Example #1
def compute_likelihood(trained_file, depth_file, curvature_file, folds,
                       save_file=False, background_value=-1):
    Compute likelihoods based on input values, folds, estimated parameters.

    Compute likelihood values for a given VTK surface mesh file, after
    training on distributions of depth and curvature values from multiple

    trained_file : pickle compressed file
        depth_border, curv_border, depth_nonborder, and curv_nonborder are
        dictionaries containing lists of floats
        (estimates of depth or curvature means, sigmas, and weights
        trained on fold vertices either on or off sulcus label borders)
    depth_file : string
        VTK surface mesh file with depth values in [0,1] for all vertices
    curvature_file : string
        VTK surface mesh file with curvature values in [-1,1] for all vertices
    folds : list of integers
        fold number for all vertices (-1 for non-fold vertices)
    save_file : bool
        save output VTK file?
    background_value : integer or float
        background value

    likelihoods : list of floats
        likelihood values for all vertices (0 for non-fold vertices)
    likelihoods_file : string (if save_file)
        name of output VTK file with likelihood scalars
        (-1 for non-fold vertices)

    The depth_curv_border_nonborder_parameters.pkl file needs to be updated.

    >>> from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars
    >>> from mindboggle.shapes.likelihood import compute_likelihood
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.fetch_data import prep_tests
    >>> urls, fetch_data = prep_tests()
    >>> depth_file = fetch_data(urls['left_travel_depth'], '', '.vtk')
    >>> curvature_file = fetch_data(urls['left_mean_curvature'], '', '.vtk')
    >>> folds_file = fetch_data(urls['left_folds'], '', '.vtk')
    >>> trained_file = fetch_data(urls[
    ...     'depth_curv_border_nonborder_parameters'], '', '.pkl') # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> folds, name = read_scalars(folds_file)
    >>> save_file = True
    >>> background_value = -1
    >>> likelihoods, likelihoods_file = compute_likelihood(trained_file,
    ...     depth_file, curvature_file, folds, save_file, background_value) # doctest: +SKIP

    View result (skip test):

    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> plot_surfaces('likelihoods.vtk', folds_file) # doctest: +SKIP

    import os
    import numpy as np
    from math import pi
    import pickle
    from io import open

    from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars, rewrite_scalars

    # Initialize variables:
    tiny = 0.000000001
    L = np.zeros(len(folds))
    probs_border = np.zeros(len(folds))
    probs_nonborder = np.zeros(len(folds))

    # Load estimated depth and curvature distribution parameters:
    depth_border, curv_border, depth_nonborder, \
        curv_nonborder = pickle.load(open(trained_file, "rb"))

    # Load depths, curvatures:
    depths, name = read_scalars(depth_file, True, True)
    curvatures, name = read_scalars(curvature_file, True, True)

    # Prep for below:
    n = 2
    twopiexp = (2*pi)**(n/2)
    border_sigmas = depth_border['sigmas'] * curv_border['sigmas']
    nonborder_sigmas = depth_nonborder['sigmas'] * curv_nonborder['sigmas']
    norm_border = 1 / (twopiexp * border_sigmas + tiny)
    norm_nonborder = 1 / (twopiexp * nonborder_sigmas + tiny)
    I = [i for i,x in enumerate(folds) if x != background_value]

    N = depth_border['sigmas'].shape[0]
    for j in range(N):

        # Border:
        expB = depth_border['weights'][j] * \
            ((depths[I]-depth_border['means'][j])**2) / \
        expB += curv_border['weights'][j] * \
            ((curvatures[I]-curv_border['means'][j])**2) / \
        expB = -expB / 2
        probs_border[I] = probs_border[I] + norm_border[j] * np.exp(expB)

        # Non-border:
        expNB = depth_nonborder['weights'][j] * \
            ((depths[I]-depth_nonborder['means'][j])**2) / \
        expNB += curv_nonborder['weights'][j] * \
            ((curvatures[I]-curv_nonborder['means'][j])**2) / \
        expNB = -expNB / 2
        probs_nonborder[I] = probs_nonborder[I] + \
                             norm_nonborder[j] * np.exp(expNB)

    likelihoods = probs_border / (probs_nonborder + probs_border + tiny)
    likelihoods = likelihoods.tolist()

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Return likelihoods and output file name
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if save_file:

        likelihoods_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'likelihoods.vtk')
        rewrite_scalars(depth_file, likelihoods_file, likelihoods,
                        'likelihoods', likelihoods, background_value)
        if not os.path.exists(likelihoods_file):
            raise IOError(likelihoods_file + " not found")

        likelihoods_file = None

    return likelihoods, likelihoods_file
Example #2
def extract_folds(depth_file,
    Use depth to extract folds from a triangular surface mesh.

    Steps ::
        1. Compute histogram of depth measures.
        2. Define a depth threshold and find the deepest vertices.
        3. Segment deep vertices as an initial set of folds.
        4. Remove small folds.
        5. Find and fill holes in the folds (optional).
        6. Renumber folds.

    Step 2 ::
        To extract an initial set of deep vertices from the surface mesh,
        we anticipate that there will be a rapidly decreasing distribution
        of low depth values (on the outer surface) with a long tail
        of higher depth values (in the folds), so we smooth the histogram's
        bin values, convolve to compute slopes, and find the depth value
        for the first bin with slope = 0. This is our threshold.

    Step 5 ::
        The folds could have holes in areas shallower than the depth threshold.
        Calling fill_holes() could accidentally include very shallow areas
        (in an annulus-shaped fold, for example), so we include the argument
        exclude_range to check for any values from zero to min_hole_depth;
        holes are not filled if they contains values within this range.

    depth_file : string
        surface mesh file in VTK format with faces and depth scalar values
    min_fold_size : integer
        minimum fold size (number of vertices)
    do_fill_holes : Boolean
        fill holes in the folds?
    min_hole_depth : float
        largest non-zero depth value that will stop a hole from being filled
    save_file : Boolean
        save output VTK file?

    folds : list of integers
        fold numbers for all vertices (-1 for non-fold vertices)
    n_folds :  int
        number of folds
    depth_threshold :  float
        threshold defining the minimum depth for vertices to be in a fold
    bins :  list of integers
        histogram bins: each is the number of vertices within a range of depth values
    bin_edges :  list of floats
        histogram bin edge values defining the bin ranges of depth values
    folds_file : string (if save_file)
        name of output VTK file with fold IDs (-1 for non-fold vertices)

    >>> import os
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import pylab
    >>> from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter1d
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars
    >>> from mindboggle.guts.mesh import find_neighbors_from_file
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces
    >>> from mindboggle.features.folds import extract_folds
    >>> path = os.environ['MINDBOGGLE_DATA']
    >>> depth_file = 'travel_depth.vtk' #os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'shapes', 'lh.pial.travel_depth.vtk')
    >>> neighbor_lists = find_neighbors_from_file(depth_file)
    >>> min_vertices = 10000
    >>> min_fold_size = 50
    >>> do_fill_holes = False #True
    >>> min_hole_depth = 0.001
    >>> save_file = True
    >>> #
    >>> folds, n_folds, thr, bins, bin_edges, folds_file = extract_folds(depth_file,
    >>>     min_vertices, min_fold_size, do_fill_holes, min_hole_depth, save_file)
    >>> #
    >>> # View folds:
    >>> plot_surfaces('folds.vtk')
    >>> # Plot histogram and depth threshold:
    >>> depths, name = read_scalars(depth_file)
    >>> nbins = np.round(len(depths) / 100.0)
    >>> a,b,c = pylab.hist(depths, bins=nbins)
    >>> pylab.plot(thr*np.ones((100,1)), np.linspace(0, max(bins), 100), 'r.')
    >>> pylab.show()
    >>> # Plot smoothed histogram:
    >>> bins_smooth = gaussian_filter1d(bins.tolist(), 5)
    >>> pylab.plot(range(len(bins)), bins, '.', range(len(bins)), bins_smooth,'-')
    >>> pylab.show()

    import os
    import sys
    import numpy as np
    from time import time
    from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter1d
    from mindboggle.mio.vtks import rewrite_scalars, read_vtk
    from mindboggle.guts.mesh import find_neighbors
    from mindboggle.guts.morph import fill_holes
    from mindboggle.guts.segment import segment

    print("Extract folds in surface mesh")
    t0 = time()

    # Load depth values for all vertices
    points, indices, lines, faces, depths, scalar_names, npoints, \
        input_vtk = read_vtk(depth_file, return_first=True, return_array=True)

    # Find neighbors for each vertex
    neighbor_lists = find_neighbors(faces, npoints)

    # Compute histogram of depth measures
    if npoints > min_vertices:
        nbins = np.round(npoints / 100.0)
        sys.err("  Expecting at least {0} vertices to create depth histogram".
    bins, bin_edges = np.histogram(depths, bins=nbins)

    # Anticipating that there will be a rapidly decreasing distribution
    # of low depth values (on the outer surface) with a long tail of higher
    # depth values (in the folds), smooth the bin values (Gaussian), convolve
    # to compute slopes, and find the depth for the first bin with slope = 0.
    bins_smooth = gaussian_filter1d(bins.tolist(), 5)
    window = [-1, 0, 1]
    bin_slopes = np.convolve(bins_smooth, window,
                             mode='same') / (len(window) - 1)
    ibins0 = np.where(bin_slopes == 0)[0]
    if ibins0.shape:
        depth_threshold = bin_edges[ibins0[0]]
        depth_threshold = np.median(depths)

    # Find the deepest vertices
    indices_deep = [i for i, x in enumerate(depths) if x >= depth_threshold]
    if indices_deep:

        # Segment deep vertices as an initial set of folds
        print("  Segment vertices deeper than {0:.2f} as folds".format(
        t1 = time()
        folds = segment(indices_deep, neighbor_lists)
        # Slightly slower alternative -- fill boundaries:
        #regions = -1 * np.ones(len(points))
        #regions[indices_deep] = 1
        #folds = segment_by_filling_borders(regions, neighbor_lists)
        print('  ...Segmented folds ({0:.2f} seconds)'.format(time() - t1))

        # Remove small folds
        if min_fold_size > 1:
            print('  Remove folds smaller than {0}'.format(min_fold_size))
            unique_folds = [x for x in np.unique(folds) if x != -1]
            for nfold in unique_folds:
                indices_fold = [i for i, x in enumerate(folds) if x == nfold]
                if len(indices_fold) < min_fold_size:
                    folds[indices_fold] = -1

        # Find and fill holes in the folds
        # Note: Surfaces surrounded by folds can be mistaken for holes,
        #       so exclude_range includes outer surface values close to zero.
        if do_fill_holes:
            print("  Find and fill holes in the folds")
            folds = fill_holes(folds,
                               exclude_range=[0, min_hole_depth])

        # Renumber folds so they are sequential
        renumber_folds = -1 * np.ones(len(folds))
        fold_numbers = [int(x) for x in np.unique(folds) if x != -1]
        for i_fold, n_fold in enumerate(fold_numbers):
            fold = [i for i, x in enumerate(folds) if x == n_fold]
            renumber_folds[fold] = i_fold
        folds = renumber_folds
        n_folds = i_fold + 1

        # Print statement
        print('  ...Extracted {0} folds ({1:.2f} seconds)'.format(
            time() - t0))
        print('  No deep vertices')

    folds = [int(x) for x in folds]

    # Return folds, number of folds, file name
    if save_file:

        folds_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'folds.vtk')
        rewrite_scalars(depth_file, folds_file, folds, 'folds', folds)

        if not os.path.exists(folds_file):
            raise (IOError(folds_file + " not found"))

        folds_file = None

    return folds, n_folds, depth_threshold, bins, bin_edges, folds_file
Example #3
def rescale_by_label(input_vtk,
    Rescale scalars for each label (such as depth values within each fold).

    Default is to normalize the scalar values of a VTK file by
    a percentile value in each vertex's surface mesh for each label.

    input_vtk : string
        name of VTK file with a scalar value for each vertex
    labels_or_file : list or string
        label number for each vertex or name of VTK file with index scalars
    save_file : Boolean
        save output VTK file?
    output_filestring : string (if save_file)
        name of output file

    rescaled_scalars : list of floats
        scalar values rescaled for each label, for label numbers not equal to -1
    rescaled_scalars_file : string (if save_file)
        name of output VTK file with rescaled scalar values for each label

    >>> # Rescale depths by neighborhood within each label:
    >>> import os
    >>> from mindboggle.guts.mesh import rescale_by_label
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars, rewrite_scalars
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces
    >>> path = os.environ['MINDBOGGLE_DATA']
    >>> input_vtk = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'shapes', 'lh.pial.travel_depth.vtk')
    >>> labels_or_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'features', 'subfolds.vtk')
    >>> save_file = True
    >>> output_filestring = 'rescaled_scalars'
    >>> #
    >>> rescaled_scalars, rescaled_scalars_file = rescale_by_label(input_vtk,
    >>>     labels_or_file, save_file, output_filestring)
    >>> #
    >>> # View rescaled scalar values per fold:
    >>> folds_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'features', 'folds.vtk')
    >>> folds, name = read_scalars(folds_file)
    >>> #
    >>> rewrite_scalars(rescaled_scalars_file, rescaled_scalars_file,
    >>>                 rescaled_scalars, 'rescaled_depths', folds)
    >>> plot_surfaces(rescaled_scalars_file)

    import os
    import numpy as np
    from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars, rewrite_scalars

    # Load scalars and vertex neighbor lists:
    scalars, name = read_scalars(input_vtk, True, True)
    print("  Rescaling scalar values within each label...")

    # Load label numbers:
    if isinstance(labels_or_file, str):
        labels, name = read_scalars(labels_or_file, True, True)
    elif isinstance(labels_or_file, list):
        labels = labels_or_file
    unique_labels = np.unique(labels)
    unique_labels = [x for x in unique_labels if x >= 0]

    # Loop through labels:
    for label in unique_labels:
        #print("  Rescaling scalar values within label {0} of {1} labels...".format(
        #    int(label), len(unique_labels)))
        indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(labels) if x == label]
        if indices:

            # Rescale by the maximum label scalar value:
            scalars[indices] = scalars[indices] / np.max(scalars[indices])

    rescaled_scalars = scalars.tolist()

    # Return rescaled scalars and file name
    if save_file:

        rescaled_scalars_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
                                             output_filestring + '.vtk')
        rewrite_scalars(input_vtk, rescaled_scalars_file, rescaled_scalars,
                        'rescaled_scalars', labels)
        if not os.path.exists(rescaled_scalars_file):
            raise (IOError(rescaled_scalars_file + " not found"))

        rescaled_scalars_file = None

    return rescaled_scalars, rescaled_scalars_file
Example #4
def extract_folds(depth_file, min_vertices=10000, min_fold_size=50, 
                  do_fill_holes=False, min_hole_depth=0.001, 
    Use depth to extract folds from a triangular surface mesh.

    Steps ::
        1. Compute histogram of depth measures.
        2. Define a depth threshold and find the deepest vertices.
        3. Segment deep vertices as an initial set of folds.
        4. Remove small folds.
        5. Find and fill holes in the folds (optional).
        6. Renumber folds.

    Step 2 ::
        To extract an initial set of deep vertices from the surface mesh,
        we anticipate that there will be a rapidly decreasing distribution
        of low depth values (on the outer surface) with a long tail
        of higher depth values (in the folds), so we smooth the histogram's
        bin values, convolve to compute slopes, and find the depth value
        for the first bin with slope = 0. This is our threshold.

    Step 5 ::
        The folds could have holes in areas shallower than the depth threshold.
        Calling fill_holes() could accidentally include very shallow areas
        (in an annulus-shaped fold, for example), so we include the argument
        exclude_range to check for any values from zero to min_hole_depth;
        holes are not filled if they contains values within this range.

    depth_file : string
        surface mesh file in VTK format with faces and depth scalar values
    min_fold_size : integer
        minimum fold size (number of vertices)
    do_fill_holes : Boolean
        fill holes in the folds?
    min_hole_depth : float
        largest non-zero depth value that will stop a hole from being filled
    save_file : Boolean
        save output VTK file?

    folds : list of integers
        fold numbers for all vertices (-1 for non-fold vertices)
    n_folds :  int
        number of folds
    depth_threshold :  float
        threshold defining the minimum depth for vertices to be in a fold
    bins :  list of integers
        histogram bins: each is the number of vertices within a range of depth values
    bin_edges :  list of floats
        histogram bin edge values defining the bin ranges of depth values
    folds_file : string (if save_file)
        name of output VTK file with fold IDs (-1 for non-fold vertices)

    >>> import os
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import pylab
    >>> from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter1d
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars
    >>> from mindboggle.guts.mesh import find_neighbors_from_file
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces
    >>> from mindboggle.features.folds import extract_folds
    >>> path = os.environ['MINDBOGGLE_DATA']
    >>> depth_file = 'travel_depth.vtk' #os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'shapes', 'lh.pial.travel_depth.vtk')
    >>> neighbor_lists = find_neighbors_from_file(depth_file)
    >>> min_vertices = 10000
    >>> min_fold_size = 50
    >>> do_fill_holes = False #True
    >>> min_hole_depth = 0.001
    >>> save_file = True
    >>> #
    >>> folds, n_folds, thr, bins, bin_edges, folds_file = extract_folds(depth_file,
    >>>     min_vertices, min_fold_size, do_fill_holes, min_hole_depth, save_file)
    >>> #
    >>> # View folds:
    >>> plot_surfaces('folds.vtk')
    >>> # Plot histogram and depth threshold:
    >>> depths, name = read_scalars(depth_file)
    >>> nbins = np.round(len(depths) / 100.0)
    >>> a,b,c = pylab.hist(depths, bins=nbins)
    >>> pylab.plot(thr*np.ones((100,1)), np.linspace(0, max(bins), 100), 'r.')
    >>> pylab.show()
    >>> # Plot smoothed histogram:
    >>> bins_smooth = gaussian_filter1d(bins.tolist(), 5)
    >>> pylab.plot(range(len(bins)), bins, '.', range(len(bins)), bins_smooth,'-')
    >>> pylab.show()

    import os
    import sys
    import numpy as np
    from time import time
    from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter1d
    from mindboggle.mio.vtks import rewrite_scalars, read_vtk
    from mindboggle.guts.mesh import find_neighbors
    from mindboggle.guts.morph import fill_holes
    from mindboggle.guts.segment import segment

    print("Extract folds in surface mesh")
    t0 = time()

    # Load depth values for all vertices
    faces, lines, indices, points, npoints, depths, name, input_vtk = read_vtk(depth_file,
        return_first=True, return_array=True)

    # Find neighbors for each vertex
    neighbor_lists = find_neighbors(faces, npoints)

    # Compute histogram of depth measures
    if npoints > min_vertices:
        nbins = np.round(npoints / 100.0)
        sys.err("  Expecting at least {0} vertices to create depth histogram".
    bins, bin_edges = np.histogram(depths, bins=nbins)

    # Anticipating that there will be a rapidly decreasing distribution
    # of low depth values (on the outer surface) with a long tail of higher
    # depth values (in the folds), smooth the bin values (Gaussian), convolve
    # to compute slopes, and find the depth for the first bin with slope = 0.
    bins_smooth = gaussian_filter1d(bins.tolist(), 5)
    window = [-1, 0, 1]
    bin_slopes = np.convolve(bins_smooth, window, mode='same') / (len(window) - 1)
    ibins0 = np.where(bin_slopes == 0)[0]
    if ibins0.shape:
        depth_threshold = bin_edges[ibins0[0]]
        depth_threshold = np.median(depths)

    # Find the deepest vertices
    indices_deep = [i for i,x in enumerate(depths) if x >= depth_threshold]
    if indices_deep:

        # Segment deep vertices as an initial set of folds
        print("  Segment vertices deeper than {0:.2f} as folds".format(depth_threshold))
        t1 = time()
        folds = segment(indices_deep, neighbor_lists)
        # Slightly slower alternative -- fill boundaries:
        #regions = -1 * np.ones(len(points))
        #regions[indices_deep] = 1
        #folds = segment_by_filling_borders(regions, neighbor_lists)
        print('  ...Segmented folds ({0:.2f} seconds)'.format(time() - t1))

        # Remove small folds
        if min_fold_size > 1:
            print('  Remove folds smaller than {0}'.format(min_fold_size))
            unique_folds = [x for x in np.unique(folds) if x != -1]
            for nfold in unique_folds:
                indices_fold = [i for i,x in enumerate(folds) if x == nfold]
                if len(indices_fold) < min_fold_size:
                    folds[indices_fold] = -1

        # Find and fill holes in the folds
        # Note: Surfaces surrounded by folds can be mistaken for holes,
        #       so exclude_range includes outer surface values close to zero.
        if do_fill_holes:
            print("  Find and fill holes in the folds")
            folds = fill_holes(folds, neighbor_lists, values=depths,
                               exclude_range=[0, min_hole_depth])

        # Renumber folds so they are sequential
        renumber_folds = -1 * np.ones(len(folds))
        fold_numbers = [int(x) for x in np.unique(folds) if x != -1]
        for i_fold, n_fold in enumerate(fold_numbers):
            fold = [i for i,x in enumerate(folds) if x == n_fold]
            renumber_folds[fold] = i_fold
        folds = renumber_folds
        n_folds = i_fold + 1

        # Print statement
        print('  ...Extracted {0} folds ({1:.2f} seconds)'.
              format(n_folds, time() - t0))
        print('  No deep vertices')

    folds = [int(x) for x in folds]

    # Return folds, number of folds, file name
    if save_file:

        folds_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'folds.vtk')
        rewrite_scalars(depth_file, folds_file, folds, 'folds', folds)

        if not os.path.exists(folds_file):
            raise(IOError(folds_file + " not found"))

        folds_file = None

    return folds, n_folds, depth_threshold, bins, bin_edges, folds_file
Example #5
def plot_mask_surface(vtk_file,
    Use vtkviewer or mayavi2 to visualize VTK surface mesh data.

    If a mask_file is provided, a temporary masked file is saved,
    and it is this file that is viewed.

