Example #1
def create_searchers(specs):

    # unpack from specs
    g = specs.graph
    capture_range = specs.capture_range
    zeta = specs.zeta
    m = specs.size_team

    if specs.start_searcher_v is None:
        # if initial position was not defined by user
        v_list = placement_list(specs, 's')
        if specs.searcher_together:
            v_list = searchers_start_together(m, v_list)
        # len(v0) = m
        v0 = v_list
        # if it was, use that
        v0 = specs.start_searcher_v

    # get graph vertices
    V, n = ext.get_set_vertices(g)
    if any(v0) not in V:
        print("Vertex out of range, V = {1, 2...n}")
        return None

    searchers = create_dict_searchers(g, v0, capture_range, zeta)

    return searchers
Example #2
    def __init__(self, horizon, deadline, theta, my_graph, solver_type='central', timeout=30*60):
        """ initialize after solver is first called
        :param number_searchers:

        # objective function value for each time the solver runs
        self.obj_value = {}
        # solving time for each time the solver runs
        self.solve_time = {}
        # gap for each time the solver runs
        self.gap = {}

        self.x_s = {}

        self.belief = {}

        # horizon can be mutable in future experiments
        self.horizon = dict()
        self.horizon[0] = horizon

        # input parameters (immutable)
        self.g = None
        self.g = my_graph
        self.V, self.n = ext.get_set_vertices(my_graph)

        self.theta = theta
        self.deadline = deadline

        self.solver_type = solver_type
        self.timeout = timeout

        self.threads = {}

        self.gamma = 0.99
Example #3
def create_team(specs):
    # TODO move this to team class later

    # unpack from specs
    g = specs.graph
    capture_range = specs.capture_range
    zeta = specs.zeta
    m = specs.size_team
    alpha = specs.alpha
    kappa = specs.kappa

    if specs.start_searcher_v is None:
        # if initial position was not defined by user
        v_list = cp.placement_list(specs, 's')
        if specs.searcher_together:
            v_list = cp.searchers_start_together(m, v_list)
        # len(v0) = m
        v0 = v_list
        # if it was, use that
        v0 = specs.start_searcher_v

    # get graph vertices
    V, n = ext.get_set_vertices(g)
    if any(v0) not in V:
        print("Vertex out of range, V = {1, 2...n}")
        return None

    team = MyTeam2(m)
    team.create_dict_searchers(g, v0, kappa, alpha, capture_range, zeta)

    return team
Example #4
def set_initial_belief(g_or_n, v_list: list, type_distribution='uniform'):
    """ Make initial belief vector (assign probabilities to list of vertices) based on
    :param g_or_n : graph or n, to obtain number of total vertices (n)
    :param v_list : list of vertices # [1, 3...] to be assigned non zero probability
    :param type_distribution : type of distribution, default is uniform """

    n = ext.get_set_vertices(g_or_n)[1]

    # create belief vector of zeros
    b_0 = np.zeros(n + 1)

    # get number of possible initial vertices
    q = len(v_list)

    # if the initial_prob is not a list with pre-determined initial probabilities
    # for each possible initial vertex
    # just consider equal probability between possible vertices
    if type_distribution is 'uniform':
        prob_init = 1 / q
        prob_init = type_distribution

    # initial target belief (vertices in v_list will change value, others remain zero)
    # b[0] = 0
    b_0[v_list] = prob_init

    return list(b_0)
Example #5
def draw_v_random(g_or_n, q=1, my_seed=None):
    """Choose possible random vertices for the starting point of the target
    positions are given in model indexing (1,2...)
    :param g_or_n : graph
    :param q : number of possible vertices
    :param my_seed : random seed generator (optional)
    return: v_target --> possible initial vertices of the target
     v_left: target from the graph that are 'free' """
    # get set of vertices
    V, n = ext.get_set_vertices(g_or_n)

    v_target = []

    if my_seed is None:
        v_left = V

        # randomly pick vertices
        for pos in range(0, q):
            my_v = int(random.choice(v_left))

            # take out that vertex from list of possible vertices
        v_target = pick_pseudo_random(V, my_seed, q)
        v_left = ext.get_v_left(n, v_target)

    return v_target, v_left
Example #6
def list_to_dict(data: list):

    n = len(data)
    V = ext.get_set_vertices(n)[0]

    data_dict = {}
    for v in V:
        vidx = ext.get_python_idx(v)
        data_dict[v] = data[vidx]

    return data_dict
Example #7
def test_fov():

    rooms = bf.compartments_ss2()
    my_list = []
    for name in rooms.keys():
        for v in rooms[name]:

