlimited. `timeout` is the maximum client idle time in seconds before client is disconnected. `rootlogin` is a boolean value which when configured to true enables login as root. This is generally discouraged because of the security risks. `onlyanonymous` allows anonymous FTP logins with access to the directory specified by `anonpath`. `banner` is a message displayed to local login users after they successfully authenticate. It is not displayed to anonymous login users. `filemask` sets the default permissions for newly created files which by default are 077. `dirmask` sets the default permissions for newly created directories which by default are 077. `resume` if set allows FTP clients to resume interrupted transfers. `fxp` if set to true indicates that File eXchange Protocol is enabled. Generally it is discouraged as it makes the server vulnerable to FTP bounce attacks. `defaultroot` when set ensures that for local users, home directory access is only granted if the user is a member of group wheel. `ident` is a boolean value which when set to true indicates that IDENT authentication is required. If identd is not running on the client, this can result in timeouts. `masqaddress` is the public IP address or hostname which is set if FTP clients cannot connect through a NAT device. `localuserbw` is a positive integer value which indicates maximum upload bandwidth in KB/s for local user. Default of zero indicates unlimited upload bandwidth ( from the FTP server configuration ). `localuserdlbw` is a positive integer value which indicates maximum download bandwidth in KB/s for local user. Default of zero indicates unlimited download bandwidth ( from the FTP server configuration ). `anonuserbw` is a positive integer value which indicates maximum upload bandwidth in KB/s for anonymous user. Default of zero indicates unlimited upload bandwidth ( from the FTP server configuration ). `anonuserdlbw` is a positive integer value which indicates maximum download bandwidth in KB/s for anonymous user. Default of zero indicates unlimited download bandwidth ( from the FTP server configuration ). `tls` is a boolean value which when set indicates that encrypted connections are enabled. This requires a certificate to be configured first with the certificate service and the id of certificate is passed on in `ssltls_certificate`. `tls_policy` defines whether the control channel, data channel, both channels, or neither channel of an FTP session must occur over SSL/TLS. `tls_opt_enable_diags` is a boolean value when set, logs verbosely. This is helpful when troubleshooting a connection. `options` is a string used to add proftpd(8) parameters not covered by ftp service. """ old = await self.config() new = old.copy() new.update(data) verrors = ValidationErrors() if not ((new["passiveportsmin"] == 0) == (new["passiveportsmax"] == 0)): verrors.add("passiveportsmin", "passiveportsmin and passiveportsmax should be both zero or non-zero") if not ((new["passiveportsmin"] == 0 and new["passiveportsmax"] == 0) or (new["passiveportsmax"] > new["passiveportsmin"])): verrors.add("ftp_update.passiveportsmax", "When specified, should be greater than passiveportsmin") if new["onlyanonymous"]: if not new["anonpath"]: verrors.add("ftp_update.anonpath", "This field is required for anonymous login") else: await check_path_resides_within_volume(verrors, self.middleware, "ftp_update.anonpath", new["anonpath"]) if new["tls"]: if not new["ssltls_certificate"]: verrors.add( "ftp_update.ssltls_certificate", "Please provide a valid certificate id when TLS is enabled" ) else: verrors.extend((await "certificate.cert_services_validation", new["ssltls_certificate"], "ftp_update.ssltls_certificate", False ))) if new["masqaddress"]: await resolve_hostname(self.middleware, verrors, "ftp_update.masqaddress", new["masqaddress"]) if verrors: raise verrors await self._update_service(old, new) if not old['tls'] and new['tls']: await'service.start', 'ssl') return new
