Example #1
def parse(input_file, output_file, new_velocity, align_margin, collated,
          normalized_tempo, create_channels, index_patches):

    # TODO: Extract parts of parse function into other functions
    # TODO: Options for merging tracks
    # TODO: Align notes in different tracks
    # TODO: Use channels to split tracks

    # =====================
    #    Initialization
    # =====================

    # Check if the input file wasn't given
    if (input_file == ""):
        # If the input file weren't given, return an exception
        return Exception("Input file not specified")

    # Check if the input file wasn't given
    if (output_file == ""):
        # If the input file weren't given, return an exception
        return Exception("Output file not specified")

    # If index_patches is selected but not create_channels
    if (index_patches and not create_channels):
        return Exception("Patches cannot be indexed without creating channels")

    # Create lists for storing notes and meta messages
    track_notes = []
    track_meta = []

    # Create a list for storing final tracks
    output_tracks = []

    # Create a list to store which output tracks are only meta
    meta_track_indices = []

    # Create a dictionary to store the patch of each track
    patch_dictionary = {}

    # Create a list to store which indices tracks are split into
    split_indices = []

    # Try to load the input file
        # Load the input MIDI file
        input_song = mido.MidiFile(input_file)
    except Exception as err:
        # Print the error
        # If it couldn't be loaded, return an error
        return Exception(
            "Input file could not be loaded, try checking the input file path")

    # Create a new MIDI file for the final song
    output_song = mido.MidiFile(ticks_per_beat=input_song.ticks_per_beat)

    # Check if we should override the note velocity
        # See if the user has input an integer
        new_velocity = int(new_velocity)
        # If the user has not input an integer, ignore it
        new_velocity = -1

    # If it's out of range, set it to -1
    if (new_velocity < 1 or new_velocity > 127):
        new_velocity = -1

    # Check if we should override the tempo
        # See if the user has input an integer
        normalized_tempo = int(normalized_tempo)
        # Convert the tempo from bpm to the correct units
        normalized_tempo = mido.bpm2tempo(normalized_tempo)
        # If the user has not inputted an integer, ignore it
        normalized_tempo = -1

    # If it's out of range, set it to -1
    if (normalized_tempo < 1):
        normalized_tempo = -1

    # Cast the parameter to a boolean
    create_channels = bool(create_channels)

    # Cast the parameter to a boolean
    index_patches = bool(index_patches)

    # Create a dictionary to serve as a look up table for tempo
    tempo_dict = {}

    # Create a aligning margin variable
    alignment_margin = 0

        # See if the user has input a number
        alignment_margin = float(align_margin)

    # ============================
    #    Extract Tempo Messages
    # ============================

    # Loop through all tracks
    for i, track in enumerate(input_song.tracks):

        # Create a time variable for storing absolute time and set it to 0
        tick_time = 0

        # Loop through all notes in the track
        for j, msg in enumerate(track):

            # If there is a change in time then add that to the absolute time
            tick_time += msg.time

            # If we found a set_tempo message
            if (msg.is_meta and msg.type == "set_tempo"):
                # Add it to the look up table
                tempo_dict[tick_time] = msg.tempo

    # If there are no tempo messages
    if (len(tempo_dict) == 0):
        # Set the tempo to the default of 120bpm
        tempo_dict[0] = mido.bpm2tempo(120)

    # ==========================
    #     Loop Through Tracks
    # ==========================

    for i, track in enumerate(input_song.tracks):

        # ===================================
        #    Program/Patch Change Messages
        # ===================================

        # Create a time variable for storing absolute time and set it to 0
        tick_time = 0

        # Create a list of channels
        channel_list = []

        # Loop through all messages
        for msg in track:

            # If this message is not a meta message
            if not msg.is_meta:
                    # If this message's channel isn't in the no_patches dictionary
                    if not msg.channel in channel_list:
                        # Add it
                except Exception:

            # If there is a change in time then add that to the absolute time
            tick_time += msg.time

            # If this message is a patch change message
            if (msg.type == "program_change"):
                # If this channel doesn't have a dictionary entry
                if not msg.channel in patch_dictionary:
                    # Make an entry
                    patch_dictionary[msg.channel] = {}
                # Add a patch entry for the current channel at the current time
                patch_dictionary[msg.channel][tick_time] = msg.program

        # Loop through all channels
        for channel in channel_list:
            # If this channel doesn't have a dictionary entry
            if not channel in patch_dictionary:
                # Make an entry
                patch_dictionary[channel] = {}