    V = ext.get_set_vertices(46)[0]

    assert my_list == V
Example #8
    def define_capture_matrix(self, g):

        V, n = ext.get_set_vertices(g)

        # size of capture matrix
        nu = n + 1

        my_aux = {}
        for v in V:
            # loop through vertices to get capture matrices
            C = self.rule_intercept(v, nu, self.capture_range, self.zeta, g)
            my_aux[v] = C
        C_all = my_aux

        return C_all
Example #9
def placement_list(specs, op='s'):
    """Call only when the initial position is random (no list defined by user)
    Make sure belief and searchers' start vertices are far away (out of reach)
    so that b_c(0) = 0
    :param specs : inputs
    :param op : 's' to place searchers, 't' to get list of vertices for belief """

    g = specs.graph

    # placing searchers or belief?
    if op == 's':
        v_input = specs.start_target_v_list
        my_seed = specs.searcher_seed
        # check if searchers are starting together
        if specs.searcher_together:
            q = 1
            q = specs.size_team
        v_input = specs.start_searcher_v
        # quantity of possible nodes (probability > 0)
        q = specs.qty_possible_nodes
        # seed
        my_seed = specs.target_seed

    if v_input is None:
        # draw q random nodes
        v_list, v_left = draw_v_random(g, q, my_seed)
        # check if it's out of reach at t = 0
        v_taken = v_input
        v_list = []
        out_of_reach = False
        # keep drawing until is out of reach
        while out_of_reach is False:
            v_list = draw_v_random(g, q, my_seed)[0]
            specs.change_seed(my_seed, 't')
            out_of_reach = check_reachability(g, specs.capture_range, v_list,
            my_seed += 500

    # check for bug (not a vertex in graph)
    V = ext.get_set_vertices(g)[0]
    if any(v_list) not in V:
        print("Vertex out of range, V = {1, 2...n}")

    return v_list
Example #10
    def structure(self, g, deadline):

        V, n = ext.get_set_vertices(g)
        self.n = n
        self.V = V

        self.g_name = g["name"]
        self.g = g

        T = ext.get_set_time(deadline)
        T_ext = ext.get_set_time_u_0(deadline)
        self.tau = deadline
        self.T = T
        self.T_ext = T_ext

        # create dicts for eta, eta_level
Example #11
    def structure(self, g, deadline):

        V, n = ext.get_set_vertices(g)
        self.n = n
        self.V = V

        self.g_name = g["name"]
        self.g = g

        T = ext.get_set_time(deadline)
        T_ext = ext.get_set_time_u_0(deadline)
        self.tau = deadline
        self.T = T
        self.T_ext = T_ext

        # get connectivity matrix (list form)
        self.E = ext.get_connectivity_matrix(g)

        # init 0 populated or empty dictionaries: z, xi, lbda
Example #12
def create_graph(n: int, edges: list, base_name: str):
    """Create iGraph based on
    :param n : number of vertices
    :param edges : list of connections, python index: [(0, 1), (1,2)...]
    :param base_name : """

    # create new graph
    g = Graph(directed=False)

    # make sure it's indexed right
    v1 = [e[0] for e in edges]
    v2 = [e[1] for e in edges]
    if min(v1) > 0 or min(v2) > 0:
        edges = [(e[0] - 1, e[1] - 1) for e in edges]


    V = ext.get_set_vertices(g)[0]

    # label starting at 1
    g.vs["label"] = V

    # find shortest path length between any two vertices
    short_paths = g.shortest_paths_dijkstra()
    g["path_len"] = short_paths

    # find neighbors to each vertex
    for v in V:
        vidx = ext.get_python_idx(v)
        nei = g.neighbors(vidx)
        g.vs[vidx]["neighbors"] = nei

