def __init__(self, name: str, build_dir: str = "./build", cache_dir: str = "./cache"): """ The project root(s) is the filesystem path(s) where we should start searching for modules in import statements. The programs list is the set of modules that will be considered the project's "main" entry points. """ = name self.build_dir = os.path.realpath(build_dir) self.data_dir = os.path.join(os.path.realpath("."), "data") self.stdlib = [] # [os.path.realpath('./data/lib-dynload')] self.extensions = [] self.builtins = [] # [os.path.realpath('./data/builtins')] self.override = [] # [os.path.realpath('./data/override')] # defines the c prefix to use when creating the makefile self.c_prefix = "/usr" # defines the python version postfix and pep3149 abi string that the link target python was built with self.c_version = "3.1" self.c_abi = "" # limit 'local' modules to ones matching 'limit' self.limit = re.compile(".*") # maps module paths to module definitions self.modules_by_path = {} # {str: MpModule} self.modules_by_absname = {} # {str: MpModule} self.order = [] # depth first traversal order # the core parser infrastructure self.parser_driver = PythonParserDriver("data/grammar/python-3.1") # create a cache directory self.cachedir = os.path.realpath("./cache") if not os.path.exists(self.cachedir): os.makedirs(self.cachedir) # ensure the build directory exists if not os.path.exists(self.build_dir): os.makedirs(self.build_dir) # list our currently cached entries for fast lookup later self.cache = ProjectCache(name, build_dir, cache_dir) self.global_cache = GlobalCache(cache_dir) self.cached = {k: None for k in os.listdir(self.cachedir)} # build a 'scope' for our builtins self.builtins_scope = Builtins(MpModule.BUILTIN, "<builtin>", "builtins", None)
class MpProject: """ A project represents a collection of python modules. Starting from a source directory(s) and program(s), this class can query the sources to build an information database about a project. """ def __init__(self, name: str, build_dir: str = "./build", cache_dir: str = "./cache"): """ The project root(s) is the filesystem path(s) where we should start searching for modules in import statements. The programs list is the set of modules that will be considered the project's "main" entry points. """ = name self.build_dir = os.path.realpath(build_dir) self.data_dir = os.path.join(os.path.realpath("."), "data") self.stdlib = [] # [os.path.realpath('./data/lib-dynload')] self.extensions = [] self.builtins = [] # [os.path.realpath('./data/builtins')] self.override = [] # [os.path.realpath('./data/override')] # defines the c prefix to use when creating the makefile self.c_prefix = "/usr" # defines the python version postfix and pep3149 abi string that the link target python was built with self.c_version = "3.1" self.c_abi = "" # limit 'local' modules to ones matching 'limit' self.limit = re.compile(".*") # maps module paths to module definitions self.modules_by_path = {} # {str: MpModule} self.modules_by_absname = {} # {str: MpModule} self.order = [] # depth first traversal order # the core parser infrastructure self.parser_driver = PythonParserDriver("data/grammar/python-3.1") # create a cache directory self.cachedir = os.path.realpath("./cache") if not os.path.exists(self.cachedir): os.makedirs(self.cachedir) # ensure the build directory exists if not os.path.exists(self.build_dir): os.makedirs(self.build_dir) # list our currently cached entries for fast lookup later self.cache = ProjectCache(name, build_dir, cache_dir) self.global_cache = GlobalCache(cache_dir) self.cached = {k: None for k in os.listdir(self.cachedir)} # build a 'scope' for our builtins self.builtins_scope = Builtins(MpModule.BUILTIN, "<builtin>", "builtins", None) def configure( self, *, programs: [str], roots: [str], stdlib: [str] = [], extensions: [str] = [], builtins: [str] = [], override: [str] = [], prefix: str = "/usr", version: str = "3.1", abi: str = "", include=".