            # If this channel doesn't have a patch at the beginning
            if not 0 in patch_dictionary[channel]:
                # Add the default patch at the beginning
                patch_dictionary[channel][0] = 0

        # ==============================
        #     Raw Message Extraction
        # ==============================

        # Store all meta messages in a list
        meta_messages = [msg for msg in track if msg.is_meta]

        # Reset tick_time to zero
        tick_time = 0

        # Create a new empty list inside the main list for all tracks to append notes to

        # Create a new empty list inside the main list for all tracks to append meta messages to

        # Loop through all meta messages
        for msg in meta_messages:
            # Append the message to the meta list for this track

        # ======================
        #    Meta-only tracks
        # ======================

        # If this is just a meta track
        if (len(meta_messages) == len(track)):
            # We'll first assume the split index is 0
            split_index = 0
            # If this is not the first track
            if (i != 0):
                # Get the indices the previous track was split into
                previous_track = split_indices[len(split_indices) - 1]
                # Set the split index as the previous maximum index plus one
                split_index = previous_track[len(previous_track) - 1] + 1
            # Append this index to the list

            # Add this track index to the list recording which tracks are only meta
            # Add sub-list where this track will be stored
            # Create a new track
            finished_track = MidiTrack()
            # Append this track to the sub-list
            output_tracks[len(output_tracks) - 1].append(finished_track)
            # Create a new variable to keep track of skipped delta time
            skipped_ticks = 0
            # Loop through all messages
            for msg in track_meta[i]:
                # If this is a tempo message
                if (msg.type == "set_tempo"):
                    # Increase the skipped time by the amount of this message
                    skipped_ticks += msg.time
                    # Don't append it
                # Increase this message's time by the amount of skipped ticks
                msg.time += skipped_ticks
                # Reset the amount of skipped time
                skipped_ticks = 0
                # Append message to the finished track
            # Skip everything below

        # ===========================
        #     Convert Note Format
        # ===========================

        # Create a variable to store the state of the sustain controller
        sustain = False
        # Create a variable to store the state of the sustain controller last loop
        sustain_last = False
        # Create a variable to store the state of the sostenuto controller
        sostenuto = False
        # Create a variable to store the state of the sostenuto controller last loop
        sostenuto_last = False
        # Create a variable to store all notes being sustained by the sostenuto controller
        sostenuto_notes = []
        # Create a variable to turn all notes off
        off = False

        # Loop through all notes in the track
        for j, msg in enumerate(track):

            # If this is the last message
            if (j == len(track) - 1):
                # Turn all notes off
                off = True

            # If there is a change in time then add that to the absolute time
            tick_time += msg.time

            # If this is a note on message
            if (msg.type == "note_on"):
                # If the note has a nonzero velocity
                if (msg.velocity != 0):
                    # Create a new entry with the format of [TIME ON, TIME OFF, NOTE, VELOCITY, ALIGNED, TRACK INDEX, CHANNEL, PATCH]
                        tick_time, None, msg.note, msg.velocity, 0, None,
                        get_patch(patch_dictionary, msg.channel, tick_time)
                    # If this channel doesn't already have a patch
                    if (patch_dictionary[msg.channel] == None):
                        # Assume that it is has a default patch of 1
                        patch_dictionary[msg.channel] = 1
                # If the note has a zero velocity
                    # Loop through the notes list backwards
                    for j in reversed(range(len(track_notes[i]))):
                        if (msg.note in sostenuto_notes):
                        # Check if there is a note that is the same note and doesn't end yet
                        if (track_notes[i][j][2] == msg.note
                                and track_notes[i][j][1] == None):
                            # Set the current time as its end time
                            track_notes[i][j][1] = tick_time
            # If this is a note off message and sustain is not active
            if (msg.type == "note_off" and not sustain):
                # If this note is being sustained by sostenuto
                if (msg.note in sostenuto_notes):
                    # Don't stop it
                # Loop through the notes list backwards
                for j in reversed(range(len(track_notes[i]))):
                    # Check if there is an active note that doesn't end yet
                    if (track_notes[i][j][2] == msg.note
                            and track_notes[i][j][1] == None):
                        # Add the current time as its end time
                        track_notes[i][j][1] = tick_time
            # If this message is a controller change
            if (msg.type == "control_change"):
                # If it is a sustain message
                if (msg.control == 64):
                    # Set it on/off
                    sustain = not msg.value < 64
                # If it is a sostenuto message
                if (msg.control == 66):
                    # Set it on/off
                    sostenuto = not msg.value < 64
                # If this is a controller message to turn all notes off
                if (msg.control == 120):
                    # Turn on the flag
                    off = True
                # If this is a reset controllers message
                if (msg.control == 121):
                    # Turn off sustain and sostenuto
                    sustain = False
                    sostenuto = False