    If using vtkviewer, optionally provide colormap file
    or set $COLORMAP environment variable.

    vtk_file : string
        name of VTK surface mesh file
    mask_file : string
        name of VTK surface mesh file to mask vtk_file vertices
    nonmask_value : integer
        nonmask (usually background) value
    masked_output : string
        temporary masked output file name
    remove_nonmask : bool
        remove vertices that are not in mask? (otherwise assign nonmask_value)
    program : string {'vtkviewer', 'mayavi2'}
        program to visualize VTK file
    use_colormap : bool
        use Paraview-style XML colormap file set by $COLORMAP env variable?
    colormap_file : string
        use colormap in given file if use_colormap==True?  if empty and
        use_colormap==True, use file set by $COLORMAP environment variable
    background_value : integer or float
        background value

    >>> import os
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_mask_surface
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.fetch_data import prep_tests
    >>> urls, fetch_data = prep_tests()
    >>> vtk_file = fetch_data(urls['freesurfer_labels'], '', '.vtk')
    >>> os.rename(vtk_file, vtk_file + '.nii.gz')
    >>> vtk_file = vtk_file + '.nii.gz'
    >>> mask_file = ''
    >>> nonmask_value = 0 #-1
    >>> masked_output = ''
    >>> remove_nonmask = True
    >>> program = 'vtkviewer'
    >>> use_colormap = True
    >>> colormap_file = ''
    >>> background_value = -1
    >>> plot_mask_surface(vtk_file, mask_file, nonmask_value, masked_output,
    ...     remove_nonmask, program, use_colormap, colormap_file,
    ...     background_value) # doctest: +SKIP

    import os
    import numpy as np

    from mindboggle.guts.mesh import keep_faces, reindex_faces_points
    from mindboggle.guts.utilities import execute
    from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces
    from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars, rewrite_scalars, \
                                        read_vtk, write_vtk

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Filter mesh with non-background values from a second (same-size) mesh:
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if mask_file:
        mask, name = read_scalars(mask_file, True, True)
        if not masked_output:
            masked_output = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'temp.vtk')
        file_to_plot = masked_output

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Remove nonmask-valued vertices:
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
        if remove_nonmask:
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
            # Load VTK files:
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
            points, indices, lines, faces, scalars, scalar_names, npoints, \
                input_vtk = read_vtk(vtk_file, True, True)
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
            # Find mask indices, remove nonmask faces, and reindex:
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
            Imask = [i for i, x in enumerate(mask) if x != nonmask_value]
            mask_faces = keep_faces(faces, Imask)
            mask_faces, points, \
            original_indices = reindex_faces_points(mask_faces, points)
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
            # Write VTK file with scalar values:
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
            if np.ndim(scalars) == 1:
                scalar_type = type(scalars[0]).__name__
            elif np.ndim(scalars) == 2:
                scalar_type = type(scalars[0][0]).__name__
                print("Undefined scalar type!")
                      points, [], [],
            scalars, name = read_scalars(vtk_file, True, True)
            scalars[mask == nonmask_value] = nonmask_value
            rewrite_scalars(vtk_file, file_to_plot, scalars, ['scalars'], [],
        file_to_plot = vtk_file

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Display with vtkviewer.py:
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if program == 'vtkviewer':
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Display with mayavi2:
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    elif program == 'mayavi2':
        cmd = ["mayavi2", "-d", file_to_plot, "-m", "Surface", "&"]
        execute(cmd, 'os')
Example #6
def extract_fundi(folds, curv_file, depth_file, min_separation=10,
                  erode_ratio=0.1, erode_min_size=1, save_file=False,
                  output_file='', background_value=-1, verbose=False):
    Extract fundi from folds.

    A fundus is a branching curve that runs along the deepest and most highly
    curved portions of a fold. This function extracts one fundus from each
    fold by finding the deepest vertices inside the fold, finding endpoints
    along the edge of the fold, and connecting the former to the latter with
    tracks that run along deep and curved paths (through vertices with high
    values of travel depth multiplied by curvature), and a final filtration

    The deepest vertices are those with values at least two median
    absolute deviations above the median (non-zero) value, with the higher
    value chosen if two of the vertices are within (a default of) 10 edges
    from each other (to reduce the number of possible fundus paths as well
    as computation time).

    To find the endpoints, the find_outer_endpoints function propagates
    multiple tracks from seed vertices at median depth in the fold through
    concentric rings toward the fold’s edge, selecting maximal values within
    each ring, and terminating at candidate endpoints. The final endpoints
    are those candidates at the end of tracks that have a high median value,
    with the higher value chosen if two candidate endpoints are within
    (a default of) 10 edges from each other (otherwise, the resulting fundi
    can have spurious branching at the fold’s edge).

    The connect_points_erosion function connects the deepest fold vertices
    to the endpoints with a skeleton of 1-vertex-thick curves by erosion.
    It erodes by iteratively removing simple topological points and endpoints
    in order of lowest to highest values, where a simple topological point
    is a vertex that when added to or removed from an object on a surface
    mesh (such as a fundus curve) does not alter the object's topology.

    Steps ::
        1. Find fundus endpoints (outer anchors) with find_outer_endpoints().
        2. Include inner anchor points.
        3. Connect anchor points using connect_points_erosion();
           inner anchors are removed if they result in endpoints.

    Note ::
        Follow this with segment_by_region() to segment fundi by sulci.

    folds : numpy array or list of integers
        fold number for each vertex
    curv_file :  string
        surface mesh file in VTK format with mean curvature values
    depth_file :  string
        surface mesh file in VTK format with rescaled depth values
    likelihoods : list of integers
        fundus likelihood value for each vertex
    min_separation : integer
        minimum number of edges between inner/outer anchor points
    erode_ratio : float
        fraction of indices to test for removal at each iteration
        in connect_points_erosion()
    save_file : bool
        save output VTK file?
    output_file : string
        output VTK file
    background_value : integer or float
        background value
    verbose : bool
        print statements?

    fundus_per_fold : list of integers
        fundus numbers for all vertices, labeled by fold
        (-1 for non-fundus vertices)
    n_fundi_in_folds :  integer
        number of fundi
    fundus_per_fold_file : string (if save_file)
        output VTK file with fundus numbers (-1 for non-fundus vertices)

    >>> # Extract fundus from one or more folds:
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars
    >>> from mindboggle.features.fundi import extract_fundi
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.fetch_data import prep_tests
    >>> urls, fetch_data = prep_tests()
    >>> curv_file = fetch_data(urls['left_mean_curvature'], '', '.vtk')
    >>> depth_file = fetch_data(urls['left_travel_depth'], '', '.vtk')
    >>> folds_file = fetch_data(urls['left_folds'], '', '.vtk')
    >>> folds, name = read_scalars(folds_file, True, True)
    >>> # Limit number of folds to speed up the test:
    >>> limit_folds = True
    >>> if limit_folds:
    ...     fold_numbers = [4] #[4, 6]
    ...     i0 = [i for i,x in enumerate(folds) if x not in fold_numbers]
    ...     folds[i0] = -1
    >>> min_separation = 10
    >>> erode_ratio = 0.10
    >>> erode_min_size = 10
    >>> save_file = True
    >>> output_file = 'extract_fundi_fold4.vtk'
    >>> background_value = -1
    >>> verbose = False
    >>> o1, o2, fundus_per_fold_file = extract_fundi(folds, curv_file,
    ...     depth_file, min_separation, erode_ratio, erode_min_size,
    ...     save_file, output_file, background_value, verbose)
    >>> lens = [len([x for x in o1 if x == y])
    ...         for y in np.unique(o1) if y != background_value]
    >>> lens[0:10] # [66, 2914, 100, 363, 73, 331, 59, 30, 1, 14] # (if not limit_folds)

    View result without background (skip test):

    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.vtks import rewrite_scalars # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> rewrite_scalars(fundus_per_fold_file,
    ...                 'extract_fundi_fold4_no_background.vtk', o1,
    ...                 'fundus_per_fold', folds) # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> plot_surfaces('extract_fundi_fold4_no_background.vtk') # doctest: +SKIP


    # Extract a skeleton to connect endpoints in a fold:
    import os
    import numpy as np
    from time import time

    from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars, read_vtk, rewrite_scalars
    from mindboggle.guts.compute import median_abs_dev
    from mindboggle.guts.paths import find_max_values
    from mindboggle.guts.mesh import find_neighbors_from_file
    from mindboggle.guts.mesh import find_complete_faces
    from mindboggle.guts.paths import find_outer_endpoints
    from mindboggle.guts.paths import connect_points_erosion

    if isinstance(folds, list):
        folds = np.array(folds)

    # Load values, inner anchor threshold, and neighbors:
    if os.path.isfile(curv_file):
        points, indices, lines, faces, curvs, scalar_names, npoints, \
            input_vtk = read_vtk(curv_file, True, True)
        raise IOError("{0} doesn't exist!".format(curv_file))
    if os.path.isfile(curv_file):
        depths, name = read_scalars(depth_file, True, True)
        raise IOError("{0} doesn't exist!".format(depth_file))
    values = curvs * depths
    values0 = [x for x in values if x > 0]
    thr = np.median(values0) + 2 * median_abs_dev(values0)
    neighbor_lists = find_neighbors_from_file(curv_file)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Loop through folds:
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    t1 = time()
    skeletons = []
    unique_fold_IDs = [x for x in np.unique(folds) if x != background_value]

    if verbose:
        if len(unique_fold_IDs) == 1:
            print("Extract a fundus from 1 fold...")
            print("Extract a fundus from each of {0} folds...".

    for fold_ID in unique_fold_IDs:
        indices_fold = [i for i,x in enumerate(folds) if x == fold_ID]
        if indices_fold:
            if verbose:
                print('  Fold {0}:'.format(int(fold_ID)))

            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
            # Find outer anchor points on the boundary of the surface region,
            # to serve as fundus endpoints:
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
            outer_anchors, tracks = find_outer_endpoints(indices_fold,
                neighbor_lists, values, depths, min_separation,
                background_value, verbose)

            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
            # Find inner anchor points:
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
            inner_anchors = find_max_values(points, values, min_separation,

            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
            # Connect anchor points to create skeleton:
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
            B = background_value * np.ones(npoints)
            B[indices_fold] = 1
            skeleton = connect_points_erosion(B, neighbor_lists,
                outer_anchors, inner_anchors, values, erode_ratio,
                erode_min_size, [], '', background_value, verbose)
            if skeleton:

            ## ---------------------------------------------------------------
            ## Remove fundus vertices if they make complete triangle faces:
            ## ---------------------------------------------------------------
            #Iremove = find_complete_faces(skeletons, faces)
            #if Iremove:
            #    skeletons = list(frozenset(skeletons).difference(Iremove))

    indices_skel = [x for x in skeletons if folds[x] != background_value]
    fundus_per_fold = background_value * np.ones(npoints)
    fundus_per_fold[indices_skel] = folds[indices_skel]
    n_fundi_in_folds = len([x for x in np.unique(fundus_per_fold)
                             if x != background_value])
    if n_fundi_in_folds == 1:
        sdum = 'fold fundus'
        sdum = 'fold fundi'
    if verbose:
        print('  ...Extracted {0} {1}; {2} total ({3:.2f} seconds)'.
              format(n_fundi_in_folds, sdum, n_fundi_in_folds, time() - t1))

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Return fundi, number of fundi, and file name:
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    fundus_per_fold_file = None
    if n_fundi_in_folds > 0:
        fundus_per_fold = [int(x) for x in fundus_per_fold]
        if save_file:
            if output_file:
                fundus_per_fold_file = output_file
                fundus_per_fold_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
            rewrite_scalars(curv_file, fundus_per_fold_file, fundus_per_fold,
                            'fundi', [], background_value)
            if not os.path.exists(fundus_per_fold_file):
                raise IOError(fundus_per_fold_file + " not found")

    return fundus_per_fold,  n_fundi_in_folds, fundus_per_fold_file
Example #7
def extract_fundi(folds, curv_file, depth_file, min_separation=10,
                  erode_ratio=0.1, erode_min_size=1, save_file=False):
    Extract fundi from folds.

    A fundus is a branching curve that runs along the deepest and most
    highly curved portions of a fold.

    Steps ::
        1. Find fundus endpoints (outer anchors) with find_outer_anchors().
        2. Include inner anchor points.
        3. Connect anchor points using connect_points_erosion();
           inner anchors are removed if they result in endpoints.

    folds : numpy array or list of integers
        fold number for each vertex
    curv_file :  string
        surface mesh file in VTK format with mean curvature values
    depth_file :  string
        surface mesh file in VTK format with rescaled depth values
    likelihoods : list of integers
        fundus likelihood value for each vertex
    min_separation : integer
        minimum number of edges between inner/outer anchor points
    erode_ratio : float
        fraction of indices to test for removal at each iteration
        in connect_points_erosion()
    save_file : Boolean
        save output VTK file?

    fundus_per_fold : list of integers
        fundus numbers for all vertices, labeled by fold
        (-1 for non-fundus vertices)
    n_fundi_in_folds :  integer
        number of fundi
    fundus_per_fold_file : string (if save_file)
        output VTK file with fundus numbers (-1 for non-fundus vertices)

    >>> # Extract fundus from one or more folds:
    >>> single_fold = True
    >>> import os
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars
    >>> from mindboggle.features.fundi import extract_fundi
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces
    >>> path = os.environ['MINDBOGGLE_DATA']
    >>> curv_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'shapes', 'lh.pial.mean_curvature.vtk')
    >>> depth_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'shapes', 'travel_depth_rescaled.vtk')
    >>> folds_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'features', 'folds.vtk')
    >>> folds, name = read_scalars(folds_file, True, True)
    >>> if single_fold:
    >>>     fold_number = 2 #11
    >>>     folds[folds != fold_number] = -1
    >>> min_separation = 10
    >>> erode_ratio = 0.10
    >>> erode_min_size = 10
    >>> save_file = True
    >>> o1, o2, fundus_per_fold_file = extract_fundi(folds, curv_file,
    ...     depth_file, min_separation, erode_ratio, erode_min_size, save_file)
    >>> #
    >>> # View:
    >>> plot_surfaces(fundi_file)


    # Extract a skeleton to connect endpoints in a fold:
    import os
    import numpy as np
    from time import time

    from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars, read_vtk, rewrite_scalars
    from mindboggle.guts.compute import median_abs_dev
    from mindboggle.guts.paths import find_max_values
    from mindboggle.guts.mesh import find_neighbors_from_file, find_complete_faces
    from mindboggle.guts.paths import find_outer_anchors, connect_points_erosion

    if isinstance(folds, list):
        folds = np.array(folds)

    # Load values, inner anchor threshold, and neighbors:
    points, indices, lines, faces, curvs, scalar_names, npoints, \
        input_vtk = read_vtk(curv_file, True, True)
    depths, name = read_scalars(depth_file, True, True)
    values = curvs * depths
    values0 = [x for x in values if x > 0]
    thr = np.median(values0) + 2 * median_abs_dev(values0)
    neighbor_lists = find_neighbors_from_file(curv_file)

    # Loop through folds:
    t1 = time()
    skeletons = []
    unique_fold_IDs = [x for x in np.unique(folds) if x != -1]

    if len(unique_fold_IDs) == 1:
        print("Extract a fundus from 1 fold...")
        print("Extract a fundus from each of {0} folds...".

    for fold_ID in unique_fold_IDs:
        indices_fold = [i for i,x in enumerate(folds) if x == fold_ID]
        if indices_fold:
            print('  Fold {0}:'.format(int(fold_ID)))

            # Find outer anchor points on the boundary of the surface region,
            # to serve as fundus endpoints:
            outer_anchors, tracks = find_outer_anchors(indices_fold,
                neighbor_lists, values, depths, min_separation)

            # Find inner anchor points:
            inner_anchors = find_max_values(points, values, min_separation, thr)

            # Connect anchor points to create skeleton:
            B = -1 * np.ones(npoints)
            B[indices_fold] = 1
            skeleton = connect_points_erosion(B, neighbor_lists,
                outer_anchors, inner_anchors, values,
                erode_ratio, erode_min_size, save_steps=[], save_vtk='')
            if skeleton:

            # Remove fundus vertices if they complete triangle faces:
            Iremove = find_complete_faces(skeletons, faces)
            if Iremove:
                skeletons = list(frozenset(skeletons).difference(Iremove))

    indices_skel = [x for x in skeletons if folds[x] != -1]
    fundus_per_fold = -1 * np.ones(npoints)
    fundus_per_fold[indices_skel] = folds[indices_skel]
    n_fundi_in_folds = len([x for x in np.unique(fundus_per_fold)
                             if x != -1])
    if n_fundi_in_folds == 1:
        sdum = 'fold fundus'
        sdum = 'fold fundi'
    print('  ...Extracted {0} {1}; {2} total ({3:.2f} seconds)'.
          format(n_fundi_in_folds, sdum, n_fundi_in_folds, time() - t1))

    # Return fundi, number of fundi, and file name:
    if n_fundi_in_folds > 0:
        fundus_per_fold = [int(x) for x in fundus_per_fold]
        if save_file:
            fundus_per_fold_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
            rewrite_scalars(curv_file, fundus_per_fold_file, fundus_per_fold,
                            'fundi', folds)
            if not os.path.exists(fundus_per_fold_file):
                raise(IOError(fundus_per_fold_file + " not found"))
            fundus_per_fold_file = None

    return fundus_per_fold,  n_fundi_in_folds, fundus_per_fold_file
Example #8
def compute_likelihood(trained_file,
    Compute likelihoods based on input values, folds, estimated parameters.

    Compute likelihood values for a given VTK surface mesh file, after
    training on distributions of depth and curvature values from multiple

    trained_file : pickle compressed file
        depth_border, curv_border, depth_nonborder, and curv_nonborder are
        dictionaries containing lists of floats
        (estimates of depth or curvature means, sigmas, and weights
        trained on fold vertices either on or off sulcus label borders)
    depth_file : string
        VTK surface mesh file with depth values in [0,1] for all vertices
    curvature_file : string
        VTK surface mesh file with curvature values in [-1,1] for all vertices
    folds : list of integers
        fold number for all vertices (-1 for non-fold vertices)
    save_file : bool
        save output VTK file?
    background_value : integer or float
        background value

    likelihoods : list of floats
        likelihood values for all vertices (0 for non-fold vertices)
    likelihoods_file : string (if save_file)
        name of output VTK file with likelihood scalars
        (-1 for non-fold vertices)

    The depth_curv_border_nonborder_parameters.pkl file needs to be updated.

    >>> from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars
    >>> from mindboggle.shapes.likelihood import compute_likelihood
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.fetch_data import prep_tests
    >>> urls, fetch_data = prep_tests()
    >>> depth_file = fetch_data(urls['left_travel_depth'], '', '.vtk')
    >>> curvature_file = fetch_data(urls['left_mean_curvature'], '', '.vtk')
    >>> folds_file = fetch_data(urls['left_folds'], '', '.vtk')
    >>> trained_file = fetch_data(urls[
    ...     'depth_curv_border_nonborder_parameters'], '', '.pkl') # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> folds, name = read_scalars(folds_file)
    >>> save_file = True
    >>> background_value = -1
    >>> likelihoods, likelihoods_file = compute_likelihood(trained_file,
    ...     depth_file, curvature_file, folds, save_file, background_value) # doctest: +SKIP

    View result (skip test):

    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> plot_surfaces('likelihoods.vtk', folds_file) # doctest: +SKIP

    import os
    import numpy as np
    from math import pi
    import pickle
    from io import open

    from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars, rewrite_scalars

    # Initialize variables:
    tiny = 0.000000001
    L = np.zeros(len(folds))
    probs_border = np.zeros(len(folds))
    probs_nonborder = np.zeros(len(folds))

    # Load estimated depth and curvature distribution parameters:
    depth_border, curv_border, depth_nonborder, \
        curv_nonborder = pickle.load(open(trained_file, "rb"))

    # Load depths, curvatures:
    depths, name = read_scalars(depth_file, True, True)
    curvatures, name = read_scalars(curvature_file, True, True)

    # Prep for below:
    n = 2
    twopiexp = (2 * pi)**(n / 2)
    border_sigmas = depth_border['sigmas'] * curv_border['sigmas']
    nonborder_sigmas = depth_nonborder['sigmas'] * curv_nonborder['sigmas']
    norm_border = 1 / (twopiexp * border_sigmas + tiny)
    norm_nonborder = 1 / (twopiexp * nonborder_sigmas + tiny)
    I = [i for i, x in enumerate(folds) if x != background_value]

    N = depth_border['sigmas'].shape[0]
    for j in range(N):

        # Border:
        expB = depth_border['weights'][j] * \
            ((depths[I]-depth_border['means'][j])**2) / \
        expB += curv_border['weights'][j] * \
            ((curvatures[I]-curv_border['means'][j])**2) / \
        expB = -expB / 2
        probs_border[I] = probs_border[I] + norm_border[j] * np.exp(expB)

        # Non-border:
        expNB = depth_nonborder['weights'][j] * \
            ((depths[I]-depth_nonborder['means'][j])**2) / \
        expNB += curv_nonborder['weights'][j] * \
            ((curvatures[I]-curv_nonborder['means'][j])**2) / \
        expNB = -expNB / 2
        probs_nonborder[I] = probs_nonborder[I] + \
                             norm_nonborder[j] * np.exp(expNB)

    likelihoods = probs_border / (probs_nonborder + probs_border + tiny)
    likelihoods = likelihoods.tolist()

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Return likelihoods and output file name
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if save_file:

        likelihoods_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'likelihoods.vtk')
        rewrite_scalars(depth_file, likelihoods_file, likelihoods,
                        'likelihoods', likelihoods, background_value)
        if not os.path.exists(likelihoods_file):
            raise IOError(likelihoods_file + " not found")

        likelihoods_file = None

    return likelihoods, likelihoods_file
Example #9
def rescale_by_neighborhood(input_vtk, indices=[], nedges=10, p=99,
    set_max_to_1=True, save_file=False, output_filestring='rescaled_scalars',
    Rescale the scalar values of a VTK file by a percentile value
    in each vertex's surface mesh neighborhood.

