def mutation(pop,numOfBest,mnm):
    bestInGen = list()
    nextGen = list()
    child = list()
    parentOne = list()
    parentTwo = list()
    # Copy over the top songs
    for i in range(numOfBest):
    neededSongs = len(pop) - numOfBest
    for i in range(neededSongs):
        # Randomly select two of the best songs
        parentOne = bestInGen[r.randint(0,len(bestInGen)-1)]
        parentTwo = bestInGen[r.randint(0,len(bestInGen)-1)]
        subLen = r.randint(1,len(parentOne)-1)
        pt = r.randint(0,len(parentOne) - subLen)
        subList = parentOne[pt:pt+subLen]
        pt = r.randint(0,len(parentOne) - subLen)
        child = parentTwo[:]
        child[pt:pt+subLen] = subList
        # Have variable size songs (DOESN"T WORK NICELY)
#        # Take a random sublist from parent one
#        ptOne = r.randint(0,len(parentOne)-subLen)
#        ptTwo = r.randint(0,len(parentOne))
#        if ptOne > ptTwo: ptOne, ptTwo = ptTwo, ptOne
#        subList = parentOne[ptOne: ptTwo]
#        # splice it into a random section from parent two
#        ptOne = r.randint(0,len(parentTwo))
#        ptTwo = r.randint(0,len(parentTwo))
#        if ptOne > ptTwo: ptOne, ptTwo = ptTwo, ptOne
#        child = parentTwo[:]
#        child[ptOne:ptTwo] = subList
#        # Make sure child isn't empty
#        if len(child) == 0: child.append(0)
        # Single point mutations
        for i in range(0,mnm):
            note = r.randint(0,len(child)-1)
            child[note] = m.setPitch(child[note],r.randint(30,110))
            child[note] = m.setDur(child[note],r.randint(30,110))

        # Add to next generation    
    return nextGen
Example #2
def initPop(numTracks, numNotes, popSize):
    song = list()
    population = list()
    note = 0
    note = midiNote.setInst(note, 0)
    for k in range(popSize):
        del song[:]
        for i in range(numNotes):
            for j in range(numTracks):
                note = midiNote.setChan(note, j+1)
                note = midiNote.setTrack(note, j+1)
                note = midiNote.setPitch(note, random.randint(40,90))
                note = midiNote.setDur(note, random.randint(16,128))   
        population.append(song[:])  # song[:] for splicing a copy of song
    return population