Example #1
def test(coords1, coords2, mysys, permlist):
    printlist = []
    printlist.append((coords1.copy(), "after quench"))
    printlist.append((coords2.copy(), "after quench"))
    coords2in = coords2.copy()
    coords1in = coords1.copy()

    distinit = getDistaa(coords1, coords2, mysys)
    print "distinit", distinit

    (dist, coords1, coords2) = minPermDistRBMol(coords1,
    distfinal = getDistaa(coords1, coords2, mysys)
    print "dist returned    ", dist
    print "dist from coords ", distfinal
    print "coords2 initial energy", mysys.getEnergy(coords2in)
    print "coords2 final energy  ", mysys.getEnergy(coords2)
    print "coords1 initial energy", mysys.getEnergy(coords1in)
    print "coords1 final energy  ", mysys.getEnergy(coords1)

    printlist.append((coords1.copy(), "coords1 after mindist"))
    printlist.append((coords2.copy(), "coords2 after mindist"))
    import pygmin.printing.print_atoms_xyz as printxyz
    with open("otp.xyz", "w") as fout:
        for coords, line2 in printlist:
            xyz = mysys.getxyz(coords)
                                   atom_type=["N", "O", "O"])

    return dist, coords1, coords2
Example #2
    def runtest(self, X1, X2):
        X1i = np.copy(X1)
        X2i = np.copy(X2)

        (distreturned, X1, X2) = minPermDistRBMol(X1,

        distinit = getDistaa(X1i, X2i, self.pot)
        distfinal = getDistaa(X1, X2, self.pot)
            abs(distfinal - distreturned) < 1e-14,
            "returned distance is wrong: %g != %g" % (distfinal, distreturned))
        self.assertTrue(distfinal <= distinit)

        #test if the energies have changed
        Ei = self.pot.getEnergy(X1i)
        Ef = self.pot.getEnergy(X1)
            abs(Ei - Ef) < 1e-12,
            "Energy of X1 changed: %g - %g = %g" % (Ei, Ef, Ei - Ef))
        Ei = self.pot.getEnergy(X2i)
        Ef = self.pot.getEnergy(X2)
            abs(Ei - Ef) < 1e-12,
            "Energy of X2 changed: %g - %g = %g" % (Ei, Ef, Ei - Ef))

        return distreturned, X1, X2
Example #3
def test(coords1, coords2, mysys, permlist):
    printlist = []
    printlist.append((coords1.copy(), "after quench"))
    printlist.append((coords2.copy(), "after quench"))
    coords2in = coords2.copy()
    coords1in = coords1.copy()

    distinit = getDistaa(coords1, coords2, mysys)
    print "distinit", distinit

    (dist, coords1, coords2) = minPermDistRBMol(coords1,coords2, mysys, permlist=permlist)
    distfinal = getDistaa(coords1, coords2, mysys)
    print "dist returned    ", dist
    print "dist from coords ", distfinal
    print "coords2 initial energy", mysys.getEnergy(coords2in)
    print "coords2 final energy  ", mysys.getEnergy(coords2)
    print "coords1 initial energy", mysys.getEnergy(coords1in)
    print "coords1 final energy  ", mysys.getEnergy(coords1)

    printlist.append((coords1.copy(), "coords1 after mindist"))
    printlist.append((coords2.copy(), "coords2 after mindist"))
    import pygmin.printing.print_atoms_xyz as printxyz
    with open("otp.xyz", "w") as fout:
        for coords, line2 in printlist:
            xyz = mysys.getxyz(coords)
            printxyz.printAtomsXYZ(fout, xyz, line2=line2, atom_type = ["N", "O", "O"])
    return dist, coords1, coords2
Example #4
    def runtest(self, X1, X2):
        X1i = np.copy(X1)
        X2i = np.copy(X2)
        (distreturned, X1, X2) = minPermDistRBMol(X1, X2, mysys=self.pot, permlist=self.permlist)

        distinit = getDistaa(X1i, X2i, self.pot)
        distfinal = getDistaa(X1 , X2, self.pot)
        self.assertTrue( abs(distfinal- distreturned) < 1e-14, "returned distance is wrong: %g != %g" % (distfinal, distreturned) )
        self.assertTrue( distfinal <= distinit )
        #test if the energies have changed
        Ei = self.pot.getEnergy(X1i)        
        Ef = self.pot.getEnergy(X1)
        self.assertTrue( abs(Ei- Ef) < 1e-12, "Energy of X1 changed: %g - %g = %g" % (Ei, Ef, Ei - Ef) )
        Ei = self.pot.getEnergy(X2i)        
        Ef = self.pot.getEnergy(X2)
        self.assertTrue( abs(Ei- Ef) < 1e-12, "Energy of X2 changed: %g - %g = %g" % (Ei, Ef, Ei - Ef) )

        return distreturned, X1, X2
Example #5
def minPermDistRBMol(coords1,
    Minimize the distance between two clusters.  The following symmetries will be accounted for
    Translational symmetry

