def stub_load_args(self, args, defaults, vararg, kwonlyargs, kw_defaults, kwarg): self.stub_arg_insts = [] # get args ref args_tuple = self.stub_args_tuple kwargs_dict = self.stub_kwargs_dict # get copy of kwargs -- clear items out of it as we load them, or skip entirely if kwarg: if_have_kwargs = self.v.ctx.add(c.If(c.ID(, c.Compound(), c.Compound())) with self.v.new_context(if_have_kwargs.iftrue): kwargs_inst = kwargs_dict.copy() with self.v.new_context(if_have_kwargs.iffalse): kwargs_inst = kwargs_dict else: kwargs_inst = None # load positional and normal keyword args if args: c_args_size = CIntegerLL(None, self.v) c_args_size.declare_tmp(name='_args_size') args_tuple.get_size_unchecked(c_args_size) arg_insts = [None] * len(args) for i, arg in enumerate(args): # Note: different scope than the actual args are declared in.. need to stub them out here #TODO: make this type pull from the arg.arg.hl.get_type() through lookup... maybe create dup_ll_type or something arg_insts[i] = PyObjectLL(arg.arg.hl, self.v) arg_insts[i].declare() # query if in positional args self.v.ctx.add(c.Comment("Grab arg {}".format(str(arg.arg)))) query_inst = self.v.ctx.add(c.If(c.BinaryOp('>', c.ID(, c.Constant('integer', i)), c.Compound(), c.Compound())) ## get the positional arg on the true side with self.v.new_context(query_inst.iftrue): args_tuple.get_unchecked(i, arg_insts[i]) ## get the keyword arg on the false side with self.v.new_context(query_inst.iffalse): have_kwarg = self.v.ctx.add(c.If(c.ID('kwargs'), c.Compound(), None)) ### if we took kwargs, then get it directly with self.v.new_context(have_kwarg.iftrue): kwargs_dict.get_item_string_nofail(str(arg.arg), arg_insts[i]) ### if no kwargs passed or the item was not in the kwargs, load the default from defaults query_default_inst = self.v.ctx.add(c.If(c.UnaryOp('!', c.ID(arg_insts[i].name)), c.Compound(), c.Compound())) with self.v.new_context(query_default_inst.iftrue): kwstartoffset = len(args) - len(defaults) if i >= kwstartoffset: # try loading from defaults default_offset = i - kwstartoffset tmp = PyTupleLL(None, self.v) tmp.declare_tmp() self.c_obj.get_attr_string('__defaults__', tmp) #self.v.ctx.add(c.Assignment('=', c.ID(, # c.FuncCall(c.ID('PyObject_GetAttrString'), c.ExprList(c.ID(, c.Constant('string', '__defaults__'))))) # tmp.get_unchecked(default_offset, arg_insts[i]) #self.v.ctx.add(c.Assignment('=', c.ID(arg_insts[i].name), # c.FuncCall(c.ID('PyTuple_GetItem'), c.ExprList(c.ID(, c.Constant('integer', default_offset))))) arg_insts[i].incref() tmp.decref() #self.v.ctx.add(c.FuncCall(c.ID('Py_INCREF'), c.ID(arg_insts[i].name))) else: # emit an error for an unpassed arg with self.v.new_context(query_default_inst.iftrue):'PyExc_TypeError', 'Missing arg {}'.format(str(arg))) ### if we did get the item out of the kwargs, delete it from the inst copy so it's not duped in the args we pass with self.v.new_context(query_default_inst.iffalse): if kwargs_inst: kwargs_inst.del_item_string(str(arg.arg)) self.stub_arg_insts.extend(arg_insts) # add unused args to varargs and pass if in taken args or error if not if vararg: self.v.ctx.add(c.Comment('load varargs')) vararg_inst = args_tuple.get_slice(len(args), args_tuple.get_length()) self.stub_arg_insts.append(vararg_inst) else: len_inst = args_tuple.get_length() ifstmt = self.v.ctx.add(c.If(c.BinaryOp('>', c.ID(, c.Constant('integer', len(args))), c.Compound(), None)) with self.v.new_context(ifstmt.iftrue): self.fail_formatted('PyExc_TypeError', "{}() takes exactly {} positional arguments (%d given)".format(, len(args)), len_inst) # load all keyword only args if kwonlyargs: kwarg_insts = [None] * len(kwonlyargs) for i, arg in enumerate(kwonlyargs): kwarg_insts[i] = PyObjectLL(arg.arg.hl, self.v) kwarg_insts[i].declare() # ensure we have kwargs at all have_kwarg = self.v.ctx.add(c.If(c.ID('kwargs'), c.Compound(), c.Compound())) ## in have_kwarg.iftrue, load all kwargs from the kwargs dict with self.v.new_context(have_kwarg.iftrue): for i, arg in enumerate(kwonlyargs): #FIXME: we can make this significantly more efficient with a bit of work kwargs_dict.get_item_string_nofail(str(arg.arg), kwarg_insts[i]) need_default = self.v.ctx.add(c.If(c.UnaryOp('!', c.ID(kwarg_insts[i].name)), c.Compound(), None)) ### not found in kwdict, means we need to load from default with self.v.new_context(need_default.iftrue): kwdefaults0 = PyDictLL(None, self.v) kwdefaults0.declare_tmp(name='_kwdefaults') self.c_obj.get_attr_string('__kwdefaults__', kwdefaults0) kwdefaults0.get_item_string(str(arg.arg), kwarg_insts[i]) kwdefaults0.decref() ### found in kwdict, means we need to delete from kwdict to avoid passing duplicate arg in kwargs if kwargs_inst: need_default.iffalse = c.Compound() with self.v.new_context(need_default.iffalse): kwargs_inst.del_item_string(str(arg.arg)) ## if have_kwarg.iffalse, need to load from the kwdefaults dict #TODO: this is identical to the failure case from above with self.v.new_context(have_kwarg.iffalse): kwdefaults1 = PyDictLL(None, self.v) kwdefaults1.declare_tmp(name='_kwdefaults') self.c_obj.get_attr_string('__kwdefaults__', kwdefaults1) for i, arg in enumerate(kwonlyargs): #have_kwarg.iffalse.add(c.Assignment('=', c.ID(, # c.FuncCall(c.ID('PyObject_GetAttrString'), c.ExprList(c.ID(, c.Constant('string', '__kwdefaults__'))))) kwdefaults1.get_item_string(str(arg.arg), kwarg_insts[i]) #have_kwarg.iffalse.add(c.Assignment('=', c.ID(kwarg_insts[i].name), # c.FuncCall(c.ID('PyDict_GetItemString'), c.ExprList(c.ID(, c.Constant('string', str(arg.arg)))))) #self.fail_if_null(kwarg_insts[i].name) kwdefaults1.decref() self.stub_arg_insts.extend(kwarg_insts) # pass remainder of kwargs dict in as the kwarg slot if kwarg: self.stub_arg_insts.append(kwargs_inst) '''
def attach_defaults(self, default_insts, kwdefault_insts): if default_insts: tmp = PyTupleLL(None, self.v) tmp.declare_tmp( + "_defaults") tmp.pack(*default_insts) self.c_obj.set_attr_string('__defaults__', tmp) tmp.decref() if kwdefault_insts: tmp = PyDictLL(None, self.v) tmp.declare_tmp( + "_kwdefaults") for name, inst in kwdefault_insts: if inst is None: self.v.none.incref() tmp.set_item_string(name, self.v.none) else: tmp.set_item_string(name, inst) inst.decref() self.c_obj.set_attr_string('__kwdefaults__', tmp) tmp.decref()
def sequence_as_tuple(self, out_inst=None): if not out_inst: out_inst = PyTupleLL(None, self.v) out_inst.declare_tmp() self.v.ctx.add(c.Assignment('=', c.ID(, c.FuncCall(c.ID('PySequence_Tuple'), c.ExprList(c.ID( return out_inst