*", exclude="$^", verbose=False, opt_level: int = 1, opt_options: {str} = "" ): """ Set up this project. stdlib, extensions, builtins, overrides : extra directories to search before the standard paths builddir : the target build directory include : only files matching this regex are part of the program set exclude : only files NOT matching this regex are part of the program set opt_level : 0 or 1, corresponding to sap and asp respectively opt_options : set of string options nodocstrings -- elide docstrings from output executable """ self.programs = programs self.roots = roots self.stdlib = stdlib + self.stdlib self.extensions = extensions + self.extensions self.builtins = builtins + self.builtins self.override = override + self.override self.c_prefix = prefix self.c_version = version self.c_abi = abi self.limit_include = re.compile(include) self.limit_exclude = re.compile(exclude) self.opt_level = opt_level self.opt_options = opt_options self.cache.prepare(programs, roots, stdlib, extensions, builtins, override) self.verbose = verbose if verbose:"Name: {}".format("Programs: {}".format(self.programs))"Project Roots: {}".format(self.roots))"Stdlib Search: {}".format(self.stdlib))"Extension Search: {}".format(self.extensions))"Builtins Search: {}".format(self.builtins)) def build_all(self): self.locate_modules() self.index_static() self.index_imports() self.link_references() self.build_ir() self.derive_types() return self.transform_ll_c() def locate_modules(self): """Perform static, module-level reachability analysis.""" importer = Importer(self, self.roots, self.stdlib, self.extensions, self.builtins, self.override) ref_paths_by_module = {} # load all modules in depth-first order for program in self.programs: importer.trace_import_tree(program) # for modname, filename, modtype, ref_paths, ast in reversed(importer.out): for desc, ast, ref_paths in reversed(importer.out): if desc.type == ModuleDesc.TYPE_MISSING: mod = MpMissingModule(desc.modtype, desc.modname, self.builtins_scope) assert desc.modname not in self.modules_by_absname self.modules_by_absname[desc.modname] = mod elif desc.type == ModuleDesc.TYPE_PROBE: if desc.modname == "builtins": assert desc.modtype == MpModule.BUILTIN mod = self.builtins_scope else: mod = MpProbedModule(desc.modtype, desc.names, desc.modname, self.builtins_scope) assert desc.modname not in self.modules_by_absname self.modules_by_absname[desc.modname] = mod else: assert desc.type == ModuleDesc.TYPE_FILE, "unknown module descriptor type" if desc.path in self.modules_by_path: logging.warning("Skipping duplicate module: {}".format(desc.path)) continue if self.verbose:"mapping module: " + desc.modname + " -> " + desc.path) # create the module assert desc.modtype != MpModule.BUILTIN, "we should not have builtin modules with a file" mod = MpModule(desc.modtype, desc.path, desc.modname, self.builtins_scope) mod.ast = ast mod.owner.ast = ast mod.ast.hl = mod # add to order, in depth first order self.order.append(desc.path) # map the module by filename self.modules_by_path[desc.path] = mod self.modules_by_absname[desc.modname] = mod # store aside the refmap for after we have loaded all modules ref_paths_by_module[desc.path] = ref_paths # NOTE: mark each program as having real name __main__ if desc.modname == program: mod.set_as_main() # after we have loaded all modules, fill in the refs in each module # NOTE: we can only track refs when we have the source (so we know what names are imports) for filename, mod in self.modules_by_path.items(): ref_paths = ref_paths_by_module[filename] for local_modname, desc in ref_paths.items(): try: mod.refs[local_modname] = self.modules_by_absname[desc.modname] except: pdb.set_trace() def index_static(self): """Find all statically scoped names in reachable modules -- classes, functions, variable, etc.""""Indexing: Phase 0, {} files".format(len(self.order))) for fn in self.order: mod = self.modules_by_path[fn] if self.verbose:"Indexing0: {}".format(mod.filename)) indexer = Indexer0(self, mod) indexer.visit(mod.ast) # NOTE: we may need to visit twice (but only twice) because of a nonlocal declared before its target if indexer.missing: indexer = Indexer0(self, mod) indexer.visit(mod.ast) assert not indexer.missing, "Missing symbols: {}".format(indexer.missing) def index_imports(self): """Find and add to the scope stack, all names from imports.""" missing = {} records = {} visited = { mod for mod in self.modules_by_absname.values() if isinstance(mod, (MpProbedModule, MpMissingModule)) } def _index(self): nonlocal missing, records, visited for fn in reversed(self.order): if fn not in missing or missing[fn] > 0: mod = self.modules_by_path[fn] if self.verbose: if fn not in missing:"Indexing1: {}".format(mod.filename)) else:"[{} remaining] Indexing1: {}".format(sum(list(missing.values())), fn)) indexer = Indexer1(self, mod, visited) indexer.visit(mod.ast) missing[fn] = len(indexer.missing) records[fn] = indexer.missing if 0 == missing[fn]: visited.add(mod) assert self.modules_by_path[fn] in