    Global rotational symmetry

    Permutational symmetry
    This method uses basin hopping to find the rotation of X2 which best
    optimizes the overlap (an effective energy) between X1 and X2.  The overlap
    is chosen to be permutation independent.

    Once the rotation is optimized, the correct permutation of rigid bodies can be determined
    deterministically using the Hungarian algorithm.
    coords1, coords2: the structures for which to minimize the distance in com + angle-axis format
    permlist  ([range(natoms)]) 
        A list of lists of atoms which are interchangable.
        e.g. for a 50/50 binary mixture, permlist = [ range(1,natoms/2), range(natoms/2,natoms) ]
    nmol = mysys.nmol

    if permlist == None:
        permlist = [range(nmol)]

    # move the centers of mass to the origin
    #warning: this assumes all molecules have the same mass
    coords1[0:3 * nmol] = CoMToOrigin(coords1[0:3 * nmol])
    coords2[0:3 * nmol] = CoMToOrigin(coords2[0:3 * nmol])

    coords1in = coords1.copy()
    coords2in = coords2.copy()

    comcoords1 = copy.copy(coords1[0:3 * nmol])
    comcoords2 = copy.copy(coords2[0:3 * nmol])

    # set initial conditions
    aamin = np.array([0., 0., 0.])

    # set up potential, dependent only on the center of mass coords
    pot = distpot.MinPermDistPotential(comcoords1, comcoords2, 0.4, permlist)
    #if False:
    #print some stuff. not necessary
    #Emin = pot.getEnergy(aamin)
    #dist, X11, X22 = findBestPermutationRBMol(coords1, aa2xyz(X2in, aamin), permlist )
    #print "initial energy", Emin, "dist", dist
    saveit = storage.SaveN(20)
    takestep = distpot.RandomRotationTakeStep()
    bh = basinhopping.BasinHopping(aamin,

    Eminglobal = pot.globalEnergyMin()  #condition for determining isomer
    if verbose: print "global Emin", Eminglobal

    # run basin hopping for ninter steps or until the global minimum is found
    # (i.e. determine they are isomers)
    if verbose:
        print "using basin hopping to optimize rotations + permutations"
    for i in range(niter):
        Emin = saveit.data[0].energy
        if abs(Emin - Eminglobal) < 1e-6:
            print "isomer found"
    Lower energies generally mean smaller distances, but it's not guaranteed.
    Check a number of the lowest energy structures. To ensure get the correct
    minimum distance structure.
    if verbose: print "lowest structures found"
    aamin = saveit.data[0].coords
    dmin = 1000.
    for min in saveit.data:
        aa = min.coords
        coords2 = coordsApplyRotation(coords2in, aa)
        dist, X11, X22 = findBestPermutationRBMol(coords1, coords2, mysys,
        if verbose: print "E %11.5g dist %11.5g" % (min.energy, dist)
        if dist < dmin:
            dmin = dist
            aamin = aa.copy()

    #we've optimized the rotation in a permutation independent manner
    #now optimize the permutation
    dbefore = getDistaa(coords1, coords2in, mysys)
    coords2 = coordsApplyRotation(coords2in, aamin)
    dafter = getDistaa(coords1, coords2, mysys)
    if verbose:
        print "dist before, after applying rotation from basin hopping", dbefore, dafter, mysys.getEnergy(
            coords2in), mysys.getEnergy(coords2)
    dmin, coords1, coords2min = findBestPermutationRBMol(
        coords1, coords2, mysys, permlist)
    #dafter = getDistaa(coords1, coords2min, mysys)
    if verbose: print "dist findBestPerm", dmin, mysys.getEnergy(coords2min)

    # permutations are set, do one final mindist improve accuracy
    #of rotation optimization
    #dmin, X2min = alignRotation( X1, X2min )

    #minimize the cartesian distance between the angle axis coords
    #by applying symmetry operations.
    for i in range(3 * nmol, 2 * 3 * nmol, 3):
        aadistance(coords1[i:i + 3], coords2min[i:i + 3])

    return dmin, coords1, coords2min
Example #6
def minPermDistRBMol(coords1, coords2, mysys, niter = 100, permlist = None, verbose=False):
    Minimize the distance between two clusters.  The following symmetries will be accounted for
    Translational symmetry

    Global rotational symmetry

    Permutational symmetry
    This method uses basin hopping to find the rotation of X2 which best
    optimizes the overlap (an effective energy) between X1 and X2.  The overlap
    is chosen to be permutation independent.

