Example #1
    def make_update_script_for_model(cls, engine, oldmodel, model, repository,
        """Create a migration script"""

        # Compute differences.
        if isinstance(repository, basestring):
            from migrate.versioning.repository import Repository  # oh dear, an import cycle!
            repository = Repository(repository)
        oldmodel = loadModel(oldmodel)
        model = loadModel(model)
        diff = schemadiff.getDiffOfModelAgainstModel(
            oldmodel, model, engine, excludeTables=[repository.version_table])
        decls, upgradeCommands, downgradeCommands = genmodel.ModelGenerator(

        # Store differences into file.
        template_file = None
        src = template.get_script(template_file)
        contents = open(src).read()
        search = 'def upgrade():'
        contents = contents.replace(search, decls + '\n\n' + search, 1)
        if upgradeCommands:
            contents = contents.replace('    pass', upgradeCommands, 1)
        if downgradeCommands:
            contents = contents.replace('    pass', downgradeCommands, 1)
        return contents
Example #2
    def make_update_script_for_model(cls, engine, oldmodel,
                                     model, repository, **opts):
        """Create a migration script"""
        # Compute differences.
        if isinstance(repository, basestring):
            # oh dear, an import cycle!
            from migrate.versioning.repository import Repository
            repository = Repository(repository)
        oldmodel = load_model(oldmodel)
        model = load_model(model)
        diff = schemadiff.getDiffOfModelAgainstModel(
        decls, upgradeCommands, downgradeCommands = \

        # Store differences into file.
        template_file = None
        src = template.get_script(template_file)
        contents = open(src).read()
        search = 'def upgrade():'
        contents = contents.replace(search, '\n\n'.join((decls, search)), 1)
        if upgradeCommands:
            contents = contents.replace('    pass', upgradeCommands, 1)
        if downgradeCommands:
            contents = contents.replace('    pass', downgradeCommands, 1)
        return contents
Example #3
    def make_update_script_for_model(cls, engine, oldmodel,
                                     model, repository, **opts):
        """Create a migration script based on difference between two SA models.

        :param repository: path to migrate repository
        :param oldmodel: dotted.module.name:SAClass or SAClass object
        :param model: dotted.module.name:SAClass or SAClass object
        :param engine: SQLAlchemy engine
        :type repository: string or :class:`Repository instance <migrate.versioning.repository.Repository>`
        :type oldmodel: string or Class
        :type model: string or Class
        :type engine: Engine instance
        :returns: Upgrade / Downgrade script
        :rtype: string

        if isinstance(repository, basestring):
            # oh dear, an import cycle!
            from migrate.versioning.repository import Repository
            repository = Repository(repository)

        oldmodel = load_model(oldmodel)
        model = load_model(model)

        # Compute differences.
        diff = schemadiff.getDiffOfModelAgainstModel(
        # TODO: diff can be False (there is no difference?)
        decls, upgradeCommands, downgradeCommands = \

        # Store differences into file.
        src = Template(opts.pop('templates_path', None)).get_script(opts.pop('templates_theme', None))
        f = open(src)
        contents = f.read()

        # generate source
        search = 'def upgrade(migrate_engine):'
        contents = contents.replace(search, '\n\n'.join((decls, search)), 1)
        if upgradeCommands:
            contents = contents.replace('    pass', upgradeCommands, 1)
        if downgradeCommands:
            contents = contents.replace('    pass', downgradeCommands, 1)
        return contents
Example #4
    def make_update_script_for_model(cls, engine, oldmodel, model, repository,
        """Create a migration script based on difference between two SA models.

        :param repository: path to migrate repository
        :param oldmodel: dotted.module.name:SAClass or SAClass object
        :param model: dotted.module.name:SAClass or SAClass object
        :param engine: SQLAlchemy engine
        :type repository: string or :class:`Repository instance <migrate.versioning.repository.Repository>`
        :type oldmodel: string or Class
        :type model: string or Class
        :type engine: Engine instance
        :returns: Upgrade / Downgrade script
        :rtype: string

        if isinstance(repository, six.string_types):
            # oh dear, an import cycle!
            from migrate.versioning.repository import Repository
            repository = Repository(repository)

        oldmodel = load_model(oldmodel)
        model = load_model(model)

        # Compute differences.
        diff = schemadiff.getDiffOfModelAgainstModel(
            model, oldmodel, excludeTables=[repository.version_table])
        # TODO: diff can be False (there is no difference?)
        decls, upgradeCommands, downgradeCommands = \

        # Store differences into file.
        src = Template(opts.pop('templates_path', None)).get_script(
            opts.pop('templates_theme', None))
        f = open(src)
        contents = f.read()

        # generate source
        search = 'def upgrade(migrate_engine):'
        contents = contents.replace(search, '\n\n'.join((decls, search)), 1)
        if upgradeCommands:
            contents = contents.replace('    pass', upgradeCommands, 1)
        if downgradeCommands:
            contents = contents.replace('    pass', downgradeCommands, 1)
        return contents
 def _run_diff(self,**kw):
     db_meta= MetaData()
     return schemadiff.getDiffOfModelAgainstModel(
         self.meta, db_meta, **kw