def write_NoteContainer(file, notecontainer, bpm=120, repeat=0, verbose=False): """Write a mingus.NoteContainer to a MIDI file.""" m = MidiFile() t = MidiTrack(bpm) m.tracks = [t] while repeat >= 0: t.set_deltatime('\x00') t.play_NoteContainer(notecontainer) t.set_deltatime("\x48") t.stop_NoteContainer(notecontainer) repeat -= 1 return m.write_file(file, verbose)
def write_Note(file, note, bpm=120, repeat=0, verbose=False): """Expect a Note object from mingus.containers and save it into a MIDI file, specified in file. You can set the velocity and channel in Note.velocity and """ m = MidiFile() t = MidiTrack(bpm) m.tracks = [t] while repeat >= 0: t.set_deltatime('\x00') t.play_Note(note) t.set_deltatime("\x48") t.stop_Note(note) repeat -= 1 return m.write_file(file, verbose)