    input_vtk : string
        name of VTK file with a scalar value for each vertex
    indices : list of integers (optional)
        indices of scalars to normalize
    nedges : integer
        number or edges from vertex, defining the size of its neighborhood
    p : float in range of [0,100]
        percentile used to normalize each scalar
    set_max_to_1 : Boolean
        set all rescaled values greater than 1 to 1.0?
    save_file : Boolean
        save output VTK file?
    output_filestring : string (if save_file)
        name of output file
    background_value : integer
        background value

    rescaled_scalars : list of floats
        rescaled scalar values
    rescaled_scalars_file : string (if save_file)
        name of output VTK file with rescaled scalar values

    >>> import os
    >>> from mindboggle.guts.mesh import rescale_by_neighborhood
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars, rewrite_scalars
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces
    >>> path = os.environ['MINDBOGGLE_DATA']
    >>> input_vtk = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'shapes', 'lh.pial.travel_depth.vtk')
    >>> indices = []
    >>> nedges = 10
    >>> p = 99
    >>> set_max_to_1 = True
    >>> save_file = True
    >>> output_filestring = 'rescaled_scalars'
    >>> background_value = -1
    >>> #
    >>> rescaled_scalars, rescaled_scalars_file = rescale_by_neighborhood(input_vtk,
    >>>     indices, nedges, p, set_max_to_1, save_file, output_filestring, background_value)
    >>> #
    >>> # View rescaled scalar values per fold:
    >>> folds_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'features', 'folds.vtk')
    >>> folds, name = read_scalars(folds_file)
    >>> #
    >>> rewrite_scalars(rescaled_scalars_file, rescaled_scalars_file,
    >>>                 rescaled_scalars, 'rescaled_depths', folds)
    >>> plot_surfaces(rescaled_scalars_file)

    import os
    import numpy as np
    from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars, rewrite_scalars
    from mindboggle.guts.mesh import find_neighbors_from_file, find_neighborhood

    # Load scalars and vertex neighbor lists:
    scalars, name = read_scalars(input_vtk, True, True)
    if not indices:
        indices = [i for i,x in enumerate(scalars) if x != background_value]
    print("  Rescaling {0} scalar values by neighborhood...".format(len(indices)))
    neighbor_lists = find_neighbors_from_file(input_vtk)

    # Loop through vertices:
    rescaled_scalars = scalars.copy()
    for index in indices:

        # Determine the scalars in the vertex's neighborhood:
        neighborhood = find_neighborhood(neighbor_lists, [index], nedges)

        # Compute a high neighborhood percentile to normalize vertex's value:
        normalization_factor = np.percentile(scalars[neighborhood], p)
        rescaled_scalar = scalars[index] / normalization_factor
        rescaled_scalars[index] = rescaled_scalar

    # Make any rescaled value greater than 1 equal to 1:
    if set_max_to_1:
        rescaled_scalars[[x for x in indices if rescaled_scalars[x] > 1.0]] = 1

    rescaled_scalars = rescaled_scalars.tolist()

    # Return rescaled scalars and file name
    if save_file:

        rescaled_scalars_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), output_filestring + '.vtk')
        rewrite_scalars(input_vtk, rescaled_scalars_file,
                        rescaled_scalars, 'rescaled_scalars')
        if not os.path.exists(rescaled_scalars_file):
            raise(IOError(rescaled_scalars_file + " not found"))

        rescaled_scalars_file = None

    return rescaled_scalars, rescaled_scalars_file
Example #10
def extract_sulci(labels_file, folds_or_file, hemi, min_boundary=1,
                  sulcus_names=[], verbose=False):
    Identify sulci from folds in a brain surface according to a labeling
    protocol that includes a list of label pairs defining each sulcus.

    A fold is a group of connected, deep vertices.

    Steps for each fold ::

        1. Remove fold if it has fewer than two labels.
        2. Remove fold if its labels do not contain a sulcus label pair.
        3. Find vertices with labels that are in only one of the fold's
           label boundary pairs. Assign the vertices the sulcus with the label
           pair if they are connected to the label boundary for that pair.
        4. If there are remaining vertices, segment into sets of vertices
           connected to label boundaries, and assign a unique ID to each set.

    labels_file : string
        file name for surface mesh VTK containing labels for all vertices
    folds_or_file : list or string
        fold number for each vertex / name of VTK file containing fold scalars
    hemi : string
        hemisphere abbreviation in {'lh', 'rh'} for sulcus labels
    min_boundary : integer
        minimum number of vertices for a sulcus label boundary segment
    sulcus_names : list of strings
        names of sulci
    verbose : bool
        print statements?

    sulci : list of integers
        sulcus numbers for all vertices (-1 for non-sulcus vertices)
    n_sulci : integers
        number of sulci
    sulci_file : string
        output VTK file with sulcus numbers (-1 for non-sulcus vertices)

    >>> from mindboggle.features.sulci import extract_sulci
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.fetch_data import prep_tests
    >>> urls, fetch_data = prep_tests()
    >>> # Load labels, folds, neighbor lists, and sulcus names and label pairs
    >>> labels_file = fetch_data(urls['left_freesurfer_labels'])
    >>> folds_file = fetch_data(urls['left_folds'])
    >>> folds_or_file, name = read_scalars(folds_file)
    >>> hemi = 'lh'
    >>> min_boundary = 10
    >>> sulcus_names = []
    >>> verbose = False
    >>> sulci, n_sulci, sulci_file = extract_sulci(labels_file, folds_or_file,
    ...     hemi, min_boundary, sulcus_names, verbose)
    >>> n_sulci
    >>> lens = [len([x for x in sulci if x == y]) for y in range(n_sulci)]
    >>> lens[0:10]
    [0, 6573, 3366, 6689, 5358, 4049, 6379, 3551, 2632, 4225]
    >>> lens[10::]
    [754, 3724, 2197, 5823, 1808, 5122, 513, 2153, 1445, 418, 0, 3556, 1221]

    View result (skip test):

    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces
    >>> plot_surfaces('sulci.vtk') # doctest: +SKIP

    import os
    from time import time
    import numpy as np

    from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars, read_vtk, rewrite_scalars
    from mindboggle.guts.mesh import find_neighbors
    from mindboggle.guts.segment import extract_borders, propagate, segment
    from mindboggle.mio.labels import DKTprotocol

    # Load fold numbers if folds_or_file is a string:
    if isinstance(folds_or_file, str):
        folds, name = read_scalars(folds_or_file)
    elif isinstance(folds_or_file, list):
        folds = folds_or_file

    dkt = DKTprotocol()

    if hemi == 'lh':
        pair_lists = dkt.left_sulcus_label_pair_lists
    elif hemi == 'rh':
        pair_lists = dkt.right_sulcus_label_pair_lists
        raise IOError("Warning: hemisphere not properly specified ('lh' or 'rh').")

    # Load points, faces, and neighbors:
    points, indices, lines, faces, labels, scalar_names, npoints, \
            input_vtk = read_vtk(labels_file)
    neighbor_lists = find_neighbors(faces, npoints)

    # Array of sulcus IDs for fold vertices, initialized as -1.
    # Since we do not touch gyral vertices and vertices whose labels
    # are not in the label list, or vertices having only one label,
    # their sulcus IDs will remain -1:
    sulci = -1 * np.ones(npoints)

    # Loop through folds
    fold_numbers = [int(x) for x in np.unique(folds) if x != -1]
    n_folds = len(fold_numbers)
    if verbose:
        print("Extract sulci from {0} folds...".format(n_folds))
    t0 = time()
    for n_fold in fold_numbers:
        fold = [i for i,x in enumerate(folds) if x == n_fold]
        len_fold = len(fold)

        # List the labels in this fold:
        fold_labels = [labels[x] for x in fold]
        unique_fold_labels = [int(x) for x in np.unique(fold_labels)
                              if x != -1]

        # NO MATCH -- fold has fewer than two labels
        if verbose and len(unique_fold_labels) < 2:
            # Ignore: sulci already initialized with -1 values:
            if not unique_fold_labels:
                print("  Fold {0} ({1} vertices): "
                      "NO MATCH -- fold has no labels".
                      format(n_fold, len_fold))
                print("  Fold {0} ({1} vertices): "
                  "NO MATCH -- fold has only one label ({2})".
                  format(n_fold, len_fold, unique_fold_labels[0]))
            # Ignore: sulci already initialized with -1 values

            # Find all label boundary pairs within the fold:
            indices_fold_pairs, fold_pairs, unique_fold_pairs = \
                extract_borders(fold, labels, neighbor_lists,
                                ignore_values=[], return_label_pairs=True)

            # Find fold label pairs in the protocol (pairs are already sorted):
            fold_pairs_in_protocol = [x for x in unique_fold_pairs
                                      if x in dkt.unique_sulcus_label_pairs]

            if verbose and unique_fold_labels:
                print("  Fold {0} labels: {1} ({2} vertices)".format(n_fold,
                      ', '.join([str(x) for x in unique_fold_labels]),
            # NO MATCH -- fold has no sulcus label pair
            if verbose and not fold_pairs_in_protocol:
                print("  Fold {0}: NO MATCH -- fold has no sulcus label pair".
                      format(n_fold, len_fold))

            # Possible matches
                if verbose:
                    print("  Fold {0} label pairs in protocol: {1}".format(n_fold,
                          ', '.join([str(x) for x in fold_pairs_in_protocol])))

                # Labels in the protocol (includes repeats across label pairs):
                labels_in_pairs = [x for lst in fold_pairs_in_protocol
                                   for x in lst]

                # Labels that appear in one or more sulcus label boundary:
                unique_labels = []
                nonunique_labels = []
                for label in np.unique(labels_in_pairs):
                    if len([x for x in labels_in_pairs if x == label]) == 1:

                # Vertices whose labels are in only one sulcus label pair
                # Find vertices with a label that is in only one of the fold's
                # label pairs (the other label in the pair can exist in other
                # pairs). Assign the vertices the sulcus with the label pair
                # if they are connected to the label boundary for that pair.
                if unique_labels:

                    for pair in fold_pairs_in_protocol:

                        # If one or both labels in label pair is/are unique:
                        unique_labels_in_pair = [x for x in pair
                                                 if x in unique_labels]
                        n_unique = len(unique_labels_in_pair)
                        if n_unique:

                            ID = None
                            for i, pair_list in enumerate(pair_lists):
                                if not isinstance(pair_list, list):
                                    pair_list = [pair_list]
                                if pair in pair_list:
                                    ID = i
                            if ID:
                                # Seeds from label boundary vertices
                                # (fold_pairs and pair already sorted):
                                indices_pair = [x for i,x
                                    in enumerate(indices_fold_pairs)
                                    if fold_pairs[i] == pair]

                                # Vertices with unique label(s) in pair:
                                indices_unique_labels = [fold[i]
                                     for i,x in enumerate(fold_labels)
                                     if x in dkt.unique_sulcus_label_pairs]

                                # Propagate from seeds to labels in label pair:
                                sulci2 = segment(indices_unique_labels,
                                sulci[sulci2 != -1] = ID

                                # Print statement:
                                if verbose:
                                    if n_unique == 1:
                                        ps1 = '1 label'
                                        ps1 = 'Both labels'
                                    if len(sulcus_names):
                                        ps2 = sulcus_names[ID]
                                        ps2 = ''
                                    print("    {0} unique to one fold pair: "
                                          "{1} {2}".
                                          format(ps1, ps2,

                # Vertex labels shared by multiple label pairs
                # Propagate labels from label borders to vertices with labels
                # that are shared by multiple label pairs in the fold.
                if len(nonunique_labels):
                    # For each label shared by different label pairs:
                    for label in nonunique_labels:
                        # Print statement:
                        if verbose:
                            print("    Propagate sulcus borders with label {0}".

                        # Construct seeds from label boundary vertices:
                        seeds = -1 * np.ones(len(points))

                        for ID, pair_list in enumerate(pair_lists):
                            if not isinstance(pair_list, list):
                                pair_list = [pair_list]
                            label_pairs = [x for x in pair_list if label in x]
                            for label_pair in label_pairs:
                                indices_pair = [x for i,x
                                    in enumerate(indices_fold_pairs)
                                    if np.sort(fold_pairs[i]).
                                    tolist() == label_pair]
                                if indices_pair:

                                    # Do not include short boundary segments:
                                    if min_boundary > 1:
                                        indices_pair2 = []
                                        seeds2 = segment(indices_pair,
                                        useeds2 = [x for x in
                                                   if x != -1]
                                        for seed2 in useeds2:
                                            iseed2 = [i for i,x
                                                      in enumerate(seeds2)
                                                      if x == seed2]
                                            if len(iseed2) >= min_boundary:
                                            elif verbose:
                                                if len(iseed2) == 1:
                                                    print("    Remove "
                                                          "assignment "
                                                          "of ID {0} from "
                                                          "1 vertex".
                                                    print("    Remove "
                                                          "assignment "
                                                          "of ID {0} from "
                                                          "{1} vertices".
                                        indices_pair = indices_pair2

                                    # Assign sulcus IDs to seeds:
                                    seeds[indices_pair] = ID

                        # Identify vertices with the label:
                        label_array = -1 * np.ones(len(points))
                        indices_label = [fold[i] for i,x
                                         in enumerate(fold_labels)
                                         if x == label]
                        if len(indices_label):
                            label_array[indices_label] = 1

                            # Propagate from seeds to vertices with label:
                            #indices_seeds = []
                            #for seed in range(int(max(seeds))+1):
                            #    indices_seeds.append([i for i,x
                            #                          in enumerate(seeds)
                            #                          if x == seed])
                            #sulci2 = segment(indices_label, neighbor_lists,
                            #                 50, indices_seeds, False, True,
                            #                 labels)
                            sulci2 = propagate(points, faces,
                                               label_array, seeds, sulci,
                                               tol=0.001, sigma=5)
                            sulci[sulci2 != -1] = sulci2[sulci2 != -1]

    sulcus_numbers = [int(x) for x in np.unique(sulci) if x != -1]
                      # if not np.isnan(x)]
    n_sulci = len(sulcus_numbers)

    # Print statements
    if verbose:
        print("Extracted {0} sulci from {1} folds ({2:.1f}s):".
                  format(n_sulci, n_folds, time()-t0))
        if sulcus_names:
            for sulcus_number in sulcus_numbers:
                print("  {0}: {1}".format(sulcus_number,
        elif sulcus_numbers:
            print("  " + ", ".join([str(x) for x in sulcus_numbers]))

        unresolved = [i for i in range(len(pair_lists))
                      if i not in sulcus_numbers]
        if len(unresolved) == 1:
            print("The following sulcus is unaccounted for:")
            print("The following {0} sulci are unaccounted for:".
        if sulcus_names:
            for sulcus_number in unresolved:
                print("  {0}: {1}".format(sulcus_number,
            print("  " + ", ".join([str(x) for x in unresolved]))

    # Return sulci, number of sulci, and file name
    sulci = [int(x) for x in sulci]
    sulci_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'sulci.vtk')
    rewrite_scalars(labels_file, sulci_file, sulci, 'sulci', sulci)

    if not os.path.exists(sulci_file):
        raise IOError(sulci_file + " not found")

    return sulci, n_sulci, sulci_file
Example #11
def rescale_by_label(input_vtk, labels_or_file, save_file=False,
    Rescale scalars for each label (such as depth values within each fold).

    Default is to normalize the scalar values of a VTK file by
    a percentile value in each vertex's surface mesh for each label.

    input_vtk : string
        name of VTK file with a scalar value for each vertex
    labels_or_file : list or string
        label number for each vertex or name of VTK file with index scalars
    save_file : Boolean
        save output VTK file?
    output_filestring : string (if save_file)
        name of output file

    rescaled_scalars : list of floats
        scalar values rescaled for each label, for label numbers not equal to -1
    rescaled_scalars_file : string (if save_file)
        name of output VTK file with rescaled scalar values for each label

    >>> # Rescale depths by neighborhood within each label:
    >>> import os
    >>> from mindboggle.guts.mesh import rescale_by_label
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars, rewrite_scalars
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces
    >>> path = os.environ['MINDBOGGLE_DATA']
    >>> input_vtk = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'shapes', 'lh.pial.travel_depth.vtk')
    >>> labels_or_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'features', 'subfolds.vtk')
    >>> save_file = True
    >>> output_filestring = 'rescaled_scalars'
    >>> #
    >>> rescaled_scalars, rescaled_scalars_file = rescale_by_label(input_vtk,
    >>>     labels_or_file, save_file, output_filestring)
    >>> #
    >>> # View rescaled scalar values per fold:
    >>> folds_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'features', 'folds.vtk')
    >>> folds, name = read_scalars(folds_file)
    >>> #
    >>> rewrite_scalars(rescaled_scalars_file, rescaled_scalars_file,
    >>>                 rescaled_scalars, 'rescaled_depths', folds)
    >>> plot_surfaces(rescaled_scalars_file)

    import os
    import numpy as np
    from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars, rewrite_scalars

    # Load scalars and vertex neighbor lists:
    scalars, name = read_scalars(input_vtk, True, True)
    print("  Rescaling scalar values within each label...")

    # Load label numbers:
    if isinstance(labels_or_file, str):
        labels, name = read_scalars(labels_or_file, True, True)
    elif isinstance(labels_or_file, list):
        labels = labels_or_file
    unique_labels = np.unique(labels)
    unique_labels = [x for x in unique_labels if x >= 0]

    # Loop through labels:
    for label in unique_labels:
        #print("  Rescaling scalar values within label {0} of {1} labels...".format(
        #    int(label), len(unique_labels)))
        indices = [i for i,x in enumerate(labels) if x == label]
        if indices:

            # Rescale by the maximum label scalar value:
            scalars[indices] = scalars[indices] / np.max(scalars[indices])

    rescaled_scalars = scalars.tolist()

    # Return rescaled scalars and file name
    if save_file:

        rescaled_scalars_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), output_filestring + '.vtk')
        rewrite_scalars(input_vtk, rescaled_scalars_file,
                        rescaled_scalars, 'rescaled_scalars', labels)
        if not os.path.exists(rescaled_scalars_file):
            raise(IOError(rescaled_scalars_file + " not found"))

        rescaled_scalars_file = None

    return rescaled_scalars, rescaled_scalars_file
Example #12
def segment_fundi(fundus_per_fold, sulci=[], vtk_file='', save_file=False,
    Segment fundi by sulcus definitions.

    fundus_per_fold : list of integers
        fundus numbers for all vertices, labeled by fold
        (-1 for non-fundus vertices)
    sulci : numpy array or list of integers
        sulcus number for each vertex, used to filter and label fundi
    vtk_file : string (if save_file)
        VTK file with sulcus number for each vertex
    save_file : bool
        save output VTK file?
    verbose : bool
        print statements?

    fundus_per_sulcus : list of integers
        fundus numbers for all vertices, labeled by sulcus
        (-1 for non-fundus vertices)
    n_fundi :  integer
        number of fundi
    fundus_per_sulcus_file : string (if save_file)
        output VTK file with fundus numbers (-1 for non-fundus vertices)

    >>> # Extract fundus from one or more sulci:
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> single_fold = True
    >>> from mindboggle.features.fundi import segment_fundi
    >>> from mindboggle.features.fundi import extract_fundi
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.fetch_data import prep_tests
    >>> urls, fetch_data = prep_tests()
    >>> curv_file = fetch_data(urls['left_mean_curvature'])
    >>> depth_file = fetch_data(urls['left_travel_depth'])
    >>> folds_file = fetch_data(urls['left_folds'])
    >>> vtk_file = fetch_data(urls['left_sulci'])
    >>> sulci, name = read_scalars(vtk_file, True, True)
    >>> folds, name = read_scalars(folds_file, True, True)
    >>> if single_fold:
    ...     fold_number = 2 #11
    ...     folds[folds != fold_number] = -1
    >>> min_separation = 10
    >>> erode_ratio = 0.10
    >>> erode_min_size = 10
    >>> save_file = True
    >>> verbose = False
    >>> fundus_per_fold, o1, o2 = extract_fundi(folds,
    ...     curv_file, depth_file, min_separation, erode_ratio,
    ...     erode_min_size, save_file, verbose)
    >>> o1, o2, fundus_per_sulcus_file = segment_fundi(fundus_per_fold,
    ...     sulci, vtk_file, save_file, verbose)
    >>> segment_numbers = [x for x in np.unique(o1) if x != -1]
    >>> lens = []
    >>> if single_fold:
    ...     for segment_number in segment_numbers:
    ...         lens.append(len([x for x in o1 if x == segment_number]))
    >>> lens
    [14, 13, 88]

    View result (skip test):

    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces
    >>> plot_surfaces(fundus_per_sulcus_file) # doctest: +SKIP


    # Extract a skeleton to connect endpoints in a fold:
    import os
    import numpy as np

    from mindboggle.mio.vtks import rewrite_scalars

    if isinstance(sulci, list):
        sulci = np.array(sulci)

    # Create fundi by segmenting fold fundi with overlapping sulcus labels:
    indices = [i for i,x in enumerate(fundus_per_fold) if x != -1]
    if indices and np.size(sulci):
        fundus_per_sulcus = -1 * np.ones(len(sulci))
        fundus_per_sulcus[indices] = sulci[indices]
        n_fundi = len([x for x in np.unique(fundus_per_sulcus) if x != -1])
        fundus_per_sulcus = []
        n_fundi = 0

    if n_fundi == 1:
        sdum = 'sulcus fundus'
        sdum = 'sulcus fundi'
    if verbose:
        print('  Segmented {0} {1}'.format(n_fundi, sdum))

    # Return fundi, number of fundi, and file name:
    fundus_per_sulcus_file = None
    if n_fundi > 0:
        fundus_per_sulcus = [int(x) for x in fundus_per_sulcus]
        if save_file and os.path.exists(vtk_file):
            fundus_per_sulcus_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
            # Do not filter faces/points by scalars when saving file:
            rewrite_scalars(vtk_file, fundus_per_sulcus_file,
                            fundus_per_sulcus, 'fundus_per_sulcus')
            if not os.path.exists(fundus_per_sulcus_file):
                raise IOError(fundus_per_sulcus_file + " not found")

    return fundus_per_sulcus, n_fundi, fundus_per_sulcus_file
Example #13
def compute_likelihood(trained_file,
    Compute likelihoods based on input values, folds, and estimated parameters.