    # name graph
    g["name"] = base_name
    return g
Example #13
def my_graph(number_vertex: int, ref: str, graph_opt=1, w=None, h=None):
    """Function to create graph according to user inputs"""
    # Graph representing environment
    # create new graph
    g = Graph(directed=False)

    if graph_opt == 1:
        g.add_edges([(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6)])
    elif graph_opt == 2:
        g.add_edges([(0, 1), (1, 2)])
    elif graph_opt == 3:
        g.add_edges([(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6),
                     (6, 7)])
    elif graph_opt == 4:
        # create graph from Hollinger 2009 - MUSEUM
                (0, 55), (1, 55), (2, 55), (3, 55), (55, 56), (55, 54),
                (55, 34), (55, 33), (55, 35), (54, 32), (54, 31), (54, 30),
                (54, 53), (53, 29), (53, 28), (53, 27), (53, 26), (53, 39),
                (53, 52), (53, 38), (53, 37), (53, 36), (52, 57), (52, 25),
                (52, 50), (50, 51), (50, 49), (25, 24), (24, 43), (57, 56),
                (57, 4), (57, 5), (57, 6), (57, 40), (57, 41), (57, 43),
                (49, 48), (48, 43), (48, 59), (43, 42), (43, 44), (43, 22),
                (44, 7), (44, 8), (44, 9), (44, 21), (44, 23), (44, 45),
                (21, 45), (21, 22), (46, 45), (45, 10), (46, 11), (46, 12),
                (46, 13), (46, 47), (46, 20), (47, 14), (58, 47), (58, 15),
                (58, 59), (58, 18), (58, 19), (59, 17), (59, 16)

    elif graph_opt == 5:
        g = add_edge_grid(g, w, h)

    elif graph_opt == 7:
        # create graph from Hollinger 2009 - OFFICE
        edges = [(1, 2), (1, 5), (1, 9), (1, 7), (2, 1), (2, 3), (2, 4),
                 (3, 2), (4, 2), (5, 1), (6, 7), (7, 6), (7, 8),
                 (7, 1), (8, 7), (9, 1), (9, 10), (10, 9), (10, 11), (10, 12),
                 (10, 13), (10, 18), (10, 19), (10, 20), (10, 27), (11, 10),
                 (11, 14), (11, 28), (12, 10), (12, 15), (12, 16), (13, 10),
                 (13, 17), (14, 11), (14, 15), (15, 14), (15, 12), (16, 12),
                 (16, 17), (17, 16), (17, 13), (18, 10), (18, 19), (18, 26),
                 (18, 70), (19, 10), (19, 18), (19, 20), (19, 25), (19, 26),
                 (20, 10), (20, 19), (20, 21), (20, 24), (21, 20), (21, 22),
                 (22, 21), (22, 23), (23, 22), (23, 24), (24, 23), (24, 20),
                 (24, 25), (25, 24), (25, 19), (25, 26), (26, 25), (26, 19),
                 (26, 18), (27, 10), (27, 49), (28, 11), (28, 29), (29, 28),
                 (29, 34), (30, 31), (30, 33), (31, 30), (31, 32), (32, 33),
                 (32, 31), (32, 37), (33, 32), (33, 36), (34, 29), (34, 35),
                 (35, 34), (35, 36), (35, 40), (35, 49), (36, 35), (36, 33),
                 (36, 39), (36, 37), (37, 36), (37, 32), (37, 38), (38, 37),
                 (38, 42), (39, 36), (39, 40), (39, 41), (40, 35), (40, 39),
                 (40, 43), (41, 39), (41, 42), (42, 41), (42, 38), (43, 40),
                 (43, 44), (43, 47), (44, 43), (44, 45), (45, 44), (45, 46),
                 (46, 45), (46, 47), (47, 43), (47, 46), (47, 48), (48, 47),
                 (48, 50), (49, 35), (49, 27), (49, 58), (49, 50), (50, 48),
                 (50, 49), (50, 51), (50, 52), (51, 50), (52, 50), (52, 56),
                 (52, 53), (53, 52), (53, 54), (53, 55), (53, 56), (54, 53),
                 (54, 55), (55, 54), (55, 53), (56, 52), (56, 53), (56, 64),
                 (57, 58), (57, 63), (58, 49), (58, 57), (58, 59), (58, 62),
                 (59, 60), (59, 61), (59, 58), (60, 70), (60, 61), (60, 59),
                 (61, 60), (61, 59), (61, 69), (61, 68), (62, 58), (62, 67),
                 (63, 57), (63, 66), (63, 64), (64, 63), (64, 56), (64, 65),
                 (65, 64), (65, 66), (66, 65), (66, 67), (66, 63), (67, 62),
                 (67, 66), (67, 68), (68, 61), (68, 67), (68, 69), (69, 61),
                 (69, 68), (70, 18), (70, 60)]

        edges = map(lambda x: (x[0] - 1, x[1] - 1), edges)

        g.simplify(multiple=True, loops=False)

    V_, n = ext.get_idx_vertices(g)
    V = ext.get_set_vertices(g)[0]