            # If sostenuto just turned on
            if (sostenuto and not sostenuto_last):
                # Remove the notes it was holding down
                # Check which notes are being pressed
                notes_on = list(filter(lambda e: e[1] == None, track_notes[i]))
                # Loop through the notes
                for note in notes_on:
                    # Add their pitch to the list

            # If sustain has changed to off
            if (sustain_last and not sustain):
                # Check which notes are on and aren't being sustained by sostenuto
                notes_on = list(
                        lambda e: e[1] == None and e[2] not in sostenuto_notes,
                # Loop through them
                for note in notes_on:
                    # Set their end time to now
                    note[1] = tick_time

            # If sostenuto has been released
            if (sostenuto_last and not sostenuto):
                # Loop through all notes
                for note in track_notes[i]:
                    # Loop through all notes being sustained by sostenuto
                    for sostenuto_note in sostenuto_notes:
                        # If they have the same pitch and the note has no end time
                        if (note[2] == sostenuto_note and note[1] == None):
                            # Set its end time to now
                            note[1] = tick_time

            # If there is an all notes off message
            if (off):
                # Loop through all notes
                for note in track_notes[i]:
                    # If the note doesn't have an end time
                    if (note[1] == None):
                        # Set its end time to now
                        note[1] = tick_time
                # Clear all sostenuto notes
                # Turn off sostenuto
                sostenuto = False
                sostenuto_last = False
                # Turn the all notes off flag off
                off = False

            # Set the current value of sustain to the last variable for the next loop
            sustain_last = sustain
            # Set the current value of sostenuto to the last variable for the next loop
            sostenuto_last = sostenuto

        # =====================
        #    Note Processing
        # =====================

        # If there are any notes that have the same end and start time(0 duration), delete them
        track_notes[i] = [
            note for note in track_notes[i] if note[0] != note[1]

        # Remove duplicate notes
        track_notes[i] = [
            list(new_note) for new_note in set(
                tuple(note) for note in track_notes[i])

        # Convert the note time to second
        track_notes[i] = notes2second(track_notes[i], tempo_dict,

        # Sort the notes by their end time
        track_notes[i].sort(key=lambda e: e[1])

        # Loop through notes
        for note in track_notes[i]:
            # Find the minimum time the note must begin/end at
            min_time = note[1] - Decimal(alignment_margin)
            # Find the maximum time the note must begin/end at
            max_time = note[1] + Decimal(alignment_margin)
            # Create a variable to store the mean time of all overlapping notes
            mean_time = Decimal(0)
            # Create a variable to store how many notes are within the margin
            overlap_notes = 0
            # If the note's end has already been aligned
            if (bool(note[4] & 0b01)):
                # Skip the rest of the loop
            # Loop through all notes
            for overlap in track_notes[i]:
                # If the note starts within the margin and its start has not been aligned
                if (overlap[0] >= min_time and overlap[0] <= max_time
                        and not bool(overlap[4] & 0b10)):
                    # Add the note's time to the mean time
                    mean_time += overlap[0]
                    # Add one to the note count
                    overlap_notes += 1
                # If the note ends within the margin and its end has not been aligned
                if (overlap[1] >= min_time and overlap[1] <= max_time
                        and not bool(overlap[4] & 0b01)):
                    # Add the note's time to the mean time
                    mean_time += overlap[1]
                    # Add one to the note count
                    overlap_notes += 1
            # If is no other note
            if (overlap_notes < 2):
                # Skip the rest of the loop
            # Average the mean time
            mean_time /= overlap_notes
            # Loop through all notes
            for overlap in track_notes[i]:
                # If the note starts within the margin and its start has not been aligned
                if (overlap[0] >= min_time and overlap[0] <= max_time
                        and not bool(overlap[4] & 0b10)):
                    # Set the note's time to the mean
                    overlap[0] = mean_time
                    # Turn the bit that signifies the start has been aligned on
                    overlap[4] = overlap[4] | 0b10
                # If the note ends within the margin and its end has not been aligned
                if (overlap[1] >= min_time and overlap[1] <= max_time
                        and not bool(overlap[4] & 0b01)):
                    # Set the note's time to the mean
                    overlap[1] = mean_time
                    # Turn the bit that signifies the end has been aligned on
                    overlap[4] = overlap[4] | 0b01