    Compute likelihood values for a given VTK surface mesh file, after training
    on distributions of depth and curvature values from multiple files.

    trained_file : pickle compressed file
        contains the following dictionaries containing lists of floats
        (estimates of depth or curvature means, sigmas, and weights
         trained on fold vertices either on or off sulcus label borders)
        depth_border, curv_border, depth_nonborder, curv_nonborder
    depth_file : string
        VTK surface mesh file with depth values in [0,1] for all vertices
    curvature_file : string
        VTK surface mesh file with curvature values in [-1,1] for all vertices
    folds : list of integers
        fold number for all vertices (-1 for non-fold vertices)
    save_file : Boolean
        save output VTK file?

    likelihoods : list of floats
        likelihood values for all vertices (0 for non-fold vertices)
    likelihoods_file : string (if save_file)
        name of output VTK file with likelihood scalars
        (-1 for non-fold vertices)

    >>> import os
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars, rewrite_scalars
    >>> from mindboggle.shapes.likelihood import compute_likelihood
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces
    >>> path = os.environ['MINDBOGGLE_DATA']
    >>> trained_file = os.path.join(path, 'atlases', 'depth_curv_border_nonborder_parameters.pkl')
    >>> #depth_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'shapes', 'travel_depth_rescaled.vtk')
    >>> depth_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'shapes', 'lh.pial.travel_depth.vtk')
    >>> curvature_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'shapes', 'lh.pial.mean_curvature.vtk')
    >>> folds_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'features', 'folds.vtk')
    >>> folds, name = read_scalars(folds_file)
    >>> save_file = True
    >>> #
    >>> compute_likelihood(trained_file, depth_file, curvature_file, folds, save_file)
    >>> # View:
    >>> plot_surfaces('likelihoods.vtk', folds_file)

    import os
    import numpy as np
    from math import pi
    import cPickle as pickle

    from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars, rewrite_scalars

    # Initialize variables:
    tiny = 0.000000001
    L = np.zeros(len(folds))
    probs_border = np.zeros(len(folds))
    probs_nonborder = np.zeros(len(folds))

    # Load estimated depth and curvature distribution parameters:
    depth_border, curv_border, depth_nonborder, curv_nonborder = pickle.load(
        open(trained_file, "r"))

    # Load depths, curvatures:
    depths, name = read_scalars(depth_file, True, True)
    curvatures, name = read_scalars(curvature_file, True, True)

    # Prep for below:
    n = 2
    twopiexp = (2 * pi)**(n / 2)
    border_sigmas = depth_border['sigmas'] * curv_border['sigmas']
    nonborder_sigmas = depth_nonborder['sigmas'] * curv_nonborder['sigmas']
    norm_border = 1 / (twopiexp * border_sigmas + tiny)
    norm_nonborder = 1 / (twopiexp * nonborder_sigmas + tiny)
    I = [i for i, x in enumerate(folds) if x != -1]

    N = depth_border['sigmas'].shape[0]
    for j in range(N):

        # Border:
        expB = depth_border['weights'][j] * \
            ((depths[I]-depth_border['means'][j])**2) / \
        expB += curv_border['weights'][j] * \
            ((curvatures[I]-curv_border['means'][j])**2) / \
        expB = -expB / 2
        probs_border[I] = probs_border[I] + norm_border[j] * np.exp(expB)

        # Non-border:
        expNB = depth_nonborder['weights'][j] * \
            ((depths[I]-depth_nonborder['means'][j])**2) / \
        expNB += curv_nonborder['weights'][j] * \
            ((curvatures[I]-curv_nonborder['means'][j])**2) / \
        expNB = -expNB / 2
            I] = probs_nonborder[I] + norm_nonborder[j] * np.exp(expNB)

    likelihoods = probs_border / (probs_nonborder + probs_border + tiny)
    likelihoods = likelihoods.tolist()

    # Return likelihoods and output file name
    if save_file:

        likelihoods_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'likelihoods.vtk')
        rewrite_scalars(depth_file, likelihoods_file, likelihoods,
                        'likelihoods', likelihoods)
        if not os.path.exists(likelihoods_file):
            raise (IOError(likelihoods_file + " not found"))

        likelihoods_file = None

    return likelihoods, likelihoods_file
Example #14
def rescale_by_label(input_vtk,
    Rescale scalars for each label (such as depth values within each fold).

    Default is to normalize the scalar values of a VTK file by
    a percentile value in each vertex's surface mesh for each label.

    input_vtk : string
        name of VTK file with a scalar value for each vertex
    labels_or_file : list or string
        label number for each vertex or name of VTK file with index scalars
    save_file : bool
        save output VTK file?
    output_filestring : string (if save_file)
        name of output file
    verbose : bool
        print statements?

    rescaled_scalars : list of floats
        scalar values rescaled for each label, for label numbers not equal to -1
    rescaled_scalars_file : string (if save_file)
        name of output VTK file with rescaled scalar values for each label

    >>> # Rescale depths by neighborhood within each label:
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from mindboggle.guts.mesh import rescale_by_label
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.fetch_data import prep_tests
    >>> urls, fetch_data = prep_tests()
    >>> input_vtk = fetch_data(urls['left_travel_depth'])
    >>> labels_or_file = fetch_data(urls['left_folds'])
    >>> save_file = True
    >>> output_filestring = 'rescaled_scalars'
    >>> verbose = False
    >>> rescaled, rescaled_label_file = rescale_by_label(input_vtk,
    ...     labels_or_file, save_file, output_filestring, verbose)
    >>> scalars1, name = read_scalars(input_vtk)
    >>> print('{0:0.5f}, {1:0.5f}'.format(max(scalars1), max(rescaled)))
    34.95560, 1.00000
    >>> print('{0:0.5f}, {1:0.5f}'.format(np.mean(scalars1), np.mean(rescaled)))
    7.43822, 0.28389

    View rescaled scalar values on surface (skip test):

    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> plot_surfaces(rescaled_label_file) # doctest: +SKIP

    import os
    import numpy as np
    from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars, rewrite_scalars

    # Load scalars and vertex neighbor lists:
    scalars, name = read_scalars(input_vtk, True, True)
    if verbose:
        print("  Rescaling scalar values within each label...")

    # Load label numbers:
    if isinstance(labels_or_file, str):
        labels, name = read_scalars(labels_or_file, True, True)
    elif isinstance(labels_or_file, list):
        labels = labels_or_file
    unique_labels = np.unique(labels)

    # Loop through labels:
    for label in unique_labels:
        if verbose:
                "  Rescaling values within label {0} of {1} labels...".format(
                    int(label), len(unique_labels)))
        indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(labels) if x == label]
        if indices:

            # Rescale by the maximum label scalar value:
            scalars[indices] = scalars[indices] / np.max(scalars[indices])
            #print(max(scalars), max(scalars[indices]))

    rescaled_scalars = scalars.tolist()

    # Return rescaled scalars and file name
    if save_file:

        rescaled_scalars_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
                                             output_filestring + '.vtk')
        rewrite_scalars(input_vtk, rescaled_scalars_file, rescaled_scalars,
                        'rescaled_scalars', labels)
        if not os.path.exists(rescaled_scalars_file):
            raise IOError(rescaled_scalars_file + " not found")

        rescaled_scalars_file = None

    return rescaled_scalars, rescaled_scalars_file
Example #15
def segment_fundi(fundus_per_fold, sulci=[], vtk_file='', save_file=False):
    Segment fundi by sulcus definitions.

    fundus_per_fold : list of integers
        fundus numbers for all vertices, labeled by fold
        (-1 for non-fundus vertices)
    sulci : numpy array or list of integers
        sulcus number for each vertex, used to filter and label fundi
    vtk_file : string (if save_file)
        VTK file with sulcus number for each vertex
    save_file : Boolean
        save output VTK file?

    fundus_per_sulcus : list of integers
        fundus numbers for all vertices, labeled by sulcus
        (-1 for non-fundus vertices)
    n_fundi :  integer
        number of fundi
    fundus_per_sulcus_file : string (if save_file)
        output VTK file with fundus numbers (-1 for non-fundus vertices)

    >>> # Extract fundus from one or more sulci:
    >>> single_fold = True
    >>> import os
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars
    >>> from mindboggle.features.fundi import extract_fundi, segment_fundi
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces
    >>> path = os.environ['MINDBOGGLE_DATA']
    >>> vtk_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'features', 'sulci.vtk')
    >>> sulci, name = read_scalars(vtk_file, True, True)
    >>> curv_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'shapes', 'lh.pial.mean_curvature.vtk')
    >>> depth_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'shapes', 'travel_depth_rescaled.vtk')
    >>> folds_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'features', 'folds.vtk')
    >>> folds, name = read_scalars(folds_file, True, True)
    >>> if single_fold:
    >>>     fold_number = 2 #11
    >>>     folds[folds != fold_number] = -1
    >>> min_separation = 10
    >>> erode_ratio = 0.10
    >>> erode_min_size = 10
    >>> save_file = True
    >>> fundus_per_fold, o1, o2 = extract_fundi(folds, curv_file, depth_file, min_separation, erode_ratio, erode_min_size, save_file)
    >>> o1, o2, fundus_per_sulcus_file = segment_fundi(fundus_per_fold, sulci, vtk_file, save_file)
    >>> #
    >>> # View:
    >>> plot_surfaces(fundus_per_sulcus_file)


    # Extract a skeleton to connect endpoints in a fold:
    import os
    import numpy as np

    from mindboggle.mio.vtks import rewrite_scalars

    if isinstance(sulci, list):
        sulci = np.array(sulci)

    # Create fundi by segmenting fold fundi with overlapping sulcus labels:
    indices = [i for i,x in enumerate(fundus_per_fold) if x != -1]
    if indices and np.size(sulci):
        fundus_per_sulcus = -1 * np.ones(len(sulci))
        fundus_per_sulcus[indices] = sulci[indices]
        n_fundi = len([x for x in np.unique(fundus_per_sulcus) if x != -1])
        fundus_per_sulcus = []
        n_fundi = 0

    if n_fundi == 1:
        sdum = 'sulcus fundus'
        sdum = 'sulcus fundi'
    print('  Segmented {0} {1}'.format(n_fundi, sdum))

    # Return fundi, number of fundi, and file name:
    fundus_per_sulcus_file = None
    if n_fundi > 0:
        fundus_per_sulcus = [int(x) for x in fundus_per_sulcus]
        if save_file and os.path.exists(vtk_file):
            fundus_per_sulcus_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
            rewrite_scalars(vtk_file, fundus_per_sulcus_file,
                            fundus_per_sulcus, 'fundus_per_sulcus',
            if not os.path.exists(fundus_per_sulcus_file):
                raise(IOError(fundus_per_sulcus_file + " not found"))

    return fundus_per_sulcus, n_fundi, fundus_per_sulcus_file
Example #16
def segment_fundi(fundus_per_fold,
    Segment fundi by sulcus definitions.

    fundus_per_fold : list of integers
        fundus numbers for all vertices, labeled by fold
        (-1 for non-fundus vertices)
    sulci : numpy array or list of integers
        sulcus number for each vertex, used to filter and label fundi
    vtk_file : string (if save_file)
        VTK file with sulcus number for each vertex
    save_file : bool
        save output VTK file?
    verbose : bool
        print statements?

    fundus_per_sulcus : list of integers
        fundus numbers for all vertices, labeled by sulcus
        (-1 for non-fundus vertices)
    n_fundi :  integer
        number of fundi
    fundus_per_sulcus_file : string (if save_file)
        output VTK file with fundus numbers (-1 for non-fundus vertices)

    >>> # Extract fundus from one or more sulci:
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> single_fold = True
    >>> from mindboggle.features.fundi import segment_fundi
    >>> from mindboggle.features.fundi import extract_fundi
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.fetch_data import prep_tests
    >>> urls, fetch_data = prep_tests()
    >>> curv_file = fetch_data(urls['left_mean_curvature'])
    >>> depth_file = fetch_data(urls['left_travel_depth'])
    >>> folds_file = fetch_data(urls['left_folds'])
    >>> vtk_file = fetch_data(urls['left_sulci'])
    >>> sulci, name = read_scalars(vtk_file, True, True)
    >>> folds, name = read_scalars(folds_file, True, True)
    >>> if single_fold:
    ...     fold_number = 2 #11
    ...     folds[folds != fold_number] = -1
    >>> min_separation = 10
    >>> erode_ratio = 0.10
    >>> erode_min_size = 10
    >>> save_file = True
    >>> verbose = False
    >>> fundus_per_fold, o1, o2 = extract_fundi(folds,
    ...     curv_file, depth_file, min_separation, erode_ratio,
    ...     erode_min_size, save_file, verbose)
    >>> o1, o2, fundus_per_sulcus_file = segment_fundi(fundus_per_fold,
    ...     sulci, vtk_file, save_file, verbose)
    >>> segment_numbers = [x for x in np.unique(o1) if x != -1]
    >>> lens = []
    >>> if single_fold:
    ...     for segment_number in segment_numbers:
    ...         lens.append(len([x for x in o1 if x == segment_number]))
    >>> lens
    [14, 13, 88]

    View result (skip test):

    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces
    >>> plot_surfaces(fundus_per_sulcus_file) # doctest: +SKIP


    # Extract a skeleton to connect endpoints in a fold:
    import os
    import numpy as np

    from mindboggle.mio.vtks import rewrite_scalars

    if isinstance(sulci, list):
        sulci = np.array(sulci)

    # Create fundi by segmenting fold fundi with overlapping sulcus labels:
    indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(fundus_per_fold) if x != -1]
    if indices and np.size(sulci):
        fundus_per_sulcus = -1 * np.ones(len(sulci))
        fundus_per_sulcus[indices] = sulci[indices]
        n_fundi = len([x for x in np.unique(fundus_per_sulcus) if x != -1])
        fundus_per_sulcus = []
        n_fundi = 0

    if n_fundi == 1:
        sdum = 'sulcus fundus'
        sdum = 'sulcus fundi'
    if verbose:
        print('  Segmented {0} {1}'.format(n_fundi, sdum))

    # Return fundi, number of fundi, and file name:
    fundus_per_sulcus_file = None
    if n_fundi > 0:
        fundus_per_sulcus = [int(x) for x in fundus_per_sulcus]
        if save_file and os.path.exists(vtk_file):
            fundus_per_sulcus_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
            # Do not filter faces/points by scalars when saving file:
            rewrite_scalars(vtk_file, fundus_per_sulcus_file,
                            fundus_per_sulcus, 'fundus_per_sulcus')
            if not os.path.exists(fundus_per_sulcus_file):
                raise IOError(fundus_per_sulcus_file + " not found")

    return fundus_per_sulcus, n_fundi, fundus_per_sulcus_file
Example #17
def extract_fundi(folds,
    Extract fundi from folds.

    A fundus is a branching curve that runs along the deepest and most highly
    curved portions of a fold. This function extracts one fundus from each
    fold by finding the deepest vertices inside the fold, finding endpoints
    along the edge of the fold, and connecting the former to the latter with
    tracks that run along deep and curved paths (through vertices with high
    values of travel depth multiplied by curvature), and a final filtration

    The deepest vertices are those with values at least two median
    absolute deviations above the median (non-zero) value, with the higher
    value chosen if two of the vertices are within (a default of) 10 edges
    from each other (to reduce the number of possible fundus paths as well
    as computation time).

    To find the endpoints, the find_outer_endpoints function propagates
    multiple tracks from seed vertices at median depth in the fold through
    concentric rings toward the fold’s edge, selecting maximal values within
    each ring, and terminating at candidate endpoints. The final endpoints
    are those candidates at the end of tracks that have a high median value,
    with the higher value chosen if two candidate endpoints are within
    (a default of) 10 edges from each other (otherwise, the resulting fundi
    can have spurious branching at the fold’s edge).

    The connect_points_erosion function connects the deepest fold vertices
    to the endpoints with a skeleton of 1-vertex-thick curves by erosion.
    It erodes by iteratively removing simple topological points and endpoints
    in order of lowest to highest values, where a simple topological point
    is a vertex that when added to or removed from an object on a surface
    mesh (such as a fundus curve) does not alter the object's topology.

    Steps ::
        1. Find fundus endpoints (outer anchors) with find_outer_endpoints().
        2. Include inner anchor points.
        3. Connect anchor points using connect_points_erosion();
           inner anchors are removed if they result in endpoints.

    Note ::
        Follow this with segment_by_region() to segment fundi by sulci.

    folds : numpy array or list of integers
        fold number for each vertex
    curv_file :  string
        surface mesh file in VTK format with mean curvature values
    depth_file :  string
        surface mesh file in VTK format with rescaled depth values
    likelihoods : list of integers
        fundus likelihood value for each vertex
    min_separation : integer
        minimum number of edges between inner/outer anchor points
    erode_ratio : float
        fraction of indices to test for removal at each iteration
        in connect_points_erosion()
    save_file : bool
        save output VTK file?
    output_file : string
        output VTK file
    background_value : integer or float
        background value
    verbose : bool
        print statements?

    fundus_per_fold : list of integers
        fundus numbers for all vertices, labeled by fold
        (-1 for non-fundus vertices)
    n_fundi_in_folds :  integer
        number of fundi
    fundus_per_fold_file : string (if save_file)
        output VTK file with fundus numbers (-1 for non-fundus vertices)

    >>> # Extract fundus from one or more folds:
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars
    >>> from mindboggle.features.fundi import extract_fundi
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.fetch_data import prep_tests
    >>> urls, fetch_data = prep_tests()
    >>> curv_file = fetch_data(urls['left_mean_curvature'], '', '.vtk')
    >>> depth_file = fetch_data(urls['left_travel_depth'], '', '.vtk')
    >>> folds_file = fetch_data(urls['left_folds'], '', '.vtk')
    >>> folds, name = read_scalars(folds_file, True, True)
    >>> # Limit number of folds to speed up the test:
    >>> limit_folds = True
    >>> if limit_folds:
    ...     fold_numbers = [4] #[4, 6]
    ...     i0 = [i for i,x in enumerate(folds) if x not in fold_numbers]
    ...     folds[i0] = -1
    >>> min_separation = 10
    >>> erode_ratio = 0.10
    >>> erode_min_size = 10
    >>> save_file = True
    >>> output_file = 'extract_fundi_fold4.vtk'
    >>> background_value = -1
    >>> verbose = False
    >>> o1, o2, fundus_per_fold_file = extract_fundi(folds, curv_file,
    ...     depth_file, min_separation, erode_ratio, erode_min_size,
    ...     save_file, output_file, background_value, verbose)
    >>> lens = [len([x for x in o1 if x == y])
    ...         for y in np.unique(o1) if y != background_value]
    >>> lens[0:10] # [66, 2914, 100, 363, 73, 331, 59, 30, 1, 14] # (if not limit_folds)

    View result without background (skip test):

    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.vtks import rewrite_scalars # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> rewrite_scalars(fundus_per_fold_file,
    ...                 'extract_fundi_fold4_no_background.vtk', o1,
    ...                 'fundus_per_fold', folds) # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> plot_surfaces('extract_fundi_fold4_no_background.vtk') # doctest: +SKIP


    # Extract a skeleton to connect endpoints in a fold:
    import os
    import numpy as np
    from time import time

    from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars, read_vtk, rewrite_scalars
    from mindboggle.guts.compute import median_abs_dev
    from mindboggle.guts.paths import find_max_values
    from mindboggle.guts.mesh import find_neighbors_from_file
    #from mindboggle.guts.mesh import find_complete_faces
    from mindboggle.guts.paths import find_outer_endpoints
    from mindboggle.guts.paths import connect_points_erosion

    if isinstance(folds, list):
        folds = np.array(folds)

    # Load values, inner anchor threshold, and neighbors:
    if os.path.isfile(curv_file):
        points, indices, lines, faces, curvs, scalar_names, npoints, \
            input_vtk = read_vtk(curv_file, True, True)
        raise IOError("{0} doesn't exist!".format(curv_file))
    if os.path.isfile(curv_file):
        depths, name = read_scalars(depth_file, True, True)
        raise IOError("{0} doesn't exist!".format(depth_file))
    values = curvs * depths
    values0 = [x for x in values if x > 0]
    thr = np.median(values0) + 2 * median_abs_dev(values0)
    neighbor_lists = find_neighbors_from_file(curv_file)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Loop through folds:
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    t1 = time()
    skeletons = []
    unique_fold_IDs = [x for x in np.unique(folds) if x != background_value]

    if verbose:
        if len(unique_fold_IDs) == 1:
            print("Extract a fundus from 1 fold...")
            print("Extract a fundus from each of {0} folds...".format(

    for fold_ID in unique_fold_IDs:
        indices_fold = [i for i, x in enumerate(folds) if x == fold_ID]
        if indices_fold:
            if verbose:
                print('  Fold {0}:'.format(int(fold_ID)))

            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
            # Find outer anchor points on the boundary of the surface region,
            # to serve as fundus endpoints:
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
            outer_anchors, tracks = find_outer_endpoints(
                indices_fold, neighbor_lists, values, depths, min_separation,
                background_value, verbose)

            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
            # Find inner anchor points:
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
            inner_anchors = find_max_values(points, values, min_separation,

            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
            # Connect anchor points to create skeleton:
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
            B = background_value * np.ones(npoints)
            B[indices_fold] = 1
            skeleton = connect_points_erosion(B, neighbor_lists, outer_anchors,
                                              inner_anchors, values,
                                              erode_ratio, erode_min_size, [],
                                              '', background_value, verbose)
            if skeleton:

            ## ---------------------------------------------------------------
            ## Remove fundus vertices if they make complete triangle faces:
            ## ---------------------------------------------------------------
            #Iremove = find_complete_faces(skeletons, faces)
            #if Iremove:
            #    skeletons = list(frozenset(skeletons).difference(Iremove))

    indices_skel = [x for x in skeletons if folds[x] != background_value]
    fundus_per_fold = background_value * np.ones(npoints)
    fundus_per_fold[indices_skel] = folds[indices_skel]
    n_fundi_in_folds = len(
        [x for x in np.unique(fundus_per_fold) if x != background_value])
    if n_fundi_in_folds == 1:
        sdum = 'fold fundus'
        sdum = 'fold fundi'
    if verbose:
        print('  ...Extracted {0} {1}; {2} total ({3:.2f} seconds)'.format(
            n_fundi_in_folds, sdum, n_fundi_in_folds,
            time() - t1))

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Return fundi, number of fundi, and file name:
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    fundus_per_fold_file = None
    if n_fundi_in_folds > 0:
        fundus_per_fold = [int(x) for x in fundus_per_fold]
        if save_file:
            if output_file:
                fundus_per_fold_file = output_file
                fundus_per_fold_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
            rewrite_scalars(curv_file, fundus_per_fold_file, fundus_per_fold,
                            'fundi', [], background_value)
            if not os.path.exists(fundus_per_fold_file):
                raise IOError(fundus_per_fold_file + " not found")

    return fundus_per_fold, n_fundi_in_folds, fundus_per_fold_file
Example #18
def extract_sulci(labels_file, folds_or_file, hemi, min_boundary=1,
    Identify sulci from folds in a brain surface according to a labeling
    protocol that includes a list of label pairs defining each sulcus.