visited or missing[fn] > 0"Indexing: Phase 1, {} files".format(len(self.order))) _index(self)"Indexing: Phase 2, {} remaining".format(sum(list(missing.values())))) while sum(list(missing.values())) > 0: prior = sum(list(missing.values())) _index(self) cur = sum(list(missing.values())) if cur == prior: raise MissingSymbolsError({fn: sym for fn, sym in records.items() if len(sym) > 0}) def link_references(self): """Look through our module's reachability and our names databases to find the actual definition points for all referenced code.""""Linking") for fn in reversed(self.order): mod = self.modules_by_path[fn] if self.is_local(mod): if self.verbose:"Linking: {}".format(mod.filename)) linker = Linker(self, mod) linker.visit(mod.ast) def build_ir(self): out = {} for fn in reversed(self.order): mod = self.modules_by_path[fn] if self.is_local(mod): if self.verbose:"Building IR: {}".format(mod.filename)) v = Ast2Ir(self) v.visit(mod.ast) out.update(v.frames) for name, frame in out.items(): print(name) frame.disassemble() cfg = ir_2_cfg(out) def derive_types(self): """Look up-reference and thru-call to find the types of all names.""""Typing") for fn in reversed(self.order): mod = self.modules_by_path[fn] if self.is_local(mod): if self.verbose:"Typing: {}".format(mod.filename)) typer = TypeFlow0(self, mod) typer.visit(mod.ast) def transform_ll_c(self): makename = "Makefile-" + ( self.programs[0] if len(self.programs) == 1 else hashlib.md5("".join(self.programs)).hexdigest() ) makefile = Makefile( os.path.join(self.build_dir, makename), self.data_dir, prefix=self.c_prefix, version=self.c_version, abi=self.c_abi, ) for program in self.programs: # apply the low-level transformation visitor = Py2C(self.opt_level, self.opt_options, self.builtins_scope) for fn in self.order: mod = self.modules_by_path[fn] if self.is_local(mod): if self.verbose:"Preparing: {}".format(mod.filename)) visitor.preallocate(mod.ast) for fn in self.order: mod = self.modules_by_path[fn] if self.is_local(mod): if mod.python_name in self.programs and mod.python_name != program: continue if self.verbose:"Emitting: {}".format(mod.filename)) visitor.visit(mod.ast) visitor.close() # write the file target = os.path.join(self.build_dir, program + ".c")"Writing: {}".format(target)) with COut(target) as v: v.visit(visitor.tu) # add us to the makefile makefile.add_target(program, target) # reset the lowlevel linkage to the now written C structure self.reset_ll() target = None # write the makefile makefile.write() # link makefile name to Makefile for simplicty try: os.unlink(os.path.join(self.build_dir, "Makefile")) except OSError as ex: if ex.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise os.symlink(os.path.join(self.build_dir, makename), os.path.join(self.build_dir, "Makefile")) return makefile def reset_ll(self):"Reset LL nodes") def _visit_sym(sym): sym.ll = None if sym.scope: _visit_scope(sym.scope) def _visit_scope(scope): scope.ll = None for _, sym in scope.symbols.items(): if isinstance(sym, Name) and sym.ll: _visit_sym(sym) for fn in self.order: mod = self.modules_by_path[fn] if self.is_local(mod): _visit_scope(mod) v = Clean() v.visit(mod.ast) def show(self): """Find all statically scoped names in reachable modules -- classes, functions, variable, etc.""""Showing Project:") for fn in self.order: mod = self.modules_by_path[fn] if self.is_local(mod): def is_local(self, mod: ast.Module) -> bool: """Return true if the module should be translated, false if bridged to.""" return ( mod.modtype == MpModule.PROJECT and self.limit_include.match(mod.filename) is not None and self.limit_exclude.match(mod.filename) is None ) def get_module_at_filename(self, filename): return self.modules_by_path[filename] def get_module_at_dottedname(self, dottedname): return self.modules_by_absname[dottedname] def get_file_ast(self, filename): source = MpModule._read_file(filename) checksum = hashlib.sha1(source.encode("UTF-8")).hexdigest() data = self.global_cache.query_ast_data(filename, checksum) if data: logging.debug("Cached: {} @ {}".format(filename, checksum)) return pickle.loads(data) else:"Parsing: {}".format(filename)) ast = self.parser_driver.parse_string(source) self.global_cache.update_ast_data(filename, checksum, pickle.dumps(ast)) return ast
def test_comp(): prog = '''new_callers[func] = tuple([i[0] + i[1] for i in zip(caller, new_callers[func])])\n\n''' driver = PythonParserDriver('data/grammar/python-3.1') driver.parse_string(prog)