        # If we should not normalize the tempo
        if (normalized_tempo < 0):
            # Convert the note time back to ticks with the original tempos
            track_notes[i] = notes2tick(track_notes[i], tempo_dict,
        # If we should normalize the tempo
            # Convert the note time back to ticks with a single tempo
            track_notes[i] = notes2tick(track_notes[i], {0: normalized_tempo},

        # Only keep notes that do not have the same start and end time(nonzero duration)
        track_notes[i] = [
            note for note in track_notes[i] if note[0] != note[1]

        # Sort the notes by their start time
        track_notes[i].sort(key=lambda e: e[0])

        # ======================
        #    Track Splitting
        # ======================

        # Create a new list for new(split) tracks
        new_tracks = []

        # Iterate through all notes in the current track
        for note in track_notes[i]:
            # Calculate the track index of the note
            track_index = get_track_index(note, track_notes[i])

            # If we need more tracks, add them
            for j in range(1 + track_index - len(new_tracks)):

            # Add the note to its track

        # ==================
        #      Indexing
        # ==================

        # Create a new variable to store the starting index
        initial_index = 0

        # Loop through all split tracks in the output_tracks list
        for split_tracks in output_tracks:
            # Increase the starting index by the amount of split tracks
            initial_index += len(split_tracks)

        # If we are indexing patches
        if (index_patches):
            # For every new track
            for j, new_track in enumerate(new_tracks):
                # Loop through the notes
                for note in new_track:
                    # Set the patch to a clamped index value between 0 and 127
                    note[7] = min(max(0, initial_index + j), 127)

        # ======================
        #      Track Output
        # ======================

        # Add parent list where split tracks from this track will be stored

        for j, new_track in enumerate(new_tracks):

            # Create a new track to append to the MIDI file that will be exported
            finished_track = MidiTrack()

            # Use tick_time to represent absolute time and set it to 0
            tick_time = 0

            # Set the finished track name to the old track name concatenated with an index starting with 1
            finished_track.name = track.name + " " + str(j + 1)

            # Loop through all of the notes in the new track
            for note in new_track:
                # Add a note_on message for the note
                            if new_velocity >= 0 else note[3],
                            time=(note[0] - tick_time),
                # Add a note_off message for the note
                            time=(note[1] - note[0]),
                # Set the absolute time counter to the last message added(the note_off message)
                tick_time = note[1]

            # Use tick_time to represent absolute time and set it to 0
            tick_time = 0

            # Create a variable to store the previous patch
            last_patch = None

            # If we are creating channels and not indexing patches
            if (create_channels and not index_patches):
                # We can now reasonably make the assumption that each channel has a one-to-one correspondence with each track

                # Loop through all messages
                for k, msg in enumerate(finished_track):
                    # Update tick_time
                    tick_time += msg.time
                    # If this is a meta message
                    if (msg.is_meta):
                        # Skip this loop iteration
                    # If the patch has changed
                    if (not get_patch(patch_dictionary, msg.channel, tick_time)
                            == last_patch):
                        # Insert a patch change message
                                                  msg.channel, tick_time),
                                time=(tick_time -
                                                     msg.channel, tick_time))))
                        # Update the preceding note's time
                        msg.time -= (tick_time - get_patch_time(
                            patch_dictionary, msg.channel, tick_time))

                    # Update last_patch
                    last_patch = get_patch(patch_dictionary, msg.channel,

            # Append the finished track to the list of tracks to be output

        # We'll first assume the starting index is 0
        starting_index = 0
        # If this is not the first track
        if (i != 0):
            # Get the indices the previous track was split into
            previous_track = split_indices[len(split_indices) - 1]

            # Set the starting index as the previous maximum index plus one
            starting_index = previous_track[len(previous_track) - 1] + 1
        # Append a sub-list to store the indices this track is split into
        # Loop through the number of tracks this track will be split into
        for j in range(len(output_tracks[i])):
            # Add the indices to the sub-list
            split_indices[i].append(starting_index + j)