    A fold is a group of connected, deep vertices.

    Steps for each fold ::

        1. Remove fold if it has fewer than two labels.
        2. Remove fold if its labels do not contain a sulcus label pair.
        3. Find vertices with labels that are in only one of the fold's
           label boundary pairs. Assign the vertices the sulcus with the label
           pair if they are connected to the label boundary for that pair.
        4. If there are remaining vertices, segment into sets of vertices
           connected to label boundaries, and assign a unique ID to each set.

    labels_file : string
        file name for surface mesh VTK containing labels for all vertices
    folds_or_file : list or string
        fold number for each vertex / name of VTK file containing fold scalars
    hemi : string
        hemisphere abbreviation in {'lh', 'rh'} for sulcus labels
    min_boundary : integer
        minimum number of vertices for a sulcus label boundary segment
    sulcus_names : list of strings
        names of sulci

    sulci : list of integers
        sulcus numbers for all vertices (-1 for non-sulcus vertices)
    n_sulci : integers
        number of sulci
    sulci_file : string
        output VTK file with sulcus numbers (-1 for non-sulcus vertices)

    >>> import os
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars, rewrite_scalars
    >>> from mindboggle.features.sulci import extract_sulci
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces
    >>> path = os.environ['MINDBOGGLE_DATA']
    >>> # Load labels, folds, neighbor lists, and sulcus names and label pairs
    >>> labels_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'labels', 'relabeled_lh.DKTatlas40.gcs.vtk')
    >>> folds_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'features', 'folds.vtk')
    >>> folds_or_file, name = read_scalars(folds_file)
    >>> hemi = 'lh'
    >>> min_boundary = 10
    >>> sulcus_names = []
    >>> #
    >>> sulci, n_sulci, sulci_file = extract_sulci(labels_file, folds_or_file, hemi, min_boundary, sulcus_names)
    >>> # View:
    >>> plot_surfaces('sulci.vtk')

    import os
    from time import time
    import numpy as np

    from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars, read_vtk, rewrite_scalars
    from mindboggle.guts.mesh import find_neighbors
    from mindboggle.guts.segment import extract_borders, propagate, segment
    from mindboggle.mio.labels import DKTprotocol

    # Load fold numbers if folds_or_file is a string:
    if isinstance(folds_or_file, str):
        folds, name = read_scalars(folds_or_file)
    elif isinstance(folds_or_file, list):
        folds = folds_or_file

    dkt = DKTprotocol()

    if hemi == 'lh':
        pair_lists = dkt.left_sulcus_label_pair_lists
    elif hemi == 'rh':
        pair_lists = dkt.right_sulcus_label_pair_lists
        print("Warning: hemisphere not properly specified ('lh' or 'rh').")

    # Load points, faces, and neighbors:
    faces, o1, o2, points, npoints, labels, o3, o4 = read_vtk(labels_file)
    neighbor_lists = find_neighbors(faces, npoints)

    # Array of sulcus IDs for fold vertices, initialized as -1.
    # Since we do not touch gyral vertices and vertices whose labels
    # are not in the label list, or vertices having only one label,
    # their sulcus IDs will remain -1:
    sulci = -1 * np.ones(npoints)

    # Loop through folds
    fold_numbers = [int(x) for x in np.unique(folds) if x != -1]
    n_folds = len(fold_numbers)
    print("Extract sulci from {0} folds...".format(n_folds))
    t0 = time()
    for n_fold in fold_numbers:
        fold = [i for i,x in enumerate(folds) if x == n_fold]
        len_fold = len(fold)

        # List the labels in this fold:
        fold_labels = [labels[x] for x in fold]
        unique_fold_labels = [int(x) for x in np.unique(fold_labels)
                              if x != -1]

        # NO MATCH -- fold has fewer than two labels
        if len(unique_fold_labels) < 2:
            # Ignore: sulci already initialized with -1 values:
            if not unique_fold_labels:
                print("  Fold {0} ({1} vertices): "
                      "NO MATCH -- fold has no labels".
                      format(n_fold, len_fold))
                print("  Fold {0} ({1} vertices): "
                  "NO MATCH -- fold has only one label ({2})".
                  format(n_fold, len_fold, unique_fold_labels[0]))
            # Ignore: sulci already initialized with -1 values

            # Find all label boundary pairs within the fold:
            indices_fold_pairs, fold_pairs, unique_fold_pairs = \
                extract_borders(fold, labels, neighbor_lists,
                                ignore_values=[], return_label_pairs=True)

            # Find fold label pairs in the protocol (pairs are already sorted):
            fold_pairs_in_protocol = [x for x in unique_fold_pairs
                                      if x in dkt.unique_sulcus_label_pairs]

            if unique_fold_labels:
                print("  Fold {0} labels: {1} ({2} vertices)".format(n_fold,
                      ', '.join([str(x) for x in unique_fold_labels]),
            # NO MATCH -- fold has no sulcus label pair
            if not fold_pairs_in_protocol:
                print("  Fold {0}: NO MATCH -- fold has no sulcus label pair".
                      format(n_fold, len_fold))

            # Possible matches
                print("  Fold {0} label pairs in protocol: {1}".format(n_fold,
                      ', '.join([str(x) for x in fold_pairs_in_protocol])))

                # Labels in the protocol (includes repeats across label pairs):
                labels_in_pairs = [x for lst in fold_pairs_in_protocol
                                   for x in lst]

                # Labels that appear in one or more sulcus label boundary:
                unique_labels = []
                nonunique_labels = []
                for label in np.unique(labels_in_pairs):
                    if len([x for x in labels_in_pairs if x == label]) == 1:

                # Vertices whose labels are in only one sulcus label pair
                # Find vertices with a label that is in only one of the fold's
                # label pairs (the other label in the pair can exist in other
                # pairs). Assign the vertices the sulcus with the label pair
                # if they are connected to the label boundary for that pair.
                if unique_labels:

                    for pair in fold_pairs_in_protocol:

                        # If one or both labels in label pair is/are unique:
                        unique_labels_in_pair = [x for x in pair
                                                 if x in unique_labels]
                        n_unique = len(unique_labels_in_pair)
                        if n_unique:

                            ID = None
                            for i, pair_list in enumerate(pair_lists):
                                if not isinstance(pair_list, list):
                                    pair_list = [pair_list]
                                if pair in pair_list:
                                    ID = i
                            if ID:
                                # Seeds from label boundary vertices
                                # (fold_pairs and pair already sorted):
                                indices_pair = [x for i,x
                                    in enumerate(indices_fold_pairs)
                                    if fold_pairs[i] == pair]

                                # Vertices with unique label(s) in pair:
                                indices_unique_labels = [fold[i]
                                     for i,x in enumerate(fold_labels)
                                     if x in dkt.unique_sulcus_label_pairs]

                                # Propagate from seeds to labels in label pair:
                                sulci2 = segment(indices_unique_labels,
                                sulci[sulci2 != -1] = ID

                                # Print statement:
                                if n_unique == 1:
                                    ps1 = '1 label'
                                    ps1 = 'Both labels'
                                if len(sulcus_names):
                                    ps2 = sulcus_names[ID]
                                    ps2 = ''
                                print("    {0} unique to one fold pair: "
                                      "{1} {2}".
                                      format(ps1, ps2, unique_labels_in_pair))

                # Vertex labels shared by multiple label pairs
                # Propagate labels from label borders to vertices with labels
                # that are shared by multiple label pairs in the fold.
                if len(nonunique_labels):
                    # For each label shared by different label pairs:
                    for label in nonunique_labels:
                        # Print statement:
                        print("    Propagate sulcus borders with label {0}".

                        # Construct seeds from label boundary vertices:
                        seeds = -1 * np.ones(len(points))

                        for ID, pair_list in enumerate(pair_lists):
                            if not isinstance(pair_list, list):
                                pair_list = [pair_list]
                            label_pairs = [x for x in pair_list if label in x]
                            for label_pair in label_pairs:
                                indices_pair = [x for i,x
                                    in enumerate(indices_fold_pairs)
                                    if np.sort(fold_pairs[i]).
                                    tolist() == label_pair]
                                if indices_pair:

                                    # Do not include short boundary segments:
                                    if min_boundary > 1:
                                        indices_pair2 = []
                                        seeds2 = segment(indices_pair,
                                        useeds2 = [x for x in
                                                   if x != -1]
                                        for seed2 in useeds2:
                                            iseed2 = [i for i,x
                                                      in enumerate(seeds2)
                                                      if x == seed2]
                                            if len(iseed2) >= min_boundary:
                                                if len(iseed2) == 1:
                                                    print("    Remove "
                                                          "assignment "
                                                          "of ID {0} from "
                                                          "1 vertex".
                                                    print("    Remove "
                                                          "assignment "
                                                          "of ID {0} from "
                                                          "{1} vertices".
                                        indices_pair = indices_pair2

                                    # Assign sulcus IDs to seeds:
                                    seeds[indices_pair] = ID

                        # Identify vertices with the label:
                        label_array = -1 * np.ones(len(points))
                        indices_label = [fold[i] for i,x
                                         in enumerate(fold_labels)
                                         if x == label]
                        if len(indices_label):
                            label_array[indices_label] = 1

                            # Propagate from seeds to vertices with label:
                            #indices_seeds = []
                            #for seed in range(int(max(seeds))+1):
                            #    indices_seeds.append([i for i,x
                            #                          in enumerate(seeds)
                            #                          if x == seed])
                            #sulci2 = segment(indices_label, neighbor_lists,
                            #                 50, indices_seeds, False, True,
                            #                 labels)
                            sulci2 = propagate(points, faces,
                                               label_array, seeds, sulci,
                                               tol=0.001, sigma=5)
                            sulci[sulci2 != -1] = sulci2[sulci2 != -1]

    # Print out assigned sulci
    sulcus_numbers = [int(x) for x in np.unique(sulci) if x != -1]
                      # if not np.isnan(x)]
    n_sulci = len(sulcus_numbers)
    print("Extracted {0} sulci from {1} folds ({2:.1f}s):".
          format(n_sulci, n_folds, time()-t0))
    if sulcus_names:
        for sulcus_number in sulcus_numbers:
            print("  {0}: {1}".format(sulcus_number,
    elif sulcus_numbers:
        print("  " + ", ".join([str(x) for x in sulcus_numbers]))

    # Print out unresolved sulci
    unresolved = [i for i in range(len(pair_lists))
                  if i not in sulcus_numbers]
    if len(unresolved) == 1:
        print("The following sulcus is unaccounted for:")
        print("The following {0} sulci are unaccounted for:".
    if sulcus_names:
        for sulcus_number in unresolved:
            print("  {0}: {1}".format(sulcus_number,
        print("  " + ", ".join([str(x) for x in unresolved]))

    # Return sulci, number of sulci, and file name
    sulci = [int(x) for x in sulci]
    sulci_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'sulci.vtk')
    rewrite_scalars(labels_file, sulci_file, sulci, 'sulci', sulci)

    if not os.path.exists(sulci_file):
        raise(IOError(sulci_file + " not found"))

    return sulci, n_sulci, sulci_file
Example #19
def segment_fundi(fundus_per_fold, sulci=[], vtk_file='', save_file=False):
    Segment fundi by sulcus definitions.

    fundus_per_fold : list of integers
        fundus numbers for all vertices, labeled by fold
        (-1 for non-fundus vertices)
    sulci : numpy array or list of integers
        sulcus number for each vertex, used to filter and label fundi
    vtk_file : string (if save_file)
        VTK file with sulcus number for each vertex
    save_file : Boolean
        save output VTK file?

    fundus_per_sulcus : list of integers
        fundus numbers for all vertices, labeled by sulcus
        (-1 for non-fundus vertices)
    n_fundi :  integer
        number of fundi
    fundus_per_sulcus_file : string (if save_file)
        output VTK file with fundus numbers (-1 for non-fundus vertices)

    >>> # Extract fundus from one or more sulci:
    >>> single_fold = True
    >>> import os
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars
    >>> from mindboggle.features.fundi import extract_fundi, segment_fundi
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces
    >>> path = os.environ['MINDBOGGLE_DATA']
    >>> vtk_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'features', 'sulci.vtk')
    >>> sulci, name = read_scalars(vtk_file, True, True)
    >>> curv_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'shapes', 'lh.pial.mean_curvature.vtk')
    >>> depth_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'shapes', 'travel_depth_rescaled.vtk')
    >>> folds_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'features', 'folds.vtk')
    >>> folds, name = read_scalars(folds_file, True, True)
    >>> if single_fold:
    >>>     fold_number = 2 #11
    >>>     folds[folds != fold_number] = -1
    >>> min_separation = 10
    >>> erode_ratio = 0.10
    >>> erode_min_size = 10
    >>> save_file = True
    >>> fundus_per_fold, o1, o2 = extract_fundi(folds, curv_file, depth_file, min_separation, erode_ratio, erode_min_size, save_file)
    >>> o1, o2, fundus_per_sulcus_file = segment_fundi(fundus_per_fold, sulci, vtk_file, save_file)
    >>> #
    >>> # View:
    >>> plot_surfaces(fundus_per_sulcus_file)


    # Extract a skeleton to connect endpoints in a fold:
    import os
    import numpy as np

    from mindboggle.mio.vtks import rewrite_scalars

    if isinstance(sulci, list):
        sulci = np.array(sulci)

    # Create fundi by segmenting fold fundi with overlapping sulcus labels:
    indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(fundus_per_fold) if x != -1]
    if indices and np.size(sulci):
        fundus_per_sulcus = -1 * np.ones(len(sulci))
        fundus_per_sulcus[indices] = sulci[indices]
        n_fundi = len([x for x in np.unique(fundus_per_sulcus) if x != -1])
        fundus_per_sulcus = []
        n_fundi = 0

    if n_fundi == 1:
        sdum = 'sulcus fundus'
        sdum = 'sulcus fundi'
    print('  Segmented {0} {1}'.format(n_fundi, sdum))

    # Return fundi, number of fundi, and file name:
    fundus_per_sulcus_file = None
    if n_fundi > 0:
        fundus_per_sulcus = [int(x) for x in fundus_per_sulcus]
        if save_file and os.path.exists(vtk_file):
            fundus_per_sulcus_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
            rewrite_scalars(vtk_file, fundus_per_sulcus_file,
                            fundus_per_sulcus, 'fundus_per_sulcus',
            if not os.path.exists(fundus_per_sulcus_file):
                raise (IOError(fundus_per_sulcus_file + " not found"))

    return fundus_per_sulcus, n_fundi, fundus_per_sulcus_file
Example #20
def extract_sulci(labels_file,
    Identify sulci from folds in a brain surface according to a labeling
    protocol that includes a list of label pairs defining each sulcus.

    Since folds are defined as deep, connected areas of a surface, and since
    folds may be connected to each other in ways that differ across brains,
    there usually does not exist a one-to-one mapping between folds of one
    brain and those of another.  To address the correspondence problem then,
    we need to find just those portions of the folds that correspond across
    brains. To accomplish this, Mindboggle segments folds into sulci, which
    do have a one-to-one correspondence across non-pathological brains.
    Mindboggle defines a sulcus as a folded portion of cortex whose opposing
    banks are labeled with one or more sulcus label pairs in the DKT labeling
    protocol, where each label pair is unique to one sulcus and represents
    a boundary between two adjacent gyri, and each vertex has one gyrus label.

    This function assigns vertices in a fold to a sulcus in one of two cases.
    In the first case, vertices whose labels are in only one label pair in
    the fold are assigned to the label pair’s sulcus if they are connected
    through similarly labeled vertices to the boundary between the two labels.
    In the second case, the segment_regions function propagates labels from
    label borders to vertices whose labels are in multiple label pairs in the

    Steps for each fold ::

        1. Remove fold if it has fewer than two labels.
        2. Remove fold if its labels do not contain a sulcus label pair.
        3. Find vertices with labels that are in only one of the fold's
           label boundary pairs. Assign the vertices the sulcus with the label
           pair if they are connected to the label boundary for that pair.
        4. If there are remaining vertices, segment into sets of vertices
           connected to label boundaries, and assign a unique ID to each set.

    labels_file : string
        file name for surface mesh VTK containing labels for all vertices
    folds_or_file : numpy array, list or string
        fold number for each vertex / name of VTK file containing fold scalars
    hemi : string
        hemisphere abbreviation in {'lh', 'rh'} for sulcus labels
    min_boundary : integer
        minimum number of vertices for a sulcus label boundary segment
    sulcus_names : list of strings
        names of sulci
    save_file : bool
        save output VTK file?
    output_file : string
        name of output file in VTK format
    background_value : integer or float
        background value
    verbose : bool
        print statements?

    sulci : list of integers
        sulcus numbers for all vertices (-1 for non-sulcus vertices)
    n_sulci : integers
        number of sulci
    sulci_file : string
        output VTK file with sulcus numbers (-1 for non-sulcus vertices)

    >>> # Example 1: Extract sulcus from a fold with one sulcus label pair:
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from mindboggle.features.sulci import extract_sulci
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.fetch_data import prep_tests
    >>> urls, fetch_data = prep_tests()
    >>> # Load labels, folds, neighbor lists, and sulcus names and label pairs
    >>> labels_file = fetch_data(urls['left_freesurfer_labels'], '', '.vtk')
    >>> folds_file = fetch_data(urls['left_folds'], '', '.vtk')
    >>> folds_or_file, name = read_scalars(folds_file, True, True)
    >>> save_file = True
    >>> output_file = 'extract_sulci_fold4_1sulcus.vtk'
    >>> background_value = -1
    >>> # Limit number of folds to speed up the test:
    >>> limit_folds = True
    >>> if limit_folds:
    ...     fold_numbers = [4] #[4, 6]
    ...     i0 = [i for i,x in enumerate(folds_or_file) if x not in fold_numbers]
    ...     folds_or_file[i0] = background_value
    >>> hemi = 'lh'
    >>> min_boundary = 10
    >>> sulcus_names = []
    >>> verbose = False
    >>> sulci, n_sulci, sulci_file = extract_sulci(labels_file, folds_or_file,
    ...     hemi, min_boundary, sulcus_names, save_file, output_file,
    ...     background_value, verbose)
    >>> n_sulci  # 23 # (if not limit_folds)
    >>> lens = [len([x for x in sulci if x==y])
    ...         for y in np.unique(sulci) if y != -1]
    >>> lens[0:10]  # [6358, 3288, 7612, 5205, 4414, 6251, 3493, 2566, 4436, 739] # (if not limit_folds)

    View result without background (skip test):

    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.vtks import rewrite_scalars # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> output = 'extract_sulci_fold4_1sulcus_no_background.vtk'
    >>> rewrite_scalars(sulci_file, output, sulci,
    ...                 'sulci', sulci) # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> plot_surfaces(output) # doctest: +SKIP

    Example 2:  Extract sulcus from a fold with multiple sulcus label pairs:

    >>> folds_or_file, name = read_scalars(folds_file, True, True)
    >>> output_file = 'extract_sulci_fold7_2sulci.vtk'
    >>> # Limit number of folds to speed up the test:
    >>> limit_folds = True
    >>> if limit_folds:
    ...     fold_numbers = [7] #[4, 6]
    ...     i0 = [i for i,x in enumerate(folds_or_file) if x not in fold_numbers]
    ...     folds_or_file[i0] = background_value
    >>> sulci, n_sulci, sulci_file = extract_sulci(labels_file, folds_or_file,
    ...     hemi, min_boundary, sulcus_names, save_file, output_file,
    ...     background_value, verbose)
    >>> n_sulci  # 23 # (if not limit_folds)
    >>> lens = [len([x for x in sulci if x==y])
    ...         for y in np.unique(sulci) if y != -1]
    >>> lens[0:10]  # [6358, 3288, 7612, 5205, 4414, 6251, 3493, 2566, 4436, 739] # (if not limit_folds)
    [369, 93]

    View result without background (skip test):

    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.vtks import rewrite_scalars # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> output = 'extract_sulci_fold7_2sulci_no_background.vtk'
    >>> rewrite_scalars(sulci_file, output, sulci,
    ...                 'sulci', sulci) # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> plot_surfaces(output) # doctest: +SKIP

    import os
    from time import time
    import numpy as np

    from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars, read_vtk, rewrite_scalars
    from mindboggle.guts.mesh import find_neighbors
    from mindboggle.guts.segment import extract_borders, propagate, segment_regions
    from mindboggle.mio.labels import DKTprotocol

    # Load fold numbers if folds_or_file is a string:
    if isinstance(folds_or_file, str):
        folds, name = read_scalars(folds_or_file)
    elif isinstance(folds_or_file, list):
        folds = folds_or_file
    elif isinstance(folds_or_file, np.ndarray):
        folds = folds_or_file.tolist()

    dkt = DKTprotocol()

    if hemi == 'lh':
        pair_lists = dkt.left_sulcus_label_pair_lists
    elif hemi == 'rh':
        pair_lists = dkt.right_sulcus_label_pair_lists
        raise IOError(
            "Warning: hemisphere not properly specified ('lh' or 'rh').")