    # label starting at 1
    g.vs["label"] = V

    # find shortest path length between any two vertices
    short_paths = g.shortest_paths_dijkstra()
    g["path_len"] = short_paths

    # find neighbors to each vertex
    for v in V_:
        nei = g.neighbors(v)
        g.vs[v]["neighbors"] = nei

    # name graph
    g["name"] = ref
    return g
Example #14
    def __init__(self, g):
        :param g : graph

        # ---------------------
        # pre defined parameters
        # ---------------------
        # danger levels
        self.levels, self.n_levels, self.level_label, self.level_color = self.define_danger_levels(
        self.options = self.define_options()

        # ------------------------
        # Default settings
        # ------------------------
        # apply danger constraints
        self.constraints = True
        # apply kill probability
        self.kill = True
        # a priori knowledge
        self.true_priori = False
        self.uniform_priori = True
        # estimation knowledge
        self.true_estimate = False

        self.mva_conservative = True
        # z true always gonna be mean, for now estimate also going to be mean (so it doesn't get stuck)
        self.z_true_op = 1
        self.z_est_op = 1
        # z for priori is gonna be conservative (op = 4)
        self.z_pri_op = 4
        self.use_fov = True
        # point or prob (default: point)
        self.perception = self.options[0]

        # -----------
        # input parameters (graph, immutable)
        # -----------
        # vertices
        self.V, self.n = ext.get_set_vertices(g)
        self.fov = None

        # ----------
        # team of searchers (get rid of this to avoid issues when searcher is dead?)
        # ----------
        self.S, self.m = [], 0
        # danger threshold for the searchers
        self.kappa = list()
        self.alpha = list()
        self.k_mva = None
        self.v0 = [1]

        # -------------------------
        # ground truth
        # -------------------------
        # eta[v_idx] = [eta_l1, ... eta_l5]
        self.eta = []
        # z[v_idx] = argmax eta_l \in {1,..5}
        self.z = []
        #  H[v_idx] = [cumulative for each level] - probabilistic approach
        self.H = []

        # probability kill
        self.prob_kill = None

        # ------------
        # estimation
        # ------------

        # a priori knowledge of danger
        # eta0_0[v] = [eta0_0_l1,... eta0_0_l5]
        self.eta0_0 = []
        # z0_0[v] = level, level in {1,...5}
        self.z0_0 = []
        self.H0_0 = []

        # estimates at each time step
        # eta_hat[v_idx] = [l1,...l5]
        self.eta_hat = []
        # probable danger level, zhat
        self.z_hat = []
        # for each level, H[l-1] = [H_l1, H_l2...H_l5] (estimate)
        self.H_hat = []
        # for each searcher threshold
        self.Hs_hat = []

        # to make getting the values easier
        # look up of estimated danger (when robots sees available images in that vertex)
        # etahat[v_idx] = [eta_hat_l1, ... eta_hat_l5]
        self.lookup_eta_hat = []
        # H_hat[vidx] = [l1...l5]
        self.lookup_H_hat = []
        # z[v_idx] = argmax eta_l \in {1,..5}
        self.lookup_z_hat = []
        # matching scores xi[v] = [[i1_1...i1_5], [i2_1,...i2_5]]
        self.xi = dict()

        # -------------
        # storage
        # -------------
        # probability of each danger level: eta_hat[v,t] = [prob l1, ...l5]
        self.stored_eta_hat = {0: list()}
        # probable danger level, argmax eta: eta_hat[v,t] = level
        self.stored_z_hat = {0: list()}
        # cumulative danger, from eta_hat
        self.stored_H_hat = {0: list()}
        # name of folder for this sim: eg smoke_G9V_grid_date#_run#
        self.folder_name = ""
        # whole path + /name_folder
        f_name = 'exp_data'
        if self.perception == 'prob':
            f_name = 'exp_data_prob'
        self.path_exp_data = self.get_folder_path(f_name)

        # -----------------------
        # danger data from files
        # -----------------------
        # true distributions
        self.true_file_name = ''
        self.true_file_path = ''
        self.true_raw = None
        # estimated offline (% images)
        self.estimated_file_name = ''
        self.estimated_file_path = ''
        self.percentage_im = None
        self.estimated_raw = None
        # path to files and extension
        self.extension = 'pkl'
        self.folder_path = self.get_folder_path()
Example #15
 def update_n(self):
     self.n = ext.get_set_vertices(self.graph)[1]