    # =======================
    #     Song Processing
    # =======================

    # If we are collating the output
    if (collated):
        # Create a variable to store the maximum number of times a track was split
        max_split = 0
        # Loop through all tracks
        for split_track in output_tracks:
            # If this track was split more times, make it the new maximum
            max_split = max(max_split, len(split_track))
        # Loop through the sub-lists
        for i in range(max_split):
            # Loop through the initial(outer) lists
            for split_track in output_tracks:
                # If we have already appended all split tracks on this track
                if (i >= len(split_track)):
                    # Skip this loop iteration
                # Add track to output file
    # If the tracks should not be collated
        # Flatten the list of output tracks
        output_tracks = [
            output_track for split_track in output_tracks
            for output_track in split_track
        # Loop through tracks
        for track in output_tracks:
            # Add track to output file

    # If we should normalize the tempo
    if (normalized_tempo > 0):
        # Set the tempo at the beginning of the song
            0, MetaMessage("set_tempo", tempo=normalized_tempo))
    # If we are not normalizing the tempo

        # If there are no meta only tracks
        if (len(meta_track_indices) == 0):
            # Create a new track
            output_song.tracks.insert(0, MidiTrack())
            # Add its index to the list of meta only tracks

        # Create a list to store tempos in
        tempos = []

        # Convert tempo_dict to a 2d list
        for time in tempo_dict:
            tempos.append([time, tempo_dict[time]])

        # Re-use tick_time to store absolute time
        tick_time = 0

        # Create a variable to store the index of the last tempo inserted
        tempo_index = 0

        # Create a variable to store the total length of the track
        total_time = 0

        # Get the length of the track
        for msg in output_song.tracks[meta_track_indices[0]]:
            total_time += msg.time

        # Create a new variable to store if the first meta track is empty
        first_meta_empty = len(output_song.tracks[meta_track_indices[0]]) == 0

        # Loop through the first meta track to which we will add tempo messages(which will be the original length + # of tempo messages when done)
        for i in range(
                len(output_song.tracks[meta_track_indices[0]]) + len(tempos)):
            # If we addded all the tempos
            if (tempo_index == len(tempos)):
                # Stop adding them
            # If the meta track is/was empty
            if (first_meta_empty):
                # Insert the message
                                time=tempos[tempo_index][0] - tick_time))
                # Increment tick_time
                tick_time += output_song.tracks[meta_track_indices[0]][i].time
                # Increment the tempo index
                tempo_index += 1
                # Skip everything below
            # Increment tick_time
            tick_time += output_song.tracks[meta_track_indices[0]][i].time
            # If we're at the end of the list
            if (i == len(output_song.tracks[meta_track_indices[0]]) - 1):
                # Insert the message
                                time=tempos[tempo_index][0] - tick_time))
                # Increment the tempo index
                tempo_index += 1
                # Skip everything below
            # If the tempo is between these messages
            if (tick_time <= tempos[tempo_index][0]
                    and tempos[tempo_index][0] <= tick_time +
                    output_song.tracks[meta_track_indices[0]][i + 1].time):
                # Decrease the delta of the message after it
                    i + 1].time -= tempos[tempo_index][0] - tick_time
                # Insert the message
                    i + 1,
                                time=tempos[tempo_index][0] - tick_time))
                # Increment the tempo index
                tempo_index += 1
        # If we didn't add all the tempos
        if (tempo_index < len(tempos) - 1):
            # Loop through the remaining tempos
            for i in range(tempo_index, len(tempos)):
                # Append the remaining messages
                                time=tempos[i][0] - tick_time))
                # Set tick_time
                tick_time = tempos[i][0]

    # If we are assigning patches on the output tracks
    if (index_patches):
        # Loop through all the tracks
        for i, track in enumerate(output_song.tracks):
            # Start off with a patch index of the current track index
            patch_index = i
            # For every meta only track before it, subtract one
            for index in meta_track_indices:
                if index < i:
                    patch_index -= 1
            # Set the patch of each of the track
            output_song.tracks[i] = set_track_patch(track, patch_index,

    # If we are creating output channels
    if (create_channels):
        # Loop through all the tracks
        for i, track in enumerate(output_song.tracks):
            # Start off with a channel index of the current track index
            channel_index = i
            # For every meta only track before it, subtract one
            for index in meta_track_indices:
                if index < i:
                    channel_index -= 1
            # Set the channel of each of the tracks
            output_song.tracks[i] = set_channel(track, channel_index)

    # ====================
    #     Song Output
    # ====================

    # Try to save the song
        # Save the song
        # If it saves, return true
        return True
    except Exception as err:
        # Print the error
        # If it fails to save, return an exception
        return Exception(
            "Could not save file, try checking the output file path")