    # Load points, faces, and neighbors:
    points, indices, lines, faces, labels, scalar_names, npoints, \
            input_vtk = read_vtk(labels_file)
    neighbor_lists = find_neighbors(faces, npoints)

    # Array of sulcus IDs for fold vertices, initialized as -1.
    # Since we do not touch gyral vertices and vertices whose labels
    # are not in the label list, or vertices having only one label,
    # their sulcus IDs will remain -1:
    sulci = background_value * np.ones(npoints)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Loop through folds
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    fold_numbers = [int(x) for x in np.unique(folds) if x != background_value]
    n_folds = len(fold_numbers)
    if verbose:
        print("Extract sulci from {0} folds...".format(n_folds))
    t0 = time()
    for n_fold in fold_numbers:
        fold_indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(folds) if x == n_fold]
        len_fold = len(fold_indices)

        # List the labels in this fold:
        fold_labels = [labels[x] for x in fold_indices]
        unique_fold_labels = [
            int(x) for x in np.unique(fold_labels) if x != background_value

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
        # NO MATCH -- fold has fewer than two labels
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
        if verbose and len(unique_fold_labels) < 2:
            # Ignore: sulci already initialized with -1 values:
            if not unique_fold_labels:
                print("  Fold {0} ({1} vertices): "
                      "NO MATCH -- fold has no labels".format(
                          n_fold, len_fold))
                print("  Fold {0} ({1} vertices): "
                      "NO MATCH -- fold has only one label ({2})".format(
                          n_fold, len_fold, unique_fold_labels[0]))
            # Ignore: sulci already initialized with -1 values

            # Find all label boundary pairs within the fold:
            indices_fold_pairs, fold_pairs, unique_fold_pairs = \
                extract_borders(fold_indices, labels, neighbor_lists,
                                ignore_values=[], return_label_pairs=True)

            # Find fold label pairs in the protocol (pairs are already sorted):
            fold_pairs_in_protocol = [
                x for x in unique_fold_pairs
                if x in dkt.unique_sulcus_label_pairs

            if verbose and unique_fold_labels:
                print("  Fold {0} labels: {1} ({2} vertices)".format(
                    n_fold, ', '.join([str(x) for x in unique_fold_labels]),
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
            # NO MATCH -- fold has no sulcus label pair
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
            if verbose and not fold_pairs_in_protocol:
                print("  Fold {0}: NO MATCH -- fold has no sulcus label pair".
                      format(n_fold, len_fold))

            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
            # Possible matches
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
                if verbose:
                    print("  Fold {0} label pairs in protocol: {1}".format(
                        ', '.join([str(x) for x in fold_pairs_in_protocol])))

                # Labels in the protocol (includes repeats across label pairs):
                labels_in_pairs = [
                    x for lst in fold_pairs_in_protocol for x in lst

                # Labels that appear in one or more sulcus label boundary:
                unique_labels = []
                nonunique_labels = []
                for label in np.unique(labels_in_pairs):
                    if len([x for x in labels_in_pairs if x == label]) == 1:

                # ------------------------------------------------------------
                # Vertices whose labels are in only one sulcus label pair
                # ------------------------------------------------------------
                # Find vertices with a label that is in only one of the fold's
                # label pairs (the other label in the pair can exist in other
                # pairs). Assign the vertices the sulcus with the label pair
                # if they are connected to the label boundary for that pair.
                # ------------------------------------------------------------
                if unique_labels:

                    for pair in fold_pairs_in_protocol:

                        # If one or both labels in label pair is/are unique:
                        unique_labels_in_pair = [
                            x for x in pair if x in unique_labels
                        n_unique = len(unique_labels_in_pair)
                        if n_unique:

                            ID = None
                            for i, pair_list in enumerate(pair_lists):
                                if not isinstance(pair_list, list):
                                    pair_list = [pair_list]
                                if pair in pair_list:
                                    ID = i
                            if ID:
                                # Seeds from label boundary vertices
                                # (fold_pairs and pair already sorted):
                                indices_pair = [
                                    x for i, x in enumerate(indices_fold_pairs)
                                    if fold_pairs[i] == pair

                                # Vertices with unique label(s) in pair:
                                indices_unique_labels = [
                                    for i, x in enumerate(fold_labels)
                                    if x in unique_labels_in_pair

                                # Propagate sulcus ID from seeds to vertices
                                # with "unique" labels (only exist in one
                                # label pair in a fold); propagation ensures
                                # that sulci consist of contiguous vertices
                                # for each label boundary:
                                sulci2 = segment_regions(

                                sulci[sulci2 != background_value] = ID

                                # Print statement:
                                if verbose:
                                    if n_unique == 1:
                                        ps1 = 'One label'
                                        ps1 = 'Both labels'
                                    if len(sulcus_names):
                                        ps2 = sulcus_names[ID]
                                        ps2 = ''
                                    print("    {0} unique to one fold pair: "
                                          "{1} {2}".format(
                                              ps1, ps2, unique_labels_in_pair))

                # ------------------------------------------------------------
                # Vertex labels shared by multiple label pairs
                # ------------------------------------------------------------
                # Propagate labels from label borders to vertices with labels
                # that are shared by multiple label pairs in the fold.
                # ------------------------------------------------------------
                if len(nonunique_labels):
                    # For each label shared by different label pairs:
                    for label in nonunique_labels:
                        # Print statement:
                        if verbose:
                                "    Propagate sulcus borders with label {0}".

                        # Construct seeds from label boundary vertices:
                        seeds = background_value * np.ones(npoints)

                        for ID, pair_list in enumerate(pair_lists):
                            if not isinstance(pair_list, list):
                                pair_list = [pair_list]
                            label_pairs = [x for x in pair_list if label in x]
                            for label_pair in label_pairs:
                                indices_pair = [
                                    x for i, x in enumerate(indices_fold_pairs)
                                    if np.sort(fold_pairs[i]).tolist() ==
                                if indices_pair:

                                    # Do not include short boundary segments:
                                    if min_boundary > 1:
                                        indices_pair2 = []
                                        seeds2 = segment_regions(
                                            indices_pair, neighbor_lists, 1,
                                            [], False, False, [], [], [], '',
                                            background_value, verbose)

                                        useeds2 = [
                                            x for x in np.unique(seeds2)
                                            if x != background_value
                                        for seed2 in useeds2:
                                            iseed2 = [
                                                i for i, x in enumerate(seeds2)
                                                if x == seed2
                                            if len(iseed2) >= min_boundary:
                                            elif verbose:
                                                if len(iseed2) == 1:
                                                    print("    Remove "
                                                          "assignment "
                                                          "of ID {0} from "
                                                          "1 vertex".format(
                                                        "    Remove "
                                                        "assignment "
                                                        "of ID {0} from "
                                                        "{1} vertices".format(
                                        indices_pair = indices_pair2

                                    # Assign sulcus IDs to seeds:
                                    seeds[indices_pair] = ID

                        # Identify vertices with the label:
                        indices_label = [
                            fold_indices[i] for i, x in enumerate(fold_labels)
                            if x == label
                        if len(indices_label):

                            # Propagate sulcus ID from seeds to vertices
                            # with a given shared label:
                            seg_vs_prop = False
                            if seg_vs_prop:
                                indices_seeds = []
                                for seed in [
                                        x for x in np.unique(seeds)
                                        if x != background_value
                                        i for i, x in enumerate(seeds)
                                        if x == seed

                                sulci2 = segment_regions(
                                    indices_label, neighbor_lists, 50,
                                    indices_seeds, False, True, labels, [], [],
                                    '', background_value, verbose)
                                label_array = background_value * \
                                label_array[indices_label] = 1
                                sulci2 = propagate(
                            sulci[sulci2 != background_value] = \
                                sulci2[sulci2 != background_value]

    sulcus_numbers = [
        int(x) for x in np.unique(sulci) if x != background_value
    n_sulci = len(sulcus_numbers)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Print statements
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if verbose:
        if n_sulci == 1:
            sulcus_str = 'sulcus'
            sulcus_str = 'sulci'
        if n_folds == 1:
            folds_str = 'fold'
            folds_str = 'folds'
        print("Extracted {0} {1} from {2} {3} ({4:.1f}s):".format(
            n_sulci, sulcus_str, n_folds, folds_str,
            time() - t0))
        if sulcus_names:
            for sulcus_number in sulcus_numbers:
                print("  {0}: {1}".format(sulcus_number,
        elif sulcus_numbers:
            print("  " + ", ".join([str(x) for x in sulcus_numbers]))

        unresolved = [
            i for i in range(len(pair_lists)) if i not in sulcus_numbers
        if len(unresolved) == 1:
            print("The following sulcus is unaccounted for:")
            print("The following {0} sulci are unaccounted for:".format(
        if sulcus_names:
            for sulcus_number in unresolved:
                print("  {0}: {1}".format(sulcus_number,
            print("  " + ", ".join([str(x) for x in unresolved]))

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Return sulci, number of sulci, and file name
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    sulci = [int(x) for x in sulci]

    sulci_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'sulci.vtk')
    rewrite_scalars(labels_file, sulci_file, sulci, 'sulci', [],

    if not os.path.exists(sulci_file):
        raise IOError(sulci_file + " not found")

    return sulci, n_sulci, sulci_file
# [[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], ...]
points = np.array(read_points(mean_curv_file))
xyz = points.T  # transposed: [[x1, x2, ...], [y1, y2, ...], [z1, z2, ...]]
mean_curv, _ = read_scalars(
    mean_curv_file, return_first=True, return_array=True)
print('number of points: {}'.format(mean_curv.size))
if method == 0 or method == 1:
     gauss_curv, _ = read_scalars(
         gauss_curv_file, return_first=True, return_array=True)
if method == 0:
     max_curv, _ = read_scalars(
         max_curv_file, return_first=True, return_array=True)
     min_curv, _ = read_scalars(
         min_curv_file, return_first=True, return_array=True)
     curvedness = np.sqrt((max_curv ** 2 + min_curv ** 2) / 2)
     rewrite_scalars(surface_file, curvedness_file, curvedness, "curvedness")

# Write the curvatures to a CSV file
df = pd.DataFrame()
df['x'] = xyz[0]
df['y'] = xyz[1]
df['z'] = xyz[2]
df['mean_curvature'] = mean_curv
if method == 0 or method == 1:
     df['gauss_curvature'] = gauss_curv
if method == 0:
     df['kappa1'] = max_curv
     df['kappa2'] = min_curv
     df['curvedness'] = curvedness
df.to_csv(curvatures_file, sep=';')
Example #22
def extract_folds(depth_file,
    Use depth threshold to extract folds from a triangular surface mesh.

    A fold is a group of connected, deep vertices. To extract folds,
    a depth threshold is used to segment deep vertices of the surface mesh.
    We have observed in the histograms of travel depth measures of cortical
    surfaces that there is a rapidly decreasing distribution of low depth
    values (corresponding to the outer surface, or gyral crowns) with a
    long tail of higher depth values (corresponding to the folds).

    The find_depth_threshold function therefore computes a histogram of
    travel depth measures, smooths the histogram's bin values, convolves
    to compute slopes, and finds the depth value for the first bin with
    zero slope. The extract_folds function uses this depth value, segments
    deep vertices, and removes extremely small folds (empirically set at 50
    vertices or fewer out of a total mesh size of over 100,000 vertices).

    Steps ::
        1. Segment deep vertices as an initial set of folds.
        2. Remove small folds.
        3. Renumber folds.

    Note ::
        Removed option: Find and fill holes in the folds:
        Folds could have holes in areas shallower than the depth threshold.
        Calling fill_holes() could accidentally include very shallow areas
        (in an annulus-shaped fold, for example).
        However, we could include the argument exclude_range to check for
        any values from zero to min_hole_depth; holes would not be filled
        if they were to contain values within this range.

    depth_file : string
        surface mesh file in VTK format with faces and depth scalar values
    depth_threshold :  float
        threshold defining the minimum depth for vertices to be in a fold
    min_fold_size : integer
        minimum fold size (number of vertices)
    save_file : bool
        save output VTK file?
    output_file : string
        name of output file in VTK format
    background_value : integer or float
        background value
    verbose : bool
        print statements?

    folds : list of integers
        fold numbers for all vertices (-1 for non-fold vertices)
    n_folds :  int
        number of folds
    folds_file : string (if save_file)
        name of output VTK file with fold IDs (-1 for non-fold vertices)

    >>> from mindboggle.features.folds import extract_folds
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.fetch_data import prep_tests
    >>> urls, fetch_data = prep_tests()
    >>> depth_file = fetch_data(urls['left_travel_depth'], '', '.vtk')
    >>> depth_threshold = 2.36089
    >>> min_fold_size = 50
    >>> save_file = True
    >>> output_file = 'extract_folds.vtk'
    >>> background_value = -1
    >>> verbose = False
    >>> folds, n_folds, folds_file = extract_folds(depth_file,
    ...     depth_threshold, min_fold_size, save_file, output_file,
    ...     background_value, verbose)
    >>> n_folds
    >>> lens = [len([x for x in folds if x == y]) for y in range(n_folds)]
    >>> lens[0:10]
    [726, 67241, 2750, 5799, 1151, 6360, 1001, 505, 228, 198]

    View folds (skip test):

    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> plot_surfaces('extract_folds.vtk') # doctest: +SKIP

    View folds without background (skip test):

    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.vtks import rewrite_scalars # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> rewrite_scalars(depth_file, 'extract_folds_no_background.vtk', folds,
    ...     'just_folds', folds, -1) # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> plot_surfaces('extract_folds_no_background.vtk') # doctest: +SKIP

    import os
    import numpy as np
    from time import time

    from mindboggle.mio.vtks import rewrite_scalars, read_vtk
    from mindboggle.guts.mesh import find_neighbors
    from mindboggle.guts.segment import segment_regions

    if verbose:
        print("Extract folds in surface mesh")
        t0 = time()

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Load depth values for all vertices
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    points, indices, lines, faces, depths, scalar_names, npoints, \
        input_vtk = read_vtk(depth_file, return_first=True, return_array=True)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Find the deepest vertices
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    indices_deep = [i for i, x in enumerate(depths) if x >= depth_threshold]
    if indices_deep:

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Find neighbors for each vertex
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
        neighbor_lists = find_neighbors(faces, npoints)

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Segment deep vertices as an initial set of folds
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
        if verbose:
            print("  Segment vertices deeper than {0:.2f} as folds".format(
            t1 = time()
        folds = segment_regions(indices_deep, neighbor_lists, 1, [], False,
                                False, [], [], [], '', background_value, False)
        if verbose:
            print('  ...Segmented folds ({0:.2f} seconds)'.format(time() - t1))

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Remove small folds
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
        if min_fold_size > 1:
            if verbose:
                print('  Remove folds smaller than {0}'.format(min_fold_size))
            unique_folds = [
                x for x in np.unique(folds) if x != background_value
            for nfold in unique_folds:
                indices_fold = [i for i, x in enumerate(folds) if x == nfold]
                if len(indices_fold) < min_fold_size:
                    folds[indices_fold] = background_value

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Find and fill holes in the folds
        # Note: Surfaces surrounded by folds can be mistaken for holes,
        #       so exclude_range includes outer surface values close to zero.
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
        # folds = fill_holes(folds, neighbor_lists, values=depths,
        #                    exclude_range=[0, min_hole_depth])

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Renumber folds so they are sequential.
        # NOTE: All vertices are included (-1 for non-fold vertices).
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
        renumber_folds = background_value * np.ones(npoints)
        fold_numbers = [x for x in np.unique(folds) if x != background_value]
        for i_fold, n_fold in enumerate(fold_numbers):
            fold_indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(folds) if x == n_fold]
            renumber_folds[fold_indices] = i_fold
        folds = renumber_folds
        folds = [int(x) for x in folds]
        n_folds = i_fold + 1

        # Print statement
        if verbose:
            print('  ...Extracted {0} folds ({1:.2f} seconds)'.format(
                time() - t0))
        if verbose:
            print('  No deep vertices')

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Return folds, number of folds, file name
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if save_file:

        if output_file:
            folds_file = output_file
            folds_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'folds.vtk')
        rewrite_scalars(depth_file, folds_file, folds, 'folds', [],

        if not os.path.exists(folds_file):
            raise IOError(folds_file + " not found")

        folds_file = None

    return folds, n_folds, folds_file
Example #23
def extract_sulci(
    Identify sulci from folds in a brain surface according to a labeling
    protocol that includes a list of label pairs defining each sulcus.

    Since folds are defined as deep, connected areas of a surface, and since
    folds may be connected to each other in ways that differ across brains,
    there usually does not exist a one-to-one mapping between folds of one
    brain and those of another.  To address the correspondence problem then,
    we need to find just those portions of the folds that correspond across
    brains. To accomplish this, Mindboggle segments folds into sulci, which
    do have a one-to-one correspondence across non-pathological brains.
    Mindboggle defines a sulcus as a folded portion of cortex whose opposing
    banks are labeled with one or more sulcus label pairs in the DKT labeling
    protocol, where each label pair is unique to one sulcus and represents
    a boundary between two adjacent gyri, and each vertex has one gyrus label.

    This function assigns vertices in a fold to a sulcus in one of two cases.
    In the first case, vertices whose labels are in only one label pair in
    the fold are assigned to the label pair’s sulcus if they are connected
    through similarly labeled vertices to the boundary between the two labels.
    In the second case, the segment_regions function propagates labels from
    label borders to vertices whose labels are in multiple label pairs in the

    Steps for each fold ::

        1. Remove fold if it has fewer than two labels.
        2. Remove fold if its labels do not contain a sulcus label pair.
        3. Find vertices with labels that are in only one of the fold's
           label boundary pairs. Assign the vertices the sulcus with the label
           pair if they are connected to the label boundary for that pair.
        4. If there are remaining vertices, segment into sets of vertices
           connected to label boundaries, and assign a unique ID to each set.

    labels_file : string
        file name for surface mesh VTK containing labels for all vertices
    folds_or_file : numpy array, list or string
        fold number for each vertex / name of VTK file containing fold scalars
    hemi : string
        hemisphere abbreviation in {'lh', 'rh'} for sulcus labels
    min_boundary : integer
        minimum number of vertices for a sulcus label boundary segment
    sulcus_names : list of strings
        names of sulci
    save_file : bool
        save output VTK file?
    output_file : string
        name of output file in VTK format
    background_value : integer or float
        background value
    verbose : bool
        print statements?

    sulci : list of integers
        sulcus numbers for all vertices (-1 for non-sulcus vertices)
    n_sulci : integers
        number of sulci
    sulci_file : string
        output VTK file with sulcus numbers (-1 for non-sulcus vertices)

    >>> # Example 1: Extract sulcus from a fold with one sulcus label pair:
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from mindboggle.features.sulci import extract_sulci
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.fetch_data import prep_tests
    >>> urls, fetch_data = prep_tests()
    >>> # Load labels, folds, neighbor lists, and sulcus names and label pairs
    >>> labels_file = fetch_data(urls['left_freesurfer_labels'], '', '.vtk')
    >>> folds_file = fetch_data(urls['left_folds'], '', '.vtk')
    >>> folds_or_file, name = read_scalars(folds_file, True, True)
    >>> save_file = True
    >>> output_file = 'extract_sulci_fold4_1sulcus.vtk'
    >>> background_value = -1
    >>> # Limit number of folds to speed up the test:
    >>> limit_folds = True
    >>> if limit_folds:
    ...     fold_numbers = [4] #[4, 6]
    ...     i0 = [i for i,x in enumerate(folds_or_file) if x not in fold_numbers]
    ...     folds_or_file[i0] = background_value
    >>> hemi = 'lh'
    >>> min_boundary = 10
    >>> sulcus_names = []
    >>> verbose = False
    >>> sulci, n_sulci, sulci_file = extract_sulci(labels_file, folds_or_file,
    ...     hemi, min_boundary, sulcus_names, save_file, output_file,
    ...     background_value, verbose)
    >>> n_sulci  # 23 # (if not limit_folds)
    >>> lens = [len([x for x in sulci if x==y])
    ...         for y in np.unique(sulci) if y != -1]
    >>> lens[0:10]  # [6358, 3288, 7612, 5205, 4414, 6251, 3493, 2566, 4436, 739] # (if not limit_folds)

    View result without background (skip test):

    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.vtks import rewrite_scalars # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> output = 'extract_sulci_fold4_1sulcus_no_background.vtk'
    >>> rewrite_scalars(sulci_file, output, sulci,
    ...                 'sulci', sulci) # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> plot_surfaces(output) # doctest: +SKIP

    Example 2:  Extract sulcus from a fold with multiple sulcus label pairs:

    >>> folds_or_file, name = read_scalars(folds_file, True, True)
    >>> output_file = 'extract_sulci_fold7_2sulci.vtk'
    >>> # Limit number of folds to speed up the test:
    >>> limit_folds = True
    >>> if limit_folds:
    ...     fold_numbers = [7] #[4, 6]
    ...     i0 = [i for i,x in enumerate(folds_or_file) if x not in fold_numbers]
    ...     folds_or_file[i0] = background_value
    >>> sulci, n_sulci, sulci_file = extract_sulci(labels_file, folds_or_file,
    ...     hemi, min_boundary, sulcus_names, save_file, output_file,
    ...     background_value, verbose)
    >>> n_sulci  # 23 # (if not limit_folds)
    >>> lens = [len([x for x in sulci if x==y])
    ...         for y in np.unique(sulci) if y != -1]
    >>> lens[0:10]  # [6358, 3288, 7612, 5205, 4414, 6251, 3493, 2566, 4436, 739] # (if not limit_folds)
    [369, 93]

    View result without background (skip test):

    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.vtks import rewrite_scalars # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> output = 'extract_sulci_fold7_2sulci_no_background.vtk'
    >>> rewrite_scalars(sulci_file, output, sulci,
    ...                 'sulci', sulci) # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> plot_surfaces(output) # doctest: +SKIP

    import os
    from time import time
    import numpy as np

    from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars, read_vtk, rewrite_scalars
    from mindboggle.guts.mesh import find_neighbors
    from mindboggle.guts.segment import extract_borders, propagate, segment_regions
    from mindboggle.mio.labels import DKTprotocol

    # Load fold numbers if folds_or_file is a string:
    if isinstance(folds_or_file, str):
        folds, name = read_scalars(folds_or_file)
    elif isinstance(folds_or_file, list):
        folds = folds_or_file
    elif isinstance(folds_or_file, np.ndarray):
        folds = folds_or_file.tolist()

    dkt = DKTprotocol()

    if hemi == "lh":
        pair_lists = dkt.left_sulcus_label_pair_lists
    elif hemi == "rh":
        pair_lists = dkt.right_sulcus_label_pair_lists
        raise IOError("Warning: hemisphere not properly specified ('lh' or 'rh').")