    Once the rotation is optimized, the correct permutation of rigid bodies can be determined
    deterministically using the Hungarian algorithm.
    coords1, coords2: the structures for which to minimize the distance in com + angle-axis format
    permlist  ([range(natoms)]) 
        A list of lists of atoms which are interchangable.
        e.g. for a 50/50 binary mixture, permlist = [ range(1,natoms/2), range(natoms/2,natoms) ]
    nmol = mysys.nmol
    if permlist == None:
        permlist = [range(nmol)]
    # move the centers of mass to the origin
    #warning: this assumes all molecules have the same mass
    coords1[0:3*nmol] = CoMToOrigin(coords1[0:3*nmol])
    coords2[0:3*nmol] = CoMToOrigin(coords2[0:3*nmol])

    coords1in = coords1.copy()
    coords2in = coords2.copy()

    comcoords1 = copy.copy(coords1[0:3*nmol])
    comcoords2 = copy.copy(coords2[0:3*nmol])

    # set initial conditions
    aamin = np.array([0.,0.,0.])

    # set up potential, dependent only on the center of mass coords
    pot = distpot.MinPermDistPotential( comcoords1, comcoords2, 0.4, permlist )
    #if False:
        #print some stuff. not necessary
        #Emin = pot.getEnergy(aamin)
        #dist, X11, X22 = findBestPermutationRBMol(coords1, aa2xyz(X2in, aamin), permlist )
        #print "initial energy", Emin, "dist", dist
    saveit = storage.SaveN( 20 )
    takestep = distpot.RandomRotationTakeStep()
    bh = basinhopping.BasinHopping( aamin, pot, takestep, storage=saveit.insert, outstream=None)

    Eminglobal = pot.globalEnergyMin() #condition for determining isomer
    if verbose: print "global Emin", Eminglobal

    # run basin hopping for ninter steps or until the global minimum is found
    # (i.e. determine they are isomers)
    if verbose: print "using basin hopping to optimize rotations + permutations"
    for i in range(niter):
        Emin = saveit.data[0].energy
        if abs(Emin-Eminglobal) < 1e-6:
            print "isomer found"

    Lower energies generally mean smaller distances, but it's not guaranteed.
    Check a number of the lowest energy structures. To ensure get the correct
    minimum distance structure.
    if verbose: print "lowest structures found"
    aamin = saveit.data[0].coords
    dmin = 1000.
    for min in saveit.data:
        aa = min.coords
        coords2 = coordsApplyRotation(coords2in, aa)
        dist, X11, X22 = findBestPermutationRBMol(coords1, coords2, mysys, permlist )
        if verbose: print "E %11.5g dist %11.5g" % (min.energy, dist)
        if dist < dmin:
            dmin = dist
            aamin = aa.copy()

    #we've optimized the rotation in a permutation independent manner
    #now optimize the permutation
    dbefore = getDistaa(coords1, coords2in, mysys)
    coords2 = coordsApplyRotation(coords2in, aamin)
    dafter = getDistaa(coords1, coords2, mysys)
    if verbose: print "dist before, after applying rotation from basin hopping", dbefore, dafter, mysys.getEnergy(coords2in), mysys.getEnergy(coords2)
    dmin, coords1, coords2min = findBestPermutationRBMol(coords1, coords2, mysys, permlist )
    #dafter = getDistaa(coords1, coords2min, mysys)
    if verbose: print "dist findBestPerm", dmin, mysys.getEnergy(coords2min)

    # permutations are set, do one final mindist improve accuracy
    #of rotation optimization
    #dmin, X2min = alignRotation( X1, X2min )

    #minimize the cartesian distance between the angle axis coords
    #by applying symmetry operations.
    for i in range(3*nmol,2*3*nmol,3):
        aadistance( coords1[i:i+3], coords2min[i:i+3] )

    return dmin, coords1, coords2min