class FTPService(SystemServiceService): class Config: service = "ftp" datastore_prefix = "ftp_" datastore_extend = "ftp.ftp_extend" @private async def ftp_extend(self, data): if data['ssltls_certificate']: data['ssltls_certificate'] = data['ssltls_certificate']['id'] return data @accepts( Dict('ftp_update', Int('port', validators=[Range(min=1, max=65535)]), Int('clients', validators=[Range(min=1, max=10000)]), Int('ipconnections', validators=[Range(min=0, max=1000)]), Int('loginattempt', validators=[Range(min=0, max=1000)]), Int('timeout', validators=[Range(min=0, max=10000)]), Bool('rootlogin'), Bool('onlyanonymous'), Dir('anonpath', null=True), Bool('onlylocal'), Str('banner'), Str('filemask', validators=[Match(r"^[0-7]{3}$")]), Str('dirmask', validators=[Match(r"^[0-7]{3}$")]), Bool('fxp'), Bool('resume'), Bool('defaultroot'), Bool('ident'), Bool('reversedns'), Str('masqaddress'), Int('passiveportsmin', validators=[Or(Exact(0), Range(min=1024, max=65535))]), Int('passiveportsmax', validators=[Or(Exact(0), Range(min=1024, max=65535))]), Int('localuserbw', validators=[Range(min=0)]), Int('localuserdlbw', validators=[Range(min=0)]), Int('anonuserbw', validators=[Range(min=0)]), Int('anonuserdlbw', validators=[Range(min=0)]), Bool('tls'), Str('tls_policy', enum=[ "on", "off", "data", "!data", "auth", "ctrl", "ctrl+data", "ctrl+!data", "auth+data", "auth+!data" ]), Bool('tls_opt_allow_client_renegotiations'), Bool('tls_opt_allow_dot_login'), Bool('tls_opt_allow_per_user'), Bool('tls_opt_common_name_required'), Bool('tls_opt_enable_diags'), Bool('tls_opt_export_cert_data'), Bool('tls_opt_no_cert_request'), Bool('tls_opt_no_empty_fragments'), Bool('tls_opt_no_session_reuse_required'), Bool('tls_opt_stdenvvars'), Bool('tls_opt_dns_name_required'), Bool('tls_opt_ip_address_required'), Int('ssltls_certificate', null=True), Str('options'), update=True)) async def do_update(self, data): old = await self.config() new = old.copy() new.update(data) verrors = ValidationErrors() if not ((new["passiveportsmin"] == 0) == (new["passiveportsmax"] == 0)): verrors.add( "passiveportsmin", "passiveportsmin and passiveportsmax should be both zero or non-zero" ) if not ((new["passiveportsmin"] == 0 and new["passiveportsmax"] == 0) or (new["passiveportsmax"] > new["passiveportsmin"])): verrors.add( "ftp_update.passiveportsmax", "When specified, should be greater than passiveportsmin") if new["onlyanonymous"] and not new["anonpath"]: verrors.add("ftp_update.anonpath", "This field is required for anonymous login") if new["anonpath"]: await check_path_resides_within_volume(verrors, self.middleware, "ftp_update.anonpath", new["anonpath"]) if new["tls"]: if not new["ssltls_certificate"]: verrors.add( "ftp_update.ssltls_certificate", "Please provide a valid certificate id when TLS is enabled" ) else: verrors.extend((await "certificate.cert_services_validation", new["ssltls_certificate"], "ftp_update.ssltls_certificate", False))) if new["masqaddress"]: await resolve_hostname(self.middleware, verrors, "ftp_update.masqaddress", new["masqaddress"]) if verrors: raise verrors await self._update_service(old, new) if not old['tls'] and new['tls']: await'service.start', 'ssl') return new
class SNMPService(SystemServiceService): class Config: service = 'snmp' datastore_prefix = 'snmp_' cli_namespace = 'service.snmp' ENTRY = Dict( 'snmp_entry', Str('location', required=True), Str('contact', required=True, validators=[Or(Email(), Match(r'^[-_a-zA-Z0-9\s]*$'))]), Bool('traps', required=True), Bool('v3', required=True), Str('community', validators=[Match(r'^[-_.a-zA-Z0-9\s]*$')], default='public', required=True), Str('v3_username', max_length=20, required=True), Str('v3_authtype', enum=['', 'MD5', 'SHA'], required=True), Str('v3_password', required=True), Str('v3_privproto', enum=[None, 'AES', 'DES'], null=True, required=True), Str('v3_privpassphrase', required=True, null=True), Int('loglevel', validators=[Range(min=0, max=7)], required=True), Str('options', max_length=None, required=True), Bool('zilstat', required=True), Bool('iftop', required=True), Int('id', required=True), ) async def do_update(self, data): """ Update SNMP Service Configuration. `v3` when set enables SNMP version 3. `v3_username`, `v3_authtype`, `v3_password`, `v3_privproto` and `v3_privpassphrase` are only used when `v3` is enabled. """ old = await self.config() new = old.copy() new.update(data) verrors = ValidationErrors() if not new['v3'] and not new['community']: verrors.add('', 'This field is required when SNMPv3 is disabled') if new['v3_authtype'] and not new['v3_password']: verrors.add( 'snmp_update.v3_password', 'This field is requires when SNMPv3 auth type is specified', ) if new['v3_password'] and len(new['v3_password']) < 8: verrors.add('snmp_update.v3_password', 'Password must contain at least 8 characters') if new['v3_privproto'] and not new['v3_privpassphrase']: verrors.add( 'snmp_update.v3_privpassphrase', 'This field is requires when SNMPv3 private protocol is specified', ) if verrors: raise verrors await self._update_service(old, new) return await self.config()