    # Load points, faces, and neighbors:
    points, indices, lines, faces, labels, scalar_names, npoints, input_vtk = read_vtk(labels_file)
    neighbor_lists = find_neighbors(faces, npoints)

    # Array of sulcus IDs for fold vertices, initialized as -1.
    # Since we do not touch gyral vertices and vertices whose labels
    # are not in the label list, or vertices having only one label,
    # their sulcus IDs will remain -1:
    sulci = background_value * np.ones(npoints)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Loop through folds
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    fold_numbers = [int(x) for x in np.unique(folds) if x != background_value]
    n_folds = len(fold_numbers)
    if verbose:
        print("Extract sulci from {0} folds...".format(n_folds))
    t0 = time()
    for n_fold in fold_numbers:
        fold_indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(folds) if x == n_fold]
        len_fold = len(fold_indices)

        # List the labels in this fold:
        fold_labels = [labels[x] for x in fold_indices]
        unique_fold_labels = [int(x) for x in np.unique(fold_labels) if x != background_value]

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
        # NO MATCH -- fold has fewer than two labels
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
        if verbose and len(unique_fold_labels) < 2:
            # Ignore: sulci already initialized with -1 values:
            if not unique_fold_labels:
                print("  Fold {0} ({1} vertices): " "NO MATCH -- fold has no labels".format(n_fold, len_fold))
                    "  Fold {0} ({1} vertices): "
                    "NO MATCH -- fold has only one label ({2})".format(n_fold, len_fold, unique_fold_labels[0])
            # Ignore: sulci already initialized with -1 values

            # Find all label boundary pairs within the fold:
            indices_fold_pairs, fold_pairs, unique_fold_pairs = extract_borders(
                fold_indices, labels, neighbor_lists, ignore_values=[], return_label_pairs=True

            # Find fold label pairs in the protocol (pairs are already sorted):
            fold_pairs_in_protocol = [x for x in unique_fold_pairs if x in dkt.unique_sulcus_label_pairs]

            if verbose and unique_fold_labels:
                    "  Fold {0} labels: {1} ({2} vertices)".format(
                        n_fold, ", ".join([str(x) for x in unique_fold_labels]), len_fold
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
            # NO MATCH -- fold has no sulcus label pair
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
            if verbose and not fold_pairs_in_protocol:
                print("  Fold {0}: NO MATCH -- fold has no sulcus label pair".format(n_fold, len_fold))

            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
            # Possible matches
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
                if verbose:
                        "  Fold {0} label pairs in protocol: {1}".format(
                            n_fold, ", ".join([str(x) for x in fold_pairs_in_protocol])

                # Labels in the protocol (includes repeats across label pairs):
                labels_in_pairs = [x for lst in fold_pairs_in_protocol for x in lst]

                # Labels that appear in one or more sulcus label boundary:
                unique_labels = []
                nonunique_labels = []
                for label in np.unique(labels_in_pairs):
                    if len([x for x in labels_in_pairs if x == label]) == 1:

                # ------------------------------------------------------------
                # Vertices whose labels are in only one sulcus label pair
                # ------------------------------------------------------------
                # Find vertices with a label that is in only one of the fold's
                # label pairs (the other label in the pair can exist in other
                # pairs). Assign the vertices the sulcus with the label pair
                # if they are connected to the label boundary for that pair.
                # ------------------------------------------------------------
                if unique_labels:

                    for pair in fold_pairs_in_protocol:

                        # If one or both labels in label pair is/are unique:
                        unique_labels_in_pair = [x for x in pair if x in unique_labels]
                        n_unique = len(unique_labels_in_pair)
                        if n_unique:

                            ID = None
                            for i, pair_list in enumerate(pair_lists):
                                if not isinstance(pair_list, list):
                                    pair_list = [pair_list]
                                if pair in pair_list:
                                    ID = i
                            if ID:
                                # Seeds from label boundary vertices
                                # (fold_pairs and pair already sorted):
                                indices_pair = [x for i, x in enumerate(indices_fold_pairs) if fold_pairs[i] == pair]

                                # Vertices with unique label(s) in pair:
                                indices_unique_labels = [
                                    fold_indices[i] for i, x in enumerate(fold_labels) if x in unique_labels_in_pair
                                # dkt.unique_sulcus_label_pairs]

                                # Propagate sulcus ID from seeds to vertices
                                # with "unique" labels (only exist in one
                                # label pair in a fold); propagation ensures
                                # that sulci consist of contiguous vertices
                                # for each label boundary:
                                sulci2 = segment_regions(

                                sulci[sulci2 != background_value] = ID

                                # Print statement:
                                if verbose:
                                    if n_unique == 1:
                                        ps1 = "One label"
                                        ps1 = "Both labels"
                                    if len(sulcus_names):
                                        ps2 = sulcus_names[ID]
                                        ps2 = ""
                                        "    {0} unique to one fold pair: "
                                        "{1} {2}".format(ps1, ps2, unique_labels_in_pair)

                # ------------------------------------------------------------
                # Vertex labels shared by multiple label pairs
                # ------------------------------------------------------------
                # Propagate labels from label borders to vertices with labels
                # that are shared by multiple label pairs in the fold.
                # ------------------------------------------------------------
                if len(nonunique_labels):
                    # For each label shared by different label pairs:
                    for label in nonunique_labels:
                        # Print statement:
                        if verbose:
                            print("    Propagate sulcus borders with label {0}".format(int(label)))

                        # Construct seeds from label boundary vertices:
                        seeds = background_value * np.ones(npoints)

                        for ID, pair_list in enumerate(pair_lists):
                            if not isinstance(pair_list, list):
                                pair_list = [pair_list]
                            label_pairs = [x for x in pair_list if label in x]
                            for label_pair in label_pairs:
                                indices_pair = [
                                    for i, x in enumerate(indices_fold_pairs)
                                    if np.sort(fold_pairs[i]).tolist() == label_pair
                                if indices_pair:

                                    # Do not include short boundary segments:
                                    if min_boundary > 1:
                                        indices_pair2 = []
                                        seeds2 = segment_regions(

                                        useeds2 = [x for x in np.unique(seeds2) if x != background_value]
                                        for seed2 in useeds2:
                                            iseed2 = [i for i, x in enumerate(seeds2) if x == seed2]
                                            if len(iseed2) >= min_boundary:
                                            elif verbose:
                                                if len(iseed2) == 1:
                                                        "    Remove "
                                                        "assignment "
                                                        "of ID {0} from "
                                                        "1 vertex".format(seed2)
                                                        "    Remove "
                                                        "assignment "
                                                        "of ID {0} from "
                                                        "{1} vertices".format(seed2, len(iseed2))
                                        indices_pair = indices_pair2

                                    # Assign sulcus IDs to seeds:
                                    seeds[indices_pair] = ID

                        # Identify vertices with the label:
                        indices_label = [fold_indices[i] for i, x in enumerate(fold_labels) if x == label]
                        if len(indices_label):

                            # Propagate sulcus ID from seeds to vertices
                            # with a given shared label:
                            seg_vs_prop = False
                            if seg_vs_prop:
                                indices_seeds = []
                                for seed in [x for x in np.unique(seeds) if x != background_value]:
                                    indices_seeds.append([i for i, x in enumerate(seeds) if x == seed])

                                sulci2 = segment_regions(
                                label_array = background_value * np.ones(npoints)
                                label_array[indices_label] = 1
                                sulci2 = propagate(
                            sulci[sulci2 != background_value] = sulci2[sulci2 != background_value]

    sulcus_numbers = [int(x) for x in np.unique(sulci) if x != background_value]
    n_sulci = len(sulcus_numbers)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Print statements
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if verbose:
        if n_sulci == 1:
            sulcus_str = "sulcus"
            sulcus_str = "sulci"
        if n_folds == 1:
            folds_str = "fold"
            folds_str = "folds"
        print("Extracted {0} {1} from {2} {3} ({4:.1f}s):".format(n_sulci, sulcus_str, n_folds, folds_str, time() - t0))
        if sulcus_names:
            for sulcus_number in sulcus_numbers:
                print("  {0}: {1}".format(sulcus_number, sulcus_names[sulcus_number]))
        elif sulcus_numbers:
            print("  " + ", ".join([str(x) for x in sulcus_numbers]))

        unresolved = [i for i in range(len(pair_lists)) if i not in sulcus_numbers]
        if len(unresolved) == 1:
            print("The following sulcus is unaccounted for:")
            print("The following {0} sulci are unaccounted for:".format(len(unresolved)))
        if sulcus_names:
            for sulcus_number in unresolved:
                print("  {0}: {1}".format(sulcus_number, sulcus_names[sulcus_number]))
            print("  " + ", ".join([str(x) for x in unresolved]))

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Return sulci, number of sulci, and file name
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    sulci = [int(x) for x in sulci]

    sulci_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "sulci.vtk")
    rewrite_scalars(labels_file, sulci_file, sulci, "sulci", [], background_value)

    if not os.path.exists(sulci_file):
        raise IOError(sulci_file + " not found")

    return sulci, n_sulci, sulci_file
Example #24
def rescale_by_neighborhood(input_vtk,
    Rescale the scalar values of a VTK file by a percentile value
    in each vertex's surface mesh neighborhood.

    input_vtk : string
        name of VTK file with a scalar value for each vertex
    indices : list of integers (optional)
        indices of scalars to normalize
    nedges : integer
        number or edges from vertex, defining the size of its neighborhood
    p : float in range of [0,100]
        percentile used to normalize each scalar
    set_max_to_1 : Boolean
        set all rescaled values greater than 1 to 1.0?
    save_file : Boolean
        save output VTK file?
    output_filestring : string (if save_file)
        name of output file
    background_value : integer
        background value

    rescaled_scalars : list of floats
        rescaled scalar values
    rescaled_scalars_file : string (if save_file)
        name of output VTK file with rescaled scalar values

    >>> import os
    >>> from mindboggle.guts.mesh import rescale_by_neighborhood
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars, rewrite_scalars
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces
    >>> path = os.environ['MINDBOGGLE_DATA']
    >>> input_vtk = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'shapes', 'lh.pial.travel_depth.vtk')
    >>> indices = []
    >>> nedges = 10
    >>> p = 99
    >>> set_max_to_1 = True
    >>> save_file = True
    >>> output_filestring = 'rescaled_scalars'
    >>> background_value = -1
    >>> #
    >>> rescaled_scalars, rescaled_scalars_file = rescale_by_neighborhood(input_vtk,
    >>>     indices, nedges, p, set_max_to_1, save_file, output_filestring, background_value)
    >>> #
    >>> # View rescaled scalar values per fold:
    >>> folds_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'features', 'folds.vtk')
    >>> folds, name = read_scalars(folds_file)
    >>> #
    >>> rewrite_scalars(rescaled_scalars_file, rescaled_scalars_file,
    >>>                 rescaled_scalars, 'rescaled_depths', folds)
    >>> plot_surfaces(rescaled_scalars_file)

    import os
    import numpy as np
    from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars, rewrite_scalars
    from mindboggle.guts.mesh import find_neighbors_from_file, find_neighborhood

    # Load scalars and vertex neighbor lists:
    scalars, name = read_scalars(input_vtk, True, True)
    if not indices:
        indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(scalars) if x != background_value]
    print("  Rescaling {0} scalar values by neighborhood...".format(
    neighbor_lists = find_neighbors_from_file(input_vtk)

    # Loop through vertices:
    rescaled_scalars = scalars.copy()
    for index in indices:

        # Determine the scalars in the vertex's neighborhood:
        neighborhood = find_neighborhood(neighbor_lists, [index], nedges)

        # Compute a high neighborhood percentile to normalize vertex's value:
        normalization_factor = np.percentile(scalars[neighborhood], p)
        rescaled_scalar = scalars[index] / normalization_factor
        rescaled_scalars[index] = rescaled_scalar

    # Make any rescaled value greater than 1 equal to 1:
    if set_max_to_1:
        rescaled_scalars[[x for x in indices if rescaled_scalars[x] > 1.0]] = 1

    rescaled_scalars = rescaled_scalars.tolist()

    # Return rescaled scalars and file name
    if save_file:

        rescaled_scalars_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
                                             output_filestring + '.vtk')
        rewrite_scalars(input_vtk, rescaled_scalars_file, rescaled_scalars,
        if not os.path.exists(rescaled_scalars_file):
            raise (IOError(rescaled_scalars_file + " not found"))

        rescaled_scalars_file = None

    return rescaled_scalars, rescaled_scalars_file
Example #25
def compute_likelihood(trained_file, depth_file, curvature_file, folds,
    Compute likelihoods based on input values, folds, and estimated parameters.

    Compute likelihood values for a given VTK surface mesh file, after training
    on distributions of depth and curvature values from multiple files.

    trained_file : pickle compressed file
        contains the following dictionaries containing lists of floats
        (estimates of depth or curvature means, sigmas, and weights
         trained on fold vertices either on or off sulcus label borders)
        depth_border, curv_border, depth_nonborder, curv_nonborder
    depth_file : string
        VTK surface mesh file with depth values in [0,1] for all vertices
    curvature_file : string
        VTK surface mesh file with curvature values in [-1,1] for all vertices
    folds : list of integers
        fold number for all vertices (-1 for non-fold vertices)
    save_file : Boolean
        save output VTK file?

    likelihoods : list of floats
        likelihood values for all vertices (0 for non-fold vertices)
    likelihoods_file : string (if save_file)
        name of output VTK file with likelihood scalars
        (-1 for non-fold vertices)

    >>> import os
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars, rewrite_scalars
    >>> from mindboggle.shapes.likelihood import compute_likelihood
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces
    >>> path = os.environ['MINDBOGGLE_DATA']
    >>> trained_file = os.path.join(path, 'atlases', 'depth_curv_border_nonborder_parameters.pkl')
    >>> #depth_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'shapes', 'travel_depth_rescaled.vtk')
    >>> depth_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'shapes', 'lh.pial.travel_depth.vtk')
    >>> curvature_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'shapes', 'lh.pial.mean_curvature.vtk')
    >>> folds_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'features', 'folds.vtk')
    >>> folds, name = read_scalars(folds_file)
    >>> save_file = True
    >>> #
    >>> compute_likelihood(trained_file, depth_file, curvature_file, folds, save_file)
    >>> # View:
    >>> plot_surfaces('likelihoods.vtk', folds_file)

    import os
    import numpy as np
    from math import pi
    import cPickle as pickle

    from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars, rewrite_scalars

    # Initialize variables:
    tiny = 0.000000001
    L = np.zeros(len(folds))
    probs_border = np.zeros(len(folds))
    probs_nonborder = np.zeros(len(folds))

    # Load estimated depth and curvature distribution parameters:
    depth_border, curv_border, depth_nonborder, curv_nonborder = pickle.load(
        open(trained_file, "r"))

    # Load depths, curvatures:
    depths, name = read_scalars(depth_file, True, True)
    curvatures, name = read_scalars(curvature_file, True, True)

    # Prep for below:
    n = 2
    twopiexp = (2*pi)**(n/2)
    border_sigmas = depth_border['sigmas'] * curv_border['sigmas']
    nonborder_sigmas = depth_nonborder['sigmas'] * curv_nonborder['sigmas']
    norm_border = 1 / (twopiexp * border_sigmas + tiny)
    norm_nonborder = 1 / (twopiexp * nonborder_sigmas + tiny)
    I = [i for i,x in enumerate(folds) if x != -1]

    N = depth_border['sigmas'].shape[0]
    for j in range(N):

        # Border:
        expB = depth_border['weights'][j] * \
            ((depths[I]-depth_border['means'][j])**2) / \
        expB += curv_border['weights'][j] * \
            ((curvatures[I]-curv_border['means'][j])**2) / \
        expB = -expB / 2
        probs_border[I] = probs_border[I] + norm_border[j] * np.exp(expB)

        # Non-border:
        expNB = depth_nonborder['weights'][j] * \
            ((depths[I]-depth_nonborder['means'][j])**2) / \
        expNB += curv_nonborder['weights'][j] * \
            ((curvatures[I]-curv_nonborder['means'][j])**2) / \
        expNB = -expNB / 2
        probs_nonborder[I] = probs_nonborder[I] + norm_nonborder[j] * np.exp(expNB)

    likelihoods = probs_border / (probs_nonborder + probs_border + tiny)
    likelihoods = likelihoods.tolist()

    # Return likelihoods and output file name
    if save_file:

        likelihoods_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'likelihoods.vtk')
        rewrite_scalars(depth_file, likelihoods_file, likelihoods,
                        'likelihoods', likelihoods)
        if not os.path.exists(likelihoods_file):
            raise(IOError(likelihoods_file + " not found"))

        likelihoods_file = None

    return likelihoods, likelihoods_file
Example #26
def extract_subfolds(depth_file, folds, min_size=10, depth_factor=0.25,
                     depth_ratio=0.1, tolerance=0.01, save_file=False):
    Use depth to segment folds into subfolds in a triangular surface mesh.

    Note ::

        The function extract_sulci() performs about the same whether folds
        or subfolds are used as input.  The latter leads to some loss of
        small subfolds and possibly holes for small subfolds in the middle
        of other subfolds.

    Note about the watershed() function:
    The watershed() function performs individual seed growing from deep seeds,
    repeats segmentation from the resulting seeds until each seed's segment
    touches a boundary. The function segment() fills in the rest. Finally
    segments are joined if their seeds are too close to each other.
    Despite these precautions, the order of seed selection in segment() could
    possibly influence the resulting borders between adjoining segments.
    [The propagate() function is slower and insensitive to depth,
     but is not biased by seed order.]

    depth_file : string
        surface mesh file in VTK format with faces and depth scalar values
    folds : list of integers
        fold numbers for all vertices (-1 for non-fold vertices)
    min_size : integer
        minimum number of vertices for a subfold
    depth_factor : float
        watershed() depth_factor:
        factor to determine whether to merge two neighboring watershed catchment
        basins -- they are merged if the Euclidean distance between their basin
        seeds is less than this fraction of the maximum Euclidean distance
        between points having minimum and maximum depths
    depth_ratio : float
        watershed() depth_ratio:
        the minimum fraction of depth for a neighboring shallower
        watershed catchment basin (otherwise merged with the deeper basin)
    tolerance : float
        watershed() tolerance:
        tolerance for detecting differences in depth between vertices
    save_file : Boolean
        save output VTK file?

    subfolds : list of integers
        fold numbers for all vertices (-1 for non-fold vertices)
    n_subfolds :  int
        number of subfolds
    subfolds_file : string (if save_file)
        name of output VTK file with fold IDs (-1 for non-fold vertices)

    >>> import os
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars, rewrite_scalars
    >>> from mindboggle.guts.mesh import find_neighbors_from_file
    >>> from mindboggle.features.folds import extract_subfolds
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces
    >>> path = os.environ['MINDBOGGLE_DATA']
    >>> depth_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'shapes', 'lh.pial.travel_depth.vtk')
    >>> folds_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'features', 'folds.vtk')
    >>> folds, name = read_scalars(folds_file)
    >>> min_size = 10
    >>> depth_factor = 0.5
    >>> depth_ratio = 0.1
    >>> tolerance = 0.01
    >>> #
    >>> subfolds, n_subfolds, subfolds_file = extract_subfolds(depth_file,
    >>>     folds, min_size, depth_factor, depth_ratio, tolerance, True)
    >>> #
    >>> # View:
    >>> rewrite_scalars(depth_file, 'subfolds.vtk', subfolds, 'subfolds', subfolds)
    >>> plot_surfaces('subfolds.vtk')

    import os
    import numpy as np
    from time import time
    from mindboggle.mio.vtks import rewrite_scalars, read_vtk
    from mindboggle.guts.mesh import find_neighbors
    from mindboggle.guts.segment import segment, propagate, watershed

    print("Segment folds into subfolds")
    t0 = time()

    # Load depth values for all vertices
    faces, lines, indices, points, npoints, depths, \
        name, input_vtk = read_vtk(depth_file, return_first=True,

    # Find neighbors for each vertex
    neighbor_lists = find_neighbors(faces, npoints)

    # Segment folds into "watershed basins"
    indices_folds = [i for i,x in enumerate(folds) if x != -1]
    subfolds, seed_indices = watershed(depths, points, indices_folds,
                                 neighbor_lists, min_size, depth_factor=0.25,
                                 depth_ratio=0.1, tolerance=0.01, regrow=True)

    # Print statement
    n_subfolds = len([x for x in np.unique(subfolds) if x != -1])
    print('  ...Extracted {0} subfolds ({1:.2f} seconds)'.
          format(n_subfolds, time() - t0))

    # Return subfolds, number of subfolds, file name
    if save_file:
        subfolds_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'subfolds.vtk')
        rewrite_scalars(depth_file, subfolds_file,
                        subfolds, 'subfolds', subfolds)

        if not os.path.exists(subfolds_file):
            raise(IOError(subfolds_file + " not found"))

        subfolds_file = None

    return subfolds, n_subfolds, subfolds_file
Example #27
def plot_mask_surface(vtk_file, mask_file='', nonmask_value=-1,
                      masked_output='', remove_nonmask=False,
                      use_colormap=False, colormap_file=''):
    Use vtkviewer or mayavi2 to visualize VTK surface mesh data.

    If a mask_file is provided, a temporary masked file is saved,
    and it is this file that is viewed.

    If using vtkviewer, can optionally provide colormap file
    or set $COLORMAP environment variable.

    vtk_file : string
        name of VTK surface mesh file
    mask_file : string
        name of VTK surface mesh file to mask vtk_file vertices
    nonmask_value : integer
        nonmask (usually background) value
    masked_output : string
        temporary masked output file name
    remove_nonmask : Boolean
        remove vertices that are not in mask? (otherwise assign nonmask_value)
    program : string {'vtkviewer', 'mayavi2'}
        program to visualize VTK file
    use_colormap : Boolean
        use Paraview-style XML colormap file set by $COLORMAP env variable?
    colormap_file : string
        use colormap in given file if use_colormap==True?  if empty and
        use_colormap==True, use file set by $COLORMAP environment variable

    >>> import os
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_mask_surface
    >>> path = os.environ['MINDBOGGLE_DATA']
    >>> vtk_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'labels', 'lh.labels.DKT31.manual.vtk')
    >>> mask_file = os.path.join(path, 'test_one_label.vtk')
    >>> nonmask_value = 0 #-1
    >>> masked_output = ''
    >>> remove_nonmask = True
    >>> program = 'vtkviewer'
    >>> use_colormap = True
    >>> colormap_file = '' #'/software/surface_cpp_tools/colormap.xml'
    >>> plot_mask_surface(vtk_file, mask_file, nonmask_value, masked_output, remove_nonmask, program, use_colormap, colormap_file)

    import os
    import numpy as np

    from mindboggle.guts.mesh import remove_faces, reindex_faces_points
    from mindboggle.guts.utilities import execute
    from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces
    from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars, rewrite_scalars, \
                                        read_vtk, write_vtk

    # Filter mesh with non-background values from a second (same-size) mesh:
    if mask_file:
        mask, name = read_scalars(mask_file, True, True)
        if not masked_output:
            masked_output = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'temp.vtk')
        file_to_plot = masked_output

        # Remove nonmask-valued vertices:
        if remove_nonmask:
            # Load VTK files:
            points, indices, lines, faces, scalars, scalar_names, npoints, \
                input_vtk = read_vtk(vtk_file, True, True)
            # Find mask indices, remove nonmask faces, and reindex:
            Imask = [i for i,x in enumerate(mask) if x != nonmask_value]
            mask_faces = remove_faces(faces, Imask)
            mask_faces, points, \
            original_indices = reindex_faces_points(mask_faces, points)
            # Write VTK file with scalar values:
            if np.ndim(scalars) == 1:
                scalar_type = type(scalars[0]).__name__
            elif np.ndim(scalars) == 2:
                scalar_type = type(scalars[0][0]).__name__
                print("Undefined scalar type!")
            write_vtk(file_to_plot, points, [], [], mask_faces,
                      scalars[original_indices].tolist(), scalar_names,
            scalars, name = read_scalars(vtk_file, True, True)
            scalars[mask == nonmask_value] = nonmask_value
            rewrite_scalars(vtk_file, file_to_plot, scalars)
        file_to_plot = vtk_file

    # Display with vtkviewer.py:
    if program == 'vtkviewer':
        plot_surfaces(file_to_plot, use_colormap=use_colormap,
    # Display with mayavi2:
    elif program == 'mayavi2':
        cmd = ["mayavi2", "-d", file_to_plot, "-m", "Surface", "&"]
        execute(cmd, 'os')
Example #28
def extract_folds(depth_file, depth_threshold=2, min_fold_size=50,
                  save_file=False, output_file='', background_value=-1,
    Use depth threshold to extract folds from a triangular surface mesh.

    A fold is a group of connected, deep vertices. To extract folds,
    a depth threshold is used to segment deep vertices of the surface mesh.
    We have observed in the histograms of travel depth measures of cortical
    surfaces that there is a rapidly decreasing distribution of low depth
    values (corresponding to the outer surface, or gyral crowns) with a
    long tail of higher depth values (corresponding to the folds).

    The find_depth_threshold function therefore computes a histogram of
    travel depth measures, smooths the histogram's bin values, convolves
    to compute slopes, and finds the depth value for the first bin with
    zero slope. The extract_folds function uses this depth value, segments
    deep vertices, and removes extremely small folds (empirically set at 50
    vertices or fewer out of a total mesh size of over 100,000 vertices).

    Steps ::
        1. Segment deep vertices as an initial set of folds.
        2. Remove small folds.
        3. Renumber folds.

    Note ::
        Removed option: Find and fill holes in the folds:
        Folds could have holes in areas shallower than the depth threshold.
        Calling fill_holes() could accidentally include very shallow areas
        (in an annulus-shaped fold, for example).
        However, we could include the argument exclude_range to check for
        any values from zero to min_hole_depth; holes would not be filled
        if they were to contain values within this range.

    depth_file : string
        surface mesh file in VTK format with faces and depth scalar values
    depth_threshold :  float
        threshold defining the minimum depth for vertices to be in a fold
    min_fold_size : integer
        minimum fold size (number of vertices)
    save_file : bool
        save output VTK file?
    output_file : string
        name of output file in VTK format
    background_value : integer or float
        background value
    verbose : bool
        print statements?

    folds : list of integers
        fold numbers for all vertices (-1 for non-fold vertices)
    n_folds :  int
        number of folds
    folds_file : string (if save_file)
        name of output VTK file with fold IDs (-1 for non-fold vertices)

    >>> from mindboggle.features.folds import extract_folds
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.fetch_data import prep_tests
    >>> urls, fetch_data = prep_tests()
    >>> depth_file = fetch_data(urls['left_travel_depth'], '', '.vtk')
    >>> depth_threshold = 2.36089
    >>> min_fold_size = 50
    >>> save_file = True
    >>> output_file = 'extract_folds.vtk'
    >>> background_value = -1
    >>> verbose = False
    >>> folds, n_folds, folds_file = extract_folds(depth_file,
    ...     depth_threshold, min_fold_size, save_file, output_file,
    ...     background_value, verbose)
    >>> n_folds
    >>> lens = [len([x for x in folds if x == y]) for y in range(n_folds)]
    >>> lens[0:10]
    [726, 67241, 2750, 5799, 1151, 6360, 1001, 505, 228, 198]

    View folds (skip test):

    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> plot_surfaces('extract_folds.vtk') # doctest: +SKIP

    View folds without background (skip test):

    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.vtks import rewrite_scalars # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> rewrite_scalars(depth_file, 'extract_folds_no_background.vtk', folds,
    ...     'just_folds', folds, -1) # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> plot_surfaces('extract_folds_no_background.vtk') # doctest: +SKIP

    import os
    import numpy as np
    from time import time

    from mindboggle.mio.vtks import rewrite_scalars, read_vtk
    from mindboggle.guts.mesh import find_neighbors
    from mindboggle.guts.segment import segment_regions

    if verbose:
        print("Extract folds in surface mesh")
        t0 = time()

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Load depth values for all vertices
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    points, indices, lines, faces, depths, scalar_names, npoints, \
        input_vtk = read_vtk(depth_file, return_first=True, return_array=True)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Find the deepest vertices
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    indices_deep = [i for i,x in enumerate(depths) if x >= depth_threshold]
    if indices_deep:

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Find neighbors for each vertex
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
        neighbor_lists = find_neighbors(faces, npoints)

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Segment deep vertices as an initial set of folds
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
        if verbose:
            print("  Segment vertices deeper than {0:.2f} as folds".format(depth_threshold))
            t1 = time()
        folds = segment_regions(indices_deep, neighbor_lists, 1, [], False,
                                False, [], [], [], '', background_value, False)
        if verbose:
            print('  ...Segmented folds ({0:.2f} seconds)'.format(time() - t1))

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Remove small folds
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
        if min_fold_size > 1:
            if verbose:
                print('  Remove folds smaller than {0}'.format(min_fold_size))
            unique_folds = [x for x in np.unique(folds)
                            if x != background_value]
            for nfold in unique_folds:
                indices_fold = [i for i,x in enumerate(folds) if x == nfold]
                if len(indices_fold) < min_fold_size:
                    folds[indices_fold] = background_value

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Find and fill holes in the folds
        # Note: Surfaces surrounded by folds can be mistaken for holes,
        #       so exclude_range includes outer surface values close to zero.
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
        # folds = fill_holes(folds, neighbor_lists, values=depths,
        #                    exclude_range=[0, min_hole_depth])

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Renumber folds so they are sequential.
        # NOTE: All vertices are included (-1 for non-fold vertices).
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
        renumber_folds = background_value * np.ones(npoints)
        fold_numbers = [x for x in np.unique(folds) if x != background_value]
        for i_fold, n_fold in enumerate(fold_numbers):
            fold_indices = [i for i,x in enumerate(folds) if x == n_fold]
            renumber_folds[fold_indices] = i_fold
        folds = renumber_folds
        folds = [int(x) for x in folds]
        n_folds = i_fold + 1

        # Print statement
        if verbose:
            print('  ...Extracted {0} folds ({1:.2f} seconds)'.
                  format(n_folds, time() - t0))
        if verbose:
            print('  No deep vertices')

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Return folds, number of folds, file name
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if save_file:

        if output_file:
            folds_file = output_file
            folds_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'folds.vtk')
        rewrite_scalars(depth_file, folds_file, folds, 'folds', [],

        if not os.path.exists(folds_file):
            raise IOError(folds_file + " not found")

        folds_file = None

    return folds, n_folds, folds_file
Example #29
def extract_fundi(folds,
    Extract fundi from folds.

    A fundus is a branching curve that runs along the deepest and most
    highly curved portions of a fold.

    Steps ::
        1. Find fundus endpoints (outer anchors) with find_outer_anchors().
        2. Include inner anchor points.
        3. Connect anchor points using connect_points_erosion();
           inner anchors are removed if they result in endpoints.

    folds : numpy array or list of integers
        fold number for each vertex
    curv_file :  string
        surface mesh file in VTK format with mean curvature values
    depth_file :  string
        surface mesh file in VTK format with rescaled depth values
    likelihoods : list of integers
        fundus likelihood value for each vertex
    min_separation : integer
        minimum number of edges between inner/outer anchor points
    erode_ratio : float
        fraction of indices to test for removal at each iteration
        in connect_points_erosion()
    save_file : bool
        save output VTK file?
    verbose : bool
        print statements?

    fundus_per_fold : list of integers
        fundus numbers for all vertices, labeled by fold
        (-1 for non-fundus vertices)
    n_fundi_in_folds :  integer
        number of fundi
    fundus_per_fold_file : string (if save_file)
        output VTK file with fundus numbers (-1 for non-fundus vertices)

    >>> # Extract fundus from one or more folds:
    >>> single_fold = True
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars
    >>> from mindboggle.features.fundi import extract_fundi
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.fetch_data import prep_tests
    >>> urls, fetch_data = prep_tests()
    >>> curv_file = fetch_data(urls['left_mean_curvature'])
    >>> depth_file = fetch_data(urls['left_travel_depth'])
    >>> folds_file = fetch_data(urls['left_folds'])
    >>> folds, name = read_scalars(folds_file, True, True)
    >>> if single_fold:
    ...     fold_number = 2 #11
    ...     folds[folds != fold_number] = -1
    >>> min_separation = 10
    >>> erode_ratio = 0.10
    >>> erode_min_size = 10
    >>> save_file = True
    >>> verbose = False
    >>> o1, o2, fundus_per_fold_file = extract_fundi(folds, curv_file,
    ...     depth_file, min_separation, erode_ratio, erode_min_size,
    ...     save_file, verbose)
    >>> if single_fold:
    ...     lens = [len([x for x in o1 if x == 2])]
    ... else:
    ...     lens = [len([x for x in o1 if x == y]) for y in range(o2)]
    >>> lens[0:10]

    View result (skip test):

    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces
    >>> plot_surfaces(fundus_per_fold_file) # doctest: +SKIP


    # Extract a skeleton to connect endpoints in a fold:
    import os
    import numpy as np
    from time import time

    from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars, read_vtk, rewrite_scalars
    from mindboggle.guts.compute import median_abs_dev
    from mindboggle.guts.paths import find_max_values
    from mindboggle.guts.mesh import find_neighbors_from_file
    from mindboggle.guts.mesh import find_complete_faces
    from mindboggle.guts.paths import find_outer_anchors
    from mindboggle.guts.paths import connect_points_erosion

    if isinstance(folds, list):
        folds = np.array(folds)

    # Load values, inner anchor threshold, and neighbors:
    points, indices, lines, faces, curvs, scalar_names, npoints, \
        input_vtk = read_vtk(curv_file, True, True)
    depths, name = read_scalars(depth_file, True, True)
    values = curvs * depths
    values0 = [x for x in values if x > 0]
    thr = np.median(values0) + 2 * median_abs_dev(values0)
    neighbor_lists = find_neighbors_from_file(curv_file)

    # Loop through folds:
    t1 = time()
    skeletons = []
    unique_fold_IDs = [x for x in np.unique(folds) if x != -1]

    if verbose:
        if len(unique_fold_IDs) == 1:
            print("Extract a fundus from 1 fold...")
            print("Extract a fundus from each of {0} folds...".format(

    for fold_ID in unique_fold_IDs:
        indices_fold = [i for i, x in enumerate(folds) if x == fold_ID]
        if indices_fold:
            if verbose:
                print('  Fold {0}:'.format(int(fold_ID)))

            # Find outer anchor points on the boundary of the surface region,
            # to serve as fundus endpoints:
            verbose = False
            outer_anchors, tracks = find_outer_anchors(indices_fold,
                                                       neighbor_lists, values,
                                                       depths, min_separation,

            # Find inner anchor points:
            inner_anchors = find_max_values(points, values, min_separation,

            # Connect anchor points to create skeleton:
            B = -1 * np.ones(npoints)
            B[indices_fold] = 1
            skeleton = connect_points_erosion(B,
            if skeleton:

            # Remove fundus vertices if they complete triangle faces:
            Iremove = find_complete_faces(skeletons, faces)
            if Iremove:
                skeletons = list(frozenset(skeletons).difference(Iremove))

    indices_skel = [x for x in skeletons if folds[x] != -1]
    fundus_per_fold = -1 * np.ones(npoints)
    fundus_per_fold[indices_skel] = folds[indices_skel]
    n_fundi_in_folds = len([x for x in np.unique(fundus_per_fold) if x != -1])
    if n_fundi_in_folds == 1:
        sdum = 'fold fundus'
        sdum = 'fold fundi'
    if verbose:
        print('  ...Extracted {0} {1}; {2} total ({3:.2f} seconds)'.format(
            n_fundi_in_folds, sdum, n_fundi_in_folds,
            time() - t1))

    # Return fundi, number of fundi, and file name:
    if n_fundi_in_folds > 0:
        fundus_per_fold = [int(x) for x in fundus_per_fold]
        if save_file:
            fundus_per_fold_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
            rewrite_scalars(curv_file, fundus_per_fold_file, fundus_per_fold,
                            'fundi', folds)
            if not os.path.exists(fundus_per_fold_file):
                raise IOError(fundus_per_fold_file + " not found")
            fundus_per_fold_file = None

    return fundus_per_fold, n_fundi_in_folds, fundus_per_fold_file
Example #30
def extract_subfolds(depth_file,
    Use depth to segment folds into subfolds in a triangular surface mesh.

    Note ::

        The function extract_sulci() performs about the same whether folds
        or subfolds are used as input.  The latter leads to some loss of
        small subfolds and possibly holes for small subfolds in the middle
        of other subfolds.

    Note about the watershed() function:
    The watershed() function performs individual seed growing from deep seeds,
    repeats segmentation from the resulting seeds until each seed's segment
    touches a boundary. The function segment() fills in the rest. Finally
    segments are joined if their seeds are too close to each other.
    Despite these precautions, the order of seed selection in segment() could
    possibly influence the resulting borders between adjoining segments.
    [The propagate() function is slower and insensitive to depth,
     but is not biased by seed order.]

    depth_file : string
        surface mesh file in VTK format with faces and depth scalar values
    folds : list of integers
        fold numbers for all vertices (-1 for non-fold vertices)
    min_size : integer
        minimum number of vertices for a subfold
    depth_factor : float
        watershed() depth_factor:
        factor to determine whether to merge two neighboring watershed catchment
        basins -- they are merged if the Euclidean distance between their basin
        seeds is less than this fraction of the maximum Euclidean distance
        between points having minimum and maximum depths
    depth_ratio : float
        watershed() depth_ratio:
        the minimum fraction of depth for a neighboring shallower
        watershed catchment basin (otherwise merged with the deeper basin)
    tolerance : float
        watershed() tolerance:
        tolerance for detecting differences in depth between vertices
    save_file : Boolean
        save output VTK file?

    subfolds : list of integers
        fold numbers for all vertices (-1 for non-fold vertices)
    n_subfolds :  int
        number of subfolds
    subfolds_file : string (if save_file)
        name of output VTK file with fold IDs (-1 for non-fold vertices)

    >>> import os
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars, rewrite_scalars
    >>> from mindboggle.guts.mesh import find_neighbors_from_file
    >>> from mindboggle.features.folds import extract_subfolds
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces
    >>> path = os.environ['MINDBOGGLE_DATA']
    >>> depth_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'shapes', 'lh.pial.travel_depth.vtk')
    >>> folds_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'features', 'folds.vtk')
    >>> folds, name = read_scalars(folds_file)
    >>> min_size = 10
    >>> depth_factor = 0.5
    >>> depth_ratio = 0.1
    >>> tolerance = 0.01
    >>> #
    >>> subfolds, n_subfolds, subfolds_file = extract_subfolds(depth_file,
    >>>     folds, min_size, depth_factor, depth_ratio, tolerance, True)
    >>> #
    >>> # View:
    >>> rewrite_scalars(depth_file, 'subfolds.vtk', subfolds, 'subfolds', subfolds)
    >>> plot_surfaces('subfolds.vtk')

    import os
    import numpy as np
    from time import time
    from mindboggle.mio.vtks import rewrite_scalars, read_vtk
    from mindboggle.guts.mesh import find_neighbors
    from mindboggle.guts.segment import segment, propagate, watershed

    print("Segment folds into subfolds")
    t0 = time()

    # Load depth values for all vertices
    points, indices, lines, faces, depths, scalar_names, npoints, \
        input_vtk = read_vtk(depth_file, return_first=True, return_array=True)

    # Find neighbors for each vertex
    neighbor_lists = find_neighbors(faces, npoints)

    # Segment folds into "watershed basins"
    indices_folds = [i for i, x in enumerate(folds) if x != -1]
    subfolds, seed_indices = watershed(depths,

    # Print statement
    n_subfolds = len([x for x in np.unique(subfolds) if x != -1])
    print('  ...Extracted {0} subfolds ({1:.2f} seconds)'.format(
        time() - t0))

    # Return subfolds, number of subfolds, file name
    if save_file:
        subfolds_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'subfolds.vtk')
        rewrite_scalars(depth_file, subfolds_file, subfolds, 'subfolds',

        if not os.path.exists(subfolds_file):
            raise (IOError(subfolds_file + " not found"))

        subfolds_file = None

    return subfolds, n_subfolds, subfolds_file
Example #31
def rescale_by_neighborhood(input_vtk,
    Rescale the scalar values of a VTK file by a percentile value
    in each vertex's surface mesh neighborhood.

    input_vtk : string
        name of VTK file with a scalar value for each vertex
    indices : list of integers (optional)
        indices of scalars to normalize
    nedges : integer
        number or edges from vertex, defining the size of its neighborhood
    p : float in range of [0,100]
        percentile used to normalize each scalar
    set_max_to_1 : bool
        set all rescaled values greater than 1 to 1.0?
    save_file : bool
        save output VTK file?
    output_filestring : string (if save_file)
        name of output file
    background_value : integer
        background value

    rescaled_scalars : list of floats
        rescaled scalar values
    rescaled_scalars_file : string (if save_file)
        name of output VTK file with rescaled scalar values

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from mindboggle.guts.mesh import rescale_by_neighborhood
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces
    >>> from mindboggle.mio.fetch_data import prep_tests
    >>> urls, fetch_data = prep_tests()
    >>> input_vtk = fetch_data(urls['left_travel_depth'])
    >>> indices = []
    >>> nedges = 10
    >>> p = 99
    >>> set_max_to_1 = True
    >>> save_file = True
    >>> output_filestring = 'rescaled_scalars'
    >>> background_value = -1
    >>> rescaled, rescaled_file = rescale_by_neighborhood(input_vtk,
    ...     indices, nedges, p, set_max_to_1, save_file, output_filestring,
    ...     background_value)
    >>> scalars1, name = read_scalars(input_vtk)
    >>> print('{0:0.5f}, {1:0.5f}'.format(max(scalars1), max(rescaled)))
    34.95560, 1.00000
    >>> print('{0:0.5f}, {1:0.5f}'.format(np.mean(scalars1), np.mean(rescaled)))
    7.43822, 0.44950

    View rescaled scalar values on surface (skip test):

    >>> from mindboggle.mio.plots import plot_surfaces # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> plot_surfaces(rescaled_file) # doctest: +SKIP

    import os
    import numpy as np
    from mindboggle.mio.vtks import read_scalars, rewrite_scalars
    from mindboggle.guts.mesh import find_neighbors_from_file, find_neighborhood

    # Load scalars and vertex neighbor lists:
    scalars, name = read_scalars(input_vtk, True, True)
    if not indices:
        indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(scalars) if x != background_value]
    #print("  Rescaling {0} scalar values by neighborhood...".format(len(indices)))
    neighbor_lists = find_neighbors_from_file(input_vtk)

    # Loop through vertices:
    rescaled_scalars = scalars.copy()
    for index in indices:

        # Determine the scalars in the vertex's neighborhood:
        neighborhood = find_neighborhood(neighbor_lists, [index], nedges)

        # Compute a high neighborhood percentile to normalize vertex's value:
        normalization_factor = np.percentile(scalars[neighborhood], p)
        rescaled_scalar = scalars[index] / normalization_factor
        rescaled_scalars[index] = rescaled_scalar

    # Make any rescaled value greater than 1 equal to 1:
    if set_max_to_1:
        rescaled_scalars[[x for x in indices if rescaled_scalars[x] > 1.0]] = 1

    rescaled_scalars = rescaled_scalars.tolist()

    # Return rescaled scalars and file name
    if save_file:

        rescaled_scalars_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
                                             output_filestring + '.vtk')
        rewrite_scalars(input_vtk, rescaled_scalars_file, rescaled_scalars,
        if not os.path.exists(rescaled_scalars_file):
            raise IOError(rescaled_scalars_file + " not found")

        rescaled_scalars_file = None

    return rescaled_scalars, rescaled_scalars_file